
Avionslidinghorn: the response to lsblk doesnt tell me that00:00
slidinghornAvion, try parted /dev/sd* 'print'   (where "*" is the drive letter - sda, sdb, etc)00:01
TJ-Avion: "sudo blkid" will include info on the file-system type00:01
TJ-Avion: or "lsblk -f" will do the same00:01
Avionslidinghorn: rescue mode said I had to do it manually and some other think said I had to donit from usb. thats where I am now.00:02
Avionslidinghorn: this tecmint page looks like I could have done it from recovery00:03
slidinghornAvion, Well let's just continue from USB, since that's where we're at now.  Both TJ-'s suggestion and my own will give you the information you need00:04
AvionTJ-: blkid was perfect. i knew I installed it at the end of the drive. (to start, way back, I used windows to divide the rest of drive in 8 partitions so I could experiment with different distros. ✓00:06
AvionTJ-: fsck -Nc /dev/sbd1  - that didnt work. i am lost00:14
TJ-Avion: what type is the file-system, and what way 'didn't work'00:16
AvionTJ-: oops mistyped. fixed. it says:  there are differences between boot sector and its backup. this is mostly harmless. -- now gives me three choices: copy original to backup or copy backup to original or no action00:20
AvionTJ-  oh, lsblk -f was more helpful. my filesystem is actually sda600:26
TJ-Avion: what program are you using that reports that? Generally there is no backup of a boot sector unless a tool has previously been used to create one00:26
AvionTJ-:  my bad, i was checking the flash drive. found the right partition. fixed it. it is booting. (inpostednto reddit and hadnt tried recovery and what i showed reddit was the wrong thing to show them. - today I tried recovery and that led me on this successful path.)  THANK YOU and slidinghorn00:29
xdruppiis it possible to change my bios time through ubuntu?00:44
xdruppiis there any command line program for that?00:45
xdruppii just want my date and time to be synced00:46
OerHeks hwclock --systohc and hwclock -hctosys00:47
bray9082_Is there an easy way to move an ubuntu install to a new hard drive?00:48
xdruppithanks OerHeks00:49
bray9082_Could I just copy the files from one drive to another then update fstab?00:50
slidinghornbray9082_, See if this helps: https://askubuntu.com/a/74172700:50
bray9082_slidinghorn: That will work but00:54
bray9082_Would  installing grub to a new drive copying the contents of the root partition over and updating fstab also work?00:54
bray9082_Oh wait don't listen to me00:54
bray9082_slidinghorn: Thanks for the info00:55
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Avionflypeace out01:06
bray9082_Is 32gb big enough for ubuntu?01:39
iosecureMy Ubuntu Server deployment uses 2GB.01:40
iosecureSo, the short answer is "it depends."01:40
alazyI'm using xsel/xclip. Sometimes a final "enter" aka "\012" is at the end, and I'd like to remove that. How can I use tr or sed to remove the last character if it's "/012"?02:20
iosecuresed 's:\\012::'?02:23
iosecureActually, that probably wouldn't work.02:23
alazybind M-C-p run "xsel -o -b | tr -d '\' | tmux load-buffer - | tmux paste-buffer"02:31
GeoHi, I'm installing 18.04 desktop, and the installer hangs when it gets to the 'installation type' screen- it doesn't allow me to pick a type (the screen I see listed on tutorials don't appear). Instead, I get what looks to be where the partition list goes, and "+ - Change" buttons at the bottom. Clicking any of these completely freeze the installer. Has anyone run into this?02:31
alazyNevermind, that should have been tr -d02:32
alazy'\012' | ... but it'll delete all \012's, not just the last when it's the last character02:32
iosecuresed '${/^\012$/d;}' file02:34
iosecureThat'll delete the last line of the file IF the only content on the line is that character.02:35
iosecureOr, at least, in theory.02:40
jmaderoanyone here using Thunderbird in Ubuntu 18.04, specifically thunderbird 60.2.102:48
slidinghornjmadero, that's the version that comes in the Bionic repositories.  What is your actual question?02:50
OerHeksthat would cover all versions https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=thunderbird02:51
jmaderoI don't see a calendar in it at all . . . which is confusing because Google is telling me one should exist02:51
jmaderoI've got a beta version downloaded which has a calendar but it appears like the google calendar extension is broken in that02:51
slidinghornjmadero, the calendar feature is an extension called Lightning02:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1797945 in thunderbird (Ubuntu) "Lightning incompatible with Thunderbird 60.2.1" [High,Confirmed]02:52
OerHeksknown issue02:52
jmaderoI'm seeing that Lightning is incorporated into Thunderbird after 58.*02:52
jmaderowhich makes sense as it works fine in my beta release02:52
jmaderojust without Google Calendar integration it's essentially useless for me02:52
TJ-jmadero: the calendar is there on 18.04; there's 3 icons top-right, the one with measles brings up the calendar02:53
OerHekshttps://support.mozilla.org/nl/questions/1229874 with some promising fixes02:53
jmaderoTJ-: yeah I see that in beta, not in the stable release in the repos02:53
jmaderoOerHeks: checking out the link now02:54
TJ-jmadero: ahh! seems I have both installed :D02:54
OerHeksin short, wipe and reinstall xul-ext-lightning02:54
jmaderoI didn't even have xul-ext-lightning installed02:57
jmaderoinstalling it didn't do anything though02:57
OerHekspkill thunderbird # something like that ?02:58
jmaderono good - this is super frustrating since it appears like it's environment specific02:59
jmaderowell - it's profile specific, this is now interesting03:02
GeoHi, I'm installing 18.04 desktop, and the installer hangs when it gets to the 'installation type' screen- it doesn't allow me to pick a type (the screen I see listed on tutorials don't appear). Instead, I get what looks to be where the partition list goes, and "+ - Change" buttons at the bottom. Clicking any of these completely freeze the installer. Has anyone run into this?03:24
jmaderoGeo: have you successfully installed other versions?03:40
jmaderoGeo: when you see boot loader starting in live - press "e", replace "quiet splash" with "nomodeset", see if that helps03:43
ShadowyHorsemanHey Guys, I'm new to Ubuntu. Does anyone know why redirection loops happen during installation of third-party packages? I tried installing Minecraft.deb and few other apps and they don't install easily because of this issue.03:48
ShadowyHorsemanWell.. actually they don't install at all.03:49
jmaderoredirection ;oops?03:57
Geojmadero: on other machines, yes04:00
GeoI'll try, thanks04:00
Geoother install media, too (?)04:01
ShadowyHorsemanjmadero https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/xDzRWTQcVR/04:03
OerHekslooks like this https://askubuntu.com/questions/1099638/installing-minecraft-deb-tries-to-install-but-gives-a-redirect-loop04:06
CodeMouse92OerHeks: That's because that's him ;)04:06
CodeMouse92But the answer didn't work. (Yes, I'm chatting w/ him on the phone. He's actually my best friend IRL)04:07
DonaldKBrownI'm back. Slightly different question. I was looking at https://askubuntu.com/questions/194027/locking-with-usb-drive, but the answers are all out-dated. The suggested cuttlefish PPA doesn't work on 18.04, and the pamusb package is no longer available, as well. Is there anyway, possibly using evdev rules, to make my computer lock when a particular USB device is unplugged?04:07
CodeMouse92ShadowyHorseman: Question...what happens when you run 'sudo dpkg -i ~/Downloads/Minecraft.deb'04:07
OerHeksremove that and change to snap https://snapcraft.io/minetest04:08
ShadowyHorsemandon't even get me started on minetest04:09
CodeMouse92ShadowyHorseman: And then pastebin the output04:09
ShadowyHorsemanCodeMouse92 https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/jg7Y5gSM8V/04:11
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CodeMouse92ShadowyHorseman: Start the application "Software & Updates"04:13
CodeMouse92Under the Ubuntu Software tab, what value does 'Download from:' have?04:13
ShadowyHorseman'Server for Canada'04:15
CodeMouse92ShadowyHorseman: Try 'Main Server'04:15
CodeMouse92Set that, and then enter the password.04:15
CodeMouse92Then try the 'sudo apt install' again04:15
ShadowyHorsemanSays: Failed to download repository information. Check your Internet connection. Details: v E:The repository 'http://ppa.launchpad.net/shimmerproject/ppa/ubuntu bionic Release' does not have a Release file.04:17
CodeMouse92ShadowyHorseman: Ahhh, okay, so it sounds like you've tried to install some other application from a PPA (private package repository)....04:18
CodeMouse92And it doesn't like it much now. So, go to the Other Software tab...04:18
CodeMouse92Find that in the list, and uncheck the box for it.04:18
Bashing-omShadowyHorseman: http://ppa.launchpad.net/shimmerproject/ppa/ubuntu/dists/ : not supported in bionic.04:19
ShadowyHorsemanreload worked... so... i guess I might retry?04:21
CodeMouse92Yes, with the apt install command04:21
CodeMouse92That's definitely odd, that it would be be magnling that source URL for gconf2....04:25
CodeMouse92Bashing-om: any ideas? ^^^04:25
OerHekscheck your sources.list.d folder, this repo is not legit AFAIK04:26
ShadowyHorsemanbear with me OerHeks... what command do I use to check that?04:27
Bashing-omCodeMouse92: ShadowyHorseman looking ,04:28
Bashing-om!info gconf2-common bionic04:30
ubottugconf2-common (source: gconf): GNOME configuration database system (common files). In component universe, is optional. Version 3.2.6-4ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 683 kB, installed size 6379 kB04:30
CodeMouse92Bashing-om: His sources seem borked, based on the URL04:31
Bashing-omShadowyHorseman: " and 204 not upgraded. " . Try ' sudo apt update ' .04:32
OerHeksmaybe the packages are not compromized, but their traffic route seems to be a wonky ride04:32
CodeMouse92I suspect overriding the DNS may well help.04:35
ShadowyHorsemanSo apparently changing the mirror to mirrors.usinternet.com fixed the problem. I hate you mediacom.04:40
Geojmadero: no dice04:44
CodeMouse92ShadowyHorseman: Awesome. Based on that, then, change your DNS. See instructions here.
