[01:09] Hi all! http://packaging.ubuntu.com/html/fixing-a-bug.html says this is the place to go with questions about patching packages, but the package I'm hoping to patch is in main, not *verse -- is this still the right place? [01:11] JJJollyjim: the process for patching remains the same, whether it's for Universe or Main [01:11] (this channel is fairly dead though... but you can still ask) [01:14] JJJollyjim: if you have any questions, I'll be happy to help if I can :) [03:41] hmm, I set up pbuilder with pbuilder-dist bionic create [03:41] and am now attempting pbuilder-dist bionic build xyz.dsc [03:42] but it errors out trying to extract /home/testuser/pbuilder/bionic-base.tgz, which is a zero byte file! [03:42] the create command went through with no error messages [03:42] any ideas? [03:43] (no error messages apart from "W: No local /etc/mailname to copy, relying on /var/cache/pbuilder/build/9657/etc/mailname to be correct", which sounds unimportant) [03:59] JJJollyjim: I would remove that file and try again. It sounds like it failed at creating the base tarball [04:00] Unfortunately I already did remove ~/pbuild and try again, with the same outcome === hggdh_ is now known as hggdh