
kinghathow do you get grub to show at boot?00:00
kinghatwould it not have been installed?00:02
kinghatI don't get grub when I boot up.00:04
kinghatleft shift or ESC doesn't work.00:08
kinghathmm not installed. is grub not being installed by default normal?00:09
tewardkinghat: no it's not normal.00:11
tewardand had there been a grub installation failure it probably would've said so in the logs as a failure to install00:12
kinghatso is my system borked?00:13
kinghatlooks like grub is installed but i just cant get it to show up for some reason: http://paste.debian.net/hidden/046574cb/00:51
kinghatis it the ESC or left SHIFT or something like that?00:51
kinghatlol that's the grub i get. no keys do anything https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/cGioOJe6/irccloudcapture2268390190753378140.jpg00:57
Ouyeshey guys,  the memory usage is going higher and higher on my server, both the ram and swap, is this indicating a memory leakage?02:50
qman__not directly, no03:22
qman__it means you're using more resources, which could have any number of causes including normal activity03:23
kinghatikonia: you still around?03:54
OerHeksodd, first you stated grub was borked visable on your system..04:04
kinghatnot sure why. maybe it was the monitor? i started a live usb to see if i could run boot-repair, and did, but that didnt fix it. so i figured i could use the live usb to alter the sudoers file, which worked.04:08
MJCDI have never set up or run a mailserver before07:12
MJCDbut want to do so for a new site, hosted locally07:12
MJCDwhat's the easiest method of doing so :)07:12
ducasseMJCD: postfix, plus dovecot for pop3/imap. see the ubuntu wiki, there's an article on setting up postfix.07:39
MJCDducasse, someone else just recommended in terms of management postfixadmin07:40
ducasseMJCD: i've not used that myself, so can't comment - sorry07:40
ducasseMJCD: you should do a bit of research and reading, running a mailserver is not for the faint of heart or newbies (not saying you're either)07:41
MJCDI'm a newb at mail servers07:42
MJCDbut network admin and programmer of 20 years07:42
MJCDshould be able to figure something basic out haha07:42
MJCDI mainly want a gui07:42
MJCDbecause i'm a gui-guy07:42
ducassei can't help with that, i just use ssh and vim :)07:43
MJCDhaha grooooosss ;p07:44
MJCDI want a puppet gui too07:44
MJCDmanage network SOE graphically07:45
ducassethere's also #postfix if you run into problems07:46
MJCDthanks for your time08:17
die7somehow ntp settings in preseed file are ignored09:35
die7# Time zone config09:35
die7d-i time/zone string Etc/UTC09:35
die7d-i clock-setup/utc boolean true09:35
die7d-i clock-setup/ntp boolean true09:35
die7d-i clock-setup/ntp-server string myserver.com09:35
oskiehello, trying to set up md/LVM on boot disk during Bionic server installation, but the partitioner menu doesn't allow me to continue09:42
oskieis it even possible?09:42
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bipulHi , I'm facing Network issue while running Ubuntu-server 18.04 in bridge mode in VirtualBox. Does anyone know how to resolve this?10:02
bipuldie7, Which ubuntu server are you installing via preseed method?10:02
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die7bipul: 16.0410:11
bipuldie7, Are you modifying the .iso file?10:11
die7bipul: no, using cobbler10:13
die7bipul: yepp, using cobbler for automated system deployment, using cobbler and preseed file10:14
bipulLink please?10:15
die7bipul: what you mean with link?10:15
ahasenackgood morning11:09
kstenerudCan anyone help setting up sbuild? I'm following the instructions at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SimpleSbuild but I get stuck on step 10: mk-sbuild bionic12:09
kstenerudE: 10mount: mount: /run/schroot/mount/bionic-amd64-68f38ca0-4bcb-49c5-846c-c658ada8421e/scratch: special device /home/karl/schroot/scratch does not exist.12:09
kstenerudE: bionic-amd64-68f38ca0-4bcb-49c5-846c-c658ada8421e: Chroot setup failed: stage=setup-start12:09
ahasenackkstenerud: not that I have seen that error before, but are you doing this in an lxd?12:14
ahasenackmaybe apparmor is denying something12:15
kstenerudhmm strange... I've made the container privileged12:15
ahasenackkstenerud: rbasak hi, what's up with https://code.launchpad.net/~kstenerud/ubuntu/+source/at/+git/at/+merge/358655, does it need sponsoring or is it stuck somewhere?13:26
ahasenackrbasak: what should the merge state of this mp be: https://code.launchpad.net/~ahasenack/ubuntu/+source/symfony/+git/symfony/+merge/35913713:36
ahasenackrbasak: because since then, it became a sync13:36
ahasenackso it was merged at that time, but now?13:37
ahasenackkstenerud: rbasak: are you guys around?13:41
kstenerudI think it just needs sponsoring13:43
ahasenackkstenerud: I have the above question about at, and bug #1606331 where rbasak asked a question about a fix for tomcat you did and I sponsored in november13:43
ubottubug 1606331 in tomcat8 (Ubuntu Xenial) "StringIndexOutOfBoundsException - Tomcat8.0.32" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/160633113:43
oskieit is 2018 (almost 2019). do we need a separate swap partition still14:56
cpaelzerumm, do we have any php7.2 on trusty?15:02
cpaelzerrbasak: ahasenack: kstenerud: ^^ ?15:02
cpaelzerI didn#t think so15:02
kstenerudnot sure a ctually15:07
cpaelzerthere is none (as I expected) according to my checks15:07
cpaelzerjust wondereing as I hada  bug on triage with apache mod 7.2+5 breaking when both enabled on trusty15:07
nacccpaelzer: that's a bogus bug15:11
naccthey eitehr are running ondrej's ppa15:11
nacccpaelzer: or they have hacked their system together15:11
naccpretty sure i know which one you mean15:11
naccL: #1807484 ?15:12
