
=== patr0clus is now known as s3nd1v0g1us
cybercryptoa1Cypher: Please describe what is the error you are getting.01:59
=== patr0clus is now known as s3nd1v0g1us
Dave_ElecHey everyone, I have added freecad-maintainers/freecad-stable ppa to my ubuntu 18.10 and it is still showing me version 0.16 any suggestions?02:13
hggdhDave_Elec: I do not know what you expected in terms of versions, but the best you can do is contact the PPA's maintainers02:16
Dave_Elechggdh: the default ubuntu ppa has 0.16 but the frecad-maintainers ppa has 0.17 and apt only shows me 0.1602:18
hggdhDave_Elec: the PPA you pointed out above says "freecad-stable". Perhaps there is another PPA that has 0.17?02:19
Dave_Elechggdh: yeah the freecad-stable from freecad-maintainers02:21
kinghatcan I SSH into a live booted thumb drive?02:24
hggdhkinghat: if it has openssh-server running, yes. But openssh-server is not installed by default on Ubuntu02:26
texlahggdh, I want to run df -h and get a different partition than the original /dev/sda102:31
hggdhtexla: what do you mean?02:32
texlahggdh, when i run df -h i get the results from /dev/sda1 I want the results to show /dev/sda2 or 3 or402:33
hggdhtexla: if you run "df -h" without any other options, it will show you all mounted filesystems (and space used/available). If you only see /dev/sda1, then there is only /dev/sda1 mounted02:35
texlahggdh, https://pastebin.com/d57mZAmn..this is what i get02:37
kinghathggdh: i can connect to it and accept the keys but when it asks me for a password and i leave it blank it says permission denied.02:40
texlahggdh, You saying I have to mount each partition before running df -h then do I add /dev/sda2 etc02:40
hggdhtexla: if there are other filesystems, yes, they have to be mounted02:41
acuif I installed an application - what is the command to find everything installed about that application ? I want to know version, location of application folder. location of configuration files, and prerequisites - dependencies that installed along ?02:41
hggdhkinghat: how about giving it a password?02:41
kinghat`passwd ubuntu`?02:42
hggdhkinghat: whatever is the password for the account02:42
hggdhacu: dpkg -l <package name> will give you all files for <package name>; for dependencies, apt-cache depends <package name>02:44
hggdhacu: replace <package name> by the name of the package02:44
hggdhacu: for all else, consult the package's documentation and/or man pages02:44
acuhggdh, thanks, I forgot to ask, what is the command if application is install with snap ?02:49
acuI want to know: 1) what is the version 2) where is the application installed 3) where are the configuration files ? 4) what applications where installed along02:50
OerHekssnap list , this info is easy to find, if the snap gives configuration files, it is stored in your home folder. ~/snap02:51
acuOerHeks, thank you... is there a way to know what else that snap brought in for install ? It was a lot of dependencies, mariadb etc02:55
acuI want to know them02:56
OerHeksno, they are all confined in that snap, afaik02:56
acuOerHeks, it is interesting - so database install, configurations, php etc all is in snap ? nothing in the host OS ?02:56
OerHeksnot sure there is a snap that provides that,..02:57
hggdhacu: snaps are, pretty much, self-contained02:58
acuwell, that is what I want to know - for example, I installed nextcloud - OK, nice, but I need to know what was installed, where are the files,?02:58
acufor example nextcloud02:58
acusnap install --channel=14/candidate nextcloud02:59
=== capella|away is now known as capella
OerHeksthat populair snap gives many version indeed https://snapcraft.io/nextcloud03:00
acudid wonders, but I have 0 ideea what is in the host (if anything at all) , and what exactly is installed allong (of course I can browse through files /var/snap, but certainly there is a way to find - I know there are are lot of things pulled along03:00
OerHeksand snap keeps 3 versions on disk, too03:00
OerHeksversion 3 dec 201803:01
OerHeksoh nice, here it is described, Nextcloud 13.0.7 Apache 2.4 PHP 7.1 MySQL 5.7 Redis 4.0 mDNS https://github.com/nextcloud/nextcloud-snap03:03
kinghathggdh: im trying to set my account on ubuntu server back to sudoers or in the group sudo via ssh into a live booted usb on the machine. if i do `visudo` that is only giving me the live usb users and not the users on the ubuntu server im trying to edit.03:08
acuOerHeks, is there a command to know what exactly is installed along - actually if you see aboe I am interested in 14.04 (is light years ahead of version 13) - but I want to know all the applications - and modules (php mariadb etc - in other words, I am interested in the list of application install - not generic )03:08
kinghatcan i edit the ubuntu server users somehow from the live usb?03:08
kinghatcna i just go to `/etc/sudoers` and add 'user ALL=(ALL) ALL'03:11
OerHeksacu, sure, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGet/Howto#Search_commands03:12
hggdhkinghat: yes, you can. But the best would be to use visudo with the -f parameter03:12
kinghatwhat is the -f parameter?03:13
hggdhkinghat: then you can give the actual file you want to edit. see 'man visudo' for details03:13
kinghathggdh: so i did: visudo -f /media/neon/2d78a139-a582-11e8-8256-7446a0af81e0/etc/sudoers03:18
kinghatand it brought it up like i previously had it brought it up using nano03:18
kinghathopefully it takes03:19
OerHekskinghat, if you did not chroot, it would not work, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCdRecovery#Add_User_to_a_Group03:20
kinghati cant use recovery because the grub menu is jacked on my screen. its hardly visible.  https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/cGioOJe6/irccloudcapture2268390190753378140.jpg03:21
kinghatso i had to use a live boot usb to be able to edit the file on the machine03:22
kinghatlooks like it worked03:27
=== H1ddenDjinn is now known as HiddenDjinn
chrismatthewswhere are settings for system logs kept on ubuntu?03:39
kinghathggdh: so if i just added my only user back to sudoers, shouldnt it be in the group `sudo`?03:43
scythefwd2hallo folks.. any of yall familiar with the ubuntu image for the odroid xu4?03:44
lowkeycoat1perhaps some one can help.. im looking for a low requirements linux os just for transfering files, i only have x2 512gb ram, id like to use a gui04:42
guiverclowkeycoat1, we only support Ubuntu & official flavors, and 512mb is rather light for a gui & live-system04:49
kinghatis it possible to put the output of 'compgen -g' into alphabetical order?04:50
bindikinghat: | sort04:50
talxgood morning folks,07:31
talxhow would you make all your traffic go through one interface?07:32
talxI've read in google but does iptables must be on ?07:32
qwebirc13522anyone have a few minutes to work through a proplem I'm having with Drone 18.04 server?07:41
comet23i just deleted apache but it still says it exists07:42
comet23why does it return apache2: ???07:42
qwebirc13522i cant get phpmyadmin to come up no matter what i do07:43
slidinghorncomet23, that's the default return.  If it were installed, it would show a location after the colon07:43
comet23thank you!07:43
slidinghornqwebirc13522, more information would be more likely to get you some answers.  How did you install it?  How are you attempting to reach it?  What error(s) are you getting? etc.07:45
qwebirc13522whats the command to see php info07:50
qwebirc13522or what command(s) would show helpful infp07:50
bindi'php -i' and ##php07:52
qwebirc13522can anyone see what might be wrong here https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/YRrHFY5Xcz/07:59
slidinghornyou still haven't given us any useful information other than "I can't get phpmyadmin to come up"08:02
qwebirc13522php installs but when i try to pull up the phpmyadmin it says the url or page doesnt exist08:09
slidinghornhow did you install it08:12
