
SlidingHornJakethepython: I'm at a loss on what to do about the pdfchain thing itself...if you want pdftk back, however, the snap is how I would probably recommend installing it...any thoughts, tomreyn?00:01
tomreynSlidingHorn: none. where do you see a pdfchain snap?00:03
tomreynnone here https://snapcraft.io/search?q=pdfchain00:03
SlidingHorntomreyn: I'm saying pdftk has a snap.  I was saying I don't know what to do about the pdfchain part00:04
xebrahi. I enabled the compose key (to try it out), and then I disabled it. Because of that, now every time I unlock the screen Xorg goes to 100% for one core. If I enable the compose key again, the problem disappears. But I don't want to enable to compose key. So what could I do?00:05
tomreynSlidingHorn: oops sorry, you're right. now i don't recommend snaps because i dont understand its trust model (or think there is none that's sufficient), but it may be an option. be sure to read https://snapcraft.io/pdftk and notice what it claims to provide.00:06
xebraI suppose something goes wrong while enabling/disabling the compose key in the settings. Is there a way to do it "manually" and check if everything is ok? Enabling/disabling it with config files?00:07
SlidingHorntomreyn: there's a PPA (a more recent one than he previously had) out there too, but I figured the snap would just be an easier process00:07
tomreynSlidingHorn: cool, maybe post the url here for the PPA so Jakethepython has more options to choose from, if he really needs the GUI. but to me the current state really means that the GUI should no longer be used, it will have been removed off the archives for a reason. which is probably that the software is unmaintained upstream (and possibly no longer safe to use).00:09
tomreynso i'd recommend to either look for a supported GUI or to drop the GUI entirely.00:09
tomreynJakethepython: ^ in case you're still following00:13
Jakethepythonsorry i am back00:15
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tomreynpdftk itself also looks like dead code.00:18
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SlidingHornJakethepython: so your options for pdftk are as follows:  There's a snap that is just a repackaged version of the binary for 16.04 that would be installed via  sudo snap install pdftk (https://snapcraft.io/pdftk for info) or, there's a PPA of a *fork* of the original pdftk (https://launchpad.net/~malteworld/+archive/ubuntu/ppa - it's  packaged for Bionic) that you would  sudo add-apt-repository00:18
SlidingHornppa:malteworld/ppa   then sudo apt update then sudo apt install pdftk (I found that here: https://askubuntu.com/a/1028983/474173) or take a look at an alternative in the link tomreyn just posted00:18
SlidingHornJakethepython: at this rate, I'd probably recommend an alternative that's just available from the default ubuntu repos (like pdfsam apparently is)00:20
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xebraI found where the compose option is stored: in ~/.config, some file in there00:25
Jakethepythoni will use an alt. version00:25
hans_i'm about to re-install a server over remote control (iDRAC6), but i don't know the IP configuration.. idk if it's static (probably) or DHCP/dynamic (probably not), the gateway, etc, it's currently a debian 9, i'm going to re-install it Ubuntu 18.04 server-edition (actually the rolling the mini.iso) - what should i record/backup of the current & working configuration before i start?00:31
kkjhans_: Kommer an paa hva det er du oensker aa bevare.00:41
mutantehans_: i'd probably tar.gz the entire /etc and /home and /root to start with, also i like "dpkg --get-selections" to save the list of installed packages, can be applied with --set-selections00:42
xebrais there a place where the source files for ubuntu/xubuntu/lubuntu/etc. can be browsed, instead of having to download the whole distro?00:43
mutantexebra: search on packages.ubuntu.com then follow the download source package links on the result page00:44
mutantexebra: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/00:45
mutantefind files with "orig.tar.gz" in their names for the source files00:47
xebramutante, thanks, I'll take a look00:49
texlaUbuntu 18.04 Where can I find a url for adding dual apps to this screen right and left sides02:03
slidinghorntexla: can you clarify what you mean by that please?02:08
texlaslidinghorn, I would like to have two programs open on the same screen so I can compare the data from each one..one being on Libre calc the other a firefox program02:11
slidinghorntexla: what flavor & version of Ubuntu are you using?02:11
slidinghorntexla: it will likely depend on your DE02:12
texlaslidinghorn, Ubuntu 18.04.1 gnome02:12
slidinghorntexla: here you go: https://wiki.gnome.org/Gnome3CheatSheet02:13
texlaslidinghorn, Thanks for the info02:14
mrgooberWould anyone be able to assist in helping me set up an imap server?02:24
iosecureIf you have specific questions along the way, we can try to answer them.02:25
iosecureBut "help me set up X" isn't really a good "issue" for IRC.02:25
iosecuremrgoober: Also, can I ask what you're intending to use this imap server for?02:26
iosecureDUKENUKEM: Are you referring to me?02:29
Kumooliosecure: you can point to a tutorial maybe02:41
Kumooli do agree02:42
Kumoolbut setting up email is tricky02:42
iosecureSo can any search engine on the internet.02:42
iosecureThat you consider a reasonable response to be rude says more about you than me, I'm afraid.02:42
Kumooliosecure: not really02:43
iosecureYes, really.02:43
KumoolNot really.02:43
KumoolI mean, sure, you can find anything on a search engine, but a good tutorial or anything at all? not really02:44
iosecureKumool: A cursory Google search says that you didn't try a cursory Google search.02:44
iosecureSo your response of "not really" seems to be poorly supported by reality.02:45
iosecureAnd if you truly want rude, I can start with the lmgtfy links.02:45
Kumooliosecure: my response was basically, you can try pointing to a tutorial to be helpful, you have gone by and wasted 5 minutes of my life and never pointed to a tutorial, just whined about using google. look if you dont want to help, then just say that02:46
Kumoolalso i didnt call you rude02:46
iosecureKumool: I'm happy to answer reasonable technical questions. That is me wanting to help in the best way that IRC is meant to facilitate.02:46
slidinghornKumool: to be fair, you wasted those minutes yourself by not searching for an answer rather than expecting someone to do it for you02:46
Kumoolim ignoring you now iosecure02:46
iosecureKumool: Okay, child.02:46
Kumooloh and, I did a google search, it gives me a bunch of set up outlook email and imap on different accounts, but nothing on email. so.02:48
iosecureI thought he was ignoring me...02:49
slidinghornKumool: what version / flavor of ubuntu?02:49
Kumoolbut sure, people tend to forget search engines get attuned to the user02:49
iosecureslidinghorn: Give him this. http://bfy.tw/LR7502:49
mrgooberKumool, on the contrary I'm using duckduckgo02:50
iosecuremrgoober: Ah, there you are.02:50
mrgooberYeah sorry I was away doing something02:50
slidinghorniosecure: I was gonna use the ddg version lol02:50
iosecuremrgoober: No worries. So, what are you intending to use this imap server for?02:50
iosecureslidinghorn: By all means.02:51
mrgooberiosecure, personal email account, using a client like thunderbird02:51
iosecuremrgoober: So you know... Running your own email server is not to be taken lightly. Email is the #1 vector for security threats on the internet. It requires constant maintenance and tuning. If compromised or misconfigured, it will in short order become a vector for spam and malware.02:52
mrgooberWould you suggest I'd rather use a third party service?02:53
iosecureWhere are you intending to host the server?02:53
mrgooberI have my own VPS. I was planning on running it there.02:53
iosecureIn general, yes, I do strongly recommend against self-hosting your email.02:54
mrgooberAlright. Well, would you be able to assist in setting one up so I can learn how to do it?02:54
mrgoobercurrently trying to get things working with dovecot.02:54
iosecuremrgoober: Ubuntu's help documentation actually has a tutorial on the subject, assuming it's not sorely outdated.02:55
KumoolI bet you go with the lmgfy route again02:56
iosecureKumool: I thought you were ignoring me. ;)02:56
mrgooberI checked a few links, but I guess I'm not knowledgeable enough to understand much more than checking config files02:56
Kumoollook at that, someone does need a tutorial!02:56
Kumoolbut guess I'm a "child"02:56
iosecureKumool: Yes, you are. And you keep proving that fact.02:57
mrgooberNormally I don't actively ask questions and usually find the answer somewhere on stack overflow or whichever, but I'm still kinda stuck.02:57
iosecuremrgoober: Email sucks in this regard.02:57
iosecureDigitalOcean's community tutorials are usually at least decent in quality.02:58
mrgooberI heard it wasn't for the faint of heart.02:58
iosecureI've managed email deployments on scales from 1 to 30,000 users. I don't even self-host my email.02:58
iosecuremrgoober: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-and-configure-postfix-on-ubuntu-18-0402:58
iosecuremrgoober: That's targeting the latest LTS release.02:58
iosecureWait, that's postfix.02:59
mrgooberWell, dovecot uses postfix as the MTA anyway, but it's worth a read03:00
iosecureYeah, that's half the equation.03:00
Kumoolcomparing me to children is an insult to actual kids iosecure.03:00
slidinghornsounds about right.03:01
slidinghornKumool: Unless you have anything constructive or actually helpful to add, could you allow iosecure to *continue* helping this person?03:01
iosecureslidinghorn: Oh, keep letting him dig deeper holes. It's entertaining if nothing else.03:01
mrgooberI'm an advocate of humor, so I don't mind.03:02
iosecuremrgoober: I can't speak to the quality of this one, but it at least targets a reasonably-new version of Ubuntu. Its instructions will differ in version numbers, but hopefully not much in function. https://www.exratione.com/2016/05/a-mailserver-on-ubuntu-16-04-postfix-dovecot-mysql/03:02
mrgooberIt's targeted to 16.04, which is the version I'm using, so it may be helpful.03:02
iosecuremrgoober: And that includes a number of other components that can be skipped. Roundcube, for example, if you don't want a web interface.03:03
iosecureWell, that's the only one that I'd recommend skipping.03:03
iosecureThe others are security-relevant; you DEFINITELY want them there.03:03
iosecureRoundcube and postfix admin can be omitted if you want.03:04
Kumoolslidinghorn: well, he is doing what I suggested at the beginning, so sure!03:04
iosecureKumool: Translation: I'm doing what he himself could have done in far less time than his incessant whining has consumed.03:05
iosecureKumool: What about all of those precious minutes of yours I've taken up?03:05
iosecuremrgoober: If you do choose to leave out Roundcube and postfix admin, the apache portions probably can be left out as well. Again, I haven't reviewed the entire thing, I'm not sure if apache is being used elsewhere.03:06
iosecureDid I strike a nerve?03:07
iosecuremrgoober: Oh, and it seems written for AWS. You'll need to convert the AWS relevant instructions to your VPS provider. We can probably help with that where needed.,03:08
mrgooberIt's AWS anyway so no big deal.03:09
mrgooberI use a Lightsail account03:09
iosecureOh, nice.03:09
iosecureHow IS lightsail?03:09
mrgooberI have absolutely no issues with it.03:09
mrgooberNice and cheap. I don't need a lot of space or memory, so it serves its purpose extremely well.03:10
mrgooberThere are some limitations (you can't ping your instance / ICMP is disabled)03:10
mrgooberiosecure: I also want to mention that I'm not totally an expert with Linux as I started using it Mid 2016 and have since then swapped to it for my main OS03:15
iosecureSure. I don't advocate for -anyone- to self-host email, really, but definitely not people without several years of experience.03:16
iosecureBut for a test dummy, sure. Go nuts.03:17
mrgooberDo you know of an alternative option that's free?03:17
mrgooberI don't mean Gmail or similar.03:18
iosecureWell, for the cost of the VPS, there are great options.03:18
iosecureFor free? Zoho, I believe, has a free option.03:19
