
floridagram-bot<RazPi> Not yet00:31
floridagram-bot<RazPi> I'll wait for all of us to go00:31
floridagram-bot<RazPi> Seems like an Ubuntu or Keith destination00:31
floridagram-bot<KMyers> I am game00:32
floridagram-bot<KMyers> Why does this seem like a bad idea? It is like playing Russian Roulette if you are not paying attention to what side you put your phone on. … https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07J4XPR7N/ref=as_li_ss_tl?pf_rd_p=c2945051-950f-485c-b4df-15aac5223b10&pf_rd_r=HF8CD6JJAM7571HC4ZBB&linkCode=ll1&tag=kmyers-twitter-20&linkId=d995ee747631b7837f943a2e44ba975b&language=en_US00:34
floridagram-bot<RazPi> I have to say, if your on a budget you could do worse than little Caesars extramostbestest00:49
floridagram-bot<RazPi> It's just the crust is a little soft/yeasty00:50
floridagram-bot<RazPi> @AdamOutler @KMyers @Abrerr I have a favor to ask. If you know of packages you wish were compiled for Windows and/or windows visual studio let me know01:04
floridagram-bot<RazPi> I think I'd like to add a portion of my site dedicated to building annoying dev packages. Like ffmoeg or OpenSSL01:05
floridagram-bot<RazPi> *ffmpeg01:05
floridagram-bot<AdamOutler> Nano02:11
floridagram-bot<AdamOutler> It's my favorite editor02:11
floridagram-bot<Abrerr> @RazPi, Native VIM02:14
floridagram-bot<Abrerr> Maybe it already exists?02:14
floridagram-bot<Abrerr> Mobaxterm doesn't count02:14
floridagram-bot<Abrerr> Although it's close02:14
floridagram-bot<AdamOutler> If you want a challenge, BusyBox.02:18
floridagram-bot<AdamOutler> That was the last guaranteed Nexus update02:48
floridagram-bot<RazPi> xD I was thinking like.. libraries03:14
floridagram-bot<RazPi> @Abrerr What's wrong with gVim?03:14
floridagram-bot<RazPi> http://support.moonpoint.com/software/editors/nano/win.php @AdamOutler03:16
floridagram-bot<RazPi> and busybox https://github.com/Alexpux/MSYS2-packages/blob/master/busybox/busybox.install03:16
floridagram-bot<Abrerr> GVIM feels clunky in comparison - I guess it's because I can't launch it from a term like I normally do.03:19
floridagram-bot<Abrerr> Mobaxterm kinda fills a void in that respect03:19
floridagram-bot<RazPi> @Abrerr You might like msys203:19
floridagram-bot<RazPi> It's all windows native without cygwin type dependencies on cygwin's dll03:19
floridagram-bot<Abrerr> pretty no-nonsense cygwin03:19
floridagram-bot<RazPi> and compiles run on windows03:19
floridagram-bot<RazPi> yeah03:19
floridagram-bot<Abrerr> hrmhrmhrmhrmhrmh03:20
floridagram-bot<Abrerr> pacman - lol03:20
floridagram-bot<RazPi> hey at least it -has- a package manager :P03:20
floridagram-bot<Abrerr> but I mean like - cygwin kinda does03:21
floridagram-bot<Abrerr> you just point and click at it03:21
floridagram-bot<Abrerr> and hope for the best03:21
floridagram-bot<RazPi> I think pacman is easier to use, it's all terminal based too03:21
floridagram-bot<RazPi> haha03:21
floridagram-bot<Abrerr> I gotta get a use case03:21
floridagram-bot<Abrerr> It's 99% linux at home03:22
floridagram-bot<Abrerr> and mobaxterm @ work03:22
floridagram-bot<RazPi> the problem with cygwin is everything you compile you have to attach the cygwin dll along with it, and there's a license attached to that, that prevents you from really doing anything commercial with it03:22
floridagram-bot<Abrerr> +50 vivaldi tabs and 20 spreadsheets03:22
floridagram-bot<RazPi> omg are you an opera user03:22
floridagram-bot<Abrerr> it's blink, isn't it?03:22
floridagram-bot<Abrerr> the reality is, it lets me rebind hotkeys. CTRL+W is my heart and soul. And freakin chrome/firefox/ie/whatever closes the tab.03:23
floridagram-bot<RazPi> vivaldi comes from the same company as opera03:23
floridagram-bot<Abrerr> I work through VDI in a browser03:23
floridagram-bot<Abrerr> It does, I'm just saying it's chrome under the hood03:23
floridagram-bot<RazPi> Oh I've had capslock to ctrl for ages, ctrl+w closes tabs in almost everything03:23
floridagram-bot<RazPi> ooh ok03:23
floridagram-bot<RazPi> mobaxterm looks neat :o03:24
floridagram-bot<Abrerr> I work in IOS and bash most days - I need mah ctrl+w03:24
floridagram-bot<Abrerr> dude, I'd die without it03:24
floridagram-bot<RazPi> I don't doubt it! xD03:24
floridagram-bot<Abrerr> because I can just get stuff done03:24
floridagram-bot<RazPi> With my kinesis keyboard I can hit ctrl-w with my thumb and ring finger, that might interest you03:25
floridagram-bot<Abrerr> My sys admin came up to me yesterday03:25
