
lordievaderGood morning07:29
lotuspsychjeDemomanCA: explain the details of your issue here please11:30
lotuspsychjeDemomanCA: also idle & patient a bit, as volunteers might still wakeup at this time11:31
DemomanCAThanks lotuspsychje, so I have a fresh 18.04 install, 2 network interfaces together in an LACP bond. Interface works fine on boot, grabs IPv4 and IPv6 address from my DHCP server, all good. However, any time systemd-networkd restarts, the network stops working. Main causes are systemd updates or if I change a config and run sudo netplan apply. No idea where to start troubleshooting11:32
muhahaAnyone is using OpenID,SAML for login to Ubuntu ?17:21
DelvienChanged /etc/hostname, and entries in /etc/hosts and still cant get ubuntu server to change its hostname. what am I missing?19:03
Delvienits statically set19:05
tomreynwhich ubuntu release is it?19:05
tomreyndoes "hostnamectl status" report what you expect it to report?19:05
DelvienStatic hostname is correct, transient hostname shows old one?19:06
Delviendid a hostnamectl set-hostname, gonna reboot see if it sticks this time19:07
tomreyni would quote the man page but it's a bit long19:07
Delvienand it reverted again19:08
tomreynhmm, how did you install?19:10
tewarddid you edit /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg and make sure yo uset preserve_hostname from 'false' to 'true'?19:10
tewardif you used the live installer it might do evil things like this if you reboot and revert the hostnames after you make changes19:12
Delvieni did live installer, but preserve_hostname is set to false19:13
tewardset it to true19:14
tewardit should now stick19:14
DelvienOHhh i see19:14
Delvienman things have changed for ubuntu server since the last time i used it19:14
tewardcloud-init is an annoying piece of [CENSORED REDACTED CENSORED] and if that file is present in the install it can cause headaches19:15
tewardnah it's a subiquity / live installer ISO headache19:15
tewardif you use the alternate installer it still works as normal19:15
Delvienyeah had to fix the damn sources too19:15
tewardthough you still need to hostnamectl and such19:15
DelvienAhhh that did it19:16
Delvienthank god, i was about to switch back to fedora server lol19:16
powersjteward, have you filed a bug against subiquity for this behavior?19:18
tewardpowersj: IIRC this is known cloud-init behavior19:18
tewardnot subiquity19:18
powersjthat doesn't mean subiquity is doing the right thing19:19
tewardtrue, but i haven't filed a bug yet, no.19:19
tewardpowersj: also, since I use a modified 18.04.1 template to deploy all my servers, or I'm doing per-system manual installs, or installs that're LXD container based... I don't have the issue anymore19:20
tewardso i've never gotten around to it :P19:20
tewardpowersj: assuming I don't forget, should I file a bug against cloud-init or subiquity in this case?19:28
tewardbecause it sounds like subiquity needs to adjust the cloud config but doesn't.19:28
tewardand I haven't tested the 18.10 or 19.04 dailies yet to see if they exhibit the same behavior19:28
powersjteward, I'd say start with subiquity19:30
tewardpowersj: would i have to do that from a live session or would filing from my 18.04 install suffice?19:30
tewardat least for the `ubuntu-bug` stuff19:30
powersjyour install is fine19:30
tewardoh... that's unusual19:32
teward$ ubuntu-bug subiquity19:32
tewarddpkg-query: no packages found matching subiquity19:32
tewardguess i'll do it manually then19:33
tewardpowersj: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/subiquity/+bug/1809155 <--19:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1809155 in subiquity (Ubuntu) "subiquity in 18.04.1 via cloud-init doesn't set hostname persistence" [Undecided,New]19:37
powersjteward, thanks!19:38
NyanCat... Anyone know where I can find auth.log or like, anything else?19:39
NyanCatmy /var/log is uncomfortably empty19:39
sarnolddid you happen to mount other filesystems over it?19:41
sarnoldor are you currently 'in' a namespace without populated directory?19:41
NyanCatNo, it's a brand new system19:41
NyanCatThere are files *in* /var/log, just not auth.log, syslog or kern.log19:41
tewardpowersj: five monopoly bucks says it's a cloudinit headache problem :P19:42
NyanCatShould probably mention that this is OVH's 16.04 ARM template19:43
NyanCatWhich is already stupid annoying to begin with as it's missing some very basic packages19:43
NyanCatbut I can't imagine why they'd have taken out logging19:43
tomreynhdn't ovh signed this agreement not to modify ubuntu images?19:47
NyanCatI'm missing quite a few things by the looks of it, TBH19:47
NyanCatI was able to read the sshd logs with journalctl but that's not really a replacement (IMO) for auth.log19:48
NyanCatI'm gonna send in a ticket asking them 'the hell they're doing19:48
tomreynthere used to be this https://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/4ov74y/ovh_founder_on_twitter_canonical_is_attempting_to/19:49
