
cryptodan_mobilenagnewb_: looks like your system might be incompatible with linux00:07
nagnewb_Guess opening a bug report on launchpad isn't worth it then?00:08
cryptodan_mobileI would and maybe support will get added00:08
nagnewb_It's just the touchpad that doesn't work otherwise everything else seems to work on the keyboard like volume up/down and turning wifi on/off00:09
nagnewb_Oh well, I'll send in the bugreport and see what happens00:09
pharpendHi, everyone. I have a bluetooth keyboard that successfully connected in the past, but now will not connect to my computer. The only error message blueman gives me is "failed to add device"01:01
pharpendI have other bluetooth devices successfully connected to the same adapter01:01
pharpendIf I plug the keyboard in via USB, it works01:03
pharpendBut it will not connect via bluetooth. It will not connect to my other machine either01:03
=== DrWatson_ is now known as DrWatson
=== HappyHoHoHotDog is now known as BritishHotDog
thatlizdudeok I still can't figure out why one of my headphones is making a static noise when nothing is playing, I'm on XPS 13 9370, sorry I've left before, I got some time now01:31
thatlizdudeanyone has an idea of what could be causing that noise? they are Sennheiser HD1, wired, with a mic01:31
lotuspsychje!sound | thatlizdude a few tests you can do here01:35
ubottuthatlizdude a few tests you can do here: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.01:35
limbo_thatlizdude: noise floor of your amp. If it makes a similar sound with other audio setups, try grounding it. (also try with other OSs to determine if it's an ubuntu problem)01:35
thatlizdudelimbo_: it doesn't do it on Android nor Windows01:35
myselfIs there a chance that a disconnected mic input is enabled somewhere, and playing through the active output device?01:35
limbo_thatlizdude: on the same machine?01:36
thatlizdudeI doubt that, the input is set to be going from headphones's mic01:36
thatlizdudelimbo_: Windows and Ubuntu on the same machine, yes, and only Ubuntu does it01:36
thatlizdudeI'm pretty sure at least, I know I've had these plugged into Windows before and haven't noticed anything01:37
limbo_Are there special windows drivers/is the volume set the same?01:37
thatlizdudeany audio plays normally though01:37
thatlizdudethe noise is the same volume at any volume I set it to01:38
thatlizdudeand I'm not sure about the drivers01:38
thatlizdudebut my other earbuds work fine01:38
limbo_fairly sure it's noise floor then.01:39
rfmthatlizdude, if it goes away when other phones are used, it's probably the connector or wires in the phones.01:39
CarlFKany suggestions for extracting text from pdf?  I need to extract the raw text (don't want formatting) from https://github.com/kattni/pyohio_2018_cp/blob/master/PyOhio_Welcome_to_CircuitPython_slides.pdf01:39
limbo_The amp in your machine is noisy, but you can't hear it with other headphones.01:39
thatlizdudeI don't think it's the headphones, it doesn't do it on Android for example01:40
limbo_thatlizdude: read about: "noise floor" That's my guess.01:40
rfmthatlizdude, the difference between ubuntu and windows could be ubuntu is leaving some DC on the output at idle while windows and android don't01:40
thatlizdudeyeah but is there a fix for it?01:42
CarlFKpdftotext . yay.01:43
rfmthatlizdude, a voltmeter and a spare plug would be my next step, to see if there is in fact dc on the output. (or put some dc across the phones, wiggle the wires, and see.)01:44
m0th3rsup3r10rhi is it normal that none of the apps in kodi seem to work?01:44
lotuspsychjeCarlFK: didnt test myself but inkscape seems to be able to do lots with pdf's01:45
thatlizdudeI really don't have anything to measure dc..01:45
CarlFKlotuspsychje: pdftotext is perfect01:45
thatlizdudecould some drivers fix it then01:47
* timeless is looking for a systemd service best practice guide01:52
lotuspsychje!systemd | timeless01:53
ubottutimeless: systemd is the default init system for Ubuntu 15.04 onwards. For information on transitioning from upstart to systemd, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SystemdForUpstartUsers For a guide to basic service management with systemd, see https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-use-systemctl-to-manage-systemd-services-and-units01:53
timelessspecifically, is there a recommended place to put scripts that are referenced by a file ~/.config/systemd/user/myservice.service ? -- esp a ExecStartPre= script01:53
thatlizdudeor should I just learn to live with the noise :D01:53
thatlizdudeit feels like an "internal" noise or something like that01:54
timelesslotuspsychje: thanks, checked both, neither seem to offer advice for this case01:54
timelessif i was writing a /lib/systemd/system/myservice.service, the file probably belongs in /usr/share/myservice/bin01:55
timelessi'm not even sure where it would properly belong if i were writing a /etc/systemd/system/myservice.service, but i think i tend to use /usr/local/sbin01:56
timelessit wouldn't be proper for me to use ~/bin, because that tends to be in my path, and the prestart script should really only be used by the service file01:57
thatlizdudeor, since Dell sells these laptops with Ubuntu preinstalled, should I just contact them?01:58
rfmtimeless, if it's a user service with the .service file in your home directory it would seem most logical to have the scripts in your home directory too.  Not much of a standard for home directory layout, but I'd say if you use ~/bin for things you expect to run as command, ~/lib would be logical for executables that you don't expect to run as commands...02:00
timelessrfm: ok, ~/lib seems reasonable02:01
thatlizdudeguys I think I have tried everything what I've found already, I can't get rid of the "electric static noise" in the background of my headphones, when booting, it's not happening, only after I plug in the headphones after a login, do you really have no other ideas? I really wanna get rid of it02:14
lotuspsychjethatlizdude: wich kernel are you booting mate?02:16
thatlizdudelotuspsychje: 4.18.0-13-generic (buildd@lgw01-amd64-048)02:18
lotuspsychjethatlizdude: cosmic?02:19
thatlizdudelotuspsychje: wdym02:20
thatlizdudeoh 18.10? yes02:20
lotuspsychjethatlizdude: did you try the same on LTS for example?02:20
thatlizdudelotuspsychje: well.. no02:21
thatlizdudeI'll do that, is it enough if I do it on Live USB?02:21
lotuspsychjethatlizdude: maybe try a liveusb, sure02:22
lotuspsychjethatlizdude: another test could also be, trying out pavucontrol02:22
thatlizdudeI have a live USB of 18.10, I'll see if it still does it by booting off of that, then I'll try LTS02:22
thatlizdudeor should I try pavucontrol first, if that's easier02:23
thatlizdudemeh I'll try the USB and see, I'll be back02:24
ntemisi cant mount my usb 3.0 6tb ntfs hdd to ubuntu bionic02:25
ntemisany help02:25
lotuspsychjentemis: can you share a tail -f /var/log/syslog then plugout/back in of your usb in a pastebin to the channel?02:27
ntemisFailed to mount '/dev/sdb2': Resource temporarily unavailable02:28
ntemisDec 27 04:29:00 demetris-TA770E3 ntfs-3g[3852]: ntfs_mst_post_read_fixup_warn: magic: 0x60090085  size: 4096   usa_ofs: 21034  usa_count: 8616: Invalid argument02:30
ntemisDec 27 04:29:00 demetris-TA770E3 ntfs-3g[3852]: Actual VCN (0x8fe542bb04dad654) of index buffer is different from expected VCN (0x3) in inode 0x9489.02:30
timelessrfm: i know that ubuntu tends to use /lib/systemd/system instead of /usr/lib/systemd/system, but some other platforms seem to use /lib/systemd/system, is there any programmatic way to know which a vendor is supposed to use?02:30
timelesserr others tend to use /usr/lib/...02:33
white_magicGreetings, I'm trying to enter grub recovery mode so I can reset my password, but choosing the recovery boot option in GRUB boots me straight into the login screen. Please advise!02:45
simbalionHi, what package includes the command 'update-ca-trust'?02:48
thatlizdudelotuspsychje: ok I tested the 18.10 and 18.04.1 LTS live USB's, both of them have the same issue, and I confirmed that Windows doesn't do it02:49
matsamansimbalion: could query apt-file about it02:52
simbalionmatsaman: I don't have an ubuntu system I use Debian02:52
matsamansimbalion: well Ubuntu is about 99% Debian, apt-file exists for both02:52
matsamanand you're in the wrong channel02:52
simbalionNo, my question is for Ubuntu02:53
matsamanthen there was no reason to tell me you're using Debian =P02:53
simbalionplease don't assume.02:53
matsamanI never do02:53
simbalionDebian and Ubuntu do not share packages02:53
lotuspsychjethatlizdude: thats very weird indeed, perhaps consider a new !bug for this02:53
matsamanyes they do02:53
thatlizdudelotuspsychje: still worth trying pavucontrol or contacting Dell?02:53
lotuspsychjethatlizdude: yeah try pavucontrol before making a bug02:54
simbalionPerhaps you could do the search on your ubuntu system and tell me what results you get instead of arguing02:54
thatlizdudewell I'm gonna assume Dell won't do anything because it seems like an OS issue02:54
lotuspsychjethatlizdude: no, if we file a bug, its sended to the canonical developers02:54
simbalionHaving tried it already I don't see results02:54
simbalionwhich doesn't mean much because I'm not running Ubuntu.02:54
matsamanit's probably not a thing anymore is why02:55
simbalionThis is specifically about ubuntu 16 I should specify02:55
matsamanmaybe 'ca-certificates'02:56
simbalionThat's what I'm thinking too, thanks :)02:56
simbalionI will try that02:56
timelesssimbalion: personally i tend to use https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=bionic&arch=any&mode=exactfilename&searchon=contents&keywords=update-ca-trust02:58
timelessit doesn't require a running install02:58
simbalionIt seems like this command is obsoleted?02:58
thatlizdudelotuspsychje: pavucontrol didn't do anything either :/ where can I report the bug...?02:59
matsamansimbalion: I'm not sure packages.ubuntu.com works for it for any version02:59
simbalionah update-ca-certificates03:00
simbalionI appreciate the help guys03:00
matsaman-trust might be the Red Hat formatting <shrug>03:00
thatlizdudealso I03:01
timelesssimbalion: you probably want ca-legacy03:01
timelesswhich doesn't seem to be around03:01
simbalionim trying to fix someone's packer script, in case anyone's wondering why I'm asking questions about an OS I don't use03:01
timelesssimbalion: that problem is very familiar03:01
* timeless has been asking similarly wonky questions to try to fix a metapackager03:02
matsamansimbalion: my sympathies03:02
thatlizdudealso I'm not sure if this is a bug, but when I set a shortcut to "Reset and Clear" terminal, and I press it, it will do it, but it won't display the prompt back as `tput reset` does - why is that?03:02
matsamandunno, what is 'Reset and Clear'?03:02
thatlizdudethat's what I was asking, is that what it's supposed to do? it's when you go in the Terminal preferences and shortcuts, there's a "Reset and Clear" shortcut03:03
timelessthatlizdude: `terminal` = gnome-terminal?03:04
matsamanwho knows03:04
matsamanmagic GUI things are what they are: magic nonsense03:04
timelessto us, `terminal` is "any random shell"03:04
lotuspsychje!bug | thatlizdude03:04
ubottuthatlizdude: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.03:05
timelessthatlizdude: https://askubuntu.com/questions/793109/ubuntu-16-04-reset-and-clear-shortcut-doesnt-work ?03:05
thatlizdudejesus so many things to do before filing a bug03:07
thatlizdudetimeless: I don't know if that's it, doesn't have a solution, but when I press the shortcut what I end up with is an empty Terminal window, showing only the cursor, not even my username03:10
timelessthatlizdude: that might not be unexpected results03:10
timelesstry typing`reset`+<enter>03:10
thatlizdudetimeless: when I type it in, I get the same result, but after about 1 second, my username pops back up03:11
thatlizdude`tput reset` does it immediatelly03:11
lotuspsychjethatlizdude: feel free to share bug link afterwards03:13
thatlizdudelotuspsychje: yeah I will if I'll file it..03:13
carlitoswayhi all i have a gerneral question re config of ufw for a pc running Ubuntu (not server) if i enable ufw default settings am i relatively safe and sound from malware threats03:27
carlitoswayor should i spend some time learning about how to setup a firewall in more detail03:28
thatlizdudelotuspsychje: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/180985603:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1809856 in alsa-driver (Ubuntu) "[XPS 13 9370, Realtek ALC3271, Headphone Out, Right] Static/Electric background noise when volume is not muted" [Undecided,New]03:30
lotuspsychjethatlizdude: tnx for creating the bug03:31
