[07:32] -SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Jono Bacon: Speaking Engagements in Tel Aviv in December @ https://www.jonobacon.com/2018/12/09/speaking-engagements-in-tel-aviv-in-december/ [10:30] -SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Security:: Episode 15 @ https://ubuntusecuritypodcast.org/episode-15/ [14:59] -SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::OMG!Ubuntu:: GNOME is Experimenting with a Refreshed GTK & Icon Theme @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/?p=136962 (by Joey Sneddon) [18:16] working to see if I can get UWN ready to go . [20:42] Wild_Man: guiverc :: Take a gander at UWN556 . See what yall think . pending is "In This Issue" and "WIP". Be aware still a struggle for me to think .. Is this what will be ? [21:03] looking [21:12] xfce screensaver: suggest "Sean provides detail about the package **details** (*delete 2nd "details" word) [21:15] kde framewords: suggest "and tells us the KDE team" (changing "tell" to "tells") - ps: if you want me to change wiki I can; I'm making note in gdoc [21:16] guiverc: Doing :) .. still with reservations as to placing items in = LOCo News = section . [21:20] otherwise looks great Bashing-om [21:23] guiverc: Doing the finals now - will advise when ready. [21:47] guiverc: OK, minor things corrected in the finals -= Go ahead and set "In This Issue" with what is now - and go with it ? [21:52] you didn't agree with 2nd (kde frameworks 5.53) or didn't find it? s/tell/tells/ [21:57] guiverc: Did not see it :( .. looking and correcting. [21:58] my mis-spels didn't help you either :( [22:02] excluding that really-minor issue, looks great to me [22:03] guiverc: "KDE Frameworks 5.53" /tells/ . I am happy with the wy it is now . Something else that I am missing ? [22:04] nope. [22:06] setting as is .. we push the Big Red Button when I have "In This Issue" set and remove "WIP" ? [22:09] yep. Tell me when you want fridge post. [22:18] guiverc: Something is screwing up ./publish-uwn.pl 556 " Use of uninitialized value ". let me see what I can do with the error . [22:30] guiverc: I do not see any faults - should I manually fix the Emails and send ? [22:31] i'm still looking for issue (sorry I should have said) [22:33] guiverc: "WORK IN PROGRESS" did not re,ove .. and "In this Issue" fails to populate in the Mailing . [22:33] remove* [22:35] I'd suggest manually fixing in that case too [22:40] just a thought: could the "weeks of" (instead of week of) have created the issue? [I'm sure we use to use weeks of ages back...] [22:41] guiverc: I would like to understand where the fault is but above my skill level . Will take a bit to manually intervene// Nope do not see "weeks" as the culprit . [22:43] i'm looking at line 48 of publish-uwn-fridge currently; so different script - it had same error.. -- line 44 of publish-uwn.pl [22:45] nah I'm doubting what I was thinking now.. I don't know, but its the only clue I see :( [22:46] guiverc: Though I can fix locally for the forum .. that will not fix for the social media . I do not know how to best approach this . [22:47] guiverc: Lemme copy the wiki to local and see what then I might learn . [22:50] another thought - have you got a wiki.edit screen open? maybe it creates an issue (but I'm clutching at straws really sorry) [22:58] guiverc: Ehen I ean ./publish I did have all closed out // so I am real confused why the latest edits did not take effect . [22:59] when I ran** - My mind is still malfunctioning . [23:04] i'm not getting errors anymore :) [23:13] guiverc: recon I can delete the /issues/556 locally .. and re-run - ./publish-uwn.pl 556 .. see what the effect is .. do I not have a local cache to deal with when I do that ? [23:14] I don't know sorry Bashing-om [23:15] All I can do is try and see :P [23:16] Bashing-om, what exactly are you having trouble parsing? [23:22] Wild_Man: guiverc All looks good now ... All I can surmise is that the WIKI was slow in updating when I ran the publishing script (??). Let m see what happens when I post to the forum .. sending out to the M/L now . [23:24] Okay, seems like there a a few grammatical errors, has krytarik approved this already? maybe it is just me [23:28] Wild_Man: No, you want to make the corrections now .. M/L is sent . [23:30] Not sure if we should or not but I noticed two right off the bat so there may be more, people write a little differently depending on where they are from so maybe it is acceptable, I marked one as a suggestion take a look and if you think it needs changed then I will check the whole document [23:31] I tend to say leave it since you have published some already [23:31] on Gdoc is where you are checking ? I have made several edits in the WIKI that are not on GDOC . [23:32] Yes [23:32] Okay [23:32] I will leave it in your hands [23:33] Wild_Man: Want to take a gander at the WIKI .. make sure befor I post it ? [23:33] I will [23:34] Wild_Man: I have the flu bad .. and on meds ... Not a good thing to place trust in my thoughts ! [23:35] I understand, my wife gave me pneumonia and my grandaughter gave me strep, my wife has been in the hospital for five days now for pneumonia [23:38] Wild_Man: Was aware you have much more pressing issues to deal with - reason why I had not bugged you directly to deal with getting UWN out last week too :( . [23:39] I think announces sounds better here "Ubuntu at KubeCon & CloudNativeCon [23:39] Canonical pronounces their participation " then pronounces [23:42] This"Community extends a welcome to the 10th to 13th October" I think should be 'welcome beginning the 10th thru 13th' [23:42] I can live with it either way [23:45] Away for about 30 minutes ..