qwebirc13522from comand line. i can find the page i folowed08:14
Ben64the less info you give the less people can help08:15
qwebirc13522well it was a friends ex that set it up and they are hot and cold and now they are on a hot phase and im left reassembling the pieces08:16
qwebirc13522basically I am trying to get concrete5 up and running which it seems to be now but i think i get the login information from the logs of that somewhere08:17
qwebirc13522ok then i got it to work from the machine on links, but it wants ,e to fix server config to indicate https properly08:24
eeoshi everybody! Since the last update of the gdal library I cannot install qgis anymore ....08:36
eeosApparently the virtual package gdal-abi-2-2-3 has disappeared ....08:37
=== Dreaman is now known as Blade
mohaHello everyone. I'm trying to install the MySQL JDBC on Ubuntu 1804 (for programming in Java). I know that I can get this file (Connector/J) directly from MySQL website. Isn't this file in Ubuntu repositories? I prefere to install directly from Ubuntu repos instead of Maven repos.08:53
amcsianyone else's Ubuntu not recognizing their laptop's external monitor recently? :( I'm using 18.1008:57
mIk3_08Hello everyone. I just try to open my Firewall Configuration app. But the application wasn't able to open and there is a pop up window say's; System program problem detected. What is that mean? I'm using Ubuntu 18.0409:02
talxwhy would I see an interface in ifconfig but when I do ethtool it says no data. also ifconfig interface up says not such device09:02
iresfhello i want to customize ubuntu 16.04 but ubuntu costomize kit does not work for that  any better way  ?09:08
Ben64customize what09:08
amcsialright I solved the issue by reinstalling the nvidia drivers :)09:17
iresfBen64 : i want to remove ubuntu icon in boot step and put my icon in it09:18
guivercmIk3_08, re: system program detected; it'll likely ask for permission to submit a bug report - I'd advise you let it (something crashed in your system & your system wants to report it)09:18
mIk3_08guiverc: Thanks. I already reported it.... Many Thanks for the reply09:20
iresfhow to change the ubuntu icon in boot step ?09:38
die7somehow preseed file ignore ntp settings09:38
die7# Time zone config09:38
die7d-i time/zone string Etc/UTC09:38
die7d-i clock-setup/utc boolean true09:38
die7d-i clock-setup/ntp boolean true09:38
die7d-i clock-setup/ntp-server string myserver.com09:38
guivercdie7, if you have a question ask it (ideally in a single line), and if you want to paste a file/multiple-lines, pastebinit please09:42
die7guiverc: sure, sorry09:43
=== cpaelzer__ is now known as cpaelzer
bipulHi, I'm unable to assign IP, when running Ubuntu-server 18.04 in bridge mode in VirtualBox. Does anyone here know how to resolve this?10:05
lotuspsychjebipul: join to #ubuntu-server please for likeminded volunteers10:11
bipullotuspsychje, I have asked there.10:13
lotuspsychjebipul: if its server related, try to avoid crossposting other ubuntu channels then please10:14
=== capella is now known as capella|away
saeed_azadyhi all, i want to install m2crypto==0.24.0 with in ubuntu 18.04 server. but i have errors. (the swig is installed) anyone can help?10:38
iresfi need help to change the "ubuntu" text and ubuntu logo in boot up10:43
iresfplease help10:43
=== LabMonkey is now known as Mechanismus
saeed_azadyhi all, i want to install m2crypto==0.24.0 with in ubuntu 18.04 server. but i have errors. (the swig is installed) anyone can help?11:28
vltsaeed_azady: The current verion of m2crypto seems to work fine with Ubuntu 18.04's swig.11:40
saeed_azadyyes, but i need m2crypto 0.24.0 for my app11:44
vltsaeed_azady: You could debootstrap a 16.04 and try if it works in a chroot.11:50
saeed_azadysorry, you mean i should use ubuntu 16.04?11:51
vltsaeed_azady: No, I said you could *try* if it works in a debootstrapped 16.04 chroot environment.11:52
saeed_azadyok, i'll try, but all of dependent application will not work correctly with the absence of 0.24.011:58
IntelCore hi. can i get help about cdrom .. vlc player says cant open12:26
IntelCoreIt loops.. error . says see log?12:27
arndffhello. i have so many issues with my ubuntu 18.04.1 lts... is it normal? here's a link with those which are logged: https://imgur.com/jAOx3Nb12:27
arndffmy laptop is: dell xps 934312:28
IntelCoreI have.. couldn't get size12:29
arndff@IntelCore did you find any solution to it?12:30
IntelCorenop.  the other u need see the bgscan, and virtio12:31
IntelCoreyou use phone apps..?12:32
IntelCorevirtio is networking virtual machine12:33
arndffI use Telegram and WhatsApp webapp12:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1747878 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "[pulseaudio] backend-ofono.c: Failed to register as a handsfree audio agent with ofono: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.ofono was not provided by any .service files" [Low,Won't fix]12:34
arndffYup, mate, found this link too but there isn't a provided solution, is it?12:35
IntelCorelow, won't fix12:35
IntelCorenaow u might try other audio12:35
IntelCorein general, if the system runs.. it don't cough blood. Ignore some things12:36
arndffOkay. I have several issues which are very annoying: 1) sometimes the ubuntu doesn't boot correctly 2) sometimes it freezes randomly12:37
IntelCorethese don't keep u from boot.. rite12:37
arndff3) I can't pair a bluetooth speaker... but soon I'm going to change my wi-fi card with an intel one (currently with broadcom wifi card)12:38
IntelCorebluetooth not wifi12:38
arndffAnd 4) Some shortcuts in Google Chrome doesn't work properly with my second layout... they work fine with my first keyboard layout -- superb strange12:38
IntelCoreChrome ..12:39
arndffIt's a wireless card with wi-fi + bluetooth12:39
IntelCorelink for u .. about bluetooth.. pvt window12:41
IntelCoreCan i get help cdrom got disk, but vlc no play.12:44
sonnedoes anyone know a free(libre) text editor that has a scratchpad feature like sublime?12:58
sonneas in: open text editor, write stuff, close without saving, stuff is still there12:58
CheezDoesn't VS Code do that?12:58
sonneCheez: vs as in visual studio? that's hardly free12:59
BluesKajHi folks12:59
Cheezvisual studio code12:59
sonneCheez: that's proprietary isn't it?12:59
sonneah cool12:59
coz_BluesKaj, hey guy13:00
sonnei was hoping for more of a generic text editor rather than a full blown ide, but it's already something13:00
sonnethanks for the tip :)13:00
Cheezi count it as a text editor tbh13:00
BluesKajhi coz_13:00
sonneCheez: i'll try it and see how it feels, i hope it has more of a sublime text feeling rather than vs :P13:01
Cheezbut yeah, i just opened it, shoved a load of text into a brand new unsaved file, closed it, re-opened it, and the unsaved file was still tehre13:01
Cheezit's very similar13:01
Cheezeven down to the ctrl + shift + p menu13:01
Cheezlots of extensions too13:01
sonneCheez: pretty cool. i'm cloning the repo right now.13:02
Cheezone word of warning, it is electron based, but it's also the best performing electron app i've used.13:04
sonneCheez: it also seems to require a good deal of nodejs stuff, which doesn't exactly have a very good track record for stability and security.. :/13:08
geirhano worse than java13:09
sonnegeirha: well i don't recall popular java modules to have shipped with miners tbf :P13:10
ducassesonne: there's a snap of it13:10
sonneducasse: snaps are not much better for security imho.. it's basically running binaries shipped by third parties, only instead of just the binary you also take the dependencies from them - but i'm sidetracking13:12
ducassesonne: i just meant as an alternative to cloning repos if you just want to test it out13:13
sonneducasse: i'm trying my best not to run binaries that don't come from my distribution, not even once - but thanks :)13:14
earl_can anyone PM to help with a drive mount issue im having13:14
