
lubot<JyotiGomes> @mekschr [etcher.io should i use that for flashing ?], I use mkusb... IMHO it is the best01:38
lubot<JyotiGomes> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/mkusb01:39
=== laceylaney is now known as list
lubot<mekschr> I already installed Lubuntu and I can't express how wonderful it is10:02
lubot<mekschr> I also install Steam Proton to play my windows steam games and it has been a success, working with solid 60 FPS10:02
lotuspsychjei had a user looking for the broadcom driver offline method from liveusb, but he said he didnt find it on the lubuntu iso10:22
lotuspsychjeanyone knows more about that?10:23
listI don't know if wireless drivers are on lubuntu iso's, but if the person can access a computer with working internet then they can download the appropriate driver from here >> https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bcmwl10:36
diogenes_he could use tethering to install the driver: https://wiki.debian.org/Android_Tethering10:39
lotuspsychjelist: this guy had no ethernet port thats why10:49
lotuspsychjeso i just wondered why broadcom drivers were not in /pool on the lubuntu iso10:50
listI thought he might not have access to ethernet, which is why I said  about accessing a computer with working internet....11:20
lotuspsychjelist: im not here to argue mate, just wanted to know the deal about /pool11:22
listMe neither dude. Was justing pointing out where to download the drivers....11:28
libridifficult login in Quassel   :(17:51
me1tany idea why my lubuntu 18.04 install would not allow me to enable the Trash Can? http://prntscr.com/lw76il19:49
loptaDoes the Lubuntu .iso image include memtest86+?21:44
wxllopta: yes but not on efi boots22:22
loptaThanks wxl22:22
* lopta kicks off a Cosmic Cuttlefish download22:26
loptaWell that didn't take long! :-)22:46

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