
sloshyim running 18.04 and when i try to copy a menu entry to the desktop it makes a link instead00:08
sloshyeven though i choose "copy" in the context menu00:09
valoriecopy a menu item to the desktop?00:09
valorieunsure what you are referring to00:09
valoriewhich menu?00:09
valoriesloshy: ^^00:11
sloshythe main menu00:14
sloshythe start menu00:14
sloshyin like every other version of plasma i could copy a menu item and it would create a copy of the .desktop file in the desktop folder00:15
sloshybut now it only creates a link00:15
sloshyeven if i choose copy00:15
sloshyi think its a bug00:15
sloshythis is 5.12.600:15
valoriewell, I'm in 18.10 and it's fixed00:16
valorieI just copied to desktop Kate00:16
valorieand I get a nice little icon and label00:17
valorieclick and it opens Kate00:17
valorieI have plasma 5.14.400:18
sloshyyeah it worked in 18.10 but i went back to 18.04 because i was having other issues00:18
sloshyand i prefer to stick with lts releases anyway00:18
valoriethat should be an LTS of plasma as well00:19
valorieI never put anything on the desktop00:19
valoriejust pin to the panel00:19
sloshyyeah if i copy the menu entry to desktop, it creates a broken symlink to ../insertnamehere.desktop00:20
valoriebut you can file a bug at bugs.kde.org on your version of plasma00:20
valorieand hopefully they will fix by next dot release00:21
valoriebecause you do get updates in those00:21
sloshywhat part of kde would this be00:23
sloshyjust plasma-desktop?00:23
sloshyoh, probably not00:23
sloshyidk if it will be fixed in lts00:23
valorieif you don't file a bug report, probably not00:23
valorieif you do, maybe00:24
valoriesounds like a junior job for some beginner00:24
valoriebroken links shouldn't be hard to fix00:24
* valorie is no coder00:24
valorieit's an LTS of plasma so....00:26
valoriethat's why we chose it for the LTS00:26
valorie<---- laundry00:28
ccb0x45hey, I would really like to try wayland plasma on kubuntu, but when I try to start it, it just goes to a black screen00:44
ccb0x45any way to tell whats wrong?00:44
ccb0x45I install plasma-workspace-wayland and click the option in lightdm.... though it doesn't say Plasma(Wayland) it just says Plasma00:44
ccb0x45using AMD drivers00:45
valoriewe use sddm00:45
valorieI have nvidia, so not gonna test00:46
valorieccb0x45: what version of kubuntu?00:46
ccb0x45yea I have lightdm, I had switch that a while back00:46
ccb0x45but the dm shouldn't matter right?00:46
valorieno clue, honestly00:46
valoriesince I've been unable to test00:47
valoriethanks, nvidia00:47
valoriealthough I hear that they are working with us again00:47
[Relic]is the color selector fixed in 18.10?01:25
valorie[Relic]: was it broken?02:05
* valorie never used the color selector02:05
[Relic]it would only fill the first position, so you had to "add" the color twice to get it to go to the next spot or every time you came back to it it was the last color you added only02:16
[Relic]of course saving a color theme twice and have it be overwritten by something else was much more annoying, especially since the color picker doesn't save the colors properly02:17
IrcsomeBot<Aimisaim> my cardreader is shown in kde partition manager.but its not getting auto mount.can anyone guide me for the same????? pls03:54
fareasthow can i scale the display lower than 107:06
fareastI am on 1366x768 I want to make some ui element lower so i have more screen real estate, similar to like a virtual resolution feature.07:07
eeoshi everybody! Since the last update of the gdal library I cannot install qgis anymore ....08:36
acheronukeeos: what release is this? and are the packages from the main archive or a ppa?08:37
IrcsomeBot<safeer_pasha> is there a way to see "transfer rate of copying or moving files" in plasma or dolphine???09:02
diogenes_safeer_pasha, it should be in the notification area in the panel09:25
BluesKajHi folks12:59
_13LACK_BluesKaj: Hi!13:04
BluesKajhi _13LACK_13:04
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=== _13LACK_ is now known as _13LACK_|Away
=== _13LACK_|Away is now known as _13LACK_
=== _13LACK_ is now known as ThiagoCupim
=== ThiagoCupim is now known as _13LACK_
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jubo2y0 ... I put a Kubuntu 18.04.1 Kubuntu USB stick onto a new PC22:59
jubo2it gives alternatives to 1. book Kubunut 2. OEM install and 3. check disk22:59
jubo2If I select "check disk" it checks the USB and reports that "Check finished: errors found in 1 files!", but does not give any possibility to see which file it thinks is corrupt23:00
jubo2I did redownload the .iso file and reburn it to the stick, but I still get the same error when I check the disk23:01
jubo2What is going on?23:01
valorie"Book" Kubuntu?23:11
valorieit should allow you to run a live session or install23:12
valorieOEM install is always an option although I wouldn't advise it unless you want to do bulk installs23:12
valorieno clue about check disk23:12
Dragnslcrjubo2- run md5 or sha checksum on the .iso file, make sure it matches the list from the Ubuntu website23:52
Dragnslcrhttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/18.04.1/release/ has checksum files for md5, sha1, and sha25623:54
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows23:58

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