ShadowyHorsemanOerHeks, Bashing-om and CodeMouse92 thanks you guys, now I can get stuff done!!04:45
Bashing-omShadowyHorseman: Here to help :)04:53
=== msalvatore_ is now known as msalvatore
bray9082_If I were to install ubuntu then replace my root partition with a root partition from a different ubuntu install and updated fstab appropriately would the OS boot?06:16
bray9082_I would rather just install ubuntu rather then try to install just grub06:17
doge-dogewhat's the better option: using a preconfigured compton config or sudo saving a custom xorg file (with compositing pipeline) per nvidia driver? for a gtx 1060.06:33
doge-dogei would assume installing nvidia is theoretically better performance over Nouveau?06:39
lotuspsychjedoge-doge: we reccomend adding the ubuntu graphics ppa for gtx cards06:49
lotuspsychjedoge-doge: from there you can try nvidia 390,396 or 41006:50
doge-dogei just installed the driver through the software updater settings and it seemed fine installed...06:50
lotuspsychjedoge-doge: ubuntu-drivers list to see what your system suggests06:50
lotuspsychjedoge-doge: sure, if you are happy with ubuntu's current driver and everything is working you can keep that06:51
lotuspsychjebray9082_: in most cases ubuntu adapts to your hardware/system but make a backup before you experiment ok06:52
lotuspsychjebray9082_: for example and old ubuntu install on ssd, you put the ssd into a new system will adapt itself to the new system06:53
doge-dogein regards to screen tearing and overall performance, i'm reading that forcing the composition pipeline should be your first option since compton itself claims it can never replace the driver's abilities06:53
lotuspsychjebray9082_: of course a fresh install is mostly adviced06:53
lotuspsychjedoge-doge: well driver versions can differ alot on performance, best driver is the one performing best on your card/system06:54
doge-dogeidk, digging around the nvidia-ultil app (by sudo since you need to save the xorg file) seems like a highly-skilled use-case06:56
doge-dogei've always been told to *never* run any gui per sudo06:56
doge-dogei think that's why gksu got burried?06:57
lotuspsychjedoge-doge: yes for security reasons running sudo GUI has been disabled on 18.0406:58
doge-dogelol, so you have to generate the xorg file manually and copy it over?06:58
lotuspsychjedoge-doge: currently fiddling around with the xorg file is not needed anymore06:59
doge-dogehow else would nvidia retain custom configs for the next session?06:59
lotuspsychjedoge-doge: of course there are always 'special' cases that might need some tuning here and there06:59
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aaafakerobotquick question : can i bold the first line of the terminal, eg "user@pc:~" and make it BOLD?07:29
aaafakeroboteven if im not running X?07:29
doge-dogeaaafakerobot, you can specify all the font configs in your bash.rc file...can you mention my name here, I want to test out the correct notification sound07:32
ducasseaaafakerobot: depends on your font, but most likely07:33
doge-dogeducasse, can you mention me?07:33
doge-dogei want to know if "beep" is the right entry lol07:33
ducasseaaafakerobot: i'd guess you activate bold with an escape sequence07:33
aaafakerobothmm ok07:34
ducassedoge-doge: sure, but this isn't really the place07:34
doge-dogeok thanks it worked07:34
aaafakerobot:D wuff!07:34
aaafakerobotok ducasse, can you tell me whats the name of that line thingy? i dont know whats it called (so i can google it)07:35
doge-dogethe notification sounds in MATE need a serious update from legacy settings07:35
aaafakerobotdoge-doge: bash.rc or .bashrc?07:35
doge-dogei always found customizations in .bashrc07:36
ducasseaaafakerobot: it's contained in a variable, PS107:36
ducasseaaafakerobot: there's a list of escape sequences here - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4842424/list-of-ansi-color-escape-sequences07:36
ducasseaaafakerobot: bold is one of them07:36
aaafakerobotthank you!07:37
ducasseyou're very welcome07:38
aaafakerobotok what the heck?07:40
aaafakeroboti have 2 ssh instnaces open, one of them automatically got bolded and the 2nd one didnt?07:40
aaafakeroboti think i just made everything bold07:41
ducasseaaafakerobot: you need to turn bold off again at the end of PS107:41
aaafakerobotlol :D07:41
aaafakerobotoh no i havent touched bashrc at all, just testing in cli07:42
aaafakeroboti did "echo -e "\033[1m" and everything got bolded, EVERYTHING07:42
aaafakeroboti wonder what i did wrong.07:42
aaafakerobotand then i reset it with "echo -e "\033[0m""07:43
ducasseyep, that will turn bold on, you need to turn it off again07:43
aaafakerobothmm ducasse i still dont understand PS1, there's a lot of instances of PS1 in bashrc,07:44
aaafakerobotok nvm07:45
aaafakeroboti think i understand07:45
aaafakerobotIT WOKED07:47
aaafakerobot*worked, not woke, but i guess its woke now07:48
aaafakerobotthanks guys07:48
SkyriderGreetings everyone07:48
ducasseaaafakerobot: have fun :)07:48
SkyriderFor the past few months that I've tried ubuntu 18.04, I had multiple network issues (no internet) and random packages disappearing (such as ufw).07:50
SkyriderFor some odd reason using sudo dhclient eth0 fixed it for the time being, but I am rather curious as to why this is all happening.07:50
ducasseSkyrider: how are you configuring your network - netplan?07:52
SkyriderOne would think.07:58
Skyridernetplan exists and should be default. Yet none o the netplan commands work07:58
ducasseare you using networkd or network manager?07:59
SkyriderEverything was working fine until a kernel update reboot requirement.. after that, the entire net died.07:59
SkyriderGood Q... I usually never touch the stuff as its set to dhcp anyway.08:00
SkyriderBut I remember a file that pinpointed that manplan was used.08:01
Skyriderand /etc/netplan does exist, but netplan itself is an unknown command.08:01
ducasseSkyrider: does 'type netplan' return anything?08:05
Skyridertype netplan: not found08:07
ducassemight not be properly installed08:07
ducassecan you pastebin the output of 'apt policy netplan.io'?08:08
iresfhello everyone08:09
iresfi want to create a ubuntu base distro, what is the best to do it with ubuntu 16.04 or 18.04 ?08:10
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ducasseshouldn't matter08:12
SkyriderThough this isn't the first time i'm having network issues on ubuntu 18.0408:12
ducasseok, it's not installed at all08:12
Skyriderufw is also missing08:14
ducasseif you're using network manager you can just make sure networking is configured there08:14
ducassehow did you install?08:15
SlidingHorniresf: I mean, it's simply a matter of preference, really, but if I had to make a recommendation, I'd say 18.04.  Its support is extended until 2028 now.08:15
SkyriderUnit network-manager.service could not be found08:16
SkyriderSame for network & networkd08:17
iresfSlidingHorn : may you guide me to customize ubuntu 18.04 or 16.04  i need to change logo of ubuntu in boot stage also i need to install some application and then i need to have them in iso08:17
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ducasseSkyrider: ok, how did you install?08:18
SkyriderI didn't, was pre-installed with the image.08:18
SkyriderEverything was working fine last week, including ufw. But after a reboot (and kernel update), stuff broke down08:18
ducasseiresf: this is a bit outside what is supported here08:18
SkyriderNow multiple packages appear to be missing08:18
ducasseSkyrider: seems so, yes08:19
iresfducasse : where should i looking for help  ?08:19
ducasseiresf: i don't know, ##linux maybe?08:20
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iresfthank u08:22
SkyriderNot sure why a kernel update would break stuff08:24
SkyriderSecond time this happened on 18.04 :-\08:24
nekoseamhow could a kernel update ever POSSIBLY break something? it's not like it's the core to Linux!08:27
lotuspsychjein reality things can happen when booting kernel versions08:28
ducassethe question is probably more why it would remove other packages, which it never should08:29
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afakerobothiya once again.08:35
afakeroboton startup, i get an error message "lsdhelper: cannot conenct to x server08:36
afakeroboti dont care about X, i just want the error to be suppressed08:36
afakerobotbecause i have to press enter to start my work, so its 1 extra keystroke08:36
afakerobotso before i can start, i have to press enter atleast once08:40
