
=== md_5- is now known as md_5
LocutusOfBorgcyphermox, I uploaded most of dkms ubuntu changelog to debian15:40
LocutusOfBorgcan you please tell me if I have to upload this remaining delta too? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/jBF8gndVYY/15:41
LocutusOfBorgthis is the last bit15:41
tewardcan an SRU team member review gparted in Bionic's proposed queue for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gparted/+bug/1779292 please?  It should already be pending in unapproved thanks to jbicha sponsoring the upload.17:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1779292 in gparted (Ubuntu Bionic) "GParted fails to shrink an LVM PV with lvm2 >= 2.02.171" [High,In progress]17:43
tewardoops wrong channel :|17:43
tewardi'll wait before reposting to -release17:43
teward #ubuntu-release*17:43
tewardgod I can't type today17:43
jbichateward: it's already in the queue and the SRU team will review it when they get back from holidays17:44
tewardjbicha: ack.17:44
tewardodd it doesn't show up in the pending SRUs list, but that's probably because it's sitting in unapproved?17:44
jbichait's part of "Upload queue status at a glance"17:45
tewardsee I keep forgetting that exists >.>17:46
=== Foxtrot is now known as foxtrot

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