
TJ-tripelb: Identify the Human Interface Devices using "udevadm trigger -v -s hid" then figure out which is the device you wish to disable00:07
qualityHi, I have add a .desktop file in ~/Desktop. However, the icon does not appear on my real desktop.00:14
qualityThere is only a Trash icon on my real desktop.00:14
qualityI'm running Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTX (Bionic Beaver)00:15
OerHeksuse gnome tweaks tool to enable items on the desktop00:15
OerHeks!info gnome-tweaks00:15
ubottugnome-tweaks (source: gnome-tweaks): tool to adjust advanced configuration settings for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.28.1-1 (bionic), package size 212 kB, installed size 1216 kB00:16
qualityOerHeks: I'm not going to hide Trash, just want to let ~/Desktop icons appear00:18
OerHeksquality, a manually made .desktop starter, gives this warning https://linuxconfig.org/images/04-desktop-shortcut-launcher-ubuntu-18.04-bionic.png00:21
OerHeksbut surely gnome-tweak allows dragging an icon to the desktop, http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2018/09/pin-app-shortcut-desktop-ubuntu-18-04/00:22
qualityOerHeks: mine show icon is set to on00:23
qualityOerHeks: however, selfmade icons not shown00:23
OerHeksgnome-desktop-item-edit ~/Desktop/ --create-new  # from https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-create-desktop-shortcut-launcher-on-ubuntu-18-04-bionic-beaver-linux00:23
alnrmy desktop icons disappear constantly. alt-F2 then r fixes it. what does that run, could I do it from a shell?00:37
ubonehow to input forcepae before xubuntu 1804 boots when it doesn't show the usual ubuntu prompt?00:52
OerHeksubone, use the F6 option to edit https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PAE00:54
uboneit does't show the 'install' 'manual install' ... etc00:54
OerHeksoh, you are in a installed xubuntu?00:55
guivercubone, when you see the keyboard/man-in-circle you can hit space to get menu00:55
uboneoh ok, yes man-in-circle00:55
CarlFKDISPLAY=:0.1 gedit - is this how I can force an app to open on a 2nd monitor?00:57
clorisuhey does anyone know why my bluetooth keyboard isnt being detected in bluetoothctl (or blueman for that matter)? its powered on with new batteries, and is being made discoverable.  im not sure the model no but here is where i bought it from https://miniso-au.com/product/13006/classic-bluetooth-keyboard-white . it is being detected by my mobile bluetooth just not my laptop. im on kernel 4.20.001:01
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fishcookeri have grub config like this https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/CcNZY7FkCz/ the first ubuntu options selected but still the box waiting the input enter button... how to make it automatically continue to the login dialog box ?01:28
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LostCodderfishcooker: do you executed "grub-update" after  config change?01:35
CarlFKwhat is the xrandr command to disable the primary display?01:56
CarlFKxrandr --output HDMI-1 --primary; xrandr --output LVDS-1 --off01:58
fishcookeri have grub config like this https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/CcNZY7FkCz/ the first ubuntu options selected but still the box waiting the input enter button... how to make it automatically continue to the login dialog box ? no LostCodder: i do sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg but not permanent02:15
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OerHekstimeoutstyle hidden perhaps ? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/vr2WdVzV9H/02:19
azizLIGHTdoes ubuntu 18.04 or newer let you mute/vol updown/play/pause/next/prev on the lock screen02:24
azizLIGHTwithout loggin in again02:25
geezer83fail2ban is broken in ubuntu 18.0402:27
geezer83it won't add the chains to iptables02:27
geezer83even with a very basic config02:27
ledenifishcooker: why not try sudo update-grub02:48
tacomasterI am having an issue with wayland and my intel graphics card. One of my monitors goes back but when i swap back to xorg both monitors work. Is there a way to get both monitors working under wayland?02:52
tacomasterI am on a dell optiplex 7040 which is supposed to have a ubuntu compatibility certificate for dell02:53
tacomasterI have also posted about it here https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=240961702:53
poz1Hello, Is this a good place to go for help?02:54
tacomasterpoz1: here or the forums02:54
