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cpaelzergood morning06:25
lordievaderGood morning07:13
kstenerudGood morning!07:59
GoopNot really sure if this is the place to ask, but what is a good piece of software to run that I can on Linux where I can create users and it be inserted into a Single-Sign-On solution, because I don't know how to *manage* users graphically, but I have figured a little about how to get SSO to work.08:14
GoopOkay, so I have created a test server with one LDAP generic user, inside a posix group. You can see my directory tree: https://i.imgur.com/fIhdNIg.png . However, I cannot seem to figure out what settings I need to give Keycloak: https://i.imgur.com/rtFDc9S.png .09:56
GoopSorry, had to edit the image more. Here are the new links: https://i.imgur.com/fIhdNIg.png and https://i.imgur.com/59YFGao.png10:01
ahasenackgood morning11:07
baffleHi, I have a systemd/boot problem I can't wrap my head around. I want frr.service to be started at boot. It is referenced here: /etc/systemd/system/network-online.target.wants/frr.service.. network-online.target also wants /etc/systemd/system/network-online.target.wants/systemd-networkd-wait-online.service ... But systemd-networkd-wait-online.service is never started? systemd-networkd.service is14:27
bafflestarted fine, and network interfaces are configures. I'm using netplan for configuration, as that seems to be the new cool way.14:27
bafflefrr.service is dead, network-online.target is dead, systemd-networkd-wait-online.service is dead.. Why are they not loaded? :)14:27
baffleThis is on 18.04.14:27
GoopI don't really know how to ask this question, but I've seen several programs that I've ran on Linux CLI that don't do the usual text scrolling, and wanted to know how to code that type of thing. Like, I've ran a Minecraft server, and what it does is it has the user command input on the very bottom line of the terminal, and displays all the server output on lines above (without interfering with the displayed user input).14:55
lordcirth_Goop, probably using ncurses or something like that15:00
baffleMaybe it uses curses or a similar library.15:00
ackkrbasak, hi, do you guys by chance build the git-ubuntu snap in jenkins?15:40
powersjackk, we have a nightly build https://jenkins.ubuntu.com/server/view/git-ubuntu/15:42
Ussatwhat version of ansible comes with 18.04 ?15:42
ackkpowersj, thanks, i'm asking because we're having some issues building our snap and I wanted to look at similar configs for building in jenkins. will look at the JJB config (we use it too)15:43
ackkpowersj, oh but you run the build inside a vm?15:44
powersjackk, yeah for a cleaner env.15:44
ackkpowersj, no multipass? :)15:45
powersjackk, if we were to write it now, we'd use it :)15:45
ackkpowersj, we tried that but didn't work for us15:46
powersjackk, too bad, did you happen to file a bug?15:46
ackkpowersj, yeah, our current issues are 1) proxies are not propagated, so VMs can't access archives and 2) the jenkins user would have to be in the sudo group as that's currently required to use multipass15:47
ackkthe latter can be workarounded, but the former is a blocker for us ATM15:47
UssatNM found what I need thanks15:48
powersjackk, you can use cloud-init to setup apt proxy https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/modules.html#apt-configure "Configure apt proxy"16:00
ackkpowersj, can you feed that to multipass?16:00
ackkoh, that's interesting16:00
ackkpowersj, how I do that?16:01
powersjackk, https://powersj.io/post/cloud-init-multipass/ :)16:01
ackknice, thanks powersj!16:01
ackkpowersj, ah, wait but I'm not launching multipass directly, it's snapcraft doing it16:02
powersjackk, ah right, I am not sure if they allow passing arguments16:04
ackkpowersj, yeah I'm looking at snapcraft sources right now to see if it can be done16:04
ackkpowersj, oh it seems if you have a user-data.yaml file in your project dir it's passed to multipass16:06
* ackk goes to try that16:06
ackkpowersj, is there a way to set the proxy for the whole system in cloud-init?16:10
ackkah that is for the whole system16:10
ackkpowersj, turns out you can't pass the cloud-init, snapcraft generates one for multipass16:24
ackkso, no way to pass the proxy there at the moment (should be a fairly trivial change in snapcraft though)16:25
powersjackk, can you report a bug to snapcraft about not being able to pass a proxy?16:25
powersjor even a forum post16:25
ackkpowersj, i did already, lemme find it16:25
powersjsweet! thanks16:25
ackkpowersj, https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapcraft/+bug/180798816:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1807988 in Snapcraft "snapcraft should propagate proxy settings to multipass VMs" [Undecided,New]16:26
ackkpowersj, I also filed one for multiipass, as if multipass has a proxy set it should likely pass it to VMs as well16:26
axisyswhy doesn't it add the routes from interfaces file?16:40
axisysshould I change `up ip route ..` with `post-up ..` ?16:41
tewardaxisys: i'm confused with the question?16:41
tewardare you on 18.04?  16.04?16:42
axisysteward: up ip route add via
axisysteward: this route does show come up at reboot16:50
axisysteward: I end up manuallu running the ip route add command after boot16:50
naccaxisys: answer the second questions from teward for us to be able to help (18.04? 16.04?)16:51
axisysah.. 14.0416:51
lordcirth_axisys, 'up' works for me on 16.04, but you could try post-up.16:53
axisyslordcirth_: ok16:57
lordcirth_axisys, also, note that 14.04 isn't supported much longer.  You should start planning to upgrade.16:57
axisyslordcirth_: right.. our sdwan vendor testing their code on next release..17:00
axisyslordcirth_: did not help17:03
axisyslordcirth_: almost tempting to right a new upstart script to force it..17:03
axisysany other ideas?17:03
tewardstupid suggestion is rc.local17:08
tewardi think 14.04 still has that enabled by default...17:08
tewardand then just add your route add rules there17:08
tewardbut that presupposed that the interface is up :|17:08
axisysupstart can check that ..17:09
tewardthough as was said, 14.04 is near dead, 16.04 would be SystemD :P17:10
teward... which reminds me I need to get this one-run SystemD script working for my 18.04 server to do some final on-boot tasks...17:10
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naccrbasak: kstenerud: i assume you've also seen the transition trackers for 7.2 and 7.3?20:21
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