[14:27] happy new year everyone! [14:46] w00t! [18:11] happy new year at all! [22:50] hola [22:51] studio-user024: How can we try to help? [22:52] how i can star ubuntu studio? i have other partition with win10 [22:55] studio-user024: when you power on the machine, does it boot straight to windows without showing a menu to select which OS to use? [22:56] yes [23:01] how i do to boot the partition with ubuntu studio? [23:01] please [23:03] studio-user024: is this a brand new install of studio? [23:03] yeah [23:04] studio-user024: see if this helps you: https://www.lifewire.com/change-the-efi-boot-order-efibootmgr-4028027 [23:04] i believe that the last acttualitation