tewardtomreyn: did they?  Was that enforced with Canonical Legal?19:49
tewardif it was we can go bash OVH with a hammer... :P19:49
tomreyni don't remember the final outcome, but have a hunch they agreed to the terms in the end.19:49
NyanCatfor anyone curious though there's the directory structure in /var/log19:50
tomreynis this a VM or dedicated?19:50
NyanCatIt's a dedicated server19:50
NyanCatOne of their ARM servers though19:51
tomreynand which version does lsb_release -ds report exactly?19:51
NyanCatwell that's just it19:51
NyanCatlsb_release doesn't work19:51
NyanCat/etc/os-release $VERSION is set to 16.04 though19:51
tewardlsb_release doesn't work how?19:52
tewarddoesn't say anything?  isn't installed?19:52
tomreynalso: cat /etc/issue19:53
NyanCatLooks like just lsb-release isn't installed19:53
NyanCatstand by19:53
tomreynif you could pastebin /etc/os-release that's be nice, too19:54
NyanCatUbuntu 16.04 LTS19:54
tomreynso it's 16.04.0 apparently19:55
tomreynit is :-(19:55
tomreyni suspect there may be no syslogging daemon installed, thus no /var/log/syslog19:55
=== techmagus_ is now known as techmagus
NyanCattomreyn: that's exactly it20:32
NyanCatrsyslog is not installed20:32
NyanCatIt just seems, if OVH was going for a minimal image to use on these servers, that's probably the one thing I wouldn't have left out of the image, you know20:33
NyanCatso ¯\_(ツ)_/¯20:37
NyanCatissue fixed20:37
tomreynNyanCat: you might want to install updates, though, since you must be lacking a lot.20:47
NyanCatthat's the other screwy thing20:47
NyanCatthere's nothing available20:47
tomreynit'd be nice to see your apt-cache policy (after apt-get update)20:47
tomreynno security patches for you20:51
tomreynnor any updates20:51
NyanCatwell, it's not like i needed security, it's not paramount or anything, right???20:52
NyanCat....*nervous laugh*20:52
tomreynNyanCat: i'm sure your host can provide a qualified statement on this.20:52
NyanCatOVH and qualified in the same sentence20:53
NyanCatWorth a shot, but sending a trouble ticket to OVH is like giving a kid $5 to go get bread and expecting them to come back with bread20:54
tomreynin the past it's been common for hosters (i've seen several do so) running arm systems to fix the kernel image to the image they shipped, for whihc no sources were available.20:54
tomreynthat's because upgrading them is not neccessarily flawless, and if they break repairing cantake more time.20:54
tomreynand if you decide to stick to a certain kernel image you may want to keep the user space the same, too, i guess. so maybe this is what you'Re seeing.20:55
tomreynis it a good idea to do this, and connect this to the internet? definitely no.20:56
NyanCatI'm running "vanilla" according to them20:56
NyanCatWhen you image the server one of the advanced configuration options is to use the distribution or vanilla kernel20:56
tomreyncat /proc/version should tell20:56
NyanCat..... no way20:57
NyanCatI'll send you a message for this one, it does reveal IPs20:57
tomreynNyanCat: the FQDN in the kernel string just reveals the hostname of the system this kernel was built on.21:00
NyanCatSo it's purely coincidental that the FQDN happens to resolve to an IP in the same subnet as my server21:04
NyanCatI suppose, if that particular block was reserved for their ARM servers21:04
tomreyni don't know how they do IPAM, there is #ovh, maybe someone knows there, but i doubt they'll disclose it.21:06
mwhudsonteward: thanks for filing that bug21:43
maddawg2hmm so i installed ubuntu server 18.04LTS and it seems (correct me if I'm wrong) that 3rd party repositories are disabled?23:48
maddawg2if so how do i enable them23:48
sarnoldadd files to /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ as you decide you want them23:49
mwhudsonmaddawg2: you expected some third party repos to be enabled by default?23:50
maddawg2umm no i added them but for whatever reason apt-get is providing me errors now that were not existing in 16.0423:51
maddawg2i think maybe i found the reason23:51
maddawg2universe repository is disabled i think by default23:51
mwhudsonah that23:51
maddawg2it was unable to grab dependencies23:51
mwhudsonthat's fixed in the latest iso btw23:51
maddawg2good to know.. i downloaded this one maybe 6 months ago but never got around to upgrading my server23:52
maddawg2hm the ISO i have is labeled: ubuntu-18.04.1-live-server-amd64.iso23:53
maddawg2that not the same as
tomreynfile names will be the same23:54
tomreynchecksums will differ23:54
tomreynactually i'm wrong, sorry23:54
tomreynthe updated ISOs seem to be named ubuntu- (extra ".0")23:55
maddawg2i wonder why it wasnt there to begin with tbh23:57
maddawg2seems like a big oversight... makes me wonder wehat else is borked :-P23:58
sarnoldan apt update && apt upgrade will show you the rest :)23:58
tomreynmaddawg2: if you would like a similar result to what the old (debian) installers provided, then use the 'alternative' (non-'live') server installer23:59

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