
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: It's uninstalled, and it upgraded my white underscore screen00:01
snowgogglesqwebirc70595: is that good or bad?00:01
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: neither, it just means that now it says dev/sda6... above the corsor00:02
snowgogglesqwebirc70595: is this a dual boot system?00:04
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: There are 2 oesses on my computer, but I can't setup dual boot, I have to manually go into the bios and change the boot order to switch to win1000:05
snowgogglesyou have a single hard drive?00:06
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: yup00:07
snowgogglesqwebirc70595: is your bios set to uefi or legacy bios or both?00:08
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: it's a uefi00:08
snowgogglesqwebirc70595: is there an option to have both active?00:08
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: Windows is it's own hard drive to the bios00:09
snowgogglesqwebirc70595: off topic but you shouldn't have to switch your bios settings to multi boot00:09
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: ik, let's get back on topic00:10
snowgogglesqwebirc70595: yeah i'm losing track of where we are. so 18.04 is installed and boots with nomodeset?00:10
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: nope, white underscore00:11
snowgogglesctrl-alt-f1 or f2 doesn't go to text login screen?00:11
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: alt-f2 does00:12
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: but it keeps failing login00:12
snowgogglesqwebirc70595: fails login? how so... wrong user or password?00:13
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: i think I had the user and pass right00:13
snowgogglesqwebirc70595: your not using a ubuntu server image for install are you? do you ever get gui?00:14
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: I'm not using the server image, and I did get gui before the drivers00:14
snowgogglesqwebirc70595: ok..it be easier at this point to re-install and not install the prop amd driver just use the builtin driver.00:15
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: also I was trying to tell you about this forum post, this guy had the same problem as me, and fixed it by adding "video=SVIDEO-1:d in the config00:16
snowgogglesqwebirc70595: i believe the builtin driver for your card should be called amdgpu00:16
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: doesn't work for me though00:16
snowgogglesqwebirc70595: prob have to google troubleshooting amd rx550 amdgpu driver on ubuntu 18.0400:17
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: I think I uninstalled that instead of amdgpu instead of  amdgpu-pro...00:18
snowgogglesi would stick with 18.04 for now since there is no proprietary amd driver for 18.10 from what i see online00:18
qwebirc70595snowgoggles, I would too00:18
snowgogglesamdgpu-pro is the prop driver that isn't working for you easily.  amdgpu is the ubu 18.04 builtin driver (open source and tested)00:19
snkcldon ubuntu core (18), how can i enable login from the tty?00:38
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: I can't get anywhere, no matter what I install or uninstall. I feel like i'm just making it worse00:39
snowgogglesqwebirc70595: you get gui with nomodeset?00:40
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: nope, it just shows logs, blinks five times, then gives me the white underscore00:41
snowgogglesqwebirc70595: hmmmm not sure what else to try tonight00:42
snowgogglesqwebirc70595: you have a live usb ubu installer?00:42
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: Can you get anything from this forum? https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=18224400:43
snowgogglesqwebirc70595: that's old and a different distro00:44
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: wait arch is a distro?00:44
snowgogglesqwebirc70595: search for ubu 18.04 amd rx 550 amdgpu issues00:45
snowgogglesqwebirc70595: arch linux yes a diff distro. not for linux noobs00:45
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: I feel like asking someone else00:46
snowgogglesqwebirc70595: no one else here that's the prob00:47
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: imma try anyway00:48
snowgogglesqwebirc70595: Bashing-om was here earlier00:48
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: is he still here?00:49
snowgogglesqwebirc70595: dunno00:49
qwebirc70595snowgoggles: it actually says so00:50
qwebirc70595Bashing-om: are you here?00:50
Bashing-omqwebirc70595: I back in .. I bounce around a lot :))00:50
qwebirc70595Bashing-om: glad to know i'm not the only one00:51
qwebirc70595Bashing-om: can you help me with my amd problem?00:51
qwebirc70595Bashing-om: u there?00:53
Bashing-omqwebirc70595: I can try .., my AMD experience is very limited .. and I have grave concerns that a fully supported card has issues booting a live environment.00:54
qwebirc70595Bashing-om: ya know how nomodeset dosen't work with amdgpu drivers?00:56
qwebirc70595Black screen when booting into ubuntu 18.04, more info at https://pastebin.com/QV9CN59u00:57
Bashing-omqwebirc70595: That card rx550 - is fully supported . nomodeset should not have to be used .00:59
qwebirc70595Bashing-om not using it still gives me the black screen, even when installing00:59
Bashing-omqwebirc70595: Have you verified the integrity of the install medium " check disk for defects" ? As i say .. the card should have no issues .01:01
qwebirc70595I downloaded the iso file from ubuntu's website, and put it on a usb stick with rufus01:02
Bashing-om!md5sum | qwebirc7059501:03
ubottuqwebirc70595: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM01:03
iosecureqwebirc70595: Did you use the normal mode, or DD mode, in Rufus?01:04
qwebirc70595ubottu: I used normal mode01:04
ubottuqwebirc70595: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:04
iosecureqwebirc70595: That's nearly guaranteed to cause issues.01:05
iosecureqwebirc70595: Only use DD mode.01:05
qwebirc70595iosecure: thanks, imma try that01:05
iosecureNormal mode mangles the crap out of the ISO's contents.01:05
qwebirc70595iosecure: I just put it o01:17
qwebirc70595iosecure: I just put it on dd mode and I still get the black screen with the install process01:18
Bashing-omqwebirc70595: We want to *KNOW* the installer is consistent . Boot the installer and as soon as the bios splash screen clears depress the escape key -> language screen- escape key to accept - -> boot options screen -> "check disk for defects" .01:21
qwebirc70595Bashing-om: Imma try that01:24
yao_ziyuani just wrote a shell script but i can't execute it by double-clicking it in ubuntu 18.10's Nautilus. gedit always opens it instead. how do i fix this?01:25
yao_ziyuani always set the file to be executable in nautilus.01:25
xamithanWhat is the extension01:29
qwebirc70595TSC_DEADLINE disabled due to Errata, that's what the install disc outputted when you choose to install or check the disc for defects, the screen turned black after. Anyone recognise this?01:29
xamithanIf its .sh it should open in a terminal,  run itself,  then close01:29
Bashing-omqwebirc70595: Then we backup and check that .iso file . md5sum should be good enough check .01:30
yao_ziyuanxamithan: i want it to run silently without opening a terminal01:30
yao_ziyuanxamithan: like a silent Windows BAT file01:31
xamithanHmm,  I think you can make a shortcut to it with terminal=false or something like that01:31
xamithanI do it with .desktop files01:32
yao_ziyuanso i simply can't write a text file (without any file extension) and set it executable and double-click it to run from ubuntu 18.10's Nautilus?01:32
qwebirc70595Bashing-om: nvm nomodeset works for the install disk, not sure why01:33
xamithanNope,  nautilus relies on the file extensions to tell it what type of file it is01:33
qwebirc70595Bashing-om: It said there was 1 error detected01:33
xamithanOtherwise how would it know01:33
yao_ziyuanxamithan: at the start of the file is "#!/bin/bash"01:34
yao_ziyuanxamithan: i remember previously this is now Nautilus distinguishes between a text file and a script (plus the 'executable' attribute)01:34
iosecureFile extensions are not what determines file type in Linux.01:35
tomreynit's magic!01:35
yao_ziyuansimply: how do i double-click to run a script file in ubutnu 18.10's Nautilus now?01:35
Bashing-omqwebirc70595: I say again ! that card should not require nomodeset . If it does then this is way over my skill set .. I would point to the installer as the fault .01:35
* tomreyn means magic(5)01:36
xamithanWelp iosecure knows it all maybe he can tell you a way01:36
iosecureyao_ziyuan: Executing a script without spawning a terminal REQUIRES a .desktop file.01:38
leftyfbxamithan: iosecure is correct. Linux does not care about file extensions. Simply adding .sh to the end will not resolve anything.01:39
yao_ziyuaniosecure: i remember previous ubuntu versions act differently01:39
xamithanI never said it did,  The file managers like nautilus do though ?01:39
leftyfbxamithan: no01:39
xamithanSo how does it know if a file is to be opened as a picture vs a text file01:40
iosecurexamithan: man 5 magic. See also the 'file' command.01:40
iosecureyao_ziyuan: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/DsxCjz6kV4/01:40
leftyfbfile type/MIME/interpreter01:40
iosecureyao_ziyuan: That is the general structure of a .desktop file that will do what you want.01:40
yao_ziyuaniosecure: ok i'll try01:40
xamithanAh ok,  well either way I was still right about the .desktop file01:40
leftyfbiosecure: that would be a separate file from the script01:41
xamithanI do mostly servers so ignore me on desktop stuff01:41
leftyfbiosecure: yao_ziyuan is right that you used to be able to specify which application or "run in terminal" in nautilus01:41
qwebirc68780I just got dc'd D:01:42
iosecureleftyfb: It is quite apparent from a casual view that the .desktop file is separate from the script to be executed.01:42
leftyfbiosecure: not if you have to manually create .desktop files for each script you create and have them live some place in your filesystem01:43
qwebirc68780Bashing-om: I just got disconnected :(01:43
iosecureI'm going to assume that you didn't actually look at what I posted, where there is a line explicitly to specify the script to execute.01:43
iosecureSo, yes. It is quite apparent.01:43
leftyfbyao_ziyuan: https://askubuntu.com/a/105230301:44
leftyfbiosecure: I know all about .desktop files and how they work.01:45
leftyfbyao_ziyuan: the link I posted will accomplish exactly what you are looking for01:45
qwebirc68780Can anyone help me with my problems booting ubuntu? I've been here all day and still haven't fixed it01:45
