
SlidingHornclorisu: I'm not particularly well-versed in this, but for others watching, what is the make/model of the keyboard?00:04
clorisuSlidingHorn: it actually doesnt specify. here is where i bought it though https://miniso-au.com/en-au/product/13006/classic-bluetooth-keyboard-white00:05
jesse1010should I use the discard option in my crypttab if I have an nvme?00:07
SlidingHornclorisu: what about on the label underneath it?00:08
OerHeksmaybe power on is your issue https://docs.ubuntu.com/core/en/stacks/bluetooth/bluez/docs/troubleshoot/faq00:09
visoneclorisu: did you check that you bluetooth isn´t blocked?00:09
OerHeksrfkill list00:09
visonethat´s it00:09
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newpyI tried sudo apt install g++ and got linux-libc-dev not found (ip: 80)00:20
newpy(ubuntu on windows subsystem for linux)00:20
OerHeksdid you run apt get update first?00:21
newpyoerheks, gonna do a clean install of WSL and try again00:21
OerHekssudo apt install gcc # should do it00:22
newpyah ok00:22
newpywhat's the # do?00:22
newpyor is that just to comment the rest of your line? ;p00:22
OerHeksafter # it is just text00:23
OerHeksno harm in copying it00:23
OerHeksthere is a dedicated wsl channel here on #freenode00:24
newpyOerHeks, ic I just joined ##linux and ##ubuntu, wasn't sure where to take it00:24
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MagicCheese3755I have emacs 25.2.2 installed, I would like to install a previous version. What is the easiest way to do this?00:48
SlidingHornMagicCheese3755: You'd likely have to find the old release source and build it.  Just note that this would not be supported here, and may not be supported by GNU at all, either.  I'm not sure if emacs does LTS releases or something like that.00:51
BliepoQuick question: what is the recommended way to upgrade the kernel (I have some issues with hardware)? Install from backports? Just install the version I like?00:51
ikoniadon't need to rebuild it00:51
ikoniajust pin the version00:51
ikoniabe aware that it may block depending packages from updates too00:51
ikoniaBliepo: upgrade from what to what00:52
OerHeksemacs 22-2 good ol times https://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/emacs/00:52
ikoniaBliepo: and how sure are you a kernel change will resolve your problem00:52
OerHeksmaybe HWE is a help00:53
ikoniaagain depends what the problem is00:53
ikoniaand how the conclusion that a kernel change is needed has been reached00:53
Bliepoikonia: from the current 18.10 kernel to whatever is newest and I´m pretty sure it won´t fix the issue, but this is a new install that I don´t mind wrecking00:53
ikoniaif you're sure it won't fix the issue why do it00:54
OerHeksBliepo, on what ubuntu version, and the troubled hardware would help too00:54
TJ-Bliepo: I'm running on v4.20 without issues so far00:54
ikoniawhy not work towards something that will fix the issue00:54
TJ-!mainline | Bliepo00:54
ubottuBliepo: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds00:54
BliepoWell, specifically, I´m having issues with an AMD athlon 200GE that shows some video tearing00:55
TJ-I've just finished building 4.20 with some of my own patches in, about to test it00:55
ikoniaBliepo: ok, what have you done to debug it00:55
BliepoInstalled the latest mesa using the oibaf repository00:55
ikoniawhy did you do that00:55
ikoniawhat pointed you at that solution00:56
BliepoTJ-: thanks, I will look into that. Good to know it´s stable for you - useful info.00:57
ikoniajust reading through that thread00:57
ikoniaBliepo: what version of ubuntu are you actually on now ?00:58
Bliepoxubuntu 18.10, Cosmic Cuttlefish00:58
ikoniaso you're already on 18.10, yet some guys are saying 18.10 is working just fine for them already00:59
ikoniaand 18.10 already comes with 4.1800:59
ikoniaso the other post says you need to "change to 4.18" - well, you're already there00:59
ikoniaBliepo: is the video problems in general or just in one specific app ?01:00
Bliepoikonia: I must admit I only tried VLC01:00
ikoniaBliepo: see where I'm going with this....01:00
ikoniathat thread feels a bit random01:00
BliepoI sure do - I´ll do some additional testing01:01
ikoniaand it doesn't feel from the limited info you've got so far that your approach to debugging is sane,01:01
ikoniathat thread worries me as it's showing your system should work out of the box - if the info in that thread is valid (which I'm not sure it is as a generic reference)01:01
ikoniaBliepo: try to work it through a bit more and target a solution (or at best understand the problem) people in here and a few other channels with specific knowledge can help if you neeed it01:02
Bliepoikonia: I´ll do that. Thanks for helping out01:02
ikoniaBliepo: ask if you need help, some solid people in here and some specialist channels too01:03
OnkelTemHi all01:33
OnkelTemGuys, I cannot get Zoom H4 working with Linux01:33
OnkelTemon Windows it connects just fine and new audio appears01:33
OnkelTemon Linux I cannot locate no new microphones01:33
OnkelTemThis is what I see in syslog01:35
OnkelTemDoes it mean anything bad for you? Those unhandled udev messages.. not sure is it ok01:37
OnkelTemoops, sorry, that's not udev's01:37
queminstalled ubuntu on my new zenbook ux433fn, and there's no sound. this seems to be the issue; https://lore.kernel.org/patchwork/patch/1022579/01:44
quemit's been over a decade since i last compiled a kernel, so i'm a bit wary about applying the patch and giving it a go.01:45
quemnow i need a gentle push in the right direction, and possibly some guidance.01:47
jesse1010what are some possible reasons I get a flashing green screen on my monitor?01:48
jesse1010it happened in fedora too01:48
tacomasterWhy is it really that ubuntu does not have antivirus. I get that you for the most part are not installing software from websites and the software has been tested before it goes into the repos. But in windows you also have things like remote code execution from vulnerable software. How is ubuntu not affected by malware even though it has so much of the server space that it has.02:05
tacomasterIf my question needs to go to offtopic I will gladly move02:06
tacomasterBecause I know for a fact that linux has malware written for it. I mean even if you go to major antivirus company threat encyclopedia's there is csv's for linux malware02:09
WonnyHey guys I am running the latest version of Ubuntu and I came upon this problem02:14
WonnyUpon start up after I enter my decryption password, Ubuntu remains on a black screen. The only way for me to get out of the black screen is by plugging something into the HDMI02:15
SnowyBooptacomaster: Antivirus doesn't come by default because Linux viruses are so rare that you are more likely to be hit by a meteorite. For those that need it, ClamAV is easily installed.02:15
SnowyBoopMost viruses for Linux are specifically targeted at a single system. In which case, an antivirus isn't going to help much.02:16
tacomasterSnowyBoop: I mean if you look at the threat encyclopedia for trend micro the first 3 things listed are all linux02:18
tacomasterDon't get be wrong I am not trying to say that it is so rampant but I know this stuff is out there. And to my knowledge clamav is mostly just looking for windows viruses right?02:19
SnowyBoopIf you read those, they are embedded linux devices.02:20
SnowyBoopIn which case, they are likely running unmaintained code and the manufacturer's solution is probably something along the lines of "won't fix, buy a new device lol".02:21
tacomasterI mean for the most part linux is linux. All the same kernel but you can have different stuff enabled. Most of the software is shared across from linux and bsd02:21
tacomasterOk so you think this is more of just one company having closed source code02:21
SnowyBoopEmbedded Linux is an entirely different landscape than desktop or server Linux.02:22
SnowyBoopDesktop and server distributions will receive regular updates and generally be fairly secure.02:22
SnowyBoopEmbedded distributions are largely custom, often receive very infrequent updates, and often missing core services that would be present on servers/desktops.02:23
tacomasterSnowyBoop: Sorry for so many questions. I was just really intrested in linux and wanted to try it out. I have always heard that you don't need antivirus but never knew why02:24
SnowyBoopYeah, as I say, antivirus isn't common on desktop/servers because Linux viruses are fairly rare for those distributions, and software is updated so frequently that vulnerabilities tend not to exist for long.02:25
SnowyBoopWhat would take Microsoft a few weeks, the Linux community would fix overnight and probably have deployed within a few days.02:25
kk4ewtlinux doesnt have viruses as such, now rootkits02:26
kk4ewtare known in linux02:26
Wonnykk4ewt, Linux doesn't have viruses?02:27
kk4ewtlinux doesnt have viruses02:27
tacomasterYes it does. I can show you the detections from major antivirus companys02:27
SlidingHornWonny: well, not so much as they are more proof of concept hacks that are not "in the wild" so to speak02:28
SlidingHornTo say there02:28
SlidingHorn"aren't viruses" is a little misleading, but *in effect* is still relatively accurate02:28
tacomasterI know there are trojans for linux as well.02:29
Johneim getting a bash not found error when running https://install.pi-hole.net02:31
snowgogglestacomaster: no system is 100% secure. so what is your real concern?02:31
kk4ewtif you are running a samba share yes you can to scan it for viruses so the server is not distrubuting to the other users02:31
Johneit's a path issue right?02:31
SlidingHornJohne: what version & flavor of ubuntu are you using?02:31
tacomastersnowgoggles: academic reason. I work for a security firm and was learning about linux. Wanted to get down to reasons other than the "Security by obscurity" excuse.02:32
tacomasterkk4ewt: https://www.trendmicro.com/vinfo/ph/security/news/cybercrime-and-digital-threats/cryptocurrency-mining-malware-targets-linux-systems-uses-rootkit-for-stealth02:32
tacomasterkk4ewt: That is another document showing that linux malware really is a thing02:33
SlidingHornJohne: Could you please pastebin your exact command and error02:34
quemdoes anyone know of a way of locking the fn key?02:35
JohneSlidingHorn, sure02:35
SlidingHornquem: take a look at the top two answers here: https://askubuntu.com/questions/818413/how-can-i-toggle-the-fn-function-key02:36
geardi am having an issue with Ubuntu(16.04) nginx. It is running on a vmware ESXi host the network is getting saturated during a load test. I have made changeds "net.core.netdev_max_backlog = 6553602:38
geardnet.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog = 1024002:38
geardnet.core.somaxconn = 102402:38
geardsorry for the multiline02:38
JohneSlidingHorn: https://pastebin.com/vz1PcYLZ02:38
SlidingHornJohne: how exactly did you install Ubuntu MATE 18.04?02:52
jaydemiris there a way to rip iso images off a DVD into a file I can put into a boot drive?02:52
jaydemirI have a bunch of laptops with no cd drive02:52
SlidingHornjaydemir: https://askubuntu.com/a/226933/474173 - take a look02:58
k_sze[work]I installed kubuntu-desktop and kubuntu-full a while ago to test out kubuntu, but didn't like it.03:03
Certificatetrying to connect to a school wireless network...they're asking for a 'thawte primary root ca' and I dunno what that is or how to get it.03:03
k_sze[work]I now get a kubuntu splash animation when I boot03:03
k_sze[work]how can I revert that to the GNOME one?03:04
Certificatehere is the reference page I'm looking at https://cnc.ucr.edu/wireless/ucrwpa_eduroam_linux.html03:04
SlidingHornk_sze[work]: try using   sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth   and select the one you'd like03:07
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SlidingHornCertificate: did you get your certificate from the link in step 1?03:10
Certificateyes but when I point to it it still won't connect so I'm wondering what they mean by the primary certificate03:10
CertificateI don't know what they mean by install it to certificate store. I just downloaded it and pointed to it in the dropdown03:11
SlidingHornCertificate: I'm not 100% sure this is the correct solution, but see here: https://askubuntu.com/a/94861/47417303:16
