
=== Trevinho is now known as Trevinho[M]
=== Trevinho[M] is now known as Trevinho
=== Trevinho is now known as Trevinho[m]
=== Trevinho[m] is now known as Trevinho
=== Trevinho is now known as Trevinho[3v1n0]
=== Trevinho[3v1n0] is now known as Trevinho
=== Trevinho[m] is now known as Trevinho[3v1n0]
=== ricab is now known as ricab|bbl
=== ricab|bbl is now known as ricab
=== ricab is now known as ricab|lunch
=== ricab|lunch is now known as ricab
probonohi all. is it possible to make a valid snap "by hand", i.e., using mksquashfs?19:57
probonono snapcraft, etc.?19:57
probonoif so, how?19:57
* probono is thinking about making a snap that is also an AppImage at the same time...19:58
ijohnsonYou can use `snap pack some-dir` to create the snap file assuming you've prepared the contents of the snap independently19:58
probonothanks ijohnson20:00
probonoGettig error: cannot pack "./squashfs-root": invalid snap name: "NotepadPlusPlus"20:05
probonook, needs to be all lowercase....20:07
probonome@host:~$ snap pack ./squashfs-root20:07
probono2018/12/21 21:07:20.418838 container.go:205: in snap "notepadplusplus": "." should be world-readable and executable, and isn't: drwx------20:07
probonoerror: cannot pack "./squashfs-root": snap is unusable due to bad permissions20:07
probonowhat now?20:07
ijohnsonyou probably need to make that directory "squashfs-root" readable, i.e. `chmod +r squashfs-root`20:09
probonome@host:~$ chmod -R +r squashfs-root20:09
probonome@host:~$ snap pack ./squashfs-root20:09
probono2018/12/21 21:09:36.736235 container.go:205: in snap "notepadplusplus": "." should be world-readable and executable, and isn't: drwxr--r--20:09
probonoerror: cannot pack "./squashfs-root": snap is unusable due to bad permissions20:09
ijohnsonmaybe you also need `chmod -R +x`20:10
probonoindeed ijohnson20:13
probononow i have a .snap file - how to i run it?20:13
probono$ snap run note*.snap20:14
probonoerror: cannot find current revision for snap notepad: readlink /snap/notepad/current: no such file or directory20:14
probonome@host:~$ sudo snap install note*snap20:15
probonoerror: cannot find signatures with metadata for snap20:15
probono       "notepadplusplus_1.0_all.snap"20:15
ijohnsonsnaps are meant to be installed from the snap store at snapcraft.io, and when you go to run something like `snap install my-snap`, the snap file is downloaded along with assertions for the snap in an .assert file. If you want to install a snap without also installing assertions, as in your case when installing a snap built locally and not uploaded to the store you need to add the `--dangerous` flag20:17
ijohnsoni.e. run `snap install --dangerous my-snap*.snap`20:17
probonome@host:~$ sudo snap install --dangerous note*snap20:22
probonoerror: only one snap file can be installed at a time20:22
ijohnsonyou probably have multiple *.snap files, either remove the ones you aren't trying to install or make the pattern more specific20:23
probonostupid me, sorry20:23
probonocan install now20:24
probonome@host:~$ notepadplusplus20:24
probonosnap-confine has elevated permissions and is not confined but should be. Refusing to continue to avoid permission escalation attacks20:24
probonosudo snap install --devmode --dangerous notepadplusplus_7.6.1_all.snap20:28
probonodoes not seem to help20:28
probonohow can i disable all "security"?20:28
ijohnsonthe error message about snap-confine is not one I can help debug at the moment unfortunately. I'd recommend posting on the forum at forum.snapcraft.io for more help, as that seems like there may be an issue with your snapd installation20:30
probonook, thanks for your help ijohnson20:31
* cachio EOY21:05
probonome@host:~$ sudo apt purge snapd snap-confine21:56
probonome@host:~$ sudo apt install -y snapd21:56
probonodid the trick21:56
probonobut now running into new issues21:56
mupPR snapcraft#2430 opened: extractors: better appstream support for descriptions <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2430>22:05
ijohnsonprobono: unfortunately I have to take off now, but if you post on the forum you're more likely to get help since most folks won't be watching IRC for the next 2 weeks due to holidays22:06
ijohnsongood luck!22:07
probonoping zyga22:10
mupPR snapcraft#2431 opened: tests: re-enable spread tests on gce <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2431>23:09

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