
cousteauah, you mean sudo apt clean... I think that's not bad; it just deletes the packages you downloaded, but does not uninstall them; just deletes the "installers"00:01
xubuntu89wHome User only returns bash: root00:02
xubuntu89wI am working off the installer system00:03
xubuntu89wCan't login, get black screen the fresh login, a loop00:05
cousteaucan you login on the tty?00:05
xubuntu89wtried renaming ICEauthority and Xauthority but still get same result.00:06
cousteauI'll get that as a yes00:06
cousteaumaybe this command will give you insight about possible sudo-related messes:00:07
xubuntu89wcannot login tty on installation system, tried and does not recognize username00:07
cousteaufind "$HOME" \! -user "$USER"00:07
cousteauoh so you're on a live CD or something?00:07
xubuntu89wi would have to reboot the pc to get back to using my user domain00:08
xubuntu89wFound it is easier to move around the directory finding files00:09
cousteauok so just replace "$HOME" and "$USER" with the appropriate values00:14
xubuntu89wI am on a live cd but I have xubuntu dual boot with win10 on HD. I am using CD to troubleshoot00:15
cousteau`ls -l` on a partition of an installed OS still shows the owner as specified in the installed OS, not a different one from the live CD, right?  (not sure about this)00:15
cousteauanyway.  If it does, I guess you can still use `find` to find which files in your home directory are not owned by yourself00:16
xubuntu89wcorrect ls -l came back with HD cirectory00:17
cousteauthen I guess you can do something like   find /media/the_partition_where_linux_is_installed/home/subuntu89w \! -user xubuntu89w00:18
cousteauand that'll show you the files that a misuse of sudo might have disowned00:20
cousteau(typically .Xauthority and .ICEauthority, but I'm not sure if there are more)00:20
xubuntu89wfind /media/xubuntu/0c84150b-710a-4867-a5c7-2065378a3ab8/g81220/ \! -user g81221 [returned] find: ‘g81221’ is not the name of a known user00:21
xubuntu89wI ahve bash history00:21
cousteauis [drive]/g81221 the right path?  doesn't it have /home in it?  (separate /home partition, I guess?)00:22
cousteauanyway, do   ls -l /media/xubuntu/0c84150b-710a-4867-a5c7-2065378a3ab8/g81220/   to figure out the user name00:23
cousteauor at least its numeric ID00:23
cousteauand use that numeric ID instead of the user name00:23
xubuntu89won HD g81221 is the username00:23
cousteau(obviously, your live OS can't translate a numeric user ID to the name of the installed OS or vice versa; I didn't think of it)00:24
cousteauso if you do   ls -l /media/xubuntu/0c84150b-710a-4867-a5c7-2065378a3ab8/g81220/   you'll get something like00:26
cousteaudrwxrwxrwx 1 1234 5678 0 jan 1 10:10 Some_file.txt00:27
cousteauwhere 1234 is the numeric ID of the owner, and 5678 is the numeric ID of the group00:27
xubuntu89wyes, a list of the directory00:28
cousteauwith that you can figure out the numeric ID of user g8122000:28
cousteauso you can use that number instead of "g81220"00:28
cousteaubecause your live OS doesn't know who's this "g81220"; it only sees files with numeric owner IDs00:29
cousteau(I bet it'll be 1000)00:29
xubuntu89wokay, looking at list I get this for each item in directory "drwxr-xr-x 2 1002 1002 4096 Dec 31 11:58  Desktop"00:30
xubuntu89wis the 1002 1002 4096 what you are saying?00:30
cousteauso the owner is 100200:30
cousteauand the group is 1002 as well (makes sense)00:31
cousteauso instead of   -user g81220   try with   -user 100200:31
cousteau(4096 is the size, I think)00:32
xubuntu89wokay, got two .key files that came up00:32
cousteauI have no idea what those are00:32
xubuntu89wwinehq.key, Release.key00:33
cousteaubut you can see who they belong to if you do    find /media/xubuntu/0c84150b-710a-4867-a5c7-2065378a3ab8/g81220/ \! -user 1002 -exec ls -l {} +00:33
xubuntu89wputting filename in {}?00:35
cousteauhm, .key files seem to be something related to installed packages https://askubuntu.com/questions/993599/is-it-safe-to-remove-release-key-file and thus not a problem00:35
cousteauxubuntu89w, no, just {}00:35
cousteauthat command means "find all files in <directory> whose owner is not 1002 and then execute `ls -l {}` substituting {} with the list of files"00:36
cousteau(the + at the end is important)00:36
xubuntu89w-rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 3122 Mar 28  2017 /media/xubuntu/0c84150b-710a-4867-a5c7-2065378a3ab8/g81220/Release.key00:36
