
B0g4r7Did something happen to gnome-system-monitor in 18.04?  I can't seem to find it.00:24
Bashing-om!info gnome-system-monitor bionic00:25
ubottugnome-system-monitor (source: gnome-system-monitor): Process viewer and system resource monitor for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 3.28.2-0ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 200 kB, installed size 1932 kB00:25
B0g4r7Not installed by default huh.  Fixed easily enough, but unexpected.00:27
Bashing-omboxmein: Alls well that ends well :)00:29
mmarconmhow i configure domain on ubuntu 18.04 netplan ?01:07
zerabathey, what's up?01:22
DraconiatorIs it possible to remove packages I don't need from Lubuntu if it came with it?01:33
slidinghornmmarconm: what exactly are you trying to configure?01:34
slidinghornDraconiator: Some packages are tied to the "core" which could cause issues.  One way to test if a package you don't want is going to remove others is to try   apt remove -s <packagename>   - the -s flag simulates the action01:34
mmarconmdomain like in interfaces dns-domain and dns-search01:34
mmarconmslidinghorn: domain like in interfaces dns-domain and dns-search01:35
maetthewAnyone know why I'm getting the following error message when trying to install nfs-common?01:45
maetthew"Package nfs-common is not available, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source"01:45
maetthewnvm i might have figured it out01:47
Bashing-ommaetthew: When you get there, tell us more :)01:48
maetthewBashing-om: Well. I seem to have borked apt somehow01:48
Bashing-ommaetthew: Ouch - that hurts .. looking .01:50
maetthewI have literally no clue how that happened..01:50
maetthewOr how to fix it01:50
Bashing-ommaetthew: ' ls -al /etc/apt ' . does it look like mine : https://termbin.com/5f5n01:55
maetthewBashing-om: nope only an empty sources.list01:56
Bashing-ommaetthew: Yukkie .. well, maybe wget apt from the library, and dpkg to re-install ?02:02
maetthewBashing-om: Yeah I'll have to try something like that02:03
dahliaI'd like to try KVMGT (virtualized Intel GPUs) and I'm looking at this page: https://github.com/intel/gvt-linux/wiki/GVTg_Setup_Guide  I have kubuntu 18.04 (it was 16.04 but I upgraded it yestarday). Those docs I linked state "NOTICE: For KVMGT, you also can use the current upstream Linux kernel and QEMU directly since all the enabling patches have been upstreamed." How can I find out if the kernel and qemu I have supports this, or do I need to build02:04
dahliathe kernel and qemu as per their instructions?02:04
dahliauname says: 4.15.0-43-generic #46-Ubuntu SMP Thu Dec 6 14:45:28 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux02:04
qwebirc88687Where can I ask a question?02:28
Bashing-omqwebirc88687: If it is ubuntu related .. here is a good place to ask .02:29
qwebirc88687Well I meant should I post it here or I should contact somebody specific :D02:29
qwebirc88687and yes it is ubuntu related02:29
qwebirc88687I used to have a freenas with ubunto on my hdd raid array02:30
Bashing-omqwebirc88687: Just state the issue, as someone knows they will respond.02:30
qwebirc88687Since I didnt use it that much I put the Hdds in different computers with windows02:30
qwebirc88687I formated the hdds under windows02:30
qwebirc88687and now I get this grum rescue error02:30
qwebirc88687I've made some research and everyone is tellingf that I should try with windows boot cd or usb to fix the table02:31
qwebirc88687the problem is when I start the cd or usb it freezes on starting windows02:32
qwebirc88687its been like that for more than half an hour02:32
Bashing-omqwebirc88687: And ubuntu no longer exits in your system(s) ? in that case ask in ##windows how to re-install the boot code .02:34
qwebirc88687Bashing-om: Okay thank you02:35
Bashing-omqwebirc88687: :) .02:35
keychainhello how can i make bootable usb?02:50
keychainof ubuntu? 8)02:50
keychainmy cpu is 1.2GHz, i can’t install ubuntu? :(02:51
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - See also !automate02:52
keychainhttps://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows10ISO   <— i can make bootable usb with this tool?02:58
ikatamoonshots@keychain use search engines, first result for "ubuntu usb install windows"  https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/tutorial-create-a-usb-stick-on-windows#002:59
keychainthanks ikatamoonshots  :)03:03
ikatamoonshotshave fun, ubuntu is awesome xD03:03
keychainok :)03:03
keychainhow can i make dual boothing laptop?03:11
keychaincan i get link related?03:11
keychainwindows + ubuntu03:11
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Bashing-om!dualboot | keychain03:15
ubottukeychain: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot03:15
keychainBashing-om: i will use windows 10 + ubuntu instead of mac + ubuntu03:20
keychainBashing-om: then first link?03:21
Bashing-omkeychain: Affirmed, 1st link.03:22
keychainah good03:22
keychainInstall Ubuntu after Windows03:23
keychainfirst windows second ubuntu03:23
BenderRodriguezI upgraded from 16.04 lts to 18.04 lts04:30
BenderRodriguezit looks like it also migrated my old /etc/intework/interfaces configs into the new upgrade without the use of netplan04:30
BenderRodriguezbut here's the problem, i have dns-nameservers defined in the interfaces file, but upon reboot or network restart, it doesn't seem to be updating /etc/resolv.conf with the DNS nameserver entries04:31
BenderRodriguezand netplan doesn't seem to be used in this case04:31
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fareastok been on gnome extensions and on ocs store is that stuff all legit there?05:24
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tomreynfareast: there are plenty of outdated and broken gnome extensions, and their support level is never defined, how to trust them i don't know. i'd say treat them as entirely unsupported and untrusted, which probably means you should not use them.05:38
tomreyni'm not sure what 'ocs' is05:39
doge-dogeis it a good idea to keep write caching off on my ssd? I mean, I do have a ups...05:54
doge-dogeis there a noticeable increase in performance?05:54
lotuspsychjedoge-doge: these days you can just use your ssd fine by default in ubuntu05:56
doge-dogewrite caching is off by default05:57
lotuspsychjedoge-doge: can this help? https://linuxconfig.org/improve-hard-drive-write-speed-with-write-back-caching05:59
doge-dogehmm that's odd, it says it's on but the setting is unchecked in gnome-disks06:02
k_sze[work]erm, I have Ubuntu 18.04, and installed kubuntu-desktop and kubuntu-full to try KDE.06:09
k_sze[work]I switched back to GNOME and now I get some weird behaviours: 1. mouse cursor is somehow KDE style when I hover at certain things. 2. gvim's status line doesn't display correctly sometimes.06:10
lotuspsychjek_sze[work]: its okay to test different desktop/flavors on your current system, but reccomended if you like one, to clean install it to avoid scrambled packages06:12
lotuspsychjek_sze[work]: the more desktop you mix, the more chance of packages and behaviour mixing up06:13
newpyI have a bit of an odd problem, I had no audio in virtualbox6.x with ubuntu18.0406:18
newpyI found a possible fix online, edited /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf06:19
newpyadded the line `options snd-intel8x0 ac97_clock=48000`06:19
newpythat brought sound back but it was choppy (and so was the video)06:19
newpyany ideas?06:21
slidinghorn newpy: Not really sure...did sound work on the version of virtualbox that came in the repositories?06:25
leonardusHow do I switch to using the proprietary AMD video drivers?06:27
leonardushow do I check if I'm using them in the first place?06:27
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Bashing-omleonardus: There are no longer "proprietary" AMD drivers . There is a proprietary overlay for supported cards; that is generally discouraged . What shows ' lsmod | grep amdgpu ' ?06:31
leonardusBashing-om: https://termbin.com/ivr606:32
leonardusI want to install this software and it says ", we require the proprietary driver from AMD or NVIDIA to run X-Plane. You may be able to get X-Plane to run on the Mesa/Gallium driver with an Intel GPU, but this is unsupported.  We absolutely do not support the fully open source drivers for AMD and NVIDIA."06:32
Bashing-omleonardus: Yup. that confirms that you are tunning the amdgpu driver . what do you hipe to gain with the overlay - AMDGPU-PRO ?06:33
leonarduswell it says "We absolutely do not support the fully open source drivers for AMD and NVIDIA."06:34
leonardusso I think I need amdgpu-pro06:34
leonardusalso some games are crashing when I try to start them06:35
leonardusI think my installation of drivers is buggy or something06:35
Bashing-omleonardus: How old is that documentation ? As there are NO propritaary drivers for AMD. AMD drivers are now open source and provided in the kernel .06:36
Bashing-omleonardus: Biffy driver. what shows ' cat /var/log/gpu-manager.log ' ?06:37
leonardusalso when I'm playing videos on YouTube, I can see the program that's behind firefox at about 99% transparency, so very faintly. But when I pause it, it goes away. so I thnk that's another driver bug06:38
Bashing-omleonardus: gpu-manager does not see a problem . might look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log see if X sees any issues .06:40
leonardusBashing-om: I think that log file is old, because it says stuff about NVIDIA, and at the end it says "Server terminated successfully".06:43
leonardusthere's one at /home/ubuntu/.local/share/xorg/Xorg.0.log06:45
leonardusBashing-om: here is its output: https://termbin.com/jzr806:45
Bashing-omleonardus: Yeah that is the new location . what release is this we are working with ?06:46
leonardusI think it's 18.04.1, but I'm not entirely sure.06:46
leonardusI'm running upstream GNOME I think, if that makes a difference06:46
Bashing-omleonardus: getting sorta lost .. the log reflects vt.handoff=1 .. and also that "using VT number 2" . what us the deal here ? - as I continue reading the file .06:49
* leonardus shrugs06:49
leonardusI have two monitors that might have something to do with it06:49
leonardusI don't know much about this stuff though06:49
Bashing-omleonardus: The log also show the pro driver :) what returns ' sudo cat /sys/kernel/debug/dri/64/amdgpu_pm_info | grep GPU\ Load ' ?06:53
leonarduscat: /sys/kernel/debug/dri/64/amdgpu_pm_info: No such file or directory06:54
leonardusthere is one at /sys/kernel/debug/dri/0/amdgpu_pm_info, here is its output: https://termbin.com/0cnc06:54
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tomreynleonardus: regarding opencl support, you may want to look into mesa-opencl-icd if you don't mind the "We absolutely do not support the fully open source drivers for AMD and NVIDIA." Alternatively, you can read up on https://math.dartmouth.edu/~sarunas/amdgpu.html and potentially viloate AMD's licensing terms (have not checked) and use only those proprietary parts you need to. you could then use those by prefixing any opencl commands with07:01
tomreynobviously neither is really supported and the latter is very much a hack.07:01
Bashing-omleonardus: Again X seems happy . See tomreyn's comments up .07:03
leonardushere is an error I get when trying to run a game: symbol lookup error: /opt/amdgpu/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libdrm_amdgpu.so.1: undefined symbol: drmGetNodeTypeFromFd07:08
leonarduswhat could cause that?07:08
tizonhi, I'm having trouble upgrading from ubuntu 16 to 1807:09
lotuspsychjetizon: detail up whats going on mate?07:09
tizonlotuspsychje: An unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade.07:10
lotuspsychjetizon: could you pastebin the errors to the channel so volunteers can take a look?07:10
tizonyeah, on it07:10
lotuspsychjetizon: is your current 16.04 up to date to latest?07:12
tizonI think so, I did update & upgrade07:12
slidinghorntizon: what was the *exact* command you ran?07:13
lotuspsychjetizon: its also reccomended to disable external ppa's or leftovers07:13
tizonslidinghorn: to get the output I pasted:  sudo do-release-upgrade07:14
tizonlotuspsychje: will this uninstall them?07:14
lotuspsychjetizon: we dont support the use of external ppa's here, so yes its reccomended you uninstall the packages + the ppa's matching them07:15
lotuspsychje!ppapurge | tizon07:15
ubottutizon: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html07:15
lotuspsychje!ltsupgrade | tizon afterwards07:16