sonneearl_: any particular reason why we can't help you in public?13:15
ducasse!pm | earl_13:15
ubottuearl_: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.13:15
earl_not at all, sorry just new to the chat didnt know how to ask specifically13:15
sonneno worries, what's your problem?13:15
ioriasonne, something like xournal ?13:16
earl_i mounted a drive to my system and I can see it and use it, but while trying to find the drive using filezilla it is not showing up anywhere13:16
sonneearl_: odd. is it a local filesystem?13:16
earl_it says that it is mounted to /media , althought in filezilla i do not see that folder anywhere13:17
sonneioria: installing13:17
ioriasonne, it was a Q. :]13:17
sonneioria: installing to let you know if it's something like that :P13:17
sonneioria: no, not really.. xournal seems to be taking "taking notes" a tad too literally13:18
sonnea text editor that saves unnamed buffers when i close it is really enough :)13:19
earl_sonne: yes it is local13:19
sonneearl_: can you see it otherwise? e.g. from the file manager13:20
sonnei'm not talking about any side menus or things like that just to be clear, can you see it by walking through the path you're expecting? e.g. / -> /media -> /media/something13:21
earl_if i open up file manager it shows under "other locations" along with my main boot drive13:21
sonnethat's what i was wondering - can you access it without using the "other locations", but just by walking through the mount point?13:21
earl_I dont believe so, if i open file manager I dont even see /media13:22
sonneinteresting. but if you click it in 'other locations' you see the contents.13:22
sonnedoes it have a unique name in the file manager?13:23
sonneas in, you know, "earl's pen drive" or something like that13:24
earl_when I am in disk, it says it is mounted at /media/user/drivename13:24
earl_yea I named the drive13:24
sonnelet's try something:13:24
sonnespawn a terminal, write 'mount' in it, and read the output. can you see a line that mentions your drive name?13:24
sonneif you type "ls /media/youruser/yourdrivename", no quotes, do you see the contents?13:26
sonne(i'm hoping the drive name doesn't contain spaces or weird characters)13:26
earl_when i do that command it says no such file or directory13:27
earl_no weird characters13:27
sonneodd. did you write the name correctly? correct case? are there spaces involved? what if you just type "ls /media/youruser"?13:27
earl_oh sorry, yes if i do the original command it shows the folder that is in there13:29
sonneok, great13:29
sonneso it is mounted correctly and it seems there's no weirdness involved, so filezilla shold see it.13:30
earl_in files, how would i even go back far enough to see /media13:30
earl_if that question makes sense13:30
sonnedepends in the file manager you're using, i'm not very knowledgeable on those though13:31
sonneearl_: is it the only drive you have in /media/youruser?13:31
earl_yea only drive13:31
sonnecool, try this: spawn a terminal, type "ln -s /media/youruser/* xxx" no quotes13:32
sonnethen try on filezilla, see if you have a 'xxx' folder in your home directory, and see if it can enter it13:32
earl_filezilla does not see it, but i can see it in my home folder on file browser13:34
_13LACK_earl_: in filezilla, what shows inside /media directory?13:36
sonneearl_: i'm puzzled really. i tried running filezilla on my machine, it has no problems accessing external fileystems.13:36
earl_I dont see any /media directory in filezilla13:37
sonneearl_: what if you just type "/media" in the "Local site:" box?13:38
_13LACK_tell us.. what is appears in filezilla?13:38
earl_says /media/ does not exist or can not be accessed13:39
earl_if i go to the top of directory in filezilla / i have app, bin, dev, etc, home, lib, lib64, proc, run, sbin, sys, tmp, usr13:40
_13LACK_maybe is a permission problem13:41
_13LACK_whats is the permission of /media directory?13:41
earl_honestly i have no clue because I cant get to it anywhere13:41
b-m-fearl_, Can you open a terminal and type `ls -la /media/your-username`13:42
_13LACK_type ls -lh /13:43
sonne_13LACK_: he can see it on the terminal, so at the very least it has u+x.13:43
b-m-fearl_, that should print that information13:43
sonneand it shouldn't matter with the symlink13:43
_13LACK_and see the first co/lum of /media line13:44
earl__13LACK_ when i type that13:45
earl_it brings up all the folders, but media is the only one in green13:45
earl_b-m-f did that command as well, not sure what im supposed to be looking for13:46
sonneearl_: what does the first column say? shold be something like: drwxr-xr-x13:47
Mathisenearl_, do this instead and give the url it says >  ls -la /media/your-username | curl -F c=@- https://ptpb.pw/13:47
earl_for which command ?13:47
sonnels -l /13:47
tchakataksonne: the first column are the rights on the file/directory13:47
sonnetchakatak: i know, i belive it's what _13LACK_ was asking him13:48
tchakatakDirectory ReadWriteeXecute (for the owner) Read-Execute (for the group) and Read-Execute(For everyone)13:48
tchakataklook online at posix rights13:48
sonnetchakatak: not sure why you're telling me this, have you read the rest of the backlog?13:49
b-m-fearl_, ls -lh / | grep media | awk  '{print $1 $2  $3 $4}' this command should give you the info that sonne is asking for13:49
keinheitearl_: fuck it just run `sudo filezilla` then if it works we will know it's permission issues.13:50
tchakataksonne: nope. just arrived.13:50
sonnekeinheit: boy isn't that radical13:50
tchakataksonne: oh, i was thinking you got questions about posix perms13:50
sonnetchakatak: earl_'s filezilla cannot see /media, we're wondering why13:50
ducassekeinheit: watch the language, please13:50
earl_hmmm when i run sudo filezilla it doesnt open lol13:50
tchakatakdoes /media exist ?13:50
tchakatakearl_: normal.13:50
sonneearl_: can you please tell us what the first column in the /media row looks like when you do ls -l / ?13:51
sonneso we get that out of the way13:51
sonnegood, that's how it should look like13:52
Mathisenhave him use a pastebin.. this guessing is killing me :) ...13:52
tchakatakearl_: can you paste the full line with /media inside ?13:52
sonneMathisen: he seems to be very cautious about his private data, i don't see a reason why he should pastebin all of his files13:52
vincenzomlI have a filesystem where btrfs has given several uncorrectable errors. I need to find all the files that give "Input/output error" when read13:52
vincenzomlit's 200gb of data; any better solution than md5sum everything? I first of all want to find the single broken files.13:53
tchakatakvincenzoml: md5sum will not help you13:53
tchakatakvincenzoml: this error happend also when you touch a file ?13:53
earl_yea its showing media folder in everything you guys tell me to do13:53
vincenzomltchakatak, well if it says io error...13:54
sonneioria: Cheez: i managed to build notepadpp, seems to be exactly what i was looking for - just thought i'd share :)13:54
tchakatakearl_: i just wana know who is the owner of the directory13:54
earl_i just cant see it in file borwser or filezilla, shows everything but that13:54
earl_sure, i can paste it, what command am i running13:54
sonneearl_: desperate attempt: open a terminal, run these two commands: "mkdir ~/yyy" , "sudo mount -o bind /media/youruser/* /home/youruser/yyy" , check 'yyy' under filezilla13:54
tchakatakearl_: if you do ' cd /media && ls ' does it list the files inside ?13:54
sonneif that works i'll still be puzzled about filezilla's weird behaviour, but at least you got unblocked :P13:55
keinheitducasse: I just read the guidelines, didn't realise. Will not happen again.13:55
earl_tchakatak if i do that command it brings up my user name13:56
vincenzomltchakatak, I'll check but the error also showed up in dmesg as a crc error and in btrfs scrub13:56
earl_sonne, trying that now13:56
