[19:53] I am trying out the Disco version of Ubuntu. Under the installation when I select my language (Danish) some of the UI is translated. But not all. Is this reported as a bug? [19:56] if it is, you'll find it on the bug tracker. [19:57] ubuntu uses launchpad.net to track bugs. [19:57] the ubuntu desktop installer package is called "ubiquity", the new server installer is called "subiquity" [19:58] thanks tomreyn, I'll search there after ubiquity :) [20:01] good boy :) [20:02] :-D [20:46] larsmw: it's still pretty early, not much point translating it now [20:47] translations for disco do not seem open yet [20:49] juliank, ah, thanks... But looking at ubiquity it seems there are missing some translations for the earlier versions too? [20:51] larsmw: so, danish in cosmic looks fully translated. but of course, other translations might be in worse shape. translations are done by community translator teams [20:54] larsmw: everyone can suggest new translations, and a few people on the teams can approve them. [21:04] jbicha: any chance you can revisit #1779292 and patch-fix Bionic's gparted? Can't resize an LVM PV because it's still impacted by the bug. (Cosmic is fixed because it uses a newer gparted version). [21:04] you uploaded the 'fix' for Cosmic, but nobody went back and readdressed the bug for Bionic [22:31] teward: maybe ask psusi? that's the first I've seen that bug (all I did there was merge the Debian update) [23:46] jbicha: psusi isn't here. [23:46] jbicha: what I'll do is prep the SRU bug and then put it in the SRU queue and prod after the new year [23:46] because I consider that if LVM2 is *not resizeable* in gparted but it used to be, then the fault is in gparted especially if it's already upstream-patched and in COsmic. [23:47] i've already prepped the debdiff lol [23:48] jbicha: the only reason I poked you is because you TIL with the Cosmic sync and that's the last thing I see on it [23:48] but in either case, it's SRUable and pretty major one IMO