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coolchrisubuntu sucks00:42
coolchrisi heard the linux kernel sucks because it is monolithic or some shit00:43
mutantecoolchris: oh! thanks for letting me know, i will try Hurd again00:46
mutantecoolchris: do you know any better kernels i should try for GNU?00:46
mutantei mean Hurd isnt monolithic00:47
coolchrisi think popcorn kernels are pretty good00:47
mutantecoolchris: oh, you arent actually an expoert? bummer00:47
pifreakhi :)01:22
pifreakHow do I get my game into the official Ubuntu software center? IS there a guide or blog about it? Thanks! I bet it's hard, but I hope I can do it some day. It's a free open source C++ game.01:23
donofrioso i noticed my time is off i'm wondering how do I get my time to be synced https://photos.app.goo.gl/SnA48kb4jWDFWAPq501:31
donofriohwinfo is - paste.ubuntu.com/p/8ShhhdJsr501:33
hggdhpifreak: I am not sure how to do it; you may have better luck asking in #ubuntu-devel, the devs may have a better idea01:40
RandolfSo, I've been looking into OpenSSL v1.1.1.  It's an LTS (Long Term Support) version that is regarded as a major update (one update includes TLSv1.3 support, which is not supported in OpenSSL v1.1.0).  So, I'm wondering, how things progressing in Ubuntu Linux for getting OpenSSL 1.1.1 into apt?  Thanks.01:45
aestheWhenever I try to create a home folder as root for a separate user on an Ubuntu Digital Ocean droplet, the dir never seems to appear, despite it being registered in the etc/passwd file01:45
aesthewhat am I missing?01:45
RandolfOpenSSL v1.1.1 was released in October 2018:  https://www.openssl.org/blog/blog/2018/09/11/release111/01:45
trobothamyou likely are using useradd instead of adduser01:45
trobothamwhich requires a switch01:45
grepwoodhi everyone01:46
trobotham-m iirc01:46
grepwoodhow do I make a package of pulseaudio?01:46
RandolfHello grepwood.01:46
aestheI did use useradd. I'll try that switch01:46
mutanteadduser is more interactive01:46
grepwoodI need to recompile certain packages for convenience and install them, because some proprietary developers are jerks and won't support my distro, so I need a sabotaged Ubuntu01:46
trobothamadduser is distro specific useradd is provided by passwd01:47
mutantegrepwood: apt-get source (as opposed to apt-get install) should get yout he package source you can change and then rebuild..  i guss with debuild01:47
grepwoodthank you mutante01:48
RandolfI'm also seeing that OpenSSL 1.1.1 is apparently included in Ubuntu, but when I use "apt update" I only get up to 1.1.0:  https://www.ubuntuupdates.org/package/core/cosmic/main/updates/openssl01:48
RandolfBut may "ubuntuupdates.org" isn't an official page.01:48
RandolfBut maybe "ubuntuupdates.org" isn't an official page.01:48
pifreakThanks hggdh <301:48
OerHeksRandolf, the numbering ( see the letter G) is confusing, https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=openssl but that would be the backport iirc01:49
aesthetrobotham, man I keep having to switch between distros. My head is a literal mes right now. Thanks so much for that!01:49
trobothamaesthe: not a problem01:49
RandolfOerHeks:  Are you referring to OpenSSL v1.1.0g?  If so, that doesn't support TLSv1.3.01:49
hggdhdonofrio: Randolf if you are on Cosmic, then you should have openssl v1.1.101:51
RandolfI'm on Ubuntu Linux 18.04 LTS.01:51
trobothamfwiw, openssl is changing there versioning: https://www.openssl.org/policies/releasestrat.html01:52
donofriome too 18.04.1 tls01:52
OerHeksyou would need to enable TLSv1.3 first, ofcourse01:52
trobothamwait, that isn't the article that I thought it was01:53
RandolfOerHeks:  Well, I've tried that but OpenSSL 1.1.1 is the minimum requirement it seems.  Unless I've missed something?01:54
Randolftrobotham: I was going to say "it doesn't appear that the version numbering has changed there."01:54
trobothamapologies! I may be thinking of something else, disregard01:55
RandolfNo worries.  :)01:55
Randolftrobotham:  There's so much weirdness with certain applications and tools (e.g., EasyRSA) that changing the versioning in OpenSSL would likely be an epic disaster.01:56
trobothamnvm, here it is: https://www.openssl.org/blog/blog/2018/11/28/version/01:57
hggdhlooking at the changelog for current openssl on 18.04 I do not see TLSv1.3; I dimly remember discussions about that, and that there might be some problems backporting, since many packages depend on the libraries01:57
trobothamso the next branch will be 3.001:57
Randolftrobotham:  Oh, I don't see that being a major problem -- they're just getting rid of the letter code at the end, and ensuring a larger scope of backward compatibility in the API.01:58
trobothamyup which is what confuses most people01:58
Randolfhggdh:  See this:  https://www.openssl.org/blog/blog/2018/09/11/release111/01:59
Randolfhggdh:  The current OpenSSL on Ubuntu 18.04 seems to be 1.1.0g, which does not have TLSv1.3 support.01:59
hggdhRandolf: yes, I pointed it out above. And I know openSSL says it is ABI/API-compatible02:00
Randolfhggdh:  Sorry, I missed that then.02:00
Randolfhggdh:  You mentioned "Cosmic."  I don't know what that is referring to.02:00
RandolfI assume a codename for a particular version?02:01
trobothamRandolf: bionic is 18.04 Cosmic is 18.1002:01
RandolfI'm on bionic then.02:01
conjohi all02:06
hggdhRandolf: from the upbuntuupdates.org site you pointed to -- the URL says "Cosmic", which is the code name for Ubuntu 18.1002:06
Randolfhggdh: I understand now.  Thanks.02:08
RandolfI'm just doing a dist-upgrade on a remote system now to see how this works out.02:08
RandolfDo you happen to know if there are plans to bring OpenSSL v1.1.1 to bionic?02:09
hggdhRandolf: if you mean apt dist-upgrade, AND you are trying to go from 18.04 to 18.10, then this is the wrong command02:09
RandolfNo.  I'm using:  do-release-upgrade02:10
hggdhRandolf: the best place to ask would probably #ubuntu-hardened (but it is Friday evening/Saturday very-early-morning, so there might not be many around02:10
Randolf(I should have been more clear.)02:10
hggdhRandolf: ack, tjank you. I was just checking :-)02:10
RandolfThanks for checking.  :)02:11
grepwoodis packages.ubuntu.com down?02:14
conjoany suggestions on securely deleting my ssd from terminal via a live linux distro (including all partitions-filesystems?02:14
conjothink i can use dd command with random  overwrites invoked but would like to clarify there isnt a better way02:15
hggdhgrepwood: not anymore02:16
grepwoodhggdh, still takes a lot of time, what is this, dialup?02:16
hggdhgrepwood: just did a search there, WFM02:17
grepwoodhggdh, still pooped for me02:19
grepwoodtrying to get this02:19
grepwoodit worked now02:19
hggdhgrepwood: now I am also getting slow response :-)02:21
grepwoodmutante, "E: You must put some source URIs in your sources.list"02:24
grepwooddoes that mean I have to add a source release like there is bionic/trusty release?02:25
