
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers07:51
dufluMorning oSoMoN, seb128, all07:55
oSoMoNgood afternoon duflu07:56
=== pstolowski|afk is now known as pstolowski
seb128hey oSoMoN duflu Laney09:03
seb128how are you?09:03
duflu'lo Laney09:03
oSoMoNyo Laney, salut seb128, moin willcooke09:06
seb128hey willcooke09:06
dufluHi willcooke09:06
Laneyhey seb128 duflu oSoMoN willcooke09:23
* Laney is good, won the pub quiz last night :>09:23
willcookewoot!  Congrats Laney09:24
willcookeWhat did you win?09:24
willcookeWas it a special xmas one?09:24
LaneyN pints (forgot how many)09:24
Laneyyeh, all the questions were xmas themed09:24
willcookelove it09:24
Laneyluckily for us one of the team members has excellent christmas #1 knowledge09:24
Laneyhow many christmas number 1s has cliff richard sung on?09:25
willcookeI'd guess at maybe 3 of his own, and then a couple of charity ones, so...five?09:25
seb128Laney, again! you/your team are gooood :)09:25
Laneyclose, it's 409:25
Laney2 solo / 1 with some band (the shadows?) / band aid09:26
willcookeNo points for close though09:26
willcookeI think we could have a pub quiz in the channel09:26
seb128virtual beers09:27
Laneygood plan09:27
willcookeI wonder if there is a bot for it, I bet there is09:27
seb128Laney, I commented on the nm/autopkgtest bug, I asked on #nm the other day and thomas made a short reply in between other things (then I was travelling/off, didn't manage to resume that conversation), that's not a solution but give some info/can be maybe useful09:28
Laneyi'll have a look at that09:30
Laneyproposed-migration forgot about the n-m test and let dnsmasq migrate09:36
Laneythat's a bit dubious09:36
Laneytrying to write a testcase for that and fix it too09:37
seb128andyrock, Trevinho: hey, can we get an ubuntu-dock update for disco with what is in trunk from ubuntu dashtodock?09:52
dufluseb128, which branch is that? The Ubuntu branch seems to be unchanged from January09:59
dufluOh. That was a couple days ago. Nevermind :)10:00
seb128upstream dashtocok I meant10:01
dufluIt got refreshed this week10:01
seb128duflu, upstream git has the popover changes and your repaint fix10:02
seb128would be nice to have those in the distro10:02
dufluseb128, not in the ubuntu-dock branch10:02
seb128right, which is what I was asking them about10:02
seb128rebasing our branch on trunk10:02
seb128and getting that uploaded to disco10:02
dufluseb128, yeah sorry. I was misled by "from ubuntu dashtodock". You mean from master10:03
seb128yeah, "ubuntu"->"upstream" was an unfortable typo10:03
* seb128 needs coffeee10:03
dufluseb128, it's a little unfortunate actually. I wrote that fix in January and it got stuck on apparently erroneous community testing10:05
seb128so we should also SRU the fix to bionic maybe?10:05
dufluStill goot intentions10:05
dufluseb128, no it needs time to mature yet10:06
duflu-goot +good10:06
willcookeIf we SRU d-2-d to B from D, it would change the behaviour of the window preview ordering.  From "most recent at the top" to "always listed in the order they were opened in"10:32
willcookeI'd be very happy to see that.10:33
willcookeIMO the current ordering is broken10:33
willcookewell, and upstream's view as well now10:33
willcookeso that would be a nice thing to do10:33
willcookebut, it does change the behaviour, so dunno, is that a special case?10:33
Laneywould have to convince the SRU team11:03
Laneybut if you can make a convincing argument, probably could be done11:03
Laneywholesale SRU might be interesting (in a bad way) depending on what else is in there, chance of regressions / other behaviour changes etc11:03
willcookeack, thx Laney11:06
Laneyprobably possible with enough will :-)11:17
seb128willcooke, right, what L_aney said, I wouldn't could on a behaviour change to be easy to justify to the SRU team, one things users expect from a LTS is stability and not having to adapt/re-learn workflows (especially true in work place where changes might mean more support calls/having to explain to employees the changes/etc)12:12
Laneyprobably going to follow what upstream said on network-manager and just remove the check for the link state12:18
* Laney tests that12:18
Laneyfatal: repository 'https://code.launchpad.net/~network-manager/network-manager/+git/ubuntu/' not found12:18
* Laney slaps the archive12:18
seb128bah, launchpad :/12:23
andyrock"morning" all12:36
andyrockseb128: let's wait for Marco to be online12:36
* andyrock overslept too12:37
Laneyhey andyrock12:37
Laneyhope you're feeing relaxed ;-)12:37
andyrockLaney: xmas mood πŸŽ„12:39
Laneyah, a hangover12:40
Laneyit all becomes clear12:40
talxandyrock: whos marco12:42
andyrocktalx: ^^^12:42
seb128hey andyrock! happy post-drinking 'morning' :)13:04