vincenzomltchakatak, so first of all I want to recover the files from my backup and make sure all files I have don't have those crc errors without re-scrubbing13:57
tchakatakyup. but you need to interact with thoses to generate your error no ?13:57
tchakatakso is touching the file making an io error ?13:57
vincenzomltchakatak, I tried to touch the file and it does not give any error13:57
vincenzomlone file13:57
vincenzomlthe one I knew about :)13:57
tchakatakif you cat it ?13:57
earl_sonne" it says mount point does not exist13:57
vincenzomltchakatak, if I sha256sum it, I get IO error13:58
sonnedid you do the mkdir ~/yyy first?13:58
vincenzomltchakatak, if I cat it, yes, also13:58
tchakatakthen you could script something for that13:59
vincenzomlI got these errors during a huge rsync between usb disks; I wonder if that is normal but I'm starting to suspect my mainboard. I also have a nvme drive that got broken.13:59
earl_sonne: ok did it13:59
vincenzomltchakatak, yes but I would have to read 200gb of data again, possibly triggering new bus errors; I could as well read just one byte from each file, but don't know how to do it and get my errors reported. Maybe dd13:59
tchakatakvincenzoml: you can use find for that :)14:00
tchakatakfind . -name * exec {} blabla14:00
sonneearl_: i suppose the mount worked after that?14:00
vincenzomltchakatak, find can also read file contents?14:00
tchakatakyou pipe whateveryou want from find14:00
earl_sonne: yes i can see yyy14:00
tchakatakuse find to list all files14:00
vincenzomltchakatak, yes I tried with find + xargs + dd, but it's tricky: dd spits on stderr some information14:00
sonneearl_: in filezilla?14:00
vincenzomland on stderr if it fails14:00
sonneand can you see the drive contents/14:00
vincenzomltchakatak, forget about this: I can't read 1 byte.14:01
tchakatakwhy dd ? you just need to sha256sum the file to trigger your error14:01
tchakatakso you can just list the files, made a sha256 then grep if there is an error and report it into a text file14:01
vincenzomltchakatak, my own problem was that I wanted to avoid reading all of the data at once. I wanted just to check for IO error by trying to access each file without reading it in full.14:01
vincenzomltchakatak, however:14:02
earl_sonne: yes it shows the content14:02
tchakatakvincenzoml: i/o error can be tricky especially with btrfs14:02
vincenzomltchakatak, I can't do that, simply because these errors don't show up on all accesses, but only when I read the block which is damaged.14:02
_13LACK_you sure the content is you removible drive content?14:02
sonneearl_: cool. i'm glad i unblocked you. this is a horribly ugly workaround that will only work until your next reboot, and probably blocks you from removing your drive until you reboot or unmount it manually. in the meantime please call an exorcist.14:02
vincenzomltchakatak, yes I'm seeing it. So perhaps I should scrub the filesystem again and monitor the logs. The problem is currently my ROOT is on the device since my nvme is also damaged14:03
tchakatakvincenzoml: even, you cant be 100%sure of the files who have been damaged14:03
earl__13LACk_ there is only one folder i put in there with nothing it, fresh drive14:03
sonneoh boy.14:03
sonnehorrible suspicion, hold on14:04
keinheitsonne: I'm shocked that worked.14:04
vincenzomltchakatak, why? Is there more I should know?14:04
tchakatakvincenzoml: if the file is not accessed, you might never know this file was damaged14:04
vincenzomltchakatak, well md5sum will likely work anyway since I have backups14:04
sonnenope, never mind. i suspected filezilla would hide empty folders, but that is not the case.14:04
vincenzomltchakatak, yes, but btrfs scrub is for that purpose: it scrubs the whole filesystem block by block :)14:04
sonnekeinheit: picture me as shocked14:05
vincenzomlbut I'll make a snapshot instead, and md5sum everything14:05
tchakatakearl_: your usb... you just buyed it ?14:05
earl_its a HDD14:05
tchakatakIs it new ?14:05
tchakatakor have been trough a windows computer before ?14:06
earl_yes it has been through windows14:06
sonneanyway i really have to run now, too bad because i really wanted to see how this story ended14:06
sonnesee you :)14:06
earl_was wiped before i switched to ubuntu14:06
earl_thanks sonne14:06
tchakatakwiped on windows ?14:06
tchakatakvincenzoml: you will have no choice anyway to md5 /sha256 everything14:06
earl_when i say wiped, i just mean that everything was deleted off of it while installing ubuntu14:06
tchakatakearl_: your trying to access trough filezilla files who are in a usb hdd ? or a removable device ?14:07
earl_a remote desktop14:08
tchakatakyour /media problem. Where are the datas ?14:08
tchakataka remote computer ?14:08
earl_not understanding your question fully, i just cant see the media folder on filezilla to download things on to14:09
tchakatakbut in the media folder there is data right ?14:10
tchakatakwhere are theses datas ?14:10
tchakataki am just thinking it could be an access problem with a previously used device on windows14:10
earl_there is nothing on the drive14:11
tchakatakbecause /media is generally for removable devices / server14:11
tchakatakso you connect something to your computer, and it show under /media14:11
earl_yea this is an internal HDD, i have an SSD that is my boot drive, when i first set up the OS it showed my HDD in disk and so i mounted it14:12
earl_and it puts it under /media/user/drivename14:12
tchakatakyes exactly14:12
tchakatakcould you give me ALL the line of a ls -al /media/user/14:12
tchakataki just think there is a permisson problem14:13
keinheitearl_: To be 100% sure `cd /media/user/drivername` and `touch anything` see if that works.14:13
earl_drwxrwxrwx+ 3 root root 4096 Dec  9 20:59 .14:13
earl_drwxrwxrwx  3 root root 4096 Dec  5 17:46 ..14:13
earl_drwxrwxrwx  3 earl earl 4096 Dec 10 09:01 earLsauce14:13
keinheittchakatak: permissions are fine14:13
_13LACK_do have filezilla some configuration like "don't show removable drives" ??14:14
tchakatak_13LACK_: not that i am aware of14:14
earl_keinheit i typed in that command14:14
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earl_what do u mean by touch anything14:14
keinheitnow ls, if the file there14:15
earl_yea folder is there when i do ls14:15
keinheitit creates a file called `anything`, just want to be sure you can write to the drive14:15
earl_oh yes the file anything is there14:16
keinheit_13LACK_'s suggestion makes sense considering that works AND sommes' idea works as well. Maybe there is a setting in Filezilla about ignoring mounted drives.14:17
geirhathen it's time to set sensible permissions on it14:17
earl_yea not sure what to do at this point14:23
keinheitFollowing sommes suggestion can you do everything you need from /home/youruser/yyy now?14:26
earl_filezilla shows /yyy now, but sonne said that after a reboot it would not work14:28
_13LACK_keinheit: yup... i was thinking that filezilla hide the removable devices directory (/media as default)14:29
earl_is it possible to mount the hard drive anywhere else ?14:31
earl_just starting to use linux so my knowledge isnt great14:32
keinheitearl_: You could add the command to the last line of your ~/.profile file so it runs every time you log in (bringing back ~/yyy) but then you would lose out on the journey of finding out what the original problem was.14:33
_13LACK_earl_: yup .. You can mount HD or removable drive in anywhere.... But, the indicate is use /media directory14:34
keinheitLook into the firezilla settings, _13LACK_ is likely correct.14:34
earl_the thing is i cant even find the media folder in file browser14:35
earl_im on ubuntu 18.04, if i go into "files" i dont see media anywhere14:35
_13LACK_i'm installing filezilla on my ubuntu just for test..14:37
keinheitin the top box that displays the directory address (e.g /home/you when you open it) type / and you should see loads of folders including media14:37
keinheit_13LACK_: was considering it myself lol14:39