mrgooberIt looks like AWS has some sort of simple email service, so I'll check into it03:22
slidinghornmrgoober: Zoho has free email hosting for I think up to 5 users...yandex has a free plan as well, but I don't know anything about them, so I couldn't say one way or another if they're any good03:23
iosecuremrgoober: Huh. Lightsail seems pretty neat.03:27
mrgooberslidinghorn: Nah it's okay. I'd prefer not to involve more parties than necessary, so I'm going to try using an AWS solution03:28
mrgooberiosecure: I really like it.03:28
iosecuremrgoober: I've never used AWS' email service.03:28
mrgooberiosecure: My domain host (godaddy) offers free email forwarding, and they do also offer full email, but that's using Office365 and I'm not a fan of Microsoft services.03:31
iosecureBut I'm about to.03:32
iosecureMight give me what I want in a cleaner fashion, actually.03:32
mrgooberLooks like Amazon WorkMail has exactly what I'm looking for. I appreciatethe help iosecure03:42
iosecureYou're welcome. And I'm actually probably going to use this platform myself.03:43
mrgooberOh neat. I guess we both learned about something today03:45
iosecureNo kidding. This platform is everything I want and nothing I don't.03:49
mrgooberNever knew about AWS at all huh?03:50
iosecureOh, I know a ton about AWS. Use it constantly. Just never touched Lightsail or WorkMail.03:51
mrgooberOh, so you're going to use Lightsail specifically?03:58
lotuspsychjemrgoober iosecure talk about this in #ubuntu-discuss plz04:01
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leonardusWhen a YouTube video is playing, I can see the program in the background (e.g. file manager) at about 99% transparency so very faintly, but when I pause the video it goes away04:59
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leonardusIs this a driver issue?04:59
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guivercleonardus, if you switch to fullscreen (square icon lower right) does it disappear (ie. transperency is gone)...  i've had similar but it is settings created, ie. i've allowed bleed thru as I find it handy/useful, which clears if programs are fullscreen.. (not driver related; but transparency setting in my case)06:43
leonardusguiverc: if the youtube video is fullscreen it still shows06:45
swebi have problem with virt-manager (GUI) the Spice screen keyboard not working. Both Guest and host is 18.04 updated.06:52
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coderphiveis us.archive.ubuntu.com dying right now?07:04
lotuspsychjecoderphive: you can ask in #ubuntu-mirrors for known problems07:05
coderphivelooks like it's back now07:06
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Guest49765how do i fix this https://paste.pound-python.org/show/YvsHDZY5NZ5ZSVo8VEnm/ https://paste.pound-python.org/show/0L3ptu39ShQgB4XcQTAX/07:55
talxdo apt update first?07:56
Guest49765i did ._.07:56
gigirocktalx, and upgrade too ?07:57
jellyGuest49765: that kind of points to issues with the filesystem, is there enough space on disk?  Anything weird in dmesg?07:58
jellyand you could at least have said "sorry" before leaving #debian abruptly07:59
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gigirockGuest49765, have a name please, you are loading a lot of .deb , please do apt install  -f08:05
acheronukprobably an armel equivalent of LP: #179755708:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1797557 in cross-toolchain-base (Ubuntu) "Bionic updates break upgrade (apt remove libc6-armhf-cross first)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/179755708:08
PinchiukasWhich package generates a UEFI entry for systemd-boot?08:10
mobile_cyay im connected again ^-^08:22
mobile_chow does apt update libc08:24
Pinchiukasmobile_c: what do you mean?08:30
mobile_c_as any attemt to update should immediatly crash what ever is updating it08:30
PinchiukasThe old file actually gets deleted after all processes using it exit.08:31
ducassePinchiukas: that would most likely be the systemd package, as it contains bootctl which takes care of this iirc08:31
mobile_c_can a script be submitted as a package in the ubuntu repo's lol08:33
Pinchiukasducasse: I did a 'bootctl install' and it did everything except generate the entry. :)08:33
ducassePinchiukas: it should, according to the man page08:33
PinchiukasHmm... Maybe I'm missing something.08:35
doge-dogedid anyone get a conflict file warning after installing the newest unattended-upgrades package? on 18.04 (unattended-upgrades-1.1ubuntu1.18.04.8)08:35
tchakatakHello o/ i am using Nextcloud (snap) on a ubuntu 18.04 server. This package include httpd as default http server. I would like to use apache (outside of the snap) for other purpose. Can i easily ?08:37
zap0softwar updater  seems to be stuck "Waiting for unattended-upgr to exit"08:39
zap0how do i clear that?08:39
doge-dogeum, is this page not updated yet? https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic-updates/unattended-upgrades (the changelog for the .8 package is 13-dec?)08:39
ducassedoge-doge: didn't notice any, just updated here08:40
doge-dogezap0, did you change your update settings in the updater app?08:40
zap0no.  i've not changed anything like that since i installed the OS weeks ago08:41
doge-dogeI think that's perhaps why we're having issues. I have mine set for security updates to "display immediately" versus the default "install immediately"08:41
zap0i've been doing a `apt-get update`  about once every few days.08:41
doge-dogeI just did an upgrade per terminal and there was file conflict, you might want to quit the gui and do a terminal upgrade08:42
ducassePinchiukas: according to the man page, you can try 'bootctl update'08:43
zap0changed the "install immed.."  to  "display immed" ..   and reboot.   i hope that fixes it08:45
paul1ushi, I am a very recent addition to Ubuntu community. and thus have a rather beginner question. I have installed a new wireless card in my laptop. and am not sure if it has the best drivers. can someone help me out, please?08:46
doge-dogezap0, yeah it looks like modifying that setting does indeed change around settings in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20auto-upgrades08:48
paul1usi'm back ;)08:48
doge-dogethe new update might take issue with modified settings08:48
doge-dogei have no idea though08:48
doge-dogecurious why a 13-dec package would just now update though08:49
zap0seems to have done something...... i can now  "apt-get install {thing i needed}"08:49
doge-dogeuse apt instead of apt-get, you can autocomplete with simply apt08:50
ducassedoge-doge: after the package is released it spends some time in proposed for testing08:52
doge-dogeok, so that's what happened to unattended-upgrades?08:52
ducassethat's why you didn't get it the 13th08:53
doge-dogelol, i went back into the updater settings gui and "when there are security updates" is now greyed out08:56
doge-dogei think this is a botched package08:56
doge-dogeok that's weird, for reason it switched "automatically check for updates" to never. switched that to "daily" and now I've got the other options back after closing and reopening again09:02
doge-dogei don't think the new package likes it when the setting "when there are security updates" is previously on "display immediately", because that's what I had09:05
CrazyHubuntu 16.04. How to get sane to work with a Canon LIDE 120 ( which sane says that it fully supports )?  Here is every detail that I think could possibl matter ( let me know if I missed anything ): http://pasteall.org/143813609:13
lotuspsychjeCrazyH: is your system up to date?09:22
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CrazyHlotuspsychje, I did say ubutnu 16.04... right?09:38
vltpaul1us: Is there anything that makes you think it doesn't have the best™ drivers?09:53
paul1usvlt thank you for the answer. As I said, I am very new to ubuntu, so it is likely that I am wrong. The reason why I am suspicious is because my router and internet connection at home is supporting higher speeds than I am getting now. Plus the output that I pasted seemed very long. that's all. Maybe driver is good, but it is not configured well. I saw some posts online where people were applying changes to achieve better performance.10:00
ash_guestso I have ubuntu 18.04 and windows 10 dual booting on this Acer laptop now; ideally I'd like to set a default and only jump into grub if I specifically want one over the other... anyway I can do this?10:02
EriC^^ash_guest: set the default in /etc/default/grub and set the timeout to 010:05
EriC^^and update-grub10:05
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paul1usvlt I also ran  lshw -C network and here is the output: https://pastebin.com/UPXfmfU1  I am a bit concerned about the driverversion=4.15.0-42-generic bit10:24
ducassepaul1us: it just means you are using a driver that comes with the kernel, there very likely is no alternative10:26
paul1usducasse, thank you for your answer. how would I check it?10:27
ash_guestEriC^^: does editing that file persist after `update-grub`?10:27
ash_guest(or rather, is that what that command does?10:27
EriC^^ash_guest: yeah, update-grub builds the grub.cfg file using it amoung other stuff10:28
ducassepaul1us: check what?10:28
ash_guestEriC^^: I heard the cfg file was overwritten on every update10:29
paul1usducasse, if there is a better driver?10:29
EriC^^ash_guest: when some packages get installed it sometimes runs update-grub again10:30
EriC^^like kernel installs for instance10:30
ducassepaul1us: i'm telling you :) in this particular case, i do not think there exists any other driver10:30
ash_guestI see, so, so long as that file has the correcet config, etc, etc10:30
paul1usducasse,  alright, thank you :)10:31
EriC^^ash_guest: yeah, it'll persist10:31
ash_guestEriC^^: how do I check which option numbers relate to the images?10:31
ash_guestrelate to which os I mean10:31
ash_guestatm it's set to GRUB_DEFAULT=010:31
ducassepaul1us: you could try a newer kernel, that would give you a more recent driver version, but be aware that this is not supported. i'm not recommending it if you're a newbie10:32
EriC^^ash_guest: you dont need to use numbers, you can use the menuentry titles, run "grep menuentry /boot/grub/grub.cfg" then use GRUB_DEFAULT='Ubuntu' for instance (basically the stuff in the first single quotes in the line)10:32
ash_guestthanks EriC^^ !10:33
EriC^^ash_guest: for sub options you want to use something like GRUB_DEFAULT='Advanced options for Ubuntu>Ubuntu, with Linux 4.....'10:34
EriC^^no problem10:34
vltpaul1us: How did you measure the speeds before and after?10:36
ash_guesthmm, how do you get key mappings working in vim again?10:36
ash_guestset nocompat I think10:36
EriC^^no idea here, still using nano xD10:36
MiLeonhello. a question, is xdg in ubuntu preinstalled?10:36
vltEriC^^: Don't know how to quit nano? :D10:38
MiLeoni write a small backup script, and i think if it works with ubuntu is good too10:39
ash_guestEriC^^: oh, so this doesn't skip the menu, it just sets the default to something else before it times out right?10:39
ash_guestEriC^^: is there a way to skip the grub menu unless you press an f-key?10:39
paul1usducasse, thank you. I will stay away from it then :)10:42
ash_guestwell, I'll restart and see what happens I guess10:42
paul1usvlt, I used the first speedtest that came up in the search. The speeds have improved with the new card, mainly due to it being able to receive 5G signal. But ISP should provide 150Mb/s, the card should support up to 300 and I am getting just 60.10:44
ash_guest_well, at least booting is faster than ever10:44
ash_guest_still hoping to find an answer where you skip the grub menu unless you hit an f-key10:46
ash_guest_I wonder if ubuntu shows up on the f10 menu10:46
ash_guestI can't get grub to use the GRUB_TIMEOUT setting... I have it set to 0 and it still shows the menu for 10 seconds11:05
ash_guestI also have GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT= (set to blank)11:05
ash_guestbrb (trying with setting at 1)11:05
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ash_guestit seems like I can't get grub to honor GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT11:35
ash_guest`shift`, `esc`, arrow keys and f-keys seem to have no effect11:36
ash_guestGRUB_TIMEOUT is set to 0.01 because it wont take zero11:36
