
arooniis there an equivalent to htop but for say storage and high level dashboard of server status/health00:16
arooninot necessarily every process thats running00:16
aroonijust important metrics?00:16
sarnoldalmost too many00:18
sarnoldarooni: atop is popular, pcp atop is popular; running stats collection tools and feeding into grafana or observium is popular00:19
aroonithanks for the overview :)00:22
haysanyone interested to hear that the issue was ? i figured it out (localhost going to an adjacent server on the network)01:54
sarnoldwow, that's a pretty good trick, how'd you do that? :)01:54
haysHTTP_PROXY was set01:56
hays127.0.0.1 and localhost traffic was sent to it, and then it returned localhost from that machine01:56
tomreynso it should have shown up in pcaps01:56
haysthat garbage stole 8 hours of my life01:56
hayswhat tipped me off was curling to a dead port brought back a squid error01:57
haysand then telnet to same port was refused01:57
sarnoldheh, I've had those surprise squid errors before..01:58
sarnoldthanks for the reminder to swap back to my home archive01:58
haystomreyn: pcaps were hard because the port was different than one might expect02:00
hayswas connecting to 9080, but no traffic out of 908002:00
haysi ended up putting a guid in the header, and grepping that instead of filtering on port02:01
tomreynhays: i see. debugging such things can be tricky, glad you worked it out.02:01
jmazaredoim getting curtain command install preparing for installation configuring storage running 'curtain block-meta custom' curtain command block-meta removing previous storage device06:18
jmazaredowhen installing ubuntu server/desktop on raid 1 drive06:19
jmazaredoubuntu shows 2 drives instead of 1 . Also before, the os in the server is Centos7 which I also installed only shows 1 drive (hardware raid 1)06:20
jmazaredoubuntu server 18.1006:22
jmazaredoI tried now ubuntu 16.04 it works no issue shows only 1 drive06:23
lordievaderGood morning07:15
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ahasenackgood morning11:00
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smosercpaelzer: https://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/ubuntu/+source/grub-legacy-ec2/+git/grub-legacy-ec2/+merge/360897 if you had some time, your thoughts there are appreciated.14:28
ahasenackrbasak: not sure if I need a review, but it doesn't hurt. Two no-change rebuilds due to bind9 new sonames. Bind9 is uploaded already, currently running tests in proposed15:29
ahasenackrbasak: https://code.launchpad.net/~ahasenack/ubuntu/+source/bind-dyndb-ldap/+git/bind-dyndb-ldap/+merge/36093415:29
ahasenackrbasak: https://code.launchpad.net/~ahasenack/ubuntu/+source/debian-installer/+git/debian-installer/+merge/36093615:29
naccahasenack: a no-chnage rebuild should just be a changelog entry, right? I'd say you don't need a review for that :)15:47
ahasenackbut... :)15:47
ahasenackwe have standup in a few, I can wait until then15:48
wo0farooni: glances16:12
DammitJimif RemoveIPC is commented out in /etc/systemd/logind.conf, what is the default setting?17:03
cyberspectreHi all. I recently used certbot to get certificate for my ubuntu server. Ever since, clicking on a link to an image file from an index page leads to a 403 forbidden. But when you enter the URL for the image manually, it works19:10
rbasakHow did you install certbot?19:11
cyberspectrehm, let me check, hang on19:11
rbasakcertbot does have a command to roll back configuration changes it performed.19:12
cyberspectrerbasak, I installed via apt19:12
rbasakI forget the name of the command19:12
rbasak"certbot help" should tell you19:12
cyberspectreBut certbot did give me a certificate and I want that19:12
JanCcyberspectre: do the index pages link to the images using HTTP or using HTTPS?20:17
cyberspectreJanC, http://nutrigold.info/productimages/20:18
cyberspectreI'm not sure. Their hrefs are relative20:18
JanCyeah, so that's not the problem20:19
JanCtry checking the server logs if there are error messages explaining why it forbids access20:21
JanCit seems as if it does the opposite of a "direct linking protection"...20:23
JanCor "hotlinking protection" or whatever else it's being named20:27
JanCso I wonder if something like that is misconfigured...20:27
cyberspectreJanC, I will check the logs20:50
Goriansay, does anyone here know anything about the "dialog.so" plugin on ubuntu server?21:04
TJ-Gorian: there are several packages that have such; which do you mean?21:10
GorianTJ-: Sorry, mariadb21:59
keithzg[m]So how in the world does one get the information on the state of an APC UPS unit from Ubuntu? I have a unit that's chirping away when the alarm isn't silenced, and apcupsd is running and it does at least send broadcast messages to my local shell sessions, but running `sudo apcaccess` doesn't return any fields that actually report anything being wrong as far as I can tell.22:58
Goriananyway, to answer my question: you have to install "libmariadbclient18" as "dialog.so" is not installed by either "mariadb-server" or "mariadb-client"23:05

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