
=== Arthur_D2 is now known as Arthur_D
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BluesKajHiyas all13:00
alekksanderBluesKaj: aye15:12
BluesKajhi alekksander15:27
IrcsomeBot<DShreyas> I have installed Kubuntu 18.10 on my Laptop(Thinkpad T440) but now I facing a problem, when I resume from suspend my trackpad dont work. I have installed Kubuntu 18.04 previously and there was no such problem, the problems appeares after installing kubuntu 18.1018:43
Alexfrench18.04 is a lts no ?19:34
diogenes_super LTS, for 10 years19:35
Alexfrenchso why do not use it a time that's i am doing on my laptop too19:35
Alexfrenchthis way i just do updates19:36
diogenes_Alexfrench, i didn't understand what you mean19:36
acheronukKubuntu LTS is supported for 3 years19:37
diogenes_oh ok, i just heard that Ubuntu extended the support for 10 yeqrs19:37
acheronukdiogenes_: Ubuntu desktop is still 5 years. Flavours is 3 years19:38
acheronukthe '10 years' as far as I'm aware is just extended paid support for server/cloud19:39
diogenes_acheronuk, ok thanks.19:44
=== himcesjf_ is now known as him-cesjf
Alexfrenchsorry i ha kids so i am not always present19:58
diogenes_Alexfrench, congrats!20:05
Alexfrenchthanks it is hard but it is life20:07
diogenes_at least there will be someone to visit us when we end up in the nursing home lol20:18

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