lotuspsychjecarlitosway: a firewall is just one aspect of security03:33
lotuspsychjecarlitosway: there are much more ways to secure your machine, depending on many different things03:34
lotuspsychjecarlitosway: for example, wich services are you running, wich ports are open,other users access your computer,etc03:34
lotuspsychjethatlizdude: maybe attach syslog/dmesg to the bug too03:35
Net|find . -type d -print0 > dirs.txt03:35
Net|find . -type f -print0 > files.txt03:35
Net|#find symbolic links03:35
Net|xargs -0 mkdir -p <dirs.txt03:35
Net|cat files.txt | while read FILENAMES; do touch "$FILENAMES"; done03:35
Net|#then tar all that up and you have a remote filesystem snapshot for about 1mb03:35
lotuspsychjeuse a pastebin Net|03:35
thatlizdudelotuspsychje: what syslog do you want me to attach04:01
thatlizdudeactually I do hear something with my earbuds too!04:02
megakilobytesup fellas. got 7 possible rootkits says rkhunter. what to do?04:35
DexDeadlyLooking for an opinion on NFS vs CIFS04:49
DexDeadlyI have an emby server and xigmanas and right now I'm running cifs shares in the nas and mounting them in fstab through cifs.  What I'm wondering is should I be doing it through that or should I use NFS shares.  Would I gain any speed or performance doing it that way04:51
jexmexEvening all04:53
jexmexI am getting an error, Dec 26 23:32:50 element kernel: [ 1304.908396] [drm:intel_pipe_update_end [i915]] *ERROR* Atomic update failure on pipe A (start=78996 end=78997) time 327 us, min 894, max 899, scanline start 882, end 90004:53
jexmexIt causes my laptop to freeze up sometimes within minutes after reboot and sometimes after days.04:53
jexmexI am guessing this is a problem with the drivers in the kernel for the built in intel graphics card04:54
Mr_CyclopsHello. I have a Thinkpad X220, with an external monitor Dell P2715Q (4k, UHD) connected via Dell original Display port cable04:54
jexmexbut I really do not know enough to know for sure or how to fix04:54
Mr_Cyclopsbut at the highest resolution 3840x2160, I can't get 60Hz refresh rate04:54
Mr_Cyclopstried all options from Google, Dell, but no luck. Please help. I am running Ubuntu Budgie 18.04 LTS04:55
Mr_CyclopsThe refresh just wont report or go beyond 30K, which pretty much defeats the purpose of having a 4K UHD monitor :(04:56
matsamanMr_Cyclops: I'm pretty sure human eyes do that on their own =) but let's try and fix your issue anyway05:09
matsamanMr_Cyclops: this monitor gets 60 with another OS?05:14
Mr_Cyclopshi matsaman05:19
Mr_CyclopsIt's supposed to, but no :(05:19
Mr_CyclopsI tried with my office laptop, which is a Dell Latitude E7470 using HDMI and DP both05:19
Mr_Cyclopswhen I press the menu button, the monitor options shows max 60Hz, but the OS doesn't report it05:20
Mr_Cyclops( Office laptop = Windows 10 )05:20
matsamanMr_Cyclops: okay05:20
matsamanMr_Cyclops: have you tried with any other cables?05:21
Mr_Cyclopsoh yes! Multiple brand DP Cables (inclusive of a brand new Dell DP Cable), HDMI Cables, DVI Cables05:21
Mr_Cyclopsbut no05:21
Mr_Cyclopsno luck05:21
Mr_Cyclopsthe moment I change the resolution to one notch lower (2560x1440), I get 6005:22
matsamanhave you tried on anything not a laptop?05:23
Mr_Cyclopsmatsaman, see this http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/7tVrzTNchj/05:23
Mr_CyclopsI tried with my raspberry pi :) but no joy (Dont have a desktop)05:23
Mr_Cyclopstried with another Thinkpad T430S, again, same output05:23
Mr_CyclopsDP-2 connected primary 2560x1440+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 597mm x 336mm05:24
Mr_Cyclops   3840x2160     29.9805:24
Mr_Cyclops   2560x1440     59.95*05:24
matsamanwhere have you read it actually supports 60 at 4k?05:24
Mr_CyclopsDell forum and by design it does05:25
matsaman'by design'?05:25
matsamanso you get 30 at 4k?05:25
Mr_Cyclopsbut I should get 60 at 4K05:26
Mr_CyclopsI even upgraded the firmware using Windows office laptop, and original drivers from Dell05:26
Mr_Cyclopsthe firmware upgrade software even shows that it has drivers for 60@4k for HDMI 2 and DP, and the upgrade was successful, stilll ... :(05:28
matsamanwhat's your graphics device?05:28
Mr_CyclopsGood question. How can I quickly find out? what command?05:28
matsamanif you look at lspci -k output, and search for 'VGA', it should say immediately following05:29
Mr_Cyclops00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0905:30
matsamanMr_Cyclops: it should say 'blah blah in use' after that05:31
matsamanbut presumably 'intel'05:31
matsamanthat is not traditionally the beefiest of graphics devices05:31
Mr_Cyclops00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 09)05:31
Mr_CyclopsSubsystem: Lenovo 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller05:31
Mr_CyclopsKernel driver in use: i91505:31
Mr_CyclopsKernel modules: i91505:31
matsamanhave you tried it on something with dedicated graphics? (nvidia, ati)05:32
Mr_CyclopsI wish, but none of my devices, personal or office, has a dedicated Graphics Card05:32
Mr_CyclopsI do remember, a Windows 10 laptop in the shop (where I bought the monitor from), connected to the same model showing 60 Hz at max resolution!05:32
Mr_CyclopsI dont want to, but looks like I have to carry my laptops and the huge monitor to their shop tomorrow to check it out. but then I wish I could solve it05:33
matsamanyeah if that's true, and if it's the same model monitor and the same edition of Windows05:34
matsamanthen it's probably down to the graphics device, the particular driver/config, or the cable05:34
matsamanthe cable is easily checked if you bring yours05:34
Mr_CyclopsCable was the most quoted solution on the internet, hence I got the original new DP cable from Office :) and plugged it in, but duhh05:34
* matsaman shrugs05:34
matsamanyou got an HDMI cable?05:34
Mr_Cyclopsyeah, tried that too, no luck05:35
matsamanor something else digital05:35
Mr_Cyclopsfollowed every solution on google and dell's support forum, but dang, I am getting unlucky with my monitor05:35
Mr_CyclopsOS, Cables, Firmware Upgrades, Ubuntu, Fedora, HDMI, DP, HDMI 2, everything I had at home, I tried :D but no joy05:36
matsamanMr_Cyclops: what version of Ubuntu, again?05:37
Mr_Cyclops18.04 LTS (Budgie DE)05:37
matsamanMr_Cyclops: it might honestly be worth checking against an Ubuntu 19 dev build05:38
Mr_CyclopsI see, and I say why not :) That would be my last resort I guess before taking all my stuff to the shop after all05:39
Mr_CyclopsI want you to check out an image, hold on05:39
matsamana guy with the same problem at https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=96828 says it worked out with a trunk drm-intel05:39
ubottuFreedesktop bug 96828 in DRM/Intel "Cannot set 4K screen to 60Hz on xf86-video-intel driver: CPU pipe B FIFO underrun" [Normal,Closed: fixed]05:39
matsamanand I would see how far you can get with just a live OS first, if you don't have media for a regular install handy05:40
Mr_CyclopsI have a spare SSD for trying out actual installations, so thats not an issue at all, will try it out shortly05:41
Mr_Cyclopsdo you have the direct URL for dowloading U 19 dev bld?05:41
Mr_CyclopsI guess you meant this one? http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/disco-desktop-amd64.iso05:42
matsamanthat looks legitimate to me05:42
matsamanif it works and for whatever reason you don't want to be stuck on a dev version, you should be able to get the particular kernel/X stuff in your version 18 working, too05:43
Mr_Cyclopsalso how to send an image to pastebinit05:43
stylesI'm on 18.04.1 LTS (Bionic Beaver) and I have an Nvidia 1070 Ti. I'm trying to use the shipped proprietary drivers and after installing they don't seem to load up. The display is seen as "unknown" and the nvidia config is completely empty.05:46
stylesI've read that there's missing packages like mesa, and I've installed those and rebooted, no luck. Any ideas?05:46
matsamanMr_Cyclops: just use imgur if it's not personal05:47
Mr_Cyclopsmatsaman, let me know if you can see the image (Look at the bottom of it, current details on left, max on right)05:49
Mr_Cyclopsif not that, then this > https://imgur.com/a/M1tHmDe05:50
matsamanMr_Cyclops: I can see it, I believed you already though05:50
Mr_Cyclops:) I know, but still :)05:50
Mr_Cyclopsok then, I am going to try the U19 dev build and come back and let you know Appreciate all of your time and help! Cheers ....05:51
carlitosway1lotuspsychje thanks for your reply-this i am very aware of and beleive i have taken steps to secure other attack vectors; as much as i am able to-in relation to firewall, can you elaborate re examples of services|steps to take06:05
carlitosway1my computer only has one user me and services i suppose you mean irc bittorrent vpn gaming online06:07
Net|https://netpipe.ca/aha/programs.tar.gz thats my stash of program source ment to be viewed as an archive06:08
salty2011hi all, anyone had issues using "nvidia-drm.modeset=1" with nvidia drivers?06:09
salty2011i appear to get a purple screen after login06:09
=== capella is now known as capella|away
InteloWhat should be the path of smtpd_milters =   in ubuntu 18?08:22
shiftedHey I have a question about bash08:53
shiftedSo I have a program called thread-archiver that is used thusly: thread-archiver <copy-pasted URL> &08:53
shiftedI use it by opening a terminal, typing thread-archiver and then copy pasting the URL08:53
shiftedWhat I want to know is, is it possible to make some sort of script that grabs the contents of the clipboard and if it's a URL, feed it through thread-archiver?08:54
shiftedI was looking at xclip just now, not sure if this is what I would need08:54
shiftedSorry if I'm misusing any jargon or terms, I'm pretty sure this is a bash thing08:54
ducasseshifted: xclip would be a good place to start, yes. if you need help writing a bash script, ask in #bash08:58
shiftedOk cool thanks @ducasse09:05
matsamanxclip -o, for teh example09:05
matsamanyou could probably also just cron a script that checks if all your bookmarks at a particular site are archived or not, archiving if not09:06
IniGitI want my luks encrypted partitions not to show up in nautilus. I set noauto,x-gvfs-hide in /etc/fstab but that does not help09:46
IniGitthat entry in fstab only fails with luks partitions09:47
IniGitI also tried something in /etc/udev/rules.d, but that also didn't work09:47
mohnishHello! what website do I use to show you guys a really long text?(Xubuntu is showing that I have an internal error, though I think everything's fine)09:54
mohnishdpaste.com, let me check it out09:56
mohnishmatsaman: I get this error while running 'sudo apt update' http://dpaste.com/2TX8EMT10:00
mohnishCheck the link out10:00
mohnishNo one out of 1108 people is online to help me?? Such a bad luck!10:01
FaultsShutter PPA is not updated for latest 18.10... thats the error.10:01
mohnishOh there you are10:01
mohnishFaults: So, how do I fix it?10:02
mohnishI don't know how to edit PPAs10:02
FaultsI suppose Shutter is what you like to use for screenshotting needs?10:02
mohnishYes, exactly10:02
mohnishUm, so how do I fix it?10:03
FaultsWell... its a bit shame that Shutter is not that well anymore maintained. Its such a great piece of software10:04
mohnishUm, what do you mean?10:04
mohnishFaults: ??10:05
FaultsXenialreleaseon 2016-04-02 Thats been latest relöease10:05
mohnishOn google it says that shutter has been removed10:05
mohnishI mean, I have xfce4-screenshooter10:06
mohnishHow do I remove the shutter PPA?10:06
=== imsurit_ofc is now known as imsurit
chullHelp! We are trying to get my husband’s new printer to work.  He has Ubuntu 16.04 and it’s a Canon PIXMA TS9120.  I slept, he worked on it, he can’t talk to tell me what he did.  I started working on it, and then we figured out that we have two different file names. They are similar but not the same. He’s got it unpacked but I don’t see a gui to operate the printer.10:30
chullI’m not sure where to go from here?10:30
chull       cnijfilter2-5.50-1-deb.tar.gz10:31
tomreyn<tomreyn> chalcedny: you could end up with cnijfilter2-5.50-1-deb.tar.gz (printer) + scangearmp2-3.50-1-deb.tar.gz (scanner)10:32
roryyou want the deb one chull10:33
tomreynchull: the above is what i told you last night. downloads are at https://www.usa.canon.com/internet/portal/us/home/support/details/printers/inkjet-multifunction/ts-series-inkjet/pixma-ts9120-gray-wireless-all-in-one-inkjet-printer/pixma-ts9120?tab=drivers_downloads10:33
chalcednychull i see you10:52
chalcednytomreyn, rory thank you much!10:53
chulltomreyn,  rory, he's getting errors with sudo apt update: https://pastebin.com/k1MHqySi11:03
chullwe probably should fix it first?11:04