iosecureyao_ziyuan: What ended up working?01:46
yao_ziyuaniosecure: i made a .desktop file that executes a shell script file which in turn executes two .exe files with wine01:46
yao_ziyuanwhy can't i just make a shell script file and double-click to run it from Nautilus now?01:47
leftyfbyao_ziyuan: look at the link I posted01:47
yao_ziyuani used to go that way previously01:47
snowgogglesqwebirc68780: perhaps go through this tutorial: https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/tutorial-create-a-usb-stick-on-windows#301:52
Bashing-omqwebirc68780: I tell you the truth. Until that installer checks as " no errors found" amd you then re-install there is nothing we can do.01:54
yao_ziyuanok. i see. i have to configure it in dconf-editor.01:57
yao_ziyuanthank you all!01:57
Mort_Hi there, people. Complete shot in the dark, but does anyone here have any experience installing Ubuntu (or any distro at all) on an Acer Switch 3, or a similar "64-bit CPU, 32-bit UEFI" system?01:58
leftyfbyao_ziyuan: did it work?01:58
leftyfbMort_: thats not your question01:58
leftyfb!detail | Mort_01:58
Mort_I'm sorry?01:59
yao_ziyuanleftyfb: after configuring dconf-editor to allow nautilus to execute executable text files, i can double-click a shell script to run it directly from nautilus. the .desktop file is no longer needed.01:59
doge-dogedo snaps have inherent advantages over deb files?02:00
leftyfb!details | Mort_02:00
ubottuMort_: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.02:00
Mort_Ah, I see. My apologies. I'll be back when I know what questions to ask.02:02
tomreynMort_: so yourself a favor and sell the hardware, buy something else instead.02:02
Mort_Yeah, that thought has crossed my mind once or twice in the last 48 hours.02:03
tomreynMort_: you can make it work, it's just a lot of fiddling thttps://medium.com/@realzedgoat/a-sorta-beginners-guide-to-installing-ubuntu-linux-on-32-bit-uefi-machines-d39b1d1961ec02:05
hihaar_What is root password?02:06
tomreyn!root | hihaar_02:07
ubottuhihaar_: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo02:07
sam_wongI am running kde on ubuntu 18.04. I want to know what the "+" sign means when I moved the mouse cursor over a file icon. Thanks.02:07
snowgogglesMort_: here is ubuntu related thread issues with Acer Switch 3 https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=240316702:07
Mort_Oh, wow. Thanks! How have I not come across that page yet..?02:07
doge-dogeubuntu assumes by default that you're part of the sudoers group right02:08
doge-dogethat would be weird if not02:08
Mort_Thanks again, people. I will break this machine and make it do my bidding. :)02:08
TMLI have a machine on 18.04 and I am trying to get its syslog-ng to read from the socket at /run/systemd/journal/syslog so that systemd-journald can be set to Storage=none, but that socket doesn't appear to exist on this box. Google hasn't been much help yet, anyone have some pointers?02:09
qwebirc68780Ubuntu boots into a black screen. Can anyone help? I've reinstalled twice02:14
xamithanAfter reading all the stuff you did earlier,  I got no ideas on that02:15
tomreynTML: i've never done this, but systemd-journald.service(8) and journald.conf(5) seem to explain how to works.02:17
qwebirc68780I've looked everywhere, and the most logical solution I have is that the graphics card transfers through the wrong port02:17
snowgogglesqwebirc68780: do you have another usb stick to try as the installer?02:21
qwebirc68780snowgoggles: I might try that02:23
snowgogglesqwebirc68780: also as bashing was asking earlier did you check the md5sum of the downloaded ubuntu iso file against the download sites md5sum?02:24
snowgogglesqwebirc68780: i don't use windows so i don't know what md5sum check apps are available on windows but ubuntu recommends this http://www.md5summer.org/02:26
qwebirc68780snowgoggles: I'm trying the other usb stick02:27
snowgogglesqwebirc68780: i would check the md5sum with the util above just to eliminate issues with the iso file02:29
Bashing-omqwebirc68780: Verify the .iso /// garbage in equals garbage out.02:29
snowgogglesqwebirc68780: complete instructions and an alternate to rufus here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Win32DiskImager/compressed-image_2_USB-or-SD02:30
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qwebirc68780snowgoggles: md5summer didn't detect any errors on the iso, but the installer detected an error in one file on the usb stick02:59
qwebirc68780Anybody here?03:02
snowgogglesqwebirc68780: md5summer should only output the md5sum. did you compare with the ubuntu website md5sum for the file? are they the same values?03:06
snowgogglesqwebirc68780: error on the second usb stick?03:07
qwebirc68780snowgoggles: error on both03:10
snowgogglesqwebirc68780: yeah that not good. this is via rufus?03:10
snowgogglesqwebirc68780: are you for sure checking the md5sum values with the ubuntu download site and the file you downloaded? the values have to be the same to ensure the iso is good03:12
qwebirc68780snowgoggles: The hashes are the same, so it seems like the problem lies in rufus03:14
snowgogglesqwebirc68780: looks like it especially after 2 usb sticks03:15
snowgogglesqwebirc68780: try the other installer i mentioned in a link above03:15
qwebirc68780snowgoggles: so are there any alternatives to rufus?03:15
qwebirc68780snowgoggles: Win32?03:16
snowgogglesqwebirc68780: here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Win32DiskImager/compressed-image_2_USB-or-SD this is what ubu recommends03:16
snowgogglesignore the zip section03:16
snowgogglesqwebirc68780: brb in 503:17
TechMongerI am having trouble making a bootable windows recovery usb drive with ubuntus startup disk creator03:24
TechMongerit will not recognize the .iso files i have03:25
TechMongerI also have tried dd, ddsecure both "finished creating" the drive but my PC is not recognizing it as bootable03:27
TechMongerI also tried unetbootin but i could not get it to run03:27
TechMonger /cry03:28
snowgogglesTechMonger: have you succeeded live usb boot on that machine before? any linux distro? you may have a uefi secured bios setting to change03:29
TechMongeri have changed the bios settings03:29
TechMongeri have used a usb boot before03:29
snowgogglesTechMonger: what were the bios options for secure boot?03:30
TechMongeri tried uefi with secure boot on03:30
TechMongerand legacy boot with it off03:30
qwebirc68780snowgoggles: The problem and the erre03:30
qwebirc68780snowgoggles: The problem and the error are still there03:30
TechMongeri have a ssd with windows that i cant get the recovery partition to work or windows to boot03:31
TechMongeri have a hdd with ubuntu on it that im on now03:31
TechMongerthen i have my usb stick that i cant seem to make a win boot with03:31
snowgogglesTechMonger: why do you say win boot? you want a linux usb live boot stick not win03:32
TechMongerim trying to make a windows recovery bootable usb03:33
snowgogglesare you booted to the ubu system on the hard drive you mentioned?03:33
TechMongerim booted on a hdd with ubuntu installed03:33
snowgogglesTechMonger: so your problem is not ubu but usb windows boot stick?03:33
TechMongerim trying to make it with ubuntu03:34
tomreynTechMonger: try the "etcher" software, it works most of the time and is easy to use.03:34
snowgogglesTechMonger: not familiar with creating a win boot stick sorry03:34
snowgogglesTechMonger: i don't think the ubu usb creator supports win sticks03:35
TechMongertomreyn, apt install etcher?03:35
TechMongersnowgoggles, i figured as much03:35
tomreynTechMonger: but IIRC windows requires you run some .exe file to create a 'legitimate' boot stick nowadays. which kind of is a hen and egg problem.03:35
ducasseTechMonger: check out 'woeusb'03:35
TechMongersnowgoggles, i did try dd and ddsecure as well03:35
iosecureThe ISO is freely available from Microsoft's website.03:35
TechMongertomreyn, so i need to make it on windows?03:36
ducasseTechMonger: it's for creating windows drives03:36
iosecureTechMonger: Windows 10?03:37
TechMongeri wish i had another win pc03:37
TechMongeryea win1003:37
iosecureFormat the USB stick with a single FAT32 partition, and extract the contents of the ISO onto it.03:38
snowgogglesTechMonger: how about creating a windows vm and try creating from the windows vm?03:38
iosecureIt should be that simple.03:38
tomreynTechMonger: maybe, i don't know much about creating windows installer USBs. woeusb may work. maybe etcher, too. here's how to install etcher https://github.com/balena-io/etcher#debian-and-ubuntu-based-package-repository-gnulinux-x86x6403:38
TechMongeriosecure, extracting the contents of the ISO is my problem03:38
tomreynTechMonger: maybe if you could provide insformation on what exactly you are trying to write to the usb helping you may get easier03:39
iosecureTechMonger: Mount the ISO file as a loopback device, and copy the files.03:39
iosecuremount -t iso9660 -o loop /path/to/file.iso /mnt/iso03:40
ducasse'loop device', 'loopback' is a networking term03:40
iosecureducasse: Who cares?03:40
tomreynhttps://itsfoss.com/bootable-windows-usb-linux/ states the file system needs to be ntfs03:44
TechMongerim trying the disk image writer utility that comes with ubuntu03:44
iosecureThe Windows 10 USB key in my hand right now that was made by the Windows utility is formatted FAT32.03:44
tomreynok, maybe it's just a limitation of woeusb then03:45
TechMongeri guess im going to try and boot from this03:46
TechMongerif im not back it worked03:46
iosecureOdds are high that we'll see him again. I don't think Ubuntu's image writer will work in this case.03:46
iosecureBut I've been wrong before.03:47
Svelt0nI'm currently on Ubuntu 16.04.5, looking to upgrade to Ubuntu 18.0403:55
Svelt0nBut when I do "apt-get dist-upgrade", it says everything's up to date03:55
Svelt0nIs there some special magic command I need to type to make it actually upgrade to 18?03:56
slidinghornSvelt0n: sudo do-release-upgrade03:56
Svelt0nslidinghorn: nice, thx!03:57
thgilfodrolis there an email address for the maintainer(s) of paste.ubuntu.com?03:57
thgilfodrolI'd like to write a script to grab the contents of a large amount of specific pastes, but I'd like to double check if I'd be allowed to do so03:57
ducassethgilfodrol: try #ubuntu-website04:00
thgilfodrolducasse: thanks! I'll check it out04:03
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tomreynhi Guest5200704:28
Guest52007I have Ubuntu 18.04. in a SSD and Kali Linux in an HDD, the other when turning my PC on, Ubuntu would mount all HDD and USB to 'READ ONLY' mode, I have tried several examples from forums but nothing work, what could be wrong?04:29
Guest52007chmod +rxw or chmod 777 don't work04:29
tomreynGuest52007: chmod changes file system objects, not how file systems are mounted04:30