afakeroboti want the error message to be suppressed, so it doesnt show up.08:40
afakerootbothiya, question : when i do apt-get install/update, it checks THIS address ""09:14
afakerootbotand eventually fails09:14
afakerootbothow do i restore repositories via CLI?09:14
SlidingHornafakerootbot: check this out: https://askubuntu.com/a/58660109:15
afakerootbotSlidingHorn: thank you.09:18
afakerootbotSlidingHorn: PERFECT, worked09:38
jerbot_is Ubuntu One good?09:55
afakerootbotjerbot_: DEPENDS.10:05
esselfeHi, what should I do to have gkrellm start when my session opens? I'm using Ubuntu 18.04.1 Bionic10:14
esselfewith gnome. Should I create a desktop file in /etc/xdg/autostart?10:16
tarzeauwhere can i find PPA testers?10:22
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=== _SimonNL is now known as SimonNL
ZteamHi all!11:34
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ZteamI have a problem with fstrim since I upgraded Ubuntu from 18.04 to 18.10 fstrim on my ssd takes over 7 minutes this is happening once a a week and results in a very huge boot time11:36
ZteamIt worked great on Ubuntu 18.0411:36
capellaI thought trim on ssd was deprecated11:44
BluesKajHi folks11:46
Zteamcapella, why would it be that? my install sure run it11:46
capellaI mean it works but induces unneeded wear11:46
* capella re-reading11:47
prof2004hi, I have a problem with hplip accessing my hp_laserjet_mfp_m426dw11:52
prof2004have had installed hplib3.17.10 with std ubuntu 18.0411:53
prof2004did print, but no scanning11:53
prof2004have got the latest version hplip from HP Linux Imaging and Printing Website: 3.18.1211:54
prof2004did the install without error11:54
prof2004system detected the printer, told me to run hp-plugin in user mode11:55
prof2004did it11:55
prof2004get an error in verifying the installation package11:55
prof2004skipped the error11:55
prof2004proeceed until the end with an error message error: python gobject/dbus may not be installed11:56
prof2004running scan2pdf gives error: open of device hpaio:/net/hp_laserjet_mfp_m426dw? ip= queue=false failed: ERROR during device i/o11:57
prof2004tried to remove the hplib 3.18.12 and to install the 3.17.10 again11:58
prof2004now, I have both version displayed and scanning does still not work11:58
Zteamprof2004, if the driver is for a 32bit system and you are on a 64 bit system you need to install ia32-lib (it's renamed now but if you try to install that from terminal APT will tell you the right name)11:58
prof2004your help is welcome11:58
prof2004sudo apt install ia32-lib leads to package not found12:00
Zteamprof2004, ops my bad. its ia32-libs12:04
Zteamprof2004, it will still tell you that the package doesn't exist, but it should suggest another package instead12:05
prof2004is it ok to install these two packages? lib32ncurses5 and lib32z1? I do not want to harm my system?12:06
Zteamprof2004, yes, it should be. that worked to solve my issues with my Brother Scanner, but I can't guarentee it will work for you, but it's worth a try12:08
prof2004scanner still not found, do I have to do additional steps, reboot or so?12:09
zetherooHow to troubleshoot the issue here? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/HZPKFm3BKD/12:10
Zteamprof2004, nope, if that was your problem it should been working now12:10
prof2004no, then I have still the problem12:11
prof2004may be, we can together remove/purge all hp components, and do a fresh hplip install?12:12
prof2004A first step would be, to have the package hp components only installed12:12
prof2004it should work, I have checked, that my printer is supported since hplip 3.15.1112:13
prof2004now I have a mix of 3.17.10 and 3.18.1212:14
lukeramsdenanybody else having trouble accessing naked ubuntu.com? www.ubuntu.com works fine, but other subdomains (like the ones used by apt) are refusing connections12:15
lukeramsdentrying to determine if it's my network or if it's the site12:15
prof2004apt works fine for me12:15
Zteamapt works for me too12:21
Zteamprof2004, try to run hpscan from a termianl and see if it gives you any clues12:23
zetheroofor some reason I cannot install  freeradius-mysql in 18.04 https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/HZPKFm3BKD/12:24
zetherooHow to find out why?12:24
prof2004error: No device selected/specified or that supports this functionality.12:24
ddoobbHey guys I'm on 18.04 and I just found out that my system does not have LibreOffice Impress, it only has Writer, Calc, and Math. Is this expected, and how can I get LibreOffice Impress without undoing the LTS-ness of my LibreOffice install12:33
Zteamprof2004, you might find this useful https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HpAllInOne12:34
Zteamddoobb, just install it from software center12:36
ddoobbZteam it's not there12:36
Zteamddoobb, go to a terminla and run these commands:12:38
Zteamddoobb, sudo apt update12:38
Zteamddoobb, sudo apt install libreoffice-impress12:39
prof2004hp-check -r brings up a lot of info and some errors12:39
prof2004have to read it carefully, will come back12:39
ddoobbthanks Zteam12:42
talinhello. i've added "root soft nofile 8192" to /etc/security/limits.conf and restarted. it seems no change has taken effect. process is running as root, but cat /proc/<pid>/limits still says 1024?12:45
Zteamddoobb, you are welcome :)12:49
=== littlebit1 is now known as littlebit
BillD73Not looking for Android Virtual Box help, it's and issue on graphics with ubuntu 16.  While setting up an AVD I cannot see what at the bottom of dialog box, print is truncated  I can see the cancel and OK buttons but cannot see what is written next to it and OK button does not become available(likely a config issue) but with being able to see what written idk.  my little Acer resolution only has a 1024x600 max. Any suggestions?13:25
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vltBillD73: What is an AVD?13:47
BillD73vlt: Android Virtual Device13:48
vltBillD73: First idea that comes to mind: Run a larger vncserver session and scroll or scale.13:53
zetherooHow is it that after I removed a package and rebooted the system that the service of that package is still running?13:53
iosecureWhich package?13:54
zetherooI'm going to try and reinstall it regardless13:55
BillD73vlt: I'll check that out13:58
olabazHi, I'm on 18.10 and I use a laptop with an external monitor. When I have the displays set to "Join Displays" and I set the dock to my external monitor it goes on laptop screen. When I set it to laptop screen it goes on the external monitor. Is there a way to fix this?14:00
=== capella is now known as capella|away
lolswitchI'm thinking of flashing the ubuntu iso to my lenovo's recovery partition, booting from there, installing from there (no usb pen drive or optical drive)14:18
pragmaticenigmalolswitch: I'm not certain, but i don't think that will work14:19
lolswitchk what's the best way to get ubuntu on?14:19
iosecureWhy wouldn't that work?14:20
iosecureIt's a common technique that VPS providers use to bootstrap installations that they don't provide images for.14:20
alephnullI have SecureBoot setup and /proc/keys shows me the Canonical keys. However, when I build a module with dkms, modinfo does not show signer or sig_key. I do see "~Module signature appended~" with hexdump.14:20
alephnullWhere are the keys that are used to sign the modules?14:21
iosecureStored securely on Canonical's systems, I'd expect.14:21
iosecureTo do otherwise would circumvent the protection that secure boot is intended to provide.14:22
alephnulliosecure, So how do I sign DKMS modules? Enroll my own key?14:22
pragmaticenigmaiosecure: VPS is different than a physical system. Most recovery partitions are signed for the recovery module in the bios to verify it hasn't been tampered with. Bios recovery may not recognize the partition for booting14:22
pragmaticenigmalolswitch: The best way is to follow the instructions on ubuntu's website for installing14:23
pragmaticenigmalolswitch: Either burning the ISO to DVD-ROM for boot, or flashing the image to a thumb drive14:23
alephnullI figured it must be generating a key somewhere on the filesystem.14:23
pragmaticenigma!usb | lolswitch14:23
ubottulolswitch: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent14:23
lolswitchthat would mean to mount the disk and run setup like a fucking faggot14:24
iosecurepragmaticenigma: KVM VMs are in general indistinguishable from physical systems. No one said that he had to boot from the recovery option. As long as the partition entry is set to the correct type, BIOS should recognize it as any other bootable partition.14:24