ash_guestrather the configuration file is generated with an IF statement that restores the timeout setting if GRUB_TIMEOUT -eq 011:37
ash_guestoh so GRUB_TIMEOUT_STYLE was supposed to replace those that I keep dealing with but that's not workign11:48
ash_guestit says in the generated file that it is indeed hidden but there's a comment about if a feature doesn't exist11:48
ash_guest"Fallback hidden-timeout code in case the timeout_style feature is unavailable.11:49
EdwardIIIhey, i'm trying to figure out a build problem. i want to try slamming an old package on to understand what's going on better (nodejs 9.0.0). i've tried apt-get install nodejs=v9.0.0 and apt-get install nodejs=9.0.0 but it just keeps saying 'E: Version 'v9.0.0' for 'nodejs' was not found'11:54
MiLeonmy question about XDG and it is preinstalled is solved. thanks11:56
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crash_hacker@EdwardIII, because it's not there type nodejs TAB and then you get suggestions12:18
crash_hackerelse you have to build it from source12:18
crash_hackerif you want that specific one12:18
vltpaul1us: Well, what you tested was the speed of your *external* connection. To test the badwidth of your Wifi connection you need to transfer something inside your network.12:26
[4-tea-2]Hi, I got a new notebook (Asus FX533), I can only install and run cosmic when using the kernel parm "acpi=off" (which also seems to disable all the cores except the first one). Of course, Asus says they can't give any support because they are "a Microsoft partner" (wtf?). Anyone got an idea how to proceed? In the old days, I would check the "Linux on Laptops" site, but it doesn't have anything about my m12:36
[4-tea-2](typo: the model is actually called FX553V)12:39
lotuspsychje[4-tea-2]: bios up to date?12:45
lotuspsychje[4-tea-2]: did you also setup uefi/legacy settings correctly?12:47
[4-tea-2]I'll update the BIOS. The current one gives me very few options, can't even disable the onboard Intel gfx.12:49
gigirock[4-tea-2], which brand ?12:50
[4-tea-2]The Notebook? Asus FX533V. I just found a kernel patch on github after noticing I had googled for FX533 (wrong digit) the whole time.12:50
[4-tea-2]Did it again. FX553V.12:51
BluesKajHi folks12:51
=== led_dark_2 is now known as led_dark_1
gigirock[4-tea-2], if you get serial number you can ask asus for the bios update12:53
gigirock[4-tea-2], r u in windows now ?12:54
gigirock[4-tea-2], so the nvidia card is always on ?12:54
[4-tea-2]I just booted into Windows for the BIOS update, I assume it's a Win-based tool (it always is, right? *g*).12:55
paul1usvlt, so from one computer in my room to the other. not via internet but via the network. how would I do that?12:56
gigirock[4-tea-2], please set nomodeset and then acpi=off. sure the problem is related to your nvidia card, anyway after the live will install the system you will have still boot problems. 'cause life is hard12:56
* gigirock went to a meeting12:57
[4-tea-2]gigirock, thanks for the advice12:58
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maetthewpaul1us: Use your local ip address. They should be something like either 192.168.x.x or 10.x.x.x13:07
maetthewOr if you have Samba/NFS available I guess you could just transfer a file using that13:08
paul1usmaetthew, thanks . I will need to look into it13:18
maetthewpaul1us: I'm not sure how you would actually test the speed though. How did you test your external speed?13:18
lddxsuI have a secondary internal hard drive. where do I mount it? /media, /mnt?13:23
maetthewlddxsu: This suggests /media https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingANewHardDrive13:24
cryptodanlddxsu: depends on purpose and use13:24
cryptodanif its for backup you could just mount it to /backup and be done with it and youll know that is your backup drive13:25
maeudnacc: are you around?13:25
lddxsuit's for general use. movies, games, webserver, media, etc13:26
lddxsu/media still?13:26
maeudI'm trying to preseed an Ubuntu install using an offline repo, I'm getting these errors: https://imgur.com/a/Kw3yble13:28
maeuddoes anyone have any idea?13:28
maeudrandom package errors13:28
cryptodanlddxsu: id mount as needed then and keep web server on the same drive as the linux system13:29
maeudI can see the files are available in the repo, are available during the install. I can unpack the debs too so they're not corrupt13:30
lddxsucryptodan: mount as needed? are you saying I should make a different partition for each use?13:32
lddxsuI was thinking create one partition and symlink it wherever I need it13:33
cryptodanlddxsu: no leave the disk unmounted at boot and just mount when you need it to avoid permission issues13:33
EnissayPlease help correcting this bash for syntax: for myFile in /home/Enissay/[0-9][0-9] do ...13:34
EnissayI want to loop over all files in my home have two didgits in their name13:34
maetthewEnissay: I'm far from bash expert but I think you put the regex in a variable. In your loop you just do /home/Enissay/* or something to that regard. Then if [[ myFile =~ $regex ]]; then13:36
maeudEnissay: for file in $(find . -iname "*[0-9]*[0-9]"); do echo "$file"; done13:36
maetthew^ nope do that instead :)13:37
maeudEnissay: for file in $(find . -iname "*[0-9]*[0-9]*"); do echo "$file"; done13:37
maeudadd a type filter too13:38
Enissaymaeud: it's a folder I'm after, sorry for the missing detail13:39
maetthewI'm trying to add "Online accounts" but they don't seem to actually get saved. For instance, trying to add a NextCloud account. I set up all the settings and press "Connect". It seems to validate the connection but it doesn't get saved. How would I go about to troubleshoot this?13:39
maetthew(and yes I've tried other accounts like Google and Facebook with the same result). I'm on Budgie 18.0413:39
Enissayso that filter should match folders names13:39
maeudadd -type d Enissay13:40
Enissaymaeud: brilliant, thanks <313:41
Enissaymaetthew: thanks as well ;-)13:41
maetthewnp :)13:43
diskinhi all, when I'm using Cisco AnyConnect VPN client, and my wifi disconnects, after restoring wifi connection the VPN client reconnects automatically. Is there a way to achieve the same with openconnect working via NetworkManager? I'm on 18.0413:48
=== SimonNL is now known as _SimonNL
OlofLmy thunderbolt 3 dock suddenly stopped working. can someone assist? I have no idea whatsoever whast this log means https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/V4PbnvP7gn/14:13
lotuspsychjeOlofL: your kernel version please?14:14
OlofLand some more log: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/VgJkZ6dBTH/14:15
OlofLolof@olof-ubuntu:~$ uname -a Linux olof-ubuntu 4.18.0-12-generic #13-Ubuntu SMP Wed Nov 14 15:17:05 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux14:15
lotuspsychjeOlofL: and your ubuntu version?14:15
lotuspsychje!info linux-image-generic cosmic14:15
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (cosmic), package size 2 kB, installed size 15 kB14:15
lotuspsychjeOlofL: update your system first please14:16
maetthewlotuspsychje: Fwiw if you remember my problem the other day with notification buttons. I did a fresh install of 18.04 and it seems to work now.14:18
lotuspsychje!yay | maetthew14:18
maetthewAnd nvidia-41014:18
ubottumaetthew: Glad you made it! :-)14:18
lotuspsychjemaetthew: have you been able to test what the problem was?14:19
OlofLok it must have come in recent days... but its been working fine until now... :/ Found initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-4.18.0-11-generic Adding boot menu entry for EFI firmware configuration done.... brb reboot then14:19
maetthewlotuspsychje: No but I assume I broke something somewhere in between upgrading to 18.10 and installing different drivers14:20
lotuspsychjemaetthew: but we not sure yet if it was driver related?14:20
maetthewlotuspsychje: Not at all. I'm just pure guessing14:20
lotuspsychjemaetthew: but you did say, it was not working on 18.04 default neither right?14:21
OlofLlotuspsychje: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ZZPRC6cB4Q/ log after I plug thunderbolt dock in14:23
OlofLLinux olof-ubuntu 4.18.0-13-generic #14-Ubuntu SMP Wed Dec 5 09:04:24 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux14:23
maetthewlotuspsychje: Yeah I said I was like 90% sure of that. I just think in the trial and erroring/testing of Budgie I think I just done goofed somewhere.14:23
lotuspsychjeOlofL: at wich point can you recall it was still working?14:24
lotuspsychjemaetthew: ok, no sweat ill remember 410 + gtx + budgie is a go-go :p14:24
maetthewlotuspsychje: Yeah. Also this time I did a "minimal" install so that might have affected something idk14:25
lotuspsychjeOlofL: you think some update broke it?14:25
OlofLlotuspsychje: just a few hours ago. i got back from a meeting, and docked it again. now its not responding14:25
maetthewlotuspsychje: It might just been that 410 was the way to go. I never did try 410 before doing a fresh install14:25
maetthewand this time i went straight for 410 instead of trying 396 first14:25
lotuspsychjemaetthew: well, if indeed notification was broken on a default ubuntu, i would bug it..14:26
lotuspsychjemaetthew: but i doubt it14:26
maetthewYeah I think it was a user error on my part :)14:26
lotuspsychjeOlofL: could you try if you can reproduce this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/169739514:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1717431 in linux (Ubuntu Artful) "duplicate for #1697395 [Bug] Thunderbolt-patches: Fixes the issue regarding the order of ACPI calls w.r.t. PCI enumeration" [High,Fix released]14:27
maetthewIs it ok to paste AskUbuntu urls in here to ask questions?14:28
lotuspsychjemaetthew: sure, a question can be all in one line, or a paste14:29
lotuspsychjeOlofL: did your system went to sleep while you were away?14:30
maetthewI'm having issues with Online accounts not saving. Posted a question here https://askubuntu.com/questions/1103363/online-accounts-doesnt-get-saved with a screen recording14:32
maetthew(this worked previous to the aforementioned fresh install)14:34
lotuspsychjemaetthew: did you say you are on minimal now?14:35
maetthewlotuspsychje: yeah14:35
maetthewI'm thinking there is something missing in minimal but not sure or any idea what14:35
lotuspsychjemaetthew: i think this could be gnome password ring, needing to save your password14:35
lotuspsychjemaetthew: can you: apt-cache policy gnome-keyring14:36
maetthewlotuspsychje: https://hastebin.com/dafazeyeco14:37
lotuspsychjehmm seems installed, so thats not it14:37
maetthewlotuspsychje: Yeah the keyring works in other aspects. Just installed seahorse and I have some credentials saved14:39
lotuspsychjemaetthew: im reading other users have trouble on the nextcloud account14:41
maetthewlotuspsychje: It's not just nextcloud. Any account I try to add does the same. Google, Facebook, Flickr etc14:42
maetthewlotuspsychje: And it worked on 18.10 before fresh install14:42
lotuspsychjemaetthew: is your system up to date from today?14:43
lotuspsychjemaetthew: ive just tested it in 18.04.1 and working here14:45
maetthewlotuspsychje: Hmm nope. Where ther an update pushed today? Yesterday there were no updates. This is what software update says: https://imgur.com/a/Xxe8Jf714:47
maetthewWill try updating14:47
lotuspsychjemaetthew: uname -a ?14:47
maetthew$ uname -a14:47
maetthewLinux mabudgie 4.15.0-42-generic #45-Ubuntu SMP Thu Nov 15 19:32:57 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux14:47
lotuspsychjemaetthew: should be -43 today14:48
maetthewlotuspsychje: Ok, lets see if updating helps14:48
maetthewrebooting brb14:48
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maetthewlotuspsychje: Nope didn't help at all14:49
lotuspsychjemaetthew: are you logged in as admin of your system?14:50
maetthewlotuspsychje: Ofc. Single user system14:50
maetthewWell, actually. What exactly do you mean as admin?14:50
lotuspsychjemaetthew: adding an account asked me for password, did yours too?14:50
maetthewOnly the credentials for the NextCloud account14:50
lotuspsychjemaetthew: it asked system password there?14:51
maetthewlotuspsychje: Nope14:51
lotuspsychjemaetthew: so somethings wrong there14:51
lotuspsychjemaetthew: see if apt-cache policy gnome-online-accounts , is installed14:51