ubottutizon afterwards: Upgrade from 16.04 to 18.04.1 is now available, if you do not receive the upgrade window try update-manager -c07:16
tizonhow can I identify external ppas?07:16
slidinghorntizon: ok...I wanted to make sure you didn't use a -d or -p07:16
lotuspsychjetizon: your sources.list will list all your sources, recalling what you added to your system is also handy07:17
tizonshould I paste my sources.list?07:18
lotuspsychjetizon: if you like, sure we can take a look for you07:18
slidinghorntizon: we already saw them...hold on a sec....07:18
slidinghorntizon: these are all sources for unsupported software that you currently have enabled: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/c4TGfN4gpX/07:19
tizonros map frame07:19
tizonsorry, ignore that07:19
lotuspsychjetizon: can you also doublecheck: sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade ?07:20
tizonslidinghorn: ok, do I have to uninstall them? installing cuda was a pain07:20
tizonlotuspsychje: will do07:20
tizonslidinghorn: how is Hit http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-security InRelease                unsupported?07:21
slidinghorntizon: ah, sorry, I didn't catch all of them...that one *is* an official repo07:21
tizonros map frame07:22
tizonlotuspsychje: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.07:22
tizonhow can I reinstall them later?07:23
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tizonCan I restore them easily or will I have to reinstall them manually?07:27
tomreyn!info nvidia-cuda-toolkit bionic07:27
ubottuPackage nvidia-cuda-toolkit does not exist in bionic07:27
tomreynwell, i think it does, dear ubottu07:28
tomreyntizon: i have no idea whether or how well this works, but i would think this is the package you should try first of all after upgrading, or maybe after reinstalling (if you have an unpackaged cuda-installation now)07:30
tizonthanks tomreyn07:31
Bashing-omleonardus: Sorry, I do not have the AMD expereince to say further .07:32
tomreyntizon: looking again, this version is probably older than the one you want, it seems that most people want 9.2+ or 10.0. so you may need a ppa or do with nvidia installer scripts (both unsupported here).07:36
tomreynlooks like nvidia provides a repository as discussed at https://www.pugetsystems.com/labs/hpc/How-To-Install-CUDA-10-together-with-9-2-on-Ubuntu-18-04-with-support-for-NVIDIA-20XX-Turing-GPUs-1236/07:38
MrokiiHello. Silly question, but I can't remember the name of the file that defines partitions and their assignments, (like /home and such). what was the name again? I need to edit it and *should* know the name, but it slipped my mind for some reason...07:47
tomreynMrokii: you're looking for the "file system table", configuration files are in /etc07:48
tomreynso this is /etc/fstab07:48
Mrokiitomreyn: Ah yes! Thanks! That's what I needed. :-D07:49
tomreynMrokii: careful about what you edit there, this can break the system from booting if you do it wrong07:49
tomreynalso, depending on what you'll change, you may also want / need to run other commands / update other configuration files.07:50
Mrokiitomreyn: I know, I've been editing that file before on several occasions.07:51
tomreynok :)07:51
MrokiiIt was just that I completely forgot the actual filename. :-D Really weird.07:52
AndyChow888It's not the most intuitive name. And, if you use encryption, don't forget /etc/crypttab07:53
MrokiiAndyChow888: I don't, but thanks for the tip. I may need that at some point in the future.07:53
slidinghornAndyChow888: it's not terribly cryptic though "file system tables"07:53
AndyChow888slidinghorn, it is and isn't. Unix terminology is obvious when you know it, impossible to guess when you don't.07:54
MrokiiAndyChow888: I'd agree on that.07:55
MrokiiAnyhow, I must leave. Have a nice day you all. :) And happy holidays or whatever else lies ahead of you. :)07:56
tomreynMrokii: next time you forget something like this, if you do remember it has to do with file systems and is a configuration file (section 5 of man pages), you could: apropos -s 5 'filesystem'07:56
tomreynsee you07:56
Mrokiitomreyn: I'll note that in my Linux-hints-file. May be useful for other purposes as well. Bye07:57
AlericHi, what is a good drawing program? I want to make a drawing with boxes, arrows, some text labels, maybe a little circle... Not free hand drawing :p07:58
AlericEven having a snap grid would be a huge pre07:58
slidinghornAleric: Inkscape, maybe Krita (? never used it), or maybe GIMP (though shapes aren't necessarily its forte)07:59
tomreynAleric: also libreoffice draw07:59
AndyChow888Might be overkill, but yEd.08:00
AndyChow888yEd is a graph editor, sort of like Visio.08:01
AndyChow888Depends your use-case. I mean, you could go all the way to TikZ, for full drawing capabilities (in a logical way).08:03
AlericTrying to install librecad, I get:08:04
AlericThe following packages have unmet dependencies:08:04
Aleric lldb-6.0 : Depends: python-lldb-6.0 but it is not installed08:04
AlericE: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt --fix-broken install' with no packages (or specify a solution).08:04
AlericBut, when run the latter - it errors out without fixing anything :/08:05
Alericdpkg: error processing archive /var/cache/apt/archives/python-lldb-6.0_1%3a6.0-1ubuntu2_amd64.deb (--unpack):08:05
Aleric trying to overwrite '/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/lldb', which is also in package python-lldb-3.5 1:3.5.2-3ubuntu108:05
AndyChow888What's the latter error?08:05
tomreyn!paste | Aleric08:05
ubottuAleric: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.08:05
AndyChow888Oh, famous python 2 vs 3 error.08:05
AlericHow to fix? Cause I can't even run 'apt upgrade'08:06
AndyChow888Did you previously do some stuff with pip or similar python installers?08:07
tomreynAleric: sudo /bin/true; pastebinit <( cat /etc/os_release; cat /proc/version; sudo apt-get update 2>&1; echo; apt-cache policy 2>&1; echo; sudo apt -f install 2>&1 ;)08:09
slidinghornAleric: how exactly did you attempt to install it?08:09
gambl0r3how to screen zoom?08:09
Alericsudo apt install librecad08:09
tomreynAleric: these command should provide more information on your system and its state08:09
AndyChow888Screen zoom?08:10
AndyChow888gambl0r3, ctrl+mouse-wheel.08:10
gambl0r3im not talking about zooming web pages. im talking about zooming like magnification08:11
AndyChow888gambl0r3, you could try changing the DPI settings.08:12
gambl0r3anyone know how?08:12
tomreyngambl0r3: and you're providing no contextual information at all. such as, ubuntu versionm, desktop you use, application you want to zoom in, if not the desktop.08:12
gambl0r3in xubuntu, all i have to do is press alt + touchpad up direction and it magnifies my screen08:13
gambl0r3does anyone know what im talking about?08:13
slidinghorngambl0r3: Take a look at the xzoom application, that might help you out08:14
gambl0r3i didnt need any application to do this in xubuntu08:14
gambl0r3i cant believe no one knows what im talking about. anyways thanks08:14
slidinghorngambl0r3: well you're not telling us anything about what you're using08:14
slidinghornso all we can do is guess08:14
gambl0r3slidinghorn, im not using anything08:14
AndyChow888You need xfce, don't you, gambl0r3?08:14
gambl0r3it's magnifying my screen. not any specific applicatoin08:15
gambl0r3do you understand?08:15
AndyChow888xfce is an app, you dick.08:15
gambl0r3AndyChow888, you're an idiot. shutup08:15
AndyChow888Make me.08:15
TaZeRhey naow08:15
TaZeRwe are all best friends here08:16
TaZeRubuntu runs deeper than blood08:16
gambl0r3easy. i'll just ignore you idiot08:16
Alericgambl0r3: You need to learn how to get people to help you when you need help.08:16
slidinghorngambl0r3: first, Xubuntu *does* use an application to do what you were describing - it just has it defined as a default keybind.  Kubuntu can use either xzoom or kmag to do this as well08:16
slidinghorngambl0r3: second, stop abusing the people who are trying to help you.08:17
gambl0r3slidinghorn, he instigated. its over.08:18
tomreynkde's accessibility tools are said to provide desktop zoom + magnifiers08:18
Alericliblldb-6.0 lldb lldb-6.0 python-lldb-6.008:21
AlericI think I repaired my system.. I had lldb installed, which had dragged in python-lldb-3.5 lldb-3.5 .. and more(?), note the 3.5. While now I need 6.0 to be installed.08:22
Alericneed to reboot...08:23
AlericDid everyone go quiet or is there a problem with my irc?08:49
Alericnm, I finally see chat on another channel :p08:49
danieleDhi all08:54
danieleDI have a machine running ubuntu 18.10 with desktop sharing activated on port 590008:54
danieleDthere's a way to avtivate and deactivate it via ssh?08:54
danieleDi tryed to run gnome-control-center via ssh ( -X and -Y) but it says core dump error08:55
danieleDthe error was: ERROR:../shell/cc-panel-list.c:926:cc_panel_list_set_active_panel: assertion failed: (data != NULL)08:56
tomreyndanieleD: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-control-center/+bug/1766799 suggests this was since fixed. is your system fully patched?08:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1766799 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu) "gnome-control-center (ERROR) ../shell/cc-panel-list.c → 926 → cc_panel_list_set_active_panel → assertion failed → (data != NULL)" [Low,Fix released]08:59
danieleDi'll try thaks09:01
anddamhowdy, is there a selection for GUI editor?09:27
anddamI expected something aking to x-editor09:28
anddamor a specific name I should be using for such a selection?09:28
tomreynanddam: it seems to depends on the installed graphical desktops. my 18.04 system provides this via update-alternatives (which is, i'm guessing, what you were asking about): gnome-text-editor09:35
anddamtomreyn: I'm using Pantheon DE09:35
anddamI see how that would fit in gnome09:35
anddambut there's no "proper" x-text-editor, right?09:36
anddamtomreyn: thanks09:36
tomreynnot that i know of09:37
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danieleDtomreyn I update the system. now from remote ssh the gnome-control-center show a blank page09:56
danieleDI'm using Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS09:57
tomreyndanieleD: you should probably restart the desktop, or better the system if it wasn't updated for six months.09:57
iseneAfter upgrading from Ubuntu 18.04 to 18.10, mutt fails on login to imap.gmail.com. With debug level 3, I get that it fails here: [2018-12-21 10:34:54] 5< a0001 NO [AUTHENTICATIONFAILED] Invalid credentials (Failure)10:01
iseneI also get this when trying to log in manually via Ruby/irb: OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError: SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=error: certificate verify failed (self signed certificate)10:01
isenefrom /usr/lib/ruby/2.5.0/net/protocol.rb:44:in `connect_nonblock'10:01
iseneBut the certificate seems to be there and work as openssl has no complaints (with openssl s_client -host imap.gmail.com -port 993)10:01
iseneAny pointers?10:01
pragomermy lightning addon (v. of thunderbird (v. 60.2.1) is in english. how can I change it to german?10:05
danieleDnope... it remains blank...10:06
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kalehow do i change my hostname? i tried editing /etc/hostname but once the system reboots, it picks up the old hostname again. is there another file the hostname is stored in?10:37
lotuspsychje!hostname | kale10:38
ubottukale: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.10:38
kalenow that is weird. why can i not set it in /etc/hostname as on every other *nix?10:39
kalei see no obligation to have my hostname in /etc/hosts, also the hostname picked in the installer is not in /etc/hosts10:40
Ben64most distros are different in how it is set10:40
kaleis there some initscript that alters the /etc/hostname file on shutdown?10:41
Ben64you should follow the steps ubottu listed for best results10:41
kaledid not work10:44
Ben64it does work10:45
Ben64can you explain what didn't10:45
kalebut it did not work, is there some special magic happening with sudo that i do not know about? i am logging in as root, not as other using and sudoing stuff10:46
kalei ran hostname <myhost>, after that hostname command gave my new hostname10:46
kalei edited /etc/hostname with the same value, then cat'ed the file. it had the new name10:46
kalei added " <myhost>" to /etc/hosts10:47
kalethen rebooted and my old hostname was restored10:47
Ben64you must have something else going on then10:48