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roryI dont think those are related to this. but yeah you have at some point,added a bunch of repositories and not accepted their signing key11:22
rorywe can worry about that after11:22
chulltomreyn,  rory, Problems with step 3 it says: 3. Downloading Driver11:26
chullDownload Canon TS9120/TS9140 Printer Linux Driver:  nothing seems to be clickable? Where to get the Linux driver?11:26
roryI thought you already had this file sorry11:26
roryi wouldnt download anything from that dodgy website anyway, get it from canon's website and just follow that website's instructions11:27
chullwe got the cnijfilter*deb before11:29
chullthe step says to download something else11:30
chullroot@vir:~# ls /tmp/cnijfilter*deb11:31
chullls: cannot access '/tmp/cnijfilter*deb': No such file or directory11:31
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geirhatry  ls /tmp/cnijfilter*deb*11:51
geirhalooks like they've wrapped it in a tar.gz for some pointless reason11:52
chullgeirha, it's not there, we need some other driver11:52
geirhaare you sure you downloaded it to /tmp ?11:53
chullthey have a linux driver for TS9050 https://canon-print.com/canon-printer-pixma-ts9050-drivers/11:53
chullnot sure, actually11:54
geirhaby default, it should end up in ~/Downloads/ (if english locale)11:55
tomreyngeirha: this is not an official website, i would not recommend downloading from there11:56
chulleew ok.11:56
chullroot@vir:~# sudo apt install libxml2 libglade2-0 libpng3 libtiff511:57
tomreynthe actual website for canon printer driver downloads is (as i posted before) https://www.usa.canon.com/internet/portal/us/home/support/details/printers/inkjet-multifunction/ts-series-inkjet/pixma-ts9120-gray-wireless-all-in-one-inkjet-printer/pixma-ts9120?tab=drivers_downloads11:57
chullit went wherever it goes11:57
geirhamh, true, go to canon's own site11:57
chullthank you :)11:57
tomreynchull: uuh your sources.list downt look good.11:58
geirhaheh, they still have it wrapped in a tar.gz... stupid canon...11:58
tomreynyou mix apt respoitories from differen tuubntu releases, have many 3rd party repositories.11:58
tomreynin addition to "xenial", i see "hardy", "vivid" and "unstable"12:00
tomreynthis can introduce all kinds of dependency issues.12:00
tomreynand make you end up with outdated software12:01
tomreyn(where outdated = no security patches, insecure)12:01
ubottuUbuntu 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron) was the eighth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended on May 12 2011, Server support ended on May 9th 2013. See https://ubottu.com/y/hardy for more details.12:01
ubottuUbuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet) was the 22nd release of Ubuntu. Support ended on February 4, 2016. See !eol and https://ubottu.com/y/vivid12:02
tomreynchull: so i'd recommend reinstalling, or at least removing those repositories and packages installed form there.12:02
chulltomreyn, yes i think that redoing his repository would probably be what we need to do, i don't know how it gets like that, we redid it before.12:08
chullthe files are in Chull>printer>Canon>PIXMA>TS9120>PIXMA>TS9120>_printer12:08
chullthat's where it extracts to12:08
tomreynchull: apt repositories don't add themselves, they are added by the administrators only. and those should do careful consideration and regular reviews of any third party repositories they have configured.12:09
tomreynchull: the file you extracted there was downloaded form where?12:10
chullmy husband should read about repositories maybe12:10
tomreynchull: since i assume he's not here you'd probably best tell him / send him an email to read up on it later.12:11
chulleverything we actually downloaded for the printer is from the real canon site12:12
chulltomreyn, he's sitting beside me. he had a stroke in 1999 and can't speak or type. he reads.12:12
tomreyni see. hello there!12:12
chullhe smiles hi12:13
tomreynso let's clean up your apt repositories first of all?12:13
chullok that sounds good12:13
tomreynthis can take 10-30 minutes (roughly).12:13
chullprobably 3 times that for us blundering and arguing :)12:14
tomreynyou posted the output of "apt-get update" earlier. start by looking at the warnings reported there.12:14
chullok there's a gazillion of them, mostly that they don't have the right keys12:15
tomreynthose repositories with warnings do not actually work in this current state. i suggest you review which of them provide software you actually want to keep and then we can look into maybe finding better sources of the same software of making them work again.12:16
tomreynwarnings or errors12:16
chullok we will take a look /me offers you peppermint chocolate chip ice cream if you want it12:16
tomreynhehe, thanks12:16
tomreynapt repositories are configured in /etc/apt/sources.list and in separate files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/12:17
tomreynthere is a graphical interface (GUI) for managing them which you can run with this command: software-properties-gtk --open-tab=112:18
tomreynusually these records / repository definitions consist of three parts: a URL, an ubuntu version name (such as "xenial"), and a software component (often "main)12:20
tomreyni sould recommend disabling, maybe outright removing those which dont have a version name of "xenial", since those canbe for other ubuntu releases and may cause problems. you should not mix apt repositories for different ubuntu releases unless you have verified that this is definitely not an issue (there are some 3rd party repositories which provide pretty self-contained software which works across multiple ubuntu releases, and they dont provide12:23
tomreynrelease specific builds).12:23
chullwe were kind of looking through what he has12:24
chulllet's see what software-properties-gtk --open-tab=1 does12:24
tomreyngood. going through this will take a while, feel free to ping me (i.e. write my nickname, tomreyn, here) when you're done (and feel free to post the output of "sudo apt-get update" again then)12:25
chullokies tomreyn, some things are stuff i don't recognize but they say Xenial12:27
tomreynchull: can you give an example?12:27
chulltomreyn, atareao?12:28
chullHit:31 http://ppa.launchpad.net/atareao/atareao/ubuntu xenial InRelease12:29
chullheh a grep xenial would give him acceptable things if we were using a vi type tool12:30
tomreynchull: so the url of this is http://ppa.launchpad.net/atareao/atareao/ubuntu/ if you add the following to this url you get the address of a list of packages available in this repository: "dists/xenial/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz"12:32
tomreynhowerver, this list is in a crompressed file. here'S a command you can run on the terminal to get the list of packages it provides:12:33
tomreynwget -qO- http://ppa.launchpad.net/atareao/atareao/ubuntu/dists/xenial/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz | gunzip | awk '/^Package:/ {print $2}'12:33
chullgreat :)12:33
chullhe has used things from here before, like the weather indicator and national geographic wallpaper12:35
tomreynchull: so while you go down the list of repositories installed you can take notes on why they were installed. and then later on you or we can look for alternative repositories provide the same functionality.12:37
chullcairo dock may not be supported, he loves cairo-dock12:38
tomreyncairo dock is now called "glx dock", a web search tells me. maybe the repository loccation has changed.12:39
tomreynin case you prefer working on a terminal, this should provide a list of non xenial repositories: grep -rlEv '^(#|.*xenial)' /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ | grep -v '.save$'12:39
chulltomreyn, you are awesome!12:40
tomreyn:) thanks.12:40
chullthat didn't show a list?12:41
tomreynhmm, maybe yours are all in /etc/apt/sources.list ?12:41
tomreynthe command above dowsn't work on this file.12:42
tomreynls -alh /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/12:42
tomreyn... shows you the repository configurations you have12:43
chullcan we print it to less or more or something?12:44
tomreyn.save files are older 'backup' copies, you can just rm them to get a better overview12:44
tomreynyou can pipe anything to | less12:44
chulli'm rusty12:44
tomreyncat /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* | less12:44
tomreynbut then you wont know where those configurations are12:45
chullthat's printing out the xenial ones12:45
tomreynyes, all of you have12:45
tomreynxenial and others12:45
chullno. it's just xenial no hardy etc12:46
tomreynhmm, maybe you disabled the hardy ones already on the gui?12:47
chullnot that i'm aware of12:47
tomreynthis lists files containing 'hardy': grep -rl hardy /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*12:48
tomreynthis lists files not containing "xenial" (same as before, you said there was no output?): grep -rlEv '^(#|.*xenial)' /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ | grep -v '.save$'12:49
chullyeah i don't see it. wonder if that gui did more than just look12:49
tomreyni dont think the GUI does anything other than show the current state until you use it to make changes12:50
tomreynbut i have not reviewed its code12:50
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tomreyn!info cairo-dock xenial12:54
ubottucairo-dock (source: cairo-dock): Light and eye-candy dock to launch your programs (metapackage). In component universe, is optional. Version 3.4.1-0ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 5 kB, installed size 47 kB12:54
tomreynso version 3.4.1 is in ubuntu itself (no need for a ppa if this version is sufficient)12:54
chullwe will have to see if it's what he wants12:55
tomreynsure. this may be the case for other softwares you have ppas set up for, too. maybe the same or newer versions are actualyl available in ubuntu. you can check this here as i just did above, or talk to our channel bot ubottu directly using the same commands. or use the website: https://packages,ubuntu,com/ (see below for the search options)12:56
tomreyni'll bbl ~ 30 mins12:57
tomreynif you get bored, do this in the meantime https://github.com/tomreyn/scripts#foreign_packages12:57
chullthanks have a good one12:58
tomreynuntracked packages don't have an upgrade path and are thus a potential security risk (they get no security fixes), but they also dont get bug fixes and new functionality.12:59
chullhe may have installed a Debian package (.deb file) directly using the 'dpkg' command.13:01
anilkaradaghi there; is there any way to disable MSI for only ahci not all pci13:11
rhaguhi I am running two m1015 raid controllers in my server, I am seeing all hdds in /dev/by-id proberly except for two which are garbled, any ideas what I can look at next?13:12
chalcednyi'm over here, chull is taking a short break13:14
TJ-anilkaradag: possibly, although things may break. echo 0 > /sys/bus/pci/devices/<path-to-device/msi_bus" - read first https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/master/Documentation/PCI/MSI-HOWTO.txt13:24
reallymemorableWhats the equivalent of tail -f nohup.out that will start at the tail but allow me to scroll up?13:25
geirhaless can follow too13:25
geirhaless nohup.out   then shift+f to start following13:25
matsaman| less +F should also work, IIRC13:26
cryptodanif this is for troubleshooting something, then i would grep for what you are trying to find out and redirect the output to a file and analyze the file for whatever you want to troubleshoot13:27
reallymemorableok tahnks13:27
reallymemorableit appears my script running the background hit an error13:28
reallymemorablei got to the bottom with less nohup.out and shift + f13:28
reallymemorablebut it wont let me scroll up13:28
geirhactrl+c to abort follow mode13:28
geirhaso what you really wanted was shift+g which just moves you to the end of the file without following13:29
reallymemorableah ok13:29
reallymemorableThis is my error: `ERROR 1: JSON parsing error: buffer size overflow (at offset 0)`13:29
reallymemorableDoes this mean I ran out of memory?13:29
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geirhamore likely the json has some key or value that is larger than some arbitrary limit in the json parser13:31
reallymemorableThats weird though because I ran this exact bash file to handle these geojsons from an osx laptop and it worked fine.  Now I have it in an ubuntu EC2 instance and it's hitting an error.13:33
reallymemorableUnless GDAL for Ubuntu is different from GDAL for OSX13:33
tomreynchull: i'm back, ping me if you need anything else13:34
geirhacheck the version difference. Could be the one in Ubuntu is older and has a bug that's fixed in newer versions13:34
reallymemorablegot it13:34
reallymemorableso that might mean i just cant do it from ubuntu13:34