maetthewlotuspsychje: That's probably it, gnome-online-accounts not installed14:52
lotuspsychjemaetthew: maybe its  not a feature on minimal14:53
maetthewHmm now settings won't even open after installing that. Trying another reboot14:53
maetthewlotuspsychje: Success! :)14:55
ubottuGlad you made it! :-)14:55
maetthewThanks a lot14:55
=== _SimonNL is now known as SimonNL
lotuspsychjemaetthew: could you answer your askubuntu thread solved please15:14
lotuspsychjemaetthew: this way you help the community15:15
maetthewlotuspsychje: I tried but I can't do that until 2 days15:15
maetthewlotuspsychje: If you wanna add an answer maybe I can mark yours as solved15:15
maetthewAnd i'll remove mine15:15
UbuntivityHi. I have problem with MATE, whenever I press Super+S I get the volume slider showing up instead of multiple desktops!15:16
lotuspsychjemaetthew: well its actually a minimal problem, so that wasnt a part of your question15:16
maetthewlotuspsychje: Hmm what do you mean?15:17
lotuspsychjemaetthew: well as we investigated, minimal doesnt have gnome-online-accounts installed, its not really a bug15:17
maetthewlotuspsychje: Well sure. But? An answer might help someone else? I'm not sure im follwing you15:18
maetthewlotuspsychje: FYI: <fossfreedom_> maetthew: ah - yes, that has been resolved in the latest bionic daily build and will be in 18.04.2 released in Jan/Feb15:18
lotuspsychjemaetthew: my point is, your question doesnt mention you installed minimal budgie15:18
maetthewlotuspsychje: Hmm you're right. Ill edit that15:19
regedithello 👋15:20
regeditwhat is the "go-to" script or package to use for cpanel-like backup cron jobs to back up site files and mysql database? ideally with rotation and frequency and pruning features15:20
lotuspsychjemaetthew: thank you for taking your time to answer!15:21
maetthewlotuspsychje: ofc, least I can do for a community helping me :)15:21
uioHi! I downloaded qupzilla, but can't seem to use startpage.com with it... could someone try and let me know if the problem is just with me?15:22
maetthewlotuspsychje: Probably one of the most annoying this is when people answer their own question with "solved it" and doesn't actually provide steps to solve it :)15:24
maetthew*annoying things15:24
senapshi all, on ubuntu 18.4 i have installed unity and am logged in to it, my touchpad gestures and clicks don't work, i have to manually use the left and right buttons on the touchpad for it to work! or my two finger scrolling gesture doesn't work. i had these gestures in previous versions of ubuntu with unity, i have them on gnome, how would i activate it now?15:28
uioQupzilla is a browser and startpage a search engine. The two don't seem to work together for me, ie, when I click on a result in startpage the link does not open.... Could someone test this to see if it works for them?15:30
maetthewuio: Never heard of Qupzilla but there website states "QupZilla continutes development Falkon browser. There will be no more QupZilla releases"15:32
maetthewMaybe try Falkon instead?15:32
uiomaetthew: I tried to download it, but did not succeed....15:32
uiomaetthew: Will try again....15:33
maetthewuio: apt install falkon works for me anyway15:37
mustmodifyRestarted a server last night. We had a critical issue in production. I'm investigating. Discovered that if I `sudo tail -f /var/log/auth.log /var/log/memcached.log /var/log/syslog`, it asks for my password, then shows the files, but never shows changes to the files, even if I login from another window. Which should add something to auth.log. `tail -f` is working for other logs. Is that a clue? What would prevent the system from 15:47
uiomustmodify: pong15:50
mustmodifyuio: thanks. Just checking. It's been that kind of day. :|15:50
uiomustmodify: No worries, I can't help, but hopefully the Knowledge will awaken from the depths of IRC...15:50
paul1ushi,  all! I wrote earlier today I am rather new with Ubuntu. I have updated my wireless card and now have problems. For example, when I connect to 5G network, I am unable to access quite a few websites. Any help is super welcome :)15:51
maetthewpaul1us: maybe a traceroute on one of the websites that's not working will give you some info15:53
paul1usmaetthew, hi again :) could you guide me? I am very new15:54
maetthewpaul1us: In the terminal write 'traceroute google.com'15:54
maetthewchange google.com to whatever website isn't working15:54
maetthewpaste the results on pastebin.com and give the url here15:54
maetthewpaul1us: actually do one with a website that isn't working and one that is15:55
tomreynmustmodify: df -h, /var or / probably ran full15:55
mustmodifytomreyn: I'd be surprised but I'll check.15:55
tomreynmustmodify: also "mount", then check whether /var and / are still rw or became ro15:56
cow0wHello:) Is there an iso for ubuntu desktop 18.04 64bit for CDROM and not DVD ?15:56
mustmodifytomreyn: good thought but no. https://gist.github.com/mustmodify/8d9c9002814ea7ef486df6a19e51313915:57
paul1usmaetthew, here is the output. looks rather simmilar15:57
mustmodifytomreyn: just type `mount` ?15:57
mustmodifyTHat seems... dangerous?15:58
tomreynmustmodify: it's not dangerous without any parameters15:58
maetthewpaul1us: That's weird. Can't be much of help unfortunately. Do you have an ethernet cable connect while connecting to wifi? If so try disconnecting the ethernet cable15:58
sonOfRacow0w: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD the minimal isos should fit on a cdrom15:58
tomreynmustmodify: alternatively "cat /proc/mounts" if it seems less dangerous15:59
paul1usmaetthew, nope, it's unplugged15:59
cow0wsonOfRa, thanks:)15:59
sonOfRabut you will need an active network connection during install aiui, since instead of having the basic packages in the iso, you have to get them from the internet instead15:59
maetthewpaul1us: I'm wondering if the site that is working is showing you a cached version. Maybe try ctrl+shift+R on a website that is working to force a refresh15:59
mustmodifytomreyn: https://gist.github.com/mustmodify/f50795724672029b5e7c579e1abbb39915:59
cow0wI see:) thanks15:59
mustmodifylooks ok to me...15:59
maetthewpaul1us: That's the shortcut in Chrome and I believe Firefox as well. Not sure what browser you're using15:59
tomreynmustmodify: can you post the / file system?16:00
paul1usmaetthew, after ctrl+shift+r I get this in the browser server IP address could not be found.   DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN16:00
tomreynmustmodify: "dmesg" (kernel ring buffer log) is stored in ram, not on disk, so you can get newer records there: dmesg | less16:01
maetthewpaul1us: Are you connecting to IRC from the same computer?16:01
tomreynmustmodify: chances are that your nvme is unhealthy.16:01
tomreynas in hardware16:01
maetthewpaul1us: I suspect you don't have internet connection at all16:01
paul1usmaetthew, yup16:01
maetthewHmm that's weird16:01
paul1usmaetthew, as I said some websites do load, and not just the start page.16:02
cryptodanpaul1us: what sites load and dont load?16:02
mustmodifytomreyn: https://gist.github.com/mustmodify/00fd0548e26b9d23a328775fd78bddfe16:02
maetthewpaul1us: Yeah but I'm thinking the websites that do load are websites that you've previously visited with a working connection. And now it serves you a version that the browser cached on your file system for you. Hence why when you do ctrl+shift+R it can't reach the site16:03
maetthewpaul1us: what does 'ping -c 5 reddit.com' yield?16:03
tomreynmustmodify: oh i didn't mean ls, i mean the /proc/mounts or "mount" output for the / file system mount16:03
paul1usmaetthew, connect: Network is unreachable16:04
mustmodifyyou want me to `cat /proc/mounts` ?16:04
maetthewpaul1us: That's very weird. I have no clue unfortunately. It's weird that you can IRC but not ping or traceroute16:04
maetthewpaul1us: No proxys or VPN or anything?16:04
cryptodanpaul1us: do you know the gateway or router ip16:04
maetthewpaul1us: What does 'ip address' show?16:04
maetthewin terminal16:04
paul1uscryptodan, Load: google, pastebin, youtube.          doesnt: reddit, ubuntuforums16:04
maetthewand/or 'ip route'16:05
paul1usvpn is switched off16:05
maetthewpaul1us: He is asking if you know the IP address of your router/gateway16:05
cryptodanpaul1us: do "ping -c 5" and see if you can get to my server16:06
paul1usmaetthew,  and cryptodan  I do not know that info, so you need to guide me, please16:06
tomreynmustmodify: grep ' / ' /proc/mounts16:06
maetthewpaul1us: Try "ip address" and "ip route" in terminal and paste results to pastebin. Also try what cryptodan asked16:06
paul1uscryptodan, connect: Network is unreachable16:06
tomreynmustmodify: your next step is to https://www.smartmontools.org/wiki/NVMe_Support16:06
cryptodanpaul1us: you need to call your ISP16:06
xitpaul1us: what is in your /etc/resolv.conf -- are you using cleanbrowsing.org?16:07
cryptodanor reboot your router / modem16:07
maetthewpaul1us: It's really weird you're getting network unreachable and still be able to connect to IRC16:07
tomreynmustmodify: ...and to reconsider whether running with a SPOF storage is a good thing to do in production16:07
maetthewpaul1us: If it's a "normal" router/gateway that you got from say your ISP, the IP adress is usually or
maetthewyou can try to ping either of those and see if you get any response16:07
maetthewpaul1us: "normal" as in for home use16:08
=== SimonNL is now known as _SimonNL
mustmodifytomreyn: /dev/nvme0n1p1 / ext4 rw,relatime,discard,data=ordered 0 016:08
paul1usmaetthew, https://pastebin.com/iXyCF8u5 results for ip address and ip route16:08
mustmodifytomreyn: Just want to add I appreciate the help. Typically if something goes wrong I'm able to figure out why... but it's died twice and I have no idea why, so... troubling.16:10
tomreynmustmodify: so it's still mounted rw, ok. but the discard option may be problematic.16:10
maetthewpaul1us: Try restarting your router/gateway if you have physical access to it.16:10
paul1usxit, do you need the contents of the file? in a pastebin?   nope, I have never visited that website.16:10
maetthewpaul1us: What if you try to browse to or
mustmodifyand by 'it' I mean our Rails server. Which doesn't seem related to /var/log/auth.log, but... honestly I'm just looking for dots to connect and that's the only one i have so far.16:11
xitpaul1us: just making sure you haven't set it to something that blocks sites like reddit, etc.16:11
paul1usmaetthew, Ok. will restart in a few minutes.16:11
paul1usxit, I haven't fiddled with that and it worked an hour ago when I was at school16:11
xitpaul1us: ok16:12
paul1usmaetthew, is unreachable.  ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE      same for the other one16:12
tomreynmustmodify: ubuntu runs the fstrim command as a system timer on a regular (weekly) schedule instead of using the discard mount option on file systems for almost all file systems16:12
paul1usrestarting the router. will try to connect from mobile hotspot16:13
mustmodifytomreyn: I'm sorry to say I don't know the implications of what you're saying.16:13
tomreynmustmodify: that's because the discard option can cause such trouble with some storages. but this may be limited to ATA bus attached storages (e,g, SATA SSDs), not sure.16:13
maetthewpaul1us: It's very weird that "ip address" doesn't give you any IP except and you're till able to connect to IRC16:14
mustmodifySo that doesn't sound like something that would cause auth.log not to update?16:14
tomreynmustmodify: ignore this for now (or note it ddown to look it up later) and concentrate on reviewing dmesg for critical events regarding the nvme and running a recent version of smartctl against the storage now.16:14
mustmodifysmartctl against storage, watch dmesg.16:15
tomreynmustmodify: my suspicion is that your nvme storage is in a bad hardware state. and yes, this could cause files stored on it not to update.16:16
mustmodifytomreyn: this is on EC2, FYI16:16
mustmodifyso the storage isn't physical, IIRC16:16
tomreynmustmodify: "nvme list" should tell unless they somehow virtualized it, but i dont think they would.16:17
mustmodifytomreyn: The program 'nvme' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing: sudo apt install nvme-cli16:18
tomreynmustmodify: you run a production workload and OS on an nvme and dont even have the tools to manage the nvme installed?16:18
