
floridagram-bot4<Abrerr> ${//YOU/A TREE}09:09
floridagram-bot4<RazPi> I think that image of linus torvalds makes me more uncomfortable than any of his anger tirades.12:20
floridagram-bot4<RazPi> Like he's been taken by the pod people.[12:20
floridagram-bot4<RazPi> *pod people12:20
floridagram-bot4<RazPi> So I did quite a bit of typing tonight for work, and I have to say that my wrists only feel tight from use, but not sore! I think the kinesis a few weeks in, even though its a few awkward weeks to get used to it, is well worth it. I imagine the dactyl will be the same way.12:21
floridagram-bot4<RazPi> I really urge anybody with even remote or minor wrist pain, if you want to nip the RSI monster in the bud early, really consider ergonomics.12:22
floridagram-bot<KMyers> @Ivoriesablaze21:18
floridagram-bot<Ivoriesablaze> that's awesome21:18

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