reallymemorablebecause i installed GDAL on this instance myself13:35
reallymemorableso I assume it got the newest version13:35
reallymemorableGDAL 2.2.3, released 2017/11/20 vs GDAL 2.3.1, released 2018/06/2213:36
reallymemorableThe versions are different13:36
chulltomreyn we definitely need you :)13:36
chulltomreyn, error when we tried to run your script: The volume “Filesystem root” has only 73.7 KB disk space remaining.13:36
chullYou can free up disk space by removing programs or files or by moving files to another disk or partition.The volume “Filesystem root” has only 73.7 KB disk space remaining.13:36
chullYou can free up disk space by removing programs or files or by moving files to another disk or partition.13:36
geirhasearching the error message, I found this: http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/gdal-dev-Exporting-large-geojsons-to-postgis-using-ogr2ogr-td5341035.html  which suggests it was fixed in november 2017, but perhaps it didn't make it to the 2.2.3 version13:37
reallymemorableOk thanks13:37
chulli'm thinking it would be easiest (not that it's approved anymore, to just delete the hardy repository and maybe others, can i do that manually?13:37
reallymemorableHave to figure out how to update gdal now13:37
chull#### Yuuguu - http://yuuguu.com13:38
chulldeb http://update.yuuguu.com/repositories/apt hardy multiverse13:38
reallymemorablegeirha: it does appear to be related to RAM13:38
reallymemorablebut also teh version13:39
geirhareallymemorable: yeah13:39
tomreynchull: yes, you can just rename the files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d to *.disabled (or anythig other than .list really) and they will be ignored (with a warning)13:39
reallymemorablehow do i update a package (gdal) in Ubuntu?13:39
tomreynchull: alternatively create a directory /etc/apt/sources.list.d.disabled and move them there. or just delete them.13:39
reallymemorablei tried apt-get update gdal13:39
geirhareallymemorable: the package version is locked, so you'd have to install it from a different source13:40
reallymemorablelike pull it directly from github or something?13:40
chalcednytomreyn, i think we filled up his root directory with printer stuff13:41
tomreynchull: the main issue is that the root file system (mounted at "/") has run full. as the message said, you will need to delete some  software or take other measures to recover from this. the graphical "baobab" software can help you identify what is taking space.13:41
chulltomreyn, i'll look up baobab?13:42
tomreynchalcedny: the printer drivers hardly took much space. run "df -h" and "sudo parted -ls" to get an idea of which file systems are mount, and which disks you have attached and where you may have space left.13:43
geirhareallymemorable: the easiest would be using a PPA, if there is one13:45
tomreynchull: you can install baobab using "sudo apt install baobab" - but not right now since the disk is full, wait until we recovered some space. maybe it is already installed, then just run it using "baobab". if it's not installed,13:45
tomreynactually you should run baobab with sudo: "sudo baobab"13:45
geirhato see where the size is used from a terminal, you can   cd / && sudo du -haxd1 . | sort -h  , then cd into the largest dir and run sudo du -haxd1 . | sort -h again. Rince and repeat until you find some large files you can remove13:46
reallymemorablegeirha: ok thanks13:47
maeudHi, can anyone help me with a preseed issue, it fails when trying to install the grub bootloader. Here is the partman section of my preseed file: https://pastebin.com/raw/F265bZgw13:47
chulltomreyn, he did have baobab, it's showing he's pretty full, is there a way to see what he's got there?13:47
maeudThe error is: "Volume group sda not found" then next line "Cannot process volume group sda"13:48
maeudI also have in my preseed: "d-i grub-installer/bootdev string /dev/sda1" but that's ignored13:48
maeudif I chroot into /target and run parted, I can see /boot is on /dev/sda113:48
maeudbut grub fails to install...13:48
tomreynchull: there are those triangles you can use to expand an entry showing subdirectories. and when you right-click a subdirectory you can open it in a graphical file browser to inspect the directory contents13:49
tomreynchull: but geirha's suggestion is good, too,makes it easier to share the output with us here.13:49
tomreynobviously deleting (moving to trash) files on the / file system is dangerous, since it can be impotant system files13:50
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tomreynsome directories on / where you may find files to delete: /var/cache/apt /tmp /var/tmp13:53
chulltomreyn, i think he's saying that he needs to move some files13:53
tomreynsure, maybe you have some space elsewhere...13:54
chulli think he does he is saying 150 gb and it's only 70 full but in the wrong parts13:55
bobrosswinsI'm having sound issues on 18.04. Same as this user. https://askubuntu.com/questions/1097694/buzzy-sound-msi-b450-mortar-ubuntu-18-0413:55
chulland then again maybe something filled up things that he didn't mean to get13:55
bobrosswinsAnything I can do?13:56
bobrosswinsTried disabling pulse audio13:56
bobrosswinsNothing seems to work13:56
chullhe is a gui person, is there a file visualizer in ubuntu?13:56
tomreyn!sound | bobrosswins13:57
ubottubobrosswins: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.13:57
tomreynchull: "nautilus" is the default file browser on gnome13:58
maeudis there a trigger for my issue tomreyn :(13:58
bobrosswinsubottu, what am I looking for specifically?13:58
ubottuI am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:58
tomreynmaeud: no. apparently the issue is that the installer thinks sda is a LVM2 VG. i' not that much into preseeding, so i'm not really able to help.13:59
tomreynbobrosswins: i don't really know. i think there is #alsa also, you could try there. or tra a different kernel version see if it makes a difference.14:00
bobrosswinstomreyn, i'm new to ubuntu. used to installing realtek drivers on windows14:01
bobrosswinsis that a thing on linux?14:01
bobrosswinsor should it just work14:01
tomreynchull: nautilus should also spawn from baobab when you right-click on the directories and select "open folder" there.14:01
chulltomreyn, i think something is growing in his computer, he just tried to save a file and it won't.14:01
chullok thanks14:01
tomreynbobrosswins: most of the time things just work on linux. sometimes they don't then a newer kernel sometimes helps.14:01
bobrosswinshow do i do that?14:02
bobrosswinsupdate the kernal14:02
tomreyn!hwe | bobrosswins14:02
ubottubobrosswins: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack14:02
chulltomreyn, would apt-get autoremove canon  get rid of it?14:07
tomreynbobrosswins: there seem to be multiple MSI boards which are based on the B450 chipset, which is yours?14:08
bobrosswinsupdated the kernal and restarted. same issue. ergh.14:08
tomreynchull: get rid of what? this command would fail, since the "autoremove" action does not take any arguments14:08
chulltomreyn, yes, ok.. and we don't really know if whatever is filling up his drive rapidly is canon, but if it causes the computer to crash it won't be good14:09
chullwhatever is happening is unexpected14:10
tomreynchull: why do you think something is constantly filling it up, did you delete anything, yet, is the value for "used" in the output produced by the "df /" command constantly rising if you run it repeatedly?14:12
chull(baobab:5741): Gtk-WARNING **: Attempting to store changes into '/home/chull/.local/share/recently-used.xbel', but failed: Failed to write file '/home/chull/.local/share/recently-used.xbel.ZTIUUZ': write() failed: No space left on device14:13
chullwe are seeing other errors as well from time to time14:13
tomreynchull: this is expected as long as the disk remains full14:13
tomreyni mean the / file sytem, not the disk14:14
tomreynmoving files to trash (which you can do with baobab) does not immediately delete them and so doe snot immediately recover space.14:15
tomreynyou will still need to purge the trash, which you can do from nautilus.14:15
tomreynactually baobab moves directories / folders to trash, not single files14:16
tomreynbobrosswins: did you reboot after installing the HWE kernel?14:17
chullFilesystem                  1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on14:18
bobrosswinsthanks for trying to help14:18
bobrosswinsi'm at a loss14:18
tomreynbobrosswins: you're welcome. sorry, i'm not good at helping with audio issues, which is why i pointed to documentation and to the #alsa channel here on freenode. maybe also try a bios update, since this board is soemwhat new and there are several such updates. the last thing i can think of is http://iam.tj/prototype/enhancements/Windows-acpi_osi.html - might also help, not sure.14:20
tomreynbobrosswins: bios updates are at https://www.msi.com/Motherboard/support/B450-TOMAHAWK#down-bios14:20
tomreynchull: you posted one line there, which is the first line the "df" command prints. it's a generic table header.14:21
tomreynchull: you can pipe command output to either the "pastebinit" or "nc termbin.com 9999" commands. example: df / | pastebinit14:22
tomreynchull: this will return a URL which you can then post here.14:22
chalcednylet me see if i can ssh to his14:22
tomreynchull / chalcedny: the warning message baobab printed suggests that the home directory, where you users' files are stored, is on the same file system as the operating system. this means that you may actually want to just delete or move (such as to external storage, like a usb disk) some files in your home directory to recover space.14:24
chalcednytomreyn, df / only gives me that one line14:28
chalcedny~$ df -h /14:29
chalcednyFilesystem                   Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on14:29
tomreynchalcedny: strange, never seen that. try just "df"14:29
chalcedny /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root  886G  841G     0 100% /14:29
chalcednythe  / makes it a command14:29
tomreynchalcedny: ah right14:29
tomreynchalcedny: this is outpout from "df -h /", though14:29
chalcednydf  /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root 928081392 880914520         0 100% /14:30
tomreynchalcedny: 841 GB of data are stored on this disk. exactly 0 bytes are available.14:30
chalcednytomreyn, he's having a headache and doesn't know what he wants to do14:31
tomreynchalcedny: i'd start a file browser (nautilus) and look through the Downloads folder and see what's not strictly necessary / can be easily re-downloaded.14:32
chalcednytrying navigating to downloads with ssh14:34
tomreynls /home/*/Downloads14:34
chalcedny~$ /ls /home/*/Downloads14:34
chalcedny-bash: /ls: No such file or directory14:34
tomreynchalcedny: you have an extra leading slash14:35
chalcednywithout the slash it returns nothing too14:35
chalcedny~$ ls /home/*/Downloads14:35
tomreynchalcedny: cd / && sudo du -haxd1 . | sort -h14:36
tomreynwe're just inspecting, not making any changes.14:37
tomreynchalcedny: if you pipe this into "pastebinit" or "nc termbin.com 9999" and post the url here we can suggest what to do next.14:39
tomreyn!paste | chull14:40
ubottuchull: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:40
tomreyn!pastebinit | chull14:40
ubottuchull: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit14:40
chull(i knew we had pastebinit in here)14:42
tomreynchull: so of the 841GB stored on the disk, 824GB are in /home. that's a lot - is this expected? maybe there is something there which is not strictly needed?14:43
tomreynchull: now look more closely into what's in /home: cd /home && sudo du -haxd1 . | sort -h | pastebinit14:44
tomreynchull: so there is only your user, and all this space is allocated in there. more details: cd /home/chull && sudo du -haxd1 . | sort -h | pastebinit14:47
tomreyni.e. you traverse into the subdirectories, get the idea?14:47
irgendwer4711hi, how to clean up zeitgeist database? e.g. shrinken to one month14:52
tomreynirgendwer4711: there should be a GUI for this14:53
irgendwer4711tomreyn: which gui?14:53
chulltomreyn, i do.. working with him to figure out where things are14:54
tomreynirgendwer4711: depends on what you are running there, i guess14:54
irgendwer4711tomreyn: xubuntu14:54
tomreynirgendwer4711: version 999?14:54
irgendwer4711irgendwer4711: 18.10.99914:54
tomreynirgendwer4711: talking to yourself, eh? :)14:54
tomreyni have (default gnome3) ubuntu 18.04 here, but i think it should be available from xubuntu system properties as well14:55
tomreynlook for a "privacy" option there14:55
irgendwer4711tomreyn: ahhh14:56
irgendwer4711"clear usage data"14:57
=== SimonNL is now known as _SimonNL
