
WishBoywhy two domains?00:30
lubot<N0um3n0> lubuntu.me is the official website00:33
WishBoyoh thanks, the .net get the first position in google ranking00:34
WishBoynice SEO for .net hehehe00:35
WishBoyN0um3n0 cya02:00
lubot<N0um3n0> @WishBoy [<WishBoy> N0um3n0 cya], 😉02:22
ShellcatZeroDoes anyone know why a live cd would fail to boot with "Failed to load image \EFI\BOOT\grubx64.efi: Invalid Parameter"?03:26
ShellcatZeroThis is the 18.04 live cd03:26
lubot<teward001> yeah it means that the ISO didn't write properly and the EFI is invalid16:42
lubot<teward001> but that's atypical.16:43
lubot<teward001> ShellcatZero: ^16:43
lubotjon robson was added by: jon robson19:26
lubot<jon robson> HI. I installed 18.10 on an old dell inspiron 1300 - 32 bit. The CD player is not working on this image. I have Ubuntu restricted extras installed. Tried clementine and rhythmbox but no joy. The drive is appearing when I type lshw. Any ideas?19:39
diogenes_jon robson, try vlc19:42
lubot<jon robson> Tried that also but the drive did not appear. Album wasn't accessible!!19:43
diogenes_jon robson, then open deadbeef and drag and drop the audio files in there19:45
diogenes_if they don't play then right click and convert to mp319:45
lubot<jon robson> The CD doesn't appear at all. Tried several albums, nothing working. This was never a problem with other lubuntu images. Just tried this one for lxqt19:46
diogenes_oh i see, maybe something is with the cd drive? tried to clean the cd lense?19:48
diogenes_BUT extremely careful19:48
lubot<jon robson> Good idea. Never thought of that! I'll give it a try!19:48
lubot<jon robson> No joy. The CD is spinning the disc constantly but not reading the album.20:01
diogenes_jon robson. have you tied a different cd?20:03
lubot<jon robson> Yep. Tried four. The drive is showing with all functionality - cdr, dvdr, etc. Not actually doing anything. There appears to be a bug as I had mint on it only 2 days ago and drive worked fine.20:08
diogenes_jon robson, is the kernel the same version? maybe it's the kernel20:11
lubot<jon robson> Aha! That cud be it. How do I check that as I remember at one point seeing kernel 4.18 while ubuntu 18.04 install on another laptop was 4.15 or so.20:13
diogenes_you can check the kernel on the release notes on the website20:15
diogenes_or: uname -r20:15
diogenes_in terminal20:15
lubot<jon robson> But f if theres an issue chow do I downgrade.20:15
diogenes_you install it and then just install another kernel20:16
diogenes_and that's it20:16
lubot<jon robson> You mean reinstall the image in full?20:16
diogenes_what do you mean? i didn't get it? what OS you're running nnow?20:17
lubot<jon robson> Lubuntu 18.10. My Ubuntu was on a 64 bit. I am using a 32 bit 18.10 image now but was just referring to diferent kernels on the Ubuntu 18.04 and the lubuntu 18.10 images that I have.20:20
diogenes_jon robson, i'd not recommend 32 bit isos, they are not getting as much support nowadays20:22
lubot<teward001> why're you using a 32bit 18.10 image if you have a 64bit system20:22
lubot<teward001> just asking.20:22
lubot<teward001> use 64bit if you have 64bit support20:22
lubot<teward001> 32bit ISOs are dead now from hereon out20:22
lubot<jon robson> Ya. I have a really old 32 bit dell from 2001. It runs lubuntu well. I gave the 520:23
lubot<jon robson> I gave my 64 bit lenovo to my daughter afafter gietting her a drawing pad for Christmas. It needed windows to run drivers so I am left with my old 32 bit. Looks like I am gonna have to let it go now. 😭😭😭20:28
lubot<AceHW> @jon robson [I gave my 64 bit lenovo to my daughter afafter gietting her a drawing pad for Ch …], Some distros based on Debian have official 32bit versions.  ... I use MX linux, but how much ram does it have?20:41
lubot<jon robson> I put 2GB in. That is the max it will hold. 60GB hard drive. I just use need email, libreoffice, browser and telegram really. Just liaten to cds when typing. I'm old. Lol!!20:44
lubot<jon robson> @AceHW [Some distros based on Debian have official 32bit versions.  ... I use MX linux, but …], I might give it a try. Is it latex?20:49
lubot<jon robson> @AceHW [Some distros based on Debian have official 32bit versions.  ... I use MX linux, but …], Is it lxqt?20:49
lubot<AceHW> @jon robson [Is it lxqt?], XFCE21:23
lubot<AceHW> There's Knoppix, but that's mainly meant to be booted from a flash drive21:31
lubot<jon robson> I generally use a flash drive. I'll give mx a try. thanks.21:32
lubot<AceHW> @AceHW [There's Knoppix, but that's mainly meant to be booted from a flash drive], It uses LXDE by default21:32
lubot<AceHW> Hmm. I feel there was a bit of miscommunication going on there21:33
lubot<jon robson> For installation that is. My cd drive isn't workin n this image so hopefully mx will sort that21:35
lubot<jon robson> Installed mx linux. Drive not working. Looks like my drive is busted. Thanks for help anyway. New lap it is then22:52

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