RandolfUpgrade successful from Ubuntu Linux 18.04 to 18.10.  Now I've got OpenSSL v1.1.1 on this system, and everything seems to be working properly.02:36
RandolfSo far, every distribution upgrade I've done with Ubuntu Linux has been successful.  I really like doing these things remotely because going down to the data centre takes a lot of time.02:38
RandolfTo everyone who worked on making these upgrades work so reliably, thank you.  I really do appreciate it.02:39
mutantegrepwood: it means in your /etc/apt/sources.list you need lines with "deb-src" and not just with "deb" (for the same release, repeat the line just with 'deb-src" at the start02:39
mutantegrepwood: for example if you already have "deb http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/ stretch-updates main" then add "deb-src http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/ stretch-updates main02:40
mutanteright below and then run apt-get update and try again02:40
mutanteadjust that , i pasted from a Debian example02:40
blackflowRandolf: lucky you. every dist upgrade I've done with Ubuntu was botched.02:48
grepwoodmutante, thanks02:52
grepwoodgot another problem02:52
grepwoodgpg: keybox '/root/.gnupg/pubring.kbx' created02:52
grepwoodgpg: skipped "Hui Wang <hui.wang@canonical.com>": No secret key02:53
grepwoodgpg: /tmp/debsign.5sRyWDHs/alsa-lib_1.1.3-5ubuntu0.1dsc: clear-sign failed: No secret key02:53
grepwooddebsign: gpg error occurred! Aborting....02:53
mutantegrepwood: that's because the packages are signed, you cant sign with the key of somebody else. so you need to change it to use your own key to sign02:53
mutanteor skip the signing when you build it02:54
grepwoodmutante, how? where is that setting?02:54
grepwoodor how do I skip that?02:54
mutantedebuild -us -uc  afair02:54
grepwoodokie dokie thank you02:54
mutanteout now. good luck02:57
grepwoodmutante, N: 4 tags overridden (1 error, 3 warnings)03:00
grepwoodhow do I change the CFLAGS that are used when making a package?03:04
=== Skybot is now known as OhPie
yelowfishhello all.is it advisable to install iwlwif on xenial?03:30
yelowfishim trying to stabilize wifi by disabling wireless n03:31
=== Skybot is now known as OhPie
yelowfishdid they remove the right click>creeate03:43
yelowfishdid they remove the right click>create link in xenial03:43
nicholasfhi, Im trying to install KDE Neon on a Dell XPS 13. It has a 4k resolution. Im finding the installer's font is too small to read04:14
nicholasfany ideas about how I can lift the font size when Im booting from USB to install?04:14
patr0cluswhen i open a window under normal circumstances, i can left click and open a terminal at that location. but now that option seems to be missing. how can i reset it?04:20
=== patr0clus is now known as s3nd1v0g1us
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nacharjya@s3nd1v0g1us Your Release details and which terminal you are using ??04:45
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nacharjya@s3nd1v0g1us : try this Ctrl-Shift-G04:47
nacharjya@s3nd1v0g1us :Keyboard shortcut combination use all three keys Ctrl+shift+G04:49
nacharjya@s3nd1v0g1us : Open your terminla and try these keyboard shortcut key combination04:49
s3nd1v0g1usnothing happens04:50
s3nd1v0g1usand its not my terminal that is the issue. its when i open a window...04:50
s3nd1v0g1usnormally, when i open a new window say for a folder, i can open a terminal at that location by left clicking and selecting open terminal here...04:51
nacharjya@s3nd1v0g1us : new window in terminal !!! so you need to post request to tilix bug reporting channel or git page04:51
s3nd1v0g1ussigh....i fear there is a language barrier here.04:51
s3nd1v0g1usthats not what i am saying at all.04:52
s3nd1v0g1usNOT a new window in terminal. i want to open a terminal from inside a folder.04:52
nacharjya@s3nd1v0g1us : unable to open using pop up menu while opening a new windows in file manager or file browser04:52
s3nd1v0g1usagain, normally left clicking allows for it, but for some reason it stopped.04:53
nacharjyaif this than report to tilix git page04:53
s3nd1v0g1usno no.04:53
s3nd1v0g1usyou dont understand at all.04:53
s3nd1v0g1usfrom inside an open folder/window.04:53
nacharjya@s3nd1v0g1us : i got it correct . your issue is right click not working sometimes to open the terminal04:54
s3nd1v0g1ussay i clock on my music folder....i want to be able to open a terminal at that location...04:54
nacharjya@s3nd1v0g1us : as you said this needs to report to tilix terminal git page04:54
s3nd1v0g1usi feel like im talking to tech support for Verizon.04:55
nacharjya@s3nd1v0g1us : tilix is not default terminal for ubuntu04:55
s3nd1v0g1uswhere nothing that im saying seems to be getting through.04:55
s3nd1v0g1usit is for budgie.04:55
nacharjya@s3nd1v0g1us : https://github.com/gnunn1/tilix/issues04:56
s3nd1v0g1usnevermind, ill look for an answer on reddit.04:56
nacharjyarise your issue here04:56
s3nd1v0g1usyoure not understanding what i am saying.04:56
nacharjya@s3nd1v0g1us : You have told us that You are not able to open terminal using the pop up menu using right click inside a folder .. anything wrong ??04:57
s3nd1v0g1uswhat i said was that i cannot open a terminal from inside a folder by left clicking.04:58
s3nd1v0g1usit used to allow it, now it does not.04:58
nacharjya@s3nd1v0g1us : so you need to report it to tilix git page04:58
nacharjya@s3nd1v0g1us : whats your installation type . if it is minimal type that you need some packages installed for the solution05:01
OerHeksthat would be the nautilus-admin package05:02
nacharjya_@s3nd1v0g1us :  capability you need to installed the python-nautilus package. Logout and login and you will have an open in tilix option05:05
WoCis it possible to upgrade a boot disk (system disk) from mbr partition table to gpt w/o loss of the partitions ?05:07
nacharjya_@WoC : Answer is YES but caution and with some provisions05:10
patr0clusreinstalling nautilus-admin worked.05:11
patr0clus thx.05:11
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CrazyHHopefully this will help someone somewhere:05:57
CrazyHubuntu 16.04> The infamous laptop lid switch disable feature failure. Here is a pic with a bunch of details. I may have found the issue:05:58
CrazyHHopefully the pic is self explainatory. Basically I did everything that you're supposed to do to disable the lid switch, all of which failed. As you can see that setting in Dconf doesn't seem to be changed ( even though it should be ). I ended up solving the issue by disabling upowerd by renaming it06:00
CrazyHI forgot to say that I'm running Gnome-flashback-session. I don't know how much that matters06:02
fundatillusCrazyH, you should write something static up for this... dev.to is an easy and friendly publishing platform.06:05
CrazyHI would have posted this on ubuntu forums, but apparently I can't post... so I'll do this instead06:05