maeudAnyone here good with preseeding?15:01
maeudcan't install grub, volume group sda not found15:01
tomreynmaeud: there is also #ubuntu-server in case you'd like to try your luck there, too.15:01
maeudThanks tomreyn15:01
chulltomreyn, is this stuff that can be gotten rid of?15:04
chullchull@vir:/tmp$ ls -l | pastebinit15:04
tomreynirgendwer4711: activity-log-manager-control-center is what i meant15:04
irgendwer4711tomreyn: I have got a activity-log-manager15:04
tomreynirgendwer4711: may work, too, but i'm not sure it has a GUI15:05
irgendwer4711it has15:05
tomreynchull: hard to tell.. these are directories in /tmp/, i can't tell what's in them precisely. mayabe have a look at /tmp/timeshift, this is non standard, i think15:06
chulltomreyn, it's mv /trash/ or how?15:08
tomreynchull: i suspect timeshift is this https://github.com/teejee2008/timeshift ? it may store important state data on your backups, then15:08
chullyes, and he says he doesn't need it15:09
tomreynchull: if you identified something you (really!) know is safe to delete, then delete it right away: sudo rm /path/tp/something15:09
tomreynchull: if you identified something you (really!) know is safe to delete, then delete it right away: sudo rm /path/to/something15:09
chulltomreyn, if i'm in the directory it will just delete it?15:10
tomreynthis works only with files, not with entire directories.15:10
chullah yeah15:10
chullit's actually remdir no?15:10
tomreynchull: to delete a directory, move out of the directory ("cd ..") and delete the directory recursively. but this is a very dangerous operation, so mayke sure you have no typos: sudo rm -r /path/to/directory15:11
tomreynalso, only use "sido" if you really have to.15:11
iseneIs there a way to tell libinput/touchpad to be less sensitive to motion while I tap? It seems a bit too sensitive to finger motion while tapping as it misses more taps now that I've upgraded from 18.04 to 18.10.15:11
irgendwer4711tomreyn: it does not shrink :-D15:15
tomreynirgendwer4711: you may need to vacuum it, or wait for it to happen automatically15:15
irgendwer4711I did that too15:16
tomreynirgendwer4711: maybe just uninstall it then15:16
irgendwer4711this is the last options15:16
irgendwer4711tomreyn: I think zeitgeist-fts is the main problem15:16
Kazdaxshould i use synaptic packager to remove apps or the shell ?15:18
tomreynirgendwer4711: sorry, can't help, i dont use it myself15:19
tomreynKazdax: either is fine.15:19
tomreynKazdax: that's if, by "the shell", you mean apt15:19
Kazdaxyes i meant apt15:21
tomreynKazdax: personally i prefer the terminal since this ensures you don'T miss any warnings which are maybe not transported to the GUI.15:22
tomreynchull / chalcedny any luck finding something to delete, yet?15:25
chulltomreyn, he is (when he's awake) actually very very good with computers. today is not a good day.15:26
tomreynlooking at what you posted earlier - http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/qSQgQZSdWJ/ - there might be something to delete in /opt and somewhere below /var , too.15:26
chulltomreyn, he's asking ME how to do things .. is nuts.15:26
tomreynalso /core can be deleted right away is this is a file15:26
tomreynchull: alright, maybe just let it sit for another day, wont hurt ;-)15:27
chulltomreyn, how does he move it from /tmp/ to trash? (i hate that it's been so lonjg for me and ubuntu keeps stuff in different places15:27
tomreynTrash is actually a hidden directory in the users' home directory, i think15:28
tomreynso it *may* be /home/chull/.Trash or /home/chull/.config/Trash or something15:30
tomreynactually it's /home/chull/.local/share/Trash/files15:31
tomreynbut if you delete it with the file browser then the file browser will record more info on when it was deleted and where it used to be stored, so that it can be moved back15:31
tomreynthis would then go into /home/chull/.local/share/Trash/info/15:32
tomreynchull: so you could move files to Trash from the terminal (using the "mv" command), but i'd recommend you also create a meta data file if you do, otherwise it may not show up on the GUI15:33
chalcednyhow does he get root to move files with the graphical interface?15:34
tomreynsudo nautilus15:34
tomreynbut be careful about what you're moving with root15:35
tomreynalso note that using GUI tools like nautilus with sudo will often create files in /root, they are usually small, but it's cruft you may want to remove later15:36
tomreynsudo ls -lah /root15:36
chalcednyhe seems happier15:37
tomreynchalcedny / chull: i have to leave for a while, talk to you later!15:48
ironhalikhello - quick question - can I do apt-get update, to only update a single repo? I want to download only the main repo list15:53
lotuspsychjeironhalik: whats the purpose of that?15:54
chalcednyhave a good one tomreyn we sure appreciate you :)15:54
ironhaliklotuspsychje: the purpose is to update only the main repo. I'm doing a docker entrypoint that needs to do apt-get update, and I dont want to pull all the PPAs, universe, backports etc15:55
lotuspsychje!cookie | tomreyn15:55
ubottutomreyn: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!15:55
chalcednyhe sure does!15:55
chalcednyice cream too! and cherries on top15:55
ironhaliklooks like you can manually specify a source list file, via Dir::Etc::sourcelist option - but you cant specify particular repo15:57
lotuspsychjeironhalik: its not really reccomended to keep packages no up to date, not sure why you dont wanna have universe or backports left behind?15:57
ironhaliklotuspsychje: ahh, coz I only need the latest linux-headers and I know I already have everything up to date - generally its a niche use case where I'm optimizing docker container startup time15:58
ironhalikbut I sadly still need to pull linux-headers at run time (the kernel might differ between runs)15:58
=== capella|away is now known as capella
r4co0nI am desperately trying to preseed the keyboard configuration for 18.04 bionic using a packer (with virtualbox) starting from a netinstall. What I'm using is here: https://github.com/r4co0n/packer-ubuntu-18.04/16:52
r4co0nI always end up with an English layout, which I can successfully reconfigure to German using `dpkg- reconfigure keyboard-configuration`.16:54
r4co0n(I mean `dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration`)16:55
tomreynd-i keyboard-configuration/xkb-keymap select de16:55
tomreynd-i keyboard-configuration/layoutcode string de16:55
tomreynr4co0n: should be this16:55
r4co0nI tried getting everything keyboard-configuration related afterwards with `debconf-get-selections`16:55
r4co0ntomreyn, I am quite sure I've tried those, but let's see...16:56
tomreynd-i keymap select de16:56
tomreynthis also16:56
r4co0ndebconf-get-selection always show the long values, 'Danish' and the like...16:56
tomreyndebian installer and debconf are not the same thing16:57
r4co0ntomreyn, keymap is just shorthand for keyboard-configuration/xkb-keymap, or am I mistaken?16:57
tomreyni think keymap is tty, xkb-keymap is X16:58
r4co0nI'm coming from Debian, and there this method of extracting preseed values is what's documented and (mostly) working.16:58
r4co0nI'll report back after rebuilding with your 3 lines.16:59
qwebirc16206Hi there! I am trying to install Ubuntu server 18.04 on my machine with 2 HDDs.16:59
r4co0nI am not mistaken when I drop the 'd-i' prefix and use these as boot parameters?16:59
r4co0nI will later try to move as much back to the preseed file, I just want a working poc.17:00
j0sephCan anyone explain why installing HexChat (from the ubuntu-cosmic-universe repo, not the Snap / Flatpak store) via Ubuntu Software allows me to minimise hexchat to tray, but installing it with apt via the terminal (sudo apt install hexchat) gives a version that doesn't come with this?17:00
qwebirc16206I try to setup the RAID 1 during the installation, but I always get curtin command block-meta error.17:00
qwebirc16206I tried wiping the disks, putting new GPTs, but it didn't help.17:01
tomreynr4co0n: i dont know whether boot parameters work.17:02
qwebirc16206I will post the images in a second...17:02
qwebirc16206Any idea what could be going on?17:02
r4co0ntomreyn, there is some documentation saying locale-related stuff has to be pre-seeded early, and I think what is happening now is that the boot parameter `locale=en_GB` is used for keyboard configuration, bar all the 'de'-Layout related settings in `ubuntu.json`'s boot_command and `http/preseed.cfg`'s settings.17:04
tomreynj0seph: maybe it was just not considered for the deb. post a feature request or patch against the package.17:04
TJ-j0seph: possibly the system default has --no-install-recommends but software centre installs Recommends?17:04
qwebirc16206Please help...17:04
r4co0ntomreyn, I will try with the values in both places, it won't hurt I suppose...17:05
lotuspsychjeqwebirc16206: join #ubuntu-server please17:05
j0sephtomreyn, TJ-, you both make good points. TJ-, how do I check if --no-install-recommends is enabled by default?17:06
tomreynqwebirc16206: what's the exact file name of the ISO file you created the installer from?17:07
qwebirc16206tomreyn: I have no idea anymore. I have created the bootable usb a couple of days ago. The ISO was downloaded through the official website though...17:09
tomreynqwebirc16206: do you still have the installation media?17:10
TJ-j0seph: you can tell when doing the "apt-get install" because, if it isn't going to install Recommends, it'll list the Recommends that /could/ have been installed, but won't be - if that makes sense!17:11
TJ-j0seph: On my system for example I have:  /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/05-no-install-recommends:1:APT::Install-Recommends "false";17:12
TJ-j0seph: that's my specific choice though, not a default. Try "grep -rn Recommends /etc/apt" to see if yours has a setting17:12
qwebirc16206romreyn: yes I do17:13
tomreynqwebirc16206: whats in /.disk/info ?17:14
j0sephTJ-: Ah yes, I've seen that before! Thanks for the friendly advice, I think I'll go enable that now :) And no, I do not have such a setting it seems.17:14
TJ-j0seph: if you do "apt-cache show hexchat" You'll also see some "Suggests:" packages (as well as "Recommends:") I doubt those would have the effect you asked about but it is useful to know these things. Usually, Recommends are installed by default but Suggests are not, without using --install-suggests17:15
tomreynqwebirc16206: i notice you're now discussing this in #ubuntu-server, so i'll move there17:16
j0sephAh, yes, I do have the packages it recommends, so I do have that feature enabled. However, I don't have the suggests. Thanks for clearing that up for me! Also, I spoke with TingPing (Hexchat Author) in #hexchat and he says that me installing TopIcons Plus is what enabled this functionality.17:19
j0sephSo maybe I was overcomplicating things. Heh.17:19
j0sephTJ-: Thanks again for your help!17:21
r4co0ntomreyn, I owe you, it works now. Thanks a bunch :)))17:24
r4co0nNow I just have to figure out which of those redundant lines I can drop, but I already thought about writing a script for testing this piece-by-piece.17:25
=== _SimonNL is now known as SimonNL
pikapikaWhile installing via apt, is there a way to specify the particular PPA if a package exists in multiple PPAs?17:31
pikapikaThe software in question exists both in the official Ubuntu repos17:31
pikapikaand has its own PPA with the latest version17:31
pikapikaI want the latter17:31
jhutchins_wkpikapika: -t <repo> should work, that's how you do backports.17:32
TJ-pikapika: the latest version should always be installe,d barring any apt pinning. Use "apt-cache policy <package-name>" to see the installation candidate17:33
tomreynr4co0n: you're welcome17:35
tdai thought ppa packages could not have the same name as a package in an official repo17:36
tomreynsure, they can17:36
TJ-tda: that's the most common scenario - PPA packages in place of (older) archive packages17:37
itguysI'm considering Ubuntu for my server. What strengths does it have vs other distributions? I'm trying to find the most stable distribution for wireguard and Nextcloud.17:46
OerHeksstable = LTS, so 18.04 LTS will be fine.17:48
DexDeadlyany one using s3fs17:50
OerHeksDexDeadly, amazon does17:50
DexDeadlysorry the s3fs_fuse17:51
tomreynitguys: wireguard is not considered stable by its developers, yet. but i assume you mean 'stable' as in reliably running, with an upgrade path. then i guess you're fine with ubuntu.18:01
itguystomreyn: Yeah. That's what I meant. I meant with the OS, not the service. Thank you.18:01
itguystomreyn: I didn't realize the whole protocol wasn't considered stable yet (just saw that the Android app wasn't), so maybe I might want to wait anyway. Thanks for the heads up.18:03
