
vorloncjwatson: ack, have changed the override now for disco04:00
seb128rbasak, hey, it would be nice if you could review the alsa-lib/cosmic SRU, it's a follow up to fix the previous one failing to build due to a stupid mistake10:04
=== ricab is now known as ricab|lunch
rbasakseb128: I'm done for the year now sorry14:18
seb128rbasak, no worry, stop looking at IRC and enjoy the holidays :)14:19
seb128bdmurray, hey, could you review the alsa-lib SRU in cosmic uploaded earlier, it fixes a build issue with the update accepted yesterday (also there is a similar upload to bionic queue now if you have slot to review that one as well)14:20
seb128doko, hey, I guess you sav that the valgrind autopkgtests are still unhappy with the new upload?14:44
bdmurrayseb128: sure15:17
seb128bdmurray, thanks!15:17
seb128bdmurray, thx16:13
bdmurrayseb128: no problem16:14
cjwatsonvorlon: ta18:04
mwhudsonseb128: hey20:52
mwhudsonseb128: did you see https://code.launchpad.net/~mwhudson/ubuntu-archive-scripts/team-report-yaml/+merge/361112, i have a note somewhere to make sure that you check this20:53
seb128mwhudson, hey, thanks for the ping, I hadn't see it before and yes it's me/desktop who asked for it, I try to have a look tomorrow/before holidays to comment on the format21:04
mwhudsonseb128: thanks21:04
mwhudsonseb128: very little thinking has gone into the format so far so feel free to request anything at all that will help21:05
seb128mwhudson, ok, thanks, same here in fact. We want to include the desktop items in our reporting tool but we didn't look at writing that code yet21:05
seb128looks like we should be able to get what we need from what is outputed though21:06
seb128it's over work hours here but I look a bit more at the details tomorrow and I will comment on the mp21:07
seb128thanks mwhudson!21:07
mwhudsonyeah fair enough21:07

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