xubuntu89w-rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 3220 Dec 19 14:07 /media/xubuntu/0c84150b-710a-4867-a5c7-2065378a3ab8/g81220/winehq.key00:36
xubuntu89wthis is the return00:37
cousteauwell, if those are the only two files I don't think that should cause any trouble00:37
cousteauhttps://askubuntu.com/questions/993599/is-it-safe-to-remove-release-key-file suggests those files can be deleted, anyway00:38
xubuntu89wI recognized the winehq when it showed up installing winehq. The Release.key I really don't know when it came aboard00:38
cousteaubut anyway, I don't know how else to fix the problem, sorry :(00:38
cousteau...maybe try booting with an older kernel00:38
xubuntu89wThe restarting X by reanming the two files is and old trick I read about last year. GridCube borught that one up. I reember it worked for some but not others.00:39
xubuntu89wI looked for the upgrade that started with TZ but didn't find.00:40
cousteauI've seen that happen a lot; it's what happens when you use `sudo` with something related with the graphic environment when you shouldn't00:40
xubuntu89w That was labeled a security update with ! added00:41
cousteauthe .Xauthority thing I mean00:41
cousteaucan you login on the tty on your computer, or have you not tried that?00:42
xubuntu89wI am still thinking it has somethign to do with the upgrade.00:42
xubuntu89w I can try again00:42
xubuntu89wstan by00:42
cousteau(just if you've tried; I know it'll make you reboot and that's annoying)00:42
cousteauyou could use a phone or something for IRC while playing with the PC00:42
xubuntu89wnogo on login unless you know how to get the live cd login and pwd00:44
xubuntu89wdon't have a phone to use00:45
cousteauah no, I meant on the installed OS, not on the live CD00:45
xubuntu89wyes, can login when on system00:45
xubuntu89wjust don't have internet capablility00:46
xubuntu89wstuck with getting commands , writing them down, logging off, testing command, and logging off then back on LIVE to find further solutions00:47
cousteauwell, if you can log in on the tty, that means your user hasn't died.  You could try running `startx` from there and see if that works (opens a session for your user) or if it throws an error (which you could write down)00:48
cousteauyou can install irssi as a command-line IRC client, and links2 or elinks or w3m as command-line web browsers00:49
xubuntu89wI'll try anything, just recently completed a clean install and goteverything up and running. Another PITA, Had planned on creating IMAGE this weekend., Now this00:50
cousteauhave tty1 for irssi, tty2 for the browser, and tty3 for commands00:50
cousteauanyway, gotta go; the command I'd suggest you to try from the tty is   startx   (without sudo) and write down any error message you may get00:51
cousteaualternatively, it's possible that dmesg gives you more info on what could go wrong00:52
cousteaualso, if you don't find help here, consider trying ##linux00:52
cousteau(I don't think your problem is xubuntu-specific)00:52
xubuntu89wThanks Much00:52
cousteauyou're welcome! :)00:53
xubuntu89wOkay, I'll put it on aboard somewher when or if I find a solution00:53
xubuntu89wHave good night00:53
cousteau(and remember, you can use IRC and Internet from tty if you install irssi or one of the browsers I suggested)00:53
cousteau(also gdm for a mouse pointer on the tty, which works for some applications)00:54
cousteausorry, gpm, not gdm00:55
xubuntu89wI'll lookup tty commands so I can have those up and running00:56
xubuntu89wnot familiar with the process00:56
cousteau`sudo apt install irssi` for installing irssi00:59
cousteauTL;DR: (1) Ctrl-Alt-F1 to go to tty1, (or F2-F6 for tty2 to tty6), (2) login, (3) sudo apt install irssi   to install irssi (for example), (4) startx   to start an X session with your user, (5) Ctrl-Alt-F7 (or F8 etc) to go to the first (or second etc) graphical session01:01
cousteauok, time to sleep, bye!  Good luck :)01:02
terminalatorWhat could have caused for my machine to not shutdown completely?01:49
terminalatorFans keep spinning and power indicator led blinking01:50
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
xhamster62installing xubuntu sd card :D (hdd is dead)16:44
diogenes_nice :)16:44
gnrpxhamster62: Just be careful with logs16:45
xhamster62Does my ip address appear16:47
xhamster62good evening everyone16:48
xhamster62good evening everyone16:48
KumoolAre SD cards tolerable?17:18
KumoolI'd imagine everything would be slower17:19