tomreynyou may need to modify /etc/fstab04:30
snowgogglesGuest52007: why would you chmod a system drive?04:30
tomreynGuest52007: but then, this situation is quite unusual, you should try to find out how this happened in the first place.04:31
tomreynmaybe you're munting things incorrectly?04:31
tomreynsince you already modified file system objects using chmod, you may as well reinstall now unless you're able to undo those changes. otherwise you may now be running an inherently insecure system.04:32
Guest52007tomreyn, even in a liveUSB all drives are auto mounted Read Only04:33
tomreynGuest52007: this can make sense, your restricted user shouldn't have permission to edit them unless it was granted to this user by root.04:35
snowgogglesGuest52007: sounds like 18.04 is hosed by permissions...reinstall after copying your user files04:36
snowgogglesGuest52007: in future never chmod a sys drive04:37
Guest52007I just chmod my Data HDD where other OS can access the data, I didn't chmoded the SDD where the main system is04:43
tomreynGuest52007: which file system is there on the data hdd?04:43
snowgogglesGuest52007: is there mount errors in dmesg?04:44
Guest52007They say (I'm forums) that Linux can't handle this problems, and need Windows, Wich is strange because at first gnime-disks said it was in an unclean state, like hibernation from Windows04:44
tomreyncan't help without details04:45
=== Dreaman is now known as Blade
Guest52007Ok, I have 1 SDD with Ubuntu, a HDD with Kali (I already deleted it because it messed up my GRUB) and a HDD for data storage, Ubuntu (or other liveUSB distro) can only mount my Data HDD and USBs in Read only mode04:47
Guest52007What do I need to check for more info?04:47
snowgogglesGuest52007: what format is your data drives in?04:49
Guest52007snowgoggles, NTFS/exFAT/HPFS (bootable)04:50
snowgogglesGuest52007: that might be part of the read only prob04:51
snowgogglesGuest52007: google read only on those formats when booting ubuntu04:52
Guest52007snowgoggles, how do I fix it?04:52
snowgogglesGuest52007: you have a windows sys partition?04:55
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TMLtomreyn: yeah, I read some of that - but 1) it doesn't work when I do what that suggests; and 2) systemd-journald.service(8) (at least) directly conflicts with the systemd documentation I can find on the subject, which explicitly says not to read from /dev/log06:15
TMLtomreyn: But I appreciate the pointers :)06:15
jtfidjeHi I'm having this strange problem with kubuntu. While connected to wifi the connection drops during high loads. It says it's still connected, but it's not and I have to disconnect and connect again for it to actually connect again06:48
lotuspsychjejtfidje: wich kubuntu version and wifi chipset please?06:52
jtfidjelotuspsychje: 18.01.1 and Broadcom Limited BCM4352 802.11ac06:59
lotuspsychjejtfidje: you system up to date also?07:01
jtfidjelotuspsychje: yes07:05
jtfidjelotuspsychje: Well - at least from what I get running apt upgrade07:05
lotuspsychjejtfidje: kernel should be -42 when uname -a07:06
lotuspsychjejtfidje: see also wich driver loaded on sudo lshw -C network plz07:07
lotuspsychjejtfidje: -43 kernel sorry07:07
lotuspsychjerecently updates07:07
dragetIf I want to install the kernel headers and am using the generic kernel, I install 'linux-headers-generic'. Is there some easy way to script the last part 'generic' so I can have a script to always install the right headers to my kernel?07:07
lotuspsychje!mainline | draget can this help?07:08
ubottudraget can this help?: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds07:08
dragetSkimmed through it, but did not find anything that helps there.07:10
jtfidjelotuspsychje: 4.18.7-041807-generic07:11
dragetMaybe something like 'uname -r' and I'd just grep the string after the last - out of it. But not sure how reliable that is.07:12
jtfidjelotuspsychje: driver=wl007:12
dragetAh, even better idea: I should find the installed kernel package name and just replace 'image' with 'headers'. This way I always install the correct headers, even if the user pinned some kernel version07:16
lotuspsychjejtfidje: thats not bionics kernel07:24
jtfidjeHad a lot of trouble with GPU, so have updated kernel to mainline07:25
jtfidjeThat solved the GPU issues, but the wifi issues have been there all the time07:25
jtfidjeIt's the same on my laptop...07:25
lotuspsychjejtfidje: in your case, i would try the bonic kernel -43 see if you get more stable wifi there, see also if bcmwl-kernel-source can help07:26
jtfidjelotuspsychje: Ok thanks - I will :-)07:27
lotuspsychjejtfidje: what kind of gpu is that and what kind of troubles did you have?07:27
lotuspsychjedraget: can you explain a bit more of your end goal? what are you trying to do with kernels and why07:28
jtfidjeGTX1060 and GTX1050 on desktop and laptop. The issue on the laptop was that if I connected external displays the laptop screen would freeze when coming out of sleep. There were also some other issues I can't remember. On the desktop I can no longer remember what the exact issues was. Sorry07:29
lotuspsychjejtfidje: for the gtx cards, we reccomend the ubuntu graphics ppa and perhaps driver 396 or 410, see if you get a more stable experience07:30
lotuspsychjejtfidje: https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa07:31
jtfidjelotuspsychje: Aah right. Thank you again07:31
sb2I have installed Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS with kernel 4.19.10 on my machine.07:31
sb2yestarday I have installed another 32GB of RAM now in total 64GB of RAM (same vendor, same spec.), in BIOS i can see 65536MB of memory, but from OS htop only shows 62.8GB of memory, why OS is showing less than 64GB ?07:31
dragetlotuspsychje: The scenario was this: I created an automated ubuntu VM and wanted to automatically install virtualbox - which needs to build it's own kernel modules and needs the headers. I know which kernel is installed in this VM and could just choose the right linux-headers-XXX package in my script. But I would like to have a more robust/generic script that will also work if the kernel version/type is updated. Using a vagrant box I also realized that07:31
draget this box had a specific kernel version installed which did not match the latest linux-headers-generic.07:31
slidinghornsb2: top reads in Gigibytes, rather than GigAbytes...so it will be a slight difference.07:33
lotuspsychjedraget: specific kernel version, as in own compiled or something?07:33
slidinghornsb2: a gigIbyte is 2 to the 30th power (1073741824) bytes, whereas a gigAbyte is 10 to the 9th power (1000000000) bytes07:34
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dragetlotuspsychje: No, just a fixed number. The box currently comes with linux-image-4.15.0-20 opposed to -43 being the current one. Not sure if you are familiar with vagrant boxes… but even if not, I'd generally just would love to have a script that is able to install the'right'  kernel headers corresponding to which 'linux-image-*' package is installed.07:36
sb2slidinghorn, thank you for answering. does command "free" provide information in gigIbyte too ?07:40
sb2slidinghorn, I am asking because  "free -g"  command provides 62GB of total memory  and "free -m" provides 64350 MB of total memory.07:49
vincenzomlHi there. I just connected a bluetooth joypad that I have occasionally used already in 18.10 but now it's recognised as a keyboard. Do you know if that's an option in ubuntu (or maybe the joypad can be turned on in different ways, who knows)07:59
PymousHello there ! I have a card, similar to a RPi (NanoPi M4), and with the Ubuntu distro provided, I can only see one 5Ghz WiFi network, and even on this one, the quality is pretty bad09:13
PymousWhat can I do to check what might be wrong ?09:13
ducassePymous: which wifi chipset is this?09:20
tomreynyou are probably supposed to attach an antenna but haven't?09:21
Pymousducasse : How do I found out ?09:23
Pymoustomreyn : That's actually really possible09:23
PymousLet me check the box09:23
ducassePymous: 'sudo lshw -c network'09:25
Pymousducasse : Thanks for the command, but it's a bit weird : Hardware ID : 709:28
Pymoustomreyn : Actually, there is 2 !09:28
PymousAnd it work perfectly, thanks !09:28
PymousTotally passed those two when unboxing09:28
tomreynPymous: hehe, the sticks are only meant for eating when it's asian *food*.09:29
salty2011Hi All, im looking to get some help with a graphics card issue09:42
salty2011I am getting screen tearing in ubuntu 18.04 and above with my nvidia card with the proprietary drivers. I have tried the drm.modeset=1 which worked previously09:45
salty2011any guidance would be appreciated09:45
ikatamoonshots is /run/user/1000 the place to put files i want to store in ram?09:45
ikatamoonshotssalty, how did you install them? script?09:46
salty2011i used the conacial ppa and then did apt install nvidia39009:47
ikatamoonshotsmaybe try to use the prop drivers from nvidia website09:47
ikatamoonshotsi dont have an nvidia card here right now but used it previously successfully with 1080 cards09:48
salty2011ah ok shall try, are there differences between the two?09:48
ikatamoonshotsyep, the install process is tricky09:48
salty2011cool im using 1080 as well09:48
ducassesalty2011: don't use the ones from the nvidia site, there is a ppa you should use09:49
ikatamoonshotsyou need to drop to init ctl + f1 and stop user env ie lightdm,09:49
ikatamoonshotsthen wget the drivers and run with root09:50
ducassesalty2011: ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa i think09:50
ikatamoonshotsused it for mining back then, so ppa was not an option09:50
salty2011@ducasse thats the ppa i was using to install and that worked, just getting screen tearing, tried using the drm.modeset option under modprobe.d09:51
ducassesthe nvidia driver might have a tearfree option like the intel driver, maybe someone else knows09:52
ikatamoonshotstry the drivers from the site but prepare the install carefully, worked flawlessly multiple times for me, last in july this year09:53
salty2011hmm so dropping to init, is that stil ctrl + alt +  backspace09:54
ducassewe adcise against using the drivers from the nvidia site, for proper integration you should use the ppa09:54
Katnipkubuntu 18.04.1 is 3 yrs support while ubuntu 18.04.1 is 10 yrs support ; what is the difference here?09:55
salty2011@ducasse cool, shall take that onboard (was using ppa currently). However my issue that setting "Force Full Composition Pipeline" and or using drm.modeset=1 doesnt resolve teh tearing09:55
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ducasseKatnip: the kubuntu specific packages are only supported for 3 years, the core ubuntu server packages for 1010:03
