
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
kjackalhi launchpad people, I have this LP builder that was supposed to push a snap to the store an hour ago, but I do not see it https://launchpad.net/~microk8s-dev/+snap/microk8s-1.1316:06
kjackalWe have already builders for 1.12, 1.11, 1.10 and latest snap tracks and they work with no issues16:07
cjwatsonkjackal: I'm not quite sure how it got into this state, but it apparently hasn't been authorised for upload16:34
cjwatsonkjackal: Go to https://launchpad.net/~microk8s-dev/+snap/microk8s-1.13/+authorize and follow the prompts16:34
cjwatsonkjackal: Once that's done you should get an "Upload this package to the store" action on each of the individual builds that have happened so far, and future builds should be uploaded automatically16:36
kjackalcjwatson: I am creating these builders programmatically via a call to https://github.com/juju-solutions/kubernetes-jenkins/blob/master/jobs/microk8s/update-gh-branches-and-lp-builders.py#L12416:42
kjackalis it possible I am missing something there?16:42
cjwatsonkjackal: You either have to authorise the snap using a web browser, or you have to use https://launchpad.net/+apidoc/devel.html#snap-beginAuthorization and https://launchpad.net/+apidoc/devel.html#snap-completeAuthorization (as far as I know currently only used by build.snapcraft.io) to get the necessary tokens into LP16:45
kjackalthanks cjwatson I will take a look16:46
cjwatsonkjackal: It's probably possible to get hold of the discharge using the SSO API (https://canonical-identity-provider.readthedocs.io/en/latest/resources/token.html#macaroon), but it's going to involve at least *some* user interaction somewhere16:48
cjwatsonsnap.beginAuthorization, email/password/(maybe 2FA) prompt, SSO /api/v2/tokens/discharge, snap.completeAuthorization would be an acceptable flow16:49
cjwatsonBTW it is semantically wrong to talk about the snap object as an "LP builder"16:49
cjwatson"snap recipe" if you like, perhaps16:50
cjwatsonI care about that because we have a separate thing called a "builder" which is not what you are manipulating here16:51
kjackalcjwatson: keep going, I have already created a ticker in our board to work on that, and I am taking notes16:52
cjwatsonThat's all I have now, I'm off today so limited time to check stuff :)16:52
kjackalcjwatson: how would we automatically (no user interaction) create a builder that would also release to the snap store?16:53
kjackalok, cool, we might be able to chat some other time16:53
kjackalthanks cjwatson16:53
cjwatsonkjackal: That is not possible.17:20
cjwatsonLP has to gain explicit user authorisation to release something on the user's behalf.17:21

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