
=== himcesjf_ is now known as him-cesjf
jubo2Ok. I filed a bug about the Plasma-vault refusing to create a vault because the CryFS and the EncFS are newer than what Plasma-vault is expecting https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/plasma-vault/+bug/180990214:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1809902 in plasma-vault (Ubuntu) "Plasma-vault 5.12.7-0ubuntu0.1 will not create a vault because the CryFS and EncFS are newer than it expects" [Undecided,New]14:14
acheronukjubo2: thanks14:35
acheronukupdating a vm to test on that14:36
jubo2cool. thanks acheronuk14:37
acheronukjubo2: what is you output for 'apt-cache policy encfs' and 'apt-cache policy cryfs'14:43
jubo2just a sec14:43
acheronukjust made a vault fine with cryfs14:44
acheronukand with encfs14:46
acheronukI'm wondering if you really have those installed?14:46
jubo2yeah I got them14:47
jubo2privmsg or pastebin for the output?14:47
jubo2acheronuk: above line for you14:47
jubo2hold on..14:47
jubo2it says "Installed: (none)"14:48
acheronukwell, you dont have it installed then14:48
jubo2oh crap.. sorry for wasting urr time acheronuk14:48
jubo2I'll install now and see what happens14:48
acheronukjubo2: you haven't wasted it, as it made me find the bug14:49
jubo2This is embarracing14:49
acheronukand a fix14:49
jubo2I don't know how I managed to not notice that they ain't installed14:49
acheronukNOT the bug you thought, but still a bug14:49
jubo2acheronuk: so CryFS is preferred over EncFS?14:49
acheronukjust about14:50
jubo2I saw a notice about EncFS getting a bad security audit14:50
jubo2but I read somewhere that no independent security audit has been done for CryFS14:50
acheronukI think basically a user who cares that much, should buy a hardware encrypted drive ;)14:51
acheronukfor most people, it's ok14:51
acheronukjubo2: for the record, you have shown that this fix needs to be applied: https://cgit.kde.org/plasma-vault.git/commit/?h=Plasma/5.12&id=5d3face3c1bbe5a8a40927048b6f1c3280b2639914:52
acheronukso it give a **correct** error message, saying that it can't find the encryption backend installed14:53
jubo2acheronuk: Just to be on the safe side I ask you this: I can set the mount point to where the currently unencrypted directory is. Right? No loss of data?14:53
acheronukinstead of the version error14:53
acheronukjubo2: I can't say. I've done basic testing of it, but not that14:54
acheronukback up the dir if not sure14:54
jubo2it is huge14:54
jubo2holds backups14:54
acheronukprobably the best person to ask in the KDE developer then14:55
acheronukhe is the author of this commit: https://cgit.kde.org/plasma-vault.git/commit/?h=Plasma/5.12&id=45ad41edad0df1d118317cba9497c02fb1b3870d14:56
jubo2it seems it silently failed trying to set a mount point over an existing directory14:59
jubo2so put it in ~/Vaults/something and now moving the stuff there14:59
jubo2gotta dash. if you need something acheronuk (re: the bug report or something) just drop me a line and I'll do it when I get back home. bye15:00
acheronukjubo2: kool. if we can amend the bug title and description, can use it to track applying the fix for the misleading error message15:01
acheronukwhich I can test and upload sometime soon15:01
jubo2'k will do15:02
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
Katnipthink this will work on kubuntu? https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2018/11/connect-android-ubuntu-gsconnect16:48
jubo2acheronuk: You there. Something slightly nightmareish happened. I was moving several tens of GB to the newly created vault with 'mv' command and the system run out of disk and the 'mv' ended with a bunch of "Transport endpoint is not connected" errors17:47
jubo2now when I try to open the vault I get error "Failed to open: Failed to create directories, check your permissio..."17:48
jubo2According to this https://github.com/cryfs/cryfs/issues/209 if an encrypted block is corrupted _and_ it happens to be that of a directory it will render all the content gone17:56
jubo2and since I was moving a whole directory I think I've lost the data17:56
jubo2maybe I should reboot and see if I can open the vault17:57
jubo2I have a 500GB backup disk and that contains all the directories that were probably lost now17:59
jubo2or at least I think I'm seeing all the "lost" directories in there. I gonna reboot and see if the Vault is permanently broken18:00
jubo2Ok. A relief. The Vault opens18:06
jubo2but running df hangs18:07
jubo2something is definitely wrong now18:08
jubo2df hangs and does not care about CTRL+c18:08
jubo2now the df runs18:34
jubo2it seems the vault is 204GB in side of which only 145GB is used18:35
daddyjohnthere we go, Ill take some of that, and add a dash of coffee...19:27
IrcsomeBotRoman_Goncharuk was added by: Roman_Goncharuk21:03
valorieKatnip: if you are running Kubuntu, kdeconnect is what you want21:45
valorieif instead you are using a gtk environment like Ubuntu, then use gsconnect21:45
valorieas the article says, it's a javascript port of kdeconnect21:46

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