SlidingHornCertificate: (note the last 2 lines...you might have a .pem, so you'll need to convert if so)03:17
Certificateit shows the pem in the example image though03:17
fareastok so I am running gnome 3.3 I have it pretty much customized up as much as I can go to my liking what are your guys thoughts? I was going to go cinnamon but decided to stick with gnome...03:18
fareastonly problem is my vitals extension not showing fan speed, storage controller and voltage. I guess I am missing dependancies?03:20
eraserpencil1hi, is there anyone who could help me with connecting two sensors with ethernet interfaces to my computer? I can only connect to one at a time and not both simultaneously despite having the same subnet. I am on Ubuntu03:21
SlidingHorneraserpencil1: If you have an issue getting an answer here, you can also try in #networking03:21
fareastwhat is the sensors?03:21
fareastI do some networking.03:21
fareastwhat are they?03:22
fareastmy first guess would be assign static ip addressing to both.03:22
eraserpencil1they are sensors from SICK. connects through ethernet. One is at, the othe is at Throught the GUI of NM, i have an ethernet connection at
fareast300 isn't possible03:23
eraserpencil1192.168.0.300 = 192.168.020003:23
fareasttop address is
fareasti think correct me if I am wrong.03:23
eraserpencil1i typo-ed.03:23
fareastyou mean 020 and 03003:24
eraserpencil1i had a typing error for I meant to type
fareastor and 00203:24
fareastthat is the most you can go03:25
fareaststop at 25503:25
fareastif you are at 300 that is problem03:25
fareasttry using 200 and 20103:26
fareastsubnet mask and gateway of I suppose03:26
fareastor whatever the gateway03:26
eraserpencil1fareast: you mean to set one at 200 and the other at 201? and my ip at 100?03:27
eraserpencil1yea is correct03:27
eraserpencil1is gateway needed?03:27
eraserpencil1i currently dont have gateway and it works fine03:28
fareastwhatever your router is set to03:28
fareastok never mind03:28
fareastno gateway if you don't need internet or your are just bringing it in direct to the computer03:28
Johne<SlidingHorn> Johne: how exactly did you install Ubuntu MATE 18.04?03:28
fareastonly gateway if you are doing some internet or intranet03:28
JohneVirtualBox  64 bit ISO03:29
fareastso using a program on the computer for it to connect to with specified ip you should be fine03:29
eraserpencil1but but if my sensors are now at 200, 100 and i am at 50... it should work right?03:29
fareastanything from 1-25503:29
eraserpencil1fareast: that is the current config but i cant connect to more than 1 at a time03:30
fareastas long as you don't have something on the same network like a 3rd ip wifi or hardwire03:30
fareastyou don't want an ip conflict03:30
OvermanWhat IRC clients do y'all use on Ubuntu?03:30
eraserpencil1no ip conflict03:30
SlidingHornJohne: what happens if you     sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade    then   sudo apt install bash03:30
fareastwhat is it called again?03:30
fareastsensors from sick03:31
fareastlet me look it up03:31
eraserpencil1OLS10 and SICK_TIM57103:31
JohneSlidingHorn: let me do that again03:31
SlidingHornOverman: more of a question for #ubuntu-offtopic or maybe #ubuntu-discuss03:31
OvermanSlidingHorn, roger. Sorry.03:31
outernationalhowdy. could i get some help with https://serverfault.com/questions/947503/ubuntu-vpn-gateway-conf-iptables-rules-proxyarp03:32
SlidingHornouternational: That's another one that might get better answers in #networking (not saying you won't get one in here, though)03:33
fareastwhat platform are you connecting with ubuntu?03:33
fareastoperating system03:33
fareasti would try to login https03:34
fareastjust do an in your web browser03:34
Cybergrad@SlidingHorn those commands would update the list of software from the software repositories, then upgrade all packages to the most recent version without breaking dependencies (I believe; check the man by typing 'man apt' and reading about the upgrade command) and then it would install the bash package.03:34
Johnebash is already the newest version (4.4.18-2ubuntu1).03:34
eraserpencil1unable to connect03:34
fareastI am not too familiar with these type of sensors.03:35
fareastmaybe use a router03:35
Cybergrad@Johne Oh, sorry was it you that needed help with those commands? I'm not an apt wizard, but in that case it is as stated. The repository does not have a more recent version for you to download and install.03:35
fareastplug them into a router03:35
eraserpencil1it just does not make sense...03:35
SlidingHornCybergrad: they're trying to set up a pi-hole, and got a "command 'bash' not found" when they ran the 1-step curl install03:36
fareastwell you might be restricted with what you have unless you do some deeper configs03:36
`dwhi. i have a (small) patch against gnome-terminal's source package for 18.04. i've just upgraded to 18.10 and would like to track that patch properly. i tried pulling the package's git repo from launchpad.net, but the tree from the origin source package that i hacked has no bearing to anything it contains. any clue?03:36
JustAPersonHow can convince the linux scheduler to move processes between cores more often? I have many threads (more than CPU cores) that run for several minutes each but the scheduler often lets many of my cores sit idle03:36
eraserpencil1so the computer has 4 ethernet ports03:36
fareasti would just cable 1 of your lans into router and set the statics on the devices03:36
fareastthen see if you can access both03:36
fareastfrom what i was looking on the website they look like they had apps that run off tablet.03:36
Johneclosest I've seen to my issue is this03:37
fareastin that case you would want to hand them off to a router or a switch hooked into a router.03:37
fareastwhichever the situation I think you could create your own network route to host the equipment on tho.03:37
outernationalSlidingHorn: thanks!03:37
fareastjust a thought.03:38
fareastif you are worried about security just don't use wifi on the router.03:38
eraserpencil1i believe in the second one03:38
fareastand don't uplink internet./03:38
SlidingHornJohne: (putting aside the fact that I don't like piping a curl directly into bash) try replacing "bash" in their command with "/bin/bash/"03:39
SlidingHorn(without that last slash, actually)03:39
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Johnebow it's running03:43
Johneyou're a gentleman and a scholar03:44
tacomasterI was wondering. I just installed ubuntu 18.10 on my machine. The try ubuntu before you installed worked perfectly but now after install I get a black screen on one of my monitors after login. It just so happens to be my main monitor with all the gnome taskbar and everything. I have just opened a termal so I can open firefox with out the icon. I have an intel intagrated video card.03:46
CybergradIn Ubuntu 18.10 Gnome To Do, setting priority doesn't work. Only while a tasks details are expanded can you set a priority level, but when focus is lost the priority setting defaults to none.03:48
tacomasterI was reading that disabling fast boot seems to fix it but I do not have an option to disable fastboot on my machine. I have a minimal, intensive, or auto for my fast boot settings. Also I have seen that upgrading to 4.19 fixes the issue but wanted to make sure before I start changing the software that talks to all my hardware.03:48
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tacomasterplus my machine showed on the ubuntu site to have a pre-installed certification to verify that everything would work03:50
kinghatanyone played with https://tmate.io/?03:53
ogrgkyleI have two hard drives in my computer: a NMVE SSD that cannot be booted by my BIOS, and another hard drive that can be booted.  I want to install Lubuntu on the non-bootable SSD.  Can I install Grub on the bootable drive?04:02
tacomaster_Ok I figured out disabling wayland fixes the issue. Is there any benifit to using wayland over xorg?04:03
ogrgkyleIf not, what is the best way with my setup to boot into the NVME drive?04:04
JustAPersonHow can I increase linux scheduler work stealing? I'm seeing a lot of idle cores in the same numa node while I have a very high loadavg04:06
tomreynogrgkyle: yes you can install grub to the bootable drive instead04:09
SlidingHornJohne: are you using Linux Mint?04:11
ogrgkyletomreyn: i tried this a few different ways: installing lubuntu, i selected the "something else" option and chose /dev/sda (the other drive) as the place to install the bootloader. that didn't work. then i tried making a partition for it (/dev/sda1) and re-running the installer, and that completed but wouldn't boot.  then i tried installing without a bootloader, then running a live CD and installing grub to the second drive using boot-repair, and that04:11
ogrgkyledidn't work.04:11
yao_ziyuanif i want to use ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS but wants the latest gimp (2.10.x), what should i do?04:12
xamithanfind a ppa or go source04:12
ogrgkyletomreyn: just now in the lubuntu live cd, i tried: sudo grub-install /dev/sda, and got this: grub-install: error: failed to get canonical path of 'aufs'.04:13
tomreynogrgkyle: this sounds like ads is actually the live 'cd'?04:14
tomreynogrgkyle: is this a classic bios or uefi?04:15
ogrgkyletomreyn: maybe, but how could it be for the live dvd?  i know it's the secondary hard drive.04:15
ogrgkyletomreyn: uefi.04:16
tomreynogrgkyle: uefi, then you need the ESP on the bootable drive, and grub, too. everything else can go to the nvme04:17
ogrgkyletomreyn: okay, what's the ESP?  sorry, I'm somewhat new to this.04:17
tomreynefi system partition. a ~500 MB partition flagged 'esp' and 'boot', with a fat32 file system04:18
ogrgkylecan i do this in the lubuntu setup?  i didn't see a flags option04:18
tomreyni'm not sure how the desktop installer does this. it probably does, but it may not expose it. if you want to set things up yourself i suggest you use the alternative server installer.04:20
ogrgkyleserver installer...?04:21
tomreynbut do create gpt partition tables on all stroages before you start the installer.04:21
ogrgkyledoes that exist for lubuntu?  haven't found it so far04:23
ogrgkyletomreyn: if not, maybe i'll try your link.  thanks for the help04:27
tomreynogrgkyle: you'd install the server first, then lubuntu-desktop after installation04:27
tomreyngtg, sleep, good luck!04:28
Certificateso I'm having trouble connecting to my schools wireless network using these instructions https://cnc.ucr.edu/wireless/ucrwpa_eduroam_linux.html I've tried moving the certificate around I've tried installing it I've tried pointing in the menu to the root certificate they mention04:29
aqddoes anyone notice non-drive volumes are not shown in chrome and other apps' gtk 3 file chooser? but shown in gtk 2 just fine04:30
aqdremovable drives are visible, just not the custom volumes with x-gvfs-show, but they do show up on desktop and file manager...04:31
positivefixHi there! Is this the right channel for questions related to ubuntu server? Or can someone point me in the right direction?06:00
Kumoolubuntu server questions go to #/dev/null06:02
Kumoolpositivefix: #ubuntu-server probably06:05
Kumoolpositivefix: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat06:05
Kumoolfor the entire channel list06:05
SlidingHornpositivefix: that's not to say you couldn't possibly get an answer here though06:06
positivefixThanks Kumool, ubuntu-server seems right06:06
positivefixOh yes, I'm on a fresh Ubuntu 16.04 install and I cannot get snapd to work. Running systemctl status snapd.service gives me this: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/KSw4D6W46H/06:09
Kumoolgosh, why would you install a fresh version of 16.04?06:10
positivefixI mean.. I didn't install it. It came with the VPS and they didn't have 18.04 :/06:11
Kumoolthose bastards06:11
OERIASCan someone help me as to why some applications that trigger the annoying AppArmor notifications no longer work?06:14
positivefixOERIAS, I am seeing that myself. snapd for me seems to fail with AppArmor thrown around in the logs: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/X3V63Ys8nY/06:16
OERIASpositivefix, yes06:20