iosecurelolswitch: Language.14:24
pragmaticenigmalolswitch: watch you language14:24
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pragmaticenigmalolswitch: This channel only supports the official methods for installation that are documented by the community and Ubuntu developers. The method you described isn't supported here, you're welcome to try it, but it is very unlikely anyone here will be able to provide assistance14:27
AscavasaionI am trying to get wifi to work on this laptop.  ethernet works.  lspci shows both wireless and wired network cards.  iwconfig only shows enp7s0 and lo, neither having wireless extensions14:37
gotpunkdmesg show any errors?14:38
gotpunkwhat chipset?14:38
Ascavasaion04:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g LP-PHY (rev 01)14:39
gotpunkAscavasaion: sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-installer14:41
gotpunkif that doesn't work, or errors, sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-lpphy-installer14:41
Ascavasaiongotpunk, Do I need to reboot or soemthing for that to work?14:43
Ascavasaiongotpunk: firmware-b43-lpphy-installer does not exist14:47
AscavasaionLet me reboot14:47
gotpunknobody tell him i just googled that shit14:49
gotpunkand it was the first(second?) result14:49
Ascavasaiongotpunk: It worked!!!  thank you14:52
=== Miklo is now known as leona
=== leona is now known as Miklo
rapidwaveI've been having trouble with latest kernel using Bionic. When I try to boot, I get a black screen and never shows anything.15:08
rapidwaveIf I use the first older kernel, it gets to loading some kind of RAM, but hangs.15:08
alephnullWhere is the MOK stored on disk?15:09
=== SimonNL is now known as _SimonNL
strixdioubuntu 18.04 (updated) and 18.10 both have flickering issues for a few minutes when I log into my desktop. This doesn't seem to happen when I am running live, but only after I apt upgrade. 3D controller [0302]: NVIDIA Corporation Device [10de:1cbb] (rev a1)  VGA compatible controller [0300]: Intel Corporation Device [8086:3e9b]15:10
strixdiorunning nouveau and i91515:11
lordcirth_rapidwave, can you tell/show us what this "some kind of RAM" screen looks like?15:11
strixdiohmm, not sure why lspci doesn't show what kind of GPU the nvidia is.. it is a nvidia quadro P1000.15:14
Rodenis there a way to increase the size of things in the default de for 18?15:16
lordcirth_strixdio, you should probably install the nvidia driver15:16
Roden18.04 DE has really tiny scroll bars and buttons15:16
Rodenthe 200% zoom stuff is nonsense15:17
lordcirth_strixdio, or, this might be related: https://devtalk.nvidia.com/default/topic/1038973/linux/2-same-quadro-p1000-cards-but-only-one-can-install-ubuntu-/15:17
strixdiolordcirth_: I am leaning this way, though I'm not used to ubuntu.. there won't be any issues with it right? as in, kernel updated but driver not?15:18
Rodenit doesn't change line height so everything gets smushed out15:18
strixdiolordcirth_: I'm wanting ubuntu installed to my USB drive to be my "just works" distro.15:18
lordcirth_strixdio, so long as you are installing from the graphics-drivers ppa for the right version (bionic) there shouldn't be a mismatch.15:18
strixdiooh, ppa. :/15:19
lordcirth_strixdio, alternatively, try turning off desktop animations; perhaps the flickering will stop15:19
strixdioAlright, thanks for the help :)15:21
CookieMRoden, gnome-tweak-tool to the rescue15:21
strixdioI'll consider both options. Probably the nvidia blob since that's the direction I was leaning anyway.15:21
rapidwavelordcirth_ I believe it's just a line trying to load initram15:25
Draconiator<Draconiator> Question - does Lubuntu support the Intel 945 graphics chipset?  I may be running on generics right now.15:25
Draconiator<Draconiator> this is my ollllllld netbook BTW, 1GB RAM, 1.6ghz intel atom15:25
Draconiatoroh and I forgot, running 16.04 as well, seems to run great on this thing.15:25
RodenCookieM,  there are 61000 possibilities for gnome-tweak-tools{tab}15:25
Rodencould you recommend a dead ringer, mate?15:26
lordcirth_Draconiator, pretty sure the Lubuntu and Ubuntu kernels are the same.15:26
lordcirth_And the Intel drivers are just kernel modules, last I checked15:26
Draconiatorah so I don't need to do anything.15:27
lordcirth_Yeah intel works with everything15:27
RodenIs the synaptic pad behavior for you guys in ubuntu also wonkers?15:27
RodenClick-and-hold left-mouse and can't highlight terminal text15:28
Rodenonly terminal, though15:28
lordcirth_Roden, I recall having problems with synaptic years ago, but not recently15:28
RodenI can highlight in hexchat but not in terminal15:28
lordcirth_Roden, to double check, is the terminal running anything, like 'top'?15:28
lordcirth_And this is gnome-terminal?15:29
RodenI was going to state a problem here and then maybe at wine15:29
RodenI don't know.   I'm a freshie on 18.0415:29
RodenI typed version: no dice.15:29
RodenI'm going to have to break out the google fu in a minut.15:30
RodenI don't want to, though.15:30
lordcirth_Roden, the default terminal on Ubuntu 18.04 is gnome-terminal.15:30
DraconiatorI did run 18.04 on here for a while, but this one seems to bemore geared to low power devices, and it's perfect for my needs15:30
Rodenokay then it is.15:30
lordcirth_Roden, just in case, try installing xterm and running it15:30
RodenShouldn't I be able to highlight stuff in the nome term?15:31
lordcirth_Roden, yes, you should, but this could help us narrow down the problem15:31
RodenOh, it's huge, lo15:31
RodenWhen I hit ctrl-alt-t I get the same nonsense15:32
Rodenokay xterm is up15:32
RodenSame nonsense in xterm15:33
Rodenand also my eyes are bleeding because the font is so small15:33
Rodenhave you ever seen any situation other than Ubuntu where every font would be less than 9?15:33
RodenI think high school was 12 if they were rigid and uni was 16 double-spaced all-around.15:33
RodenI haven't used 10-font since gradeschool, lordy.15:34
Rodenseems like a major oversight by the gnome15:34
Rodenthe background is fantastic, though, isnt it? Look at that.  It's like a hephalumph15:35
RodenOh, it's a squirrel's head or maybe a beaver15:35
DraconiatorI can't believe they didn't choose "drowsy donkey" as the name of the next one.15:36
Draconiator18.04, codenamed Bionic Beaver.15:36
strixdiolordcirth_: huh, nvidia's driver does the same exact thing.15:36
Rodenno they have to make something good to give it a cool name. lol15:36
Rodenthey can use drowsy donkey when there's a user-friendly release.15:37
Rodeni'd love to make one, some day.15:38
RodenI bet we could make it happen, guys.  Let's all meet up at the guild house this weekend and talk it over, shall we?15:38
RodenBeer on Strix.  Draco the major d?15:38
RodenDrake left.15:40
strixdioSo this issue with my graphics started a few days ago. I had a fairly fresh install from about two weeks ago (tops). I updated it sometime in the past few days and got this issue.15:40
herald85anyone knows why apt tries but fails to download linux-headers-4.4.0-140_4.4.0-140.166_all.deb  ?15:41
strixdioever since, even on fresh installs (update during install) I get this flicker issue with the quadro p100015:41
RodenIs there a magnifying glass hotkey?15:41
strixdioeven on the nvidia driver15:41
strixdiothis goes for 18.04 and 18.1015:41
strixdiodmesg | grep -i nvidia > http://dpaste.com/2T7X03A15:43
GeoHi, I'm installing 18.04 desktop, and the installer hangs when it gets to the 'installation type' screen- it doesn't allow me to pick a type (the screen I see listed on tutorials don't appear). Instead, I get what looks to be where the partition list goes, and "+ - Change" buttons at the bottom. Clicking any of these completely freeze the installer. Has anyone run into this?15:43
RodenIsthere a way to select text in the terminal using only the keyboard?15:52
Harishello all15:57
Hariswhat's the pkg containing php5 mod on 14.04 lts15:58
RodenI used screen.  it works15:58
Rodenapt install screen15:58
RodenDidn't work at all.15:59
RodenJust writing it out: E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.16:00
Rodengotta look at it tomorow i guess nn16:02
SlidingHornHaris: are you running the desktop or server version?16:19
lolswitchhow do i install ubuntu without a usb drive or optical drive on an oob windows laptop? canonical doesn't have that documentation.16:26
lolswitchanyone in here knowledgeable about canonical?16:26
popeyThat's tricky. You could setup a PXE boot server on the network to serve up an ISO16:27