poz1Okay sounds good02:55
poz1I have a NAS set up, and I can see it on the network inside of Nautilus, but it wont let me access it02:57
tacomasterpoz1: Maybe permission on the nas?02:57
poz1I have been googleing for awhile and tryed a few things but I either could not find the info I need to complete the steps or the steps did not work02:58
poz1maybe, but windows 10 computers can see and access it without any addtional steps02:58
tacomasterIs it a ntfs nas?02:59
poz1its been awhile since I set it up02:59
tacomasterNot the most experianced person in linux but you might need samba to mount ntfs network shares03:00
poz1Yes, and I have been trying that03:00
poz1but I need the share name of the NAS system, but I dont know what that is or where I can find that03:00
tacomasteryou can do it by ip03:01
poz1\ipaddressshare: command not found03:01
poz1How do I pull the IP of the NAS?03:01
tacomasterlol read what I typed and put in the correct info03:02
poz1nm, I found it by guessing03:02
tacomasterand that is not a command it is a path to a network share03:02
poz1bash: // No such file or directory03:05
tacomaster.. I just told you that is not a bash command03:06
tacomasterthat is a network path03:06
poz1you are typing words and I am reading words but I still am not sure what to do03:06
tacomasterLet me try to break it down what I mean03:07
poz1thank you03:07
tacomasterthe \\ipaddress section like your \\\ is the base of the share03:07
tacomasterso anything you share will start there.03:07
tacomasterNow if you share a folder called test it will be \\\test03:08
tacomasterif you have a folder in test called newtest it will be \\\test\newtest03:09
tacomasterDoes that make since?03:09
poz1Yes, but I dont know how the structure of the folders are on my NAS03:09
tacomasterAs I said I am probablly a bad person to ask on linux because I am a windows admin but I know some ip scanners can show you shared folders and shared printers03:10
tacomasterWhat kind of nas is it?03:11
tatertotspoz1: open terminal03:11
tatertotspoz1: smbclient -L|nc termbin.com 999903:12
tatertotspoz1: share url/link here...if you do not get a url/link..say so03:12
tatertotspoz1: correct the ip if needed and share the url/link here03:13
poz1somthing is not working right. I dont think this is the result that should yeild: https://termbin.com/r9ot03:15
JustAPersonI killed my window manager (awesome). How do I restart it via ssh? What DISPLAY do I set for it to reconnect to the local x server? Tried DISPLAY=localhost:0.0 with no luck03:16
tatertotspoz1: it's wanting the NAS login credentials/password03:16
poz1Thats weird, it has never asked for that in windows 10. its open on my network so guest privileges should work03:17
tatertotspoz1: usually when a consumer obtains a NAS they configure some folders and define access permission for those folders...this is using done via the web interface or some software03:18
tatertotspoz1: then just press ENTER03:18
tatertotspoz1: smbclient -L
poz1Yes, and when I type in it goes to that interface03:18
tatertotspoz1: hold on try this03:19
poz1so that brings up some info but its not my NAS info. its the info for the laptop I am on right now03:19
tatertotspoz1: make a pastebin and share what info you see03:20
poz1It does need a user and password to access that interface. but I should not need it to access the public (on the netword) folders03:20
tatertotspoz1: if it's not the NAS then you got your IP's wrong03:20
poz1but the ip goes to access the nas so it has to be right03:20
tatertotspoz1: then you better let me look at this "info"03:21
tatertotspoz1: make a termbin or pastebin03:21
tatertotspoz1: are you familiar with how to make a pastebin of the info03:21
poz1I did it the hard way by going to the webside and copying it over and creating the pastebin and then coping it to here03:22
tatertots IPC$            IPC       IPC Service (My life is Cat NAS meow.)03:22
tatertotspoz1: you said NOT your NAS eh?03:22
poz1I say a lot of things03:23
poz1not always knowing what I am talking about03:23
tatertotsthat's why it's important that you just let me look at things03:23
poz1so what is that?03:23
tatertotspoz1: well my guess is '(My life is Cat NAS meow.)' is something you typed in while playing in the NAS web GUI correct? yes or no03:24
poz1its then named CATNAS on my network03:25
tatertotspoz1: and you have a folder named Public?03:25
tatertotspoz1: and you have a folder named Public on the NAS correct?03:25