OERIASand it is annoying because this is not just happening on one machine but on all five of them06:20
qwebirc95665Hi, i want an virtual android on my ubuntu. is this possible without virtualbox?06:40
lotuspsychjeqwebirc95665: you can try the anbox06:41
lotuspsychjeqwebirc95665: you need to follow the install procedure from the anbox website if you want06:41
qwebirc95665virtualbox trys to install some drivers, and i should do some stuff in my bios (secure boot) otherwise virtual box dont work. does this apply to anbox too?06:41
qwebirc95665problem is i cant acces bios06:42
lotuspsychjeqwebirc95665: anbox is not virtualbox, you can just install on it on ubuntu06:42
qwebirc95665nice thx i will give it a try06:43
qwebirc95665nope dont work anbox want secureboot disabled too06:45
qwebirc95665sadly i'm unable to disable secureboot06:46
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phoenix_firebrdIs there a solution to do encrypted backups to google drive?07:47
phoenix_firebrdzaggynl: any rclone frontend you can recommend07:57
zaggynlI've been using rclone browser07:58
phoenix_firebrdzaggynl: i will try that07:59
phoenix_firebrdzaggynl: thank you07:59
zaggynldo note that it's not in active development08:00
phoenix_firebrdzaggynl: you mean the frontend or rclone itself?08:05
gde33upgrade takes several hours it says, close all applications. Can I watch a movie?08:06
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phoenix_firebrdgde33: your processor model?08:10
gde33uhh old08:10
gde33Intel® Core™2 Quad CPU Q8300 @ 2.50GHz × 408:10
phoenix_firebrdgde33: You can watch a movie, but that may slow the installation a little bit08:10
capellaDamn Mines I-7700HQ08:10
capellaAh crap tabfail08:11
capellagde33 nick threw me08:11
phoenix_firebrdgde33: also some libraries that are used by the movie player that are upgraded may not be written to the disk while in use. So there is no real problem in watching a movie i guess08:12
qwebirc18258Hey folks.  Anybody had an issue with a 1GB NIC auto-negotiating at 100Mbps?  Same PC dual booting Windows gets 1GB, ethtool shows it's 1GB capable, switch and cable are gigabit, confirmed iPerf gets GB speeds in Windows.  It's a Realtek RTL8111/8168/841108:12
gde33phoenix_firebrd: you mean there might be a problem?08:13
phoenix_firebrdcapella: pc master race are we?08:13
qwebirc18258Seems like a driver issue?08:13
phoenix_firebrdgde33: If you properly shutdown the system or flush the disk after the  install properly then there wont be any problem, else for example the system crashes before doing those, then there might be problem08:14
gde33will the upgrade from 16 to 18 prompt me so that ill wake up to a not upgraded system?08:14
gde33ahh ok cool08:14
phoenix_firebrdgde33: no probably your system wont boot08:14
phoenix_firebrdgde33: because of a corrupt root partition or a corrupt library08:15
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phoenix_firebrdgde33: You are upgrading from 16.04 to 18.04?08:15
gde33yes, well... about to08:15
phoenix_firebrdgde33: I usually watch movie or browser during install08:16
gde33ill still have my laptop to buy a new computer if this one dies :P08:16
gde33thanks for the help sir08:17
phoenix_firebrdgde33: you are welcome08:17
VindianaJonesI've been Googling the heck out of this but can't seem to find a good solution08:17
phoenix_firebrdVindianaJones: solution for what?08:29
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okamis_Running 18.04, I want to be able to tab-switch to my next terminal. But programs of same type are grouped together so instead it tabs to another program e.g. browser08:49
alephnullWhere is the Xorg.0.log?09:34
Ool'locate file' can help, if you don't know10:02
vltokamis_: You could try Alt + ^ (the key just above Tab)10:11
okamis_vlt: That works. I can roll with that. Though is there a way to disable this grouping functionality?10:15
vltokamis_: I don't know. I don't use the default desktop environment.10:24
SlidingHorn /j #lineageos10:36
SlidingHornoops sorry10:37
iomarigreetings, I just installed110:37
SlidingHorniomari: congrats :)  Have something you needed support with?10:38
iomarikubuntu 18.10 cosmic but the sources.list file isusing bionic repos. Is this normal?10:38
iomarican I replace "bionic" with "cosmic" and update?10:39
tarzeauiomari: i did that with sed -i s,bionic,cosmic,g /etc/apt/sources.list10:40
iomaritarzeau: any problems?10:40
tarzeauiomari: and even to disco (which is not released yet though). no for both10:40
iomaricool. thanks10:40
tarzeaui'm not using any PPAs or external repositories though. if you do, you could encounter problems10:41
iomaritarzeau: neither am i.thanks10:41
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sud0x3Hi folks, anyone know if canonical have published a report of user donations? Wondering what the ration of users to donations might be.10:52
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tarzeausud0x3: i'd like to know as well10:56
sud0x3People saying that linux users are more than willing to pay for software but im not convinced at all, and dont know why people are saying this without proof.11:01
ikoniawhat does this have to do with ubuntu11:03
Adi12341 Hi guys! i hope you can help or point me in the right direction. I installed Ubuntu on a usb stick using persistency. I have a problem with booting though. After installing it, with the usb stick in, the computer loads grub and I can choose the OS. If I take out the USB, then the computer loads grub, but i can't choose the OS. I want that when i take out the USB, to have Windows and if I put the USB in, to load grub and choose11:14
ikoniacould you give a better description than "can't choose the OS"11:16
MouzzAfter upgrading 16.04 to 18.04 I can't connect to my (vpnc) VPNs anymore. It seems as if "/usr/lib/NetworkManager/nm-vpnc-auth-dialog" is missing?11:20
tomreynMouzz: is the NM plugin still installed?11:21
Mouzztomreyn, Not installed and apt search does not return any pkg suggestion11:23
Mouzztomreyn: This steered me in the right direction probably. I installed "network-manager-vpnc-gnome" (previously the pkg name without -gnome was sufficient) and I now have the nm-vpnc-auth-dialog file.11:29
IniGitwhen I press ctrl+k and go to document > target how do I specify there that the number of the chapoter should be shown in the link?11:30
IniGitthe help button of this page is not helpful at all11:30
tomreynMouzz: this sounds correct, this package was also available for 16.04 so i'm surprised you didnt have this package installed previously. https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=network-manager-vpnc-gnome11:31
Mouzznm-applet can be used to set up the vpn now, but the new gnome interface still does not work (yet)11:31
IniGitThe default is '1.2.4."Encrypt-to-Self"|outline' but this does not show the number11:32
tomreynMouzz: you may need to systemctl reload-or-restart NetworkManager.service11:35
tomreynIniGit: which application are you inquiring about?11:35
IniGitlibreoffice writer11:36
IniGitI do Hyperlink>Document11:36
IniGitthen I specify a target11:36
IniGitand then I want that it show the text + chapter number of the target in the link text11:37
IniGitbut I do not find informaiton how to to that. Btw when do I use hyperlinks and when cross references for document internal links?11:37
IniGitI know that cross references automatically update, but can this be achieved with hypyerlinks too?=11:38
tomreynIniGit: this question might be a bit too application specific for someone to know the answer here. i suggest you you head over to  #libreoffice11:38
IniGitsry I thought I am in #libreoffice11:39
IniGitI do not feel well today11:39
tomreynmaybe you are, but *this* channel is #ubuntu ;-)11:39
tomreynno worries11:39
Mouzztomreyn: An Ubuntu bug-report (comment) for 1725779 states a reboot might solve the problem. I'm just gonna try this so brb11:41
hazrpgAnyone got any suggestions as to how I can upgrade Ubuntu 16.04 install that has recently become unable to boot (goes straight into an initramfs console): https://bugs.launchpad.net/linux/+bug/180025011:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1800250 in linux-signed-hwe (Ubuntu) "Latest kernel boots to (initramfs) console on Dell Inspirion 15 7577" [Undecided,New]11:48
Mouzztomreyn: A reboot actually worked, where "systemctl rstart NetworkManager.service" didn't... Thanks for the pointers!11:50
hazrpgThe problem I have is that the LiveUSB of 18.04 doesn't detect my install of 16.04 at all - so it doesn't offer an upgrade path from that. Using mount and chroot to the install doesn't allow me to do "do-release-upgrade" - it just fails. Any thoughts on what else I can try?11:50
hazrpg(the reason it propably can't detect it is because I have Windows 10 and Ubuntu 18.04 on different partitions - I triple boot)11:51
Mouzzhazrpg: Have you tried adding kernel boot parameters (or whatever they are called) from the grub boot menu?11:56
BluesKajHowdy folks12:10
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lotuspsychjewelcome visone how can we help you today?13:08
visonethanks but i don´t need any help13:09
visonejust a nicely talk13:09
visonesecong thougth13:11
visoneanyone use systemback?13:12
lotuspsychjevisone: best to ask your specific question to the channel, with all the details. volunteers can try to help13:12
visoneok, where can i find a version of systemback for a 18.413:13
ducassevisone: if it's mot in the repos you're going to have to search for a ppa or other third party repo13:15
lotuspsychje!backup | visone alternate you can use13:15
ubottuvisone alternate you can use: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning13:15
visonei alredy did that, as far as i know there isn´t version for that dist13:16
BluesKajvisone, https://launchpad.net/systemback13:16
visoneBluesKaj: not for a 18.413:17
visonei already try that13:17
lotuspsychjevisone: well we try to avoid adding external ppa's as much as possible, instead try out some packages from the official ubuntu repos13:17
visonei don´t wont a backup, i need make a live of mi install system13:18
visonelotuspsychje: me too, same outcome13:18
visonethat`s why i ask about it13:19
ubottuAPTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline13:19
lotuspsychjethink they removed that on bionic BluesKaj13:21
visonei already use APTonCd but, i´m looking for another thing13:21
lotuspsychjevisone: use at your own risk: https://www.linuxbabe.com/ubuntu/install-systemback-ubuntu-18-04-bionic-18-1013:21
lotuspsychje!ppa | visone13:21
ubottuvisone: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge13:21
visonethanks, i´m gonna try the 16.4 version13:25
visoneso far so good13:30
visonethak you so much¡13:31
visonei did not know that the version of 16.4 work as well in la 18.413:32
lotuspsychjevisone: if one day your dependecies mix up, remove it back with !ppapurge ok13:34
visonethanks, i know13:35
BluesKajI for one am not convinced it will work in the long run even though it seems to now13:36
sonOfRaIs there a (semi)-official source to get more recent nvidia drivers?13:44
lotuspsychjesonOfRa: yes, the ubuntu graphics ppa for nvidia13:44
sonOfRaI'm going to be purchasing an RTX-2070 soon and it requires the 41x.xx series of drivers, but my package sources for cosmic only have 390.8713:44
lotuspsychjesonOfRa: id go for the very latest drivers for that, yes13:45
lotuspsychjesonOfRa: maybe also higher kernels, but test with the drivers first13:45
lotuspsychjesonOfRa: https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa13:45
sonOfRaYep, found it. Thank you!13:45
sonOfRa4.18 is relatively recent, it'll probably work13:49
BluesKaj4.18 isn't listed in the above url13:51
visonethe live works perfectly14:05
ygk_12345hi all14:06
ygk_12345how do I mention openvswitch bridges in netplan file in ubuntu 18 to persist after a reboot ?14:07
ygk_12345its not a linux bridge14:07
ygk_12345openvswitch bridge14:07
ygk_12345can anyone help me please14:10
lotuspsychje!patience | ygk_1234514:10
ubottuygk_12345: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/14:10
nicomachushi all. I'm trying to get a wifi driver working for an rtl8821ce adapter. I've tried the rtlwifi-new fix from lwfingers, but when I modprobe it can't find the module. And then I double-checked and the rtlwifi-new fix doesn't have a module for 882114:22
