
visoneAre there anyone who can  invite me to #xubuntu-es14:54
visoneanyone use systemback for a live self-made systems?14:57
Kumoolyou can't join #xubuntu-es?17:10
Kumoolthe hell17:11
Kumoolvisone: it just forwards to #ubuntu-es17:11
Kumoolvisone: you must be registered maybe17:11
visoneim´ registered, to join de channel is by invitacion17:13
visonethat´s why a asked17:14
Kumoolvisone: pero si ya te veo que estas en #Ubuntu-es17:14
Kumoolvisone: freenode -- | #xubuntu-es: #Ubuntu-es :Forwarding to another channel17:14
visonesi, pero an intentar entrar en xubuntu-es17:14
Kumoolvisone: no existe #xubuntu-es, solo te redirige17:14
visonemy bad17:15
Kumoolno necesitas invitacion17:15
Kumoolno problem17:15
Kumooles mejor asi, considerando que esta vacio17:15
visonea bit rusty17:16
Kumoolwhat do you mean?17:18
Kumooli know what rusty means17:18
visonellevo bastante sin usar irssi17:18
Kumoolusa un GUI17:19
visoney sin usar irc17:19
visoneque va17:19
visoneme cuesta, pero no tengo problemas17:19
Kumoolirssi es demasiado complicado, te digo que estas mejor en un GUI17:20
visoneno tanto, lo use durante mucho tiempo y sin problemas17:22
visonesolo que llevo tiempo sin usarlo, nada mas17:22
visonehe estado un par de años sin pc17:25
visonebueno, mas de un par17:26
visoneme quede por la 14.417:26
visoneconoces systemback?17:32
MrTuliashi, where can i put the files of devices configuration for xorg? i tried on /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/ and i crashed the x server18:33
diogenes_MrTulias, what files?18:35
MrTuliasi want put a file to configure the mouse18:36
diogenes_ /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d18:37
MrTuliasok, thanks a lot18:38
MrTuliassorry, on /etc/X11/ isn't a folder /xorg.conf.d18:44
xubuntu11wHello All.18:55
xubuntu11wCan I ask a quick question please?18:55
xubuntu11wI did upgrade from 14.04 recently. I was surprised how smooth it was.18:56
xubuntu11wOne question is how to connect to VPN. New Network Connections doesn't allow to select serificates and passwors.18:57
xubuntu11w* New Network Connections does not allow to select certificate and password.18:57
diogenes_xubuntu11w, try with a new user first19:29
xubuntu11wRight now I'm trying just PPTP VPN but it's not working also.19:30
xubuntu11whttps://www.vpnbook.com/freevpn - could you test from your side please?19:31
diogenes_xubuntu11w, i already stated my suggestion19:31
xubuntu25wopenvpn works in CLI.19:50
xubuntu25wNow I just need to know how to do the same via network applet.19:51
xubuntu25wNew version looks simpler than the previous one in 14.04 and that is confusing me.19:52
xubuntu25wnetwork-manager-openvpn-gnome package was missed. It might be removed after upgrade.19:58

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