Katnipseems that the core kubuntu would be 10 as well10:04
ducasseKatnip: yes, but as i said not the desktop etc10:05
Katnipsuch as plasma?10:05
ducassethat's the desktop, yes10:06
Katnipwell, i'll update at 20.0410:07
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armugrep -rRo '/^(0x)?([A-Fa-f0-9]{64})$/' test why does this regex return nothing on a ethereum tx id? (0xcfe190154ed11838b8c42b28bc67a9ce4f38db24fa573eefb031f8c8ffc11a6f) for example10:29
ducassearmu: please don't crosspost, it's rude and wastes people's time10:31
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debouncerit takes 1-2 mins to boot up ubuntu from hdd, is that usual?12:23
EriC^^debouncer: usually it's like 30-40secs12:32
JimBuntudebouncer, no, I wouldn't call that normal, but it really depends on your exact set up.12:46
^amraHi all, who had experience installing the OpenProject on linux or on the free hostings?13:06
JimBuntuamra, This channel is really intended for support specific to Ubuntu.13:20
FxKHi everyone13:24
FxKsomeone can help me? I have an issue with a folder, can access in but cannot execute ls command, it shows this error: ls: cannot open directory '.': Permission denied13:24
FxKalso the permissions is undefined: d?????????  ? ?    ?         ?            ? share13:25
JimBuntuFxK, sounds damaged... but, can you chown and chmod the dir?13:28
JimBuntuOh! Also, is that directory using a filesystem that supports permissions ( just in case it's some off filesystem )13:29
FxKJimBuntu: sounds damaged to me too, but exists any way to recover it? Can't change permissions or owner (chmod - chown)13:30
JimBuntu!recover | FxK ,  it really depends13:31
ubottuFxK ,  it really depends: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery13:31
JimBuntuDoes that directory really exist on your local system, or is it simply a remote mount?13:32
^amraJimBuntu: I tried to install OpenProject on ubuntu and no luck13:37
ioria^amra, i think there are alternatives in the official repos13:38
JimBuntu^amra, then maybe I am thinking of something different... I guess this isn't the OpenProject distro13:38
JimBuntuoof, sorry, I think I was thinking of OpenLinux13:38
ioria!info redmine13:38
ubotturedmine (source: redmine): flexible project management web application. In component universe, is extra. Version 3.4.4-1 (bionic), package size 1122 kB, installed size 9104 kB13:38
InteloMy battery (dell m6700's) was 100 charged 2 weeks ago. I discharged and it never went above 60%, I just discharged to 14% and its not going above that now. These are the caps it seems. The batter can go down and charge up to these caps but not any further. Not even while computer is shut down. What can be done? What might be wrong?13:40
JimBuntuIntelo, if it doesn't charge even while off, it's not really an Ubuntu issue... but it sounds to me like either the charge circuit in the laptop or in the battery pack is bad.13:42
InteloJimBuntu, hm or the battery life is over?13:42
JimBuntuIntelo, do you have any other OS you can boot into to check charge levels or any other way, such as some batteries/systems have a button to display a simple idea via LEDs of charge level?13:42
JimBuntuIntelo, that doesn't sound like battery life issue, as you aren't getting an increase in charge at all. Battery life issues normally manifest as a slowly progressing reduction in total capacity... not something where they refuse to charge. Although, most anything is possible13:43
maetthewIn Windows I had this app which with I could bind a keyboard shortcut combination to switch between audio outputs. I've found 'pactl' and 'pacmd' which seems to do what I want and I can make a bash script for that. I've found autokey-gtk which seems to be a port of AutoHotKey. I was just wondering of anyone knows of any other(or better) way to setup keyboard shortcuts.13:44
InteloJimBuntu, no LED, in windows, it shows the same thing. The system tray always says 'charging' though13:45
JimBuntuIntelo, yup, sounds like a charge circuit issue. If you have another charger ( power supply ) try that... if you have another battery, try that.13:45
JimBuntuIntelo, outside of that, I think it would require you to probe the voltage and possibly the current being fed to the battery while it's being charged.13:46
InteloJimBuntu,  if its a charger issue, shutting down laptop and charging at that point (where voltage is less needed) might help?13:46
JimBuntuIntelo, possibly, but I wouldn't expect it to given what you have posted. It really sounds to me like a fuse on the charging side has blown. Hopefully it's a resettable fuse in the battery pack... in which case, leaving it disconnected for a while may reset it.13:47
InteloJimBuntu,  oh? leave battery disconnected?13:48
JimBuntuIntelo, if that doesn't work, then you may need to open the battery pack and look for any battery under 3.2V ( if Lithium Ion )13:48
JimBuntuIntelo, yeah13:48
Intelo'look for any battery under 3.2v'?13:48
Inteloit is lithium ion13:48
JimBuntuThe battery pack ( battery ) is actually a group of battery cells. If any of the cells have went bad, the circuit in the battery pack may forbid you to charge it.13:49
InteloI am just pulling out battery while the laptop is running13:49
JimBuntuIntelo, that's often fine. Many laptops can operate without the battery installed... it's at the users discretion though as there can be odd circumstances such as reduced speed/etc13:49
InteloJimBuntu,  for how much time to keep the battery disconnected? (battery now in my hands. I hope I do not get disconnected due to poweroutage)13:51
JimBuntuIntelo, I would aim for 30 minute incremental increases. 30 min, retry, if not, then 1 hour, retry, repeat13:52
JimBuntuIf after a 3 hour wait, it's unchanged, then time to try something else, such as opening it ( if you are willing and competent )13:52
JimBuntuIntelo, You may want to look at how much to replace the battery pack, and from somewhere with a good return policy... in case the pack isn't the issue.13:53
Inteloare individual cells replaceable?13:53
JimBuntuIntelo, they are... but depending on the set up, it's generally best to replace all of them. When cells work together in a big pack, they should be considered married or "paired"13:54
InteloJimBuntu,  I see a part of battery bumped/ embossed13:54
JimBuntuby bumped/embossed do you mean it's bulging in an unexpected way?13:54
Inteloyes. hump13:55
JimBuntuBTW: An op is likely to end this conversation pretty soon. Before that happens, now might be a good time for you to describe the issue in #hardware13:55
InteloJimBuntu,  I already had13:56
JimBuntuUgh, sorry, I know conversations can take a while in many of the channels.13:56
Sven_vBI have an external USB speaker with volume control buttons on it. however, in Ubuntu, those control the internal soundcard, not the USB speaker. how to fix?13:57
Sven_vBon trusty13:57
InteloJimBuntu,  thanks!13:57
JimBuntuIntelo, You're welcome!13:57
Sven_vBmy stopgap non-solution would be to --float it with xinput, guess a matching PulseAudio sink from the keyboard name, then --test it to wait for XF86AudioLowerVolume and XF86AudioRaiseVolume key presses. do I have to?14:03
Richard_CavellI'm on Ubuntu 16.04 and I'm trying to run javac.  It's available in many packages.  Which one is the usual "I want to run Java programs" package?14:03
TJ-Richard_Cavell: try "update-alternatives --display javac"14:08
Richard_CavellTJ-, that's not what I meant.  I can see the packages, I just didn't know what to use.  default-jdk seems like the best option14:10
TJ-Richard_Cavell: default-jdk will depend on the preferred version14:10
q9Hi, i have sound trouble. It turns off after ten minutes, when the computer is idle. The system-logs show this https://bpaste.net/show/a53c1871b37214:20
q9How do i fix it14:26
ExterminadorHouston, I have a problem! both my Shift keys are broken (they simply don't work). I was wondering if it's possible to map, let's say, right Ctrl to right Shift key, so I don't need to hit the Caps Lock button every time I want to write a single uppercase letter14:31
Exterminadorbtw, using Xubuntu 18.04 32 bits14:31
Sven_vBExterminador, man xmodmap14:32
Sven_vBExterminador, until that works, an on-screen keyboard might help.14:32
NoImNotNineVolti'd say just get a new keyboard.14:33
Sven_vBExterminador, in case you don't usually use caps lock, that might be a better choice.14:33
Sven_vB(that = the caps lock key as shift)14:33
ExterminadorNoImNotNineVolt: I can't get a new keyboard. the lap is damn old. it's just to be used as a server mainly14:34
Sven_vBalso eco-friendlier to just remap keys.14:34
ExterminadorSven_vB: the problem is that a French keyboard needs the shift key to type so punctuation14:34
NoImNotNineVoltoh, it's a laptop. sorry, that wasn't clar :P14:35
NoImNotNineVoltclear, even.14:35
ExterminadorNoImNotNineVolt: yeah, I should probably have said it's a laptop :)14:35
Sven_vBExterminador, I meant to remap the caps lock key so it becomes the shift key. :)14:36
Exterminadorwell, I have 2 Ctrl keys, so one can me remapped tho14:36
coz_Sven_vB, you can simply disable it, yes?14:36
neminisubuntu 18.04, login screen freezes when trying to log in, tried plasma/i3wm as sessions, yesterday kernel was updated, any idea how to fix it please?14:36
Sven_vBcoz_, unrelated to the hardware problem but it seems no. I've tried that for years and couldn't find a reliable solution, that works on the internal notebool keyboard and all USB keyboards and even after switching X session users.14:38
q9Exterminador: Many Keymap changes can be acchieved via DE. Eg. in KDE systemsettings - input devices - Keyboard - advanced14:39
Sven_vBI haven't messed with udev rules though. it might work if I re-apply the modmap each time a keabord appears.14:40
q9Gnome has probably something similar14:40
Sven_vBneminis, check the syslog and gdm log14:40
neminisSven_vB, bumblebeed does not find an integrated videocard14:47
Sven_vBneminis, try installing/updating all recommended drivers: sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall14:48
Captain_HaddockI have an external hard drive enclosure that works fine (via USB) with my sub 2TB drives. It also detects my 3TB drive fine. However, it does not recognise partitions in it. The partitions are detected fine if I connect the drives directly.14:49
Captain_HaddockI'm on Kubuntu 18.04. The partitions are NTFS.14:49
Captain_HaddockAny idea why this might be happening/fix?14:49
Sven_vBCaptain_Haddock, check the syslog14:50
TJ-Captain_Haddock: yes; a limitation of the USB<>SATA bridge chip most likely14:50
TJ-Captain_Haddock: that is a common issue; also, check which kernel driver is handling it, UAS (USB Attached Storage) should be OK, but if its MS (USb mass storage) that would tend to confirm the problem is the bridge chip14:51