CrazyHIs anyone here able to fix my account on Ubuntuforums06:07
CrazyHI'd like to post it there06:11
zerooowhich flavor is the best ?06:24
krytarikHahaha. :D06:24
TAFBubuntu is running on my vps, but "service apache2 status" says ● apache2.service06:32
TAFB   Loaded: not-found (Reason: No such file or directory)06:32
TAFB   Active: inactive (dead)06:32
TAFBapache is running...06:32
TAFBnevermind, it isn't, just showing the apache2 default page06:34
HiddenDjinncalcurse=unstable on ubuntu, but not raspbian07:03
HiddenDjinngpg=less than fully functional on raspbian, but perfect on ubuntu07:04
=== DrWatson_ is now known as DrWatson
gde33Your system does not have a connection to the Snap Store. For the best upgrade experience make sure that your system can connect to api.snapcraft.io.07:08
gde33Do I still want to continue with the upgrade?07:08
gde33Or perhaps the question should be: Why doesn't my system have a connection to the snap store or why isn't the linux still not ready for production?07:11
gde33haha, whatever, let the user figure it out.07:13
mousesgde33: check your network settings/local issues07:13
gde33those are all in working order for as far as I know07:14
mousesbut I think your 'not ready for production' 'let the user figure it out' comments kinda betray you here :P07:14
gde33I'm on irc and on the interwebs and all that07:14
mousestroll harder07:14
gde33sorry :P07:14
gde33I did put the message into google and found a page in french and a lengthy bug report that talked about it some place in the middle.07:15
gde33couldn't make sense of either tho07:15
gde33I would like to use the ubuntu in complete ignorance. That would be an ideal world for me.07:17
gde33sudo apt-get install snapd    E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)   E: Unable to acquire the dpkg frontend lock (/var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend), is another process using it?07:22
gde33ok, enough with this upgrading thing07:25
gde33ok, so I had to abort the upgrade in order to learn it was already installed.07:27
gde33dec 08 09:09:58 galactus snapd[1096]: autorefresh.go:376: Cannot prepare auto-refresh change: cannot refresh snap-declaration for "core": Get https://api.snapcraft.io/api/v1/snaps/assertions/snap-declaration/16/07:33
gde33dec 08 09:09:58 galactus snapd[1096]: stateengine.go:102: state ensure error: cannot refresh snap-declaration for "core": Get https://api.snapcraft.io/api/v1/snaps/assertions/snap-declaration/16/99T7MUlRhtI3U0QF07:33
gde33this seems interesting:  Active: active (running) since za 2018-12-08 09:09:58 CET; 37min left07:36
gde33apparently it has been running since 30 min in the future07:36
BrickedInTheHeadLocalization settings off on dif user?07:38
gde33Not sure what you mean, if the other user account on the system is configured wrongly?07:38
BrickedInTheHeadJust a guess. Say you ran something as root vs usrr07:40
gde33the other user account was never used07:40
gde33there should be only one CET tho07:41
gde33if I just run systemctl status it says:    State: running       Jobs: 0 queued      Failed: 0 units    Since: za 2018-12-08 10:09:14 CET; 1h 24min left07:45
gde33its not even 9:0007:46
ducassecheck the output of 'timedatectl status'07:48
gde33Local time: za 2018-12-08 08:55:04 CET07:55
gde33  Universal time: za 2018-12-08 07:55:04 UTC07:55
gde33        RTC time: za 2018-12-08 10:05:3907:55
gde33timedatectl set-local-rtc 007:56
gde33Local time: za 2018-12-08 08:56:25 CET07:56
gde33  Universal time: za 2018-12-08 07:56:25 UTC07:56
gde33        RTC time: za 2018-12-08 07:56:2607:56
gijoe3kHey true believers, is there a alternative to using the official Spotify client? I don't mind using it and it actually does a really good job.07:57
gijoe3kIt would be great though if I could find a client that had some different features compared to the official one.07:57
BrickedInTheHeadWeb version07:57
gijoe3k@BrickedInTheHead,  This is true. I'll check it out.07:59
BrickedInTheHeadLess features but doesnt cache 10gb of tracks you never listen08:00
mousesthat's why I switched to google play music08:00
mousesspotify's clients/caching are just dumb08:01
BrickedInTheHeadThere is settings for the cache but it doesnt seem to do anything08:01
* gde33 thought unix time solved all of these problems long ago :/08:02
gijoe3kI have had, like most Spotify customers, had my account hacked multiple times within the last year. Got it fixed(for now) after chatting with Spotify customer support. I have expressed to them that it's 2018 heading into 2019....there's no excuse for not having MFA(Multi-factor authentication) for all their customers.08:03
gijoe3k@mouses, Does google play music have MFA?08:04
BrickedInTheHeadEven bank app doesn't have 2f auth. But its just read only08:04
=== Guest35751 is now known as Helenah2
Helenah2Arch Linux rox!08:05
pepijndevosOne my disk I have a 100MB EFI system partition, but also a 1MB grub partion. What's the second one for, or can I delete it? (want to move partitions around)08:06
BrickedInTheHeadWouldnt touch unless you are veteran. Not with any grub manager either08:07
ducassepepijndevos: you need the bios_boot (grub) partition to boot in legacy mode on a gpt disk08:07
Helenah2I'm curious... how come Ubuntu bastardises everything?08:08
gijoe3k@Helenah2, Good question.08:09
ducasseHelenah2: go ahead and ask if you have a support question, for other queries please use #ubuntu-offtopic08:09
Helenah2Joining now08:09
pepijndevosducasse, ah, so since I'm in UEFI mode, I don't need it I guess.08:09
ducassepepijndevos: no, you don't08:10
pepijndevoscool thanks. I'll try to move it, just in case, but good to know.08:11
lionhertzBecause Ubuntu doesn't have just one father. She had hundreds08:13
lionhertzHer mom's a toal slut08:13
Mathisen... ?08:21
DbuggerDoes anybody know how can I force Ubuntu to use the 5Ghz band for my wifi?08:31
BrickedInTheHeadCant you force router?08:32
DbuggerBrickedInTheHead, me?08:32
Dbuggerwell, i do not want to disable the 2.4GHz network, since not all my devices support it08:33
ducasseDbugger: split them into two separate ssids if they aren't already08:35
nateDbugger: Connect to the 5G SSID...?08:36
nateYou should be able to define separate SSID's, they're two different bands08:36
Dbuggernate, let me try that..08:37
Dbuggermmmpphh.. the OS does not seem to detect the 5Ghz one08:38
Dbuggereven though my wifi network card supports 5Ghz08:38
BrickedInTheHeadYou need to fiddle with configs and specify support unless oem driver is avaival08:40
BrickedInTheHeadAvaivable. Sorry forgot rule. No english auto complete08:41
DbuggerWell, I have an ASUS PCE-AC56 AC1300 Dual-Band08:43
DbuggerI dont really know how to change the configuration to do that :/08:43
ducasse5ghz support should just work08:44
BrickedInTheHeadIf its mimo card you can connect both08:44
DbuggerIt should, yes... but I cant :(08:44