_13LACK_earl_: You make filezilla conection over what protocol?14:40
_13LACK_I have a  debian fileserver on my network... and i'm using Ubuntu 18.04 on my desktop... I open the filezilla and connect to my debian fileserver usin SFTP protocol.... /media appears normaly.14:43
earl__13LACK_ FTP14:45
_13LACK_You are using FTP?14:45
_13LACK_So maybe the problem is the FTP configuration... For default, FTP work ONLY in home directory.14:46
earl_hmmm, way i can change that ?14:48
_13LACK_What the FTP server are you using?14:50
_13LACK_filezilla server? ProFTPD?14:50
mohnishWhat are .run files basically used for?14:52
earl__13LACK_ not sure of the question14:54
_13LACK_earl_: if you are a FTP client, the server must be a FTP server.14:56
_13LACK_so.. the server must have a FTP server service installed14:56
earl_yea it does14:58
earl_i am connecting to a box14:59
earl_i have been transferring things fine from my box to my desktop,but that was being put on my boot drive, and i want the files to be downloaded to my HDD15:00
rexwin_E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable15:03
rexwin_E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?15:03
rexwin_error when trying to install lynx15:03
rexwin_sudo and su root also gives that error15:03
keinheitearl_: So is it your box that has the FTP server installed? And this is where the mounted drive is as well? Then you can't access the mounted drive from your desktop? - This is what I understood before but might be wrong.15:04
keinheitrexwin_: another process is either upgrading or installing something. You can't run `apt-get install lynx` when apt-get is being used for something else.15:05
earl_keinheit: i am connecting to my box through filezilla on my home PC, i can get into the box just fine and even download files, I just cant choose the right directory local for them to download too15:08
keinheitOh right. It's not a problem with the FTP server then, strange that Filezilla doesn't allow it as a path to download to.15:10
tchakatakError: target STRING not available15:10
tchakatakWoups. sorry15:10
earl_yea everything else is there besides media, has to be hidden or permission blocked or somethjing15:11
keinheitMaybe you are just not seeing the directory. Can you take a screenshot of the download dialogue from Firezilla and upload it somewhere? Maybe https://www.imagebin.ca/15:12
earl_what you mean by download dialogue15:15
keinheitWhen your in Firezilla on your desktop and you are trying to download a file from your box, what can you see?15:16
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keinheitearl_: Maybe try without Filezilla. https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/22518/how-to-mount-a-remote-folder-in-ubuntu/ is much cooler and easier imo. I'll be back in a bit, interested to find out if your sorted.15:36
coconutCan a dual boot with ubuntu ubuntu-mate both use the same one /boot partition?15:44
tchakatakcoconut: yep15:54
tchakatakbut why would you ?15:54
coconuttchakatak: but that will not conflict each other? :)15:59
tchakatakwell the /boot you will have the kernel. as they are based on each others it should work normally15:59
tchakatakbut you will not save a lot of space16:00
tchakatakUser1000: hi16:00
User1000how can i show the day and month with the hour in ubuntu 18.04LTS16:00
tchakatakin a terminal ?16:00
User1000in gnome-shell, default desktop of 18.04LTS16:01
tchakatakonly the tinme ?16:01
tchakataktime ?16:01
User1000now i see the hour and the day of the week in the top of the screen16:01
User1000but i want to see the day and month too16:01
User1000complete date, not just the hour16:01
tchakatakyou can use gnome-tweaks16:01
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User1000okey thanks i'm installing it16:02
User1000it works, perfect. Thanks.16:03
User1000good bye16:04
tchakatakyour welcome16:04
coconutthnx :)16:11
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okamisHello, installed slack with snap. I cannot run slack as a user, it has to be root for some reason.16:19
naccokamis: show on a console what happens when you try16:21
naccokamis: as that's not been my experience; how did you install it, as well (show that in a pastebin)16:21
okamisnacc: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/kGQNdStTTj/16:22
okamisnothing happens in the terminal, it just gives me next prompt16:22
naccokamis: and is slack running after that?16:23
naccokamis: `ps aux | grep slack`16:23
okamisnacc: that gives nothing16:23
okamisits not running16:23
naccokamis: how are you testing it to run as root?16:24
naccokamis: terminal and using sudo?16:24
okamisyeah, or su to root16:25
naccokamis: can you do a `which slack` ?16:25
okamisuser: /snap/bin/slack16:26
okamisas, root the path is not set, so I have to type /snap/bin/slack16:26
naccokamis: did you by any chance run it as root first on accident?16:27
naccokamis: possibly some config file is now root-owned when it shouldn't be16:27
okamisI uninstalled it, and reinstalled as user. And expected it to be working as user after that, which was not the case16:28
naccokamis: snaps are werid, in that the config isn't cleared on removal, iirc16:28
naccokamis: you can try asking in #snappy16:28
okamisIm a first time snap user, where does it store installations?16:28
tchakatakif you uninstall without purge it will not work as config file are still present16:28
okamismy friend explained it as similar to docker16:28
tchakataksnap is really crap (sorry but it is)16:29
tchakatakand far from docker16:29
nacctchakatak: snaps don't hve purge16:29
nacctchakatak: please take opinions elsewhere, stick to support16:29
okamishow do I purge the configuration?16:29
okamisor find where it is located?16:29
tchakataknacc: Thanks but snap does.16:29
naccokamis: i believe you need to do it by hand. Ask in #snappy or see the contact link in `snap info slack`16:30
nacctchakatak: snap does what?16:30
ioriaokamis, you probably have snap folder in your home dir16:30
tchakataknacc: Just read again the ubuntu wiki, there is nothing about not showing opinions here.16:32
tchakatakRead the COC please.16:32
nacctchakatak: use common sense. stick to support topics, not your personal opinion.16:32
tchakatakokamis: there is a folder where you have configurations for your snap packages.16:34
tchakatakokamis: have you ever use docker ?16:37
okamisThank you, It has been resolved. 2 folders in my home directory was owned by root.16:37
naccokamis: the snap works now?16:38
okamisnacc: yes, you were right with root owning folders16:38
naccokamis: glad to hear that resolved it, it probably happened with sudo, etc.16:39
okamistchakatak: I gladly use slack with docker, but I cannot figure out how to make the links open in the browser16:39
ioriathat's maybe due to the classic confinement16:40
naccioria: yeah, good point, it could be16:40
okamisAnother question, If I run spotify in a container I have to mount /dev/snd. But Im using bluetooth headsets, is there a bluetooth device that needs to be mounted?16:41
ioriai don't think a 'common' snap might elevate privileges , but just speculating16:42
okamisI can open links with snap16:43
romanparishAnyone here know how i can mount a raid0 to recover a couple files16:44
naccokamis: i believe that's handled by one of the snap interfaces16:45
Parting1990anybody running Ubuntu on a mac that can recommend best battery manager?16:46
lotuspsychje!info laptop-mode-tools | Parting199016:47
ubottuParting1990: laptop-mode-tools (source: laptop-mode-tools): Tools for Power Savings based on battery/AC status. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.71-2ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 83 kB, installed size 378 kB16:47
Parting1990cause im running tlp and it doesnt seem to do anything16:48
Parting1990seemed to get better batttery on fedora, so was wondering if its ubunthu thing :(16:48