popeyBut it's way easier to find a USB key.16:27
tewardlolswitch: without a USB stick, you'd have to deploy a PXE boot server to serve the ISO up.16:46
tewardif that's not an option then you're out of luck16:46
leftyfbteward: you said what popey already said16:51
tewarddidn't see popey's message :|16:51
pragmaticenigmateward: it was immediately following the requestors message?16:56
tewardpragmaticenigma: might've been missed, my connection to my bouncer was flaky and for this channel I don't keep the backlogs after they're relayed, and if the client still listed as connected it'd not store in the buffer16:57
tewardin either case, no need to shoot me because of an accidental statement of echoing what another user said when I can't see that16:57
pragmaticenigmano worries16:57
ioriaconsidering that the user didn't even reply maybe repeating does good  (repetita iuvant)17:06
hazrpgHey all, just wondering if anyone else is experiencing an issue booting ubuntu 16.04 - i keep getting dropped into (initramfs) console, i had this issue before and opened up a launchpad on it a few months back but no update on it... and now it's affecting a kernel that was previously fine. The error before the console is that /sbin/init could not be found on the filesystem. Any thoughts?17:23
ioriahazrpg, can you boot in recovery mode and enable networking ?17:29
hazrpgioria, i think it still kicks me to initramfs, but i will double check that now17:30
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hazrpgNo i get the same message on recovery17:54
ioriahazrpg, then you need a livecd17:56
xitanHi, I'm using Wine to run Windows app under Ubuntu without any problems so far. Sadly the context menu (right-click) always opens on the wrong monitor. Any ideas how to fix this?17:58
Richard_Cavell /join #winehq18:01
xitanah well thanks :)18:01
robotocan anyone help with fixing qt. it seem severely broke here. no google hits have worked. removed all of qt, rebooted, reinstalled, and still broke18:05
coderman1if i have a file that was a binary file (.gz) and i uploaded it to an FTP site in ascii mode, is there anyway to recover it back to binary? the ftp copy is the only copy that i have now18:37
Hariswhat's the pkg containing php mod on ubuntu 14.x18:38
compdocthere seem to be ASCII text to binary converters, but who knows18:38
lordcirth_Haris, libapache2-mod-php, I think18:41
hazrpgThis is the bug I initially filled a while back, now it affects all kernels: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-signed-hwe/+bug/180025018:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1800250 in linux-signed-hwe (Ubuntu) "Latest kernel boots to (initramfs) console on Dell Inspirion 15 7577" [Undecided,New]18:41
Harisits not listed under https://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/php/18:42
Hariswhere is it under https://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/18:42
Harisits under https://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/httpd/18:43
Tenkawahello. Is there any good method/guide to explain how to integrate xscreensaver in ubuntu 18?18:43
lordcirth_Haris, https://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/httpd/libapache2-mod-php518:43
Tenkawaor is it completely deprecated? I kinda miss the variety of screensavers18:43
lordcirth_Tenkawa, It's in 18.04, when I installed xubuntu-desktop, I got it18:44
lordcirth_From minimal, not the Xubuntu iso18:44
Tenkawaok.. let me take a look18:44
leftyfbHaris: you do know trusty will be EOL and unsupported in about 4 months right?18:45
naccHaris: unless you pay Canonical for ESM :)18:46
Tenkawalordcirth_: yeah I was definitely missing a ton of packages18:46
naccHaris: lordcirth_: it's libapache2-mod-php5 on 14.04318:46
Tenkawaupdating now18:46
Harisno comment on it for now18:47
leftyfbHaris: yes. It's LTS which is generally supported for 5 years. You are 2 LTS releases behind. You are 9 ubuntu releases behind in total.18:47
naccHaris: no comment?18:49
HarisI'v already apprised those who need to be apprised of this fact months ago18:50
leftyfbHaris: Just letting you know. Come April, you'll no longer be able to get support for it. Not unless you pay for ESM from Canonical. But likely not here at all.18:53
Alina-malinai am wondering if someone used before youtube streaming API in linux, can somenoe give me instructions how to do that?18:56
Tenkawalordcirth_: perfect18:57
Tenkawathat was you who answered my q right?18:58
leftyfbAlina-malina: your question has nothing to do with ubuntu. You should try other channels. Maybe one related to the programming language you're trying to use.18:58
lordcirth_Tenkawa, np. I'm actually planning on using something else, when I can be bothered. lol19:00
Tenkawathat worked perfectly19:00
sere_is there a program specificly for cursors or icons.. gimg is good but it cannot create .ani files and i really dont want to switch to windows just for that ??19:02
ruidwhy does middle click to paste only work on certain applications?19:06
ruidand how do I make it work on everything?19:06
Harisjust sent a soft reminder via email to decision makers', action takers' asking them to plan upgrade19:06
Harisdone my part19:06
VozivI've been using a few snaps (discord, slack, phpstorm) for a little while now. When I click a link in slack if my browser isn't already open it opens with the slack icon. Does that mean my browser is then running within the slack snap?19:07
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popeyVoziv: no, but that's odd, I'll take a look into it19:12
pragmaticenigmaVoziv: Is Firefox your default browser?19:13
popeyVoziv: might be worth starting a thread on the snapcraft forum if you have a moment, forum.snapcraft.io19:13
popeybecause that sounds like a bug19:13
pragmaticenigmapopey: It's not necassarily a bug, depending on the default browser. Snaps are sandboxed by default. If it is providing Firefox as it's own browser. Mozilla Firefox is built to share one instance of the process, to avoid creating a bunch of firefox processes on a single machine19:14
popeyThe Slack snap does not provide Firefox.19:15
pragmaticenigmapopey: Do you know for sure?19:15
naccit's classic, iirc19:15
popeyYes, I worked with Slack to make it19:15
pragmaticenigmaMoving on, if Slack can launch Firefox from it's sandboxed instance, then Firefox would live in the sandbox. But if Firefox is already running, it's going to share the original process19:16
popeySlack is a classic (unconfined) snap19:16
CheetahPixieGreetings, folks.19:19
CheetahPixieI have some questions.19:19
CheetahPixieA friend's computer has a broken iGPU, but a working framebuffer.19:19
CheetahPixieI want to switch his install to llvmpipe.19:19
CheetahPixieHow do I do that?19:19
CheetahPixieI've found temporary, per-program ways to do it19:20
CheetahPixiebut I want to make all of X11 run on llvmpipe.19:20
ducasse!enter | CheetahPixie19:21
ubottuCheetahPixie: Please try and keep as much of your info as possible on ONE line - easier to follow for everyone.19:21
lordcirth_A program I'm debugging keeps writing files to /tmp, and then deleting them.  I'm trying to use inotifywait | cut | xargs cp to rescue them for debugging before they get deleted.  But xargs, even with -L1, doesn't seem to execute them right away.19:22
lordcirth_I think it might be waiting until the pipe closes?19:22
lordcirth_Yeah, it is19:24
CheetahPixieso, it boils down to this: how do I make an Ubuntu install use llvmpipe instead of *any* other driver? There's a lot of results on Google for getting *away* from llvmpipe, but nothing on how to go the other way.19:30
hays_I am seeing something very unusual and I have no idea how to troubleshoot. I am accessing on a system and it is connecting to another machine on the same network. Any ideas how to dig into this?19:40
lordcirth_hays_, lol what?  'ip route get'19:41
hays_hold on i might disconnect briefly19:41
Vozivpragmaticenigma: Yeah it's my default. File browser also does the same thing. So if I download a file in slack and press "open containg folder", the resulting file window has a slack icon19:43
hays_lordcirth_: local dev lo src uid 43322      cache <local>19:43
lordcirth_hays_, ok.  So when you are "accessing", what port and program are you using?:19:44
hays_lordcirth_: its a python requests module to a REST API, and i'm doing
Vozivpopey: Will do19:45
lordcirth_hays_, ok, and you've got something listening on 9080?  Perhaps somebody made an ssh tunnel?19:45
