
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
jbichahi, do any of you experience bug 1798861 ?14:28
ubottubug 1798861 in gtk+3.0 (Ubuntu) "Tooltips flicker constantly in GTK3 applications" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/179886114:28
jbichaI could try cherry-picking the fix but it's difficult for me to do the cosmic SRU if I can't reproduce the bug on my computer14:29
brainwashjbicha: it affects a fresh Xfce session15:09
brainwashnot Xubuntu session15:09
brainwashthe cursor size is set for the Xubuntu session15:11
brainwashXfce session is unset, and therefore 0 (default)15:12
jbichaok, I don't see it there either. I chose Xfce session from the login screen from the 18.10 live ISO in Virtualbox15:13
brainwashwell, the flickering may not occur, but I think the tooltip does not occur at all in this case15:14
brainwashlike, hover over a desktop icon15:14
brainwashit should show a toolpit15:14
jbichaok I can reproduce now. I had to create a new user to make sure I had a clean profile15:16
brainwashbasically, only ubuntu users who have installed plain Xfce are affected15:18
jbichadid y'all set the cursor size as a workaround, or was that already there?15:19
brainwashit has been always there15:20
brainwashsince 201015:21
jbichado you have any estimate for how many users use plain Xfce? so how important this is to fix in an SRU?15:22
jbicharight now, I'm thinking it's not important enough to worry about. It will be fixed in 19.0415:22
brainwashit can be easily fixed on the user side15:23
brainwashso, not very important I guess15:23
brainwashnot sure how easy it is to actually find the bug report + workaround15:24
jbichamy question is how popular is plain Xfce for Xubuntu users?15:25
brainwashfor xubuntu users probably very unpopular15:26
brainwashbut quite some ubuntu users might use plain Xfce15:26
jbichaok, I don't think I'm going to do the 18.10 SRU for this. Let me know if y'all disagree15:27
jbichahi, it's me again. Turns out that there was a gtk 3.24.2 release today so I'm going to try to SRU that so y'all may get the flicker fix after all21:09
ochosijbicha: that'd be awesome! also, there's that trayicon bug... https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gtk/issues/128023:03

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