
maetthewI'm wondering a little bit about how often it's acceptable to repeat a question in for instance #ubuntu. I've read the IRC Guidelines which just states "don't do it every few minutes". It's kind of vague imo. Is it ok to post a question lets say every 15 minutes if there's been somewhat (few lines) activity in the channel? Or like if there's been atleast a screen in chatlog in my irc client between my repeats?14:15
lhavelundmaetthew: There isn't really a hard and fast rule around it -- the point of the guideline is to avoid the channel being flooded by repeat questions, but if it's relatively quiet, I'd say about a screen's worth of backlog is acceptable. Again, it would be reviewed on a case-by-case basis14:22
lhavelundSorry if it's not a super useful response.14:23
maetthewlhavelund: Yeah I understand there isn't anything set in stone. I guess I was basically just looking for a more specific way to "view" it14:24
maetthewIt was useful nontheless, thanks14:24
lhavelundYou're welcome.14:24
lhavelundAnd consider yourself having asked on record, so if anyone kicks up a fuss, I'll be happy to look at it. ;)14:24
maetthewHehe :)14:24
CarlFKI generally don't post a 2nd time to IRC. find a form or list to post to.14:25
CarlFKform?  forum, mail list, some other IRC channel14:25
lhavelundChances are if you're not getting a response, that's likely going to yield better results.14:25
lhavelundLooking at your question, I'd recommend ubuntuforums.14:26
maetthewCarlFK: That's a good advice. I usually ask on IRC and then post it on a forum if I don't get any response within some time (~1hr?). But you never know, maybe someone else is online on IRC by the time you created the post on a forum.14:26
maetthewlhavelund: Thanks. My question in here wasn't specifically regarding that question. I had been meaning to ask this question for a few days. But I think I'll create a forum post somewhere14:28
lhavelundGot it.14:28
lhavelundI like #ubuntu for "something is on fire and I need help now" -- forums/lists are frequently better for things that have numerous angles or possible answers.14:29
ikoniaif it's an interesting/non-standard question, you'll probably do well to post it a few times over the day15:37
ikoniaas only specific people will either have the knowledge or interest15:37

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