floridagram-bot<Abrerr> Is that you on X system?03:25
floridagram-bot<Abrerr> yaaaa03:25
floridagram-bot<Abrerr> Are you using MobaXterm?03:25
floridagram-bot<Abrerr> yaaaaaa03:25
floridagram-bot<Abrerr> "That's a major vulnerability, just checking"03:25
floridagram-bot<Abrerr> DONT TAKE IT AWAY03:25
floridagram-bot<Abrerr> DONT DO IT03:25
floridagram-bot<RazPi> XDD03:25
floridagram-bot<Abrerr> IT HAS A BUILT IN X SERVER, AND I NEEDS IT03:26
floridagram-bot<Abrerr> You're right tho, from a dev perspective - that sort of attachment sounds bad03:26
floridagram-bot<Abrerr> w/ Cygwin03:26
floridagram-bot<RazPi> Yeah x_x especially if you want to dist03:28
floridagram-bot<Abrerr> I just use it for automating tasks really. match and pull files from X server - uncompress - rename the crap outta them, organize, then open all up in (lolexplorer)03:29
floridagram-bot<Abrerr> then the illusion melts and I have to sneaker net them between networks03:29
floridagram-bot<Abrerr> any actual tools I build are basic af and done in powershell/python03:30
floridagram-bot<Abrerr> and soon R03:30
floridagram-bot<Abrerr> because Rshiny03:31
floridagram-bot<Abrerr> https://shiny.rstudio.com/gallery/03:32
floridagram-bot<Abrerr> MSYS2 pacman looks like pacman pacman03:35
floridagram-bot<Abrerr> :O03:35
floridagram-bot<RazPi> Yes!03:44
floridagram-bot<RazPi> What datasets are you running with R?03:44
floridagram-bot<Abrerr> VDLM2/AOA/CPDLC03:44
floridagram-bot<Abrerr> air to ground speak03:47
floridagram-bot<Abrerr> Statistics on flights and stuff03:48
floridagram-bot<Abrerr> But it's mostly for providing context on large/multiple events03:48
floridagram-bot<RazPi> @KMyers It's settled https://i.gyazo.com/d8a6f11c618ce8d4364e13e82e6a5ff7.png03:49
floridagram-bot<RazPi> https://webrtchacks.com/aiy-vision-kit-tensorflow-uv4l-webrtc/03:49
floridagram-bot<RazPi> @Abrerr I'm really interested in R, this shiny package looks really cool!03:50
floridagram-bot<Abrerr> I'm more of a Python guy, but my shop is totally into R and I can't deny it definitely looks suited to the work I do03:50
floridagram-bot<RazPi> I'll need to become more fmailiar with it as I do more NN work03:51
floridagram-bot<Abrerr> NN work?03:51
floridagram-bot<Abrerr> I just need to spend a few weekends playing with R03:51
floridagram-bot<Abrerr> my short 10 minute bouts with it are always frustrating lol03:51
floridagram-bot<Abrerr> https://shiny.rstudio.com/gallery/genome-browser.html03:54
floridagram-bot<Abrerr> ^ when I first saw that - so nice looking03:54
floridagram-bot<Abrerr> Well, crap. Guess I'll just go do R stuff now03:56
floridagram-bot<AdamOutler> What is nn work?  Is that where you wear clothing?04:02
floridagram-bot<RazPi> Yes.04:03
floridagram-bot<RazPi> R was introduced to me in one of the books as a shortcut for getting derivatives xD04:04
floridagram-bot<RazPi> So for any weight modification formula, you need its derivative to backpropagate iirc04:04
floridagram-bot<RazPi> I've been trying to make time for personal projects again04:05
floridagram-bot<Abrerr> @RazPi, This04:06
floridagram-bot<RazPi> Yeah :\04:08
floridagram-bot<RazPi> @AdamOutler If you're interested, you can actually buy this thing at target https://www.target.com/p/google-vision-kit-aiy/-/A-5341708104:09
floridagram-bot<Ivoriesablaze> Wow 96 missed messages, what did I miss last night?08:07
floridagram-bot<AdamOutler> Should I SQL injection it and download the database?15:08
floridagram-bot<KMyers> Damn. That's sloppy15:09
floridagram-bot<KMyers> https://twitter.com/TrumpIPv615:31
floridagram-bot<govatent> got a free google home mini.17:17
floridagram-bot<KMyers> Spotify?17:17
floridagram-bot<govatent> https://www.androidauthority.com/google-home-mini-spotify-trial-930940/17:17
floridagram-bot<govatent> yea17:17
floridagram-bot<KMyers> I am maxed out on Google Homes17:17
floridagram-bot<govatent> I used to actually be a spotify prem user. but when google came out with family plans for music and youtube red i switched over.17:17
floridagram-bot<govatent> had Spotify not fell behind on family pricing against apple and google, i would have still been a user.17:18
floridagram-bot<govatent> i did use a different email for this because in order to get the mini for free you need to be a new user signing up for their trial service17:18
floridagram-bot<govatent> shipping claims it will be one month though17:19

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