iosecureA common behavior of USB enclosures is presenting everything with 4k block sizes, even if the underlying device operates on 512-byte blocks (which hard drives commonly did before advanced-format drives came along).14:52
Captain_HaddockTJ-: It is detected as USB mass storage in the KDE partition manager.14:52
iosecureCaptain_Haddock: Exactly what drive is the 3TB disk?14:52
iosecureModel number and everything.14:52
TJ-Captain_Haddock: I mean at the kernel driver level, not what a GUI shows14:53
Captain_HaddockSven_vB:  This is the syslog output when I connect it: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Zj5zMMf3vp/14:54
iosecureCaptain_Haddock: What is the drive?14:55
Captain_Haddockiosecure: WD30EZRX Western digital14:55
iosecureThat's exactly the problem.14:55
iosecureThose drives use 512-byte blocks.14:55
nisaHi I have a problem: My USB Harddrive disconnects and connects every 5 seconds. Here is a dmesg log: https://pastebin.com/raw/aaDk26DQ14:56
iosecureDec 22 20:21:37 Vritra kernel: [56924.331360] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdd] 732566644 4096-byte logical blocks: (3.00 TB/2.73 TiB)14:56
iosecureCaptain_Haddock: But your USB enclosure is presenting the disk as 4k blocks.14:56
Captain_Haddockiosecure: So I need a better enclosure? No workarounds?14:56
Captain_Haddockiosecure: Also, do 2TB drives default to 4k blocks?14:57
nisaAnd here my desktop crashed: nautilus-deskto[4499]: segfault at 18 ip 00005610b63ce526 sp 00007ffe82c0c6f0 error 4 in nautilus-desktop[5610b6305000+1a8000]14:57
iosecureCaptain_Haddock: I'm pretty sure -all- enclosures will present 4k blocks. The reason you're running into this with large disks and not smaller ones is because disks below the 2TB line can still use MBR/CHS addressing. Above 2TB, GPT is required, which uses logical-block addressing, and that's sensitive to block size.14:57
TJ-iosecure: no disks these days use CHS addressing! everything uses LBA14:58
Captain_Haddockiosecure: I see.14:59
iosecureTJ-: LBA and CHS get translated back and forth. Artifacts of the consequences of CHS addressing are still seen in parts of MBR partioning.14:59
iosecureTJ-: Things still get aligned to cylinder boundaries, for instance.14:59
TJ-iosecure: No, they do not, they get aligned to write-block boundaries to avoid unaligned writes15:00
iosecureTJ-: Yes, they do, and I'm not here to argue facts with you.15:00
TJ-Captain_Haddock: you can see from the log that the USB enclosure is hiding the storage device from the system, and reporting generic information. That confirms that the USB bridge chip is doing internal translation, and in many cases these chips are limited by the LBA mode they support. I suspect it is limited to LBA32, rather than LBA48.15:02
iosecureCaptain_Haddock: Everything I'm finding says that the enclosure is likely doing a mistranslation because of the block size issue.15:02
cnnxmy wireless headset is reconized in ubuntu no sound comming out15:03
crashhackerit also depends on what block size it was formatted with in the first place and linux limit is 64k if im not mistaken15:03
cnnxi even togglde in alsamixer15:03
cnnxwith o15:03
cnnxor m15:03
iosecurecrashhacker: In this case, it's the native block size of the disk, not at the filesystem level.15:03
crashhackerah ok i missed that part15:04
Captain_HaddockTJ-: This is an el cheapo enclosure, but the box specifically states that it supports sizes up to 6TB.15:04
iosecureBecause LBA assumes a certain on-disk block size, if you change that block size but don't translate the addressing, the data structures that the OS is told to look for at certain addresses on the disk don't exist.15:04
iosecureCaptain_Haddock: It's probably assuming that you're using advanced-format disks with 4k blocks.15:05
crashhackeryou can always do ntfsfix to rearrange blocks15:05
Captain_HaddockI see15:05
crashhackerwindows also keeps fucking up the block size15:05
crashhackerof drives15:05
crashhackerand when i do ntfsfix15:05
crashhackerit solved some folders which i couldnt access before15:05
iosecureThat's still at the filesystem level.15:05
TJ-Captain_Haddock: do a direct attach of the storage device, see what it reports as its logical/physical sector size ... I suspect it'll be 512/4096, whereas the USB enclosure is presenting 4096/409615:05
crashhackeriosecure, it will still solve it wont it?15:06
Captain_HaddockTJ-: I actually have an identical drive connected right now. Let me check.15:06
iosecureNothing that you do at the software level will affect the disk's native block size.15:06
TJ-Captain_Haddock: that makes it easy :)15:06
iosecureI'm not certain, but you might be able to tell gdisk to act as if the disk uses 4k blocks.15:07
iosecureNo, that's just sector alignment.15:08
iosecureNot sure there's a fix for this other than finding an enclosure that behaves properly.15:08
Captain_HaddockFor the drive connected currently: "Vritra kernel: [    2.239073] sd 1:0:0:0: [sda] 4096-byte physical blocks"15:10
Captain_HaddockTJ-: iosecure: ^15:10
iosecureAnd that disk works, yes?15:10
iosecureWhat's the disk model?15:10
Captain_HaddockIt's an identical drive connected via SATA.15:10
iosecureSATA is designed to make those translations work properly.15:11
Captain_Haddock(And formatted at the same time as the other one)15:11
iosecureWhereas el cheapo USB enclosures don't do so reliably.15:11
iosecureCaptain_Haddock: This has a precedent. https://askubuntu.com/questions/337017/cant-read-partition-table-of-3tb-usb-disk15:11
crashhackerdoes odd number of TB have anything to do with it?15:12
Captain_Haddockiosecure: Thanks.15:13
TJ-Captain_Haddock: try this: "for n in /sys/block/sd?/queue/*block_size; do [ -f $n ] && echo $n=$(cat $n); done"15:13
TJ-Captain_Haddock: report what the direct-connect and the USB-connected devices show15:13
iosecurecrashhacker: Nah. Just bad translation by crappy hardware.15:14
Captain_HaddockTJ-: sda = SATA15:15
Captain_Haddocksdd = enclosure15:15
TJ-Captain_Haddock: so 512/4096 vs 4096/4096 as I suspected15:15
iosecureAnd that's where the problem lies.15:16
TJ-Captain_Haddock: the kernel works with the logical block size, so if it tries to read LBA1 on /dev/sda it'll read from byte offset 512 to 511, but for /dev/sdd it'll read byte offset 4096-819115:16
Captain_HaddockFrom what I can see, the partition manager actually allows me to create a new partition for the disk. What would happen then?15:18
Captain_Haddock(Besides loss of data :)15:18
TJ-Captain_Haddock: the USB bridge chip is both forcing the logical block size to 4096 (making it the same as the physical block size without regard to what the drive itself prefers to do)15:19
TJ-Captain_Haddock: if the drive in the enclosure has no data on it then it would be safe to partition it and use it, but if it contains data and that was written with the 512/4096 assumption, then it'd corrupt it terminally15:20
iosecureWell, it would work while it's connected via USB. No idea how it would work if you reconnected it to a SATA interface.15:21
TJ-Captain_Haddock: I do a lot of disk forensics; I once wrote a tool to do this kind of in-place translation when advanced format drives first arrived.15:21
TJ-iosecure: it'd break in reverse :D15:21
TJ-Captain_Haddock: actually, it's a rather clever way to create a hidden volume with deniablility :)15:22
TJ-Captain_Haddock: I had a similar problem recently with 8 and 12TB drives, but that was due to the bridge chip not handling LBA48/64 so it effectively wrapped around to the start of the storage device15:23
Exterminadorstupid question: ACPI has to do with battery widget and so (Xubuntu)15:24
TJ-Exterminador: Advanced Control and Power Interface15:25
JaelaeTroubleshoot some normal livecd behavior . When booting off a usb should it hang waiting on ipv6?15:26
TJ-oops, s/Control/Configuration/15:26
JaelaeTrying to figure out when to be patient :)15:26
Exterminadorhow does this crappy laptop doesn't have it? lol. I know it's old, but it thrown an error related to ACPI and pnpbios(?)15:26
TJ-Jaelae: not IPv6, but it many be waiting for the network-online.service to complete15:26
Exterminadormay* even :)15:27
TJ-Exterminador: oh, we often see those - mostly due to bugs in the PCs BIOS/UEFI15:27
JaelaeYea the issue I’m mostly seeing is it hangs for a long time and never loads but that’s the last I seeZ I went ahead and disconnected the nic cause why not15:27
Exterminadorshould I just throw it to the garbage? :x15:27
TJ-Jaelae: can you switch to a terminal shell at that point?15:28
TJ-Exterminador: is it actually causing some problem besides the error message itself?15:28
Exterminadormy laptop is a Toshiba Satellite C660D-19X (a hell of a machine lol)15:29
JaelaeTJ- So I boot up and select boot from USB bios instead of Uefi. It shows the Ubuntu 18.04 ... loading screen. Quickly shows some text then I get a blinking underscore to the top left. But I don’t think anything is really happening15:29
JaelaeIt seems to be at a blank console I can type at15:30
Jaelae It nothing responds or anything very bizarre. I never have seen this before15:30
ExterminadorTJ-: I've selected acpi=off in the F6 options. it thrown the error about the pnpbios but it booted. but if I don't turn the acpi off, it doesn't boot from the live USB15:31
ExterminadorI'm reinstalling Xubuntu15:31
TJ-Jaelae: hmmm, sounds like you need "nomodeset" on the kernel command line15:32
TJ-!nomodeset | Jaelae15:32
ubottuJaelae: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter15:32
JaelaeYea so I’m gonna pull my gpu and use onboard to reduce troubleshooting15:33
JaelaeMy nas died so trying to use this to recover data off the raid15:37
JaelaeInterrupted the boot and set nomodeset. Ended up with a different colored cursor now :/ I’ll look up that option a bit15:41
ExterminadorOS: 64 bit Windows 10 Home (Version 10.0 1803 Build 17134.472), CPU: 2 x AMD E-300 APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics @ 1297 MHz 1024 KB Cache, MEM: 5739 MB, 57% (3249 MB) free, DISKS: total 465 GB - 441 GB free, GFX: AMD Radeon HD 6310 Graphics 384 MB, SCREEN: Generic PnP Monitor, 1366 x 768 @ 32 bit, 60 Hz, AUDIO: High Definition Audio Device, UPTIME: 0 d, 0 h, 44 m -- this is my laptop specs gathered  from AdiIRC IRC client15:41
Exterminadorfor Windows15:41
leftyfbExterminador: please don't do that15:41
leftyfbExterminador: if you're giving that data to someone as part of troubleshooting, use pastebin15:42
Exterminadorleftyfb: noted. I won't forget next time.15:42
Exterminadorso, I don't understand why the errors about ACPI and the PnPBIOS tho15:42
lotuspsychje!acpi | Exterminador15:43
ubottuExterminador: to debug ACPI issues on ubuntu make sure your bios is up to date and follow the procedure here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingACPI15:43
