
xebrahi, weird bug. After I unlock the screen, the cpu goes to 100% for a minute, in one core. It all started when I tried to enable the "compose" key. After I disabled it, the problem started. If I enable it again, the problem goes away00:02
xebraso, basically, the problem is probably due to the fact that I enabled the compose key (to try it out), and then I disabled it. It's weird. I enable/disable it from the settings00:04
ikatamoonshotsxebra, no idea but i have a similar thing that hunts me for a while - time to time i get logged out when i use thunar / mousepad - in this cases the pc freezes for about a minute then logout - happened on 2 pcs00:55
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TenkawaI'm having the following weird behavior occur and thought I'd throw it out there to see if I'm missing anything someone has already fixed before I debug20:33
Tenkawaif I run X in regular X mode it runs fine.. if I try to switch over to XFce oe Xubuntu the machine creeps and is non interacteractive (except unless I switch to a vt)20:35
TenkawaAMD A6-9220e RADEON R4, 5 COMPUTE CORES 2C+3G20:35
Tenkawathats the cpu/gpu base20:35
Tenkawa4 gb of ram20:36
xubuntu06wHi, I just upgraded my old acer 3633 to Xubuntu 18.04 and everything appears to work fine except for my screen resolution that is stuck to 640x480. I would appreciate some advice on this, thanks.21:21
diogenes_xubuntu06w, run: inxi -Fxxrz | curl -F 'f:1=<-' ix.io21:22
diogenes_share the link21:22
xubuntu06wThanks Diogenes, this is the link... http://ix.io/1wsZ21:25
xubuntu34wHey guys, any idea on how to delete netplan ssid permanently, I tried to but it keeps coming back.21:25
diogenes_xubuntu34w, no good, run: inxi -Fxxrz21:26
diogenes_and pastebin it21:26
diogenes_!pastebin | xubuntu34w21:26
ubottuxubuntu34w: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:26
diogenes_and then share the link here21:26
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