pragmaticenigmaVoziv: ( popey ) so it would appear that the bug may not be with Slack (or the snaps) at all, but instead something else.19:46
hays_lordcirth_: i checked that with ps -ef | grep ssh19:46
hays_so I don't think so...19:46
lordcirth_hays_, lsof -i :908019:47
popeypragmaticenigma: what's the suspect?19:47
pragmaticenigmapopey: Is file manager a snap as well?19:47
lordcirth_hays_, also, are you quite sure that the request library is really using localhost, and not, say, an IP from config file someone wrote a while ago?19:47
popeypragmaticenigma: nautilus? no19:48
Tenkawahays_: also netstat -anp | grep 9080 on the host running the listening process19:48
hays_lordcirth_: lsof command shows nothing19:48
lordcirth_hays_, so, nothing is listening for it on localhost19:48
pragmaticenigmapopey: Then I wonder if it is a bug with Mozilla Firefox, inheriting the icon of the calling application?19:48
hays_tcp6       0      0 :::9080                 :::*                    LISTEN      -19:48
lordcirth_Oh, it's listening on ipv6 only?19:48
hays_apparently?  Althtough I've tried http://[::1]:9080/ and I had similar results19:49
lordcirth_Still, that doesn't explain how it's somehow getting routed19:49
lordcirth_hays_, in another terminal, 'tcpdump -i lo'.  Then send a request19:50
hays_the REST API I am using returns a UID and I am getting a UID for another machine19:50
Vozivpragmaticenigma: (popey) This is what my snap list returns: https://gist.github.com/Voziv/e938d3e6d60eab7effc03dfc57bd48a219:51
hays_lordcirth_: a fair amount of noise when I do that19:51
VozivIndeed it's a classic snap though19:52
hays_lordcirth_: but nothing bursts through when I make the request19:52
naccpragmaticenigma: i'm pretty sure it is, and chrome has this problem too, afaict19:52
VozivIs there a way I can check to see if the process is sandboxxed?19:53
lordcirth_hays_, tcpdump -i lo 'port 9080' should filter it down.19:53
lordcirth_Try watching your lan interface instead of lo.19:53
hays_lordcirth_: I have multiple lan interfaces. any way to watch them all?19:53
hays_lordcirth_: confirmed lo is empty19:54
lordcirth_hays_, -i any19:54
hays_hmm ok im getting nothing. one sec19:55
hays_ok yeah nothing. hmm19:56
hays_I've tried it with grep also19:56
hays_that.. makes no sense. hold on trying to see if I see it over the explicit IP address19:57
Tenkawawhats the current debug step?19:57
hays_lordcirth_: OK if I access via  I see the packets19:57
hays_lordcirth_: by via localhost I see no packets19:57
hays_but I do get a response...19:58
lordcirth_hays_, so, the packets are being sent from
hays_lordcirth_: if I run a test where I access the local API via the actual IP address of the machine I am on, I get the 'correct' answer, and I see it in tcpdump19:58
lordcirth_Oh, interesting19:58
hays_if I access via, I see nothing19:58
hays_but I get a response19:58
Tenkawahays_: you wont19:59
hays_but its from another freaking machine19:59
hays_like its a GUID and its from another machine19:59
nacchays_: is it possible that some machine on your network has the hostname 'localhost' ?19:59
Tenkawa127.0.0.1 is non routeable without19:59
Tenkawaa arp19:59
`mist_hey guys19:59
lordcirth_Tenkawa, what?19:59
iosecure127.* is nonroutable, period.19:59
lordcirth_Yeah, but he shouldn't need a route.19:59
lordcirth_He should be able to connect to himself via
Tenkawaiosecure: ideally yes...20:00
iosecureAssuming the process is listening on that account.20:00
Tenkawabut the stack can get confused20:00
iosecureTenkawa: Not ideally. It's nonroutable, at all.20:00
lordcirth_iosecure, when he sends a request to, a different machine answers.20:00
`mist_hey guys, i've got a machine that's not doing so hot20:00
`mist_its saying welcome to emergency mode20:00
lordcirth_`mist_, what did you change recently? Update?20:01
hays_lordcirth_: yields same results as
`mist_lordcirth_: i had a power outage20:01
iosecurehays_: 127.anything will go to localhost.20:01
hays_nacc: I don't think so.. let me check20:01
lordcirth_It was worth a shot20:01
Tenkawait suppose to20:01
iosecurelordcirth_: Then he's got something attached to localhost that's proxying traffic elsewhere.20:01
lordcirth_iosecure, yeah, that's what we are trying to find.20:01
Tenkawaif its not.. something is way wrong20:01
lordcirth_`mist_, what Ubuntu version?20:01
`mist_so i would really appreciate if someone could help me getting this machine back up and running. I'm not even sure where to start20:01
iosecureThat's the only way that 127.* would go to any other host.20:01
nacchays_: alternatively, take your machine off the network, and verify that responds locally20:02
Tenkawahays_: you dont have any iptables rules do you?20:02
lordcirth_`mist_, if it's dropping to emergency, there should be an error message?20:02
`mist_yeah it says something about iSCSI FAILED during the boot20:02
hays_nacc: can't take it off not an option unfortunately20:02
nacchays_: but it's an option to have it not work? :)20:02
hays_Tenkawa: not sure. DOn't think so20:02
iosecurenacc: Asking the real questions. :)20:03
`mist_i can't ssh into it, not sure why, sshd is running. i'm assuming its one of the things that's broken20:03
Tenkawahays_: you dont use the firewall do you?20:03
hays_nacc: the machine is in another state. I could get on an airplane. rather not20:03
`mist_so the only access i have is console, which makes it hard for me to copy and paste20:03
nacchays_: you have console access? take the network down and bring up just lo20:03
hays_Tenkawa: I didn't configure this machine.  I don't think fw is on, and I don't think any filters are enabled20:03
lordcirth_`mist_, if you have a smartphone handy, you could screenshot & upload to imgur20:03
Tenkawaok.. just wanted to make sure someone hadnt possibly changed a rule making things act up20:04
hays_I have ILO access.. I'd need to figure that out. another person knows how to do that.  Hey guys I need to run so I might drop off. THanks for the help, I might be back later.  This is a real stumper20:04
Tenkawawheew thank goodness for ilo20:04
`mist_is there any way i can get the info from bootup to show when logged into the emergency mode? it's not in dmesg20:05
Vozivpragmaticenigma: (popey)  I created a thread on snapcraft.io as requested: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/slack-opening-file-browser-firefox-and-chrome-in-the-snaps-context/896920:05
Tenkawa`mist_: does this machine run off of iscsi storage? if not what kind?20:05
hays_how do i check if fw is disabled?20:06
popeyVoziv: thank you!20:06
`mist_Tenkawa: it's a vm, so i'm guessing it's vmware virtual iscsi controller20:06
hays_I checked iptables-save and its empty20:06
`mist_ufw status hays_20:06
Tenkawa`mist_: thanks20:06
hays_ok inactive20:06
Tenkawasaved me having to look that u p20:07
Tenkawaer up20:07
hays_this is so weird. how could it be getting a GUID from another machine on the network and I don't see traffic over 908020:07
hays_on any interface20:07
`mist_i help someone, someone else helps me, karma and so on20:07
lordcirth_hays_, some sort of vpn/tunnel, probably?20:07
lordcirth_`mist_, so, can you upload a screenshot of the vm error?20:07
`mist_lordcirth_: yeah i'm rebooting it now to get the error to show20:08
Tenkawa`mist_: did you say you were able to pastebin or not?20:08
Tenkawaahh good20:08
hays_i guess i could try to strace?20:08
`mist_here is one20:11
pragmaticenigmaVoziv: sounds like a good plan, will keep an eye on it for its progress20:11
`mist_there might have been more but those are the only ones i managed to snap20:11
lordcirth_`mist_, ok, so it seems it's unable to mount some filesystems.  In the shell, look in /etc/fstab and see what it's trying to mount20:13
lordcirth_Also look in journalctl -xb like it says20:13
`mist_i can't run journalctl -xb, it says the 'main' package is not installed and tells me to install systemd =/20:14
Tenkawadefinitely looks storage related20:14
lordcirth_lsblk -f ?20:14
lordcirth_I suspect even / might not be mounted properly20:14
`mist_not sure what output to expect there, it looks reasonable20:14
`mist_root is mounted correctly it seems20:14
lordcirth_Your filesystems show up?20:14
`mist_yeah, there is just root and a swap partition that isn't mounted20:15
Tenkawacorrect sizes>20:15
Tenkawaer ?20:15
Tenkawaread write or read only?20:15
`mist_its not showing sizes in that command but df -h shows correct sizes20:15
Tenkawaif read omly go to /sbin20:15
`mist_writeable, i just changed fstab to comment out some nfs shares just to make sure20:15
Tenkawalordcirth_: ubuntu's fsck has a nochange option right to test check right?20:16