kalecould this be ubuntu not properly releasing its dhcp lease, so it later on picks up its old name from the dhcp server?10:48
TJ-kale: in /etc/hosts it's generally better to set it using " hostname" just so as not to mess with the ' localhost;10:48
kaleTJ-: in general, your hostname is not needed in /etc/hosts10:49
TJ-kale: depends on what tools are in use and how they query for the hostname10:49
kalenot for changing you hostname10:49
TJ-kale: anything using gethostbyname() is affected by it10:50
kaleif its not in /etc/hosts, then DNS will be asked10:50
kaleyes, thats it. ubuntu dhcp, does not properly release it dhcp lease on shutdown... shrugs10:53
TJ-kale: is the system using NetworkManager or systemd-networkd? NetworkManager keeps the leases files and attempts to reuse them, so changing the hostname without NM being aware could cause that10:54
TJ-kale: see /var/lib/NetworkManager/ for the leases files10:54
kalei actually do not know what it uses, its a fresh server installation10:55
TJ-server will use systemd-networkd10:55
ramsub07Hello, is bash script sequential or parallel with respect to different lines?10:58
kaleramsub07: add a "&" in the end of the line, and it will run in the background10:58
ramsub07kale: I actually want it to be sequential :)10:59
ramsub07also, what is the fastest way to copy into a mounted directory, that doesn't preserve the owner and groups of a particular file ?11:00
kalei guess cp, but sometimes tar cf - <dir>|(cd dest; tar xf -)11:01
mjaykhay sentiment11:05
sentimentIs there a way to change the alt tab behavior to make it switch to the last used window in a program with multiple-windows open?11:06
mjaykIn standard ubuntu gnome ?11:06
sentimentright now everytime I switch to that program it shows both instances of the program11:06
mjayksentiment: yes, I do it through an extension11:07
mjaykmanaged through gnome-tweaks11:07
sentimenteven if I specifically select one of the windows, next time it does the same thing11:07
sentimentok, what's the name?11:07
ZidaneRickAlright, been tempted to make the switch, but there is a couple of things I really can't find online. Microsoft Exchange email support, is there anything that gives you a "like outlook" experience?11:07
sentimentand why is not the default behaviour?!11:07
mjayksentiment: i use AlternateTab11:07
mjaykZidaneRick: evolution with evolution-ews11:08
mjaykconnects to my office365 buisnsess email/calendar/todo etc11:08
ZidaneRickI'm assuming the only thing it won't have any idea of is mail rules?11:09
ramsub07What are the parameters to be set to --no-preserve argument in gcp command if i don't want the ownership of the file to be transferred to the destination ?11:09
ZidaneRickI suppose OWA is probably another option I could use11:09
mjaykZidaneRick: it should have mail rules ? you mean for auto forwarding  / folders and auto replies based on rules?11:10
ZidaneRickI mean server side mail rule syncing11:10
mjaykZidaneRick: no idea, best thing to do is set aside 15 mins and give it ago11:12
maetthewdpkg -l | grep apt11:18
sentimentmjayk: I'm trying to install the extension using the gnome shell extensions plugin for firefox but it is not working.11:31
sentimentDo you use Firefox for that task?11:32
sentimentthanks, got it working ;)11:38
chullI just got a new Canon Printer, it’s PIXMA TS9120. I’m running Ubuntu 16.04. Canon only has drivers for Windows and Macs. I looked at11:39
chullhttps://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?t=247471 Notes on using Canon Pixma TS series printers in Mint 17 & 1811:39
chull but Canon has the drivers for their printer, not mine. Can I use CUPS? Can someone help please?11:39
sentimentmjayk: https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/878/alt-tab-list-first-window/11:46
sentimentthis was more to the point for me :)11:47
kaleis networkd-dispatcher responsible for getting an IP via dhcp?11:47
sentimentI think it is networkManager11:48
kalenetwork manager is not installed11:48
ducassekale: for details on how networkd works, you might get better answers in #ubuntu-server11:52
kaleducasse: thanks11:57
BluesKajHi folks11:59
maetthewSo I managed to somehow fuck up my apt and I have no clue what I've done. /etc/apt/sources.list was suddenly empty and the only file in /etc/apt/. I made a gist with the output of 'history' and it was around line 428 when trying to install nfs-common that I first noticed the issue. Anyone got any idea what might've gone wrong? https://gist.github.com/fe5bb13e7067357958302128ca12e62a12:12
maetthewSorry, 419 is the line number where I first noticed the problem12:13
maetthew(fresh install at line 1)12:14
maetthewAnd any idea how to fix it? I tried downloading the apt deb package from here https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/amd64/apt/download and just tried to 'dkpg -i' that package but it didn't fix it12:16
maetthewMaybe I should just do a new fresh install12:16
TJ-maetthew: " sudo subl /etc/apt/sources.list" looks suspect; there is no 'update' after that, and it looks like you manually intervened12:19
keychaini installed windows 10, and i insert usb of ubuntu, but the message is shown :  the system is resuming from S4 state.12:21
keychainwhat’s wrong?12:21
keychaini want to do dual booting12:21
keychainno one know it?12:23
lotuspsychje!patience | keychain12:24
ubottukeychain: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/12:24
maetthewTJ-: Hmm yeah you're right no update after that. AFAIK I only uncommented bionic-updates universe multiverse there. But I might've borked big time12:25
maetthewTJ-: But that doesn't explain why /etc/apt/sources.list was the only file in /etc/apt?12:26
TJ-maetthew: the other option I can imagine is if you've mounted something over /etc/apt/12:27
TJ-maetthew: it's also possible one of those many shell scripts that were executed as 'su' messed with it12:27
maetthewTJ-: Hmm. Searching for "/etc/apt" and/or "su " in the history I can't really find something that suggests that12:33
TJ-maetthew: I saw "mount -a" which relies on whatever is in /etc/fstab12:33
TJ-maetthew: looking at a command list is opaque so I can only give you hints as to possibilities12:34
roryI've installed Chrony so I can use AWS timeserver, but how do I uninstall the original NTP thing? To get rid of this message in syslog: systemd-timesyncd[640]: Timed out waiting for reply from (ntp.ubuntu.com).12:34
maetthewTJ-: I understand. Thanks anyway. /etc/fstab is only: https://gist.github.com/maetthew/e9373bd8b847ecf3a1160c341851885112:35
maetthewIs there a better way than 'history' to backlog what you've done?12:37
TJ-maetthew: well, for commands issued using sudo /var/log/auth.log usually records them. All apt activity gets recorded in /var/log/apt/ as history and terminal logs12:39
maetthewTJ-: Thanks a bunch12:39
TJ-maetthew: for forensics like this, check the timestamps of /etc/apt and the file itself, see if that can be correlated with the other activity12:40
rorykeychain: You need to shut down Windows 10, not hibernate12:40
keychainrory: can i install ubuntu on windows 10 without booting?12:41
keychainso i can install ubuntu when windows 10 is on?12:41
roryno, you should shut down windows 10, then reboot your PC and there should be an option to boot from the USB flash drive12:41
rorythat will depend on your PC model. On my PC I press Enter during boot to get a menu12:42
keychainbut there is no usb :(12:42
roryearlier when you said "I insert USB of ubuntu" what did you do precisely?>12:42
Mathisendepends on how he made the usb also. does it suport UEFI ? booting legacy/CSM ?12:43
maetthewkeychain: No USB in boot menu or no boot menu at all? On some systems you have to press a key (F2, F11, F12, Enter are some you can try) just when you start the computer12:43
maetthewkeychain: Might also help to know what ISO you made the USB stick with12:43
keychainmatthelmke: ESC —> F212:43
maetthewkeychain: ESC = F2?12:44
keychainfirst esc second f212:44
keychainthen i can go into setup12:44
maetthewFor me it's just F11 for a boot menu and F2 for bios setup iirc12:44
keychaini installed 18.04 lts12:45
Mathisenkeychain, just say how you made the usb in the first place, and tell everyone if you booting UEFI or Legacy12:45
ramsub07Does rsync have a file limit in the source directory ? I have nearly a million file and need to move to another directory12:45
Mathisenkeychain, also is secure boot on or off12:45
maetthewkeychain: You're being quite unclear. Now you're saying you installed 18.04, before you said you installed Windows 10 and wanted to dual boot Ubuntu? Which is it?12:46
keychainwhat is UEFI and Legacy12:46
roryat a high level, the Ubuntu installation process goes: (1) Download .iso file (2) Create installer USB (3) Boot PC from USB (4) Follow on-screen instructions12:46
roryit's not clear atm which step you are stuck with12:46
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:46
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. In Unity or GNOME, search the dash for "terminal" and press ENTER. Other desktops: Applications -> System Tools -> Terminal (MATE), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal12:46
keychainrory: i have bootable usb now but there is a message :  the system is resuming from S4 state.12:46
maetthewCan I see ubottu's commands for "canned responses" somewhere?12:47
roryok so you made a bootable usb. what did you do after that, to cause that message to be displayed? did you reboot your PC? or something else?12:47
keychainyeah i see this message when i reboot laptop after inserting usbe12:47
maetthewkeychain: When do you get that message? When starting up the computer with just the USB inserted into USB port or after trying to boot from USB from boot menu?12:48
Mathisenkeychain, start your windows, run this in an elevated CMD "  powercfg /hibernate off " then shutdown. then boot your usb12:48
roryIt's possible Windows is hibernating instead of shutting down properly, does that sound likely?12:48
roryi think S4 state = hibernated12:48
blakes5Hey all, I don't have a Ubuntu question, but I am looking for help from someone with more knowledge than I have. I bought this little action cam for $25 at home depot. It has wifi built and is accessible using an android ap. But I've found that it has a built in webserver with an admin interface. I'm trying to figure out how to be able to access the files remotely through wifi without the android app. I've port scanned it 80 http, 8080 http-proxy12:49
blakes5and 8081 black-icecap are the only ports open, no ftp, not telnet, no ssh. Nmap reports it looks like linux the OS. Any other ideas how to hack this little camera?12:49
keychainmatthelmke:  When starting up the computer with just the USB inserted into USB port12:49
maetthewkeychain: Do what Mathisen suggested. Open CMD in windows as administrator and do the command he asked you to do12:50
maetthewThen completely shutdown computer. Insert USB and try to boot from USB12:50
keychainpowercfg /hibernate off12:50
keychainok i will try it12:50
Mathisenblakes5, the chanses for that seems kinda slim if there is no easy way to change firmware that is. and i think this is the wrong place to ask :) but i may be wrong12:52
blakes5Mathisen, I agree, it's not the best place, but I don't know of a better place.12:55
keychaini did it12:55
keychainbut screen is stopped12:55
keychainnevertheless there is no message12:56
roryyou should know that "powercfg /hibernate off" on Windows will disable the hibernation feature so if you rely on this, you should not run that command12:56
Mathisenkeychain, screen stopped ?12:56
keychainMathisen: yeah12:56
Mathisenexplain what you mean by that12:56
maetthewkeychain you need to be more specific12:57
keychaini inserted usb and i turn on computer then screen is stopped12:57
keychainscreen show me that press F2 to enter setup press f12 enter bootMenu12:57
Mathisenkeychain, ok, then pls explain exactly how you made the usb with ubuntu on12:57
maetthewkeychain: Also if you're having problems explaining yourslef I would suggest trying to record a video of what happens when you try to boot and uploading it somewhere12:58
keychaini did it like this : https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/tutorial-create-a-usb-stick-on-windows#012:58
maetthewsorry can't help much, gtg to work in a few mins12:58
keychainanyway thanks12:59
keychaini think that my computer don’t allow to use dual boot :(13:00
keychaini will give up it :(13:00