tomreynmustmodify: here's a more hands on guide on getting smart data from an nvme and interpreting it https://www.percona.com/blog/2017/02/09/using-nvme-command-line-tools-to-check-nvme-flash-health/16:19
mustmodifytomreyn: I'm a dev. My sysadmin skills grow to fit my immediate needs. :|16:20
tomreynmustmodify: i guess in your situation i'd review (or better copy to a different system) dmesg and /var/log and reboot from a recovery / live system to investigate the state of the nvme16:21
tomreynmustmodify: i see. sorry to hear that you have to sysadmin then. this (and bad programming by sysadmins) is why i think devops is a hoax.16:22
mustmodifytomreyn: Funny thing. I reached out to Canonical and other organizations to help with setup and they said, "You're too small, go away."16:24
mustmodifyso dmesg isn't showing anything since the second time I restarted my app, 1.25ish hours ago.16:24
paul1usmaetthew, after the restart stuff magically works. silly me did not test this option.16:26
paul1usmaetthew, xit, and cryptodan  thank you for your help :)16:26
maetthewpaul1us: Hehe, sometimes the easiest solution escape you :)16:26
maetthewnp glad it worked out16:27
cryptodanpaul1us: np16:27
tomreynmustmodify: which ubuntu version is this?16:27
maetthewpaul1us: Try "ip address" and "ip route" again to see how it "should" perform :)16:27
tomreynmustmodify: if you're too small for cnanonical (i'm sure many are) you can always get consulting, training, sysadmin from a local sysadmin company.16:27
xitpaul1us: glad it's working!  :)16:28
tomreynmustmodify: do you do central system (not just application performance) monitoring?16:29
tomreynmustmodify: if so, review what was gathered there, especially regarding storage, i/o, interrupts. if not, add it to your to do list.16:30
paul1usmaetthew,  here's the current output: https://pastebin.com/VCEsDNz5 is it alright?16:32
tomreynmustmodify: you also have a large swap file, what does "cat /proc/swaps" and cat "/proc/sys/vm/swappiness" report?16:32
maetthewpaul1us: seems fine. you should now be able to reach which is your router/gateways admin interface. is your router/gateways address and all traffic routes through that16:33
maetthewpaul1us: also for future reference i think you can do "sudo ipdown -a" and "sudo ipup -a" to restart the network interface on your computer16:34
maetthewi haven't tried that myself though just found it through googling so you should probably research those commands a bit more before trying them16:35
tomreynthere is / was ifdown and ifup, not ipdown/ipup. nowadays you'd use ip set DEVICE up / down16:35
tomreyn* ip link16:35
maetthewtomreyn: ah my bad16:35
tomreynpaul1us: do you still look for assistence there?16:40
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diskinhi all, when I'm using Cisco AnyConnect VPN client, and my wifi disconnects, after restoring wifi connection the VPN client reconnects automatically. Is there a way to achieve the same with openconnect working via NetworkManager? I'm on 18.0417:00
tewarddiskin: did you add the VPN configuration already first?17:01
tewardto Network Manager I mean17:02
diskinteward, yes, I added it via NetworkManager, it works fine, but there is no option for reconnect.17:02
diskinI've read that openconnect has --reconnect-timeout parameter, but not sure where can I specify it.17:03
diskinalso it is said that default value is 300 sec, but my VPN disconnects immediately when the WAN connection dies17:03
tewarddiskin: use nm-connection-editor.  Edit the wifi connection profile.  choose "Automatically connect to VPN when using this connection" and then select the OpenVPN profile17:03
tomreyni think the openconnect plugin to NM is not very configurable, and that's an understatement.17:03
tomreynhmm good point tew4rd17:04
tewarddiskin: then save the connection data for the wifi17:05
tewarddisconnect from wifi, and connect it again17:05
tewardtomreyn: yeah, the workaround is to do it at the wifi connection level17:05
diskinteward, cool, found it, thanks17:05
diskinnot obvious at all :)17:06
tewardassuming of course the wifi disconnects and doesn't just have an upstream timeout between the access point and the INnternet (with a router working)17:06
tewarddiskin: well, nm-connection-editor is the OLD editor17:06
tewardthe 'new' one doesn't expose that option17:06
tewardso you have to do it old-school :p17:06
tewardthe 'new' one in Settings*17:06
tewarddiskin: that SHOULD first establish your wifi and then attempt to establish the VPN17:06
tewardit wont' kill your wifi connection though if the VPN drops for any other reasons17:07
diskinyes, I remember I had to run the old editor for something else already. people were complaining that the new one was too dumb17:07
tewardand if that happens you'll have to manually reestablish the VPN connection via the VPN option :p17:07
tomreynthe other common thing the gnome settings integration is surely lacking for is pulse audio.17:08
diskinI see. still not that useful as the closed-source cisco client.17:08
tomreynbut open source, and with a non manual upgrade path17:08
diskinteward, one last question, about the --reconnect-timeout option, will it help to reconnect in all cases, if I invoke openconnect manually?17:10
tomreynunfortunately things can take a good while until both openconnect updates result in the NM plugin to be extended to support them, and both reach ubuntu.17:11
giacohello! I'm remotely connected to ubuntu server 18.04 on a machine with two NIC. One nic is dhcp and is up and working (it is where I am connected), another one is connected but requires static ip. I've configured the static ip in netplan.yml and not should be time for "sudo netplan apply" but I don't want to face the risk of disconnecting the working nic if anything goes bad. How to overcome this problem?17:13
giacoThank you17:13
tomreyndiskin: i would think the --reconnect-timeout will only result in openconnect either giving up on reconnecting or in reinitiating the VPN connection, it will not (try to) bring up the underlying network connection.17:13
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tomreyn(but then you've now set this up to happen automatically in NM)17:14
mustmodifytomreyn: those logs continue not to update, but Rails is running and hasn't died in the last 2 hours... so I'm on upwork looking for sysadmins and hopefully I'll get some professional help on that end.17:16
diskintomreyn, no, bringing back underlying connection is not a question. scenario: I was connected to my home wifi, then I put laptop to sleep, move to another place and connect via my mobile phone tethering17:16
diskinanyconnect would reconnect if some time limit (1 hour?) is not exceeded17:17
tomreyngiaco: you can "netplan generate" before you "netplan apply" (https://netplan.io/faq#test-a-configuration), but there is no real solution there, at some point you need to apply your changes. there is a workaround, though, which is out-of-band (OOB) access to your server, as provided by several server hardware companies (as well as separate PCI cards and self-built installations based on SoCs)17:19
tomreynmustmodify: i have no experience with this platform, can't comment on it. good luck! be prepared that they'll need to take the system out of production (it will need to be rebooted from a live / recovery system / alternative boot storage), so be ready to setup a new server with your deployment tools. in fact since this is cloud hosting (if on physical hardware) you should probably just redeploy to a new server and return this one, dropping17:24
tomreynamazon a note that there were storage issues.17:24
tomreyndiskin: i see. i think you'd need to have your tethering connection setup to also auto-start the vpn connection then. but i agree this is not neccessarily somethnig you always want to do, so YMMV.17:25
TikityTikLaphow do i uninstall gnome?17:25
tomreynTikityTikLap: that's not an entirely easy thing to do. it may be easier to backup and reinstall.17:26
diskintomreyn, already have done it, will test as soon as I finish chatting here :)17:26
Mathisendoes it not work just by uninstalling ubuntu-gnome-desktop ?17:26
TikityTikLaptomreyn, i want i3 and not gnome17:26
tomreyndiskin: great, good luck.17:26
diskinTikityTikLap, then install i3 first?17:27
TikityTikLapdiskin, and i wanted to start it via startx17:27
tomreynTikityTikLap: then i'd start with a minimal / *alternative* server installation and add i3 on top or pick an install media which comes with i3, if any (have not checked)17:27
TikityTikLapdiskin, installing i3 still launches gnome17:28
MathisenTikityTikLap, just uninstall ubuntu-gnome-desktop then install i3 and then just add "exec i3" in your .xinitrc startx should start i3 for you then17:29
tomreynMathisen: no, this will remove just the meta package which is used to pull in the dependencies when you install gnome, but it won't automatically remove them (also autoremove wont remove all of them).17:29
Mathisentomreyn, ok, so what is the ubuntu wariant of pacman -Rns ? have not used ubuntu in a while now17:30
Mathisenso it removes orphans also17:30
tomreynMathisen: there is "apt autoremove" and "deborphan"17:31
MathisenTikityTikLap, listen to tomreyn dont folow my suggestion17:31
Mathisenthe .xinitrc part does work tho17:31
tomreynMathisen: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1044026/switching-to-i3-in-18-04 may be relevant, but it doesn't answer the "how to remove" question17:31
tomreynyes i think the .xinitrc suggestion was a good one, although some people here have recommended against using startx on the fully systemd'd system that 18.04 is.17:33
tomreyni don't know the actual reasoning, suspect it's about X vs wayland17:34
TikityTikLapwhatever deleted the gnome/ubuntu desktop files in /usr/share/xsession17:35
tomreyn...or maybe it clashes with systemd's targets17:35
mustmodifytomreyn: That's what I've done in the past. Instead of upgrading servers, I'll just switch to a new one. Seems less risky. For instance, my dev machine... upgraded from 16 to 18 and it was a tragedy.17:39
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje
Piratywhen i now install ubuntu18.04 and don't find it suitable (likely hardware issues), and tomorrow install ubuntu18.10, is it likely i retain zombie entries of the previous one in efi menu?17:44
tomreynPiraty: no, i wouldnt think so (but haven't tried myself), the grub boot code on the ESP should get replaced.17:47
Piratyis the latest kernel backported / ported to the lts repos?17:48
tomreynPiraty: in case i should be wrong, or you want to make customizations, you can always edit the menu options from either the BIOS (supporting the full UEFI standard) or using efibootmgr from linux.17:49
tomreynPiraty: you will not find the *latest* vanilla kernel in ubuntu at any time, but recent ones hand picked (because and after they have proven to be somewhat reliable stable) as !hwe kernels.17:50
tomreyn!hwe | Piraty17:51
ubottuPiraty: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack17:51
Piratythanks tomreyn17:52
Piratyi read that page already but didn't get information about how the package is named17:52
tomreynPiraty: ubuntu 18.04 currently provides linux-image-generic-hwe-18.04{,-edge} version via the 'proposed' apt pocket17:55
Piratyapt pocket = mirror?17:55
tomreynthis (or a newer version of it) should enter 'main' in february.17:55
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Muon (KDE) or !Apper (KDE)17:55
Piratyi know what apt is17:56
Piratythanks so far, i will have to learn that on my own i guess17:56
lotuspsychjePiraty: he's trying to help you here17:56
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Piratyi am thankful17:56
Piratywill install 18-lts, see how it works, eventually + the enablementstack17:57
tomreynPiraty: 'pocket' was actually the wrong term here, i meant to say 'section name' or component, as discussed here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/CommandLine#Explanation_of_the_Repository_Format17:57
Piratyand if it fails, go for 18.1017:57
ioriaPiraty, there is no hwe stack for bionic yet17:57
tomreyn^ none that's supported, yes17:58
lotuspsychjePiraty: and why exactly do you suspect hardware issues on 18.04.1 LTS?17:58
Piratyi experience them already in the live system17:58