* Tenkawa is use to debian20:16
iosecurefsck has that in general20:16
Tenkawaiosecure: i never assume what distros change20:17
TenkawaI've been burned before20:17
`mist_there seems to be some other errors before the ones i screenshotted20:17
`mist_but i can't catch them, its too fast. Any way we can see the "boot console log" from maintenance mode?20:17
iosecureIf you've seen a difference that dramatic in a standard utility, it's likely due to a version difference, not a distro difference.20:18
Tenkawajournalctl will show you20:18
`mist_and i an't run journalctl =D20:18
Tenkawadoh thats right20:18
SlidingHornis there a way for me to figure out which, if any, packages are incompatible with python3 and must use python2 instead?20:18
naccSlidingHorn: why do you ask?20:18
iosecureSlidingHorn: If you have packages installed that require either one, they'll pull it in as a dependency.20:18
* Tenkawa tries to remember the raw device/char it pulls that from20:19
`mist_if i try to install systemd (to repair) it says Syntax error /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01autoremove-kernels:12 Extra junk at end of file20:19
SlidingHornnacc: I'm setting up Atom for a python IDE and it would make my life easier if python2.7 weren't installed at all20:19
`mist_oh boyyyy20:19
Tenkawa`mist_: ouch20:19
`mist_that file is corrupted20:19
SlidingHorn(if that wouldn't mess up other applications, that is)20:19
`mist_if i vim it half shows up and the rest is just jibberish20:19
iosecureSlidingHorn: Then try removing python2.7 and see which other packages it wants to remove.20:19
naccSlidingHorn: try to remove python2.7 and see what breaks. (i recommend -s to simulate)20:20
naccSlidingHorn: but, afaik, there are still archive packages tghat rely on python220:20
Tenkawayou might want to shutdown the vm and do an integrity check on its storage20:20
lordcirth_`mist_, dmesg20:20
SlidingHorn...that's a "no" hahaha - it would pull out half of my DE20:21
iosecureThen there you go.20:21
lordcirth_And yeah, it's possible the vm disk format is corrupted, in which case you won't fix it from inside the VM20:21
Tenkawalordcirth_: yeah i'm worried it mightve happened outside the vm20:22
YounderDid i mation I one tried to install Python 3 as standard only to find half of ubuntu's intefrace failed ;)20:22
`mist_first error is proc-sys-fs-binfmt_misc.automount: Refusing to start, unit to trigger not loaded20:22
naccYounder: well, that's not supported so ... no duh? :)20:22
Youndernacc, This was back in 2006 and i didn't know any better..20:23
ioria`mist_, have  you already run fsck ?20:23
naccYounder: fair enough was also much worse to do so back then20:23
`mist_ioria: i have not, how do i unmount root and run it without everything going haywire?20:23
ioria`mist_, from Recovery20:24
`mist_fsck won't execute properly it seems20:25
ioria`mist_, what does it mean ?20:25
`mist_/lib/recovery-mode/recovery-menu: line 79: /bin/systemctl: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error20:25
`mist_most likely the systemctl binary is corrupt20:25
ioria`mist_, use a livecd20:25
`mist_i think i'm going to cut my losses and call it a night... i'll try and save all the files i can from the machine and see where i end up20:27
lordcirth_`mist_, you don't have backups?20:27
`mist_i do, but they're old20:27
iosecureThen you don't have backups.20:28
=== _SimonNL is now known as SimonNL
YounderOn the whole I have learn't alo of things since then. Like keep loca installations in /usr/local and back them up seperately. Preferably keep them in a seperate partion.20:28
lordcirth_back them up separately?  Do you keep state in /usr/local?20:29
`mist_oh wait i think i might be able to salvage this20:29
YounderAsl /usr/local has etc directories use them instead of /etc20:29
`mist_i've got zfs snapshots of this iscsi block20:29
IdahoMannewbe here ... Anybody used RUFUS or ETCHER with 18.10 desktop ?20:30
Younderlordcirth_, No I sometimes do a full reinstall. And then I wnat te clean of installed from CD. Then I use a salt-stack script to install additional packages. The I reinstall /usr/local and /home20:30
iosecureYes. Run it in DD mode.20:30
lordcirth_Younder, so, what's in /usr/local that isn't in Salt?20:31
ioriaIdahoMan, it does not work ?20:31
Younderlordcirth_, THat dependo on you, I have Mathemaica, Unigine, fes20:31
IdahoManThats the funny part ... it does on the 18.04 LTS but I cant get a bootable USB on the 18.10 desktop ...20:32
lordcirth_IdahoMan, sure the ISO downloaded correctly?20:32
ioriaIdahoMan, how it fails ?20:32
IdahoMangood question ... downloaded it several times ... always looks the same on the disk ... did not do any digital (sha etc) checks20:33
YounderThat rearly fails..20:34
IdahoManSays that two files are missing at boot time ... (should have written the names)20:34
IdahoManHave used RUFUS before ... its been reliable ... Etcher is new try20:35
lordcirth_IdahoMan, yeah, check what files fail and tell us20:36
lordcirth_Was it the kernel and initrd?20:36
Younderlordcirth_, They are propriatary so I can't share them20:36
IdahoManWill do ... will be back later20:36
IdahoManbye for now20:36
ioriaIdahoMan, maybe this : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/179817120:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1798171 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "System fails to boot with \EFI\BOOT\mmx64.efi - Not Found" [Undecided,Fix released]20:37
IdahoManthat looks familar20:37
ioriaIdahoMan, not confident, but try to disable secure boot20:38
Younderioria, Done that one. Luckely don't need it anymore now that NVIDIA has sha25620:39
serardi'm using 18.04 : what is listening on port 53 ?20:39
ioriaIdahoMan, /quit  maybe20:39
iosecureserard: Likely resolved running its local resolver. Port 53 is DNS.20:39
iosecureserard: ps -ef | grep resolved20:40
tewardserard: likely, it'd be resolved20:40
YounderFor the record Ubuntu checks athe signatue of all files on startup using sha256. If a system fails to provide this it fails20:40
tewardblah beaten20:40
teward(mobile interenet is sloowwwww)20:40
iosecureYounder: Not all. Very few, in fact.20:40
Tenkawasudo netstat -anp | grep 5320:40
serard. /lib/systemd/systemd-resolved20:40
* Younder like fiber .. 512 Mb/s urr20:40
iosecureserard: Correct. That's the default configuration.20:40
serardhow can I disable this ?20:40
iosecureserard: You don't.20:40
iosecureserard: You didn't even know what it was, why would you then ask how to disable it? You don't know what you're disabling.20:41
serardI want to install PowerDNS20:41
popeyserard: do you no longer want to be able to access other hosts? (like, websites)20:41
Tenkawathat will tell you process is bound to port 5320:41
serardand it cannot bind 53 because... there's a dns server20:41
Younderiosecure, Can you elaborate?20:41
iosecureserard: You didn't know how to determine what's listening on a port, but you want to run a DNS server?20:42
serardiosecure, yes, I'm skipping steps, sorry20:42
* Tenkawa agrees with iosecure20:42
Tenkawadns is not something to take lightly20:42
Tenkawaor to jump into20:42
iosecureYounder: For secure boot purposes, integrity checks are run on a very small number of files. Only those involved in booting, really.20:42
Tenkawawithout doing proper research20:42
iosecureserard: Running a DNS server without a very good understanding of DNS mechanics will turn you into a vector for denial of service attacks, among many other security issues.20:43
serardI need a simple service that let me map DNSes to IPs within a WLAN. Already done that. Want to re-do it again :)20:43
Younderiosecure, well yes, but that involves critical device drivers, yes20:43
serardIt's not for "production" use, it is for development environment use20:43
lordcirth_serard, should be ok if you make sure it's not accessible from the outside20:43
iosecureYounder: And that's it. Your statement of "For the record Ubuntu checks athe signatue of all files on startup..." was inaccurate.20:43
iosecurelordcirth_: No.20:43
lordcirth_iosecure, how so?20:43
iosecureIt's 2018. The notion that 'internal' networks are more trustworthy than external ones should have died years ago.20:44
Younderiosecure, That is why I asked for a specification.20:44
serardhow so running a pdns as local dns server with rest api to manipulate it (some thing like software defined thing)20:44
Tenkawawhats internal vs external now20:44
Tenkawaeverything is connected20:44