nicomachuswell, it has 8821ae but not 8821ce14:26
ikoniaok ?14:29
lotuspsychjenicomachus: on wich kernel are you there?14:29
nicomachuslotuspsychje: 4.15.0-43-generic14:32
nicomachusikonia: I guess I didn't really ask a question there did I? My bad. I need to find a driver I suppose.14:34
lotuspsychjenicomachus: realtek can be picky about kernel versions, maybe try higher mainlines a bit and linux-firmware14:34
ikonianicomachus: ok ? what does the documentation for that card say it needs for support under linux14:34
nicomachusikonia: I can't find documentation. :D14:36
ikonianicomachus: you see where I"m going with this.....14:36
nicomachusikonia: not really14:36
TJ-nicomachus: first thing to do is identify the exact vendor:device ID using "lspci -nn" or, if USB, with "lsusb" - that is what drivers match on. It is called the 'modalias'14:40
nicomachusTJ-: [10ec:c821]?14:42
TJ-nicomachus: that's it; and if you use "modinfo -F alias module-name" it'll report all the modaliases that module will bind to14:43
TJ-nicomachus: or "modinfo -F alias path/to/module.ko"14:44
ogrgkyleI have a Nvidia Quadro 600.  I installed Lubuntu on my computer, and my 1920x1080 monitor displayed fine automatically.  I didn't even look at which driver I was using.  Then, because I was installing another card, I temporarily removed the graphics card and then placed in back in the computer.  After that, when I booted into Lubuntu, the resolution had shrunk.  I've reinstalled Lubuntu, but I still change the resolution to 1920x1090.14:45
TJ-nicomachus: also, there is a search I use for quickly identifying a matching module in an installed system, using "grep -i '10ec.*c821' /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/modules*14:45
ogrgkyle*But I still can't change the resolution to 1920x1080.14:46
TJ-ogrgkyle: did you put the Nvidia GPU back into the same slot on the motherboard?14:46
ogrgkyleI have tried changing to various Nvidia drivers, but none have done anything more than slightly improving resolution.  I've tried manually adding the resolution but that hasn't worked so far.14:47
ogrgkyleTJ-: yes.14:47
TJ-ogrgkyle: there's 2 things to check. From what you've said the first sounds OK. 1) ar the nvidia proprietary drivers loaded 2) is the monitor's EDID being read correctly (which describes the modes it supports)14:48
ogrgkyleTJ-: In this whole process, I temporarily installed Windows 10, which ALSO could not correctly display the resolution.  Maybe that's helpful...14:48
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TJ-ogrgkyle: for (2) you should read the Xorg log, usually /var/log/Xorg.0.log, but may be somewhere in $HOME for recent Gnome14:48
TJ-ogrgkyle: aha - that does sound like an external issue - check the monitor cable is correctly connected  and no bent pins. Is it connected using HDMI ?14:49
ogrgkyleTJ-: So bent pins could prevent a higher resolution but still allow the display to work...?14:50
ogrgkyleTJ-: okay, I will play around with that and see if I have success. thanks!14:50
TJ-ogrgkyle: depends on the connector. For VGA connectors it was a pretty common issue... the DDC pin getting bent so it didn't connect, which is used by VGA to talk to the monitor and get the EDID14:50
ogrgkyleTJ-: this is DVI, actually14:51
lotuspsychjeogrgkyle: can you tell us your driver in use currently?14:51
TJ-ogrgkyle: DVI has pins too, so worth checking14:51
TJ-ogrgkyle: but the Xorg.0.log is your source of authority so check it14:51
ogrgkyleTJ-: okay14:51
ogrgkylelotuspsychje: X.Org X server -- Nouveau display driver from xserver-xorg-video-nouveau (open source)14:52
TJ-ogrgkyle: you'd expect to see the log report an EDID found, and the modes it details.14:52
ogrgkyleTJ-: okay14:52
Copenhagen_BramWhy can't I find netsurf in my repos?14:57
TJ-Copenhagen_Bram: because it isn't there?14:58
Copenhagen_BramIt says online that netsurf is part of the universe repo, which I'm pretty sure is enabled. But apt search netsurf doesn't come up14:58
Copenhagen_BramOh, so netsurf is for 18.10 but not 18.04?14:58
TJ-!info netsurf14:59
ubottuPackage netsurf does not exist in bionic14:59
TJ-!info netsurf cosmic14:59
ubottunetsurf (source: netsurf): small web browser with CSS support - transitional package. In component universe, is extra. Version 3.6-3.2 (cosmic), package size 4 kB, installed size 22 kB14:59
ogrgkyleTJ-: solved the issue.  it worked once i removed a dvi extension cable, selected the nvidia driver, and rebooted.15:02
TJ-ogrgkyle: yay!15:02
TJ-ogrgkyle: always check the connections/cables first, especially if those have recently been fiddled with :)15:03
ogrgkyleTJ- lotuspsychje: thanks15:03
lotuspsychjenicomachus: just wondering, was that realtek wifi working on the liveusb?15:03
nicomachuslotuspsychje: I honestly didn't even check, but I just got it working.15:04
lotuspsychjenice1, what did you solve nicomachus15:04
nicomachususing this repo for the driver and a dkms install: https://github.com/tomaspinho/rtl8821ce15:04
nicomachus(it has a script for the dkms install which actually worked)15:05
lotuspsychjecool, alot of realtek gits out there to test15:06
lotuspsychjetoo bad, its not implemented by default15:06
nicomachuslooks like this a pretty darn new driver.15:06
lotuspsychjenicomachus: maybe if you have time to, place a new bug for that chipset?15:07
nicomachuswhich is why it didn't raise any red flags while I was shopping like the other common pesky realtek drivers do...15:07
nicomachuslotuspsychje: I'll get on it, sure.15:07
TJ-realtek code is difficult; it tries to do what the nvidia driver does. Provide a common core for all OSes and add  hardware abstraction layer for Linux, Windows, etc.15:07
nicomachusthis laptop has nvideo too. LOL15:08
ekarlsoHi guys, anyone here using ubuntu on any newer lenovo laptop like the p52, p1 or x1 extreme ? I am having issues with it shutting down due to thermals15:09
TJ-ekarlso: try adding an appropriate acpi_osi=  See http://iam.tj/prototype/enhancements/Windows-acpi_osi.html15:19
legreffierekarlso: after waking up from suspend ?15:21
legreffierekarlso: try upgrading the firmware, they corrected many things regarding hibernation15:22
legreffier(using a x1/6th gen here)15:22
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ramsub07Hi, i've nearly 6 million images and would like to move it on to my HDD from the SSD. I am presently compressing using tar and then moving using mv, then deleting the traces of the directories in the SSD. All this to circumvent the error thrown by mv for having too many files. Is there a simpler or cleaner way to do this?15:34
ikoniaramsub07: a while loop15:35
ramsub07ikonia: i don't get you?15:35
leftyfband use rsync to do the move/removal15:36
ikoniaramsub07: create a while loop to move the files, or as leftyfb use an appropriate tool15:36
ramsub07leftyfb: an example please?15:36
ikoniaman rsync15:36
legreffierthe gzip makes quite some sense for moving many small file15:37
leftyfbramsub07: rsync -av /path/to/source /path/to/destination/15:39
ramsub07leftyfb: will this automatically remove the data from the source?15:40
leftyfbramsub07: no, but there's a parameter in the man page that will do it15:40
leftyfbramsub07: personally, I wouldn't delete until after I knew everything worked 100%15:40
leftyfbunless you don't care about those 6 million images15:41
ramsub07leftyfb: basically in mv, if there is any mistake, the data  would be spread across and there wouldn't be any loss, right ?15:41
leftyfbramsub07: that's not how technology and murphy's law works15:42
leftyfbagain, if you don't care about the data, sure go with whatever15:42
legreffierramsub07: mv across volumes will basically cp and rm after.15:44
ramsub07legreffier: right!15:44
Gasherhi everyone. I'm using Ubuntu 18.10 Budgie on my machine. I used to use the integrated Intel GPU, but yesterday I bought the RX590. now, if I want to boot to Ubuntu, I'm getting a black screen and cannot switch the tty15:58
Gasherif I run the distro from livecd, it works15:59
RandomSerbhi. I had windows 10 installed, then I installed ubuntu, and I got 4 options in grub boot loader, as expected. after some time, windows started crashing, so I reinstalled it. After I did, it worked again as expected. Restarted once more to confirm, everything good. Booted into Ubuntu, to change grub so that windows is default choice, restarted. Windows was indeed default choice, but is now stuck again on the loading screen16:04
RandomSerbwhat could be the problem here?16:04
GasherRandomSerb, crashing as bluescreening?16:05
RandomSerbGasher, my mistake, not crashing, refusing to go past loading screen16:06
RandomSerbnot my computer, so I though it was actually crashing16:07
GasherRandomSerb, sounds like a Windows problem to me. please check the drive's smart data to see if it's alright16:07
GasherI had issues like that only with machines with bad sectors16:07
EriC^^RandomSerb: maybe try asking in ##windows16:07
EriC^^Gasher: try booting with nomodeset and install the driver for your card16:08
RandomSerbactually, I left it unattended, and it loaded after 10-ish minutes16:09
RandomSerbso, bad sectors most likely? I think it wouldn't load at all if it was for bad sectors16:10
BluesKaj!nomodeset | Gasher16:10
ubottuGasher: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter16:10
Gasherokay thanks16:10
Gasherwill try16:10
EriC^^RandomSerb: maybe it's doing some updates?16:11
Gasherhello, I asked about the black screen with RX590 a few minutes ago. nomodeset worked, I booted, installed all mesa packages and added a ppa with the latest ones. the black screen issue still occurs without nomodeset16:27
ioriaGasher, what ppa ? oibaf16:27
OerHeksGasher, obviously you need nomodeset16:28
Gasherioria, yes16:28
GasherOerHeks, it would be better if I could get a normal experience, with my full resolution for example16:29
ioriaGasher, can you open a console now ?16:29
GasherI'm in the system16:29
ioriaGasher, what ubuntu version ?16:29
EriC^Gasher: try booting without nomodeset, then boot into recovery shell and upload Xorg.0.log16:29
Gasherioria, 18.10 budgie16:29
ioriaGasher, you can paste /var/log/Xorg.0.log | nc termbin.com 9999  ....but if you try to restart gdm ?16:30
GasherEriC^, can't I do it from the nomodeset boot? also, what do you mean by a recovery shell? another tty?16:30
ioriaGasher,  are you on nomodeset atm ?16:31
Gasherioria, the Budgie edition doesn't use gdm, lightdm I think16:31
ioriaGasher,  ok, so you have a gui16:32
GasherI can see my xorg.0.log, it's not too long16:32
ioriaGasher,  paste  lspci -nnk16:32
EriC^Gasher: nah when you boot with nomodeset it might overwrite it16:32
EriC^Gasher: recovery shell is the root shell in the recovery mode in grub, advanced > recovery then start networking > drop to root shell and type "cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | nc termbin.com 9999" it'll upload it for you and giv a link16:33
ioriaGasher,  cat /proc/cmdline   (you can paste here)16:34
Gasherokay EriC^ , I'll do it after exhausting the other options16:34
GasherBOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-4.18.0-13-generic root=UUID=23cc1874-5d45-47db-aa62-3026ee03c657 ro nomodeset quiet splash16:34
ioriaGasher,  you said 590 ?16:35
Gasherioria, yes16:35
ioriaGasher,  it reports 58016:36
nbusronehi I need abit help for old ubuntu keyring issue https://pastebin.com/RuwfAWBF .GPG error16:36
Gasherioria, 590 is a 580 on a lower nm process, I guess it just didn't get an update16:37
ioriaGasher,  the module amdgpu is loaded despite nomodeset ....16:37
OerHeksnbusrone, still not fixed? try changing mirror?16:38
geardhey guys, i'm having some issues with load testing against NGINX, when I hit the server with Jmeter I am getting16:38
Gasherioria, what does this mean?16:38
geardsorry for the early enter there16:38
ioriaGasher,  no, it's ok ....16:39
ioriaGasher,  try to boot with  the  amdgpu.dc=1   parameter16:39
EriC^geard: that's what he said16:39
dogmatic69I am trying to set up dhcpd server but clients are not getting an IP, I can see in the logs the server gets the request though. Any ideas?16:39
ioriaGasher,  and without nomodesetù16:39