tomreynthe notice on the website isn't that obvious, but then, there are a lot ofsoftwares and services which their developers don't consider stable but others would. such as tor (was considered 'unstable' for a long time), gmail (was considered 'beta' for a long time). on the other hand, for this (VPN) application, you probably want it really stable and secure.18:05
itguystomreyn: Yeah. I'm seeing if it's stable enough. Might just want to go with OpenVPN for now. I would like this to be as stable as possible, but it's just for my personal network, not a production one so some failure is ok as long as it's not decrypted. I have a lot of research to do.18:07
pikapikaTJ-, nope, that command lists the older package from the Ubuntu repos18:09
lotuspsychjepikapika: we dont really reccomend adding external ppa's in the first place18:09
lotuspsychjepikapika: to avoid packages and dependencys scrambled up18:10
pikapikaNormally true, but its supplied by VLC only for VLC18:10
pikapikaand the one in the repos here is ancient tbh18:10
Captain_HaddockI'm trying to access a failing/failed SSD. It had started acting up a few weeks ago and was replaced. I was able to access it for about 5 minutes just now (via USB) before it failed. https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/fRNJd4xNMf/18:13
Captain_HaddockAny idea if I can repair this somehow?18:14
lotuspsychjeCaptain_Haddock: wich brand of ssd is this18:15
tdaI see it got the capacity, but not the partition table. you may still be able to use recovery software if it is indeed still readable. consider the fs lost18:17
OolCaptain_Haddock: usually it's better to dump the fail device before trying to act on it, (just plug as R/O ,dump it with dd, and try something on the dump not the original)18:17
rushikeshWhy gnome is default for ubuntu not other desktop?18:17
Captain_Haddocklotuspsychje: It's a Kingston. Do you want the model number?18:18
Captain_HaddockOol: That sounds like a great idea. Will I be able to do that if I see read errors?18:18
tdayou should use ddrescue to read around the errors if there are any18:19
NTQHi. Is there a way to check the reason why gnome-shell is consuming to much CPU time even if I am not doing much?18:19
Captain_HaddockThis is the output from smartctl -a when the drive was directly connected a few days ago. it's currently connect via a USB enclosure.18:19
* Captain_Haddock reads up on ddrescue18:20
lotuspsychjerushikesh: ubuntu desktop has now gnome by default, you can still choose or install other !flavors18:20
lotuspsychjeNTQ: htop18:20
lotuspsychjeNTQ: on older systems, gnome-shell will rise high on cpu/mem18:21
tdatypical SMART. reallocated sectors, can't read the test logs, 'no errors logged'18:22
NTQlotuspsychje: And then what? I already know that it is consuming too much CPU. I need to know why. Is it an issue with graphics, i/o, network, someething totaly unrelated...18:22
tdayou MAY be able to get stuff back with dd/ddrescue/recovery software, but this is pretty typical failure pattern for SSD/USB. this is why you have backups.18:22
lotuspsychjeNTQ: how about you start with sharing your system specs first?18:23
Captain_Haddocktda: Most of it is backed up. There is just one data folder that I've missed :(18:24
lotuspsychjeNTQ: your system up to date? kernel version? ubuntu version?18:24
NTQlotuspsychje: Of course. Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS, Kernel 4.15.0-43-generic x86_64, 24 GB RAM, Intel Core i7-3820QM @ 2.7 GHz, Nvidia Quadro K2000M 2 GB18:24
TJ-Captain_Haddock: Because you've got the device connected via USB, the system cannot use the required ATA commands to query the SMART data fully. There are options to smartctl to potentially enable better operation through a USB<>SATA bridge18:24
lotuspsychjewith those specs gnome should be rocknroll NTQ18:25
TJ-Captain_Haddock: see "man smartctl" and the --device options18:25
Captain_HaddockTJ-: Hi :) Is that worth doing now?18:26
TJ-Captain_Haddock: well, it depends on how the device was/is failing18:26
Captain_HaddockTJ-: That can be gauged only via smartctl?18:28
NTQI also think so. But it doesn't. Is it because I am using the nvidia drivers? Should I use nouveau? Wayland is not an alternative, there are issues with applications that require root privileges.18:28
TJ-Captain_Haddock: I suspect the firmware has been knobbled... read this! https://linustechtips.com/main/topic/937255-25-ssd-become-satafirm-s11/18:28
TJ-Captain_Haddock: seems to be a common issue: http://www.tomshardware.co.uk/forum/id-3558694/ssd-drive-suddenly-unallocated-111-free-space.html18:29
Captain_HaddockSame vendor huh?18:29
Captain_HaddockOr is that a generic name?18:29
Captain_HaddockTJ-: My drive is a Kingston SSDNow A400 120GB. This is the same one noted by kom51k23s in your tomshardware link.18:33
Captain_Haddock"By this moment I've found a lot of information about it issue and the disk needs updating (firmware updating). "18:33
Captain_HaddockI don't think I've ever updated or had to update the firmware for a disk drive.18:34
pikapikajhutchins_wk, what do I have to supply to the -t option?18:35
TJ-Captain_Haddock: the device name "SATAFIRM   S11" appears when the device's firmware has been damaged/corrupted/disappeared18:36
jhutchins_wkpikapika: I would guess the name of the repo from the sources.list18:36
jhutchins_wkpikapika: This is not something I've tested myself.18:36
NTQJust found out that cpu usage drops significantly if I disable showing the seconds on the clock in the top panel with the tweak tool.18:38
EtuaHello, I'm on my way to setup a home server on a new machine and I decided to try Ubuntu Server with it's contenerization and virtualization. Is there any reason to use standard Ubuntu Server over MASS? Is the latter suitable only for scalable environments with multiple machines or can it be reasonable on only one bare-metal server?18:40
TJ-Captain_Haddock: read especially comment #8 here, interesting background, and a glimmer of a possible fix http://forum.corsair.com/v3/showthread.php?t=15808318:40
TJ-Captain_Haddock: Seems like S11 (or S??) is the current FW version18:41
Captain_HaddockTJ-: Reading. Thanks.18:43
Captain_HaddockTJ-: Looks like this is the firmware updater: https://www.kingston.com/en/support/technical/ssdmanager18:46
TJ-Captain_Haddock: looks like someone else with that same device on Ubuntu too: https://ubuntuforum-br.org/index.php?topic=123423.018:46
Captain_HaddockWindows only. My only windows machine is an ollllld laptop. I hope it will work if I use the USB enclosure.18:46
TJ-Captain_Haddock: probably not18:47
Captain_HaddockTJ-: They recommend testdisk too :( TIL of the existence of ddrescue, testdisk, scalpel, and foremost.18:47
TJ-Captain_Haddock: as it says, it needs AHCI mode18:48
TJ-Captain_Haddock: you could try issuing direct ATA commands to read specific sectors using hdparm, just in case it can succeed where others fail18:49
Captain_HaddockTJ-: As others have suggested, I'll first try to copy the drive if possible (with ddrescue) before trying anything destructive.18:50
TJ-Captain_Haddock:I've found a hacking site where it indicates the problem is the storage control is made by phison and is know for this problem; looks like they even created a firmware patcher that possibly works18:52
Captain_HaddockTJ-: for Linux?18:55
TJ-Captain_Haddock: no; I'm looking for clues as to how it failed the way it has. Seems the controller is "Phison PS3111SB" and searching for that gets some better results. Still only gathering background details but helpful to know what you're dealing with18:56
RahulANHi All18:59
RahulANI have install lxdm and made lxdm default.. Now i get lxdm login screen , How can i revert it back to GNOME Desktop ?18:59
tdathere should be an option for that at the login screen19:00
RahulANtda: Yes it is there.. But i need my gnome Login , instead of lxdm19:01
tdaso you're trying to chnage the login screen, not the desktop environment you login to?19:01
RahulANtda:  Yes correct ..19:03
TJ-Captain_Haddock: looks like this Phison PS3111-S11 controller has a fault; it's used in lots of different manufacturers devices and the reports are all similar. This review mentions the controller: http://gearopen.com/computers/kingston-a400-ssd-240-gb-review-72660/19:03
RahulANtda: Cool that worked .. Let me reboot and check19:05
RahulANtda: Thanks :) It worked19:07
Captain_HaddockTJ-: Cheers. I'm trying to see how I can upgrade the firmware.19:09
Captain_HaddockMost guides simply assume that it's connected to your current system and has not failed :(19:10
tdaget your data back first19:10
tdatrying to update firmware on a failed/failing drive sounds really stupid if you care about the data19:11
Captain_Haddocktda: I agree :) I've installed ddrescue. From what I can see, it copies one block device to another block device? So I'll need to create a new partition somewhere?19:12
tdaoutput can be a file19:12
tdaeverything on linux is a file anyway19:14
Captain_Haddocktda: OK. I've install testdisk which has an analyse option that I'm running now.19:14
TJ-Captain_Haddock: I'd recommend you assume the device is dead - there's obviously a Phison controller fault that causes this, I doubt a FW upgrade will repair that19:25
Captain_HaddockTJ-: I'd given up on it a few weeks ago. But when I connected it a couple of days ago, it worked for a while and then died again.19:25
Captain_HaddockBut it's not looking good.19:26
TJ-Captain_Haddock: Looks like a claim on Kingston for a replacement - that's the only way failures like this get communicated back to the manufacturer and might get fixed19:26
TJ-Captain_Haddock: if all the SSD manufacturers start bothering Phison over the same problem, things changes19:27
Captain_HaddockThis is what happens when I run ddrescue: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/nMtz884Mpj/19:27
Captain_HaddockDies and is then redetected.19:27
TJ-Captain_Haddock: you've good evidence across the 'net that this issue is related to the controller and affects multiple brands19:27
Captain_HaddockTJ-: Yep. I just want to give data recovery a try before I do that.19:28
TJ-Captain_Haddock: the failure doesn't surprise me; I suspect the wear-levelling data/algorithm, stored in the flash itself, has been corrupted19:28
cryptodanCaptain_Haddock: put the drive in an external enclosure and see if it will work there19:29
Captain_Haddockcryptodan: That's where it is now.19:29
cryptodanand it is still doing that error?19:30
Captain_Haddockyep although I didn't try the ddrescue when it was directly connected. But other behaviour was similar.19:30
cryptodantry using testdisk or photorec as a last resort19:31
JRTGuyWhat's the advised way to install the latest NVIDIA drivers? The 'additional drivers' tab in software centre says nothing. I tried installing from NVIDIA website but it said the distribution install script failed. I did find a ppa 'graphics-drivers' and added it but it gave a big wall of text about how it's in testing. Is there an easier way to do this?19:31
cryptodanJRTGuy: what video card19:31
JRTGuyRTX 2070. Needs latest driver19:32
Captain_Haddockcryptodan: Will do, thanks.19:32
cryptodanthe graphics-driver ppa19:32
Captain_HaddockJRTGuy: I'm using the ppa with no issues. FWIW.19:32
JRTGuyThat is the official way to do it on Ubuntu?19:33
cryptodanJRTGuy: yup i use it for my gtx 1070 and no issues19:33
americanwookieHi! I'm not sure where to go, maybe y'all can point me in the right direction: I've got a few machines netbooting, and all of a sudden /lib/modules was replaced by a package called cloud-initramfs-copymods. Replaced, as in, a tmpfs-like mount was made ontop and all the modules from my initrd were placed in /lib/modules. Can anyone tell me more about copymods? I doesn't google well.19:39
tomreyn!info cloud-initramfs-copymods19:40
ubottucloud-initramfs-copymods (source: cloud-initramfs-tools): copy initramfs modules into root filesystem for later use. In component main, is extra. Version 0.40ubuntu1.1 (bionic), package size 3 kB, installed size 25 kB19:40
tomreynamericanwookie: not sure what this does, haven't seen it before. which ubuntu do you run there?19:42
* americanwookie reads19:43
OerHeksThis package arranges for the modules in the initramfs to be placed into /lib/modules after the switchroot is done.19:43
americanwookieAfter switchroot, that is, once my normal, day-to-day, file system is in place?19:44
tmp1233098I have a user 'jv' and a bash script that works for that user. When I set up an upstart service to run that script as that user, one of the lines causes "`/` is not writable." ... any thoughts?19:47
=== tmp1233098 is now known as mustmodify
mustmodifySorry, that's me above.19:47