poz1pronounced like the girl in the movie series the hunger games03:25
poz1Yes, I think thats what its called03:25
tatertotspoz1: go visually confirm or double check what folders you have setup to be offered from this NAS03:26
poz1on windows its called "Public (\\CATNAS) (Z:)"03:26
tatertotspoz1: so yeah i'm %100 certain that is the NAS03:27
danst[3038608.242500] audit: type=1400 audit(1546658773.868:259): apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" profile="snap.mjpg-streamer.mjpg-streamer" name="/dev/video0" pid=13166 comm="mjpg_streamer" requested_mask="wr" denied_mask="wr" fsuid=0 ouid=003:27
tatertotspoz1: in any event03:27
dansthow to remove this apparmor thing so it doesn't interfere with my wishes to run mjpeg from snap03:27
poz1Yes, it is the NAS. what is the best way to share screenshots on here?03:28
tatertotspoz1: in terminal>  smbclient \\\\\\Public03:29
tatertotspoz1: screen shots ... http://imgur.com03:29
tatertotspoz1: run that command and supply your password/credentials when prompted03:30
poz1I think I am in03:30
poz1i typed dir and I see everything03:30
poz1so next step is to mount this into a folder03:31
tatertotspoz1: you see your data? yes or no03:31
tatertotspoz1: good :)03:31
tatertotspoz1: now you should also be %100 certain it is the NAS03:32
tatertotspoz1: you can mount it if you want to use it in the GUI or simply use it command line...either one works the same to accomplish the task of moving files/folders03:34
poz1Yes, I am trying to figure out how to mount it permanently now03:35
poz1tring to follow this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently03:35
tatertotspoz1: well if you want it automagically mounted anytime the computer boots up03:35
tatertotspoz1: you'll need to fiddle with /etc/fstab03:36
poz1Yeah, I wish I did not have to so when I reset the network and the IP changes I never had to repeat these steps03:37
poz1but I followed it and it worked03:38
poz1I am going to restart now and see if it is still there.03:38
poz1Thank you for your help tatertots03:38
tatertotspoz1: no prob03:38
Rockwoodi am looking anything like restore OS03:46
MenzadorFor what purpose?03:47
Rockwoodmy current ubuntu having lots of issue03:47
MenzadorAre you looking to use a Live image of Ubuntu as a system recovery environment? It works quite well that way :)03:47
MenzadorOh, you're looking for a function or 203:47
MenzadorDid you use the Backup and Restore tool to make a backup image of your system?03:48
Sven_vBI'm backing up the remains of a broken Ubuntu. looks like something started to delete files until it managed to delete /bin/rm. any ideas how to trace the faulty program? syslog doesn't have anything in between the normal behavior and the failure. (successful cron job, then lots of error messages.)03:48
RockwoodMenzador, my backup system is not working in current stage03:50
Sven_vBalso I wonder, it looks like it deleted files by date rather than by name, spanning multiple ext3 partitions. so it's probably not just a mistaken argument to rm -r03:50
MenzadorRockwood - There's an option to "Reinstall" from the Live image; that might be a good start. Be sure to back up your personal files elsewhere first03:52
funyunhi. when i restart, my resolv.conf changes nameserver to nameserver is there any way i can stop this? it prevents me from accessing the internet until i manually edit this each time04:30
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SlidingHornIn my network settings, if I want to use a different DNS provider, do I enter the 2 ip addresses they use as comma separated?05:34
ubonethe /home/ partition i used to mount to ubuntu already had some .bashrc like files - is there a command to init the debian ones to replace the old ones i have now?06:46
pabedhi guys , when I run vpn in ubuntu 18.04 I face this error message popup  connection failed "Activation of netwwork connection failed "06:49
pabedI also tried this https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/DWvWv8Z2cT/ but it doesn't wworkj06:51
gambl0r3why do i have to use sudo whenever i run 'heroku' commands.07:12
SlidingHorngambl0r3: assumedly becaisd they require root privileges. Not sure what Heroku is though07:14
gambl0r3oh alright.07:15
s10gopalit is possible to install linux 2.6 in ubuntu 14.04 ?07:39
SlidingHorns10gopal: why would you want to install such an old (and unsupported/end-of-life) kernel?07:40