KumoolI remember windows having a power saving mode button, and given the killawatt readings, it never went above 25 watts, in "balanced" mode it could jump to 40w for basically just using the browser16:58
Kumoolbasically, browser use == battery drain16:58
Kumoolunless you used IE, which would keep the watts consistent, and it never jumped16:59
Kumooli havent tested linux use16:59
Kumoolthere is a powertop i think that would tell you how much battery is being used17:00
Kumooloh, they parting left17:01
sonneearl_: so how did it end?17:08
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cooloutacHello all17:16
cooloutacI have a problem with ubuntu 18.04 wireless connection17:16
cooloutacsometimes the wifi icon shows a question mark and doesn't list access points.  for example after resume from suspend.17:16
cooloutacbut I still have wireless connection17:16
nacccooloutac: so the problem is the icon only?17:16
nacccooloutac: i see it too, periodically, i ignore it17:17
cooloutacwell it was the wifi.   i was having issues cause wifi don't work on this system.  so I had to install custom script to install module17:17
cooloutacthen I had issue of secure boot re-enabling itself after some time.17:17
cooloutacfixed these issues and now it is just the icon lol17:17
tewardcooloutac: not listing the access points might be because it hasn't rescanned yet, i see the same behavior but within a minute or so it 'works'.  as for the question mark that means it hasn't verified the connection is up.  when yo usay it gets the question mark, does it still "work"?17:17
cooloutacteward, it stays like that unless I disable and re-enable it for somre ason.17:18
cooloutacright now its been showing question mark for 20 minutes.17:18
cooloutacbut the connection seems fine17:18
cooloutacI also had issue with auto logon  and it asking for keyring password.17:18
cooloutacbut now I've disabled auto logon as well17:18
cooloutacseems to be just an icon issue now.   This is my sisters pc and she is always calling me lol17:19
cooloutacteward,  ok so now I've realized if I hit select network.  It will show all available access points.   but the question mark stays there in the task bar17:20
cooloutaci guess a minor bug i will tell my sister to try and ignore it lol17:20
cooloutacif I restart network manager,  or disable and enable wifi.  the question mark goes away.17:21
cooloutacI think it might have to do with the fact my wifi card is not officially supported17:21
cooloutacMy wifi card is RTL8821CE17:22
cooloutacI had to disable secure boot and manually install driver17:22
cooloutacis there somewhere I can go to request it be officially supported and added to kernel?17:23
lotuspsychjerealtek is picky about kernel versions cooloutac, can you tell us wich version you are on?17:23
cooloutachow do i show the kernel version again?17:23
lotuspsychjeuname -a17:24
cooloutac4.15.0-42 generic #45-Ubuntu17:24
lotuspsychjecooloutac: yes, you are up to date, one test could be trying booting a previous kernel17:25
LunaLovegoodIs there a way to block the inhibition of the screen saver / blank / dpms by applications such as mplayer or chrome? I don't want an application-specific solution, I want blanking/locking to always work no matter what.17:26
cooloutaclotuspsychje: I've tried :(17:26
cooloutacgoogle search always shows it is not supported.  I think the wifi card came out in 201717:26
cooloutacwas a hoping a new kernel would eventually supported.  but I think its been 3 kernel versions so far and still not supported.17:27
cooloutacI just would like to be able to enable secure boot.17:27
EriC^^it's kinda overrated anyways cooloutac17:28
cooloutacI know I can manually sign the file.   but its too complicated for me.17:28
cooloutacEriC^^: ya I know how most of you feel :)17:28
EriC^^if you're worried somebody will boot a live usb or something disable usb booting from the bios and set an admin password17:28
cooloutacyes I have done that.17:29
cooloutacI worry about remote access through the os as well though.17:29
cooloutacunsigned drivers etc...17:29
EriC^^oh i see17:29
cooloutacremember that hacking team people and insyde bios17:29
cooloutacyou never know lol17:29
cooloutacits just for peace ofmind,  the system has the ability might as well try to utilize it.17:30
cooloutacEriC^^:   oh and this was disturbing me.17:30
cooloutacthe secure boot kept re-enabling itself.17:30
cooloutacI don't know why never seenthat.  maybe an hp thing.  an ubuntu 18.04 thing?17:30
cooloutacI disabled uefi altogether and put a password on the bios17:31
cooloutacsecure boot would re-enable itself.  after a random amount of days.17:31
cooloutacIthought it was when ubuntu would update kernel or seomthing.   but doesn't seem to be.  any idea why secure boot would re-enable itself?17:31
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cooloutacya thats what I thought.  strange.17:32
cooloutacfirs thought would be someone would need physical access.   but then again lol17:32
cooloutacso I disabled all boot devices,  put it in legacy mode,  and put a bios password.17:32
cooloutacif it all changes back I'll crap myself haha17:33
cooloutacI'm giving the pc back to my sister and not even telling her there is a bios password on it.  She will probably never know.17:33
cooloutacI also told her she has to log on to the os.  to avoid the keyring issues and such.17:33
cooloutacI'll see what happens17:34
cooloutacshe wanted me to put windows  back on cause wifi kept being disabled.17:34
cooloutaci'm tring to tell her the windows is too dam slow on her machine.17:35
cooloutaceven though it came with windows17:35
cooloutacIt would be unbearable for me to use.  I don' know how she would stand using it.  the ubuntu is lightning fast.17:35
cooloutacI don't even know how these companies get awa with selling these slow laptops with little memory and windows on there.   the system crawled out of the box.17:35
binary_nomadcooloutac ive been having trouble with wifi on my laptop as well17:37
cooloutacya wifi is always a problem.  its very closed source.   the whole wifi industry is like the wild wild west.17:37
cooloutacI mean they have way less regulations then wired.17:37
binary_nomadi found turning off power management for the wifi helped17:38
cooloutacway less government regulations even for pricing of services.17:38
binary_nomadbut still have trouble occasionally17:38
cooloutacbinary_nomad: oh that is a great idea.  i do that on a nother laptop.  that freezes the whole system when resuming from sleep.17:38
binary_nomadwell worked for me17:38
cooloutacthat system run a different linux and I endedup having to make script.17:38
cooloutacis there an easy way to do this in ubuntu 18.04?17:38
telamohnMy gnome-shell takes constantly an high amount of cpu (39~47%), anyone have a clue what could be wrong? strace: https://pastebin.com/VYrTcuFA17:39
cooloutacbinary_nomad: yes i works for me too.  how do I do it in ubuntu?17:39
cooloutacwifi card on my other system does not have the option natively.  so I have to do iwconfig wlan power off17:40
binary_nomadi edited /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/default-wifi-powersave-on.conf and set wifi.powersave = 3 to wifi.powersave=217:41
binary_nomadworth trying but helped a lot with my wifi17:41
cooloutacyes it is a great suggestion17:41
binary_nomadmy wifi was so slow i couldnt use vnc on my vm's on my server but when i did that change i had np at all hope it helps17:42
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griphookI am trying to get full screen mode working on virtualbox running ubuntu server and its not working18:17
griphookI have tried the following here https://askubuntu.com/questions/314685/is-there-a-way-to-make-a-fullscreen-on-virtualbox/635963#63596318:18
griphookand that still has not helped18:18
_13LACK_What happen when you click on full screen?18:18
griphookit will open in full screen but the guest os itself is in the middle of my screen only18:20
