[15:22] helouuu [15:23] is anyone here [15:23] o/ studio-user557 (you might want to change your name so its easier to talk to you [15:25] which is best editing software for linux [15:25] video [15:25] editing? [15:30] kdenlive [15:30] imo [17:25] hello [17:26] if I use the 18.10's new Ubuntu Studio Controls to configure jack, should I stop using qjackctl? [20:27] windowsrefund: yes, stop using qjackctl to start or stop jack. Let controls do that. However, qjackctl's connections window is ok to use for making connections if that is easier than using patchage. [20:30] interesting [20:30] ok [20:31] what about a2jmidid? [20:31] i've been using qjackctl to start it [20:31] windowsrefund: controls will auto start that [20:31] oh [20:33] controls starts jack at session start (if that is enabled) has pulse set to only see jack as a device, allows other devices to also be connected to jack via zita-ajbridge, start a2jmidid.... and autoconnects any new usb device that get plugged in. [20:34] It is made for new users who just expect to be able to do anything with anything even though they shouldn't :P [20:35] the idea is to help those with a USB mic that figure they now have a pro audio setup... [20:37] cool