DeutscherNutzerkann jemand hier deutsch sprechen ? :D08:49
DeutscherNutzerhello, inteus :D08:49
TxPlexi keep getting an error .... [drm:radeon_crtc_handle_flip] radeon_crtc->flip_status = 0 != RADEON_FLIP_SUBMITTED(2)09:03
TxPlexi am running 16.04 lts09:04
TxPlexthe error is in my sys.log09:04
TxPlexcan anybody help09:06
gmish_ Hello, is there a way (any package?) to send a system wide custom-pop-up notification?09:21
tarzeautalk but it's not really a pop-up, and users can turn it off09:22
gmish_talk won't help. anything else I can try?09:25
gmish_there is notify-send if I use tint2, but then it lasts only for few secs09:26
rud0lf-t, --expire-time=TIME09:26
rud0lfmiliseconds notify-send persists09:27
gmish_I didn't know that. Thanks @rud0lf09:35
qwefytuoitytyWho uses redshift? When I run the redshift temperature Kelvin does not change.  Redshift works for you? If to start redshift and temperature will not change redshift  does not work09:45
sta7icSo what are the chances of a ssd being bad? For some reason whenever i put load on this disk (like install a steam game or when timeshift launches) the system freezes and then comes back after a minute. when i look at dmesg or syslog i see a bunch of hd errors10:13
sta7ici swapped sata cable with no luck10:13
Mathisen!info smartmontools10:14
ubottusmartmontools (source: smartmontools): control and monitor storage systems using S.M.A.R.T.. In component main, is optional. Version 6.5+svn4324-1 (bionic), package size 445 kB, installed size 1533 kB10:14
BrickedInTheHeadRun diagbostics10:14
Kidman1670hello, every one here?10:15
MathisenKidman1670, yep10:15
Kidman1670Mathisen: I wonder that someone can help me solve the trouble with Lubuntu?10:16
MathisenKidman1670, ask the full question10:16
Kidman1670Mathisen: yes, I am a Vietnamese, I install Ibus-unikey, but I cannot type any VNese after this. Ibus work fine in Ubuntu, but I cannot use it in Lubuntu. Thank you very much if you help me.10:17
sta7icSo, i ran smartctl --all /dev/sdd10:20
sta7icpassed healtcheck and looks like no errors?10:20
Kidman1670sta7ic: are you answer my problem???10:21
sta7icno sorry10:22
Kidman1670sta7ic: no proplem hihi10:22
sta7icSo I ran a a short test on the ssd and health summary passed and doesnt look to be any errors? I will kick off a long test when i can as well10:32
=== Dreaman is now known as Blade
seniI'm running a binary that reads from a wav file, and it fails with `sh: 1: path/to/file.wav: Permission denied` ???10:48
seniseems I needed to chmod +x the file10:51
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=== SatanClaus is now known as rud0lf
sysx1000Hi there. I have very rare DVD disc and I want to make a copy of this thing, in case that original would become unreadable. I have tried many ways of doing it, dd, ddrescue, cat'ing of /dev/sr0 (heh). Nothing helps. It copies about 20-40 Mb and then I receive error "Permission denied" Sounds like DVD is protected? What kind of protection I have?11:07
sysx1000Is there any way to copy that disc?11:08
ThiagoCupimsysx1000 hi!11:10
ThiagoCupimare you using GUI or Shell??11:11
sysx1000I don't want do distribute that disc, I just want to have an ISO11:12
ThiagoCupimthe best way is using dd11:13
ThiagoCupimwhat the command do you try?11:13
ThiagoCupimtry install the package genisoimage11:15
ThiagoCupimapt-get install genisoimage11:15
sysx1000this one is for making ISO out of files, isn't it?11:17
ThiagoCupimyou can specify an directory11:17
ThiagoCupimtry specify the DVD ROM directory11:18
ThiagoCupimgenisoimage -o output_image.iso directory_name11:18
sysx1000i have tried ddrescue, dd, pv, direct cat of DVD-ROM device11:18
ThiagoCupimfor example: genisoimage -o output_image.iso /dev/cdrom11:18
sysx1000No, it does not work11:21
sysx1000even in VLC player it plays only friggin non-pirate note and then VLC crashes. On my BluRay player this disc is playing without any trouble11:22
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ThiagoCupimthe DVD recorded with genisoimage play on your BlueRay player?11:24
sysx1000Who might knows that? It's commercial dvd11:25
sysx1000I am not sure that publishers are using genisoimage ;)11:25
ThiagoCupimMan... Try use GUI interface... use K3B11:26
sysx1000ok, seems like after installing libdvd-pkg and brasero it works, I have already dumped 2G of this disc to disk ;)11:39
ThiagoCupimso you use brasero on GUI?11:40
sysx1000I hope it will dump data properly11:42
charithwhere can I find the ubuntu kernal soucecode?11:42
ThiagoCupimBrasero is very good too11:43
sysx1000or kernel source archive?11:43
charithsource archive I need to add  it to my lfs build.....11:43
sysx1000lfs means links from scratch?11:44
sysx1000ok, go and visit kernel.org11:44
tchakatakcharith: kernel.org11:44
charithyes linux from scratch ...? i will see ....is there any github repository canonical used to publish there ubuntu kernl11:47
sysx1000charith: if you need just kernel sources use kernel.org11:48
sysx1000not sure about canonical11:49
tchakatakcharith: anyway on lfs you do not need (and do not want) to use the kernel made by canonical.11:50
tchakatakit contains diverses things who will not work on your lfs version.11:51
charithdid anyone here have used stable os kerneals from centos,ubuntu or arch with lfs11:53
tchakatakcharith: why would you do that ?11:54
tchakatakuse the original one.11:54
charithI have used original kernel did'nt like its performance ...I want to undestand and learn how the above main os kernel configurations are made...11:57
tchakatakcharith: in what way ?11:58
tchakatakIf you do understand that, why not tune up the kernel yourself to suit your need ? And using a arch kernel or a ubuntu kernel is definetly not a good idea, there is really more than just tuneup performances on thoses kernel.11:59
charithI want there kernel cofiguration source with all the patches they applied for the original kernel to study how they tuned up the original one...is this the offical ubuntu irc12:01
charithis there anyone from canonical12:02
tchakatakEnjoy : https://github.com/Canonical-kernel/Ubuntu-kernel12:03
de-factoHey Guys, which packages would i need to be able to use OpenCL on "Tobago PRO [Radeon R7 360 / R9 360 OEM] [1002:665F]"  amdgpu,radeon stack (ubuntu 18.04 stock kernel driver)?12:08
de-factoTrying to use it in OpenCV12:08
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de-factoinstalled "ocl-icd-opencl-dev" which provides "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libOpenCL.so" yet clinfo shows no avail12:09
de-factodo i need "mesa-opencl-icd"?12:12
irgendwer4711hi, I cant start radicale server any more and there is no error in log.12:13
irgendwer4711I got this logline two days ago: https://pastebin.com/xJ4xnPkG12:15
tchakatakirgendwer4711: look like you already have an instance running12:44
tchakatakand there is an error in the login.. pid file exist12:44