tomreynPiraty: there are also !mainline builds, also unsupported. those give you recent vanilla builds.17:58
lotuspsychjePiraty: like wich?17:58
Piratytouchpad buttons not working17:58
Piratyit's a known issue, told in various comments on that laptop found on the net17:59
lotuspsychjePiraty: did you update your bios to latest?17:59
tomreynPiraty: and those comments suggest that a nerwer kernel (which version?) fixes it?17:59
hans__how can i see what the "Basic Ubuntu Server" installer package contains?18:00
tomreynPiraty: whom were you responding to?18:00
Piratybios update impossible because manufacturer only releases binfile that's supposed to be installed via windows systemmanager, which is not present on the laptop18:00
hans__(in 12.10 this would list it `tasksel --task-packages server` but that doesn't work in 18.04, it simply says `server^` )18:00
Piratytomreyn: yes, kernel upgrade is suggested to fix the issue18:00
tomreynhans: this is implemented as "apt tasks" now.  run: apt how server^18:01
tomreynPiraty: to which version?18:02
lotuspsychjePiraty: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BIOSUpdate18:02
hans__tomreyn, that just gives me `E: Invalid operation how`18:02
Piratytomreyn: 4.1918:03
hans__oh, but `apt show server^`  seem to work, guess it was just a typo ^^18:03
tomreynhans__: it was, sorry18:03
tomreynhans__: add -a for the full package list, or use "apt-cache show server^" instead18:04
ioriaPiraty, i suggest to boot  again the livecd , install gnome-tweaks, select Key/Mouse/Touch  and set it to 'Area' (or try some other settings); if no avail , then consider a new kernel18:05
tomreynhans__: i.e. you could: apt-cache show server^ | grep ^Package: | cut -d ' ' -f2-| sort | uniq18:05
Piratyyay installer crashed18:05
tomreynPiraty: linux 4.19 is not available as a package in anything other than disco-propsoed and !mainline at this point.18:07
Piratyhmm maybe folks were referring to linux mint18:08
tomreynPiraty: if you're looking for help with the crashing installer, you'll need to provide more details.18:08
Piratycrash box was empty18:08
* tomreyn takes this as a "no"18:08
thagabeFirst message I receive is a winking face, should i be worried :O18:09
Piratyhow are touchpad signals handled? it's not libinput it seems ...18:13
Piratyto check if they are just misinterpreted18:13
thagabesynaptic drivers maybe?18:15
Kohelethsomebody shut down virtualmin irc channel plz18:19
Kohelethnetplan has done them in with 1818:19
Kohelethcan we all go back to interfaces plz :)18:20
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KohelethC hrist had to install centos on a server18:20
Piratythagabe: evtest shows button events18:22
Piratyso it's not kernel related18:22
Kohelethwhat is the off topic channel plz18:23
teward!offtopic | Koheleth18:24
ubottuKoheleth: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:24
qswzhow to use whatsapp? there are clients for windows/max, apparently not linux18:28
qswzand not interested by the web + phone solution, I just hate phones18:28
iosecureWhatsapp is phone-based.18:29
iosecureEven on the desktop, it's linked to the phone.18:29
tewardqswz: whatsapp requires a phone linked component.  if you're not up for that becasue of the phone solution part then whatsapp is NOT what you want18:30
qswzthat sucks so much18:30
qswzhehe thanks guys18:30
qswzI can't understand ppl who use ther phone more than 1m per month18:31
lotuspsychjeqswz: try telegram desktop18:31
iosecureTelegram is also fairly phone-centric, last I checked.18:31
iosecureqswz: There are people like me that basically work off of my phone.18:31
lotuspsychjeiosecure: you just need to activate it with a phonenumber or username, after that you can use it on ubuntu-desktop18:32
Piratytelegram has desktop clients and even a lib so other clients can hook in18:33
iosecureI use Telegram pretty heavily, but I started on a phone, so I didnt know if it was similar to whatsapp in that regard.18:33
qswzwhatsapp could have done something good, if they did a true gateway laptop/phones18:34
qswzbut either they don't care about linux, probly. dunno how those desktop solutions work on windows/mac18:34
elias_aUse Signal. It has a proper desktop client for Ubuntu, too.18:35
lotuspsychjeqswz: you can also try jami, for linux former known as ring18:35
elias_aAnd the e2e is a bit more convincing than that of Telegram.18:35
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bray90820_So I just found out unity is still being developed18:47
bray90820_I had no idea18:47
lotuspsychjebray90820_: you can still install unity7 from the repos, and try unity8 as community project18:48
bray90820_when you say community project do you mean ubports?18:49
lotuspsychjebray90820_: ubports and https://unity8.io/18:50
bray90820_I think it's cool that unity is still a thing18:50
Kohelethunity still a thing?18:51
lotuspsychjebray90820_: 16.04 is also still supported, so unity needs to be alive18:51
Kohelethyeah man18:51
bray90820_Yeah that's very true18:52
bray90820_Never thought about that18:52
Kohelethyeah true man18:52
bray90820_But that's unity 7 anyways18:52
lotuspsychjeKoheleth: stop that please18:52
lotuspsychjeKoheleth: only ubuntu questions in the #ubuntu support channel please18:53
KohelethSure man, why the Netpaln thing other than Interfaces in the network area?18:53
hans__lotuspsychje, until 16.04 is EOL, Unity is still appropriate for an ubuntu support channel..18:54
KohelethNetplan sry18:54
lotuspsychjehans__: and you telling me this why?18:54
Koheleth16.04 eol is fine18:54
hans__lotuspsychje, because you said > <lotuspsychje> Koheleth: only ubuntu questions in the #ubuntu support channel please18:55
lotuspsychjehans__: and?18:55
Kohelethhans__:  I did18:56
hans__lotuspsychje, and it seemed he was talking about Unity18:56
KohelethMerry Christmas all here and y Ubuntu for all :)18:56
iosecurelotuspsychje: You've been talking about things that have as much to do with Ubuntu as Unity does. Please stop trying to police the channel.18:56
coconutKoheleth: please top chatting here18:56
lotuspsychjehans__: bray90820_ was talking about unity, Koheleth is trolling18:57
Kohelethnot trolling not been on irc for a while18:57
Kohelethsry guys18:57
Kohelethwill shut up18:57
hans__Koheleth, go to the trolling channel, #anime18:57
Kohelethnow your trolling18:57
bray90820_we are gonna be hearing about 18.04 for a long while18:57
Piratyhow can i install qtox (https://packages.ubuntu.com/disco/qtox) now? what's missing (after fresh installation) i don't see it in the "discover"18:58
KohelethI said sorry18:58
lhavelundAlright folks, let's pack it up -- back to our regularly-scheduled programming.18:58
bray90820_2028 I believe is it's eol18:58
hans__bray90820_, ?18:58
iosecureApril 2023, according to Ubuntu's website.18:58
Kohelethbray90820 why?18:58
Koheletheol is important18:59
hans__2028? 18.04?18:59
bray90820_ubuntu 18.04 is gonna be supported for 10 years so we are gonna be getting support messages in hereing about it in here until then18:59
hans__maybe if you have Canonical Extended support, but i think it is clo18:59
bray90820_180.4 is gonna be supported for 10 years18:59
Kohelethcentos worked that out some time ago I guess18:59
hans__holy dang18:59
Piratyin Discover i get the tooltip "dpkg was interrupted" and it fails to perform a systemupdate18:59
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:59
hans__yeah that must be because they want to compete with CentOS (which has 10 year support on all major releases)19:00
iosecurebray90820_: I have yet to see that reflected in documentation.19:00
Kohelethall this php stuff is probably nonsense19:00
Kohelethget you to buy the latest etc19:00
Kohelethhosters who specialise in php 7.1 etc19:01
lhavelundKoheleth: offtopic conversation should be kept in -offtopic, but please be mindful of your topic choices there. This channel is exclusively for support.19:01
bray90820_I just know what I have red19:01
hans__with 18.04 being supported for 10 years, will the next LTS still be released in 2023?19:01
Kohelethoops sry19:01
Piratygreat. after fresh isntall i get perl dependency issues on first update19:01
bray90820_hans__: that's a good question19:02
lotuspsychje!paste | Piraty19:02
ubottuPiraty: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:02
Kohelethinstall perl :)19:02
iosecureI'm not counting on a 10 year support lifetime until it's actually on a website.19:02
Piratyignore Koheleth19:02
lotuspsychje!discuss | iosecure19:02
ubottuiosecure: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!19:02
iosecurelotuspsychje: I'm literally talking about Ubuntu's support lifetime, so please and kindly, and for the last time, fuck off.19:03
Kohelethwe are, seems to ne Ubuntu EOL at the mo19:03
Koheleththats a nice EOL19:03
lotuspsychjeplease keep it familly friendly in the #ubuntu support iosecure19:03
JimBuntuiosecure, Documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases   please see the 'End of Life date' for 18.0419:03
iosecureGuy contributes nothing except telling other people what to talk about.19:03
Piratylotuspsychje: thanks, how to turn the terminal output of dpkg to english so you can understand?19:03
iosecureJimBuntu: I know, it says April 2023. They're talking about 2028.19:03
Koheleth2028 is nonsense19:04
hans__is 18.04 10-year a 1-off thing, or is 10 year the new default lifetime for LTS?19:04
tgm4883Talking about the length of ubuntu support isn't exactly asking for ubuntu support19:04
JimBuntuiosecure, April 2028 for ESM19:04
iosecuretgm4883: It's definitely relevant. If you tell me to go to offtopic, you can pound sand, too.19:04
JimBuntuExtended Security Maintenance19:04
Kohelethlot of work for the devs I think19:04
lotuspsychje!ops | iosecure Koheleth hans__ offtopic19:04
ubottuiosecure Koheleth hans__ offtopic: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax19:04
iosecureJimBuntu: What exactly is covered under ESM?19:04
Kohelethload of nosense going on as well19:04
hans__why am i on that list?19:05
tgm4883iosecure: there's zero documentation on this, so it's really irrelevant to discuss it in here at this point19:05
JimBuntuiosecure, that hasn't been determined yet for 18.04, since they have about 5 years before it kicks in19:05
coconutthank you!19:05
hans__anyway, is ESM that Canonical extended support thing that costs money?19:05
lhavelundGuys, can we please keep the conversation on-topic.19:06
lhavelundThe channel is exclusively for Ubuntu support -- offtopic conversation should be taken up in #ubuntu-offtopic.19:06
hans__just so i understand this correctly, #ubuntu is not the right place to ask about ubuntu support cycles?19:07
tgm4883hans__: correct19:07
lhavelundThat's correct, yes.19:07
Kohelethyeah, how come netplan fcs up my network connection every boot, cannot even ping the server19:07
JimBuntuhans__, That would probably be #ubuntu-discuss  - where you discuss Ubuntu in general19:07
hans__ok, sorry, thanks19:08
iosecurelol nah.19:08
KohelethWhat is the next Ubuntu release and is it dropping Netplan?19:09
KohelethBetter still, next update19:10
Piratylotuspsychje: yeah i cannot even install curl because of the broken perl dependency19:11
lhavelundKoheleth: Once again, that'd be considered offtopic for this channel. I'd recommend #ubuntu-discuss as JimBuntu recommends.19:11
hans__.. what does curl have to do with perl?19:11
Piratyi dunno that19:11
Piratybut apt install curl fails19:11
Piratydue to my perl dependency error i wanted to termpaste about19:11
Kohelethhis script is calling it in19:11
lotuspsychjePiraty: you already have been pointing today, if you want help here, try to pastebin usefull errors to the channel, so volunteers can take a look19:12
Kohelethcurl and perl pretty basic19:12
hans__Piraty, sudo apt install curl 2>&1 | pastebinit   ?19:12
hans__Piraty,  err, forgot -y. sudo apt -y install curl 2>&1 | pastebinit19:12
solkhello, I am using 16.04 LTS and the openssh-client is 7.2p2. Somehow using the ssh with pubkey does not work. do you know why?19:13
leftyfbsolk: what do you mean "using ssh with pubkey"19:13
Kohelethfresh install of OS recently?19:14
solkI try to ssh to remote host with key authentication, not password19:14
Piratysolk: vmware?19:14
leftyfbsolk: ok, how did you make the ssh keypair?19:14
solkfresh install and trying to connect to vmware vm19:14
Piratydoes the server accept key authentication?19:14