Mathisenkeychain, can you check your bios if you have secure boot on or off13:00
keychainscure boot13:00
keychainok wait13:00
Mathisenif it is on try booting one time the usb with it off13:01
Tin_mankeychain, did you run sudo update grub after installing ubuntu ?? might look at this link >>https://askubuntu.com/questions/217904/unable-to-boot-into-windows-after-installing-ubuntu-how-to-fix13:03
keychainboot menu have only HDD/SSD and FDD and LAN13:03
keychainthere is no usb too13:03
maetthewkeychain: Tried different USB ports?13:03
keychainmaetthew: :( i did it too13:03
Mathisenagain secure boot... im giving upp..13:04
Mathisengood luck13:04
=== andyhuzhill_ is now known as andyhuzhill
maetthewkeychain: Maybe you need to enable booting from USB in Bios. Again, I suggest you record a video of whats happening. gtg now but gl13:05
keychainthanks for help13:05
keychaini will give up13:05
keychaini turn off laptop over 20 times13:05
keychaini must save my laptop life13:05
keychaini want to use it over 10 years13:05
keychainnevertheless i bought it for $3013:06
keychaini will use windows 10 only13:06
lotuspsychjekeychain: easy with the enter button please13:06
keychaini will use ubuntu after buying laptop for $30 after several years after saving money13:07
lotuspsychjekeychain: this channel is only for ubuntu support questions, focus on that please13:07
Mathisenkeychain, last comment. your USB will not boot! with secure boot on. if im not misstaken the shim that makes ubuntu boot with secure boot on need to be added....13:07
Mathisenpls read upp on that13:07
keychainbecause i m insane because i turn on and off over 20 times this result that mylaptop die13:08
keychainthere is no secure boot13:08
keychainwhere i can find secure boot menu13:08
luizbagit would be on BIOS/UEFI configuration13:10
keychainok i will find it13:10
chalcedonyim trying to install a Canon PIXMA TS9120 printer on Ubuntu 16.04. is this the best guide?   https://www.howtoforge.com/how-to-install-a-canon-printer-on-debian-and-debian-like-systems13:11
chalcedonybecause when i did their first step i get errors. unmet dependencies.13:14
chalcedonywhich i don't seem to be able to fix13:14
keychaini installed windows 10 with bootable usb, but i inserted windows bootable to port and i turn on laptop. symtom is same like ubuntu bootable. screen is stopped13:30
keychainhow this is occurs.13:31
keychaini think that something is wrong13:35
keychainthere is no guy who can help me?13:35
keychainoh it is tragedy :( no one know it13:37
EriC^^keychain: how'd you make the windows usb?13:38
keychaini make it using ms tool13:39
EriC^^keychain: check the bios that it's selected to boot the usb13:39
keychainthere is no usb menu :(13:40
keychainand i can’t go into setup13:40
EriC^^keychain: in the bios not usb13:40
keychainwhen i turn on computer after inserting bootable usb, then computer is stopped13:40
keychainyes in the bios13:40
EriC^^keychain: in the bios what do you have under boot options13:41
EriC^^what laptop/motherboard is it?13:41
danieleDhi all13:42
danieleDhow can i setup a vpn in settings of ubuntu 10.04?13:42
EriC^^danieleD: why haven't you upgraded to at least 14.04 ?13:43
keychainboot menu have only HDD/SSD and FDD and LAN EriC^^13:43
EriC^^keychain: did you try disabling secureboot and fastboot?13:43
danieleDexcuse me^^ 18.0413:43
keychaini find secureboot but there is no secureboot menu13:44
EriC^^keychain: try turning secureboot off and try using a different booting method, like legacy instead of uefi13:45
EriC^^see what happens13:45
keychainEriC^^: ok i will try to find secureboot menu at bios setup13:46
EriC^^keychain: take a screenshot of the bootoptions, and try also to use the run-time boot menu that you can choose what to boot when the pc is still starting13:47
biebI am trying to setup static IP on a fresh install of 18.04 server. I have edited the yaml file, and saved it, I then run "netplan --debug try" to see if there are any errors, all it says is: "error while loading /etc/netplan/01-netcfg.yaml, aborting." do I need to apply the file before debugging? I wanted to debug to make sure I entered the syntax correct, and had the right number of tabs at the beginning of the lines.14:37
keychainlol i did it by myself. i solved it14:46
keychaini m genius14:46
keychainnow i can use ubuntu14:46
Okamano u14:46
keychainwho want to know how i can do it14:46
Okamado wut14:47
keychainif i insert bootable usb to port, then i turn on laptop, then it stopped.14:47
keychainso i make harddisk disable when it boots14:48
Okamaharddisk disable14:49
Okamacan someone translate14:49
keychainthen computer don’t stop and bootable usb work14:49
Okamacant u just dual boot lol14:49
keychainOkama:  what you mean?14:49
ubottuShortened English is difficult for some non-native English speakers to read. Please use full words instead. Thanks!14:49
biebhe means, when you boot laptop, you can choose windows or linux14:50
biebhow new is your laptop?14:50
Okamau disabed ur harddrive to boot from usb14:51
Okamay not isntall usb on hardrive and boot from hard drive14:51
keychainOkama:  yeah corret14:51
OkamaAre u a noob14:51
leftyfbOkama: Can we help you with something?14:51
biebkeychain: what are you trying to accomplish?14:51
keychainOkama: installing usb on harddrive ?14:51
leftyfbOkama: This is a support channel. Please go to #ubuntu-offtopic for anything else14:52
keychainbieb: i tried to make dual booting14:52
keychainwin10 + ubuntu14:52
biebkeychain: that is possible14:52
biebkeychain: how new is the laptop?14:52
Okamayou have to go into ur bios and disable secure boot to boot from usb14:52
keychainthere is no secure boot Okama  on my laptop14:53
biebkeychain: no uefi on the laptop?14:53
keychainso i make harddisk disable to use bootable usb14:53
Tin_mandid you try installing ubuntu on the laptop, and then updating grub?14:54
keychainthere is no uefi14:54
OkamaWhy not partition harddrive14:54
keychaini turn on and off over 100 times. so my laptop is shorten 5 years from 10 years14:54
Tin_manubuntu installer should handle the partition14:54
keychainanyway my cpu is u5400 and it is 1.2Ghz, then ubuntu don’t work? i know that ubuntu work over 2.0Ghz14:56
heinoja9I would recommend trying Xubuntu or some other light weight version14:57
keychainlight version14:57
keychainthen 1.2 don’t work at normal ubuntu?14:58
Okamawhat laptop do you have14:58
heinoja9problem is with gnome14:58
heinoja9not ubuntu itself14:58
Okamado you have a spare computer?15:00
Tin_manwell, if you can't get ubuntu going on the pentium, try for a puppy linux, you processor might handle puppy..15:02
OkamaIm sure it runs on his sytem he prolly did something wrong15:03
KejjdenHi there! Not sure if I'm in the right place but I have a sound issue I don't even know how to explain it to Google (or I'm just not knowledgable enough to know what to search for)15:07
KejjdenAny takers?15:07
madduckJust installed a fresh 18.04, and it hangs 30s during boot, waiting for the resume device. /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume has the UUID of the swap device, which is on LVM. Lovely15:08
BluesKajtell what your sound does or doesn't do, Kejjden15:08
KejjdenThis started today, when recording anything from the mic (using audacity) or using the mic with hangout or slack the sound is very high pitch and a bit distorted. Didn't install or remove anything from yesterday when it worked just fine15:11
KejjdenWorks fine under Windows15:11
KejjdenCorrection, I did install python3-dev python3-pip python3-setuptools earlier today15:13
KejjdenI tried messing with the sample rate in the pulse audio config file. I feel like the recorded sound changes but not enough to anywhere near normal15:14
OkamaHave you tried any other audio recording software15:18
Okamaidk maybe this can help/give insight15:21
madducksrsly ubuntu? how did this pass your QA?15:23
Okamais that ur issue15:25
legreffiermadduck: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1013830/slow-boot-long-kernel-load-time-due-to-wrong-resume-device like here ?15:26
legreffieri don't think encrypted LVM boot volume is covered by ubuntu qa.15:27
madduckit's not encrypted15:28
madducklegreffier: Debian bug #88373515:28
ubottuDebian bug 883735 in initramfs-tools "initramfs-tools: automatic resume doesn't work for lvm swap partitions" [Normal,Fixed] http://bugs.debian.org/88373515:28
madduckseems like ubuntu people don't use LVM, or else I cannot fathom why this is still present in 18.0415:31
dsuchHello, I am unable to install gcc on a fresh install of 18.04, I wonder what the root cause could be and I should diagnose it? https://paste.debian.net/1056968/ To be precise, this is Ubuntu MATE but I am asking here seeing as it is a fairly low-level situation.15:33
lordcirthdsuch, Ubuntu MATE is an officially supported flavor, and thus on-topic here.  Please try installing 'gcc-7', it may get you a more useful message.15:39
keychaincan i use option : install ubuntu alongside windows boot manager or something else?15:40
keychainor Erase disk and install ubuntu to using dual boot?15:40
keychaini need help15:41
Piratyi installed 18.04 and want to upgrade to 18.10, Muon ("softare updater") does not seem able to do it, at least it doesn't offer the upgrade15:41
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade15:41
Piratyafter changing release channel to "new versoin"15:41
lordcirthkeychain, what are you trying to do?  Install Ubuntu in a dual boot?15:41
keychainyeah lordcirth15:42
keychainwin10 + ubuntu15:42
keychainwhat option?15:42
lordcirthkeychain, the 'install alongside windows' option should work, then15:42
BeforeClickwin 10 first then shrink the partition and then install ubuntu15:42
keychainah thanks lordcirth :)15:42
lordcirthShrinking in win10 would also work15:42
keychainok BeforeClick15:42
lordcirthYou should have backups, though :)15:43
sentimentanybody else has noticed that the maximize window behavior is a copy of Windows Vista idea?15:43
sentimentnot that it's a bad thing15:43
amitkm9204Ya we can create one unallocated partition from window15:43
sentimentactually I kind of missed it in Windows 715:43
sentimentok wrong channel. this is chit chat actually15:44
BeforeClickamitkm9204: why would you do that?15:44
dsuchThanks lordcirth, here it is https://paste.debian.net/1056970/ - all the packages seem to be in place, though truth be told, I am not sure if '16' in the name of the packages somehow means 16.04? (this is a full-disk installation not an upgrade).15:44
lordcirthdsuch, this sounds like a problem I helped fix yesterday - do you have the bionic-updates repo enabled?  If not, enable it.15:45
dsuchlordcirth: Ah, I disabled it yesterday, let me try to bring it back..15:45
lordcirthwhy would you disable updates?15:45
dsuchlordcirth: I was getting tired of unwated updates to Firefox or Thunderbird and I only left bionic-security around for security fixes.15:46
dsuchlordcirth: Thanks, that did the trick, the packages install correctly now.15:48
lordcirthdsuch, great.  Yeah, the other repos tend to assume that you have updates enabled15:49
lordcirthwhat's the problem with firefox/thunderbird updates? Too much bandwidth?15:49
dsuchlordcirth: The bandwidth is fine but I just do not like changes for the sake of changes alone (which I guess is why I am on MATE), e.g. moving icons around which does not add anything of substance to the core functionality.15:51
lordcirthdsuch, you could install Firefox ESR?15:51
lordcirthIt's basically an LTS release of firefox15:52
dsuchlordcirth: I know, but it will be changed at one day anyway :/ I have a core of a browser of my own written, which is fairly easy in PyQT, but still, this is a task for at least several hundred hours which is not easy to find.15:53
dsuchlordcirth: Given a rendering engine, the rest is just your standard GUI programming, tedious but not really difficult.15:53
lordcirthThere are also lighter browsers available.15:54
TJ-!pin | dsuch15:55
ubottudsuch: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto15:55
Piratywtf libargon2 is not supported by canocical15:55
dsuchlordcirth: That I also know, but I have been using Firefox since it was called Phoenix so it is all part of just being used to things.15:56
dsuchlordcirth: Is TJ- a bot?15:56
lordcirthNo, ubottu is a bot15:56
lordcirthpinning would prevent security patches, would it not?15:56
* TJ- does a robot dance15:56
dsuchActually, given a package name or its metadata, how does one recognize that an update is a security-related one?15:57
dsuchOr is it only because it is in its own repo?15:57