tchakatakDez 06 21:44:51  radicale[24713]: OSError: PID file exists: /var/run/radicale/radicale.pid12:44
irgendwer4711tchakatak: but all instances crashed then12:46
tchakatakirgendwer4711: then remove manually the pid file and restart it ?12:47
irgendwer4711tchakatak: I did that, when this problem occured first at 3rd Dec.12:48
tchakatakdid you try to look it up in the systemd log ?12:48
irgendwer4711you saw this12:48
tchakataklike journalctl -xe / systemctl status / systemctl status radicale12:48
irgendwer4711the is no newer log line12:49
tchakatakthen remove the pidfile and do a systemctl start radicale12:49
irgendwer4711the pid file is already gone12:49
tchakatakthen systemctl start radicale ?12:50
irgendwer4711no function12:50
irgendwer4711does not work12:50
tchakatakok but what does it say ?12:50
irgendwer4711it's lying, that is was started12:51
tchakatakits lying ? Oo12:51
tchakatakhow do you know its lying ?12:51
irgendwer4711init script is lying. it said "ok"12:52
irgendwer4711systemctl does not say anything12:52
irgendwer4711"[ ok ] Starting radicale (via systemctl): radicale.service."12:52
tchakatakplease past the result of systemctl status radicale AND systemctl status12:52
irgendwer4711systemctl status was my pastebin12:53
tchakatakcan you do it again please ?12:53
irgendwer4711same output12:54
tchakataksystemctl status (without anything) give you this output ?12:54
irgendwer4711yes/no, there is no newer output than that of 6th dec12:55
tchakataksystemctl status should give you all the CGROUP and the process running and there pid, anso the state of systemd12:56
tchakataknot this12:56
irgendwer4711that was status of radicale12:56
tchakatakwhat did you type exactly12:56
irgendwer4711systemctl status radical12:56
tchakatakthats not what i asked you12:57
irgendwer4711yes you do!12:57
tchakatak"systemctl status"12:57
tchakatakWITHOUT radical12:57
irgendwer4711you said AND12:57
tchakatak> please past the result of systemctl12:57
tchakatak                   status radicale AND systemctl status12:57
irgendwer4711one line?12:57
irgendwer4711so two commands?12:57
irgendwer4711so I did12:58
irgendwer4711and systemctl status is too big to copy12:58
tchakataksystemctl status > mylogfile.log12:58
tchakatakand copy mylogfile.log12:59
irgendwer4711tchakatak: https://pastebin.com/EaEyXCfa13:00
BluesKajHiyas all13:01
tchakatak   Failed: 4 units13:03
irgendwer4711tchakatak: there is some same strange problem with fetchmail too13:03
tchakataklook like there is more than that13:03
irgendwer4711yes, systemd is biggest shit under the sun.13:03
tchakatakyou can revert to sysinitv if you want.13:04
irgendwer4711no, not with 18.04 is guess13:04
grepwoodI'm trying to recompile 4 packages in Ubuntu: libasound2:i386, pulseaudio, libxcb1:i386 and libc6:i38613:04
grepwoodHow do I change the CFLAGS of these packages?13:05
tchakataki dont think its a systemd problem, more your packages are a problem13:06
tchakatakand your config13:06
irgendwer4711ok, the Ubuntu people are silly :-P13:06
irgendwer4711tchakatak: how to list the 4 failed units?13:06
tchakatakirgendwer4711: silly ?13:07
tchakataklook in journalctl -xe13:07
LunaLovegoodCan I grab the latest from kernel.org, 4.19.8 (plus the .config from 18.04's default kernel) and use it instead of 4.15.0-42-generic?  Do I need specific patches so it works with Ubuntu?  I heard recent kernels work better for AB350M / Ryzen 2200G.13:08
tchakatakLunaLovegood: ukuu, be ready for instability13:08
irgendwer4711tchakatak: systemctl list-units --state=failed13:08
tchakatakirgendwer4711: witch ones?13:09
irgendwer4711tchakatak: rc-local.service13:09
LunaLovegoodtchakatak it's already instable for amdgpu related reasons13:09
LunaLovegoodhence why i want a newer kernel13:09
irgendwer4711tchakatak: other services are less important13:10
irgendwer4711I see, rc-local.service hat a problem with iptables, cause of no internet to resolve a host13:11
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dviolaI'm running Ubuntu 18.04 LTS with oibaf PPA for up to date amdgpu drivers, but I'm getting lots of freezes while using firefox, etc14:21
dviola[drm:amdgpu_job_timedout [amdgpu]] *ERROR* ring sdma0 timeout, signaled seq=46862, emitted seq=4686514:21
dviolaany ideas please?14:26
WoChow can i convert an official ubuntu distribution iso from hybrid to gpt ?14:26
WoCThus making it bootable only on UEFI14:26
WoCI need to test if my UEFI is working, befor switching my system from mbr -> gtp14:27
WoCerrr mbr-> gpt14:27
OerHeksWoC, ubuntu iso's are already hybrid/GPT/UEFI compatible14:28
WoCi need to strip the mbr14:28
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI14:28
OerHeksstrip the mbr? on your hdd? the iso is fine..14:29
WoCOerHeks, my intentions are to verify if my uefi bios is actually working, i can not confirm that with hybrid14:29
WoCso, i intend to put a non hybrid iso on my usb stick to check that it boots with no legacy support in my uefi bios settings14:31
WoCOerHeks, i take it that i would need to rebuild the iso somhow ?14:32
OerHeksno, what you ask for does not exist, an iso with gpt14:32
OerHeksuse the uefi manual, and check if you boot in live mode, gpt/uefi or mbr/legacy14:33
WoCi.e. ? -> test -d /sys/firmware/efi && echo efi || echo bios14:38
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EriC^^WoC: you could just make a fat32 partition and copy over the iso there15:01
EriC^^um, nevermind15:02
EriC^^WoC: you should be able to choose from the bios how to boot the live usb, no?15:02
EriC^^nevermind, what OerHeks said :)15:03
WoCappreciate your attempt none the less15:03
OerHeksi have used the F key - boot override, and choose uefi, and all went well, it even made its own uefi partition15:03
WoCI keep looking for a uefi distro15:05
OerHeksall iso's that are uefi capable, are called hybrid, there is no solely uefi iso15:06
WoCWith the hybrid being there, you can not confirm if the uefi is actually working or not15:07
donavan01so I want to set up a virtual machine and use some wifi penatration testing tools but I need to use a usb wifi adapter will I have issues with getting ubuntu to see the usb device as though it were being used on a natively booted os15:17
p0aGotta love when firefox grabs 80% of memory and your computer dies15:28
sgsHi. Any useful tutorial for building .deb (binary) packages?15:41
sgs"Debian New Maintainers' Guide" seems a bit outdated.15:42
OerHekssgs, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingEasyHowTo and http://packaging.ubuntu.com/html/packaging-new-software.html15:45
sgsOerHeks: Thanks! :)15:46
ps-axhi hi15:58
ps-axioria, hi man :D15:59
vfwWhat is the size difference between Ubuntu minimal and regular Ubuntu?17:56
vfw... after install17:57
OerHeksminimal needs internet to install, and has no live mode17:57
vfwOk, but what's the size difference?17:57
OerHeksno size difference AFAIK17:57
vfw... after install ...17:57
OerHeksyes, after install17:57