cryptodangriphook: ubuntu server is all cli mode so why would full screen mode come into play and there are no drivers to install since uses generic video18:20
griphookand i cannot move it or make it bigger18:20
griphookwell i am booting into emacs as my window manager18:20
griphooki defined exec emacs in my .xinitrc file18:21
griphookand use startx to launch it18:21
gabrielschulhofHey, all! How do I boot and log into an Ubuntu 18.04 cloud image as I run it with virtualbox?18:21
cryptodani believe it would be ran as 80x2418:21
cryptodanthe default tty setting18:22
griphooksorry not following you18:23
griphookIs that a setting i need to change?18:23
cryptodanyes but your emacs maybe limited18:24
griphookdo i need the resize app?18:25
cryptodanyou might try that18:25
griphookok thx18:26
ducasseafaik emacs should just open to fill the display when started that way18:26
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=== daniel is now known as Guest25711
mostymhey all I'm running ubuntu 18.04 on a file server.  From only one windows desktop I can not ping, ssh, access http, I have confirmed that ufw is inactive.  I don't know where else to start.  Any help?19:19
_13LACK_mostym: on shell, type iptables -L19:21
_13LACK_and post the result19:21
mostym_13LACK_: Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT) target     prot opt source               destination  Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT) target     prot opt source               destination  Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT) target     prot opt source               destination19:22
cryptodanmostym: so from one machine you have no network to file server?19:25
nacci would assume the problem is on the windows machine then19:25
mostymcryptodan: yeah, nothing works. from one ip19:25
mostymbut I can connect to other ftp, ssh, http hosts.19:26
mostymfrom the windows machine19:27
cryptodancheck the hardware on that one machine and verify the network card is working and the cables are nice and snug replace cabling if needed19:27
=== SimonNL is now known as _SimonNL
idlemindis there a way to list the packages available at a repo url?19:28
idlemindat the cli19:28
yeatsidlemind: look into apt-cache19:28
idlemindAnyway w/o using caching locally?19:29
yeats"apt" itself has incorporated a lot of that19:29
mostymcryptodan: the ubuntu box is accessible by everyone else.  I can access every other system except the ubuntu box just one machine.19:29
idlemindI have a repo I want to inspect w/o needing an ubuntu box necessarily (or container)19:29
mostymICMP, ssh, ftp all work from every other system19:29
cryptodanthen check the hardware on that one machine19:30
naccidlemind: browse the repsitory?19:30
idlemindnacc yes essentially - i want to repackage a .deb at a repo into an .rpm right now i have to use an ubuntu container to identify the package - get the url and go from there.19:30
mostymcryptodan: If the windows machine can connect to other ftp, ssh, http, and ping other machines, hardware is fine right?19:31
naccidlemind: i meant, do that. if it's browseable.19:31
idlemindnacc ya it's not (apprently - copy paste into browser wise)19:31
idlemindbut somehow apt works.19:31
mostymI turned off the windows firewall, and checked the windows host file, still can't connect19:31
idlemindso i'm not sure how that'd be possible - unless the url it builds is slightly different19:31
cryptodanmostym: from windows machine ping file server and what are the errors19:32
mostymcryptodan: If I ping i get Reply from Destination host unreachable.19:34
cryptodanmostym: well i cant ping .43 but can ping .4019:35
mostym.40 is the ubuntu box, .43 is the windows box19:35
mostymI have ICMP blocked19:35
mostymICMP incoming blocked on the windows box19:36
gambl0rehow do i fix corrupted partition19:45
tewardgambl0re: define 'corrupted' - as in actually corrupted, or just needs an fsck?19:45
gambl0rei ran fsck /dev/sda2 but then i cancelled mid way through19:45
tewardgambl0re: you probably shouldn't cancel an fsck19:45
gambl0rei thought it wasnt working so thats what i cancelled mid way19:46
tewardgambl0re: no output isn't a bad thing, cancelling the fsck could do more damage.  try the fsck again and be patient :P19:46
am4Hi, I'm having trouble with my keyboard/mouse on 18.04.  Whenever I boot into ubuntu, neither seem to work (even in recovery mode). They both work fine in the BIOS, Win7 and even Grub, but when I try to boot ubuntu, there's no input. I've tried another keyboard as well and same problem.19:47
gambl0reteward do i do it in the console?19:47
gambl0rei tried running it in the console but it gave me a big warning message that the partition was mounted and it can cause SEVERE damage to my file system19:48
tewardgambl0re: is /dev/sda2 your live system partition?19:48
tewardboot to a LiveUSB and do the fsck from there19:48
gambl0recan i boot up into the terminal and run it? i dont have my liveusb with me now19:49
am4ok ill try that, thanks teward19:49
tewardam4: i was talking to gambl0re not you19:50
am4oh ok19:50
tewardgambl0re: not if your systme is currently mounted - that'll happen as long as you try to boot to the system and not a LiveUSB19:50
gambl0rehow do i unmount it19:51
gambl0recan i just do unmount /dev/sda219:52
gambl0rethen run fsck?19:52
gabrielschulhofDoes anybody have an example cloud-init configuration that sets up a default gateway and DNS for ubuntu 18.04?19:58
gabrielschulhofWhen I boot Ubuntu cloud on virtualbox it obtains an IP, but it doesn't set any DNS servers nor any default routes, so the image, once booted, isn't really connected.19:59
gabrielschulhofI tried https://gist.github.com/gabrielschulhof/9952d12b4234767fed27844f8a13d0d3 but the settings aren't being used by the image :(20:00
ioriagabrielschulhof, why a password with ethernet and dhcp  + gw ip ?20:08
OerHeksgambl0re, no, you *need* to unmount it, but that cannot be done if that partition is part of your running system20:09
OerHeksso live iso it is ..20:09
gambl0reok thanks20:09
gambl0reOerHeks, how come i cant run fsck if its my running system20:10
hyperlumicfsck will nearly always return errors on a mounted filesystem that's under active use.20:10
lordcirth_gambl0re, fsck checks the filesystem.  It can't do that if the filesystem is changing.20:11
lordcirth_(simplified version)20:11
gambl0reok thans guys20:12
keinheitearl_: did you resolve your /media problem?20:12
sere_anyone know how to convert .theme cursors or linux cursors into .ico or .ani animated for windows20:13
ioriathere is an online converter iirc20:15
OerHeksicotool or something like that20:15
=== msalvatore_ is now known as msalvatore
OerHeks!find icotool20:15
ubottuFile icotool found in icoutils20:16
sere_i just download icotool :).. have not messed with it yet.. i was kinda hoping for a gui based program but if not i will manage..i will check out iirc..thank you :)20:22
OerHeksmaybe openoffice/draw can import those too?20:23
sere_OerHeks: ok cool.. i will check that out.. i also say gimp has a animated plugin.. that might work aswell20:24
sere_thanks :)20:24
MadLambSometimes when I use my touchscreen the cursor gets stuck in the grab hand and I clicking on UI elements such as the battery indicator blinks but doesn`t show the menu (I suppose because I`m20:28
MadLambSometimes when I use my touchscreen the cursor gets stuck in the grab hand and I clicking on UI elements such as the battery indicator blinks but doesn`t show the menu (I suppose because I`m "grabbing" something). Eventually I have to restart the machine. Any ideas on how to prevent and recover from that?20:29
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tpw_ruleshey. i'm working on an embedded system and i can't figure out how to change a kernel command line parameter. editing in the uboot script didn't work, editing it at the uboot console didn't work, and editing it in the device tree didn't work. the command line in /proc/cmdline didn't change and the effect didn't happen20:44
