
Wild_ManBashing-om, I know you can but I am trying to take some of the pressure off you when I can00:00
Bashing-omWild_Man: As I have *now* allocated 2 hours Tuesday-Sat the pressure is off me to get the summeries done by Saturday . I will work all summeries - until I have a replacement - as I come to them .00:04
Wild_ManBashing-om, okay that is good to know, cross our fingers00:05
Bashing-omWild_Man: Mind ya .. I still struggle to write ... A word smith I am not .00:11
Wild_ManThe sad thing is I use to be pretty good years ago, not a poet but pretty good00:12
Bashing-omWild_Man: If you do not use it - your loose it :) .. I have always had problems expressing and is also why I try so hard to express .00:16
Wild_ManHello mIk3_0805:23
mIk3_08Hi Wild_Man05:23
mIk3_08Wild_Man: Happy New Year :-D05:23
Wild_ManHappy New Year mIk3_08 :)05:24
Wild_ManGood to see you here!05:24
Wild_ManmIk3_08, did you decide to help out with the news letter?05:24
mIk3_08No problem.05:25
Wild_ManBashing-om, meet mIk3_08 if you are around05:25
mIk3_08hi! :Bashing-om05:26
Wild_ManBashing-om, will help you learn to add links and write short summaries, I am very busy with rel life right now but we do not go into personal stuff here much05:27
Wild_ManI need to add you to the gdoc so you can add links and be able to edit the letter, the email I contacted you with is that the one you want me to send the invitation too?05:27
mIk3_08ahhhh ic... Thanks Wild_Man. That is a pleasure give help to this community05:28
mIk3_08i mean to give help05:28
Bashing-ommIk3_08: Welcome to the fray :) .. How do you feel about the task of summary writting ?05:29
Wild_ManI will tell you that it is easy to accidentally delete something from the gdoc or if to delete the whole thing so be very careful. I recommend not using CTRL+A that is danger highlighting the whole document at once, I do not know how to restore it completely, but if you accidentally delete something if caught quickly you can use the undo button to ix it05:31
Wild_ManI am going to send you an invite to your email05:31
mIk3_08Bashing-om: Wild_Man is still orientating me of it.05:32
mIk3_08Wild_Man: copy05:33
Wild_ManI was just about to get ready for bed when you logged in, I have to get up early and have a very long day tomorrow but I will be on tomorrow evening, what time is it in the Philippines mIk3_08 ? that is where you are at right?05:34
mIk3_08Wild_Man just receive the docs already.05:35
Wild_ManI see you did05:35
Wild_ManBashing-om, are you up to telling mIk3_08 about the news reader to use for adding links and getting him the script for it?05:36
mIk3_08Wild_Man: im online Philippine time from 1pm to 4pm then 8pm to 10pm monday to saturday05:36
Wild_ManWhat time is it there now?05:37
mIk3_0813:37 or 1:37pm05:37
Wild_ManOn the Second?05:38
Wild_ManThe date is already the 2nd of January?05:39
Wild_ManNews is a little slow right now because of the Holidays05:39
Wild_ManShould pick back up this week I think05:39
mIk3_08jan 2 2019 13:4005:39
Wild_ManYou are 14 hours ahead of me05:40
mIk3_08Wild_Man: okay I see. whats the time in you right now?05:41
Wild_ManI use the liferea newsreader to help find news links to add to the gdoc and there is a script that I hope Bashing-om gets or tells you where to get it05:42
Wild_ManIt is 23:42 here05:42
Wild_ManOn the 1st still05:42
mIk3_08Happy New Year Wild_Man... I think you should be resting right now. it already very late. and I think you so exhausted right now coz you'd been celebrating the New Years eve... right? But thanks for the time.05:44
mIk3_08It a big pleasure to give help to the community05:44
Wild_ManmIk3_08, I did not celebrate I was busy as usual05:45
mIk3_08Wild_Man: ah i see... But many thanks by the way for time.05:46
Wild_ManYour welcome and thanks for helping05:46
mIk3_08Wild_Man: My pleasure. And very much welcome.05:47
Wild_ManYou can install liferea news reader from the repos and here is a link to install the script afterwards so you can get the sources we want, then you can adjust as you like, you can just import the script into the reader http://paste.openstack.org/show/SAkABvXll3M67cizwpTa/05:47
Wild_ManI am going to get of for the night, see everyone tomorrow05:48
Wild_ManTalk to you later Bashing-om05:48
Wild_ManmIk3_08, before you add any links talk to one of us so we can guide you for the first few times05:49
Bashing-omWild_Man: mIk3_08 :D .. I too am about to turn in ... it is GMT -6 ( 23:49) .05:49
mIk3_08sure. I won't do any changes If im not yet sure of the document that will be input to the gdocs05:50
Wild_ManThe top of the gdoc has the dates that we are looking for news for this week, we cover some other interest stories but no other distributions but Ubuntu05:51
Wild_ManGood night all05:51
mIk3_08Bashing-om: its okay.05:53
mIk3_08Bashing-om: so, you don't have to worry.05:54
Bashing-ommIk3_08: Are you comfortable working with Gdocs or want to read some tutorials ?05:54
mIk3_08Bashing-om: I'm already familiar with gdocs since im using it for so long now.05:56
Bashing-ommIk3_08: Outstanding ! then you can teach me :P05:57
mIk3_08Bashing-om: But just dont know it on how to start the work or to start the process with the news letter05:59
Bashing-omOnce you have write access then browse to http://bit.ly/vDkJyf06:00
Bashing-omOnce you have write access then browse to http://bit.ly/vDkJyf open the document for editing, and add/edit as needed .06:01
mIk3_08I just opened up the docs. Im already logged with the gdoc Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Issue 56006:02
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Sean Davis: Xfce & Xubuntu 2018 Year In Review @ https://bluesabre.org/2019/01/02/xfce-xubuntu-2018-year-in-review/13:03
Bashing-omI found but one article from all my sources that I deemed to include in this weeks issue :(20:22
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::OMG!Ubuntu:: What to Expect From Ubuntu in 2019 @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/?p=137277 (by Joey Sneddon)22:07
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Stephen Kelly: Refactor with Clang Tooling at code::dive 2018 @ https://steveire.wordpress.com/2019/01/02/refactor-with-clang-tooling-at-codedive-2018/22:31
Wild_ManBashing-om, hello, have you already looked for new links to add today? if not I will do it now23:10
Bashing-omWild_Man: I did look: "I found but one article from all my sources that I deemed to include in this weeks issue :(" There are a few 2018 look backs and a couple of 2019 wish list I did not deem. You may feel differently .23:12
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::OMG!Ubuntu:: Thunderbird to Get a UI Refresh, Better Gmail Support in 2019 @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/?p=137386 (by Joey Sneddon)23:49

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