TJ-lordcirth: well you can't have it both ways, but it would prevent 'regular' updates until the local admin decides to allow them15:57
lordcirthI really think ESR would get you most of what you want15:58
TJ-dsuch: well, "apt list --upgradable" reports which archive the package would be fetched from, so '$RELEASE-security' initially, but then that package moves to $RELEASE-updates anyway. The point of -security is to get upgrades out quickly, which mirrors of -updates may not do15:59
dsuchThanks TJ- I was just wondering if there was a flag in the package itself along the lines of 'this version contains a security fix' but I understand now that this is more of a convention embedded in the repository's name, such as bionic-security.16:00
dsuchI just never pondered the difference, thanks again.16:01
TJ-dsuch: I'm not sure if the changelog priority is used, but we have low/medium/high there (first line of a changelog entry)16:01
TJ-dsuch: looking at some, I only see urgency=medium16:02
dsuchWhile I have your attention TJ- - I kind of skipped 16.04, moving to 18.04 straight from 14.04 and I noticed that apt-get is now styled apt alone, is that new in 18.04 or I just never noticed it before?16:02
TJ-dsuch: no, just that apt-get is intended for scripts so its interface is frozen; 'apt' is a 'human' tool that encompasses several functions and adds nice layers on top16:03
TJ-dsuch: e.g: whereas you once needed to do "dpkg -l | grep ^ii" to get a list of installed packages, now it is possible to do "apt list --installed"16:04
dsuchI see, thanks again TJ-16:05
keychainlol i did it i m happy now16:11
keychaini installed dual booting without help of #ubuntu 8)16:12
keychainthere is no helpful information that member give me :(16:12
keychainbut i don’t give up installing dual booting16:12
TJ-keychain: so now you should share this important information you've discovered so others can benefit16:12
keychaini did it finally using my smart brain16:13
keychainah yeah16:13
keychainmy screen is stopped when i insert bootable usb. i go into bios setup and i make harddisk disable to use bootable use16:14
keychainno one give me correct information16:14
keychainbut i use my brain to slove problem16:15
keychainTJ-: do you understand it?16:15
sta7ichello, this is probably a simple answer (like bad hardware?) but whenever i write some heavy load to my linux solid state disk, i get stuff like this in the dmesg after my machine freezes for about 1 minute and then comes back16:16
TJ-keychain: when helper's here cannot see what you can see, then we can only give suggestions based on experience. Also, very often the info we get from people seeking help is incomplete (it often ommits detail that is important)16:16
lordcirthsta7ic, definitely a hardware problem.16:17
keychainTJ-: yeah it is difficult to help someone without seeing problem16:17
keychaini understand it 8)16:17
lordcirthsta7ic, #hardware channel should be able to help track it down.  It could be the hard drive, SATA cable, SATA power, SATA controller, PSU, etc.16:17
TJ-sta7ic: looks like the problem is the sector alignment " Sense: Unaligned write command" - the device may be sensitive to the logical/physical sector size16:18
ioriasta7ic, i vote for the PSU (if it's a desktop)16:19
TJ-sta7ic: have you checked the device's SMART status recently?16:24
dsuchTJ-: lordcirth I will be heading off, thank you again, I truly appreciate your assistance.16:28
lordcirthdsuch, np16:28
klemaxWhat so you guys prefer as vnc server? Tigervnc or vnc4server?16:48
=== OnkelTem_ is now known as OnkelTem1
OnkelTem1Hi all16:50
OnkelTem1All of a sudden my video drives stopped working16:50
OnkelTem1I see no logic or reason16:50
OnkelTem1But ok, it doesn't work. And it Xtrg loads NOUVEAU, while it is actually blacklisted16:51
OnkelTem1So I don't understand - how is it loading while it is blacklisted?16:51
OnkelTem1And where my drivers gone?16:51
EriC^^something else has it as a prerequisite and it loads it OnkelTem116:52
EriC^^OnkelTem1: check lsmod | grep nouveau  it should show what's depending on it16:52
OnkelTem1EriC^^: empty. So it's not a kernel module, but X one16:53
klemaxif there is a different way for remote desktop, i will be ok with it too16:53
OnkelTem1So X doesn't really care if I disabled something, it would load it anyway?16:54
OnkelTem1apt-get upgraded, restarted16:54
OnkelTem1rebuilt initrd16:54
leftyfbklemax: x11vnc or teamviewer. Beyond that, ask for opinions in #ubuntu-offtopic16:54
EriC^^OnkelTem1: how do you know it's loaded?16:55
OnkelTem1EriC^^: from Xorg log16:55
EriC^^OnkelTem1: what does "sudo lshw -c video" show for driver ?16:55
OnkelTem1[     9.191] (II) LoadModule: "nouveau"16:55
OnkelTem1[     9.191] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/nouveau_drv.so16:55
EriC^^oh ok16:57
OnkelTem1EriC^^: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/xngY2vwQ7M/16:57
klemaxLeftyfb: What is the advantage of using x11vnc according to tigervnc or vnc4server?16:57
leftyfbklemax: x11vnc will attach to your currently running Xorg session without silly configs like the others require16:57
EriC^^OnkelTem1: are you using nomodeset? what does "cat /proc/cmdline" have?16:58
leftyfbklemax: x11vnc -xkb -noxrecord -noxfixes -noxdamage -display :0 -auth /var/run/lightdm/root/:0 -usepw16:58
OnkelTem1EriC^^: BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-4.15.0-43-generic root=... ro quiet splash vt.handoff=116:58
OnkelTem1It was ok the whole day today, then my daughter restarted the computer in Windows (dual boot) and now 3 hours later it got broken. No, I don't connect these events - it's just my uptime, which is long enough so probably if I had restarted it before it would have be broken anyway :-/17:00
DarthFrogHi folks.  When I do a system update, I get this:17:02
DarthFrogE: Repository 'http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb stable Release' changed its 'Origin' value from 'Google, Inc.' to 'Google LLC'17:02
DarthFrogN: This must be accepted explicitly before updates for this repository can be applied. See apt-secure(8) manpage for details.17:02
DarthFrogIs there a quick way to satisfy this?17:02
OnkelTem1If I stuck to Nouveau, is there a way to have some better that 800x600?17:02
leftyfbDarthFrog: remove that repo and reinstall the latest .deb from google.com/chrome17:03
OnkelTem1Because I just cannot use X at all17:03
DarthFrogleftyfb:  Tnx!17:03
OnkelTem1Windows just don't feet into this ugly desktop.17:03
OnkelTem1Even Start button is not visible17:03
OnkelTem1Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention that I'm on KDE17:04
DarthFrogOnkelTem1:  KDE is not Windows.  There is a launcher "button" where you're used to seeing a Start "button".17:05
weqanyone able to assist in why I'm unable to properly start the ubuntu server installer on a machine? When it is supposed to give me the gui to select keymap etc I'll just get a blinking cursor.17:05
OnkelTem1DarthFrog: whatever, it is still the Start button17:05
weqand I can't find any clues as to why when I swich to a different terminal17:05
DarthFrogOnkelTem1: So what's your issue?  That things look different in Linux?17:06
OnkelTem1DarthFrog: no, that NVidia drivers don't work. Have stopped working17:06
DarthFrogOnkelTem1: What video card do you have?17:07
OnkelTem1DarthFrog: 980GTX Ti17:07
weqhttps://tutorials.ubuntu.com/es6-bundled/src/codelabs/tutorial-install-ubuntu-server/img/69ae6d8aedc13eb3.png I never get to this window, I just get a blinking cursor instead. Prior to this I can see some error message from what I can only guess is a something related to a python script.17:07
DarthFrogOnkelTem1: Well, that's well supported.17:07
DarthFrogOnkelTem1: Are you willing to use the command line?17:08
OnkelTem1DarthFrog: sure. It worked today17:08
OnkelTem1DarthFrog: yeah, that's fine17:08
DarthFrogOnkelTem1: OK.  Press Alt-F1 and type "konsole".17:08
OnkelTem1DarthFrog: I'm already there. In tty217:09
OnkelTem1There != konsole, just console :)17:09
OnkelTem1I wonder what package should I probably reinstall to get it fixed17:09
DarthFrogOnkelTem1:  konsole is the KDE console.   Change directory to /etc/apt/sources.list.d/17:09
OnkelTem1ok htre17:10
DarthFrogDo you have a rep with graphics-driver in its name?17:10
lordcirthweq, are you installing on real hardware, or a VM?17:11
OnkelTem1DarthFrog: no, I don't have a repo for that I believe17:11
weqlordcirth: real hw, but it looks like the usb might be the culprit. Did the file integrity check now and it found 3 errors. Trying to recreate the usb now.17:12
OnkelTem1DarthFrog: probably I installed it using the binary from NVidia website17:12
lordcirthweq, ah, yeah, always check that.  Make sure to check the hash on the download before reinstalling to the USB.17:12
DarthFrogOnkelTem1: Well, then I recommend you go to:  https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-install-the-nvidia-drivers-on-ubuntu-18-04-bionic-beaver-linux  and follow what they say there.17:12
weqlordcirth: got a link to the hashes? cause the default page doesn't show any afaik.17:13
OnkelTem1DarthFrog: thank you. So what is the digest of what they say there?17:14
weqlooking for the hash to ubuntu- then17:14
OnkelTem1DarthFrog: do they recommend binary or repo? If repo, would you please copy-paste its url please?17:15
DarthFrogOkama:  Install the graphics drivers PPA, update and install the correct drivers, either 390 or 410.17:15
DarthFrogOnkelTem1:  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa17:15
lordcirthweq, http://releases.ubuntu.com/18.04/SHA256SUMS17:16
weqty ty17:16
DarthFrogOnkelTem1:  If you ever want specific help with KDE and Ubuntu, there is the #kubuntu channel.17:19
OnkelTem1DarthFrog: installing using ubuntu-drivers17:19
OnkelTem1DarthFrog: that's useless channel :)17:19
OnkelTem1No all the time17:19
weqlordcirth: hashes were correct so let's hope rufus does a better job creating the usb this time.17:20
OnkelTem1DarthFrog: it's installing 415th version, from that repo17:22
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OnkelTem1launchpad is slow...17:22
DarthFrogOnkelTem1: I have no experience with that version of the nvidia drivers.  I have a GTX970 and am using nvidia-390.17:23
OnkelTem1DarthFrog: if it doesn't work, I'll just remove the repo and retry with 39017:23
DarthFrogOnkelTem1: I would imagine that the 410 drivers are for the 20xx cards, but that's just a guess.17:23
OnkelTem1DarthFrog: well, ubuntu-drivers tool marked 415 as "recommended". And then I ran it with "autoinstall" option17:24
OnkelTem1so... it's not my choice17:24
DarthFrogOnkelTem1: No, don't remove the repo.  Do "apt search nvidia-3" and install the ones it reports.17:24
OnkelTem1Ah, ok17:24
OnkelTem_DarthFrog: done17:27
DarthFrogOnkelTem_: Reboot and enjoy.17:27
OnkelTem_It works! Just restarted... A story of drivers disappearing.17:27
DarthFrogOnkelTem_:  You're welcome.17:27
OnkelTem_DarthFrog: +++17:27
OnkelTem_At first glance it works. I mean 41517:28
DarthFrogOnkelTem_:  You can try "glxgears -fullscreen".  Use Esc to quit and see your framerate.17:29
OnkelTem_DarthFrog: yeah, pretty nice gears17:30
lordcirthglxgears doesn't really tell you much anymore - it runs fine on just about any driver17:35
wtfluxhi all im having some issues getting my default grub loader to work im trying to change it so that windows is at the top of the list, Ubuntu is at the top currently, editing /etc/default/grub isnt working. the GRUB_DEFAULT setting changed from =0 to =saved or =3 (where windows is) is acting oddly,17:36
wtfluxsome of them are skipping the grub menu straight to ubuntu entirely17:37
wtfluxthis concerns me because if it decides to choose windows and skip to windows bypassing the grub menu i wont be able to change it so that i can boot into linux again17:37
wtfluxideally i'd like to have the grub menu load, show me all its choices, count down its timer, and have windows 7 at the top of the list17:37
wtfluxi dont know what's so difficult about that, i've followed all the directions, by the book, not that difficult of a thing here, it just doesnt work.17:38
wtfluxwow ok nevermind it's working.17:38
wtfluxnot as ideal as i would like it to but working nonetheless17:38
DarthFroglordcirth: It does show that you have GLX and DRI working.17:39
Piratyhi. how to install thunderbird into 18.10 ?17:40
DarthFrogWell, perhaps not DRI, given the power of graphics cards these days.17:40
coz_Piraty, sudo apt install thunderbird  ?  are you sure it's not already installed?17:41