* andyrock did not drink yesterday :( 13:04
andyrockmy alarm (my gf) did not wake up today13:05
andyrockI mean now she is awake13:05
seb128well, it's good, at least you are rested and ready to be productive in the afternoon :)13:05
seb128and you still beat Marco anyway :p13:05
andyrock"did not wake up" can be easily misunderstood for something else13:05
seb128no misunderstanding, don't worry, just teasing you :)13:06
TrevinhoMorning guys!13:20
Laneyhey Trevinho !!!!!13:22
Laneywb, did you have a nice holiday?13:23
TrevinhoLaney: hey laneyyy!13:23
seb128hey Trevinho, wb! you have been good at not showing up here during you holidays, that's nice ;)13:24
seb128did you have a good time?13:24
seb128where are you now? still on the other side of the ocean? or back on the old continent for the holidays?13:24
TrevinhoAnd hi seb128 too...13:25
Trevinhofor both... Yes had great time13:25
Trevinholanding in Europe in shorts in December was fun too πŸ˜…πŸ˜’13:25
seb128you noticed that was a mistake right? ;)13:26
Trevinhoseb128: yep... Well I was getting notifications but I stay away from it... Although the newly created 3g cuban network would have allowed to interact in some way (a bit expensive but in the cities - better smaller) works quite well. So I almost joined the revolution at its first day13:27
seb128Trevinho, making history!13:28
Trevinhoas for the shorts.. Well I had a change but I prefer to fly confortable13:28
Trevinhoand happened something I never thought it could... After more 20 days of cuban food, when Alitalia brought me "ravioli di mare" I was about to eat the container too, as hungry i was for some quality stuff πŸ˜‚13:30
TrevinhoImagine that in Cuba these days there's miss of flours, eggs and many basics (for locals, not much in restaurants). Quite shocking.13:31
andyrockhi Trevinho13:40
andyrockwelcome back!13:40
* andyrock goes for lunch13:45
seb128andyrock, enjoy!13:46
willcookewb Trevinho13:53
Trevinhothanks willcooke14:28
andyrockseb128: Trevinho so regarding rebasing ubuntu-dock agains dash-to-dock14:37
seb128oSoMoN, sorry to add to your pre-holidays stress level but looks like the new mdds got autosynced from Debian and changed abi number and it makes the libreoffice-l10n autopkgtest fail14:39
seb128it looks for mdds-1.2 >= 1.2.3 but it looks like that got bumped to 1.414:39
andyrockI guess it's doable, the only question is who? Trevinho or me? :D14:40
seb128you guys know each other well enough to sort that detail out I'm sure14:43
Trevinhoandyrock: I can do that, if you're busy with something elsre14:46
oSoMoNseb128, ack, looking14:47
willcookeTrevinho, when you do take a look at d2d, can you make sure this gets in too:  https://github.com/micheleg/dash-to-dock/issues/639#issuecomment-44482602314:52
gitbotmicheleg issue 639 in dash-to-dock "[request] Do not reorder window thumbnails after clicking on them" [Enhancement, Closed]14:52
willcookeIt's in master now by the looks of it, but just want to be sure14:52
Trevinhowillcooke: it looks in master so...14:53
willcookecoolio, thanks14:54
oSoMoNseb128, there's already a distro patch to build with mdds 1.4, but it's not applied when building/running autopkgtests, this should be easy enough to fix14:54
Trevinhodo we have an ubuntu bug for that too?14:54
willcookedont think so, lemme check14:54
willcookeI will create one if not14:54
seb128oSoMoN, great14:54
* oSoMoN wonders why autopkgtest passed in a VM near me this morning, though14:54
seb128willcooke, that's why I was asking a rebase/upload btw14:54
* seb128 sees that willcook rrrrreeeaaallly care about that change :)14:55
willcookeyeah, I thought so, but that's the thing I really care about, so just wanted to be explicit14:55
seb128right, you made that obvious by now :p14:55
* willcooke <- stuck record 14:55
willcookethere will be much rejoicing14:55
seb128we are going to land, don't worry, that's your holidays' present for this year :)14:55
seb128oSoMoN,  the most recent mdds sync/build is from 6 hours ago14:56
seb128the previous version failed autopkgtest and didn't move out of proposed14:56
seb128so you probably tested before it migrated and without proposed?14:57
oSoMoNI tested with -proposed14:57
oSoMoNbut it could very well be that I hadn't upgraded everything from proposed, only selected packages14:58
willcookeTrevinho, I created a bug and assigned it to you: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell-extension-ubuntu-dock/+bug/180912915:04
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1809129 in gnome-shell-extension-ubuntu-dock (Ubuntu) "Window previews have inconsistent ordering" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:04
oSoMoNseb128, false alarm, those autopkgtest failures are testing version 1:6.1.3-0ubuntu915:07
