
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers07:03
ricotzgood morning desktopers07:24
didrocksgood morning07:25
ricotzoSoMoN, hi, looks like firefox 65 requires gcc 7 for armX builds (more precisely webrtc aka chromium)07:26
ricotzdidrocks, hey07:26
didrockshey ricotz07:26
dufluMorning oSoMoN, ricotz, didrocks07:32
didrockshey duflu07:32
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dufluMorning willcooke08:56
dufluMorning Laney09:02
dufluI assume09:02
clobranomorning all o/09:04
dufluHi clobrano09:05
clobranohi duflu :)09:05
didrockshey willcooke, duflu, Laney, clobrano!09:09
clobranomorning didrocks09:09
* Laney meows09:46
=== hggdh_ is now known as hggdh
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk
willcookeandyrock, kenvandine just mentioned that he can recreate the d-2-d lock sreen bug17:21
willcookeor at least, he could, until he installed your fix17:21
kenvandineandyrock: yeah, i did a clean install of 18.10 the week of release17:21
kenvandineand didn't see the bug for more than a week17:21
kenvandineand it's been consistent ever since17:21
kenvandineand i never installed dash-to-dock17:21
kenvandineyesterday i installed the deb of ubuntu-dock from disco and haven't seen it since17:22
kenvandineso i think the fix is good17:22
andyrockkenvandine: any steps to reproduce it?17:22
andyrockkenvandine: there are people still reporting the issue17:22
kenvandinejust let my laptop sleep17:22
kenvandineit would happen 100% of the time17:22
kenvandinewillcooke witnessed this daily back in SLC :)17:23
andyrockkenvandine: the main issue is a reference count mismatch in one or more MetaWindows between the c code and the gjs one17:24
andyrockbut one it happens I'm not sure17:24
kenvandineyeah, i'm pretty sure you have actually fixed it17:24
kenvandinemy laptop has gone to sleep quite a few times since installing the fix17:24
kenvandineand it hasn't happened17:24
kenvandinebut it did happen 100% of the time17:24
andyrockmmm it's not a true fix, it's a workaround that allows use to buy some time17:25
kenvandinewell i do appreciate it :)17:26
kenvandineandyrock: and once it would happen the shell was all out of whack17:26
kenvandinethe appindicators didn't show any more17:27
kenvandineand the dock wouldn't show running apps17:27
andyrockyeah that's because gnome-shell expects an extension to unload correctly17:27
andyrockthere is no mechanism of protection in case this is not true17:27
andyrockonce it happens your shell is in an undefined state17:28
willcookeShould we sru that fix to B?17:29
andyrockwillcooke: it's on my list17:29
willcookecool, thanks andyrock17:29
kenvandineand 18.10 please :)17:29
andyrockI proposed a C branch will ping the right people to get in C before and then we can backport to B17:29
kenvandineandyrock: thanks17:30
andyrockkenvandine: try not to change your configuration too much so we can debug it in Malta if you're going to be there17:30
kenvandineandyrock: sure17:30
andyrockit's not easy to fix those reference issues without being able to interactively debug them17:31
Laneylaters, see you monday18:07
ovrhHello! I've been sent here to ask for help to report a bug with the snap version of gnome-system-monitor... which made me worry it might be an actually hard process, so here I am18:07
willcookeovrh, hi!  Can you report it against this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-system-monitor/+filebug19:40
willcookeand mention that it's the snap19:40
willcookeand let me know the bug number19:40
ovrhwillcooke, Thank you, will do! I was not sure if I should have reported it on launchpad, gnome, or somewhere else. I'll send you the bug # when I've prepared it19:42
sarnoldI think "the" solution for bug reports isto email whoever is listed as the snap owner19:42
willcookesarnold, there was talk of adding something to the description of the snap, or to the contact field, can't remember which.  kenvandine do you remember? ^19:43
willcookesarnold, this might be a bit special since they're kinda "main" snaps19:44
ovrhsarnold, That would be Canonical, I doubt I can email them directly19:45
kenvandinewe need to add a URL19:46
sarnoldurl would be much appreciated :) this is far from the first time someone's had trouble reporting a bug against a snap :(19:46
kenvandineto the contact field19:46
kenvandinealso, it would be really cool of ubuntu-bug could report a bug against a snap19:46
sarnoldbut if snaps are going to live elsewhere too, at minimum an url would be nice, since not all publishers are going to want to put up an email address :)19:47
kenvandineyeah, email doesn't make sense19:47
kenvandinewe want real bug tracking19:48
willcookenight asll20:47
ovrhwillcooke, Here's the bug report for when you'll be online again: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-system-monitor/+bug/1808420 thanks again for the help.21:06
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1808420 in gnome-system-monitor (Ubuntu) "gnome-system-monitor from Snap does not hide /dev/loop* mounts" [Undecided,New]21:06
sarnoldovrh: nice; I suggest adding the pastes and image to the bug report directly, so it's not dependant upon external sites21:08
sarnoldovrh: thanks for filing the bug21:08
ovrhsarnold, Will do. Is there any formatting supported? I see markdown didn't exactly work21:10
sarnoldovrh: no :( attachments are best if th formatting really matters, but probabyl just a standard comment is sufficient to convey "there's a lot of mounts on this thing"21:11

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