
=== Class7_ is now known as Class7
didrocksgood morning07:33
dufluHey didrocks07:37
didrockshey duflu07:37
dufluRAOF: Would egl-wayland have to start in universe even if we need it in main?07:43
dufluIt's not in either yet. Just wondering07:43
RAOFNah, but it does need a MIR done.07:44
dufluWell, I'll test it when it's uploaded. In the least another mutter patch is required to depend on it07:44
tjaaltonduflu: it's uploaded but needs an AA to review from NEW08:02
duflutjaalton, no problem, thanks08:02
dufluNot in a hurry08:02
=== pstolowski|afk is now known as pstolowski
RAOFtjaalton: how are you dealing with the file conflicts with the NVIDIA driver?08:38
dufluRAOF: Which bug do you mean? Once such fix went into nvidia-410 yesterday08:39
tjaaltonRAOF: I'm not, yet08:50
tjaaltonthe debian upload got rejected because of those08:50
tjaaltondiscussing it with anbe08:50
tjaaltonneed to add conflicts for the ubuntu packages too08:51
tjaaltontseliot: please drop libnvidia-egl-wayland.so.* from libnvidia-gl-*08:52
tjaalton390 and up08:52
tseliottjaalton: in disco?08:59
tjaaltonbut since it's not used anywhere, feel free to drop it universally09:00
tseliottjaalton: what do you use for wayland then?09:01
seb128good morning desktopers09:01
didrockshey seb12809:01
seb128hey didrocks :)09:01
seb128hey Laney! how are you?09:04
Laneyhey seb12809:08
LaneyI'm doing alright!09:09
Laneywas listening to people singing christmas songs last night09:09
Laneygetting in the mood09:09
Laneyor something...09:09
tjaaltontseliot: the binary & headers from egl-wayland09:10
tjaaltonwhich is a new package09:10
seb128here is was sinterklaas (Sint-Nicolaas) yesterday, which is the dutch traditional-big-events09:10
seb128it's when kids gets presents, etc09:10
tjaaltontseliot: right now you can't use it, since the nvidia blob doesn't come with the headers09:10
seb128we had a nice diner to celebrate and the kid got some new books, he seemed to like it :)09:11
didrockshey Laney09:11
Laneyhey didrocks09:13
Laneywhat's new?09:13
didrocksnothing much, looking for the sun here09:13
Laneyno sun09:14
Laneya nice comforting grey blanket09:14
didrocksyeah, same here09:15
seb128oh, btw Will said he was feeling unwell cold/didn't sleep well/headaches so he's staying in bed a bit this morning and should be online later09:16
* Laney sends vegetables09:19
* seb128 sends soup09:20
* didrocks sends some alcohol09:21
Laneysounds like a good care package09:22
* Laney sends in the screaming children09:22
tseliottjaalton: ok09:39
tseliottjaalton: so, no /usr/share/egl/egl_external_platform.d/10_nvidia_wayland.json either, right? Since it the contents point to "library_path" : "libnvidia-egl-wayland.so.1"09:48
willcookemorning all10:02
didrockshey willcooke, feeling better?10:03
willcookehi didrocks, yeah a bit, got some more sleep and then started reading email so I figured I might as well do it properly :)10:04
willcookeNo point lying in bed on my phone10:04
tjaaltontseliot: right10:06
seb128hey willcooke10:12
tseliottjaalton: should the nvidia packages recommend egl-wayland (libnvidia-egl-wayland1)?10:21
tjaaltontseliot: no, the shell will10:22
tseliottjaalton: great10:22
tjaaltondepend on it10:22
tjaaltononce the support is there10:22
* Laney sux at nm11:03
Laneyjbicha: I saw https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-desktop/issues/89 - are you planning to work on it?12:26
gitbotGNOME issue 89 in gnome-desktop "bwrap invocation breaks thumbnail creation on 32-bit systems" [Opened]12:26
jbichaLaney: I think I'd prefer to hand it off to you if you have time to work on it12:29
Laneyguess so12:39
seb128jbicha, is that launchpad bug private/security?12:39
Laneyhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-desktop3/+bug/1807127 that's the one I saw12:41
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1807127 in gnome-desktop3 (Ubuntu) "Fixing bug #1795668 breaks thumbnail creation on 32-bit Ubuntu" [Undecided,New]12:41
jbichasorry, fixed my link now12:49
tseliottjaalton: the changes for 390 and 410 are in disco-proposed14:01
seb128tseliot, is the changelog really different between the archs? or is that a bug in gzip or something producing different results using a same content?14:06
tseliotseb128: I'm not sure what caused the problem, since the same source works in cosmic and older. I am not sure why the symlinking is causing problems in disco14:08
tseliotseb128: I also think that, since only some packages are available on i386 vs amd64, the symlinking happens in packages on amd64 where it doesn't on i386. I think this is the problem14:09
seb128could be14:10
tselioteither way, I don't think it's a big tradeoff14:11
seb128no, it's just that if there is a real bug at the gzip level we should fix it14:11
seb128but gzip didn't change in disco yet, so probably not the case14:12