seb128oSoMoN, oh ok, sorry for overlooking that :/15:07
oSoMoNbecause 6.1.4 is not finished building yet15:07
oSoMoNno worries :)15:07
oSoMoNthat said, s390x tests failed with the correct version, looking15:08
oSoMoNbadpkg: Test dependencies are unsatisfiable.15:09
Trevinhoandyrock: https://github.com/micheleg/dash-to-dock/pull/862 should be fine, a part finalization and such, not sure why github complains though15:11
gitbotmicheleg issue (Pull request) 862 in dash-to-dock "ubuntu-dock: merge with upstream v64" [Open]15:11
Trevinho(ah, no complains...) it just doesn't allow rebasing, but that's fair15:11
Trevinhobetter to merge in this case15:11
seb128willcooke, replying to your trello comment here, https://launchpadlibrarian.net/402016278/ubuntu-welcome-privacy-popup.png isn't good enough for the mozilla privacy notice?16:06
willcookeotp, standy by16:07
seb128willcooke, that's what you get when clicking on the privacy mention from https://launchpadlibrarian.net/402015630/ubuntu-welcome-privacy.png16:07
seb128bbiab, time for pre-evening erands16:16
oSoMoNseb128, I can upload n-m, but I can't merge the branch, I'm not part of ~network-manager16:25
willcookeseb128, ace, I didnt know that was there already!16:26
LaneyoSoMoN: how unfortunate16:27
Laneycyphermox: can we add ~ubuntu-desktop to https://launchpad.net/~network-manager/+members please? nm is in the desktop set16:27
LaneyoSoMoN: if you push it to your own namespace after uploading I can push that on to the central repo16:27
oSoMoNLaney, ack, I'll do that16:27
Laneycyphermox: another admin also probably wouldn't go amiss16:28
oSoMoNLaney, uploaded, and https://code.launchpad.net/~osomon/network-manager/+git/network-manager/+ref/bionic16:29
LaneyoSoMoN: can haz tag?16:31
Laney(well, arguably that shouldn't be pushed until it's accepted)16:32
oSoMoNLaney, done, IΒ often forget to push the tags separately16:32
oSoMoNLaney, correct, let's wait until it's accepted16:32
Laneyok, try to remind me if you can remember ;-)16:33
oSoMoNwill do16:33
oSoMoNhuh, my changes have been pushed it seems16:39
Laneybranch has16:39
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk
* Laney is in 'bisect dnsmasq' mode now17:43
willcookenight all18:37
oSoMoNgood night all18:53
Trevinhojbicha: for ubuntu side of gjs isntead can you please sponsor https://code.launchpad.net/~canonical-desktop-team/ubuntu/+source/gjs/+git/gjs ?19:42
jbichaoh we probably don't need to branch for that. I'll take a look today. (I forgot my power cord so I'll need to go back home first)19:45
seb128Trevinho, andyrock, k, I'm calling it a day, I would have like to get that ubuntu-dock update done today but looks like it's not going to happen, please try to get it out tomorrow morning if possible (unsure what you got blocked on/why it took more than the afternoon, but let's talk about it tomorrow morning, ping me when you get online)21:08
jbichaTrevinho: I think that LP: #1803271 does not explain or mention the *other* changes from 1.52.1 to 1.52.521:46
ubot5Launchpad bug 1803271 in gjs (Ubuntu Bionic) "[regression] Much higher CPU during some gnome-shell operations" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/180327121:46
jbichaalso there are a bunch of changes in 1.52.4-1 that aren't necessary for bionic21:47
jbichaI recommend going back to 1.52.1-1ubuntu, merge upstream/1.52.5 and then you don't need to make any changes in debian/ (except updating the Vcs fields and add the new debian/changelog entry)21:48
jbichaoh and dropping the 3 Ubuntu patches, but they aren't exactly the same as the 3 Debian patches21:50
jbichaplease point the Vcs fields to https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/ubuntu/+source/gjs/+git/gjs21:52
jbichaI suggest dropping the tilde from your version number21:53
Trevinhojbicha: ok, I can just merge with that then22:03
Trevinhojbicha: as per vcs fields, we use the other ones in most of places22:11
Trevinhoand it's more readable indeed22:12
Trevinhoanyway, I've updated it22:14
Trevinhojbicha: so this is https://code.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/ubuntu/+source/gjs/+git/gjs/+merge/36116722:34
jbichasure, that version of the vcs is fine22:41
jbichaI'll look again later tonight22:41
jbichaTrevinho: do you think we need a new bug to track 1.52.5 or do you want to add that info to the existing bug23:13
Trevinhowe can do both, let me add one23:18
jbicha2 nitpick issues then: there are extra lines added to gbp.conf that aren't needed in the SRU. The patches you listed in the changelog don't match the filenames you actually removed.23:28
Trevinhojbicha: fixed both23:40

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