pleia2they are, and as a data point, all the raspberry pis run their OS off of SD cards17:24
pleia2biggest problem is that the read/writes life span is more limited than traditional harddrives, hence gnrp's warning about logs (and other things that do a lot of writes)17:25
Kumoolisnt it like 10trillion writes or something now?17:28
pleia2something like that :) just something to be aware of if you use rando SD card that came with your camera 8 years ago, or a cheap one17:31
pleia2I use the SanDisk ones in my RP17:32
Kumoolsandisk are supposedly the best but after writing just once, it went bust17:36
Kumool(mine did), it was ebay bought though, so could be that17:36
Kumoolanyway, good day yall17:38
Gen86Hey dunno if this really is a support type of question but you see I saved an old core2duo iMac from being recycled because hey free computer i could maybe try linux on. At the moment I'm trying xubuntu obviously because I saw it takes less system power since this is old. Anyway, I tried getting drivers for the old video card in this thing but the ones on the site say it isn't supported by whatever new thing this19:48
Gen86version of xubuntu this has. Am I only going to be able to use the default graphics drivers19:48
Gen86I mean it does work19:48
Gen86but I'm seeing if I can get it any better19:49
Gen86if it helps it's an old ati radeon 2400xt19:49
Gen86Also just seeing what other kind of optimizations I can do19:51
brainwashno other driver supports your gpu19:52
geniipre-AMD Radeons just use the xserver-xorg-video-radeon driver19:52
Gen86alright no biggie just was curious19:52
Gen86There anything else I could do to get the most out of this19:53
Gen86I mean I'm not that familiar with macs to be honest19:53
Gen86i was just saving a perfectly good old system from destruction19:53
Gen86Mac people can be so wasteful19:53
brainwashswitching to a cheap SSD would give the most performance gain19:53
Gen86Even if it's just small tweaking because I didn't know of a setting19:54
Gen86I would have to look up how to even open this thing19:54
Gen86it's one of those that has everything shoved into the monitor19:54
brainwashmaybe turning off the builtin compositor will have a positive effect (xfce settings > window manager tweaks)19:55
Gen86but SSD I was thinking of getting for my main compy that's still using windows 7, but stuff like this is helping me transition to possibly having to go to linux19:55
Gen86but hmm let me look at that19:55
brainwashhowever, what is the use case?19:55
Gen86you mean what am i going to use it for? honestly I have no idea right now it's messing with linux19:56
brainwashweb browsing is pretty heavy nowadays19:56
Gen86but for a normal use? I may use it as maybe a server or something eventually19:57
Gen86well one thing that's lessened my load on web browsing is just blocking the ads19:57
Gen86that along gets rid of a signifigant portion of where the performance screws up19:57
brainwashfirefox and chrome can be very demanding19:57
geniiIt's possible some of the earlier fglrx drivers might work, but it would be hit or miss19:58
brainwashand that's something you cannot fix with "tweaking"19:58
Gen86I think this has like 4 gigs of ram which is alright19:58
Gen86but yeah just exploring my options here seeing what can be done19:58
Gen86im not trying to run crysis on it19:58
Gen86(or whatever the joke is now)19:59
brainwashwatching a stream on twitch.tv I guess :D19:59
Gen86my old main machine is better though it's old too19:59
Gen862500k, 8 gig (wanna possibly go to 16) and a 770 nvidia card19:59
Gen86but i just use 719:59
Gen86on that19:59
brainwashthat's a beast compared to the apple device20:00
Gen86it was free so im not complaining20:00
Gen86help the world have less waste20:00
Gen86ive played with linux virtual machines on it and i think a livecd or 220:01
Gen86but yeah here got xubuntu and el cap osx20:01
Gen86Macs are weird20:01
geniiheh, yes20:02
Gen86but yeah it's for improving my linux experience, i mean i had some but not on a daily basis20:03
Gen86eventually i have to move from win7 but 10 is so... so bad20:03
Gen86my god how bad20:03
Gen86so this is really the only option ive seen recently more improvements done on the games area20:04
Gen86Valve Proton20:04
ubonewould xubuntu 1804 fit in 6.5GB /22:01
uboneis it a swap file?22:03
ubonei wonder what's taking the space22:04

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