[03:44] I'm having a braino. I installed a Bionic server, and when I look at available CPUs it doesn't show any IBRS models. [03:45] I'm not sure why this is. My (bionic) desktop shows them. === frickler_ is now known as frickler [17:57] hey guys, I need some help right quick with trying to install some software. I keep getting the following, and despite all my googling, I've found no good solutions for the issue: https://pastebin.com/DD93a3Ce [18:06] "You need to both download the key signature and add it ot the apt keyring. They provide a deb package that does it all for you - apt.typesafe.com/repo-deb-build-0002.deb [18:06] https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/448315/ubuntu-apt-get-update#comment813518_448315 === mfo_ is now known as mfo [18:08] OerHeks: If you look at the comment under that, you'll see that this solution does not work. I too have done this, and it doesn't work at all [18:09] ThKitten, then ask their forum?? [18:13] or read the apt-secure man page [18:34] I was able to work around it, I'm having a different issue, no one is responding in #nginx. On the setup page here: https://github.com/ornicar/lila/wiki/Lichess-Development-Onboarding it has a nginx config there I can copy and paste. I'm wanting to setup this app under www.website.com/chess. The main site is already setup to utilize a wordpress site. Any way I can do this?? [18:50] any thoughts OerHeks? [18:51] ThKitten: that would only work *if* the app you're trying to run can support being run under a sublocation [18:51] *most* don't support that [18:51] it'd be easier to run as a separate subdomain for website.com and just leverage nginx on the same box [18:51] unfortunately this absolutely MUST run under a sublocation. Having a separate domain name is not possible [18:52] then I think you're out of luck [18:52] and I didn't say separate domain name [18:53] i said subdomain. which if you own the domain is as simple as a second DNS entry [18:54] hmm alright [18:57] ThKitten: briefly looking at that project it *looks* like it's designed to sit in its own domain or as the root location, rather than in a sublocation. Getting such apps to work in locations underneath the root domain can be VERY difficult [20:10] apt cant use a repo over https by default? [20:11] looking into docker and step #2 wants that: https://docs.docker.com/install/linux/docker-ce/ubuntu/#install-using-the-repository [20:12] apt doesnt allow repos to use https by default?* [20:18] http://paste.debian.net/hidden/fc83c479/ [20:19] this is on desktop but just figured https was default? [20:19] im probably just misunderstanding something === Greyztar- is now known as Greyztar [20:22] no, http is default, install that package apt-transport-https andit will work? [20:23] yep i guess my sources file show all http. [20:23] wait nvm, yarn shows https? [20:24] https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/11wKE7sT/image.png [20:26] well, it is not hosted by us, so it could be https, and you need that transport-https too [20:27] well neither is docker but it says it needs https [20:28] yay, you found out some 3rd party repos use https [20:31] i mean is it not really using https? [20:32] i think https is the only way to acess those, so i guess you would have transport-https already, or never installed docker and such [20:33] ya i didnt have `apt-transport-https` but yarn never told me to get it and it installed fine. which is why im asking why docker says i need it? [20:34] and now: http://paste.debian.net/hidden/971e9eca/ [20:36] sudo apt-get install docker-ce= [20:37] apt-cache madison docker-ce # this shows the versions, from your own url https://docs.docker.com/install/linux/docker-ce/ubuntu/#install-docker-ce-1 [20:41] thats to install a specific version i thought. previous instruction is `sudo apt-get install docker-ce` [20:44] did you run apt update && apt full-upgrade before installing? [20:44] ya [20:45] so if your method did not work, does the correct one do the job? [20:49] my method? i followed their directions.. [20:50] apt-get install docker-ce did not work, right? [20:50] http://paste.debian.net/hidden/006a631a/ [20:52] and the output of apt-cache madison docker-ce ? [20:54] nothing [20:56] i see, only test and nightly [20:56] https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/dists/cosmic/ [20:57] so edit the sourses.list.d/ docker.file [20:58] oh, a bug report that says it is not a bug https://github.com/docker/for-linux/issues/442 [20:58] for stable, stay on 18.04 [20:59] ofcourse, i run LTS now, after 10 years of testing anything [21:01] damn i forgot im on cosmic [21:04] then nightly it is .. [21:05] im moving back to LTS anyways. [21:06] ill just install the deb as this install wont be around much longer. [21:16] wat? http://paste.debian.net/hidden/59e5e3e1/ [21:21] removed the other pkg but still: http://paste.debian.net/hidden/d6289aaf/ [21:38] hmmm http://paste.debian.net/hidden/5d0749ad/ [21:43] maybe the wrong ppa line causes this? [21:46] i remove the source and installed the one from the ubuntu repo [21:47] which was suggested in that git issue your posted above. [22:17] everything installed fine on LTS [22:21] :-) [23:24] Anyone know where qemu-kvm keeps CPU definitions? I spun up a new hypervisor and I'm not seeing -ibrs CPU variants available for guests. [23:25] (Bionic.)