ExterminadorI can try that. just wondering if there's a way to check if my BIOS is updated15:44
ExterminadorI see I can use the dmidecode and then I need to check in the manufacturer15:45
cryptodan_mobileExterminador: reboot enter bios and see there15:46
Exterminadorhum.. it says BIOS is upgradable tho15:47
Exterminadorweird. although dmidecode says BIOS is upgradable, the last version is already installed15:58
fretegirather new to setting up ubuntu, how can i force an older version of nvidia driver on ubuntu 18.0415:58
freteginvidia 410 broke a few things, i would like to revert back if possible15:59
ttdfretegi: but the default version is 39015:59
ttddid you add extra ppa?16:00
fretegittd, yup, i would love to go back to that16:00
fretegisee thats the thing, i dont see a PPA for anything else in my sources.list16:00
ttdfretegi: how did you install it16:00
ttdppa can be stored in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*.list16:01
ttdand if you have added a ppa then you can easily remove it there16:01
ttdor just by apt command16:01
fretegittd, far as i know i have not changed anything, just follow upgrades16:01
ttdfretegi: you must have, cause I got 18.10 and its not even as an option in my repos16:03
ttdperhaps you have testing repo enabled or smth16:04
fretegittd, i think it must be tied to a driver PPA from the manufacturer of this laptop16:04
ttdfretegi: what is that laptop? And then just remove that repo16:05
ttdand the driver16:06
ttdand install again16:06
Teodoro777Hi, strange problem with the scanner on ubuntu 18.10.16:06
Teodoro777I was scanning some pages with the usual scanner, a Canon pixma mg36500, suddenly, I click on scan (after having made a dozen) and says it can not connect to the scanner. I understand immediately that it is the operating system, because if I click on the button to do the photocopy, the scanner works. So I try another PC, where just yesterday, I put Ubuntu 18.04 (the one before was 18.10) and says the same thing. So I try a16:06
Teodoro777Fedora live on USB and the same port, the same program there the scanner works. I use simplescan for the scans, but I also tried gimage and does the same thing. By the way, these apps are not that they have many options for scanners. Now I wonder, where should I play around for a scanner that worked regularly until recently?16:06
Exterminadorokay, so it's just the laptop being weird. after successfully reinstalled Xubuntu, I've edited /etc/default/grub, removed the acpi=off from there and it still boots16:08
fretegittd, ok i purged the ppa, apt update && upgrade, still not asking me to downgrade nvidia16:11
lotuspsychjeTeodoro777: i had a few glitches with simple scan like that on 18.04 before, updating system/reboot mostly fixed16:11
ttdfretegi: remove the nvidia first16:11
fretegijsut apt remove nvidia-drivers?16:11
ttdfretegi: do sudo apt remove nvidia*16:12
fretegigot it16:12
freteginow removed16:12
ttdand then: sudo ubuntu-drivers --autoinstall16:12
ttdor just open Driver manager ap16:13
Exterminadorso, now I just need to remap Ctrl_R to Shift_R and I'm done. let's take a look and xmodmap :)16:13
lotuspsychjeExterminador: please dont use this channel to report every step you do16:13
lotuspsychjeExterminador: focus on your actual issues instead16:14
fretegittd, nice! back on 390, hopefully that fixed what was broken thanks16:15
Exterminadorwell, I was telling the issues that I have when booting from live cd with the ACPI, which seems to have no effect when we're booting to the installed OS. sorry for the rest. I just get a bit enthusiastic16:15
ttdfretegi: what was the problem16:16
fretegittd, well still now sure how i got the 410 driver.  i just readded that ppa from the manufacture as its driver actually does a lot of other stuff, but there is an nvidia driver in there that i managed to avoid upon install.  im wondering if it pulled in the 410 version.  ill know in a min16:17
fretegittd, yup it is that manufacturer ppa.  anyway to block a version of a package in a ppa?  im used to gentoo, pretty easily done there16:23
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ttdfretegi: just remove the PPA. No idea why its even in sure16:26
ttdfretegi: if you commented/removed out the PPA out of the file, then it's never gonna show up.16:26
fretegittd, well i need it for function buttons on my keyboard mostly.  and unfortunately i just absolutely need to be able to kill my trackpad and that sthe only way i have managed to do it cleanly16:27
Exterminadorso, although the laptop still boots with ACPI, I've found that the battery graphical "drainage" isn't shown. rather, it displays as battery full but when hovering with the mouse over it, it displays the actual percentage level of battery16:27
fretegiso if i could just mask driver version above 390 im good16:27
fretegibrb, gonna reboot and see if i just torched this install16:28
ttdfretegi: I think its done with "sudo apt hold <package name>"16:28
ExterminadorI believe it's "sudo apt-mark hold <package name>"16:30
ttdExterminador: yes, my mistake, but he left already16:31
ttdExterminador: so I thought - not worth correcting it :D16:31
ioriaif he installed 390, he 'll stay with 390, any updates don't change the base version16:32
ioriano need to pin16:32
ttdioria, oh, yeah the package is version based, unlike some other distroes :D16:34
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XtremeHello, I am facing random freeze problems since I upgraded by  laptop from ubuntu 17. Same issue with all its flavors.16:46
XtremeFuther investigation brought me to kidle_inject & sudo rmmod intel_powerclamp solves my problem.16:46
XtremeNow, i know that sudo rmmod intel_powerclamp is a very bad idea & also airvents of myy laptops are good and clean.16:47
XtremeCan we know what is exactly causing this problem?16:47
XtremeI trieg upgrading kernel, etc etc.16:47
XtremeI do not face this issue on ubuntu 17,,16:48
ttdXtreme, did you try downgrading your kernel instead?16:52
XtremeYup. no luck.16:52
ttdXtreme what kind of device you have?16:54
Xtremettd, HP Enzy 14.16:55
ttdgordonjcp, hi :)17:01
gordonjcpin Ubuntu 18.04, how can I get rid of that "swipe up" screen when I'm taking it out of screen saver?17:01
gordonjcpdisabling the screen lock doesn't stop it, that just stops it asking for a password17:01
gordonjcpttd: evening17:01
ioriagordonjcp, check this out https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/1414/unblank/17:06
Exterminadorsorry guys, but I really don't understand how to make the Ctrl_R key as Shift_R key using xmodmap17:07
Exterminadorthat's completely not understandable to me17:07
ttdioria, there is a setting somewhere for it. I know for sure, but could be in gnome-tweaks17:08
ioriattd, maybe, i don't recall it17:08
ttdbut its stupidly called - something like ask for log in after monitor off or smth like that. I would check but I am on kde :/17:09
talinhello. i have ubuntu 18.04 and i'm wondering how to change the command that is run when i click an icon for starting a program. it's the default gnome window systme17:10
gordonjcpioria: that looks like it's the wrong way round17:10
gordonjcpioria: I want the screen to blank, I don't care if it locks or not, but I want rid of the "swipe up" screen17:11
ioriaah, sorry17:11
ttdtalin, permanently?17:12
gordonjcpioria: no worries :-)17:14
JaelaeTJ-:  i think my iso was messed up. i redownloaded, set it up on the usb again and viola17:19
Jaelaeall works17:19
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Jaelaeweird was showing my messages not sending but alas, there theyh are17:23
Katnipvery odd Jaelae ; i knew a nurse in oncology once till she went to work in a hospital with your name :)17:25
talinpermanently, yes17:29
_SimonNLhospital with your name ?17:30
Katnipa nurse17:33
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pwuertzHi. Has anyone else experienced a bug after upgrading to 18.10 when reactivating the screen after being blanked/locked after inactivity?17:38
pwuertzWhen I reactivate the desktop by moving the mouse, the sceen goes back on and I see the first screen lock (the one you have to push upwards).17:39
pwuertzBut after that, I only get a solid colored screen with a dysfunctional task bar on the left.17:40
lotuspsychjepwuertz: your graphics drivers installed correctly?17:40
pwuertzlotuspsychje: yes17:41
lotuspsychjepwuertz: wich card/driver please?17:41
pwuertzlotuspsychje: NVidia, proprietary17:41
JaelaeKatnip:  that sounds pretty cool17:42
lotuspsychjepwuertz: what about chipset and driver version?17:43
pwuertzI can log in to my system again by switching to the F1 screen, login there, then it kind of switches back to my old login. This more or less works, but the Desktop/Panel sometimes doesn't get the applications and their indicators right after doing that.17:44
pwuertzlotuspsychje: nvidia-driver-396 is installed. Chipset is GeForce GTX 98017:45
lotuspsychjepwuertz: i assume your issue did not happen on 18.04?17:46
MKMy laptop hit 100% RAM when I have no swap/pagefile available and has frozen. Will it eventually recover itself after a time or should I hard reset?17:46
pwuertzI don't know what the distribution display setup is nowadays. F7 used to be the desktop.. but now it seems to be F2, with F1 always being a login screen that refers me to F2?17:47
pwuertzlotuspsychje: Indeed17:47
lenny_lemondoes anybody know where I can find .cfg file for counter strike in ubuntu 16.04?17:48
lotuspsychjepwuertz: your system up to date also?17:48
pwuertzlotuspsychje: sure17:49
MKnvm took about 10 minutes but the system has recovered.17:49
lotuspsychjepwuertz: an idea would be booting a liveusb 18.10 to compare?17:49
MKtake care y'all17:50
OerHekslenny_lemon, if you installed it trough wine, something like "./drive_c/Program Files/Valve/Steam/SteamApps/YOUR ACCOUNT NAME/counter-strike source/cstrike/cfg/"17:50
lenny_lemonOerHeks, no it wasn't through wine17:50
lotuspsychjepwuertz: another debug, would be tail -f /var/log/syslog in realtime and see what errors it gives you after blank/return17:51
OerHeksoh, that location is for steam, i see17:52
pwuertzlotuspsychje: Hm.. I could also try a fresh user, maybe gnome chokes on the pre-update configuration again. Wouldn't be the first time :/17:52
lotuspsychjepwuertz: yeah we see also some update scrambles storys alot here, hence why the live test17:54
pwuertzlotuspsychje: I was just wondering if someone knew about this regression.. since you can't really miss it if its there.17:55
lotuspsychjepwuertz: feel free to share syslog/dmesg to the channel, we can take a look for you?17:55
GeoHi, I broke my brain trying to figure this one out. I have a bootable / partition on disk1, and I want to migrate it to a larger disk2. a) Do I need to boot with a live cd to do it correctly, and b) what tool is recommended to move it over to the new disk?17:55