mustmodifyI have a user 'jv' and a bash script that works for that user. When I set up an upstart service to run that script as that user, one of the lines causes "`/` is not writable." ... any thoughts?19:48
americanwookieOerHeks: (forgot to tag you in my earlier question) After switchroot, that is, once my normal, day-to-day, file system is in place?19:48
OerHeksamericanwookie, i am reading about this cloud thingy, i haven't done netboot for a while too19:50
americanwookieOerHeks: Thank you!19:51
cesdohello all19:51
ioriaamericanwookie, sy, what you mean with 'once my normal, day-to-day, file system is in place?'  ?19:52
americanwookieioria: So I'm netbooting openstack compute nodes that have their / file system on a NetAppp. Day-to-day filesystem as in the / that's on the NetApp that has all the typical files that are used by the server to act as a compute node.19:55
mlalkakamustmodify: From what directory is the script being run when run as a service? Is that different from when you run it logged in as 'jv'?19:55
mustmodifymlalkaka: Good question. the script changes to the proper directory, which is /projects/projname/reporting19:56
mustmodifymlalkaka: https://gist.github.com/mustmodify/78464c96566fb1a62c0d97387f3cee8619:59
chullI put the problem in pastebin so it's easy to read and understand https://pastebin.com/7r9TCbHE19:59
OerHekschull, install nautilus-admin, and you can open files as administrator/root20:01
uioHi! Is it possible to see the speed of available wifi connections without connecting to them?20:01
mlalkakamustmodify: Thanks for pasting the script. So I'm guessing you already verified that `whoami` returned 'jv'? If that's the case, do you know what line/command in the script is trying to execute when it fails? Perhaps you could put a few `echo` statements through it to figure that out next20:02
OerHeksso, that gtk warnings is no bug AFAIK20:02
chullOerHeks, we need to remove files to make room to install anything. got another idea?20:02
ioriachull, what version of ubuntu ?20:02
mustmodifymlalkaka: it does say 'jv'20:03
OerHekssudo rm /path/to/file or sudo -R /path/to/folder/20:03
chullioria, it's 16.0420:03
OerHeksdon't open GUI apps like that as root, and it is not needed with the nautilus-admin plugin20:03
ioriachull, and what version of nautilus ?20:03
chullioria, it's in the file umm hang on20:04
mustmodifymlalkaka: the issue is caused by the last line, the puma statement. When I run it interactively, it starts a web server. When I run it via upstart, no good.20:04
ioriachull, dpkg -l nautilus20:04
chulldpkg -l nautilus20:04
chull nautilus       1:3.18.5-0ub20:04
ioriachull, i don't think a 1:3.18.5-0ub exists20:04
mustmodifymlalkaka: weird thing is that on my local machine, I'm using that same script and same upstart file and it works.20:04
mustmodifysame paths, etc.20:05
chulllet me go back and see then ioria20:05
ioriachull, apt-cache policy nautilus20:05
chullioria  Installed: 1:3.18.5-0ubuntu1~xenial120:07
ioriachull, apt-cache policy nautilus | nc termbin.com 999920:07
lesshastehas anyone got netflix to work in ubuntu? I get Chrome Browser - Windows20:08
lesshasteNetflix Error M7353-5101 even though I turned off all extensions20:08
chullioria https://termbin.com/bfpk20:09
ioriachull, why are you using a ppa ... for gnome3 ?20:10
ioriachull, and, btw, on xenial you can use   gksu pkg for starting nautilus as root20:10
chullioria, my husband is, he can't talk or type to explain it. it's there, if it shouldn't be, we can fix it probably - the first issue is there isn't room to do anything20:11
ioriachull, df -h  | nc termbin.com 999920:11
cesdoI  have 1920*1080 monitor, but the current resolution is 1280*102420:11
cesdoplease help20:11
chullioria, https://termbin.com/2zmh20:12
chullcesdo, sympathy.20:12
ioriachull, ls /boot   | nc termbin.com 999920:13
chullioria, https://termbin.com/x4j820:14
ioriachull, well... you need to remove some stuff20:16
chullioria, yes. we would like to remove some things from /tmp/ if possible20:16
ioriachull, from /tmp ? why ?20:17
americanwookieioria, OerHeks: The problem I'm having with copymods is that everytime I reboot the server, I lose modules I need in /lib/modules like veth and iptables*. I've been slowly adding modules to /etc/initramfs-tools/modules, but I'm getting to the point where every module I need is ending up in my initrd. This feels wrong.20:17
ioriachull, the problem is root '/',or your home ;     du -sh /home/$USER20:17
mustmodifymlalkaka: figured it out.20:18
cryptodanchull tmp should be cleaned when you reboot your machine or close apps20:18
chullioria ok fine. it looks like we have20:18
mustmodify$HOME wasn't defined, and puma needed it.20:19
chullhave thingis20:19
ioriachull, your root is full20:19
chullioria ok yes20:19
ioriachull, run       du -sh /home/$USER20:19
chullioria, ok ty20:20
chullioria,  du -sh /home/$USER20:21
ioriachull,  824G on 886G ?20:21
chullioria, whatever it said, i pasted20:22
pjshey all.. question, for say, nginx, is it possible to specify the config file for the systemd startup script (assuming, ie, service nginx start)? Because it appears to be using a config that's not /etc/nginx/nginx.conf and I can't seem to figure out how it's getting it's config (not sites-enabled). Sorry for the odd question, inherited an issue this morning and trying to help troubleshoot20:22
ioriachull, remove something in your home then20:22
cryptodanwhere is /home mounted chull?20:23
chullhi cryptodan, tell me command?20:23
lesshastethe answer is you  need chrome and not chromium20:23
cryptodandf -h20:23
ioriacryptodan,  https://termbin.com/2zmh20:24
ikoniapjs: what are you you talking about20:24
ikoniapjs: if you install nginx from a package - that will provide a systemd unit file that will pass the arguments for the config fie20:24
ikoniayou just use the path the package sets20:24
ikoniaif you don't, you'll end up changing the unit files and then having problems with package updates/support20:25
cryptodanioria: his home resides in / so it is reporting the full size of /20:25
ioriacryptodan,  i asked for du -sh /home/$USER20:25
cryptodanplaces to look for huge / is /var/log and the like20:25
pjsikonia: I know that, what I'm saying is, it's NOT using the default path. I'm asking is where would that change be made? To change the path to the config file20:25
ikoniapjs: where did you get the package20:25
chullcryptodan, https://termbin.com/h1d920:26
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ioriacryptodan,  du it's not about partitions, but directory size20:26
pjsikonia: I assume apt.. this is not my system. Just helping in an urgent issue for a client20:26
ikoniapjs: then don't change the location, put the file where the init script is expecting it20:27
pjsikonia: I am not changing anything. It's already changed. I'm trying to find WHERE it's been changed so I can see what is configured20:27
pjsmy question is, where is the place that would be changed?20:27
ikoniapjs: you'll see it in the nginx log file20:27
cryptodanchull: did you get this output from du -sh /home/4USER20:27
ikoniapjs: if it's failing to start up, the error will say "cannot fine $somewhere file"20:28
cryptodanchull: did you get this output from du -sh /home/$USER 558G/home/cryptodan20:28
ioriacryptodan,  nope, he gets this : 824G /home/chull20:28
pjsikonia: no, it's running. but with settings that are not in the configs that I have. So I can't figure out what config it's using20:28
ikoniapjs: ps -ef | grep nginx shows the binary running with it's arguments20:29
pjsikonia: yea, just says /usr/sbin/nginx (checked that already).. super weird20:29
ikoniapjs: then it's reading the config file20:29
chullcryptodan, ikonia, chull@vir:~$ df -h | nc termbin.com 999920:30
chullthat's what i did20:30
OerHekssudo nginx -t should test all files and return errors and warnings locations.20:31
pjsikonia: thanks anyway20:31
ikoniapjs: why do you thin it's not reading the config file you think it is ?20:31
pjsikonia: because it's serving an SSL certificate, and listening on port 443, and it's not configured to in the default config file, no addtl configs are included, nothing is in sites-enabled or sites-available.20:32
lesshastehow can I check that all the files in /foo/dir1 are also in /foo/dir2 ?20:32
ikoniapjs: so if you do a nginx -t what output do you get ?20:33
iorialesshaste, one methos is md5sum20:34
lesshasteioria, good point20:34
pjsikonia: syntax is good, and file is correct (default)20:37
ikoniapjs: therefore is you stop and start using the init script - that's what it will parse20:37
ikoniapjs: you have to be miss-reading something in the config20:38
OerHekspjs, now you can tell what conf it reads20:38
tomreynlesshaste: ls -1 /foo/dir1 > /tmp/dir1; ls -1 /foo/dir2 > /tmp/dir2; diff /tmp/dir1 /tmp/dir220:38
chullwb tomreyn love diff :)20:39
pjsikonia, oerheks, thanks20:39
ikoniapjs: do you want to share the configs for second eyes ?20:39
tomreynchull: yes it's pretty useful.20:40
qwebirc95665hello, how can i bulk rename folders in ubuntu20:40
chullcryptodan, did we lose you?20:40
OerHeksqwebirc95665, use mv +R20:41
qwebirc95665does mv not just support 1 folder?20:41
OerHeksqwebirc95665, depends on the naming, mv -R ~/Photo*20:42
chullikonia, we lost cryptodan. so we still need to remove something to make roo on the drive20:42
ikoniachull: ? who is cryptodan ?20:43
OerHeksor use nautilus, hold CTRL key and click the folders, seperatly20:43
qwebirc95665i have 7600 folder, many of those have chinses symbol in it, i just want the folder to be some random 1-0 a-z naming20:43
ikoniaqwebirc95665: you'll need to write a script then20:44
tomreynqwebirc95665: use 'rename' / 'rename.ul' from util-linux20:44
chullikonia, i think cryptodan was asking us to show him :~$ df -h |20:44
ikoniachull: I've never spoken to cryptodan20:44
chullthere is a cryptodan_mobile still here20:45
ikoniachull: right ? why are you telling me ?20:45
pjsikonia: sure, https://pastebin.com/ACzmVEtS (sanitized domain name but other than that, that's nginx.conf)20:45
qwebirc95665rename.ul seems to rename files20:45
qwebirc95665tomreyn    Usage:  rename.ul [options] <expression> <replacement> <file>... Rename files.20:45
tomreynqwebirc95665: it can also work on directories, doesn'T matter20:45
chullikonia, so back with you, we still need to remove something20:46
lesshastetomreyn, I need to check the contents too20:46
ikoniachull: what  ? back with me ? what are you talking about20:47
tomreynlesshaste: then checksumming is required20:47
tomreynlesshaste: or some form of diff, if oyu want to know what the differences are.20:48
OerHekschull, you posted a strange way to open nautiluius as root: i told you not to do that, use the nautilus-admin plugin20:48
chullikonia, (im tired too) but we really need the computer to work and the drive is full .20:48
OerHeksdon't open GUI apps like that as root, and it is not needed with the nautilus-admin plugin20:48
ikoniachull: what are you talking about - I have no idea what you're talking about or why you are telling me20:48
qwebirc95665tomreyn would s/*/%random%/ work?20:49
ikoniapjs: is it possible it's the re-write ?20:49
tomreynOerHeks: i had suggested "sudo nautilus" to chull earlier, not knowing of this plugin20:49
qwebirc95665manpage give not much to read20:49
chullOerHeks, we don't have room to download anything at this point, we need to do it manually20:49
tomreynqwebirc95665: i dont know, you can try --no-act and --verbose20:50
OerHekschull, anyway, nautilus should open as root and you can do what you think is right20:50
OerHeksbut it is bad20:50
chulltomreyn, thanks yes. and it errors, https://pastebin.com/7r9TCbHE (just so you can see what it was doing)20:51
pjsikonia: I don't think so, but could be. Anyway I need to jet. I tried to help a friend but I have a meeting to get to now :) Thanks for your help! I do appreciate it20:51
ikoniapjs: not a problem20:51
qwebirc95665tomreyn Quantifier follows nothing in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/* <-- HERE / at (user-supplied code).20:51
tomreynchull: so you have this output, ok, but does the nautilus window actually show up?20:52
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chulltomreyn, it seems to, not sure it one can do anything in it20:52
chulltomreyn, we've established (thanks to ikonia ) that the problem is in /chull and that /tmp/ gets emptied when the system is restarted20:53
tomreynqwebirc95665: sorry, can't follow. if util-linux's replace doesn't provide what you're looing for there are several other options (apt search --names-only rename), or oyu could script it.20:54
tomreynchull: right, i told you that most of the space is in use in /home/chull earlier today. and /tmp/ is always cleared on reboot20:55