vfwOh, ok.  I was mislead by the name "Minimal"17:58
pglewisNot sure if this is the right place to be, unable to boot after an update yesterday18:01
ThKittenhey guys, I need some help right quick with trying to install some software. I keep getting the following, and despite all my googling, I've found no good solutions for the issue: https://pastebin.com/DD93a3Ce18:03
durtpglewis: How far into boot do you get?18:07
pglewisIt hangs after gnome display is started if I recall recovery mode no love this far. What I have: Android phone and root shell with minimal network on the ubuntu box18:10
durtpglewis: Which video chipset?18:18
pglewisI have an on-board Intel and sapphire radeon pulse rx57018:20
pglewisAlmost certain an update to drivers for the sapphire18:21
kinghatdo the newer AMD kernel stuffs make its way into 18.04 kernel? not sure which kernel is being used on 18.04.18:21
kinghati know ppl say use the AMD integrated kernel stuff over running their drivers. but if we are not on most up2date kernel then should we be using the AMD drivers?18:22
ntdif you need opencl power, vulkan etc use amdgpu-pro18:23
ntdotherwise built-in amdgpu should be sufficient18:24
ajnrHi all - I am new in ubuntu, I am not able to connect my bluetooth external speaker with my Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. Please help me. I tried with https://paste.pics/4A9CG but not working, it shows " No adapter found". I tried to get the information and found that  http://pastebin.tlhiv.org/XJeqZLWA18:24
kinghatdoes using amdgpu-pro turn off kernel stuffs or is there just no conflict there?18:25
durtpglewis: Check /var/log/apt/history.log and see if an update to your specific video drivers happened. On intel/nvidia myself so don't know if it's a radeon or other issue.18:26
ajnrand also tried with bluetooth GUI but it seems disabled https://paste.pics/4A9DY18:28
pglewisDefinitely seeing stuff related to mess and amd, difficult for me to visually parse especially with the large font size atm18:30
pglewisI'm ignorant on which drivers were in place before18:32
pglewisFairly certain it was just ubuntu drivers in 1818:33
pglewisThis is all due to discovering a love for x-plane. Not much of a gamer, lived with on-board graphics for ages18:40
ThKittenI was able to work around it, I'm having a different issue, no one is responding in #nginx. On the setup page here: https://github.com/ornicar/lila/wiki/Lichess-Development-Onboarding it has a nginx config there I can copy and paste. I'm wanting to setup this app under www.website.com/chess. The main site is already setup to utilize a wordpress site. Any way I can do this??18:43
ajnrHi all - I am new in ubuntu, I am not able to connect my bluetooth external speaker with my Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. Please help me. I tried with https://paste.pics/4A9CG but not working, it shows " No adapter found". I tried to get the information and found that  http://pastebin.tlhiv.org/XJeqZLWA and also tried with bluetooth GUI but it seems disabled https://paste.pics/4A9DY18:46
pglewisI'm tech savvy in general but really power user level at best with ubuntu/Linux/bash. Unsure how to proceed18:52
durtpglewis: Check what the name of previous drivers are and revert back to them on cli to see if they're the problem. You're gonna have to learn some cli *apt* commands to do so but on your phone google will serve well.19:17
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TxPlexi keep getting an error .... [drm:radeon_crtc_handle_flip] radeon_crtc->flip_status = 0 != RADEON_FLIP_SUBMITTED(2) It just keeps repeating in my sys sys.log... i am running ubuntu 16.04 lts19:33
pglewisManaged to go back far enough in grub to find one that would boot.  Lots of things not working, none of Chromium, Chrome, nor Firefox so no working browser yet.  But at least I have access to a keyboard and a terminal better than 80 cols to work with at the moment19:47
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pglewisand one working IRC app, so I'll categorize this as a win for the moment19:48
bitlanhello, any one use SSTP betweeen mikrotik and ubuntu 18 ?19:55
bitlani installed 'network-manager-sstp network-manager-sstp-gnome' but in network manager i havent place to import user cert and key (only CA as *.pem file19:56
arndffHi, lads. I have 2 keyboard layouts: 1st) English, 2nd) Bulgarian. Some of the keyboard shortcuts don't work when I'm using the BG layout. However, if I swap these 2 layouts at Settings: 1) BG, 2) EN -> the kbd shortcuts don't work fine when I'm using the english layout.....20:01
arndffHow can I set same kbd shortcuts regardless the layout?20:01
arndffThank you in advance!20:01
cxlHi, I have installed a piece of software that ships with an example .service file to use with systemd. How do I enable it in systemd? Do I ln -s from that example file to the /etc/systemd/users/my.service or do I copy the file there? What's the best practice?20:04
cxlit's for offlineimap if that makes a difference20:04
srulicxl where is the service file located?20:04
sruliarndff: ubuntu 18.04?20:05
arndff@sruli, 18.04.1 LTS20:07
srulicxl: if its located in the default location (/etc/systemd/system/) you would just execute "sudo systemctl enable file_name.service" else put the full path to the file20:07
sruliarndff: try to check in Settings > Devices > Keyboard - check if the shortcuts are the same when you select each layout20:09
cxlsruli: it's in /usr/share/doc...20:09
cxloh I see, systemctl enable would copy/symlink it where it should?20:10
srulicxl: try "sudo systemctl enable /usr/share/doc/.../file_name.service"20:10
srulicxl: yes20:10
cxlcool, thanks sruli20:10
OerHekscxl, what software is this? if it installed itself correctly, you would not need to mess around with service files20:10
arndff_sruli: mate, a bug occurred and gotta turn off the laptop.20:10
arndff_did you write anything to me?20:10
cxlOerHeks: it's offlineimap20:10
sruliarndff_: try to check in Settings > Devices > Keyboard - check if the shortcuts are the same when you select each layout20:10
ioria!info offlineimap20:11
ubottuofflineimap (source: offlineimap): IMAP/Maildir synchronization and reader support. In component universe, is optional. Version 7.1.5+dfsg1-1 (bionic), package size 123 kB, installed size 554 kB20:11
ioriatrue,it's not integrated in systemd20:15
arndff_sruli: seems like the shortcuts are the same. The problem occurs in Ubuntu's login screen: when layouts are set like this: 1 EN, 2 BG and the current one is the latter, then ctrl+a doesn't work.20:19
arndff_Also, the some of the google chrome keyboard shortcuts don't work which is too annoying20:19
ioriacxl, already tried this ? http://www.offlineimap.org/doc/contrib/systemd.html20:20
sruliarndff_: i dont know, i have had a similar issue for years but got used to switching to EN (which is primary anyway) when i need to use shortcuts20:20