ioriagordonjcp, https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/672/disable-screen-shield/17:55
pwuertzlotuspsychje: Yea, my strategy in the past was to copy all my home non-dot files to a new home folder whenever my desktop starts acting up after an Ubuntu upgrade ^^17:56
lotuspsychjepwuertz: also keep in mind non-LTS versions we use alot for /latest/testing/bugging out, daily drivers best go for LTS17:58
pwuertzlotuspsychje: Right, I'd love to use LTS versions, but sooner or later I'm getting struck by other bugs from outdated packages for which Ubuntu won't provide updates18:01
lotuspsychje!latest | pwuertz :p18:01
ubottupwuertz :p: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.18:01
lotuspsychjepwuertz: also alot of snaps these days, that are more later versions18:02
OerHeks'struck by other bugs from outdated packages ' .. on LTS?18:02
pwuertzOerHeks: Sure. For example, Ubuntu won't ship the bugfix release llvm 6.0.0 -> 6.0.1. So I can't compile a tool I need.18:04
iosecureWhich bug are you impacted by?18:06
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pwuertziosecure: Currently, you cannot compile Numba since LLVM "forgot" to export a function in 6.0.0, which they fixed in 6.0.1 soon after the release.18:12
pwuertzlotuspsychje: Syslog https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Nxy427VHdw/18:12
iosecurepwuertz: If it's reported, it can potentially be backported into the current package as a bugfix update.18:13
iosecureSo if you can provide a reference to the issue, I can open a bug report on launchpad.18:13
tomreynGeo: are you doing uefi or bios boot?18:13
pwuertziosecure: I did, it got declined. Not interested.18:13
iosecureWhat was the issue number?18:14
pwuertzCan't find it anymore, don't care anymore.. I moved on.18:14
pwuertzLocking the screen with Meta+L exactly reproduces what I'm seeing when trying to reactivate an idle screen. The screen is mostly frozen, and I have a dysfunctional task-bar on the left.18:15
iosecurepwuertz: Well, don't you have a wonderful attitude.18:15
pwuertzIt does mouse-over and mouse-click effects, but does nothing.18:15
Geotomreyn: I don't know the difference anymore18:16
Geothey're big disks, so... uefi?18:16
GeoI thought the choices were uefi vs mbr18:16
lotuspsychjepwuertz: found something similar here: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell/issues/80818:17
tomreynGeo: there is the bios boot mode: legacy bios (CSM) or UEFI, and there is the disk partitioning: msdos vs gpt.18:17
tomreynGeo: to answer your questions: (1) yes, live booted system is needed as you cannot reliably clone a mounted filesystem. (2) I think you can do it with gparted (GUI), or just using dd.18:18
pwuertzlotuspsychje: Haha, thats the one :D18:18
lotuspsychjepwuertz: they seem to mention the dock18:18
Geowhat about cloning a bootable partition to a smaller disk (but still enough to hold the contents of disk 1)18:18
GeoI think that takes dd out of the running, right?18:19
lotuspsychjepwuertz: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+bug/179626518:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1796265 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu Dock is missing after unlocking screen" [Undecided,Expired]18:19
tomreynGeo: when you run this in a terminal, what does it report?  [ -d /sys/firmware/efi ] && echo "EFI boot on HDD" || echo "Legacy boot on HDD"18:20
GeoBut I'll be moving to a brand new machine as part of this, if that matters18:21
tomreyni would recommend reinstalling then18:21
lotuspsychjepwuertz: seems like in progress: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell-extension-ubuntu-dock/+bug/176938318:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1769383 in gnome-shell-extension-ubuntu-dock (Ubuntu Cosmic) "Ubuntu dock/launcher is shown on the lock screen" [High,In progress]18:22
GeoWhy? What will that prevent?18:22
pwuertziosecure: I can assure you, that isn't my normal attitude. Just the one for ubuntu bugs :)18:22
tomreynGeo: several things: you won't need to move around the root partition, which would break the boot, requiring you to chroot into the / file system from the live cd and edit fstab and update grub. you get a clean installation of the latest ubuntu version you'd like.18:24
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tomreyn(and you can have the proper drivers installed for the new system right from the start)18:24
tomreynyou benefit from better install defaults (in case you upgraded your system previously)18:25
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pwuertzlotuspsychje: Nice. Thanks for digging that up. Two bugs at once as it seems.18:27
tomreynGeo: most of all, it's much less complex and error prone and most likely faster, too.18:27
lotuspsychjepwuertz: found them tnx to your syslog, so tnx yourself18:27
Geoyes, but i lose my stuff :)18:27
tomreynGeo: what do you loose?18:28
Geoeverything in /....18:28
lotuspsychjepwuertz: i just wonder why it doesnt happen on 18.04, maybe you should add your story to the bug aswell?18:28
tomreynGeo: well the new installation gets you back anything in / that should have been there before. you can write the packages you have installed to a file before you reinstall, and restore this state and the packages later.18:29
pwuertzlotuspsychje: Yea, they also might be interested that (at least for me) I can get back into my system via F118:29
Geo..and all the config files, etc18:29
Geostill lots of work18:30
tomreynGeo: do you have customizations in / which were not made by packages?18:30
Geoconfigs and who knows what else18:30
tomreynGeo: you can backup /etc (I would recommend to do that) and cherry pick / restore from it later.18:31
tomreynbut most likely you'll find its less customizations than you think18:31
tomreynmost customizations desktop users care about are usually in /home18:32
tomreynand you'd backup + restore that18:32
OerHeksmpv is not standard, i guess that is Totem18:36
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Teodoro777<freenode_lot "Teodoro777: i had a few glitches"> But I already up to date.. xsane says that scanner is busy.. why?19:13
lotuspsychjeTeodoro777: system up to date?19:25
lotuspsychjeTeodoro777: try launching simple scan from terminal, see if you can grab errors19:27
lotuspsychjeTeodoro777: scanimage -L19:31
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weqbest method of getting build-essential installed on an offline machine? any takers?20:30
TJ-weq: apt-offline20:30
weqclean install of ubuntu server fyi20:30
weqis it available for wsl ? only have a windows laptop to work with.20:31
TJ-weq: apt-offline can work from any *nix type shell, including Windows, as far as I recall20:32
TJ-!info apt-offline | weq20:32
ubottuweq: apt-offline (source: apt-offline): offline APT package manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.8.1 (bionic), package size 45 kB, installed size 223 kB20:32
marethi, I am trying to debug conenction to my router which broke time to time and I am not sure why. So i need some connection quality tool which tells me when wifi get disconnected and why20:34
TJ-weq: as I recall if you're not using a debian-based distro, you can use debootstrap and a chroot to create a minimal one to run apt-offline in (on the network-connected host)20:34
lotuspsychje!info wavemon | maret20:35
ubottumaret: wavemon (source: wavemon): Wireless Device Monitoring Application. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.1-1 (bionic), package size 52 kB, installed size 129 kB (Only available for linux-any)20:35
weqhmmm I'll try first with wsl that is currently still upgrading til 18.04 and see if I can get the needed packages there or else I'll try in a desktop 18.04 vm20:35
weqty TJ-20:35
oblongkey_hi! I'm having trouble upgrading from ubuntu 16 to 1820:38
lotuspsychje!ltsupgrade | oblongkey_20:39
ubottuoblongkey_: Upgrade from 16.04 to 18.04.1 is now available, if you do not receive the upgrade window try update-manager -c20:39
oblongkey_I set the update running and went to sleep, as it warned me it could take several hours20:39
oblongkey_now I wake up to see the login screen without any dialog boxes20:39
ntdnacc, apparently the iio issue is in fact resolved with hwe-18.04/4.18.0-13. no /sys/bus/iio on the daily driver but on the tablet it is present and the functionality is restored20:39
oblongkey_I don't know what to do20:39
oblongkey_basically, I have a screen with the buntu login screen background and nothing else20:40
lotuspsychje!nomodeset | oblongkey_ try this20:40
ubottuoblongkey_ try this: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter20:40
oblongkey_lotuspsychje: I don't know how to use that without eing able to interact with the computer20:41
mareti tried wavemon but i dont see logs with discoctions with reason20:42
ioriaoblongkey_, can you open a console ? ctrl+alt+f220:44
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oblongkey_ioria: I'll try20:44
oblongkey_ioria: yes20:44
ioriaoblongkey_,  sudo apt update20:45
oblongkey_ioria:  can't get a lock on /var/lib/apt/lists/lock20:46
oblongkey_ioria: Resource temporarily busy20:47
ioriaoblongkey_,  ps -a | nc termbin.com 9999   and paste the urlyou got here20:47
ioriaoblongkey_,  ps -A | nc termbin.com 9999   and paste the urlyou got here20:47
OerHeksoblongkey_, oh that happens when software center is open, or the software updater is receiving updates20:48
OerHeksjust wait a minute, or run the software updates gui manually20:49
oblongkey_ioria:  -a: termbin.com/871o  -A: termbin.com/15m420:49
OerHeksor your previous update attempt is still running20:49
oblongkey_OerHeks: I'm trying to update ubuntu to 18 and got a blanck login screen20:50
ioriaoblongkey_,  please, try again      ps -A | nc termbin.com 9999   and paste the fullurl20:50
oblongkey_ioria: http://termbin.com/s3rl20:51
OerHeksyes, i read back, you fell asleep20:51
OerHeksbut did it reboot after updates, i guess that is not automatic20:51
oblongkey_OerHeks: I don't know, I came back to this20:52
ioriaoblongkey_, i think is unattended-upgrade running20:52
oblongkey_ioria: what does that mean?20:53
oblongkey_Disk usage and internet usage are both zero20:53
tomreynseveral "mate" processes, so it may be ubuntu mate.20:53
tomreynthere is a "bionic" process?20:53
ioriaoblongkey_,  that it's performing some tasks20:54
ioriaoblongkey_, how long has been running ?20:54
oblongkey_It doesn't seem to be doing much by looking at the computer (fans, disc usage, internet usage)20:54
oblongkey_ioria: I set it up 3 hours ago now20:55
ioriaoblongkey_, well, if apt update is locked there would be a reason ...20:55
oblongkey_is there no way of going back to the desktop and taking a look?20:56