lordcirth_iosecure, I'm unaware of a DOS attack involving DNS that works without the attacker being able to send DNS requests to the server?20:45
iosecurelordcirth_: "among many other security issues."20:45
iosecurelordcirth_: Words have meaning. If DoS attacks were the only issue, I wouldn't have used additional words.20:45
lordcirth_iosecure, ok, so could you give an example, then?20:45
iosecureIn general, treating internal networks as safe, and therefore okay to do dumb stuff on, is a fallacy.20:46
lordcirth_Ok, that's a reasonable point.20:46
iosecureIf you wouldn't put it on the internet, don't put it on your internal network, either. Rational exceptions are made for things that are only designed to function on internal networks. Samba, etc.20:47
YounderI usually block ports on all my machines and only explicitly allow them if I use them to avoid suprises20:48
lordcirth_iosecure, ok, so how does he get DNS on his LAN, then?20:48
YounderUFW is your friend20:48
iosecurelordcirth_: By learning how the hell DNS works and how to properly admin a DNS service, of course. Not knowing how to check what process is using a port doesn't suggest that he has the expertise needed to run a DNS server properly.20:48
serardwaaaah, I'm sooo sorry for being so duummb.20:49
Younderiosecure, DNS is hard to master. The Oreilly book on Bind helps, but it if far to easy to make a boo-boo20:49
lordcirth_iosecure, fair enough, though it occurs to me that it *shouldnt* require a lot of expertise to do such a simple and common thing simply.  It suggests a tooling problem.20:49
iosecureserard: What are you using for a router?20:49
iosecurelordcirth_: Many foundational network services suck.20:50
lordcirth_true dat20:50
iosecurelordcirth_: And that's the root of the problem. These services were never designed with security or hostile use in mind.20:50
iosecureSee also: SMTP.20:50
chrismatthewsAnyone familiar with pci-dss? I'm wondering if using *.ubuntu.pool.ntp.org for time servers is the best practice, and that is documented anyplace.20:50
iosecurechrismatthews: Most of the ntp.org pools provide acceptable time sync for PCI-DSS purposes.20:50
iosecurechrismatthews: You could use a regional pool, if you wish. us.pool.ntp.org20:51
Younderchrismatthews, I have synced my personal cluster to it for years, never a problem20:51
iosecurechrismatthews: Realistically, you won't get better time sync without running your own stratum 1 server, i.e. connected to a GPS receiver.20:52
chrismatthewsThanks, I thought so. I did get a question about it so I am wondering if that is documented as an industry best practice20:52
iosecurechrismatthews: If they really want to get antsy, use NIST's time server.20:52
YounderI have systems that test for 'skew'. That is system configuration issues that are different from machine to machine20:52
iosecurechrismatthews: time.nist.gov20:53
chrismatthewsgood point, thanks.20:54
YounderGPS is cantally controlled by a atomic clock in Boulder Colorado..20:54
iosecureServers, more accurately.20:54
serardiosecure, I'm running a VM using vbox driven by vagrant. I want a simple service that let me map IP=DNS and with a simple REST api to manage thoses. This is basically what pdns gives me.20:54
Ben64Younder: no20:55
YounderBen64, no what?20:56
Ben64gps doesn't work how you describe20:56
iosecureThey themselves are atomic clocks of fantastic accuracy.20:56
YounderGPS is satellites in orbit, but the control center is in Boulder Colorado.20:57
Younderiosecure, right20:57
iosecureActually, it's the 2nd SOPS at Schiever AFB.20:58
iosecureColorado Springs.20:58
lordcirth_Regardless, there are reasons that GLONASS exists21:01
YounderWhatever redundancy is good21:02
technobi2018-12-13 00:00:00 | ETH | 92.465 LOL21:25
D[4]niHey, so I upgraded to 18.10 yesterday and my notifications don't match my theme anymore :(21:27
D[4]niThey're just plain white21:27
=== Ayo is now known as Guest97712
Bob_Doleare there any known issues with the ryzen 5 2500U, and specifically dell lattitude 5575's where the graphics doesn't work right? every other reboot it seems like it fails to read the vbios portions of the bios and can't start the gpu, here's a snippet of dmesg I think is relevant https://pastebin.com/x7MB1Bvv22:01
Bob_DoleI've tested plain, and on various PPAs, ubuntu 18.04 and 18.10 and all of it gets the same behavior, where sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.22:02
acebrianjuanHi all22:09
acebrianjuanI'm using 18.0422:09
acebrianjuanI'd like to know if there's a simple way to hide the files on my desktop or switch to a different desktop22:10
OerHeksacebrianjuan, gnome-tweak tool can do that, hiding desktop icons22:11
OerHeks!info gnome-tweak22:11
ubottuPackage gnome-tweak does not exist in bionic22:11
acebrianjuanI'm about to record my screen to make a video tutorial and I'd like to have my desktop clean22:11
OerHeks!info gnome-tweak-tool22:11
ubottugnome-tweak-tool (source: gnome-tweaks): adjust advanced settings for GNOME - transitional package. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.28.1-1 (bionic), package size 1 kB, installed size 12 kB22:11
OerHeksshow icons/disable icons/show mounted drives only ..22:12
acebrianjuanok, gnome-tweak-tool seems to do the job22:15
acebrianjuanthank you guys22:15
OerHekshave fun!22:15
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squidthesidDoes anyone have experience running CentOS in KVM?22:31
squidthesidI'm going through setup and I can't connect to internet22:31
naccsquidthesid: #centos?22:31
naccsquidthesid: this is the ubuntu support channel.22:32
squidthesidWell, I'm running it on a virtual machine in ubuntu22:32
squidthesidbut I'll try asking there too22:32
naccsquidthesid: do other guests work in KVM?22:32
naccsquidthesid: how are you using KVM? virt-manager?22:32
squidthesidyeah, virt22:32
squidthesidmanaged to get it to work, but without networking22:32
naccsquidthesid: how are you expecting networking to work? bridge? NAT?22:33
squidthesidnacc, not sure. Just going through a video tutorial and he's not explaining much. Should I use bridge?22:34
squidthesidHe's got it set to eth022:35
squidthesidbut that's not working for me22:35
naccsquidthesid: well ... you should know this when you are setting up your VMs22:36
naccsquidthesid: eth0 in the guest? it depends on the guest22:36
squidthesidsorry, first time using KVM, so I'm new to it all.22:37
squidthesidI'd assume I'd want a bridged network connection?22:37
naccsquidthesid: normally, without any configuration by you, i believe libvirt will create a virbr0 and use that22:38
naccsquidthesid: and all your guests will be on that virtual subnet ( by default, i believe)22:39
naccsquidthesid: do you have the device? (virbr0)22:39
naccsquidthesid: also, in virt-manager, you should be able to see the guest config, etc. and see what network device and type is attached22:40
squidthesidnetlet me check virt-manager22:40
=== Seveas_ is now known as Seveas
squidthesidI do have virbr022:42
squidthesidaccording to ifconfig22:42
squidthesidnacc, should I just add a bridge connection to the guest OS?22:43
squidthesidin the setup22:44
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naccsquidthesid: yes, i would try that ... tbh, it's the default, i'm pretty sure22:47
naccsquidthesid: are you doing a virt-install or did you use virt-manager and boot a disk image?22:47
naccsquidthesid: have you tried using virt-install directly?22:48
squidthesidAccording to the virtual network interface, Netwrok is set to Virtual Network default NAT, and Device model is virtio22:48
squidthesidlet me try that22:48
squidthesidnacc, I think I found a guide to setup the network on KVM properly using virt-manager. I'll report back and see if that works22:52
naccsquidthesid: gl!22:52
squidthesidthanks. Networking is foreign to me, so I'm going in blind. Sorry about the questions22:53
squidthesidnacc, just one last question. If I'm using a VPN on my host OS, will I need t do anything special for the configuration for the guest OS or will it work as is?22:54
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naccsquidthesid: for the guest to route over the VPN, you mean?22:56
naccsquidthesid: uh, it depends on the configuration and such, I'm not 100% tbh22:56
squidthesidhmmm. I'll just go with the default and see what happens22:57
squidthesidand tweak if needed22:57
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chrismatthewshow can I set up ubuntu 16 to reqiure oth a keyfile and a password?23:58

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