arndff_So annoying... And one other issue: when I click on "Show applications", sometimes the icon are resized randomly...... and sometimes the OS freezes.20:21
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cxlioria: yes, thanks, that's the ones that come under /usr/share/doc/offlineimap/examples/systemd20:21
cxlit works now, I just didn't know if I should manually copy them over or what; systemctl --user enable /path/to/file.service worked20:21
cxlthanks for the help20:22
ioriano prob20:22
pglewisFortunately I actually mentioned I had to reboot to a colleague in Slack, last time I had to.  That was around noon Dec 6th.20:24
pglewislooking at history.log, it appears I have two updates in the span since, one on the 6th and one on the 7th20:25
pglewiscurrent task: parse out everything in those two updates, make a list, and figure out how to revert each and every one, I suppose?20:26
ioriapglewis, if you paste history.log we can take a look20:26
pglewisI'll whip up a gist, managed to get Opera installed so I'm now up to one working browser as well, life slowly improves20:27
ioriapglewis,  cat /var/log/apt/history.log | nc termbin.com 999920:28
pglewissince i had a successful reboot before the update on the 6th, I think I'm probably only concerned with the last two20:30
ioriaanother oibaf20:30
ioriapglewis,  i guess you have a 'radeon' issue20:31
pglewisI'm actually a developer by trade, but when it comes to my OS... drivers especially, I'm like everyone else and just hope it all works20:31
pglewisyeah, I'm sure that's what it is20:31
ioriapglewis,  you installed oibaf...20:31
pglewisjust ignorant on how to clear it up20:31
ioriapglewis,  uname -r20:32
pglewisI did initially on internet found advice, could not boot, managed to recover via recovery mode at the time, removed them and used Ubuntu drivers instead iirc20:32
ioriapglewis,  are you on trusty 14.04 ?20:33
pglewisI've gone back in time via grub just to get a bootable system20:33
ioriapglewis,  cat /etc/issue20:33
pglewisUbuntu 18.04.1 LTS \n \l20:34
ioriaback in time indeed20:34
pglewisa couple slots back to get one that would at least boot so I have a keyboard and browser20:34
pglewisthis beats typing on my phone20:34
ioriapglewis,  and the trusty kernel works on bionic ?20:34
pglewisYou're getting beyond my knowledge, but things have been working20:35
ioriapglewis,  honestly, you cannot use that kernel20:35
pglewisI had the driver hiccup when I installed the radeon a few weeks back, but resolved it but getting rid of them20:35
pglewiswhat should my plan of action be first?20:36
ioriapglewis, remove oibaf for now with ppa-purge20:36
pglewisalso, I assume this may not be the kernal I was actually on20:37
pglewisagain, going back in grub right now just to get something that will boot20:37
ioriapglewis,  lspci -nnk | nc termbin.com 999920:38
pglewiswhat do I need to provide to ppa-purge?20:39
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html20:40
ioriapglewis, rx 470/80 is supported by amdgpu20:41
OerHeksold factoid, apt-add-repository --remove would work too20:41
pglewisI may have missed any message other than the last two... bonus of this unstable boot right now is many apps that don't work log me out20:41
ioriapglewis, sudo apt-get install ppa-purge  and sudo ppa-purge ppa:oibaf/graphics-drivers20:42
pglewisroger, one moment20:42
dbff2I did sudo make install on some crap library20:42
dbff2its now installed on /usr/local20:42
dbff2how do I get rid of it20:42
ioriabad idea20:42
dbff2yeah I figured20:42
ioriamake unistall20:43
dbff2doesn't have support20:43
ioriatrack down make install script20:43
ioriain Makefile i guess or in anothe file in the pkg20:43
dbff2ioria this is the make file where do I start?20:45
ioriadbff2, if you are lucky all the stuff is under /usr/local20:45
pglewisbefore I proceed any farther... are any of these changes going to persist since I've gone back on grub?20:45
dbff2ioria, can I just delete /usr/local/libfile?20:45
pglewisam I only modifying this "image" (sorry for my ignorance on this part)20:45
dbff2or are there going to be problems20:45
ioriadbff2, don't touch 'python2.7  python3.5  python3.620:46
dbff2nvm make uninstall worked20:48
dbff2I also renamed python 2.7 to python220:48
dbff2I think it was a typo20:48
dbff2the extension .7 did not seem familiar20:49
kab0mHi @ all21:03
kab0mdoes anyone know how to copy ALL metatags from a flac to a alac/m4a file via CLI? tia21:04
OerHeksmediainfo should be able to, interesting old post https://hydrogenaud.io/index.php/topic,94660.0.html21:07
=== Skybot is now known as OhPie
jtnunleyMy laptop with a net-installed Ubuntu install is not connecting to Wifi. Here is the output of LSPCI: https://pastebin.com/FbCi2s2D As you can see, there isn't a wifi card listed, despite the fact that I was able to connect to wifi with my Win10 installation on this laptop. What should I do?21:11
kab0mOerHeks: Thank you. But it looks like i would have to cherrypick every tag i want. Im looking for something like "copyalltags infile.flac outfile.alac" Does anyone know about something like this?21:12
jtnunleyPlease help, I'm tired of using an Ethernet cable21:14
OerHeksyou should have been carefull, creating those flacs21:14
OerHeksjtnunley, that is the limit of netinstall and mini iso, no wireless21:14
jtnunleyOerHeks: how do I enable wireless?21:14
OerHeksuse a regular iso, or use a networkcable21:15
jtnunleySo just reinstall with a full size ISO?21:15
OerHeksjups, that should work for most cards21:15
jtnunleyThe USB I was using was too small for the full size ISO... is ther any alternative?21:15
OerHeksi think you are bound to wired networking for install21:18
OerHeksall isos exceed 1gb AFAIK21:19
jtnunleyAlright, I guess I'll try to find a bigger USB... thanks!21:19
leftyfbOerHeks: um21:20
leftyfbOerHeks: they did not need to reinstall anything to get wireless support21:20
OerHekson the netinstall ?21:21
OerHekspls, share21:21
OerHeksoh he is gone now21:21
leftyfbthe netinstall is zero percent different from any other install besides packages being installed. Which they could have installed since they had network connection with ethernet21:21
OerHeksoh, i thought you had a fix for wireless on netinstall21:22
OerHekshe was tired of wired21:22
leftyfbyeah, install the drivers needed for his wifi chipset21:22
leftyfba reinstall of the OS using a server install or anything other than the full desktop is going to be no different21:23
leftyfband still, could have been fixed with the way he had it without reinstalling the OS21:24
Edistoselecting my printer from listed network printers I am getting an error that cannot locate printer epsonf8ebde.local21:26
Edistohow do I get the actual ip address of my printer without the string?21:26
gambl0rewhat is initramfs?21:29
leftyfbgambl0re: why do you ask?21:30
gambl0resometimes it boots into initramfs. i think something is corrupted with my file system?21:30