solkssh -t rsa19:14
Kohelethstored ssh key is bad19:15
Piratysee output of ssh -vvv <remote>19:15
solkserver accept key pair19:15
Kohelethsimple fix19:15
solkit work for me when use ssh from cygwin19:15
Piratyultimately, start sshd with -ddd19:15
hans__solk, also check if there's any interesting in /var/log/auth.log19:15
Piratysolk: try ssh -i <key>19:15
* leftyfb sigh19:15
Kohelethssh-keygen -R <host>19:16
leftyfbKoheleth: please don't19:16
Piratyhans__: problem seems solved by apt --fix-broken install19:16
Piratykickban Koheleth19:16
solkI tried with ssh -i .ssh/id_rsa and it did not work19:16
Piratysolk: what does -vvv say?19:16
Kohelethjust renew the key it happens after a fresh install of a remote19:17
Piratydo you have identityFIle entries in .ssh/config ?19:17
ntdnacc, iio issue not resolved by 4.15.0-43 and I'm assuming it wasn't on the table?19:17
Kohelethyou need root btw19:17
leftyfbKoheleth: please stop19:17
solkkey_load_public: No such file or directory of /.ssh/id_rsa-cert type -119:17
leftyfbsolk: that's not the enire output19:18
leftyfbsolk: ls -l ~/.ssh/id*19:18
JimBuntusolk, Do you have a "/.ssh" or did you mean ~/.ssh ?19:18
Piratysolk: if you don't have an identityFile set for that host, ssh tries different default keynames.19:18
solkyes i mean ~/.ssh19:18
leftyfbsolk: ls -l ~/.ssh/id*19:18
KohelethPiraty: up yours as well lol19:18
JimBuntusolk, but check your error output... it has /.ssh19:18
lhavelundThat's enough of that.19:19
leftyfblhavelund: thank you19:19
solkthis is what i have in ~/.ssh/config19:19
solkHost *19:20
solk  ForwardAgent yes19:20
solk  GSSAPIAuthentication yes19:20
solk  RSAAuthentication yes19:20
solk  PubkeyAuthentication yes19:20
teward!pastebin | solk19:20
ubottusolk: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:20
JimBuntu!paste | solk19:20
Piratysolk: start with nothing except hostname and user, maybe port if neccesary.19:20
leftyfbsolk: Please pastebin the output of:   ls -l ~/.ssh/id*19:20
Piratyif you have a non-default path to the key, use identityFile19:20
solk-rw------- 1 1766 Dec 20 12:15 id_rsa19:21
solk-rw-r--r-- 1  386 Dec 20 12:15 id_rsa.pub19:21
Piratysolk: just grasp the arch wiki article on ssh-keys, it's straightforward19:22
solkany issue with permission leftyfb19:22
leftyfbsolk: nope. How about on the server:  ls -l ~/.ssh/auth*19:23
leftyfbPiraty: I'm going to continue troubleshooting19:23
solklet me check19:24
leftyfbsolk: how did you copy the public key to the server?19:25
solkleftyfb: ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa19:25
leftyfbok, and did it populate ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on the server?19:26
solkleftydb: yes it populated19:26
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leftyfbsolk: ok, next step would be to watch (tail) the ssh log on the server as you're trying to ssh with the key19:27
leftyfbsolk: tail -f /var/log/auth.log (assuming you're running ubuntu on the server)19:27
solkPiraty: i has been google since 3 days for the solution before ending up here19:28
leftyfbsolk: Piraty left. I will continue to assist you.19:28
solkthe client is ubuntu 16.04 and server is redhat 6.919:29
solkleftyfb: i will try to tail the auth now19:30
leftyfbsolk: run this on the server and watch it while trying to ssh in from your machine:   tail -fn0 /var/log/{secure,auth.log}19:30
leftyfbI haven't used redhat in a long time. Not sure what log they're writing to these days. It used to be /var/log/secure19:31
solkleftyfb: do you know why it works when i ssh from cygwin?19:31
leftyfbsolk: Are you using the exact same keypair on cygwin as you are with ubuntu?19:32
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solkleftyfb: i generated one keypair for each and populated them to redhat server using ssh-copy-id19:33
ItalyPaleAleHi, what’s the best way to have a script executed when a graphical shell starts? My goal is to run a few “xinput set-prop” commands before the desktop (Cinnamon) appears. I tried both the ~/.profile and ~/.xprofile files, but doesn’t look like Ubuntu is reading them19:34
geirhaItalyPaleAle: autostart19:35
ItalyPaleAlegeirha: can you please articulate? :)19:36
ubottuIf you want to edit your Autostart programs, open the Unity dash and search for Startup Programs. If you're on XFCE, use menu -> Settings -> Settings Manager -> Session and Startup, if you're on KDE, use Kickoff -> Computer -> System Settings -> Autostart. For more details see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup19:36
ItalyPaleAlegeirha: that’s different from what I want19:36
leftyfbsolk: do you see both public keys in the authorized_keys file on the server?19:36
ItalyPaleAlegeirha: i need to run a script in the background to set a couple of “xinputs set-prop” and I also need to set an env variable (“export CINNAMON_2D=true”). On Fedora, I could just put it in .profile and it would be picked up19:37
solkleftyfb: yes i see both public keys of cygwin and ubuntu in authorized_keys19:37
geirhaItalyPaleAle: the env var can go in .profile. The xinput surely needs a running X server, so running it with autostart sounds like a good fit19:38
solkleftyfb: there is not /var/log/auth.log, and the /var/log/secure prints nothing19:38
ItalyPaleAlegeirha: no putting it in .profile didn’t work for graphical shells. ubuntu didn’t pick it up19:39
leftyfbsolk: ok, on ubuntu: ls -ld ~/.ssh ~/.ssh/id_rsa19:39
leftyfbsolk: please pastebin the output19:39
geirhaItalyPaleAle: At least with lightdm, it sources .profile specifically before execing the graphical session, giving you all the env vars it sets.19:39
solkleftyfb: how to pastebin?19:40
ItalyPaleAlegeirha: i’m using lightdm, but it doesn’t look like it’s sourcing .profile. I can tell because the CINNAMON_2D var isn’t set, and Cinnamon is warning me that it’s using software rendering19:40
leftyfbsolk: copy and paste the output to https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/  , then copy and paste the link to that pastebin you submit here19:40
leftyfbItalyPaleAle: try /etc/rc.local19:41
geirhaItalyPaleAle: Hm. Which ubuntu release is that?19:41
ItalyPaleAlegeirha: 18.0419:42
geirha/etc/rc.local won't help19:42
leftyfbgeirha: why is that?19:42
ItalyPaleAleisn’t rc.local used for things at boot (before systemd)? yeah it wouldn’t help, because it’s not connected to an X session AFAIK19:43
geirhaleftyfb: it's not read during log in19:43
solkleftyfb: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/Ygcq6yjmGc/19:44
leftyfbgeirha: it's read at boot, before the GUI starts19:46
leftyfbsolk: unless you want to pastebin the entire output, I would really look through the output of ssh -vvv <remotehost> and look for errors19:47
ItalyPaleAlegeirha: so any ieda? :(19:47
geirhaItalyPaleAle: I booted up a 18.04 VM and tried, and the env var I added to .profile was picked up19:47
ItalyPaleAlegeirha: uhm weird. ok let me reboot maybe19:47
solkleftyfb: i thought you asked for the ll command. let me do ti19:48
ItalyPaleAlegeirha: did you have a terminal open too?19:48
geirhaItalyPaleAle: logging out and back in suffices19:48
ItalyPaleAlegeirha: i tried that already and didn’t work19:48
leftyfbsolk: I did, and you gave it to me. Your permissions look fine.19:48
geirhaItalyPaleAle: starting a new terminal doesn't help, it doesn't count as a login19:48
ItalyPaleAlegeirha: oh, maybe i should have said that. I’m connecting through XRDP19:48
geirhaAh, that may be it, then lightdm isn't involved19:49
leftyfbsolk: I noticed you don't have an owner and group in your output. Did you remove those?19:49
geirhatry adding it to ~/.pam_environment19:49
ItalyPaleAlegeirha: gotcha. so what wold you suggest? it worked on fedora19:49
geirhaItalyPaleAle: it's read by pam when you log in, and note that it's not a shell script like .profile is, so don't add quotes and don't add export in front. Just a line with KEY=value19:50
Piratyhow to install the most recent kernel i can get for 18.04 via official repos? "proposed" maybe of help here? that probably pulls more recent software than just the kernel, no?19:51
ItalyPaleAlegeirha: ok will try in 1 sec19:52
leftyfbPiraty: it already comes with the most recent kernel. Anything else would be from mainline and unsupported here.19:52
solkleftyfb: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/H8PDFp4rV5/19:53
Piratyleftyfb: most recent in my terms would be 4.19, and someone an hour ago mentioned 4.18 might be available via "proposed" update channel19:54
leftyfbsolk: ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa19:54
Piratycorrect myself to "most recent possible"19:54
leftyfbsolk: not: ssh -i id_rsa (hopefully you don't have your private ssh key in your home root"19:54
ItalyPaleAlegeirha: didn’t work :(19:55
solkleftyfb: i cd to ~/.ssh then run ssh -i id_rsa redhat-server -vvv19:55
leftyfbPiraty: it's not19:55
leftyfbsolk: ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa  # or just ssh <remotehost>    # since it should pick up the id_rsa automatically19:55
solkleftyfb: some output without -i id_rsa19:56
leftyfbsolk: doubt it. Please paste it to pastebin19:56
solkleftyfb: sure19:57
leftyfbsolk: I noticed you don't have an owner and group in your output of the permissions. Did you remove those?19:58
solkleftyfb: here it is: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/WPtFbbBRvk/19:59
solkleftyfb: i removed the uid and gid from the ll command20:00
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leftyfbsolk: why?20:00
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solkleftyfb: just use awk to make it short20:01
leftyfbsolk: future reference, don't assume data is unimportant when someone asks you for output20:01
solkleftyfb: i see. will do it again, thanks20:02
leftyfbsolk: Can you confirm that the owner is the same as the user you're logged in as?20:02
Piratyso 18.04 will stay on 4.15 ??20:02
Piratyouch for me20:02
Piratycan i upgrade the system to 18.10 in-vivo?20:03
TJ-Could someone do a sanity-check for me on the 'dwarfdump' tool (from package of that name). Try "dwarfdump /bin/ls" (should see 8 -debug_* ELF section headers) then retry adding the "-v" option as in "dwarfdump -v /bin/ls" and tell me if there is any output?20:03
solkleftyfb: the owner is solk20:03
leftyfbPiraty: no, it will not. It will be upgraded at each point release20:03
leftyfbsolk: ok, lets start with a fresh ssh_config. :   mv ~/.ssh/config ~/.ssh/config.bak  # then try ssh again20:03
ioriaTJ-, nope,no output20:04
leftyfbPiraty: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack20:04
TJ-ioria: Thanks! It does that with /any/ options and I thought I'd somehow broken it or misread the manual!20:05
Piratyyeah that's what i see, and it indicates kernel version being static (4.15.x) for an ubuntu version20:05
ioriaTJ-, no prob20:05
leftyfbPiraty: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseSchedule20:05
leftyfbPiraty: you will be able to install the HWE kernel when is available20:05
ntdTJ-, ping20:06
leftyfbPiraty: I think that will be 18.04.2 in February20:06
Piratyi see20:06
Piraty18.10 it needs to be then :p thanks leftyfb20:06
leftyfbPiraty: needs to be what?20:06
Piratythe ubuntu i need to have on this laptop20:07
leftyfbPiraty: 18.10 is not an LTS. It will be unsupported in 9 months20:07
Piratybecause touchpad support is fully gained in 4.1820:08
leftyfbPiraty: Try a live cd/usb and see if that is true. If it is, then maybe go with 18.1020:08
Piratyi don't like to go non-lts either here, but since that laptop needs to be ready when santa arrives, i have to decide now.20:09
Piratyi already testet live system 18.10. touchpad works20:09
leftyfbok, then you have your answer20:09
solkleftyfb: this is after moving the ~/.ssh/config --> ~/.ssh/config.bak: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/2dcKzQn4m8/20:09
Piratythanks leftyfb20:09
Piratydebian-like dist-upgrade is still the same here in ubuntu?20:10
leftyfbPiraty: do-release-upgrade20:10
leftyfbsolk: I don't see your client offering up the id_rsa20:10
leftyfbsolk: you should see this in your output: debug1: Offering RSA public key: .ssh/id_rsa20:10
solkleftyfb: the id_rsa is disable by default according to the policy. I have to open it in the ~/.ssh/config20:12
leftyfbsolk: incorrect20:12
leftyfbsolk: ssh -v -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa redhat-server20:14