geardhey guys, i'm having some issues with load testing against NGINX, when I hit the server with Jmeter I am getting ~3Mbbits of through put using iperf, when not running the jemter I get ~9Gibts of through put.16:39
geardEriC^: :P16:39
Gasherioria, the same way I set nomodeset?16:39
ioriaGasher,  yep16:40
Gasherthanks, rebooting now16:40
lotuspsychjegeard: ubuntu-server?16:40
geardi believe my issue resides inthe Kernel but have no evidence to support this claim. do any of you have suggestions for tracking down this issue and resolving it.16:40
geardlotuspsychje: yeah Ubuntu 16.04, i shouldhave included that16:40
lotuspsychjegeard: join #ubuntu-server please16:41
TJ-nbusrone: which keyring packages are installed? "dpkg -l '*keyring*' "16:41
Gasherioria, I tried setting amdgpu.dc=1 where I previously set nomodeset, but the result was black screen again16:49
ioriaGasher,  try amdgpu.dpm=0   ,after that i suggest purging oibaf16:50
Gasherioria, with or without nomodeset and dc?16:51
ioriaGasher,  without both16:51
Gasherbrb then16:51
nbusroneOerHeks : nope , the last resort is remove the keyring.16:51
nbusroneTJ- : Around 80 "ls /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d | wc -l"16:52
TJ-nbusrone: how about the command I suggested?16:52
Gasherwoohoo, worked ioria !16:53
Gasherthank you!16:53
Gasherwhat now? what does dpm do?16:53
ioriaGasher,  ok .... let's the see  Xorg.0.log now16:53
Gasherioria, https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/cZw9GjTHh7/16:54
ioriaGasher,  dpm is the power management16:55
Gasheryeah, for some reason the fans don't turn off when idle now16:56
Gasheris that a dpm thing?16:57
Gasherioria, should I just save the turning off of dpm, or can I perhaps fix it somehow?16:59
ioriaGasher,  fow now set /etc/default/grub with that parameter ... you know how ?16:59
Gasherioria, will figure it out :p17:00
nbusroneTJ- : https://pastebin.com/RuwfAWBF my problem is public key.I manually added it but still the same17:00
ioriaGasher,  this line GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"    ; simply add amdgpu.dpm=0   after splash and run  sudo update-grub17:00
Gasheryeah okay17:01
Gasheranother reboot incoming17:01
TJ-nbusrone: I realise that; what I want to see is which keyring packages are installed17:01
nbusroneTJ- : how do I useyour commend again ?17:02
Gasherioria, boots fine now, thanks a lot! what's next?17:02
TJ-nbusrone: "dpkg -l '*keyring*' | nc termbin.com 9999"17:03
nbusroneTJ- : I did manually install the public key http://opensourceforgeeks.blogspot.com/2013/04/w-gpg-error-httpppalaunchpadnet-precise.html17:03
ioriaGasher,  not much ... just remember you installed that ppa (you might have issues in future), you know how to purge it ?17:04
OerHekssudo rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists # and update again ?17:04
nbusroneOerHeks : that is what I wanted to avoid removing.17:04
OerHeksnbusrone, that is harmless17:04
Gasherioria, yup17:04
ioriaGasher,  no problem17:05
Gasherthe mesa driver is the best driver for amd on ubuntu now?17:05
OerHeksno keys are altered, just to make sure the lists are not corrupt itself17:05
nbusroneTJ- : https://pastebin.com/2QSPZNj217:05
TJ-OerHeks: package lists are fine; issue is apt-key not having the key in the database17:05
ioriaGasher,  probably17:05
OerHeksTJ-, yes, he tried adding them again, yesterday, no luck17:06
Gasherby the way, I bought TP-LINK T9E wifi card, but it requires a proprietary driver. are there any good wifi solutions that work with Linux out of the box? PCI-E ones around 50 quid17:06
TJ-nbusrone: OK, so ubuntu-extras-keyring is installed so now we have to check if the keyring was added to apt: "ls -l /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/*extras*"17:08
nbusroneTJ- : ls: cannot access /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/*extras*: No such file or directory17:16
TJ-nbusrone: aha, so looks like the system is missing at least one. Let's put it and other missing keyrings back in place with "sudo cp /usr/share/keyrings/*.gpg /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/" then retry your apt commands17:20
nbusroneTJ- : the issue is still persist.https://pastebin.com/PkZRKWGa .I even try manually adding it http://keyserver.ubuntu.com/  0x40976EAF437D05B5 and save into a text key1 and sudo apt-key add key117:29
shibbolethso, there has been no "main" security updates since monday before xmas17:29
shibbolethplenty upstream17:29
shibbolethany comment?17:30
TJ-nbusrone: actually no; the new pastebin shows the ubuntu-extras-keyring warning is no longer there17:30
shibbolethpolkit, libarchive/extract, openssl, wireshark, etc etc17:30
TJ-nbusrone: so now all we need do is fix the 0x3B4FE6ACC0B21F32 key too17:31
lotuspsychjeshibboleth: apt never lies17:31
nbusroneTJ- : I add all the key but non of it fix17:32
shibbolethlotuspsychje, that may be true but has no bearing on what i said17:32
WonnyHey guys, why is Linux so strong against viruses?17:33
lotuspsychjeshibboleth: security updates will come out, when they come out17:33
lotuspsychje!discuss | Wonny17:33
ubottuWonny: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!17:33
shibbolethsure, but why is ubuntu up to three weeks behind debian?17:33
shibbolethwhich is all community based...17:34
nbusroneTJ- : This 3 keys 0x3B4FE6ACC0B21F32 , 0x40976EAF437D05B5 , 0x3BDAAC08614C4B3817:34
TJ-nbusrone: show us "apt-key adv --list-keys | grep -C 2 ubuntu"17:34
nbusroneTJ- : Here is the list of all the key https://pastebin.com/b2P1VESj17:36
tomreynshibboleth: this is a generic statement which you should provide references to to back up this claim. but not here, since it's not really an immediate support question (rather discussion about how security support works in different distros, and in ubuntu specifically).17:37
TJ-nbusrone: so the key is there: "pub   4096R/C0B21F32 2012-05-11"17:38
shibbolethtomreyn, that "can" be regarded as a lousy handwave. i get that it has been the holidays and all17:38
tomreynshibboleth: there is #ubuntu-discuss17:39
shibbolethsimply not acknowledging the premise of a question is what politicians do when they don't know the answer and think the listener is dumb enough to fall for it. ok. you don't know, so offtopic17:40
shibboleththank you17:40
=== treepalm_ is now known as treepalm
lotuspsychjeshibboleth: we have seperate channels here for a reason17:41
lotuspsychjeshibboleth: this channel is for support questions, not for polls17:41
TJ-nbusrone: Your problem is you've got 5 keys generating "gpg: keyblock resource ... resource limit" errors, so gpg is failing. You need to fix those issues17:41
shibbolethi wasn't asking what you think about netplan, i was asking if there was any known reason why there have been no main secupdates for over two weeks17:42
shibbolethanyway, i can read between the lines17:42
shibboleththank you kindly17:42
OerHeksthere were updates, shibboleth. maybe unattended17:42
TJ-nbusrone: this is Bug #126354017:42
ubottubug 1263540 in apt (Ubuntu) "Apt-get reports NO_PUBKEY gpg error for keys that are present in trusted.gpg." [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126354017:42
lotuspsychjeshibboleth: you have been invited kindly to the discuss channel, were more info can be discussed for you17:43
TJ-nbusrone: According to comment #23 there gpg is limited to handling 40 keyring files17:44
TJ-nbusrone: solution is to reduce the number of keyrings in /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/ to less than 4017:44
nbusroneTJ- : yeh , I mention before I had 8017:46
nbusroneTJ- : but I wonder , why does it limit to 40.Can limit be raise ?17:47
TJ-nbusrone: one solution is to add some 'essential' keys directly to /etc/apt/trusted.gpg17:47
TJ-nbusrone: I have no idea, but the point of keyrings is to contain lots of keys, so the idea of having lots of keyrings is against the design intention of gpg17:48
nbusroneTJ- : Thanks I'll report back tomorrow , will try to remove most of the un needed key17:48
nbusroneTJ- : Thanks for all the help :)17:48
TJ-nbusrone: you could create a separate /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/my-trusted.gpg and add the extra keys into that, rather than to /etc/apt/trusted.gpg directly - to avoid poluting the primary apt keyrigh17:49
OerHeksshibboleth, my history.log.1 https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/KzfShCmSdh/17:55
nbusroneTJ- : Ok , will do it tomorrow :) thanks for the suggestion18:00
TJ-shibboleth: It would appear the Canonical security team were on holiday from Dec 21st18:00
=== juboxi is now known as jubo2
ekarlsolegreffier: TJ- uhm, tried that setting the acpi_osi now but it still goes straight to shutdown. how do you mean to update firmware? I have updated to latest bios already before I installed linux18:28
ioriaGasher, sy, afk .... what's the problem with wifi card ?18:32
Gasherioria, I don't get the internet connection even on livecd18:33
ioriaGasher, it's plugged atm ?18:33
GasherI just installed the driver while on my old motherboard with integrated wifi18:34
ioriaGasher, can yo upaste again lspci -nnk18:34
Gasherbut I'm afraid that it will be difficult to get those when I want to reinstall the distro for example18:34
Gasherioria, right now with it working or on livecd?18:34
ioriaGasher, why are you on livecd ?18:35
Gasherioria, I'm not18:35
mDonchev_ioria, Hello again. You helped me a week ago to fight with my nvidia drivers on my Ubuntu. Do you remmeber?18:35
Gasherjust tested it on livecd18:35
ioriaGasher, ok, just paste lspci -nnk18:35
ioriamDonchev_, help me to recall ... :þ18:36
Gasherioria, https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/7rTsvPr6rS/18:36
mDonchev_:) I had problems with installing nvidia-304 drivers  on my old asus motherboard18:36
ioriamDonchev_, oh, yes with the 4.15 kernel18:36
mDonchev_after using the default (not nvidia) drivers18:38
ioriamDonchev_,  wl is in use ;  check if  bcmwl-kernel-source   is correclty installed18:38
mDonchev_i was OK with my old 1280x1024 resolution18:38
gusggMy installation of Ubuntu 18.04 has the `import` command, at `/usr/bin/import`. I'm trying to find which package provides it (it's an imagemagick utility), but `dpkg-query -S $(which import)` returns nothing18:38
ioriaGasher,   wl is in use ;  check if  bcmwl-kernel-source   is correclty installed18:38
mDonchev_but I just got an old Belinea 19" monitor18:39
mDonchev_and now ubuntu cannot recognize it (it used to recognize the previous HP monitor)18:39
mDonchev_and therefore I get only 1024x768 resolution and of course everything looks quite blurry.18:39
mDonchev_and I cannot seem to find how to install "something" to make Ubuntu recognize the monitor and put a higher resolution to it18:41
mDonchev_also, important to mention is that my previous monitor was connected thru DVI and this Belinea has only VGA plug so I'm using a VGA cable for it18:41
mDonchev_if it makes a diference18:42
ioriamDonchev_,  what's the max resolution for that Balinea monitor ?18:43
ioriaGasher,   dpkg-l | grep   bcmwl-kernel-source18:43
mDonchev_Resolution 1440x90018:44
Gasherioria, it says dpkg-l was not found18:44
ioriaGasher,   dpkg  -l | grep   bcmwl-kernel-source18:45
TJ-mDonchev_: it sounds like an EDID issue - the system is not receiving the list of supported modes from monitor. check the Xorg.0.log for indications of whether/what EDID was discovered18:45
Gasherioria, ii  bcmwl-kernel-source                            amd64        Broadcom 802.11 Linux STA wireless driver source18:45
ioriaGasher,  ip a | nc termbin.com 999918:45
ioriaGasher,  you are wifi connected right now ...18:47
Gasherioria, yeah, I'm on my system where I am connected18:48
Gasherbut I have no way to install the driver again on a reinstall18:48
ioriaGasher,  you install bcmwl-kernel-source ... maybe i lost you18:50
mDonchev_TJ-, can you tell me how to test that?18:51
mDonchev_TJ-, I remember running a command that listed the available modes18:51
mDonchev_and it was only 640x480, 800x600, 1024x76818:52
mDonchev_and that was it18:52
mDonchev_TD-, the model is this: Belinea 1925 S1W18:55
mDonchev_guys... any help?18:58
mDonchev_I will highly appreciate it18:58
mDonchev_want to get this thing up and running18:58
SimonNLmDonchev_: was it xrandr18:59
mDonchev_that's the command I was using18:59