naccLP: #1807484 ?15:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1807484 in php7.2 (Ubuntu) "libapache2-mod-php7.2 crash when apache enmod php5" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/180748415:12
cpaelzernacc: hiho btw15:13
cpaelzeryeah such a ppa would be my assumption as well15:13
nacccpaelzer: hi! :) and yeah15:13
tewardcpaelzer: bet you $10 that it's using Ondrej's PPA15:41
tewardalso good morning to all15:41
cpaelzerhiho teward15:45
cpaelzerthe problem is no one is betting against it15:46
tewardcpaelzer: which means I:InstantWin :P15:47
teward... now if only the systme would stop yeling to me about nginx being stuck in proposed because IT'S PERL'S FAULT I'd be able to focus on things like trying to help with backports' queues >.<15:48
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kinghatso after i mistakenly removed my only user from the sudoers group, i was able to statically set it via visudo by sshing into the machine by using a live boot in root mode. now that i have added the user back to the sudo group can i remove the user from the static line in sudoers?16:21
nacckinghat: now that you know how to fix it, test it and try? seems like that should be fine, presuming you did it right :)16:22
kinghatalso, there is a group in the sudoers file called admin. it has less privs than the sudo group so a user doesnt need to be a part of admin if they are already part of sudo?16:24
masonteward: The only problem with Perl is that not enough people understand its pure, unadulterated goodness!16:25
nacckinghat: did you read the corresponding comment?16:25
tewardmason: no, actually, it's because perl works with everything and things'll explode if you aren't careful in version bumps16:25
tewardso it's not autoreleased from proposed :P16:25
masonteward: Is that a Perl issue or a CPAN issue?16:26
kinghatnacc: your comment? or is there a comment you are referring to in the sudoers file?16:26
nacckinghat: in the sudoers file by default16:26
tewardmason: too complex to explain here, at least not with the time I have.16:26
masonteward: Alright. My personal experience is that base Perl is wonderfully backwards-compatible, and that it's when you start pulling in random other bits that the whole tower becomes unstable.16:27
kinghat"# Members of the admin group may gain root privileges"?16:27
nacckinghat: right16:28
kinghat"# Allow members of group sudo to execute any command" for sudo.16:31
Ussatdoes Ubuntu server have anything like :  authconfig --enablekrb5 --enablekrb5kdcdns --enablekrb5realmdns --update . this configures kerberos to use t=whats already in krb5.cong without a gui16:33
ahasenackrbasak: can you perhaps sponsor this? https://code.launchpad.net/~kstenerud/ubuntu/+source/at/+git/at/+merge/35865516:36
ahasenacksince you approved it16:36
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sarnoldno doubt if you write your perl like it's 5.004 then things will just work for decades17:11
tewardsarnold: so then all you have to worry about is {InsertOpenSSLChangesHere} :P17:15
tewardand it explodes everything xD17:15
masonsarnold: Don't give away my secret.17:16
sarnoldteward: but when that ssl 0.9 client connects, it'll Just Work! :D17:34
sarnoldmason: hehehe17:34
tewardsarnold: lol.17:34
masonsarnold: SSLeay please. Let's not get all postmodern.17:34
tewardsarnold: is that before or after the server disables TLS1, 1.1, and 1.2 in favor of TLs 1.3 + Modern ciphers LOL17:35
tewardthe server the scripts connect to*17:35
sarnoldmason: lol ssleay.. man..17:37
AngryeleHey don't suppose anyone can give me a hand? Running Ubuntu Server 18.04.1 LTS having dpkg issues while installing mysql19:03
tewardAngryele: what issues specifically?19:05
AngryeleI'm trying to figure out the main problem, when I sudo apt-get install mysql-server I get  this error http://prntscr.com/lt7vz7    dpkg dependency, sub process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)19:08
sarnoldthe first error is probably higher up the terminal19:09
tewardsarnold: it's in the screenshot - configure-symlinks: no such file or dir19:10
sarnoldteward: but *why* didn't mysql-common unpack correctly?19:11
Angryelehttp://prntscr.com/lt7y6n  entire thing incase you wanted it19:12
sarnoldapt-get purge all the mysql packages and try again?19:12
AngryeleYeah done that before but I'll show you that message if its different19:13
AngryeleTried updating/upgrading everything before  and when I try apt purge mysql "E: Unable to locate package mysql"19:14
TJ-Angryele: did you confirm mysql-common was correctly installed?19:16
AngryeleNo have not19:17
TJ-Angryele: that's the package the contains the file that is apparently missing, so I'd "sudo apt --reinstall install mysql-common" first to ensure that is good19:19
Angryelehttp://prntscr.com/lt82n2  Full error I got19:21
naccuh, not using ubuntu packages19:21
naccAngryele: you are using mariadb's packages and mixing them with the ubuntu ones19:23
TJ-nacc: nicely spotted19:24
AngryeleI might of actually, been stuck on this problem for a good couple of hours so might of done that once is one of the google search fixes19:24
naccTJ-: it's probably the number one user error in this channel :)19:25
AngryeleWhats the recommended fix? Have a mediocre amount of skill, doing this on my friends request as he wants to transition from windows server to ubuntu server but promptly fainted seeing the "all terminal" interface19:28
naccAngryele: remove that repository and all packages from it19:28
AngryeleOk now I remembered what happened. Was going through old stuff was installing the pterodactyl game panel I must of installed mariaDB there. Thanks Nacc!19:33
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