
r3sr3sHi guys, I've installed lubuntu on my Chromebook, I sorted the keyboard but cannot figure out how to fix the two finger right click, at18:10
r3sr3sThe moment I don't have right click :(18:10
wxlwhich version?18:11
r3sr3sSorry, got butted. It's the latest 18.something lts18:21
r3sr3s18.10 I assume18:22
lubot<teward001> if it's LTS, it's 18.04.18:22
lubot<teward001> open the terminal and run lsb_release -a18:22
r3sr3sYup, you are right it's 0418:22
lubot<teward001> what does it say for 'release', 18.04?18:22
lubot<teward001> ah good18:22
lubot<teward001> wxl: ^18:23
wxlso then synaptics is what you want. look at synclient/syndaemon commands18:23
r3sr3sWhen I did xinput it didn't even list synaptics18:23
wxleveryone's transitioning to libinput but i know synaptics still works in 18.04 ('m using it)18:24
r3sr3sLet me get on from the chromebook. Hang on guys :)18:25
wxl`man synaptics` will run you through all the options18:25
wxli'm not sure exactly what you want18:25
wxlthere's a LOT of options18:27
r3sr3sok im back18:28
r3sr3sOk, i actually followed a guide previously and now my right click works however the touchpad is a bit messed up lol18:30
wxlyou can control everything with synaptics18:31
r3sr3si think i have installed both syn and that other one...18:32
r3sr3show do i know which one is handling my trackpad now?18:32
wxli mean honestly it's possibly both. what did the guide have you do?18:33
r3sr3sinstalled xserver-xorg-input-synaptic18:35
r3sr3sthen cp /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/70-synaptics.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d18:36
r3sr3sthen installed lxinput18:36
r3sr3si think that's it18:38
wxlthat's the same driver18:39
wxlyou're just doing it a different way18:39
r3sr3sbut now the cursor movement is choppy18:40
r3sr3sbut touch to click and two finger right click suddenly works18:40
wxlthat's probably due to some default settings in synaptics18:40
wxli would pick one of them18:41
r3sr3sas in being choppy or no right click? :D18:41
wxlno, pick one method of using synaptics18:41
r3sr3show do i do that?18:42
wxleither only use synclient/syndaemon or only use xorg18:42
wxlpersonally i'd do the former because you can change things on the fly. xorg requires an x restart18:43
r3sr3sah, so how do i switch to synaptics instead?18:43
wxlget rid of all the xorg stuff, restart and go from there18:43
wxlalso i've not bothered with lxinput18:43
r3sr3sok, syn it is.18:44
wxlit may be part of the problem. *shrug*18:44
wxlthe thing to know about the synaptics commands is they do not make anything permanent. after you play around to find the right settings, use them in an autostart command and you're set18:44
r3sr3sok, removed xorg synaptics18:48
wxlnow whatever commands you had in that conf file can be used with synaptics18:48
r3sr3si didnt actually write that18:49
wxlwell, whoever wrote it18:49
r3sr3sor download18:49
r3sr3si literally just did that copy and it was there :D18:49
r3sr3sso i assume it was a default config18:52
r3sr3sright, the folder i copied stuff from actually only has amd, quirks, radeon, libinput and wacom18:55
r3sr3slooking in libinput, it literlly just says that the driver is libinput18:56
ioopshi, I have an ibook g4 and I would like to give a try to lubuntu LTS. Do you know if there is a possibility then to install go-lang on it ?20:17
ioops(ibook g4 powerpc 32 bit)20:18
wxlit looks like 1.{8,9,10} are all available in bionic20:19
wxl10 is a stable branch according to go but i'm not sure for how long as the other stable branch is 1120:21
wxland 12 is already in beta20:21
wxlbionic is supported until april 2021, after which we no longer support ppc20:23
wxlppc packages still exist in the archives but how well maintained they are is a whole different question20:23
wxltl;dr get a new computer XD20:23
ioopswxl thanks. I have already a new one. I just try to bring my old ibook to life again :)20:24
wxli hear you20:25
wxljust know the writing is on the wall for ppc20:25
wxli suspect in the next few years we'll see packages completely removed from the archives20:25
wxli mean, it's soon to be there for i386 even20:26
wxlthere is not a single flavor of ubuntu (for this development cycle) that will be offering an i386 release20:26
ioopswxl thank you for your answers!20:29

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