tomreynX is still running, but the system has some "nvidia" proccesses, so thisis maybe why the graphical output no longer works20:56
ioriaoblongkey_,  again  , sudo apt update20:57
oblongkey_tomreyn: But I get the correct login background, it sin't a  black screen or anything20:57
oblongkey_ioria: locked20:57
weqanyone else experiencing issues with installing perl-modules.5.26 on ubuntu server 18.04? I get a decompression error20:57
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ioriaoblongkey_,  i'am afraid you need to wait a bit more20:58
oblongkey_ioria: what for?20:59
ioriaoblongkey_,  it's still working ...20:59
oblongkey_ioria: To see if it gets unlocked?20:59
tomreynoblongkey_: i see, it may be some lightdm issue then. the state of the release upgrade can be examined in /var/log/dist-upgrade20:59
oblongkey_ioria: I was also running the update on my laptop20:59
oblongkey_my theory is that it's waiting for input on configuration files21:00
tomreyn /var/log/dist-upgrade/screenlog.0 specifically21:00
oblongkey_"Do you want to keep yours or use the manager's version" soirt of thing21:00
oblongkey_tomreyn: I'll take a look21:00
tomreynoblongkey_: you dont have any dpkg processes listed, though21:00
ioriaoblongkey_,  if you know how to recover from a broken (interrupted) upgrade (sudo dpkg --configure -a), you can try to reboot21:01
tomreyn"ps ef 18057" should provide details on the unattended-upgrades process21:01
oblongkey_tomreyn: I don't have screenlog21:01
oblongkey_ioria: I don't know how to recover21:01
tomreynoblongkey_: sorry, screenlog is created by the server upgrade mechanism only, this is probably a desktop21:02
ioriaoblongkey_,  ok, so wait21:02
tomreynoblongkey_: but the files in the same directory should hint on the state of the release upgrade anyways21:03
oblongkey_tomreyn: TTY: ? STAT Ss1 Time 0:00 COMMAND: /usr/bin/python3 /usr/share/unattended-upgrades/unatt21:03
oblongkey_ioria: ok21:03
ioriagood luck21:03
tomreynoblongkey_: that's cut off, but -thinking again- it may not be too relevant aynways.21:04
tomreynbetter check the logs21:04
oblongkey_tomreyn: I have 8 folders 2018122*, apt-clone_system_state.tar.gz apt.log, apt-term.log, history.log, lspci.txt, main.log21:04
tomreynmaybe "dmesg | nc termbin.com 9999" , too21:04
tomreynmain.log and apt-term.log may be of interest, as well as when these files were last touched21:05
oblongkey_tomreyn: what do I look for?21:06
tomreynwhether it seems to have finished in the end, and exited cleany21:06
oblongkey_ok, I'll take a look at the end of the file then21:07
tomreynnormally it should not have exited at all, though, i think.21:07
ntdthat polkit root exploit? been well over a week....21:07
oblongkey_the last thing in main.log is  list of libraries21:07
oblongkey_apt-term.log ends with log ended: 2018-12-22 21:06:3121:11
tomreynoblongkey_: try this: for logfile in  /var/log/dist-upgrade/*.log; do ls -l $logfile; echo '-----'; tail $logfile; echo; echo; done | nc termbin.com 999921:12
oblongkey_tomreyn: sorry, I didn't see the "dmesg | nc termbin.com 9999": here it is: termbin.com/g96521:12
oblongkey_tomreyn: that's a bash script right? I 've never scripted with bash, could you help me a bit please?21:13
tomreynoblongkey_: it'S a one-liner you can just copy and paste.21:14
oblongkey_tomreyn: great, on it21:14
tomreynbut yes, it's essentially a bash script, at least if you'd put this ina separate file.21:14
tomreyn[ 8023.096521] traps: mate-screensave[1115] trap int3 ip:7f4426f27e11 sp:7ffd8b0cd9c0 error:0 in libglib-2.0.so.0.5600.3[7f4426ed6000+113000]21:15
tomreynlooks like the mate screensaver is in a bad state or failed21:16
oblongkey_tomreyn: https://termbin.com/rdoy21:17
tomreynoblongkey_: what time is it there now? run "date"21:18
oblongkey_tomreyn: 22:1821:18
tomreynoblongkey_: so what you posted last (output from the commands i posted earlier) looks like the upgrade should have mostly finished, except for the clean up phase. and the dmesg output about the mate screensaver would explain why the graphical desktop is no longer working.21:20
oblongkey_tomreyn: does that mean we I reboot it and run the cleanup myself? How would I do that?21:23
tomreynoblongkey_: you could try to 'kill -9 $(pidof mate-screensaver)', this *might* restore your access to the desktop21:23
oblongkey_tomreyn: I'm on it21:23
tomreynoblongkey_: if this doesn't work, i'd do the cleanup first from a text terminal, then reboot21:24
oblongkey_tomreyn: I ran the command and returned to the gui with cntrl alt f721:25
oblongkey_I'm back at the gui21:25
oblongkey_tomreyn: thank you so much!21:25
oblongkey_the update was paused asking me  for confirmation on removing packages21:26
tomreynthe cleanup stage21:26
oblongkey_thank you so much, I had no idea what to do :)21:26
TJ-!cookie | tomreyn21:27
ubottutomreyn: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!21:27
tomreynso have it clean things up, then reboot. but note that you may run into more issues with nvidia21:27
TJ-have 2, its Christmas!21:27
TJ-!cookie | tomreyn21:27
TJ-surely that should be mince pies :p21:27
oblongkey_tomreyn: can I prepare?21:28
tomreynyou could replace the graphics card by one which doesn't depends on proprietary drivers.21:29
tomreynit looks like the driver you have worked fine the last time: nvidia-modeset: Loading NVIDIA Kernel Mode Setting Driver for UNIX platforms  410.79  Thu Nov 15 10:39:32 CST 201821:29
tomreynso maybe it will just keep working.21:29
oblongkey_tomreyn: I hope so21:30
oblongkey_I need the card for cuda though21:30
tomreynif not just come back here21:30
tomreynuh oh21:30
tomreyngood luck!21:30
oblongkey_:) thanks!21:30
=== daniel is now known as Guest35059
oblongkey_tomreyn: After a reboot the screen resolution is 640x480 and can't be changed21:45
oblongkey_seems like nvidia problems as you said21:46
oblongkey_the nvidia driver seems to be enabled in additional drivers21:50
oblongkey_I've also tried rebooting21:50
oblongkey_and updating21:51
Teodoro777<freenode_lot "Teodoro777: try launching simple"> Nothing of this. I only added my user to scanner group and now it works fine. But why it isn't in scanner group of default?21:56
TJ-Teodoro777: probably because access to devices is considered a privileged operation, which requires a local administrator to decide to add user(s) to the group21:57
oblongkey_I fixed it :) For future reference, this solution worked: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/446332/after-upgrading-to-18-04-ubuntu-monitor-is-unknown21:59
oblongkey_I have to go now, but first I'd like to thank you all again for all your help :) bye!22:00
=== luckybunny is now known as SlayRider
algidanyone seen 'unsafe swap space detected' when installing lubuntu from usb22:28
snowgogglesalgid: did you reformat the target install partition?22:34
snowgogglesalgid: what version of lubuntu?22:35
snowgogglesalgid: this issue appears related -- https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2334294&p=13533618#post1353361822:38
weqany tools in ubuntu to show available wifi networks cli? afaik I have the correct driver installed for this netgear usb card.22:59
weqany hints on why I can't connect to wifi? netplan is configured correct with correct ssid and password. iwlist scan can see the network just fine. But networkctl still reports degraded23:10
snowgogglesweq: try nmcli perhaps23:11
snowgogglesubu server install?23:11
=== SlayRider is now known as Raynedeer
snowgogglesweq: i'm not familiar with netplan sorry23:14
FreeBDSMhello, what are /etc/apt/sources.list.d/home:strycore.list and .save files? they are 0 byte long23:28
guivercFreeBDSM, the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ directory is empty on a clean ubuntu install, anything in that directory was added post-installation by users/admins of the system23:29
FreeBDSMprobably leftovers from disabling PPA via some command or something. nvm, nuked that shit.23:29
FreeBDSMwhy does https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa list packages named 'nvidia-graphics-drivers-415' while in apt they are shown as 'nvidia-driver-415'?23:30
tomreynFreeBDSM: those in the ppa have the former name pattern, those in ubuntu proper have the latter name pattern. why that is so, i would not know. one reason may be to enable them to co-exist.23:35
FreeBDSMtomreyn: I have that PPA installed23:36
FreeBDSMtomreyn: `apt search nvidia-graphics-drivers-415` returns 0 results, but I have that PPA installed23:37
FreeBDSMbut there is nvidia-drivers-415 though23:37
FreeBDSMwhy does the launchpad lie to me?23:37
tomreynFreeBDSM: how did you install the ppa?23:40
FreeBDSMtomreyn: the way that page suggested23:40
tomreynwhich ubuntu release is this?23:40
tomreynwhats the output of apt-cache policy23:41
weqanyone able to share some insight in why a ubuntu server aren't able to connect to a wifi network? I can see the wifi with iwlist and afaik the netplan configuration is correct. Networkctl just reports that it is degraded in connection status.23:41
=== daniel is now known as Guest15260
FreeBDSMtomreyn: looks okay, it list that ppa23:42
algidanyone know how to use gnome in lubuntu?23:42
tomreynFreeBDSM: what'S the output of: apt-cache policy nvidia-graphics-drivers-30423:42
EriC^^algid: how to install it?23:42
algidi did apt-get install gnome-shell but when i reboot there is no icon or option to select a different environment23:43
FreeBDSMtomreyn: N: Unable to locate package nvidia-graphics-drivers-30423:43
tomreynFreeBDSM: did you actually "sudo apt update"23:43
FreeBDSMtomreyn: ofc23:43
algidi did install it but now i need to use it as my desktop env23:43
FreeBDSMI'm living with that PPA for months23:43
FreeBDSM(if not a year)23:44
FreeBDSMtomreyn: looks like launchpad shows some outdated package names23:45
FreeBDSMjust wanted to alert someone about that23:45
tomreynFreeBDSM: i just installed the ppa on an 18.04 system and cannot find any 'nvidia-graphics.*' packages. so i assume the information provided on the web interface is outdated and the PPA is actually empty. one could now try to confirm this by reviwing the release / Packages files.-23:51
ThyriaenHi, i am trying to connect my Kindle HD to my pc ( tried both pc and laptop ) - so what i do is i plug it in via my usb cable -> my kindle registers some energy source and is charging via usb cable, however lsusb does not show anything connected23:55
RulzernI'm having some trouble with USB connectivity on my machine, lsusb/usb-devices and dmesg do not seem to update when I plug in a new device, are there any further steps I can take to identify what the problem is?23:56
tomreynFreeBDSM: they're source package names, that's why.23:59
FreeBDSMtomreyn: okay, that's confusing people23:59

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