[00:11] hello. how can I enable usb wlan as it was not available during install or reboot === brainwash_ is now known as brainwash [12:00] hello [12:03] !hi | xubuntu51w [12:03] xubuntu51w: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay! [13:50] que talĀ” [14:28] hi [15:58] Kumool: que tal! [16:35] epa! [16:36] visone: no te veo en #ubuntu-es [16:37] ahora [16:38] estaba mu parao y sali [16:44] me piro [19:12] So, I had to use windows to get here. Recieved upgrade yesterday for clock. The frame said it was a security upgrade. I had to reset clock after install and every reboot after. Shutdown computer for 8 hours then booted to Xub18.04 and all seemed well. Tried to enter password for user account and the screen went blank then returned about 5 seconds later back to the login screen. I assume it has something to do with the upgrade an [19:13] try to) the system has been changed either by the time zone or the suspend settings. Is or has this problem shown up anywhere else? [19:16] Recieved upgrade yesterday for clock. The frame said it was a security upgrade. I had to reset clock after install and every reboot after. Shutdown computer for 8 hours then booted to Xub18.04 and all seemed well. Tried to enter password for user account and the screen went blank then returned about 5 seconds later back to the login screen. [19:17] Any ideas? [19:30] xubuntu48d, do you know how to get to a tty? [19:30] no [19:31] ok, when you are in login screen, press ctrl-alt-F1, you will go to a terminal, there you can type your username, hit enter, and type your password, while you type your password nothing shows up, this is a security measure, once you finish typing you password hit enter [19:32] okay [19:32] you will be at tty1 when you do that, from the terminal you have to rename the files called .Xauthority and .ICEauthority, do this by typing "mv .ICEauthority .ICEauthority.old" and "mv .Xauthority .Xauthority.old" [19:33] or whatever name you want, then press ctrl-alt-F7 to move to the graphical tty, where you should see the login [19:33] type your password and everything should be peachy [19:35] Thank you GridCube. I will give that a shot. === ChunkzZ is now known as Jaykae [20:11] Hello, just tried renaming files, no success getting through login [20:11] mmmhm [20:12] but you could log in on the tty right? [20:12] yes [20:12] so your system is ok [20:12] theres something broken only on the X session [20:12] xubuntu40w, create a new user [20:12] and login as it [20:14] yes, I am assuming my suspend settings have somehow been affected by the upgrade and since I cannot adjust the time I will forever log in to a suspend loop which brings me back to the login [20:16] is there any way to reset the power settings through tty, this may bump it back into sync [20:21] so, how do I analyze the x session to discover the problem? === GridCube_ is now known as GridCube [20:37] reseting those files should have done it [20:38] so i dont really know [20:38] maybe run an update from a tty [20:38] like sudo apt update and the sudo apt upgrade [20:41] Okay, that may work. The screen goes black after I enter the passsword, then reappears as a fresh login screen. I was thinking my "suspend" settings may be affected by the time sync? [20:45] Thank you gridcube, will try that [20:45] ttyl [22:14] Can somebody confirm this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xcursor-themes/+bug/1789704 (Xubuntu 18.04) [22:14] Launchpad bug 1789704 in xcursor-themes (Ubuntu) "Whiteglass right_ptr pointer points incorrectly" [Undecided,New] [22:14] or point me to whoever I should ask? [22:16] it is really annoying, and in some applications such as Gnumeric it can be a problem [22:38] cousteau: maybe ask in #xorg [22:38] ok thanks! [23:13] que talĀ” [23:27] Hello, xbuntu 18.04/win1o dual boot on 64bit system. Got security update related to time zone (file:tz.....) installed and reboot. TZ switched to UTC. Corrected and reboot. Still not corrected. SHut down for night. Boot this morning and login goes black screen then returns with fresh login. Followed Gcubes suggestion to remove ICEauthority and Xauthority. Did not work. Then went tty and tried updte. All repository keys failed no [23:56] brainwash, welp, they did point me to the right place to complain :) [23:57] xubuntu89w, so you can't log in? [23:57] help, found in bash history I used sudo clean and lost my repository. How would that affect the login loop I ge with a black screen? [23:57] Is there hope for recovery? [23:58] does find "$HOME" \! -user "$USER" return something? [23:59] (what does `clean` do? I don't seem to find that command)