SimonNLwhats the highest resolution shown using that command19:01
TJ-mDonchev_: that list of resolutions looks like the default, driver-internal, SVGA list, not what the monitor has reported. As I said, you need to read the Xorg.0.log to see what, if any, EDID the monitor has reported19:05
mDonchev_TJ-, I'm a newbie on all these linux commands ... mostly a mac user with a knowledge of the main CLI commands19:06
mDonchev_but not that experienced19:06
ioriamDonchev_,  xrandr | pastebinit    might help19:07
qualityHi, I'm looking for a ppa which provides npm with version between 5.5.1 and 5.6.x19:13
ioriamDonchev_,   xrandr --output VGA-1 --auto19:14
OerHeksquality, there is none, hence the jump tp 5.8.x https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/npm19:17
qualityOerHeks: okay, thx19:19
senapshttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/TqxWhm5j3r/ im using shutil.copy to copy all of the files in a folder to another folder. this code works on my ubuntu machine, but isn't working on my friends system(mac and ubuntu) and throws file not found error, while file is there. what can we do?19:24
hackedheadhow do i register a new window manager in 18.04?19:26
hackedheadI just finished installing awesome as a deb package per the instructions on the awesome project's github readme19:27
hackedheadbut it's not available as a selection on login19:27
hackedheadonly ubuntu and ubuntu on wayland19:27
tomreynsenaps: this looks like a #python question19:28
tomreynmaybe your friend is missing some modules19:28
tomreynsome of which are packaged in ubuntu19:28
tomreynwe dont do mac support here, though19:29
OerHeksIf it doesn't show up in the window manager list on the login screen edit /usr/share/xsessions/awesome.desktop, change NoDisplay=true to NoDisplay=false.  https://wiki.debian.org/Awesome19:29
mDonchev_ioria, nothing19:29
OerHeksseen this before ..19:29
mDonchev_ioria, it just got the prompt again19:30
mDonchev_ioria, after executing this command19:30
tomreynmDonchev_: after executing which command?19:31
ioriamDonchev_,   you know the exact model of this Balinea monitor ?19:31
ioriatomreyn, xrandr --output VGA-1 --auto19:32
hackedheadOerHeks: ah thanks. so it showed up after I rebooted.19:32
hackedheadnow the only issue is that I have to figure out how to make it all play with Gnome daemons nicely19:32
tomreynioria: ah, thanks. actually it turns out i mixed up mDonchev_ + hackedhead, sorry.19:33
tomreynmDonchev_: as previously suggested, have a look at your xorg log to see how the monitor was detected. alternatively, you can install read-edid and run sudo get-edid|parse-edid 2>&1|nc termbin.com 999919:39
hackedheadtomreyn: if "after executing which command?" was directed at me RE session list selection; the answer is, after installing the generating deb with dpkg and creating an "awesome.desktop" file/entry in /usr/share/xsessions/19:40
hackedheadI am now supposing that the session manager only reads xsessions at boot? is there a way to force it to recheck while the system is up?19:40
tomreynhackedhead: it's a systemd service, i think, so you should be able to make it re-read it by restarting the service19:41
SerienmorderHello there, how do I edit the equivalent of network-scripts that Networkmanager uses in Ubuntu like it does in Centos. I've been googling and all of the answers seem really incomplete19:42
tomreynhackedhead: can't find it. maybe you need to restart the gdm service19:43
SerienmorderOr even better. Anyone have experience with getting a KVM guest machine to be on a routed bridge and it actually work. I have it to the point where the host and the VM can talk to each other. But the guest can't talk out.19:46
mDonchev_tomreyn, I run this command but the output comes to the prompt19:58
mDonchev_not the termbin.com19:58
mDonchev_ioria, the model of the monitor is:19:59
mDonchev_Belinea 1925 S1W19:59
tomreynmDonchev_: weird, i get normal output on the terminal but also a termbin.com url in the end. maybe you forgot "nc"20:01
mDonchev_sudo get-edid|parse0edid 2>1|nc termbin.com 999920:02
mDonchev_that's how I do it20:02
mDonchev_(there is a space before 9999)20:02
tomreynsudo get-edid|parse-edid 2>&1|nc termbin.com 999920:02
tomreynyou mistyped20:02
OerHeks Belinea 1925 S1W should be known, did you ever reset the monitor to factory defaults with its own menu?20:02
tomreynBelinea 1925 S1W should support 1440 x 90020:03
tomreynpower cycling (pulling the power plug) monitors can help20:04
ioriamDonchev_,   are you using nvidia or nouveau ?20:05
OerHeksthat too.. and it is 10 years old20:05
mDonchev_tomreyn, Still no luck. I get Error: output block unchanged, I'm sorry nothing was successful. Maybe try some other arguments20:06
ioriamDonchev_,   paste  sudo lshw -C video20:06
mDonchev_OerHeks, I tried the reset function but it just autotuned .. nothing else20:06
mDonchev_tomreyn, this is the output: https://pastebin.com/vXhcHZi720:08
OerHeksoh, onboard GeForce 7025.. that will only run with the open nvidia driver20:09
OerHeksand still then, not a youtube GPU20:09
mDonchev_OerHeks, what do you mean?20:09
ioriamDonchev_,   run    cvt 1440 900 6020:10
OerHeksthat chipset is so old, i cannot remember proper support with 30420:10
mDonchev_martind@martind-ubuntu:~$ cvt 1440 900 6020:10
mDonchev_# 1440x900 59.89 Hz (CVT 1.30MA) hsync: 55.93 kHz; pclk: 106.50 MHz20:10
mDonchev_Modeline "1440x900_60.00"  106.50  1440 1528 1672 1904  900 903 909 934 -hsync +vsync20:10
tomreynuse nouveau, add dedicated graphics card, replace hardware20:11
fletch8527Im hoping someone here can help with what seems like a simple issue. Im still learning the ropes with Linux/Ubuntu. I have an 18.04 server (no gui) that Im trying to access a Windows network share. I mounted it using the CIFS driver by adding a line to /etc/fstab. The share mounts without issue and I can browse the share but I cannot write to it. I can see via `ls -l` that the user indeed doesnt have write rights.20:11
fletch8527The Windows account that I used to mount the share has Full Control. So Im assuming there is something wrong with the way it was mounted?20:11
ioriamDonchev_,   xrandr --newmode  "1440x900_60.00"  106.50  1440 1528 1672 1904  900 903 909 934 -hsync +vsync20:11
OerHekssearch for: ubuntu nvidia 7025 # and you see only issues eith nvidia driver , uninstall the nvidia 304 and see if your resolution comes back20:12
lordcirthfletch8527, paste the line you put in /etc/fstab?20:12
mDonchev_ioria, failed to parse -hsync as a number20:13
fletch8527"//server/share    /media/share     cifs  credentials=/home/user/.smbcreds,iocharset=utf8  0  0"20:13
mDonchev_OerHeks, should I just get a ATI Radeon HD card instead20:14
OerHeksmDonchev_, any pci card is better, sure20:15
lordcirthfletch8527, try adding 'defaults': "//server/share    /media/share     cifs  defaults,credentials=/home/user/.smbcreds,iocharset=utf8  0  0"20:16
lordcirthYou could also try 'rw'20:16
fletch8527ok thanks, ill give it a shot20:16
mDonchev_ioria, should I change something on the command?20:16
mDonchev_I want at least to make the normal resolution with this thing here20:16
mDonchev_I want to use it for development20:16
ioriamDonchev_,   run    cvt 1360 768 6020:17
fletch8527I should just be able to save the updated fstab then run `sudo mount -a` correct? or would the share have to be unmounted first?20:18
mDonchev_ioria, I just added the new mode to xrandr20:19
mDonchev_ioria, how can I see if its there?20:19
ioriamDonchev_,   xrandr20:19
tomreynfletch8527: if you want to verify that fstab is correct, use "findmnt --verify" or "umount /media/share; sleep 3; mount /media/share"20:20
ioriamDonchev_,  but did you run  xrandr --addmode S-video 1360x76820:21
mDonchev_should I ?20:21
ioriamDonchev_,  that thing has  hdmi  ?20:22
OerHeksioria, nvidia 7025, vga only AFAIK20:23
ioriaOerHeks, ok20:23
lordcirthfletch8527, best to unmount and remount20:25
fletch8527lordcirth, ok, im trying to now but it says its busy. reading about unmounting a busy mount20:26
lordcirthfletch8527, you are probably in the mount. or something has a file open20:26
tomreyn"lsof /media/share" may tell what's got a lock on it20:27
ioriamDonchev_,  after that, paste again xrandr20:27
fletch8527thanks tomreyn, I just found that command.. looks like docker has it, but I stopped the container that was using it.20:27
mDonchev_ioria: nope, just VGA20:28
fletch8527I tried umount -f but that didnt work either20:28
ioriamDonchev_,   did you run  xrandr --addmode S-video 1360x76820:28
mDonchev_xrandr: cannot find output "S-video"20:29
mDonchev_this is what xrandr said before this command:20:29
tomreynfletch8527: and you're not inside that directory? don't have any terminals (virtual or real ones) open in there, or running commands against it?20:30
fletch8527tomreyn, not that I am aware of20:30
mDonchev_for some reason this new mode went under HDMI-1 (which is not an existing port on my motherboard)20:30
ioriamDonchev_,   video card you mean ?20:31
mDonchev_ioria, yes. I have a built-in card on my asus motherboard20:32
ioriamDonchev_,   you're on xenial ,right ?20:32
mDonchev_what is xenial?20:33
ioriamDonchev_,  cat /etc/issue20:33
tomreynfletch8527: maybe it's a good time to reboot then20:33
mDonchev_Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS \n \l20:34
ioriamDonchev_,  are you kidding ?20:34
lordcirthmDonchev_, xenial is Ubuntu 16.0420:34
tomreyn!xenial | mDonchev_20:34
ubottumDonchev_: Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus) was the 24th release of Ubuntu. Download at http://releases.ubuntu.com/16.04/ - Release Info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseNotes20:34
fletch8527tomreyn thats kinda what im thinking lol20:34
mDonchev_ioria, what?20:34
ioriamDonchev_, the last we installed xenial 16.0420:34
dman777does ubuntu-vm-builder allow you to specify image format?20:35
fletch8527ill brb20:35
mDonchev_I tried the boot Ubuntu Budgie and it detected my monitor and resolution so I installed it20:36
mDonchev_and it was OK until I put this monitor on20:36
mDonchev_I tried to install the latest possible version that will go with my old hardware20:36
ioriamDonchev_, i was suggesting to install nvidia-304 ,but that it's not available for 18.0420:37
OerHeksdman777, sure, [OPTIONS]... <hypervisor> Hypervisor image format http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/bionic/man1/vmbuilder.1.html20:37
OerHeksxen kvm vmw6 vmserver20:37
mDonchev_ioria, so ... 16.04.5 and then install nvidia 304 ?20:38
mDonchev_but ... isn't it old ?20:38
ioriamDonchev_, nope,20:38
mDonchev_like 3 years old now?20:38
lordcirthmDonchev_, 16.04 is nearly 3 years old, yes, but is still supported for 2 years.20:38
ioriamDonchev_ itold you to install 16.04 (not 16.04.5 )20:38
ioriamDonchev_, 'cause 304 does not build on 4.15 kernel20:39
mDonchev_I see ... ok ... since I have everything (except the video card) installed and setup20:39
OerHeksbudgie or ubuntu, both give the standard open driver, nouveau, which should work as i told before.20:39
mDonchev_is it better to stick with 18.04 and get a cheap ATI Radeon HD for like $1520:39
mDonchev_OerHeks: I am with nouveau drivers20:40
mDonchev_but since I plugged my new (10 years old) monitor20:40
mDonchev_it stopped detecting the monitor and the available resolutions20:40
ioriamDonchev_, ubuntu-drivers list   what returns ? nothing i guess20:41
mDonchev_ioria: nothing .20:42
ioriamDonchev_,  did you trynto install some nvidia drivers ?20:42
mDonchev_i tried20:43
ioriamDonchev_,  why ?20:43
ioriamDonchev_,  dpkg -l | grep nvidia20:43
mDonchev_jsut nvidia-settings20:44
mDonchev_I removed it20:44
ioriamDonchev_,  dpkg -l | grep nvidia | nc termbin.com 999920:44
mDonchev_following your commands20:44
Bashing-ommDonchev_: The 304 version driver is no longer supported. See: http://nvidia.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/3142/~/support-timeframes-for-unix-legacy-gpu-releases ; https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa .20:45
ioriamDonchev_,  let me understand ... why you have 'just' nvidia-settings 390 installed ?20:45
mDonchev_:( yes20:45
mDonchev_so .. should I go and get one ATI Radeon HD card for say $15 ?20:46
mDonchev_Are they still supported ?20:46
