[02:39] valorie: which system logs do you think they are talking about? [02:40] and is 'systemctl status vboxweb-service.service' a command string? [09:02] Good morning [12:46] Howdy all [16:26] valorie: i think its the latest kubuntu 18.10 kernel. i switched to the previous release and im not seeing the issue anymore. === mkv is now known as m4v [18:04] My Friend's Kubuntu 18.04.1 broke again [18:04] this time attempting normal startup just drops him into recovery mode [18:05] running 'journalctl -xB' (not sure about the switches) that it suggests prints as last line something about MTRR [18:05] With this many problems it is quite sure that the laptop has faulty hardware :( [18:06] I gonna suggest him to run memtest86 [18:06] If someone has some idea about how to fix the computer it would be much appreciated [18:09] He's running memtest86 now === himcesjf_ is now known as him-cesjf [18:46] Yeah.. memtest keeps on crashing [18:46] so it is either faulty RAM or the memory controller has broken [18:46] I told him to remove one module at a time and try the memtest86 again [18:47] this way we can figure out if the problem is in the RAM or the memory controller [20:27] valorie: i dont think its the kernel. well when i open virtual box is makes those issues. but it didnt used to. so something changed and now doesnt like it. [20:44] is it possible to change over to wayland on kubuntu? [20:49] kinghat: very possibly - vbox is just one of possible VMs you can try [20:49] yes, you can use wayland by not everything will work [20:50] !wayland [20:50] Wayland is a display server protocol that can be used instead of X. Ubuntu 17.10 uses Wayland by default on systems that support it. For more info, see https://wayland.freedesktop.org/ [20:50] pfff [20:50] there is a package you can add [20:51] plasma-workspace-wayland I think [20:51] !info plasma-workspace-wayland [20:51] plasma-workspace-wayland (source: plasma-workspace): Plasma Workspace for KF5 - Wayland integration. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:5.12.6-0ubuntu0.1 (bionic), package size 18 kB, installed size 112 kB [20:53] valorie: I don't use vbox very much but it was working fine when I installed it. then time passed and Kubuntu had updates and now it freaks out. to why I don't think it's vbox. [20:54] ok [20:54] * valorie is running 18.10 quite happily [20:54] as for Wayland, what type of things wouldn't work? [20:54] valorie: that's what I'm on. can't you test vbox? [20:54] well, nvidia is still very much a problem [20:55] that's ok in AMD [20:55] right [20:55] I'm* [20:56] ok, I just started the one VM I have right now, which is win10 [20:56] starts up just fine [20:57] gosh, now I can't remember how to use stupid windows [21:00] in vbox you mean? [21:13] i guess one reason is i want native night mode and i think thats only a wayland thing. but redshift is working for me. [21:36] kinghat: I want that too, but redshift works for me too [21:37] I have nvidia so for me wayland will be awhile [21:50] if it was default is ubuntu 17 will it be default in the next LTS? [22:06] kinghat: it wasn't [22:06] oh [22:06] thought i read that somewhere. whoops [22:07] I think that while gnome had some early success with wayland it's not continued, and the sessions were not felt to be trustworthy enough for an LTS [22:07] I don't think it is in 18.10 [22:07] and haven't yet heard about what will be default for 19.04 [22:07] which is not LTS [22:10] tyvm for the info. [22:32] GD. every time i start up the PC and login baloo is always giving me a crashed msg. [22:50] I think I like kde [23:00] fareast: it's a great community that makes great software [23:00] so I agree [23:05] removed vbox again, and on install i get these same errors: http://paste.debian.net/hidden/ee22b12a/ [23:05] someone else on 18.10 has the same thing: https://forums.virtualbox.org/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=90643 [23:09] kinghat: does it work though? [23:09] it reports successful install [23:09] well last time i did this it worked the first time then wouldnt work after a reboot [23:11] if that happens again please file a bug: ubuntu-bug virtualbox [23:11] but then my system starts freaking out after i get the errors in vbox. literally after x amount of time, a couple hours of normal computing(?), shit hits the fan. to where i cant even logout, restart, or shutdown. [23:11] in the commandline [23:11] if that happens again, file it in the terminal so those files get uploaded [23:12] the logfiles I mean [23:13] systemctl status vboxweb-service.service [23:13] Failed to get properties: Connection timed out [23:14] ok but using that command to file the bug report gets the necessary files [23:14] without you having to dig for them manually [23:14] which command? [23:20] ubuntu-bug virtualbox [23:22] valorie: https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/Jfohpr65/image.png [23:22] yep [23:23] funny that it uses the enormously out-of-date "KDE" instead of Plasma but whatever [23:24] kinghat@kinghat-kubuntu:/media/kinghat/Staging/New Files$ ubuntu-bug virtualbox [23:24] Failed to get unit file state for whoopsie.service: Connection timed out [23:25] shit FF just crashed. wonder if its happening again. [23:26] the ubuntu reporter popped this up in my browser though: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/virtualbox/+filebug/c6039c4e-f9ad-11e8-9660-d485646cd9a4? [23:26] do i need to do anything here? https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/nLx6ftkg/image.png [23:32] Hi! U have Kubuntu running on my work laptop. It has a proxy connection in which only the browser can connect to cyberspace. Is there a way to get other apps (Discover, module, weather widget) to use the proxy? Can the be directed to use the browser (Palemoon) internet connection?? Thanks [23:33] yes, you need to make at least a short description and say how you run into the bug [23:33] @Anarchotaoist, Corrections: I have Kubuntu - not u. Konsole not module [23:34] attaching those links you put in the channel earlier will make it better too [23:52] valorie: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/virtualbox/+bug/1807286 [23:52] Launchpad bug 1807286 in virtualbox (Ubuntu) "systemd SEGV freezing on install of virtualbox" [Undecided,New]