=== pstolowski|afk is now known as pstolowski [08:29] good morning desktopers [09:02] moin [09:04] morning [09:04] 5 sleeps to go [09:04] hey Laney willcooke [09:05] willcooke, you mean you are not going to sleep for 3 days tomorrow evening? ;) [09:05] LD [09:05] :D [09:05] Not expecting much sleep Christmas eve [09:06] waiting up for santa to arrive [09:06] hey seb128 [09:06] how's it going? [09:24] good morning desktoppers [09:29] Oh hi Laney, willcooke and oSoMoN [09:29] Your day always starts when mine is at full throttle [09:31] hey duflu [09:38] hey duflu oSoMoN [09:43] lut oSoMoN, en forme ? prêt pour les vacances ou presque ? [09:44] hey Laney [09:44] salut seb128, presque prêt, encore 2-3 trucs à boucler mais ça devrait être bon aujourd’hui, et toi? [09:44] un peu pareil :) [09:46] good morning [09:48] hey andyrock [09:49] * Laney is using Banshee to rip a CD [09:49] still a nice workflow 😎 [09:54] hey andyrock! [09:57] it has been removed from disco, that as tomboy :/ [09:59] yep [09:59] everyone left the ecosystem [09:59] wonder why that might have been [09:59] still going to keep hold of this .deb :> [10:00] w00t, tomboy is not in disco any longer? [10:00] I can't live without tomboy [10:01] quick, someone make a snap for it! === pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka [10:28] Trevinho: is the change of uuid going to cause any problems? [10:58] bisectbisectbisect [13:21] seb128: hi, can we unsubscribe the desktop team from https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/postgresql-common ? [14:14] oSoMoN: a snap for tomboy might be interesting :) [14:15] kenvandine, yes, I've put it on my list of things to explore if I have spare time (ha ha!) [14:15] :) [14:16] kenvandine: you use tomboy? [14:16] jbicha: i used too [14:16] for many years [14:16] but i did switch to google keep a couple years ago [14:17] which isn't as good as tomboy, besides the fact that i can also use it on my phone :) [14:18] did you ever try gnote? [14:20] also, there's https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Tomboy/tomboy-ng (tomboy devs decided to rewrite it in Pascal) [14:21] jbicha: i'm sure i played with it [14:22] not tomboy-ng [14:22] gnote [14:22] jbicha: but the only reason i moved away from tomboy (which i loved) was cloud storage [14:23] i really wanted to use the same notes on my desktop and phone [14:24] sure [14:29] jbicha, (done for postgresql-common) [14:30] andyrock, Trevinho, what's the status for that ubuntu-dock update? [14:31] seb128 I sent you the debdiff [14:32] it's good to go [14:56] seb128: are you interested in promoting the desktop & tracker/tracker mines stuff to main? https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches-proposed.html [14:57] libcue libgsf tracker tracker-miners gnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons [15:08] andyrock, k, thx, it was unclear to me if you were waiting on a reply from Trevinho on the uuid thing [15:09] seb128: on that was my mistake [15:09] he did not change the uuid [15:09] k [15:09] I misread the diff 😄 [15:09] jbicha, I can have a look so I'm unsure we want to unblock/land things the day just before people start being off for holidays, we might as well just wait for post holidays === pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|eoy