Piratycoz_: it's not installed, discover doesn't show it to me17:42
coz_Piraty, did you try   sudo apt install thunderbird17:42
coz_^^in terminal17:42
Piratyyeah that works, so discover simply does not promote17:43
coz_Piraty,  I don't have an answer for that, I use Mate DE17:43
Piratyi use kubuntu17:44
lordcirthI've never found discover to be very useful.  It's just a shiny (and slow) frontend to apt.17:44
lordcirthSynaptic at least had a good search tool17:44
DarthFrogI have a useful bash alias: alias lspkg="dpkg --list | grep ^ii.* | cut -d ' ' -f 3 | sort | less"   I use it as "lspkg | grep <string>" to see what's installed.17:44
coz_Piraty, dont often use KDE except with Non17:45
coz_Piraty, I mean Neon17:45
PiratyI'm just evaluating the discover tool how my  lady would likely use it17:45
Piratyi in fact use i3 so i wouldn't know all such things at all17:45
coz_Piraty, I suppose then app menu should reveal thunderbird , yes?17:46
Piratyapp menu?17:47
Piratyyeah now that i "apt install"ed it, it's in the launcher menu17:47
coz_Piraty, the application menu at the bottom left of screen, unless they moved it17:47
Piratyyeah it's there, thanks coz_17:47
Piratynow trying to figure out how to remove kdepim stuff as i don't want to have kmail and such17:48
Piratyas thunderbird+friends does all the things the lady needs17:48
Piratyrevdepends for kmail show quite a big list, but that's not all hard depdencies is it?17:48
coz_Piraty,  I would assume  sudo apt remove "application-name"17:49
Piratyyeah i want to go up the deptree one level and remove that one along pulled dependencies which i probably consider not useful here17:49
coz_Piraty, I couldn't tell you for sure I rarely if ever use this tuff17:49
coz_damn fingers %)17:49
TJ-Piraty: reverse-depends consist of Depends: Recommends: and Suggests:17:50
PiratyTJ-: but not only installed but also packages in the repo that are not installed it seems17:51
Piratyalota packages "apt-cache rdepends" shows me are not installed17:52
Piratycan i limit to installed only, to see which one i might be after ?17:52
TJ-no, you'd have to script that I think, if you want to walk the dependency tree17:53
Piraty--installed ;)17:53
Piratyxbps-dgraph is a really nice tool for that for xbps packages17:53
Piratyi found something similar for ipk packages (which basically are .deb) a few weeks ago17:54
Piratywhen i remove a few packages via apt-get, how to remove their (unneeded) dependencies along ?17:58
Piratyor use autoremove afterwards?17:58
TJ-Piraty: use autoremove17:59
TJ-Piraty: a bit of a hack but:  " PKG=bash; apt-cache rdepends $PKG:$(dpkg --print-architecture) | grep -v bash | while read pkg; do if apt list --installed $pkg 2>/dev/null | grep -q $pkg 2>/dev/null; then echo $pkg; fi; done "18:00
TJ-Piraty: ooops, too hard-coded there!18:00
TJ-Piraty:  " PKG=bash; apt-cache rdepends $PKG:$(dpkg --print-architecture) | grep -v $PKG | while read pkg; do if apt list --installed $pkg 2>/dev/null | grep -q $pkg 2>/dev/null; then echo $pkg; fi; done "18:01
Piratyapt-cache rdepends --installed does it quite well ?18:02
Piratyalso, why depend on readline so hard and not instead forloop over a string of words...18:02
=== capella|away is now known as capella
Piratythanks TJ-18:05
Piratywhat is "disco"? seen here: https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=qtox18:07
tomreynthe next to come release18:08
Piratystrange, no tox client in ubuntu?18:09
tomreynit'll probably be available in some !ppa or as a !snap then18:12
TJ-Piraty: oh, I forgot apt-cache has learned some new tricks recently :)18:15
justthedoctorI'm trying to tar zcvf * tarname.tar.gz18:17
justthedoctorAnd I keep getting an eror18:17
lordcirthjustthedoctor, the argument after 'f' needs to be the tar file18:17
justthedoctorSo tar zcvf db.tar.gz *18:19
xamithanIf you want every files in that directory tarred18:21
geirhayou've likely destroyed some files in the process, unless you've gotten lucky and the first match of * was a directory18:27
=== capella is now known as capella|away
ovalseven8Hey, I am new to server administration and wanted to ask about automate security updates (unattended-upgrades). When the system is automatically patching some software, is not it sometimes necessary to restart those services or even the operating system because of kernel patches?18:40
leftyfbovalseven8: https://www.ubuntu.com/livepatch18:41
leftyfbovalseven8: packages that include services will generally restart/reload said services as needed18:42
leftyfbwhen they get updated18:42
tomreyni.e. you may end up with unexpected downtimes18:42
tomreyn(though usually of just rather short duration)18:43
leftyfbnot with livepatch, but yeah, potentially with automated package updates18:43
ovalseven8leftyfb, So that means that when I enable unattended-upgrades that I do not need to reboot the server sometimes. The security patches are automatically enabled by restarts/reboots?18:43
leftyfbovalseven8: please read the link I gave you. Regardless, if you're concerned about security, unattended upgrades isn't really the first place you should be looking18:44
leftyfbovalseven8: also, this isn't a support question and is beyond the scope of this channel18:44
ovalseven8leftyfb, Oh, "lifepatch" is a service and not included into Ubuntu by default18:45
tomreynovalseven8: "liVepatch" is a Canonical service, which is included in their service offerings for businesses. (Non-commercial) Ubuntu users can try it for free https://auth.livepatch.canonical.com/18:48
ovalseven8tomreyn, Is there a reason why it's not included in Ubuntu by default and you just have to do something like e.g. "sudo apg-get install livepatch"? Or, let me rephrase: Why do not has Debian that for example?18:50
tomreynovalseven8: we only support ubuntu here, but since providing this service takes a lot of effort, i assume that's why not every distro does it,a nd why Canonical doesn't do it for free for businesses.18:51
tomreynovalseven8: it's also a service you don't need to use if you just reboot whenever there are kernel security or bug fixes which are necessary to not put your systems at risk of exploitation or instabilities.18:54
ElectrostrongAre some of the update mirrors down?19:11
ElectrostrongGetting errors on update:  503  Service Unavailable [IP: 80]19:12
tomreynElectrostrong: i can access just fine, can you=?19:12
Electrostrongyep - seems to be working from that end-point - does apt-get communicate via HTTP for pulling the updates or does it use a different protocol?19:14
Electrostrong(I know the actual updates are pulled via HTTP, but the indexes themselves)19:14
tomreynElectrostrong: http by default, but it really depends on your configured apt sources19:15
tomreynapt-get update && apt-cache policy19:15
tomreynthis should tell.19:15
Piratyhi. where can i place one-time commands that need to be run on boot even when no user is logged in yet ? (future-proof)19:16
Piratythat used to be /etc/rc.local, but systemd kicked all of that19:16
Electrostrongthx tomreyn - they are set to http - I'll try to figure out if there's something on my end blocking it (shouldn't be...but...)19:16
tomreynElectrostrong: espcially with plain (non encrypted) connections via http, you may run into issues if traffic or dns lookups are manipulated in your local network, such as often seen in corporate and walled garden environments.19:17
Electrostrongit's a local home network - no real policies in place for redirection or outbound filtering19:17
Electrostrongbut it is affecting multiple servers (18.04) and even my rasbian box for Octoprint - fun stuff when you want to update for the day :)19:18
tomreynElectrostrong: then i'd run apt-get update -o 'Debug::Acquire::http=1'19:18
Electrostrongnew commands - cool - I'll give it a shot19:19
Electrostronghrmm....looks like comcast has some squid cache that's causing an issue19:19
tomreynswitch to different mirror servers then https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors - those which are close to you (internet topography), provide sufficient bandwidth, and are somewhat current.19:21
tomreynalternatively use https or ftp protocols instead19:21
Electrostrongthx again tomreyn - I'll see if that gets around the caching issue - I may try https to start19:22
tomreyngeez, they transparently cache security.ubuntu.com, thats bad19:22
dserodioI regretted running "apt update" in the terminal because it's stuck at "Setting up linux-headers-4.15.0-43-generic". "ps" tells me it's stuck configuring Secure Boot with whiptail. Any ideas?19:22
Electrostrong@tomreyn - I agree - I was a bit surprised to see that19:23
Hamiltonapt what to show current installed apps?19:26
tomreynPiraty: https://askubuntu.com/questions/886620/how-can-i-execute-command-on-startup-rc-local-alternative-on-ubuntu-16-1019:26
tomreynElectrostrong: you should probably use whatever channels you have to 'file a bug' with them, IMO they should nto be doing this, it's rather bad practice since, even if it worked, it would delay security updates for you.19:27
tomreynand transparent cachingmeans users won't usually become aware that it's taking place.19:27
tomreynunless it breaks, as seen here.19:28
Piratythanks tomreyn , but i doubt this service is well setup, because why would that be after=network.target ...?19:28
ioriadserodio, the kernel configuration is probably waiting for a SB password; atm you should have the new kernel in a broken state (which is not good); what i can suggest is disable SB, remove the broken pks and reinstall the kernel19:29
tomreyndserodio: it it's been hanging there for a while, you'll probably need to kill this lowest process in the pstree which is stopping it from continuing, willl then have apt run into an error, then figure out what caused it to fail and fix it.19:29
DUKENUKEMdoes anyone ever notice poor latency when ssh'ing to another host on your wifi network? i swear, ssh'ing to my vps gets better latency than my local machines19:30
HamiltonIs there a way to find out what software is installed on my ubuntu without listing ubuntu system packages? Or any way to filter out packages based on installation date?19:30
DUKENUKEMnot quite sure how to debug this19:30
tomreynPiraty: i think it's been like this traditionally.19:30
tomreynPiraty: ...rc.local scripts may depend on the network being available.19:31
Piratyindeed, they MAY19:31
Piratybut usually people like setting up their iptables in such manner19:31
Piratywhich is good to do before network19:31
tomreynPiraty: if you want it earlier, then create system services / triggers, as you should anyways.19:32
uhhhhi installed a script called InstaRaider when I tried running the script it said something about geckodriver needs to be executable and it said that it needed to be added to path so i installed it in ~/downloads/folder/driver and did export PATH=$PATH:~/downloads/folder/driver in entered when i ran the script again it had the same error of it needing to be added to path, this is the output anonfiles.cc/uploads/fcea5fa8c007b1a8376ea6a67b7790a1.png19:32
Piratythis is why i hate systemd. working around crappy scripts and crappy daemons by introducing "service dependencies" so my script doesn't fail when network is unavailable because i'm too lazy to test for result codes19:32
uhhhhthis is the script https://github.com/akurtovic/InstaRaider19:32
tomreynHamilton: the first code line on the first answer at https://askubuntu.com/questions/2389/generating-list-of-manually-installed-packages-and-querying-individual-packages gets close to providing a list of manually installed packages. there will be wrong packages listed, but it'S as close as you can get.19:34
tomreynDUKENUKEM: this is probably more of a ##networking question.19:35
uhhhhwhere should i ask my question19:35
tomreynDUKENUKEM: you can use ubuntu utilities such as mtr, traceroute6, ping4 and ping6 to test routing and latencies of connections to both targets, though.19:36
tomreynuhhhh: here's the right place to ask ubuntu specific support questions19:37
tomreynuhhhh: right here, on this IRC channel, #ubuntu on the irc.freenode.net IRC network19:38
uhhhhi just asked one19:38
tomreyn!patience | uhhhh19:38
ubottuuhhhh: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/19:38
uhhhhcan u look at it pls above pls19:40
=== uhhhh is now known as dadddy
xamithandid you put the path in the script itself ?19:43
xamithanfyi this is kind of a general linux question not really related to ubuntu19:43