leftyfbsolk: maybe the next step would be to create a new keypair20:14
solkleftyfb: ssh -v -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa redhat-server --> https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/b6XbC3wZbD/20:17
timvisherIs there a standard tool with an exit code that I can use to check whether an apt package is installed?20:18
leftyfbtimvisher: apt-cache search or apt list --installed , both requiring post-processing of the output20:19
leftyfbsolk: I would try a new keypair20:19
leftyfbsolk: be in ~/.ssh/ when you create it20:19
timvisherleftyfb: Right. Was looking for something that didn't require piping to `grep -q`20:19
leftyfbtimvisher: don't like the code or the output(which can be cleaned up)?20:20
solkleftyfb: let me create a new keypair.20:21
leftyfbtimvisher: dpkg -l20:21
ioriatimvisher, the exit code is ($?) 0 if installed 1 if not ...20:22
leftyfbtimvisher: though it only checks for packages installed. Not if it's available/valid20:22
leftyfbioria: you're referring to dpkg -l right? apt-cache policy doesn't change the exit code for packages not installed20:23
iorialeftyfb, yes20:23
timvisherleftyfb: Oh jeez. (-‸ლ)20:25
timvisherI really thought I had checked `dpkg -l`'s exit statuses.20:25
timvisherThank you that's exactly what I was looking for.20:25
leftyfbtimvisher: again, no validation on package names/availability20:25
timvisherYeah that'll do. `dpkg -l libsnappy-dev >/dev/null 2>&1`20:26
timelessif i've made a change to /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf to impact /etc/resolv.conf, what command (other than rebooting!) can I use to get /etc/resolv.conf (/run/resolvconf/resolv.conf) to be regenerated on ubuntu xenial?20:27
ioriatimvisher, the pkg can be 'rc' not 'ii', so you need grep anyhow20:27
ioriatimvisher, grep ^ii, i mean20:27
timvisherioria: Ah that's a fair point…20:28
solkleftyfb: after creating new keypair --> https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/jr7c8QqJwB/20:30
leftyfbsolk: do you have the ability to test ssh'ing to a different machine elsewhere? Also, maybe try manually copy/pasting the public key into the public key file on the server20:32
solkleftyfb: I  tried to copy/paste the pubkey to server manually and got the same issue20:35
leftyfbsolk: try ssh'ing to your own machine20:36
solkleftyfb: I did the same steps on cygwin of the other laptop to connect to the same server and it worked20:36
timelessturns out that running `/etc/resolvconf/update.d/libc` seems to help, although i can't figure out what my current directory should be :-(20:37
leftyfbsolk: cygwin is a pretty disgusting beast. The only thing I'll be doing with that is taking your word for the fact that it can ssh to the server.20:38
solkleftyfb: do you mean ssh to my own ubuntu machine and with my one username?20:38
leftyfbsolk: is this a stock/default install of Ubuntu 16.04 desktop?20:38
leftyfbsolk: yes20:38
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timelesshmm, nope :-(20:41
solkleftyfb: it works with keypair to my own machine. do you need the pastebin?20:43
leftyfbsolk: ok, so the issue is the remote server. Maybe test another remote server just to be sure20:43
solkleftyfb: i have tested with 2 servers and got the same issue. let me try the 3rd one20:44
TJ-leftyfb: in the pastebins the local client isn't showing any "debug1: Trying private key: " - is the ownership/permissions correct locally?20:45
leftyfbTJ-: looks like it to me20:45
leftyfbTJ-: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/Ygcq6yjmGc/20:46
leftyfbTJ-: it also works locally20:46
solkleftyfb: same issue with the 3rd server20:52
leftyfbthat makes no sense20:53
leftyfbsolk: is this a stock/default install of Ubuntu 16.04 desktop?20:53
TJ-leftyfb: solk I suspect it could be an /etc/ssh/sshd_config on the server(s) - possibly it is locked down with a Match rule to specific keys (or ids) which have changed on this PC?20:53
leftyfbTJ-: he used ssh-copy-id , no match rules20:54
leftyfbTJ-: oh right, in the sshd_config20:54
solkleftyfb: this is the customized ubuntu 16.04 for my company20:54
leftyfbsolk: customized?20:54
solkleftyfb: the core is still ubuntu 16.04 LTS, then many packages are installed on top for security reason20:56
leftyfbsolk: Then I'm not sure we can help. There's no way of knowing if/how/why your machine might have a package or config outside of a stock ubuntu that would prevent you from ssh'ing to remote machines using an ssh key20:57
TJ-leftyfb: solk possbibly there's something in the client's /etc/ssh/ssh_config then ?20:58
Tenkawais xubuntu a official or unofficial derivite? (ie can I ask an odd scenario question thats happening on my machine)20:59
solkleftyfb: /etc/ssh/ssh_config is reset to the default setting everytime i restart the ssh service or restart the machine20:59
TJ-leftyfb: for the server end, we know that has at least a 'Banner' set, so that might imply other specific hardening steps taken. I wonder for example, if the location of the public keys files is not $HOME/.ssh/20:59
leftyfbTJ-: it works for his cygwin machine/instance21:00
TJ-leftyfb: with the same private/public key-pair as are problematic on this Ubuntu client?21:01
solkleftyfb: that is why i have to use my ~/.ssh/config to override it. the default setting is not the stock/default Ubuntu one i think21:02
timelesscan someone tell me how to get resolvconf to rebuild /etc/resolv.conf (/run/resolvconf/resolv.conf) on Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS? -- this isn't networkmanager/netplan21:02
timeless(it seems that `systemctl restart networking` works, but that feels like overkill)21:03
leftyfbNope, but he said the public key is in the same place21:03
leftyfbSolk: i would wipe(backup) your global ssh_config and try21:03
ikoniadoesn't it only accept RSA or certain encyption key standards21:04
solkTJ-: yes it only happen to my ubuntu ssh client. my windows's cygwin ssh client is working fine21:04
ikoniaI can't remember which way around it is, but doesn't sshd_config reject certain things which are normally open21:04
solkleftyfb: let me wipe out the ssh_config then restart the service to get the default  one then try it again21:06
chovydumb question, but how do I create a  new folder in the file manager?21:06
chovyi don't see a way to use the mouse to do it21:06
leftyfbsolk: I meant ssh_config on your ubuntu client. Don't restart anything.21:07
leftyfbsolk: not sshd_conf21:07
solkleftyfb: I won't do the sshd_config, it know it is for ssh server21:08
maetthewIs it possible to quickly login logout or restart gnome or something to just make the desktop enviroment "refresh"?21:11
maetthew*login and logout without a password21:11
solkleftyfb: same issue after moving /etc/ssh/ssh_config --> /etc/ssh/ssh_config.bak21:11
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ikoniamaetthew: if the desktop restarts, you need to log back in21:13
TJ-solk: In your pastebins, especially the most revealing that shows the "ssh -vvv ..." there is no indication the redhat-server is offering publickey as an authentication method to your client21:14
leftyfbAs I've said multiple times. I do wonder about the other 2 servers he said he tested though.21:16
leftyfbsolk: these remote servers you've been testing, are they all in the same company and of the same configuration?21:17
solkleftyfb: yes they are from the same comp with same config21:18
solkTJ-: do you want another pastebin of cygwin to compare. I am not sure which part of the pastebin you mentioned21:19
leftyfbsolk: can you test to a different server somewhere else with a default(from distro) config?21:19
TJ-solk: it's the extra (debug3) reports shown when using "ssh -vvv" that help identify that kind of issue21:21
solkleftyfb: I do not have another server with default disdtro config to test. The only i can do is to ssh to my own machine as you mentioned21:24
leftyfbsolk: you could spin up a VM or container.21:26
leftyfbsolk: bottom line, I'm going to go with this is an issue with the security settings/packages your company loads onto your servers and your client21:26
solkTJ-: could you please specify the line number?21:26
leftyfbsolk: TJ- is pointing out that your pastebin is missing the lines of your remote server offering the public key for authentication21:26
leftyfbsolk: I would talk to the IT/ops or whoever maintains these machines to determine what the issue might be21:27
solkleftyfb: i see. Thanks a lot for support and advice. I will install a fresh centos 6.9 to a vm on my ubuntu machine and see21:29
luka_33ok so is ubuntu 1686 discontinued?21:30
ubottuUbuntu bug 1686 in nedit (Ubuntu) "NEdit has wrong dependencies" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/168621:30
luka_33Booted my ancient laptop after soldering the cord and it's running old ass ubuntu kernel 3.13.021:30
ikonialuka_33: nothing wrong with that kernel21:30
ikoniawhat is your actual question21:30
luka_33Yeah not arguing it's functionality21:32
ikoniaagain, what is your actual question21:32
luka_33meaning: I don't use ubuntu as a daily, so what's considered up to date21:32
ikoniaup to date is the current updates of your currently supported distro21:32
maksim_can anyone spot the difference between these two straces? http://dpaste.com/2EKNYY7 http://dpaste.com/0HXJWBT21:32
maksim_the first ends in sigabrt and the second runs successfully21:33
maksim_the context is calling a python function from either qgis or just straight from an interpreter21:33
ikoniamaetthew: run diff21:33
ikoniamaksim_: use diff21:33
maksim_ikonia, i have. there's too much diff because of file descriptors and such21:33
TJ-maksim_: different environments?21:33
maksim_TJ-, nope same laptop21:33
maksim_TJ-, qgis is even launched from within venv21:33
maksim_so interpreter versions are the same and library versions are the same21:34
TJ-maksim_: so? different ways of launching a process can result in different environments being set. Possibly a different in search paths21:34
solkTJ-: thanks!21:36
wasutton3_mobiledoes ubuntu server 18.10 require a setting to be configured for it to return its hostname to the dhcp server for name resolution? my arch installs seem to do that without too much issue21:57
ikoniawasutton3_mobile: it normally offers it's hostname, but remember thing is the mac21:58
ikoniawasutton3_mobile: there is a dhcp client setting that offers the hostname, most distros have it enabled by default21:58
wasutton3_mobilei've got a pfsense box acting as my dns server/dhcp and my ubuntu box is pulling a dhcp address from it21:58
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maetthewI'm trying to install Ruby and rbenv and getting this error. Anyone care to explain to me? https://hastebin.com/huwewegiki.sh22:33
lordcirthmaetthew, do you have PPA's left over from before a release upgrade?22:36
maetthewlordcirth: Hmm. No? Fresh install since ~1,5 days ago. Ubuntu Budgie 18.0422:37
lordcirthmaetthew, Any PPAs at all?  Did you do 'apt update' just before?22:37
maetthewI have PPA's installed yes? Yes apt update22:38
lordcirthWhat PPAs?22:39
lordcirthIt seems like one of them might not be for bionic22:39
maetthewlordcirth: https://hastebin.com/cuziyuwifo ?22:41
lordcirthWhere's bionic-updates?22:42
maetthewAs I said, fresh install22:43
lordcirthYou should have bionic-updates main restricted universe multiverse22:43
maetthewHmm ok22:43
maetthewlordcirth: Yup. Thanks22:50
lordcirthmaetthew, that fixed it?22:50
lordcirthNot sure why Budgie wouldn't have that...22:50
maetthewYeah weird22:52
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aaronphillipHello. Im Trying to make a bootable usb win10  in elementary os... Installed woeusb but cannot launch gui.23:13
Ben64aaronphillip: this channel is only for ubuntu, elementary has their own channel at #elementary23:17
aaronphillipArghhh i get it23:17
iseneUpgrade from 18.04 to 18.10: Can't install udev because of this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/+bug/1791102 (The group `kvm' already exists and is not a system group. Exiting.) Google doesn't turn up a solution. How do I fix this?23:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1791102 in systemd (Ubuntu) "udev postinst fails because kvm group already exists and is not a system group" [Undecided,New]23:35

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