[04:45] merry xmas to everyone spending time with family [04:45] waze vs gmaps theses days? [04:53] I never stick with Waze for long [04:53] Mostly because my commute isn't what it used to be [05:35] i find myself going back and forward [05:35] i like the information as presented by google maps but it's much slower on my phone [12:48] @KMyers omg I just tried the vertical mode with some code and its amazing [12:48] vertical widescreen is wow [12:49] Also I can't help but think that there's something wrong with my code if I need a screen this large XD and once its refactored it should fit on a smaller screen [12:50] wow I made an ugly python script [12:50] XD [12:51] and yet I'm fighting the urge to clip a third screen onto the other side and make it vertical too [13:06] Refactoring usually means more methods and classes. [13:07] You still need a normal screen to perform work on normal windows. [16:05] https://www.zdnet.com/article/chrome-os-to-block-usb-access-while-the-screen-is-locked/ [16:11] My going thought is that if code can be read and navigated with a smaller screen, it's probably organized in a way that can be handled with a smaller cognitive load, making it easier to work with [16:12] Whereas I have some pieces of code that need to be refactored into smaller pieces, while they can be seen at scope on a larger screen, is probably bad for organization [16:24] @RazPi usually that involves separating it into a lot of methods. Each method takes 2-additional lines. The main method should do the work and you should. Be able to drill down. [16:26] @ahoneybun Hey that's the dactyl I wanted to build, I was looking into the manuform though http://xahlee.info/kbd/i2/dactyl_manuform_keyboard_d5912-s1386x1039.jpg [16:26] @RazPi my coworker made one and is making me one. [16:26] @AdamOutler Yes definitely, that's what I was thinking, and with the right editor you should be able to drill down and up quickly [16:26] Oh cool! [16:27] This is what he's using now. [16:27] looks like an ergodox [16:27] Random buttons in DVORAK [16:27] The kinesis already has a similar build to the dactyl, so I wanted to try something where the thumb was resting down and maybe had easier access to thumb keys [16:28] hah, props to him, I'm not ready to retrain my brain for dvorak [16:28] I'm still working out the right keybindings so I have minimal context switch between my ergonomic keyboard and my laptop keyboard [16:28] and minimal wrist strain [16:29] So far I've gotten pretty far making emacs modal and using the kinesis at home [16:30] I might need to do some keymapping analysis and see which bindings are helpful and which are kind of in the way. E.g. - I type toggle-truncate-lines enough to make it a keybinding [16:30] and then deciding what pieces of vim are desirable or not for navigation [16:31] https://external-preview.redd.it/J4-Z79TlMhfrM07sCmlV5qVMVLcOwD6TTgACh-TAnxk.jpg?width=960&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=f6f8c28d7077e8523624b81aabe56bf9fa77a794 [16:31] This is what I have. [16:31] I think you'll really enjoy the dactyl [16:31] It's basically an open source kinesis [16:31] It took about two weeks for me to get comfortable with it though [16:32] We'll see. I still need a better keyboard for home. [16:32] I think you should use the same [16:32] I have a cheap Logitech keyboard and mouse. [16:32] but honestly, I've pulled long days using the kinesis and I didn't have wrist strain [16:32] You don't realize you have wrist strain until its absent too [16:32] Like you might feel minor aches here and there but nothing troubling [16:33] and then you do a long stint on a kinesis or its ilk and you realize you can work longer without problems [16:36] @ahoneybun https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgoSqa643Jw [16:37] I believe the firmware for all these diy keyboards is the same, and they support layers, so you can remap your keyboard keys on the fly, so that you don't ever need to stretch your hands for extra symbols or keys, just go one layer up and then one layer back [16:38] That is pretty cool,. [16:41] The flat ergodox is tempting for portability I'll have to admit [16:45] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LALQsqZP1nA [16:55] I'm not actually sold on the idea that a flat keyboard can be as ergonomic as a curved one [16:55] and the layers they overview are thanks to the firmware that's available for every diy keyboard [16:55] What gets me though is that thing is nearly the same price as a kinesis o.o [17:08] @ahoneybun The kinesis gets cool factor for being in men in black! https://youtu.be/p9phhkjVn7M?t=119 [17:14] @RazPi i currently have a 3d printer that someone loaned my family, you want me to get some dactyl parts going on it? [17:14] Fwd from Linuxgram 🐧: Linux 4.20 Kernel Released To End The Year On A High Note - Phoronix … https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=Linux-4.20-Released [17:14] I can pile a printer in my car as well [17:15] I want keith to print it out because it has the best resolution xD I was looking into smoothing techniques though-- it might be a good idea to print out the shells of both to see which ones fits our hands the best [17:15] Like, printint out some prototype shells is a great idea [17:16] well, to be honest, the one i have right now is a makerbot [17:17] do you have the stl or anything that you want to use? [17:17] @RazPi [17:23] Makerbots are nice [17:24] very very nice actually [17:24] a little too proprietary for my taste [17:24] And pricy [17:35] well this is intersting [17:35] it looks like I need to run a clojure program to create the stl [20:00] curl -s -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/keroserene/rickrollrc/master/roll.sh | bash