
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
bittinHello, anyone else have problems with libsane in the 19.04 alpha?10:32
bittinsomeone reported it 17th December 2018, guess thats what i get for updating to an Alpha10:38
bittinFound a fixed version from 1th January 2019 in a PPA: https://launchpad.net/~rolfbensch/+archive/ubuntu/sane-git10:54
=== WoC-- is now known as WoC
WoCKalzium seems broken, mangled path for one of the files that goes to /etc/*15:00
WoCseems like missing ^/ in /etc/*15:32
WoCpart of kde-full15:33
tomreynplease report bugs using "ubuntu-bug"15:54
tomreyn"ubuntu-bug <packagename>" actually15:56
WoC   Bug #1810424 reported by William a moment ago16:00
ubottubug 1810424 in kalzium (Ubuntu) "Mangled path" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181042416:00
WoCMakes me smile; You can learn more about how we triage bug reports at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToTriage.16:02
WoCIDME ;)16:02
tomreynWoC: this is a package in universe, it's porbably just synched from debian. i suggest you check the bug reports they have, too16:21
tomreynactually this version is newer than what is in debian sid16:26
tomreynbut it'll be a .deb packaging issue, right16:28
=== ChunkzZ is now known as Jaykae

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