OerHeksedit grub, and run update grub20:52
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub220:52
tpw_rulesOerHeks: this machine doesn't use grub. it's an embedded fpga system with uboot20:53
tpw_rulesbut it runs stock ubuntu 16.0420:53
OerHeksi find for uboot that command would be: u-boot-update, http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/bionic/man8/u-boot-update.8.html20:56
OerHekswithout that, kernel parameters are not transferred i guess20:57
naccit's surprising that it doesn't work from the uboot cmdline itself, though21:01
naccmaybe that's a feature :)21:01
tpw_rulesit's a dev board, i don't think it's like DRM :P21:03
ogiorgiecho test -- please ignore21:05
gabrielschulhofioria: Those are just different parts of the configuration.21:08
gabrielschulhofioria: I'm just trying to figure out how to create this iso image so that it sets the password *and* sets the default gateway *and* sets the nameservers *and* configures ssh to allow password-based login.21:10
aidalgolSetting higher FD limits in /etc/security/limits.conf does not seem to be having any effect, even after logging out.  I'm stumpted as to why.21:10
aidalgol(I'm on 18.04.1)21:11
ikoniagabrielschulhof: dhcp does all that21:13
naccaidalgol: did you try rebooting? there are interactions with pam and stuff there21:19
aidalgolnacc: I'll try that next.21:19
naccaidalgol: i don't love the suggestion, but i'd try it21:20
woefeHow can I set the time on Ubuntu Server 18.04? I can set it with `timedatectl set-time`, but after a couple of seconds it resets to the current time again.21:24
woefeIs there something I am missing? systemd-timesyncd is disabled21:25
aidalgolNo joy. :(21:27
naccaidalgol: how are you checking and what did you change?21:28
aidalgolI am checking with ulimit -Sn and ulimit -Hn, and I added the lines "* soft nofile 8192" and "* hard nofile 16384".21:29
aidalgolto /etc/security/limits.conf21:29
eelstrebori'm trying to dualboot win10 with ubuntu bionic - win10 was installed first - but when the grub menu comes up, i select ubuntu to boot but i get an error message that a uuid can't be found - the uuid is for the ubuntu root partition - gparted from the live dvd says the root partition is identified with that uuid what would cause this problem?21:30
eelstreborbtw, windows boots fine from the grub menu21:31
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woefeI found the solution to my problem. I'm running server 18.04 in a VirtualBox VM. In the dmesg log I found that the vbox guest additions install their own timesync service.21:52
Sbur3I need help changing a sb drive and its contents to read-write.  I don't know how or why it changed into read only mode, but I need access to the write capability21:59
Sbur3*usb drive21:59
Sbur3I've googled the question but haven't found the magical command to change it back to read-write22:02
leftyfbSbur3: sudo mount -o remount,rw /path/to/mount22:05
Sbur3leftyfb: I think I tried that, but will try again22:06
leftyfbSbur3: that's how you do it. It's more likely a bad drive/filesystem and needs to be unmounted and run an fsck22:06
Sbur3leftyfb: But it worked fine before and ... it's a "spy camera" with a 32gb micro sd that continues to record videos22:07
leftyfbSbur3: then it's entirely possible the 32gb sd card is failing22:08
Sbur3leftyfb: Recent purchase.  Don't understand how things could fall apart so easily22:11
Sbur3leftyfb: I typed in /media/...., just like file manager shows the "32GB drive"22:12
Sbur3leftyfb: I typed in /media/...., just like file manager shows the "32GB drive".  Now it says that it can't be found in /etc/fstab22:13
NoruxHi everybody22:19
NoruxI'm trying to install ubuntu 16.04.5 32bit server version on an old machine. I get "failed to create a file system"22:20
NoruxCan anybody help with this? Maybe EriC^^?22:21
GinNorux, Is that the only error message you get, there's no further information?22:26
NoruxGin: "The ext4 file system creation in partition #1 of SCSI4 (0,0,0) (sda) failed."22:27
NoruxGin: If I try to change the size of one of the partitions manually it says it encountered an "unknown error"22:28
geniiIf you're installing from an USB stick, check that you're not trying to install the system onto your installation media22:28
Noruxgenii: did that22:29
Noruxsda has 160 GB22:29
geniiMight want to check dmesg output for I/O errors, in which case that drive could be dying22:30
Noruxhmm that might be possible! How can I check those?22:31
geniiNorux: from a terminal something like: dmesg | tail -n 25   ..should show enough lines to see if there's some errors like this22:33
Noruxgenii: okay but how do i get to the terminal22:34
grub-loserI need some help, please.  I did an apt upgrade and now apt won't run anymore (I think) because my grub is messed up22:34
grub-loserone message I get is "Internal Error: Could not find image (/boot/vmlinuz-4.4.0-140-generic)"22:34
qwebirc22866Hi! I have a Dell Inspiron 15 7567 laptop that I'm attempting to install Ubuntu 16.04 on. After the restart my laptop is stuck on a page of code with the last line showing the following: [1076.212038] sd 0:0:0:0 [sda] Synchonizing SCSI cache22:35
geniiNorux: If you went straight into the installer instead of running it from live desktop, you can still use one of the ctrl-alt-F# key combos to enter a terminal, and also toggle back to the installer22:36
geniiNorux: If you ran the install program from live desktop then you can just run a terminal same as in regular Ubuntu22:37
alekksanderquite an unusual question… any Russian users here? i need help, and my language skills are somewhat of a 1st grader…22:37
Noruxgenii: http://termbin.com/fcar22:37
slidinghornalekksander, try #ubuntu-ru22:37
Noruxgrub-loser: Do you mean you can't boot? Or are you able to boot but not call apt anymore22:38
grub-loserNorux: tx.  I mean I can't run apt anymore22:39
Noruxgrub-loser: did you try "sudo apt-get install --fix-broken"?22:39
grub-loserNorux: tx.  I think I messed up grub during an upgrade.  This box is running 14.04 Trusty Tahr LTS.22:40
grub-loserNorux: tx.  No, I did not try that.  I like the sound of it.  tx!22:40
geniiNorux: There's no I/O errors. Another option is the system you're attempting to install onto uses EFI/UEFI but Ubuntu EFI/UEFI installer is only for 64bit, not 3222:40
Noruxgenii: I picked ubuntu 16.04.5 32bit server version22:41
Noruxso it should support 32bit, i guess :D22:41
geniiNorux: 32bit Ubuntu releases which remain do not come with 32bit UEFI22:43
geniiNorux: The system you're trying to install onto is actually 32bit?22:44
Noruxgenii: oh. I'm not quite sure at that. It's definitely old enough to be 32bit!22:44
geniiNorux: You should check first and use 64bit if possible22:45
Noruxgenii: used to be a vista system22:45
Noruxgenii: how am I supposed to find that out?22:48
geniiNorux: You can check what CPU it says in /proc/cpuinfo and then look that chip up to see if it's 32 or 6422:49
energizer/etc/cron.monthly/myscript is run as root, correct?22:49
grub-loserthat didn't work.  but it's a hyper-v with a checkpoint, so I rolled it back.  BUT I think that the fundamental problem is that I gave it a wrong answer about grub during apt upgrade.  Should I hold-back grub?  or let it do all volumes?  or is there a way to figure out which volume to upgrade grub on?22:58
grub-loserI went with hold-back grub:  apt-mark hold grub-*23:13
energizerMy /var/log/syslog.{1..7} files only go back a week. Are there others hiding somewhere else?23:17
slidinghornenergizer, as far as I know, there should be some gzipped archives of log files, in that directory.  Beyond that, you could configure logrotate to keep them longer, I believe.  See `man logrotate`23:24

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