
tewardanyone around to banforward someone for a flaking connection from #ubuntu+1?18:18
teward[2018-12-20 13:07:02] * denixx|w1 (~denixx@ has joined #ubuntu+118:18
teward[2018-12-20 13:10:09] * denixx|w1 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)18:18
teward[2018-12-20 13:11:00] * denixx|w1 (~denixx@ has joined #ubuntu+118:18
teward^ lots of this happening18:18
teward(just happened again)18:18
ubottuteward called the ops in #ubuntu+1 (denixx|w1 has a continually flaking connection, #ubuntu-ops for details)18:21
tewardnote i just saw this in #ubuntu as well18:22
lhavelundright - I'm still technically op on -offtopic, but I've been out of this game for some time (and probably shouldn't even be after this time of inactivity) - Koheleth is currently treading a thin line18:41
lhavelundI can /ar, but will only if it becomes strictly necessary.18:41
lhavelund@mark #ubuntu-offtopic Koheleth Testing limits of conversation - o4o18:55
teward^ add this to #ubuntu now they're in there doing this18:55
tewardin fact they started in #ubuntu to begin with18:55
teward(still waiting for an #ubuntu+1 op to do some banforwarding for flaking connections!)18:56
lhavelundI'll hop in both, teward.18:56
tewardlhavelund: thank you.18:56
lhavelundlet me do a quick log trawl.18:57
tewardlhavelund: i can give you the flaking connection logs if you want18:57
tewardit'd be a flood but :p18:57
tewardunless you were talking about koheleth :)18:57
lhavelundteward: Koheleth mostly... technical challenges is one thing, I have little patience for trolling.18:58
tewardlhavelund: you and me both18:58
tewardbut you do have +o in #u+1, so... would be nice if you could exercise the ability to forward to ##fix_your_connection on the user I originally came into here about (their connection is also flaking in #ubuntu too)18:59
lhavelundyep, looking at it now18:59
ubottulotuspsychje called the ops in #ubuntu (iosecure Koheleth hans__ offtopic)19:04
tewardthank you lhavelund for the assists :)19:11
ikonialhavelund: you sorted ?20:54
lhavelundikonia: sorted.21:16
lhavelundikonia: I think :p21:16
lhavelundDidn't get too messy.21:16
lhavelundikonia: my memory was very fuzzy with ban masks etc.21:23
ikoniaas long as you're sorted, can't ask for more21:23
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