dadddywhat do you mean the script itself19:43
xamithanI don't know how you expect it to get the path unless you add it to the script19:45
dadddyi didnt know that i had to add it to the script19:45
dadddyim so lost fam19:46
dadddyso what would that look like19:46
xamithanThe same thing you posted I assume,  just at the top of your script you want to run19:46
dadddyim dumb19:47
dadddyat the top of the script?19:47
xamithanI guess it doesn't matter where,  just as long as its before the part the path is actually needed19:47
dadddyi dont think i understand what path is19:48
dadddy gtg19:49
xamithanWell that was strange,  whatever19:49
ElectrostrongThanks again tomreyn for the help - I changed to https to ensure a direct connection to one of the mirrors20:06
Electrostrongstill can't believe that Comcast is doing a transparent squid proxy on http commands to source repositories though...20:10
pragmaticenigmaElectrostrong: what's happening with comcast?20:11
snowgogglesElectrostrong: it's comcast...so expect anything20:12
ElectrostrongI wasn't able to update my sources today - I believe the error is related to how Comcast uses squid based on the output in debugging: https://pastebin.com/13yX5fJN20:13
leftyfbElectrostrong: don't use their DNS20:14
leftyfbElectrostrong: use
ElectrostrongI went to check - my forwarders for DNS connect to google DNS servers ( and - I do not use any of comcast's DNS servers20:16
Electrostrongif it's a transparent proxy, my assumption is that this would happen with any DNS server20:17
leftyfbcall Comcast and tell them to turn that off20:17
tomreynright, it's not dns based20:18
seanrdevI have a service which doesn't return a failure if it's not able to contact a server. There is an openvpn connection that needs to establish before this service can communicate with the correct server. So my solution is to restart the service however after reading the "Documentation" it appears that this service will be restarted constantly if "Restart=always" is placed in the unit file. Is this correct?20:21
xamithanIf it doesn't return a failure I don't think it restarts20:24
xamithanHave you thought about adding a dependcy line in the unit file for the openvpn service to be started beforehand20:26
pragmaticenigmaThey won't leftyfb, Electrostrong ... They're likely doing that to keep up promised speed ratings to your connection20:26
seanrdevxamithan: Well I verified it doesn't with "Restart=on-failure" or "on-abnormal". It does when "always" is the argument given to Restart. Just worried it constantly restarts.20:26
seanrdevxamithan: Ok I'll look into that one20:26
=== bprompt is now known as Guest84846
qwebirc70595I can't boot into ubuntu 18.1020:29
qwebirc70595anyone here?20:31
leftyfb!details | qwebirc7059520:31
ubottuqwebirc70595: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.20:31
qwebirc70595When I try to boot into ubuntu 18.10, I just get a black screen. If I enable nomodeset, I get an infinitely blinking white underscore. I believe my graphics card is the problem20:34
snowgogglesqwebirc70595: have you tried booting with quiet splash removed to see where it gets stuck during init process20:37
HamiltonWhat does pip in Ubuntu refer to? Python3's pip or python2?20:38
tomreynqwebirc70595: you might want to discuss what IS your graphics card,20:38
tomreynHamilton: apt search -n '^python.*-pip$'20:40
xamithanpip3 is usually Py320:42
pragmaticenigmaHamilton: Which version of Ubuntu are you running?20:45
ioriaHamilton, then pip is 2.7  (python-pip), pip3 is  3.6 (python3-pip)20:46
pragmaticenigmaHamilton: THere is no Ubuntu 18... there is 18.04 and 18.10 ... you need to be very sepcific please20:46
Hamiltonnice thanks..so I should always use pip320:46
Hamiltonlike python3 :\20:46
Hamiltonpragmaticenigma, sorry 18.0420:46
pragmaticenigmaHamilton: If you are using python3 to launch your python application, then yes, you will need to use pip3 to update those libraries20:47
Hamiltonwhen will ubuntu alias python to 3?20:47
Hamiltonioria, you sure? it is reporting 2.7.15rc1 for me20:48
pragmaticenigmaioria: I don't think that is completely true. My machine installed 2.7 by default as well, and is configured to use 2.7 unless I specify python320:50
qwebirc70595I have a problem booting ubuntu 18.10. my full description of the problem can be found here: https://pastebin.com/QV9CN59u20:50
ioriayes, python-minimal20:51
iosecure'python' refers to 2.x on all distributions that I know of, including 18.04/18.10. python3 is what you want.20:51
pragmaticenigmabut I do recall seeing an article claiming python3 was supposed to be the default.. perhaps that was for system utilities?20:51
iosecurepython3 is installed by default, and is accessible via 'python3'.20:51
ioriathe poit is python-minimal , not installed by default in 18.0420:51
ioriaif you upgrade xenial you have python-minimal, but if you have a fresh install of 18.04 you should NOT have it20:53
snowgogglesqwebirc70595:  nomodeset bypasses your installed graphic card drivers. Are you sure you used nomodeset properly?20:53
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: Yes, I added it in grub after the word ro20:54
ioriaand python-minimal is  2.7.15~rc1 obviusly20:54
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: And before quiet splash20:55
phelixAny idea with newest version of Ubuntu: I have multiple monitors 4 of them. When the computer is in sleep mode all the monitors turn off. However, one of those monitors keeps flashing on and then back off over and over again. Starting to drive me nuts. Didn't used to do this on version 1620:55
TMLI have a machine on 18.04 and I am trying to get its syslog-ng to read from the socket at /run/systemd/journal/syslog so that systemd-journald can be set to Storage=none, but that socket doesn't appear to exist on this box. Google hasn't been much help yet, anyone have some pointers?20:55
ioriaHamilton, did you upgarde from xenial ?20:56
tomreynqwebirc70595: the thing is you shouldnt use "nomodeset", amdgpu works with kernel mode setting just fine. but you should undo the amdgpu installation, if you can, or reinstall.20:57
Hamiltonioria, I did a fresh bionic install20:58
ioriaHamilton, dpkg -l | grep python-minimal20:59
bencchow can I find what font can display "👌"?20:59
Hamiltonioria, ii  python-minimal                                2.7.15~rc1-1                                            amd64        minimal subset of the Python language (default version)20:59
qwebirc70595tomreyn: I tried uninstalling it with the shell in recovery mode, using the instructions from amd's website. Didn't boot20:59
ioriaHamilton, weird, no idea then, but it does not harm have it21:00
snowgogglesqwebirc70595: quick suggestions if you have a config issue try live usb boot of 18.1021:00
qwebirc70595Ik barely anything about linux21:01
qwebirc70595I've only used it for a few days21:01
snowgogglesqwebirc70595: you have a live usb of uubu 18.10?21:01
TMLbencc: https://wiki.gnome.org/action/show/Apps/Gucharmap?action=show&redirect=Gucharmap21:02
snowgogglesif the gui loads with the live usb then you have a config issue with your install21:02
qwebirc70595I wanted to try installing 18.04, and formatted my live usb with 18.10 to do it21:02
snowgogglesqwebirc70595:  ^^21:02
bpromptbencc:    checked whatthefont.com yet?21:03
snowgogglesqwebirc70595: so the live usb boots to gui?21:03
bpromptbencc:   but usually will be a Dingbats or Symbols one21:03
benccbprompt: it's emoji. I'm looking for a font that can display it in the browser21:03
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: Idk, it boots to a black screen also21:03
bpromptbencc:   right, check whatthefont.com to see what it might be21:04
snowgogglesqwebirc70595: your live usb? then how did your install 18.10 to your hard drive?21:04
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: nomodeset21:05
benccbprompt: that's not what this website is for21:05
snowgogglesqwebirc70595: what graphics drivers did you install?21:05
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: amdgpu-pro21:05
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: they come from amd's official website21:06
snowgogglesqwebirc70595: verified your specific card is supported with that proprietary package you installed?21:07
qwebirc70595I think I specified my card at the website21:08
snowgogglesqwebirc70595: can you get a login prompt if you go to console using ctrl-alt-f1 ?21:08
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: lemme try that21:09
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: wait where do I do it?21:11
TMLbencc: you just want a font to load in your CSS that will render the emoji glyphs in visitor's web browsers?21:11
snowgogglesqwebirc70595:  if you boot and only a blinking cursor...then try ctrl-alt-f1 to see if you can console login21:11
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: dosen't work21:12
benccTML: I want the browser to automatically render it without special css21:13
benccTML: it does on desktop. now trying to find the font to install on headless server21:14
TMLbencc: Then just look at which font your desktop browser is using for that glyph21:14
benccTML: how?21:14
TMLwhich browser do you use?21:15
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: also the blinking cursor only happens with nomodesetting, disabling it gives the black screen21:15
max3why doesn't ssh-copy-id work here https://paste.rs/vtT21:15
benccTML: Chrome21:15
TMLbencc: so highlight the character and right-click on the highlight, choose "Inspect" from the menu that appears21:15
snowgogglesqwebirc70595: can you try using the recovery mode from the grub menu on boot21:15
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: recovery mode works21:16
TMLbencc: in the Developer Tools window that comes up, go to the "Elements" tab and choose "Computed" from the right pane, then look for the CSS property "Font-family"21:17
TJ-max3: maybe the server stores the public keys in a different location to that which ssh-copy-id expects21:17
max3TJ-, it's ubuntu21:17
max3TJ-, i've by hand even copied my public kdy21:17
TMLbencc: https://imgur.com/a/a5QzX7j21:17
max3here's the entire debug log21:18
max3oh lol21:18
max3debug1: Remote: Ignored authorized keys: bad ownership or modes for directory /home/maksim21:18
snowgogglesqwebirc70595: login and run this command to see if the card is detected properly  lspci -vnn | grep  'VGA'21:18
benccTML: isn't this on windows?21:20
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: then do I reboot?21:20
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: disregard that it said amd/ati when I did the command21:20
benccTML: is it that simple? ubuntu probably has fallback font and a fallback specific to this unicode21:21
max3TJ-, nope that wasn't the problem21:21
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: wow I suck at texting, it detected my card21:21
TJ-max3: on the client using -vvv for more debug info mioght help; otherwise check the server's ssh service log21:22
benccTML: in my page its: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;<!21:22
benccTML: but I don't know how to get the specific fallback ubuntu use for this char21:22
TMLbencc: So it's either one of those first 3, or the default fallback for 'sans-serif'21:22
TMLMy guess would be the first21:22
snowgogglesqwebirc70595: run this glxinfo | grep 'OpenGL renderer'21:23
TMLbencc: It doesn't choose fallback based on "character" - the way CSS works, it will render the glyph in the first available font from that list.21:23
TMLbencc: If "Helvetica Neue" is installed, you get whatever "Helvetica Neue" has for that glyph21:24
benccTML: fc-match "Helvetica Neue" gives me DejaVuSans.ttf: "DejaVu Sans" "Book"21:24
benccTML: what package install DejaVuSans.ttf?21:24
TJ-bencc: "dpkg -S DejaVuSans.ttf"21:25
TMLbencc: DejaVu Sans doesn't have that glyph21:26
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: I didn't have mesa on my computer, and I just installed mesa-utils. The command said: Error: unable to open display21:26
benccTML: but it displays properly in Chrome21:26
benccwhen I add fonts-noto-color-emoji to the server it display this font21:26
benccbut maybe there is more 'standard' font I can use21:27
hggdhthere are 10+ packages providing a DejaVuSans ttf...21:27
max3TJ-, now i'm getting a really weird thing happening: one ssh connection under an account (from different clients even)21:28
snowgoggleswhat is the model of your amd card? and provide link th21:28