tomreyn(by default)20:55
chulltomreyn, so if i can get my husband to say something big that can be removed, then we need to use this to do it <OerHeks> sudo rm /path/to/file or sudo -R /path/to/folder/20:56
OerHeksyou do not need root to clean out your /home/20:56
qwebirc95665tomreyn i dont know if rename provide what i need, is there a webpage that shows sampe commands? i dont know what a Quantifier or a regex is20:56
tomreynchull: correct, although you can and should omit "sudo" in front if you're logged in as chull and deling file sin his home directory20:58
tomreynoh, OerHeks just said so20:59
tomreynqwebirc95665: "regex" is short for "regular expression". it's a somewhat complex way to desxribe all kinds of patterns. if you just need to rename a part of a directory name by something else, then you dont need to read up on it21:01
chulltomreyn, he got it. Men! He forgot how, but now he remembered how he does it.21:02
chullhe's laughing.21:02
kinghatgetting this on a ubuntu server VM as well: https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/b4PbTLDI/image.png21:02
qwebirc95665tomreyn i just found this, does this look like it can do what i want? /(.*)/([A-Z][A-Z][A-Z][A-Z][A-Z][A-Z][A-Z][A-Z][A-Z][A-Z][A-Z][A-Z][A-Z][A-Z])21:03
tomreynqwebirc95665: i dont know what exactly you want to do, so can't answer this21:03
tomreynchull: so you got some free space now?21:04
qwebirc95665tomreyn i want to rename every folder in a given path from ║╙▒í¬╖▓╖▓ to something like abcdef21:05
chulltomreyn, does 'trash' empty when you reboot or is there another way?21:05
technobiHello All, how do I change console font (tty1-6) to something that displays both utf-8 characters and ANSI Graphics?21:06
technobiE.G. qodem fails to display characters well...21:07
chulltomreyn, nm he showed me, but now we are trying to figure out if he has room21:07
tomreynchull: trash empties when you instruct your graphical file manager to do so+21:09
tomreynchull: df -h / to show unallocated (free, available) space.21:09
tomreynqwebirc95665: i guess you should script it.21:10
chulltomreyn, /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root  886G  329G  512G  40% /21:11
chullthat's much better. he removed backups. we are pretty sure there is more surplus stuff but at least he can move around now.21:11
tomreynchull: okay, much better indeed. now you can start to work on what you really wanted to do.21:12
tomreynchull: that is, as soon as the apt sources are cleaned up ;)21:13
chulltomreyn, yes. maybe when i wake up. i'm tired. (nocturnal)21:16
tomreynchull: cool, i'm tired, too, ttyl!21:16
chullokies have a good rest tomreyn :)21:16
tomreynyou, too21:16
chullthanks a lot tomreyn and everyone :)21:16
OerHekshave fun!21:17
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w3pmis there a way to hotkey forgrounding a specific running application? ie instead of using Alt+Tab and searching for the app to foreground, I could just use a hotkey to swap to it21:32
matsamanw3pm: yeah21:32
w3pmwoohoo! :D what do I search for to find that feature?21:33
matsamanw3pm: try wmctrl21:35
matsamanw3pm: like, 'wmctrl -a firefox' should match a window containing 'Firefox' in its name21:35
matsamanthere are some other alternatives, but that's probably simplest21:35
w3pmok nice, thank you21:35
matsamanwmctrl -l gives you the strings it would match against21:36
matsamanIIRC you can match more exactly by window id, too, I just forget the particular method21:36
w3pmmatsaman: works great, thanks for the help!21:44
dar123I am trying to find an ip addrss of api server, i have to use ip instead of domain name21:45
General_Starvelhello, I have a question having to do with apropriate drivers for a broadcomm wireless21:48
OerHeksdar123, domain ip could be different from the API server itself, but the whois domaintools online can be a help21:48
General_Starvelhello, I have a question having to do with apropriate drivers for a broadcomm wireless network card.21:49
matsamanGeneral_Starvel: prove it21:49
General_Starvelit's a microsoft mn-720, given to me bt the Cochise Linux User Group21:50
matsamancochise, cool21:50
matsamanwhat is that a minipci card?21:50
General_Starvelno, it's a wireless card, made for a dell inspiron21:51
General_Starveli happen to have an Inspiron 2600 laptop21:51
matsamanGeneral_Starvel: where's it show up, lsusb? lspci?21:52
General_Starveljust a sec21:52
OerHeksGeneral_Starvel, lspci -nnk should tell more,21:52
General_Starvelthats what i used21:52
General_Starveli used lspci -vvnn | grep -A 9 network21:53
matsamanand what's it say?21:53
General_Starvelthe card is a BMC430621:53
General_Starveli am having to use ethernet to connect :|21:54
OerHeksGeneral_Starvel, and what says: Kernel driver in use: XXXX Kernel modules: yyyy21:54
matsamanwireless.kernel.org says 'ssb' is your driver21:54
zaggynlhiho, is there any way to programmatically edit those netplan yaml files with existing tooling in a script?21:55
General_Starvelkernel modules: ssb, wl21:55
matsamanmight have been renamed 'b43'21:55
General_Starveli tried using the b43legacy driver and the ndiswrapper driver, neither worked21:55
Bashing-om!bcm | General_Starvel : What release is installed ? Think maybe 18.10 has BCM support built in.21:55
ubottuGeneral_Starvel : What release is installed ? Think maybe 18.10 has BCM support built in.: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx21:55
matsamanoh there it is21:56
General_StarvelI am actually using lubuntu- ubuntu would cause this poor old laptop to catch on fire :|21:56
matsamanI'd be a little curious if it works out of the box via a sysresccd image21:59
General_Starveli cant connect to net atm, my browser sucks21:59
General_Starvelcant even use firefox :||22:00
uioHi! How can I see the potential WiFi connection strength of available networks?22:00
OerHeksuio, on what ubuntu version?22:02
uioOerHeks: Lubuntu 16.0422:02
OerHeks,most desktops can show the list with the network strength22:03
OerHekslubuntu too, no?22:03
uioOerHeks: But it's visual with bars, I'd like numbers...22:03
uioOerHeks: iwconfig will only give for the used connection...22:03
uioOerHeks: I'd like to know the bit rate and the link quality.22:04
OerHeksthose numbers say nothing untill you are connected22:04
uioOerHeks: What do you mean?22:05
uioOerHeks: What do the bars for the wifi symbols beside each available WiFi network base themselves off of?22:05
OerHeksif you would scan every 5 nanosecond, those numbers will jump up and down22:06
OerHeksso if you have 2 bars, that would say nothing too as the transmission could well go up/and or multi channel22:07
uioOerHeks: Right true, I'm just looking for a general idea. To explain the situation, two of my neighbours offered to share their WiFi and I'd like to know which signal will give me a better connection without connecting...22:07
uioOerHeks: Yes and no, generally when I see one bar, the network connection is terrible and if it is full it is good.22:08
OerHeksmy best answer: without connecting, you will never know.22:08
uioOerHeks: But where does the bar indicator get it's info from?22:09
uioOerHeks: It must pull some number...22:09
OerHeksit is just an indication of the broadcast22:09
OerHeks"i am here"22:09
uioOerHeks: Does the broadcast have a number?22:09
uioOerHeks: But why the bar differences?22:09
uioOerHeks: Does it not reflect signal strength?22:10
OerHeksyes, partially, on the 2.4 mhrz band, but just the standard broadcast22:11
tdatechnically the signal strength is measured in dB. you can see it in the more advanced wifi tools22:11
OerHeksit could say something about distance, if the routers are the same brand/model22:11
uiotda: Could you recommend such a wifi tool?22:11
OerHeksbut if you want to choose between them, you will need to connect to test the fulll service22:12
uioOerHeks: Okay, I see.22:12
uioOerHeks: Right.22:12
tdaone's a cli tool for the wifi, i can't remember the name22:13
OerHekswireshark could tell, but your adapter needs a compliant driver to use it22:13
uiotda: Maybe iftop?22:14
tdai think that just shows interface bandwidth22:15
tdai don't have wifi right on this computer22:15
OerHekswavemon, and F3 for scan https://www.ostechnix.com/monitor-wifi-connection-command-line-linux/22:16
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uioOerHeks: Perfect! Thanks22:22
OerHekshave fun!22:23
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j0sephHi all, how might I go about easily listing all the packages I have installed from a certain repo? For instance, I want to list all the packages I have installed from the cosmic multiverse and cosmic restricted. Thanks!23:22
OerHeksj0seph, easy would be installing nautilus, you can filter on repository/installed23:26
OerHeksand much more detailed softwarecenter23:27
asdfgha good password manager?23:28
OerHeksstandard seahorse will do fine on ubuntu23:29
OerHeksor go wild on 22 reviews https://www.ubuntupit.com/linux-password-manager-22-reviewed-and-compared-for-linux-nerds/23:30
asdfghi do not want to store password online23:30
asdfghmaybe only on my google drive account23:30
itguysasdfgh: KeepassXC lets you choose where to store the database23:31
asdfghitguys, yes i am seeing that software23:33
NerdTheThirdi hope it's going good for you two :)))23:34
asdfghNerdTheThird, ironic? :)23:34
devslashwas ther e any major changes in networking in ubuntu 18.10 ?23:36
asdfghbindi, itguys seems a good software for my needs, i hope it is safe too :D23:37
itguysasdfgh: It's great. I use it.23:37
devslashim having a neetwork issue with ubuntu but its only happening on this 1 computer on my lan where if i type 192.168.18 (my nextcloud server address) in the browser it times out. I added an entry to the hosts file which usually makes it work but its still timing out for some reason23:38
asdfghitguys, thank you23:38
OerHeksdevslash, not really https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CosmicCuttlefish/ReleaseNotes23:38
j0sephI also wanted to disable the default ubuntu dock, but turning it off via gnome tweaks did nothing and uninstalling it via apt also removes ubuntu-desktop which I certainly don't want. So I had to purposefully break it by changing the metadata package. :(23:39
matsamanwhy not just switch to another DE23:39
j0sephI like Gnome23:39
devslashi dunno what to do23:40
itguysdevslash: what happens when you ping it23:40
devslashi get a response23:40
itguysdevslash: And nextcloud works when another device tries to do it/23:40
sirensari_devslash: the ip you typed is not an ip23:41
devslashevery other device on my lan works perfectly except for ubuntu 18.1923:41
devslashyes it is23:41
sirensari_that's 24 bits, an ip is 3223:41
devslashthats a valid ip23:41
sirensari_that's not what you typed23:41
itguysdevslash: you made a typo. it's fine.23:41
sirensari_just making sure23:42
itguysdevslash: have you tried a different browser? Is this a new Ubuntu installation?23:42
devslashyes brand new23:42
devslashi fi cant fix this im gonna have to revert back to Windows23:42
OerHekssudo ufw allow 80,443/tcp23:42
devslashi still times out23:43
itguysdevslash: I know the problem23:43
itguysdevslash: Do you have Nextcloud set up to only accept a certain IP/domain?23:43
itguysdevslash: I setup a Nextcloud VPS and I had to edit the config to allow my domain instead of just the IP address23:44
itguysdevslash: Check that.23:44
devslashi know hwat youre talking about23:44
devslashi know what youre talking about23:44
sirensari_devslash: what's `ip route | grep default` return23:44
devslashits in config.php23:44
devslashand the problem is not just nextcloud23:45
binaryhermithypothetically speaking, is apt-get likely to go away completely or will it at worst be mapped to other tools for legacy compatibility purposes23:45
devslashif i type in a browser i should see my web servers landing page is my NC instance23:45
devslashwhen i type my web server address in a browser it doesnt come up23:45
devslashthe issue is with ubuntu not with nextcloud23:46
itguysdevslash: Are they on the same network?23:46
itguysdevslash: And you're not using a VPN?23:47
itguysdevslash: Just making sure23:47
itguysdevslash: did you run what sirensari_ stated?23:48
devslashit printed the default route23:48
devslashwhich lists my routers ip23:48
itguysdevslash: Does trying to access your router work?23:49
sirensari_devslash: what's `hostname -I` return23:51
devslashmy local ip address23:51
itguysdevslash: I'm sorry I couldn't help more. I am going to be afk for a bit. Good luck!23:52
devslashok thanks for trying23:52
sirensari_devslash: how about `sudo sysctl net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter`23:54
devslashjust a sec brb23:55

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