tseliotyes, but I think we would have noticed it with other packages. Having multiarch with limited i386 support is a little unusual14:12
kenvandineseb128: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xrdp/+bug/174914814:27
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1749148 in xrdp (Ubuntu) "[MIR] xrdp" [High,Incomplete]14:27
seb128kenvandine, thx14:31
tjaaltontseliot: cool, thanks14:36
seb128shrug, libreoffice fails to build on ppc64el with "/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/config_host.mk:83: *** missing separator.  Stop." now :/14:51
cyphermoxLaney: so, I finally got to have a look at the NM autopkgtests failing with the new dnsmasq14:59
cyphermoxI think that's actually bringing out a real bug in NM's ndisc handling14:59
cyphermoxplus there are lots of ndisc changes and 1.12.6 was released a few days ago15:00
cyphermoxperhaps the best thing to try would be to update to 1.12.6 and see if it likes the tests better15:00
seb128my g-s-d cosmic SRU fails to build on armhf/arm64 (https://launchpadlibrarian.net/400457646/buildlog_ubuntu-cosmic-arm64.gnome-settings-daemon_3.30.1.2-1ubuntu3_BUILDING.txt.gz) by failing to install mutter15:06
seb128unsure how/where to debug that, does anyone has an idea?15:07
Laneycyphermox: k, I don't have any idea what ndisc is, feel free to take over the bug please :-)15:33
Laneyit does reproduce properly in a cloud VM so you can verify that it fixes it locally15:33
seb128cyphermox, Laney, I can do the n-m update in the next days if you want15:34
* Laney thought cyphermox was offering to do it but that might be wishful thinking :P15:35
seb128Laney, any idea about that g-s-d build issue btw?15:37
Laneyhow to reproduce?15:37
LaneyI would use a chdist for that normally15:37
Laneyif you have snakefruit access there's a handy thing on there to do it15:37
seb128seems like I have15:38
seb128I've tried on the porter box15:38
Laneyubuntu-archive/bin/chdist apt-get cosmic-proposed-armhf --dry-run install mutter15:38
seb128Laney, it's not a "build failure" by itself, just packages not installable in proposed for some reason (https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-settings-daemon/
Laney~ubuntu-archive/bin/chdist apt-get cosmic-proposed-armhf --dry-run install mutter15:38
Laneythis is to check like package installability and stuff15:38
seb128ah, I didn't know about that15:38
Laneyotherwise, for everybody else, you can make those things on your system too15:39
seb128 mutter : Depends: gnome-settings-daemon but it is not going to be installed15:39
seb128 gnome-settings-daemon : Depends: gnome-settings-daemon-schemas (= but is to be installed15:40
Laneycircular dep?15:40
seb128looks like it15:40
seb128unsure why that hasn't been an issue before/how to fix it (and why it impacts only armhf/arm64 and not !amd64)15:40
cyphermoxLaney: sorry, I don't really have the time for it... already it took me days to get to run autopkgtest to debug it15:41
Laneyprobably they got built before amd64 was published15:42
cyphermoxalso, it's just a hunch, but the syslog messages look a lot like an endless loop trying to do ndisc stuff15:42
Laneywhat is ndisc?15:42
cyphermoxit's the general network discovery code paths, a short way to say IPv6 magic to make sure the address you pick is fine to use and all of that15:43
Laneyi see15:45
seb128Laney, cyphermox, k, let me do the update and see if that helps15:46
seb128de rien15:53
seb128unsure what I can do about that g-s-d issue and why it's only an issue now in that SRU? it sounds like it should have it any build before that was slower than amd64?15:54
Laneyit'd have to be built and published on amd64 before being picked up on the failing arch15:56
Laneythat's probably quite unusual15:57
Laneyhow can we fix this circular issue though...15:57
seb128yeah, unsure why the g-s-d b-d on mutter is there?15:59
seb128is that for the tests?15:59
seb128yeah, looks like it16:02
kenvandinesergiusens: i've determined this is a regression in snapcraft.  With 3.0.1 it pulls in meson from the archive.  I have a locally built snap of snapcraft from a few weeks back that does fetch meson directly.  I'm going to try to bisect this to see where the regression was introduced.16:06
kenvandinesergiusens: i'll file a bug16:07
Laneyseb128: probably if mutter depended on the schemas instead it would be ok16:16
Laneymaybe we should even do that split in debian for this reason16:16
seb128right, that makes sense16:17
Laneyit's still circular but the = ${source:Version} part wouldn't be there16:17
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk
kenvandinesergiusens: sigh... the only scenario where it wouldn't pull meson in via pip is if base isn't set17:50
kenvandinebut base is set! and the same yaml builds fine with my local build of snapcraft17:50
willcookenight all18:43
tkamppeterkenvandine, hi19:26

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