snowgogglesqwebirc70595:  to the amd download driver page please21:29
benccshould I use fonts-noto-color-emoji or fonts-emojione?21:29
snowgogglesqwebirc70595:  brb in 521:29
blebi see a lot of people using ubuntu on their servers; what does ubuntu server offer that debian doesn't?21:35
blebi always saw ubuntu as a desktop os21:35
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: u back yet? I'm on amd's driver download page, and selected my card21:37
snowgogglesqwebirc70595: paste a link here to the amd page please21:39
iosecurebleb: For one, Ubuntu doesn't make insane security-impacting changes to packages in the name of licensing.21:43
klemaxhello. I tried to install tigervncserver on 18.04.  My xstartup file is: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/tSQMKxR5bs/21:44
iosecurebleb: At the end of the day, there are a lot of reasons people prefer to use Ubuntu instead of Debian. Are you looking for someone to convince you of something?21:44
snowgogglesqwebirc70595: this amd page is referencing 18.04 ubu only no prop driver for 18.10 listed21:45
klemaxVNC server does not accept my connections on :1. whats wrong with it? Any ideas?21:45
qwebirc70595should I install 18.04 then?21:45
klemaxI guess i'm missing something in my xstartup file.21:45
Shasirax_I'm on hour 28 of running a ddrescue on my 3TB hdd with a bad sector. Avg rate: 2831 kb/s. I'm at a decent 9.72% and I'm feeling hopefull... Anyone have any tips how to make this go faster? Or stuff to do while waiting? :P21:46
snowgogglesqwebirc70595:  won't work on 18.10 you would have to uninstall it and install the open source driver21:46
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: I'll try that!21:46
snowgogglesqwebirc70595: depends what new features in 18.10 you need21:46
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: I'm installing 18.04.1 now, deleted 18.10 to make room for it21:52
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: Also where is the open source driver?21:54
snowgogglesqwebirc70595: that amd prop driver should work on 18.04.  before installing it update 18.04 with sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade21:54
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: I'll do that when it's installed21:55
snowgogglesqwebirc70595: if you are installing 18.04 then you can use the amd prop driver from their website but run the ubu update commands i reference above before installing the amd prop driver21:57
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: I'm updating and it's taking forever. Anything else I should do after it's done?22:01
snowgogglesqwebirc70595: after ubu updates and upgrades installed packages...install the amd driver and it should prompt what to do next22:03
Hackwarhi folks, I'm not exactly a noob, but I'm currently a bit stuck with something that should be very simple. I have a program that is controlled via environment variables and I got the configuration in a file named .env_dev with lots of lines of "export VARNAME=value" (without quotes), but when I do "sh .env_dev" and then do a printenv for one of the vars, I get nothing.22:22
HackwarWhat do I have to do to execute that files content?22:23
Hackwaror run the commands in that file or whatever you want to call it22:24
xamithanIf you want those to be in your current shell session you need to source them22:29
xamithansource ./.env_dev22:30
HackwarTHX! Works!22:31
NoImNotNineVoltdon't use source22:31
NoImNotNineVoltthat's a bashism.22:31
NoImNotNineVolt. is the posix equivalent22:31
NoImNotNineVolte.g.:  . ./.env_dev22:31
xamithanWell I assumed he was doing bash,  but yeah what NoImNotNineVolt said22:31
NoImNotNineVolt(admittedly, . isn't very readable, and i didn't know source was a bashism until relatively recently)22:32
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: idk if you're still here, but the problem came back22:37
snowgogglesqwebirc70595: after the prop amd driver or before?22:38
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: after22:38
snowgogglesqwebirc70595: was there instructions during the amd install?22:39
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: After the installation, the terminal said: WARNING: nomodesetting detected in kernal parameters, amdgpu-pro only supports KMS22:39
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: although I already knew this when we started22:40
snowgogglesqwebirc70595: have you installed any linux distro with this card before?22:40
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: Yes, I've installed debian on there, and then deleted the partitions during the setup to make room for ubuntu22:41
snowgogglesqwebirc70595: run this and tell me the driver name that is output --> lshw -c video | grep 'driver'22:41
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: the output all printed on the same line, so I couldn't get the output22:44
Bashing-omsnowgoggles: qwebirc70595 A thought, check that nomodeset is not set ?22:44
qwebirc70595Bashing-om: disabling nomodetest causes a black screen22:45
snowgogglesqwebirc70595: for sure you installed 18.04? verify with this lsb_release -a22:45
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: yup, 18.04 is definitely on there22:47
Bashing-omqwebirc70595: tried it lately afeter the driver re-install ? as the system says no cab do with nomodeset set .22:47
Bashing-omno can do**22:48
qwebirc70595Bashing-om: I knew that already, and yes, I tried it without nomodeset right after rebooting for the driver22:48
snowgogglesqwebirc70595: i get this feeling your grub menu entry is hardcoded wrong or are you entering nomodeset manually?22:49
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: I entered it during the install process, as the usb would also do the black screen without it22:49
phelixAny idea with newest version of Ubuntu: I have multiple monitors 4 of them. When the computer is in sleep mode all the monitors turn off. However, one of those monitors keeps flashing on and then back off over and over again. Starting to drive me nuts. Didn't used to do this on version 1622:51
snowgogglesqwebirc70595: ok so there is a prob with the amd prop driver on your setup. try entering this again lshw -c video | grep 'driver'22:51
snowgogglesqwebirc70595: that will list the name of current display driver in use22:51
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: the output glitches in an undescribable way, but I can't see it22:52
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: I also think the reinstall downgraded the linux kernal22:52
snowgogglesqwebirc70595: try again with sudo lshw -c video | grep 'driver'22:52
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: same thing22:53
snowgogglesqwebirc70595: yes goin from 18.10 to 18.04 will downgrade the kernel22:53
snowgogglesqwebirc70595: you entered that command exactly?22:54
snowgogglesqwebirc70595: should output only 1 line of text22:54
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: yup, the only thing I could make out was usb22:54
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: each word overwrites the last22:55
snowgogglesqwebirc70595: that's odd22:55
snowgogglesqwebirc70595: try lshw -c video then scroll up to the video card section22:56
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: should I do it in recovery mode or the grub command line?22:56
snowgogglesyou booted into gui with nomodeset currently?22:56
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: yup22:57
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: also the video command did the same thing at first, then properly printed out a block of text22:58
snowgogglesqwebirc70595: sudo lshw -c video command show anything?22:58
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: ^^22:59
snowgogglesqwebirc70595: block of text? multi lines? scroll up to video section22:59
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: video section?22:59
snowgogglesqwebirc70595: sorry thinking of other command23:00
snowgogglesso nothing with sudo lshw -c video ?23:00
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: it tells me "display UNCLAIMED" and information about my graphics card23:01
Bashing-omsnowgoggles: qwebirc70595 :: uppercase 'C' might do the trick here ??23:02
snowgogglesqwebirc70595: ok so the line "configuration" lists what as driver=23:03
qwebirc70595Basshing-om: nope, same thing for both commands23:03
snowgogglesqwebirc70595: ok so the line "configuration" lists what as driver=23:04
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: it says latency=023:04
Bashing-omqwebirc70595: Yukkie .. be nice to see that output .. ' sudo lshw -C display | nc termbin.com 9999 ' and give us back the resulting URL .23:05
snowgogglesqwebirc70595: ok it's not listing because of nomodeset.  i would strip these from boot entry temporarily "quiet splash nomodeset" this will allow you to view the boot/init process and show the display driver errors to narrow down the problem23:06
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: how do I disable it in recovery mode if the changes to the config scrap unless you try to boot?23:07
snowgogglesqwebirc70595: don't boot to recovery mode that will always be text console only.  temp edit the top entry in grub menu and strip quiet splash to view any boot process errors23:09
snowgogglesqwebirc70595: brb in 10m23:10
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: k23:10
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: brb prob longer23:11
thgilfodrolis there an email address for the maintainer(s) of paste.ubuntu.com?23:17
thgilfodrolI'd like to write a script to grab the contents of a large amount of specific pastes, but I'd like to double check if I'd be allowed to do so23:17
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: k im back23:22
snowgogglesqwebirc70595: you boot with quiet splash nomodeset removed?23:28
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: yup, still black screen23:30
snowgogglesqwebirc70595: that would list the boot process and should show where your system is hanging23:30
snowgogglesqwebirc70595: just a blinkiing cursor?23:31
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: I'm still getting that black screen, so I'm assuming it's there, just that the graphics card fails23:32
snowgogglesctrl-alt-f1 to get to text login?23:32
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: nope, still black23:33
snowgogglesqwebirc70595: might have to wait for someone else to help.  something not right with the prop amd driver on your system.  i would remove it and try the open source amd driver23:35
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: What driver is that?23:35
snowgogglesthe amd open source driver is builtin23:36
snowgogglesqwebirc70595: so with nomodeset can you get to gui?23:36
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: sometimes I can23:37
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: I uninstalled it back on 18.10 with recovery mode and it still didn't work23:37
snowgogglesqwebirc70595: why you keep re-installing back and forth?23:38
snowgogglesqwebirc70595: you on 18.10 now with gui?23:39
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: I'm still on 18.0423:39
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: I meant I uninstalled the driver while I was still in 18.1023:40
snowgogglesqwebirc70595: i'm confused...yopu have both installed in seperate partitions?23:40
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: nope, I deleted 18.10 to install 18.04 (even though the home partition stayed)23:41
snowgogglesqwebirc70595: yeah that's ok to have home on a diff partition than the system root23:42
snowgogglesqwebirc70595: it's hard to help if you keep switching disto versions.23:43
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: I just switched once23:43
snowgogglesqwebirc70595: you staying with 18.04?23:43
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: Yuo23:43
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: Yup*23:43
snowgogglesand is the amd prop driver currently installed?23:44
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: Yup23:44
snowgogglesqwebirc70595: so it's obviously not installed right. i would try removing it and try the open source driver built into ubu 18.0423:44
snowgogglesqwebirc70595: to verify the prop amd driver is installed what does the following commad show? dpkg -l amdgpu-pro23:47

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