leftyfbgambl0re: use gparted and do a disk check21:30
gambl0releftyfb, ok but do you know what initramfs actually is?21:31
leftyfbgambl0re: Initial Ram Disk Filesystem21:31
leftyfbgambl0re: yes, I do21:31
coz_gambl0re, http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/view/svn/postlfs/initramfs.html21:31
gambl0rewhy does my system book into it21:31
awilkinsBasically : enough Linux to load Linux21:31
coz_gambl0re, check the link21:31
coz_first paragraph21:32
leftyfbgambl0re: a google search for "what is initramfs" tells you exectly what it is21:32
gambl0recoz_, i already tried reading a bunch of articles but still dont understand21:32
coz_gambl0re, well that link i posted should give you the basics21:32
gambl0releftyfb, could you just give me a simple explanation what it is and what causes my os to boot into it21:32
leftyfbgambl0re: it's what your computer boots into before it boots your full linux filesystem. If you are seeing your computer stop at initramfs, then something is wrong with your filesystem or possible your hardware21:33
awilkinsYour computer is dumb. It only understands enough to load files from a small number of file systems : ext4 isn't one of them21:33
Eduard_Munteanugambl0re, it's a small root filesystem that sets up the real root filesystem to boot into it, because it may be nontrivial to do so (e.g. encryption).21:33
leftyfbgambl0re: I would run an fsck and/or disk check using gparted21:33
gambl0releftyfb, i ran fsck and it fixed it21:33
awilkinsBut ext4 is the default FS Ubuntu uses to store all the good stuff. So in order to get in there, a small potted Linux gets stored in a file system your BIOS understands21:33
leftyfbgambl0re: ok, then you're good then21:34
gambl0releftyfb, but it came back again today and i dont know why21:34
leftyfbgambl0re: please tell me you ran in outside of your running OS21:34
gambl0reit doesnt do it often21:34
leftyfbgambl0re: then it's possible your hard drive is failing21:34
gambl0releftyfb, shit i hope not, it's brand new21:34
leftyfbgambl0re: or, you're shutting your computer off constantly without doing a proper shutdown21:34
gambl0reits a sd card21:34
hggdhalso, there should be an error message being displayed21:35
gambl0releftyfb, yes thats a possibility. sometimes i had to do a forced shutdown21:35
leftyfbgambl0re: if it's an SD card, then that is 100% the issue. I assume you're running Ubuntu on a Raspberry Pi?21:35
gambl0rei mean its a ssd21:35
gambl0renot sd21:35
leftyfbok, you literally said "its a sd card"21:35
leftyfbgambl0re: regardless, stop forcing your computers power off21:36
gambl0reyea sorry. i think you're right though about the improper shutdown. i tthink that might be the reason21:36
leftyfband use gparted to see if your SSD might be failing21:36
gambl0rei know sometimes my computer doesnt wake up from a hibernate21:36
gambl0reso im forced to shutdown21:36
gambl0renot hibernate, suspend mode21:37
gambl0releftyfb, thanks for your help21:37
pglewisI've improved from code red to code yellow here.  Started with a root shell plus IRC on the phone, unable to boot.  Removed oibaf and back to being able to boot again, but some things for me to look into still21:41
pglewisI've lost some IRC history in the process, it was mentioned during a check earlier that I'm using a kernal I should not be21:41
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=== JoeMooCow is now known as JoeLlama
pglewiswhat should I be looking for to see if that is indeed the case (I was booting from the past via grub at the time, thinking that may have been why)21:44
pglewisgoing through bash history in what was checked, and checking now: "cat /etc/issue": Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS \n \l, "uname -r": 4.15.0-42-generic21:47
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=== JoeMooCow is now known as JoeLlama
malwar3hun73rwith rsyslog is it possible to put logs from remote hosts in a certain folder,  but leave local logs as is?21:55
pglewisAccording to this: https://askubuntu.com/questions/517136/list-of-ubuntu-versions-with-corresponding-linux-kernel-version22:04
pglewis4.15 would be correct for 18.04.122:05
OerHeksor 16.04 with HWE enabled22:05
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack22:05
pglewisand I think it reported Trusty before, but only because I had to go back in time via grub just to get to a working boot22:05
pglewisthank you much for the resource, too22:06
pglewisI can breathe easier there, but I have some learning to do about the driver issue that got me in this predicament22:06
pglewisShort story, got a new graphics card a few weeks ago (as it probably often starts).  Installed oibaf drivers for it after a few web searches and it appeared to support my system and card.  Could not boot, managed to recover via recovery mode and (I thought) removed the drivers22:08
pglewisthings worked swimmingly for a few weeks until recent updates apparently updated/reinstalled the oibaf drivers22:09
pglewisAnd I am embarrasingly ignorant on driver details and a lot of things beyond "power user" level with Ubuntu.22:10
pglewiswhat I have done so far after recovering this time:22:11
pglewissudo ppa-purge ppa:oibaf/graphics-drivers22:11
pglewissudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:oibaf/graphics-drivers22:12
pglewisanyone know if there is anything else I should do or be looking into to avoid a repeat?22:12
malwar3hun73ranyone familiar with rsyslog?22:12
Dave_Elechey everyone.. I'm having issues with NetworkManager.. when i try to connect to a us mobile broadband connection, it connects but then disconnects after a few seconds. Any solutions?22:19
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blasterif I just want to use gem should I install ruby or ruby-full?22:26
leftyfbgambl0re: don't suspend/hibernate22:53
grepwoodI'm trying to recompile 4 packages in Ubuntu: libasound2:i386, pulseaudio, libxcb1:i386 and libc6:i38623:02
grepwoodHow do I change the CFLAGS of these packages?23:02
leftyfbgrepwood: why are you trying to compile those packages? Also, why 32bit?23:04
rypervenchemalwar3hun73r: Yep. Do you have a question?23:07
grepwoodleftyfb, there is a certain proprietary developer who is acting like a jerk. I have a problem on Gentoo and their policy is "if it doesn't trigger on Ubuntu then we will mark it as WONTFIX GOAWAY". Therefore, I am trying to recompile certain packages on Ubuntu to trigger the bug and force the proprietary developer to stop sitting on their hands23:08
grepwoodstill looking for an answer to my original question, the CFLAGS are the key to triggering the bug23:09
grepwoodbefore someone asks, these are pretty sane CFLAGS like -O2 and -march=native23:09
hggdhgrepwood: the easiest way is to download the source packages and look at the build options23:11

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