[16:20] hi, I need to take control remotely of a friend's computer on a different continent, so I can upgrade her system from 15+ to 16.04 LTS [16:21] she is really not skilled in IT so it will be difficult to get her to do much beyond installing a package [16:21] I was thinking of using Remmina with VNC [16:23] remote upgrade system for long-distance travel ;) [16:23] this means she would have to go into vino-preferences [16:23] I see this https://askubuntu.com/questions/155477/how-do-i-remotely-control-another-ubuntu-desktop-from-ubuntu [16:23] which seems simple enough [16:23] BUT..... [16:24] may be just ssh? [16:24] not so easy. I tried it here locally and already running into problems even though I checked the box UpNP [16:24] I think I have to open a port in router [16:25] JohnDoe_71Rus: not sure it will help since I really doubt she has a sshd running [16:25] for vnc port need to [16:25] and she is behind a run-of-the-mill consumer router [16:25] time warner or something like it [16:25] which probably blocks ports [16:26] yes, I need a port for vnc as well although I thought checking hte Upnp option in vino would be enough [16:27] I can port scan her first (with her permissions, obviously) and see if she has an open port [16:27] https://www.teamviewer.com [16:27] but I doubt it [16:27] JohnDoe_71Rus: that's what I DON'T want to use, TeamViewer [16:27] Instead of the easy solution we try first the complicate solution? [16:27] I hate it and do not trust it [16:27] but work use teamviewer servers [16:28] RealVNC apparently offers some type of Cloud solution where both ends connect to [16:28] i don't trust to [16:29] RealVNC says connection is encrypted but who is to know for usre. But that doesn't matter so much as the only activity would be the upgrade [16:30] is there a software firewall enabled by default in Lubuntu (15+)? [16:31] if yes, that would be additional trouble, on top of her router [22:11] Bubblbu was removed by: Bubblbu [23:23] I just installed Lubuntu-core on an Ubuntu Server 18.04 as it's primary desktop environment, and most of the menu icons appear to be missing for whatever reason. Installing Lubuntu-desktop did not help either, any ideas?