mDonchev_like 3xxxx, 4xxxx ?20:46
ioriamDonchev_,  already told you supported on 16.0420:46
mDonchev_I'm looking as I type ...20:46
ioria!info nvidia-304 xenial20:46
ubottunvidia-304 (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-304): NVIDIA legacy binary driver - version 304.135. In component restricted, is optional. Version 304.135-0ubuntu0.16.04.2 (xenial), package size 20124 kB, installed size 93810 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)20:46
ioriamDonchev_,  but not on 18.0420:46
ioriamDonchev_,  check if you have a xorg.conf file20:47
mDonchev_ioria: I understand that if I want to support it I have to install 16.0420:47
OerHeksmDonchev_, no, ati 54xx and up20:47
ioriamDonchev_,  no, you don't20:47
mDonchev_OerHeks, ati 54xx and up you say ?20:47
OerHeksi own a 5450, supports hdmi-dvi-vga and 2 x youtube, no problem20:48
mDonchev_OerHeks: like this one: https://apollo-frankfurt.akamaized.net/v1/files/hulo74idolkk1-BG/image;s=800x60020:49
OerHeksbut regarding to that 7025, that motherboard is not pci-express, but AGP x4/x8 ?20:49
ioriamDonchev_,   sudo updatedb  and locate xorg.conf20:49
mDonchev_my motherboard has PCI-e20:49
mDonchev_this is my motherboard: https://www.asus.com/Motherboards/M2NCM_DVI/HelpDesk_CPU/20:50
mDonchev_ioria, i see it on like 6-7 locations20:51
ioriamDonchev_,   paste it20:51
ioriamDonchev_,   no, it's ok20:52
mDonchev_OerHeks: Sapphire ATI Radeon HD5570 1GB DDR3 is that good enough?20:57
mDonchev_I'm not looking for any Battlefield1 games or something20:57
mDonchev_just youtube and playing movies20:57
fletch8527lordcirth, tomreyn, after a reboot the share was mapped but I was still not able to do `mkdir /media/share` but it did work if I did it with sudo.20:57
mDonchev_ok will it be recognised automatically after I place it onto my motherboard20:57
OerHeksyoutube/dvd, what else does one need, power speaking20:57
mDonchev_probably Minecraft to play with my kid?20:58
fletch8527could it be that its being mounted as root so my user cannot access it? here is a sample of the result of ls -l "drwxr-xr-x 2 root root    0 Oct  8 15:56  Cache"21:00
fletch8527anyone around that could assist with mounting a CIFS share in 18.04?21:17
Piratyhi. i need to debug wifi issues on 18.10. which daemon is responsible for that and where can i find its logs in /var/log ?21:24
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Piratyhmm maybe iwlwifi is borked21:26
tewardPiraty: start by seeing if `rfkill list` shows the wifi card on system.  Then check to see if the system even detects it in `lspci` or such21:27
Piratyrfkill is still a thing in ubuntu?21:27
Piratywell, wifi in general works but it drops link every 10 min21:28
EriC^Piraty: i'd go wired, once you go wired you never use wifi again21:28
EriC^sounds familiar21:28
Piratynot an option here21:28
tripelb18.o4 dependency failed for swap. dunno what this means but then hangs. i have an 18.04 liveusb handy    https://i.imgur.com/V5SWbAP.jpg21:31
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fletch8527lordcirth, tomreyn, got it to work finally. I needed to add the gid and uid options to the cifs mount in fstab21:34
Bashing-omtripelb: Enbcrypted file system ?21:35
tripelbnope.  and happy new year bashing om. i just booted from usb21:36
Bashing-omtripelb: Confused - the posted error is from the USB boot ?21:40
tripelbBashing-om: no encryption. but is laptop. kb bad, did it get wet? am using wired kb. (am talking to you on tablet.) i can check partitions with fsck but what is the command to do that?21:40
AndreeilHi guys! Tried making a forum post but its not very active. Hopefully I can get some help here. I currently have a Surface Pro 3 with dual-booted Ubuntu 18.04 and W10. Thinks have been working smoothly except for the fact that my WiFi keeps dropping out every 10-30 minutes. When this happends my network manager can not find any networks, and the whole networkmanager freezes. Only way i have found to fix it is to reboot every time. 21:40
tripelbno posted error from regular boot which gave error and hung.21:41
tripelbBashing-om: the posted error is from hard drive boot... ^^^21:42
Bashing-omtripelb: Ya want to mount the hosed system's root partition .. look at the /etc/fstab file and compare the UUID's to what 'sudo blkid' show .21:43
OerHeksAndreeil, there are tons of forumposts about surface pro 3 and wifi, powermanagment and random mac change could be the culprit21:48
OerHekshttps://www.scivision.co/ubuntu-wifi-on-but-no-connect/ https://github.com/jakeday/linux-surface/issues/74  https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/surface/forum/all/compatibility-with-ubuntu/d5e7cbf7-336d-4b66-b6c6-9b8042b0fb1621:49
tripelbBashing-om: while i was waiting i did fsck (looked up how: sudo fsck /dev/sda7     that was system i assume (clean). Then did the same:  sudo fsck /dev/sda5    for swap and it didnt give any answer, just said its name then returned to prompt. 2 lines of reply missing compared to syste reply21:50
coz_tripelb, whst is on sda5?21:52
Bashing-omtripelb: No can fsck 'swap' as swap had no file system .21:52
tripelbcoz_:  i think it is ubuntu 18.04. (fedora names its partition, ty)21:56
tripelbBashing-om: thanks til21:56
coz_tripelb, understood21:57
Bashing-omtripelb: Still, confirm what fstab is booting .21:57
aldcorHello! Isn't it a bit ridiculous that one must go through quite a hustle just to add an icon to a panel? Will this be soon fixed on ubuntu 18.04 ?21:57
PiratyAndreeil: funny, i posted a similar question with same observation 1h ago21:59
Piratymaybe solution: kernel update. check dmesg if wifi related messages of drivers etc occur21:59
tripelbBashing-om: coz_   i didn't know how to mount. Sio I looked it up and:   sudo mount /dev/sda5/ /mnt/sda5       gave me  mount point does not exist. (i started gparted to lo9k at a list of partitions)22:00
tripelbcoz_: Bashing-om  i dont know (yet)  what "confirm what fstab is booting" means.22:01
Bashing-omtripelb: From the liveUSB ' sudo mkdir /mnt/looksee ; sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt/looksee ; cat /mnt/looksee/etc/fstab ' . compare UUIDs  to ' sudo blkid ' .22:03
tripelbBashing-om: while i think about that here is gparted view of the drive ..    https://i.imgur.com/p0EXNdO.jpg22:07
Andreeil@OerHeks : Yes,,unfortunately none of them have been working out for me :)22:07
tripelbok i see will do it Bashing-om22:08
AndreeilPiraty: Interesting! Which kernel ahve you tried updating to? Which is the latest?22:08
Bashing-omtripelb: !!22:08
Bashing-omtripelb: sda5 is swap partition .. not root ! pastebin ' sudo fdisk -lu ' so we know what is .22:09
PiratyAndreeil: in my case the laptop was running 4.18.0 initially (default from installation of 18.10 i guess) and iwlwifi threw errors in dmesg. So i updated kernel to 4.18.20 and i believe it's gone now (update only 30min ago)22:09
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tripelbBashing-om:  SAYS    mount:  cant find /dev/sda5/mnt/looksee: cant find in /etc/fstab.22:11
tripelboops changing command22:11
Bashing-omtripelb: ' fdisk -lu ' ??22:12
tripelbcant find 7 either22:12
tripelbcan't open all this list of lops, permission denied.   Bashing-om22:13
AndreeilPiraty:  Sweet. Ill try 4.18.20 as well then. Thank you sir!22:13
tripelbloops  ... fdisk cant22:13
Bashing-omtripelb: Will you please settle down -- thionk - and follow direction ? .. in the liveUSB do ' sudo fdisk -lu | nc termbin.com 9999 ' and pass back the resulting URL .22:14
aldcorHello! Isn't it a bit ridiculous that one must go through quite a hustle just to add an icon to a panel? Will this be soon fixed on ubuntu 18.04 ?22:15
tripelbBashing-om: photo of result   https://i.imgur.com/D25xnPb.jpg22:16
tripelbok will do.22:16
coz_aldcor,  gnome3 I assume?22:16
Bashing-omtripelb: tripelb Look, I am going to lay down on you and quit ! .. sudo fdisk -lu | nc termbin.com 9999 ' and pass back the resulting URL .22:18
aldcoryes, coz_ its gnome 322:19
nr9032nsc6I have a motherboard+CPU+RAM+power supply, but no screen/no ext keyboard/no mouse22:19
coz_aldcor, ok let me check22:19
nr9032nsc6Can I install ubuntu on it? (I'd like it to be a server connected via SSH anyway)22:19
aldcori like it very much but the its just this one little thing that bugs me.. it should be much simpler to add an icon to a panel :)22:19
nr9032nsc6said in another way: is there a way with standard motherboards (it's an ASUS one) to boot on USB flash drive containing Ubuntu or net boot via ethernet/ssh ?22:20
coz_aldcor,  what I could find states ;    To add icons or app launcher on panel key combination is windows button + Alt + Right Click. A drop down will appear with options to Add to Panel, Properties, Add panel etc.22:20
nr9032nsc6(but I don't have any keyboard/screen monitor to even go to BIOS!)22:21
tripelbBashing-om: i am sorry i missed the uuid part. since we have passed that no need to explain. i see no identifiers numbers anywhere.-+- >    https://termbin.com/kj422:22
coz_aldcor, is that what you were wanting?22:23
aldcorcoz_, nothing happens when doing that combo22:23
coz_aldcor,  then not sure, but let me look again22:23
Bashing-omtripelb: We get there when I have something to work with .. that last URL is incomplete . try again .22:24
tripelboops https://termbin.con/ykj422:25
tripelboops https://termbin.com/ykj422:25
OerHeksnr9032nsc6, unattended install, preseed https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/installation-guide/i386/ch04s06.html ---- https://askubuntu.com/questions/806820/how-do-i-create-a-completely-unattended-install-of-ubuntu-desktop-16-04-1-lts22:25
OerHeksbut really, no keyboard, that could be an issue if the bios is not set correctly22:26
tripelboops https://termbin.com/ykj4 Bashing-om  ((i have so much to learn.))22:26
tripelbi am appreciative. this is why i use ubuntu not another22:27
coz_aldcor, are you taling about the side panel?22:27
nr9032nsc6OerHeks: thanks. But first how to boot on such an unattended install?22:27
nr9032nsc6I evevn don't have monitor/keyboard to go to BIOS :) isn't this required?22:28
OerHeksnr9032nsc6, that is your problem22:28
nr9032nsc6OerHeks is it required?22:28
aldcorcoz_ yes the left one.. hey but maybe never mind. I will try out budgie desktop22:28
nr9032nsc6or are there solutions totally without screen/keyboard?22:28
tomreynnr9032nsc6: at least server boards are usually seetup to netboot by default.22:28
nr9032nsc6tomreyn: i could try then. So I should just plug the ethernet to my router. And then, what should I do from laptop?22:29
tomreynnr9032nsc6: serial console might also work22:29
nr9032nsc6SSH? wouldn't work if Ubuntu isn't installed yet?22:30
tomreynnr9032nsc6: explaining all this stuff will take longer than you getting a monitor and keyboard connected22:30
nr9032nsc6tomreyn: just the basics22:30
nr9032nsc6tomreyn: i won't need any monitor anymore, so I wanted to know if it's possible to skip buying one to use it just 10 minutes...22:31
tomreynnr9032nsc6: you read up on pxe booting, setup a tftp and dhcp server, and a preseeded installer on there.22:31
OerHekshttps://github.com/ynkjm/ubuntu-serial-install .. but again; if your bios is not setup correctly already, this is useless22:31
Bashing-omtrupsalms: We all have much to learn .. it is a never ending process .. ok we are making progress. However the boot (*) is on a Windows partiton. As we have no label -> it is off to hunting we will go to find that root partition. Is there a positive result ' sudo mkdir /mnt/looksee ; sudo mount /dev/sda6 /mnt/looksee ; ls -al /mnt/looksee/etc/ ' ?22:32
tomreynnr9032nsc6: ho do you interface with computers without a monitor and input devices?22:32
nr9032nsc6thanks for the lin22:32
clorisuhey does anyone know why my bluetooth keyboard isnt being detected in bluetoothctl (or blueman for that matter)? its powered on with new batteries, and is being made discoverable.  im not sure the model no but here is where i bought it from https://miniso-au.com/product/13006/classic-bluetooth-keyboard-white . it is being detected by my mobile bluetooth just not my laptop22:32
nr9032nsc6tomreyn: i only have laptops. and the motherboard+cpu+ram+hdd+power supply i'm about to build as a server22:33
clorisu im on kernel 4.14.9122:33
OerHeksmaybe hook up your tv, and a keyboard should not be that hard to find22:33
nr9032nsc6OerHeks: don't have any TV22:33
tomreynnr9032nsc6: i'd still recommend getting a cheap mointor and usb keyboard. definitely if you're working with desktop hardware (not server which is specifically configured for this kind of installment)22:35
tomreynclorisu: which ubuntu version comes with this kernel version?22:36
tripelbresults https://termbin.com/ykj4 Bashing-om22:45
reagai like ubuntu but i think the desktop is dumb, (i like a normal start button not one that takes up the whole screen), does that mean i should use mint22:46
reagais there a way to replace ubuntu desktop, maybe ill do that22:46
tomreyn!flavors | reaga22:47
ubottureaga: Recognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. For a list, see https://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu-flavours22:47
tripelbreaga use mate or cinnamon. ine is like you want .. imho both are better than umity or the new wrinkle gnome22:47
tripelbthey have taskbar22:47
* tomreyn is using default ubuntu with minor customizations and got a taskbar.22:48
coz_mste if you want compiz, cinnamon if not22:48
OerHeksthere is choice for anyone, and tons of tweaks22:48
Bashing-omtripelb: Again ,, you are not thinking .. that last is a repeat of former paste - what is it that you want to show me ?22:49
coz_that was suppose to be Mate not mste22:49
* OerHeks needs wobbly-windows-on-wayland22:50
coz_OerHeks, I believe soreau has that working on way;and already  check in #northfield to see if it is available22:51
coz_way;land = wayland22:52
OerHeksoh, compiz reloaded22:52
tripelbBashing-om: yes that gives the output. inthought you didnt see it. it has one more character than the 404.22:52
coz_OerHeks, well no, specifically on wayland22:52
coz_OerHeks, #northfield   check with soreau if it is available yet22:53
coz_OerHeks, that's the #northfield channel by the way22:53
OerHeksoh oke22:54
coz_OerHeks,  he's the one to ask22:54
m5wHello.  I recently got an SSD that is larger than my HDD, and I want to use the SSD instead of my HDD.  I used dd to copy everything from my HDD to the SSD and then chrooted onto the SSD and installed grub.  However, when I try to boot from the SSD, my computer can't find the bootloader.22:55
m5wif it matters, I'm using full-disk encryption22:55
m5wI'm also booting in UEFI mode22:55
m5wI have an EFI and boot partition22:55
Sushi-sanOut of curiosity, what's your motherboard, m5w?22:55
EriC^m5w: running a live usb now?22:56
tomreynm5w: is it really an ssd or is it actually nvme?22:56
tripelbBashing-om: it starts Disk /dev/loop0: 1.8 GiB, 1864450048 bytes, 3641504 sectors22:57
tripelbthis...  https://termbin.com/ykj4 Bashing-om22:58
Bashing-omtripelb: We are past that .. we are now hunting for a root partitiom that may be sda6 through sda9 . My last applies .22:59
m5wok, this is weird23:04
m5wso in the BIOS boot menu, there's an ubuntu entry23:04
m5wbooting from that boots from the SSD23:05
m5wbut booting from the USB entry (the SSD is still in an external enclosure) doesn't work23:05
m5wmaybe everything will be resolved once I actually swap out the SSD for the HDD inside the computer23:06
m5wah sorry, didn't see your replies until now; matrix.org is lagging23:06
m5wSushi-san, not sure; I'm running on a ThinkPad T57023:07
m5wEriC^, I did the transfer on a live USB and still have my old HDD with my current install inside the computer working23:08
Sushi-sanAh, was thinking a self-built machine, sorry23:08
m5wtomreyn, it's 3D NAND23:08
m5wanyway, I'll report back once I swap it out23:09
EriC^m5w: it makes perfect sense that it wont boot23:09
EriC^swap it and then use the 'ubuntu' entry you'll be good23:09
EriC^(using the usb entry would attempt to look for default boot path such as efi/boot/bootx64.efi and the likes so it'll likely fail)23:10
tripelbBashing-om: i missed something. i have just done the looksee on all those numbers. same.. no find in fstsb. -+- oh isee. error  my nick came out trupsalms. Ok now i need to:: yes it is dual boot. ...   did thoe sda6 again. ls: cannot access '/mnt/looksee,/etc/': n such file or directory.    (( that again after the same...  cant find in /etc/fstab.  ))23:11
Bashing-omtrupsalms: K; then we look at sda7 do ' sudo umount /mnt/looksee ; sudo mount dev/sda7 /mnt/looksee ' ls -al /mnt/looksee/etc/ '23:13
EriC^tripelb: you have a typo if you copy and pasted the error, /mnt/looksee, <-no coma there23:19
nr9032nsc6tomreyn: another idea:23:19
Bashing-omEriC^: Good eye :)23:19
nr9032nsc6Is there a USB bootable version of Ubuntu such that if the computer boots on this USB, it autostarts Ubuntu Live, and I can directly SSH it from another computer?23:20
EriC^Bashing-om: :D23:20
tomreynnr9032nsc6: none of the supported installers does this.23:20
nr9032nsc6with a default root passwod23:20
nr9032nsc6tomreyn: do all of them require a keypress or such thing?23:21
* EriC^ wonders what nr9032nsc6 is up to23:21
tomreynnr9032nsc6: let's just end this here, we've discussed all the options already.23:22
tripelbEriC^: thanks but it wasn't a copy. I'm on a tablet now here. the computer is a live USB and I do not think that the live USB can do I RC23:22
EriC^tripelb: ah ok, it can do irc, just log into http://freenode.net and chat from there23:23
tripelbBashing-om: i am TRIPELB NOT trupsalms23:23
nr9032nsc6EriC^: tl;dr: the computer is headless (no monitor/keyboard) and I'd like to be able to install ubuntu on it (as server). we already discussed netinstall, but seems complex, that's why i was wondering if a simple USB installer solution existed23:23
tripelbBashing-om: I thought I told you I have already done 6 7 8 and 923:24
OerHeksnr9032nsc6, if the machine is set to boot from usb, the procedure is the same23:24
nr9032nsc6OerHeks: the same as what?23:24
nr9032nsc6OerHeks: I think that if I clear the CMOS/BIOS, it might default to auto boot on USB flash drive , I can try that23:24
nr9032nsc6I can clear the CMOS/BIOS with a jumper :)23:25
EriC^nr9032nsc6: maybe you could install an ubuntu version made for something headless like rpi and such23:25
TJ-nr9032nsc6: the easiest way is to remove the storage device from the PC (HDD/SSD), attach it to a PC with a head on, install to the drive, test it using a virtual machine, then move it back to the target PC. This does however depend on the target PC boot-system not needing any config to make it boot from the device23:25
EriC^nr9032nsc6: like dd it to the hdd and then boot it on the other pc23:25
tripelbBashing-om: what was the term ben.com supposed to show us?23:25
tripelbtermbin.com link23:26
nr9032nsc6TJ- yep i think it'll try something like that23:26
TJ-nr9032nsc6: alternatively you could create a small boot USB device that has an SSH server and default network config23:27
TJ-nr9032nsc6: it depends to some extent if the target PC is UEFI or legacy/BIOS boot23:28
tripelbBashing-om: would it help if I install Ubuntu in the Fedora partition?23:28
raidghostAny suggestions how to sniff multicast adresses? (IPTV)23:28
TJ-raidghost: "avahi-browse -art"23:29
nr9032nsc6TJ-: this is the motherboard: https://www.asus.com/Motherboards/M4A79XTD_EVO/specifications/  is there a way to know if it's uefi?23:29
raidghostTJ-: Thanks ;)23:29
tripelbseparate question colon can I disable the laptop keyboard? then I can put the outboard keyboard right on top of the laptop keyboard and it would make life easier for me.23:30
raidghostNot sure if it works but. i give it a try. allready tried vlc and and SAP23:30
EriC^nr9032nsc6: all new mb's are uefi i think23:30
raidghostEriC^: Correct23:30
nr9032nsc6EriC^: does it make it difficult to install Linux?23:31
EriC^nr9032nsc6: sometimes the implementation is tricky, it's not that hard tbh and it's been tackled a bunch here and elsewhere23:31
TJ-nr9032nsc6: from the downloads link and a related BIOS Upgrade page, it shows it using .CAP file, which is an UEFI Capsule for firmware upgrading, so it is UEFI23:31
Bashing-omtripelb: Beats me .. I have never multi-booted Fedora .. it is LVM .. and I have no experience how that will effect ubuntu .23:32
TJ-nr9032nsc6: so you could copy the bootloader to the removable-media path (/EFI/BOOT/BOOTX84.EFI) to ensure it will boot without needing to be pre-configured23:32
nr9032nsc6TJ-: where did you find the CAP file?23:33
EriC^nr9032nsc6: you could do this, you can install in uefi mode using the removeable media flag with grub, and also put in a 1mb bios-boot partition and install grub in legacy mode too, that way you have better chances of it booting if it's set to uefi mode or csm legacy23:33
visonetripelb: i had both system installed in diferent particions and worked well23:33
Sven_vBI'm trying to create a "BIOS boot partition" to boot GRUB pre-EFI style from a huge disk. I've read 1 MB would be enough for this; does it? how large would it need to be if I later decide to switch to EFI boot?23:33
EriC^Sven_vB: if you might switch to efi and want to use it as an efi partition then make it like 200mb or so23:34
TJ-nr9032nsc6: OH! They link to an UEFI upgrade FAQ, but that's wrong, the actual files are BIOS .ROM files so far as I can tell!23:34
Sven_vBEriC^, thanks!23:34
EriC^Sven_vB: yeah 1mb is enough for it23:34
nr9032nsc6thanks for your advice! i'll reboot now and try things!23:35
EriC^Sven_vB: np23:35
TJ-nr9032nsc6: so using a grub-pc install into a USB device would/should work23:35
nr9032nsc6good to know!23:36
tripelbBashing-om: I must have misspoke. I want to replace the Fedora with Ubuntu then maybe I can get a system on the hard drive and not the working from a live USB. in settings I cannot find any way to disable one of the two keyboards that are available to me. I would like to disable the onboard keyboard.23:37
tripelbdo you know how to do that? in settings all I see is key short cuts23:37
tripelbBashing-om: the basic complained in the beginning was that the dependency of the swap was not correct, or not understood so that it hung23:38
tripelbif I reinstall the Ubuntu partition it'll kill my data. I never used the fedora partition when I found that the support channel was empty here on freenode 323:39
TJ-tripelb: disabling devices is generally done using udev, via a rules file in /etc/udev/rules.d/23:40
Bashing-omtripelb: Well, off hand I do not know as i have ran xfce4 as my DE for some time now .. I do not recall much of other DEs. And again as to swap .. generally that is caused by a change in that partition that gives a new UUID, that new UUID must then be edited into the fstab file. To that end we still have to identify where the root partition for the system you want to boot os located.23:41
tripelboh.. terminal.  my basic problem is that the swap dependency was wrong so that the boot up hung. also I can't see the hard drive in the GUI.. is it still called Nautilus? --- all these tough things that I am being asked to do and I don't understand well come from those facts. -- Bashing-om23:42
tripelbTJ-: ^^23:42
tripelbBashing-om: I pretty much understand what you just said. and hat these normal things aren't working for some reason23:43
tripelbI'm going to reboot the computer and some new way and then go back and see if that changes it23:44
TJ-tripelb: can we roll back a bit. I've just looked at your screen photo in emergency mode where you were attempting to set a password and it was failing23:44
TJ-tripelb: it was reporting "Authentication token manipulation error" - If I recall correctly that can be reported when the root file system is still read-only, which is normal in emergency mode. You can do "mount -o remount,rw /" to make the file-system writable.23:45
tripelbthe last time I booted up before the problem I booted into windows so I'm going to boot into windows again and exit normally. then I'm going to try Ubuntu again be back soon TJ-   actually I'm not leaving here because this is the tablet. ... oh okay I have done that many times. and was going to do it after I reset the password. okay I'm going off to do that.23:46
tripelbTJ-: Bashing-om HotPocket! i remembered my password. Finesse!23:51
on3pkyour password is Finesse?23:55
tripelbnow I want to disable the internal kb. Looking it up. TJ-23:56

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