uboatrying to get jpilot working with my palm tx and it just doesn't do anything while it waits to sync like nothing comes up in log it just timeouts on palm :oooo its set to usb: ...07:52
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crowncryptoi just built a new system and ubuntu is very unstable for me, locks up twice a day and forces reboot.08:51
SlidingHorncrowncrypto: sounds like you have a regular schedule, which should help you debug it - What hardware? Version & flavor of Ubuntu? What errors are in the logs?08:53
crowncryptothanks for the response slidinghorn, It is a brix mini pc j1900 with 8gb crucial ddr3l ram and a 1tb wd blue hdd.  Running 18.04.1 LTS.  How can I check logs?08:55
SlidingHorncrowncrypto: what flavor of Ubuntu is this?08:55
crowncryptorun lightning node linux08:55
crowncryptooops wrong keyboard ^ disregard08:56
crowncryptoUbuntu 18.04.1 LTS (Bionic Beaver)08:56
solsTiCehi. a huawei medapad T10 android tablet fails to show up in nautilus. the mount point is there but no file are there. it is either spinning indefinitly or showing an empty dir. Is there a problem with mtp ? I don't wnat to try that with my phone09:07
solsTiCeok. so I tried ptp and it worked. and now mtp works. wtf09:10
aqdhm oss4 loaded but no support for new ICH chip09:19
aqdbut then it appears dmix works out of box now and I can use pulseaudio and alsa at the same time, heh09:19
aqdgeekbench shows my ubuntu 18 is 10% faster than win8 :))09:40
plasmoduckHey. I've installed my system from usb stick and for some reason it didn't install grub to the hdd, my system wont boot up without the usb stick plugged in. So how can I fix this?09:58
ikoniaplasmoduck: put grub on the hard disk10:01
plasmoduckikonia, whats the command?10:01
ikoniait's a set of commands, if this is a clean install you'll find it easier to re-install and pay attention at the grub install part fo make sure it installs onto the right device rather than the USB10:02
plasmoducknah theres a bunch of stuff on here setup now10:02
plasmoduckI was 2 days ago I done it10:02
plasmoduckYou got a good guide to the commands?10:02
ikoniathat seems foolish to continue setting up a system that doesn't boot properly10:02
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub210:03
plasmoduckI tried $ sudo grub-install /dev/sda110:03
ikoniaplasmoduck: yeah, that's not going to work10:03
ikoniaplasmoduck: check out the retoregrub link, I appreciate you've not just installed windows but the process is the same10:03
plasmoduckOn here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows?action=show&redirect=RestoreGrub it says to do sudo grub-install /dev/XXX like I did10:05
ikoniaplasmoduck: yeah....it says to do more too10:06
ikoniathe second question is what device identifier is the usb disk10:07
plasmoduckOkay I done it.10:10
plasmoduckIt was 'grub-install /dev/sda'10:11
ikoniadid what ?10:11
plasmoduckThats it10:11
ikoniais it working now ?10:11
plasmoducknow I can unboot?10:11
ikoniawhat is the device identifier of the USB disk10:11
plasmoduckI don't kow10:11
ikoniathen why are you typing sda10:11
ikoniaif you don't know10:11
plasmoduckMy hdd is /dev/sda10:11
ikoniaare you %101 sure of that ?10:11
ikoniaok then10:12
plasmoduckI done sudo fdisk -l and checked10:12
ikoniaif you're sure, I'm not going to doubt you10:12
plasmoduckso then I ran sudo grub-install /dev/sda10:12
plasmoduckshoukd that be it?10:12
ikoniaif that's all that was wrong it was missing from the mbr10:12
plasmoduckthats all I need to do to fix grub>10:12
plasmoduckill heck10:13
plasmoduckhey ikonia it didnt work10:25
plasmoduckI still need to boot from usb10:25
ikoniashock horrr10:25
plasmoduckwhat am I missing?10:25
ikoniawhat is the actual error you get10:26
plasmoducka bios error saying boot error10:29
ikoniaplasmoduck: ok - how many disks are in your system10:29
plasmoduckIts the default message when there is no OS10:29
ikonia.....so I suspect when the USB disk is plugged in, sda is not actually your hard disk10:29
EriC^plasmoduck: can you paste 'sudo parted -ls' output?10:30
plasmoduckno idea10:30
ikoniaas thats also the most common reason the installer fails to put grub on the mbr when the usb stick assumes that10:30
plasmoduckikonia, https://pastebin.com/2Sx9tfC211:00
plasmoduckthats without the usb plugged in11:01
renn0xtk9I have this problem when making apt update on KDE Neon (it is ubuntu 18.04 based)  https://pastebin.com/FZSL9idf11:02
renn0xtk9anybody understand what is taht?11:03
renn0xtk9test ?11:04
guiverc!neon | renn0xtk911:09
ubotturenn0xtk9: KDE Neon ( http://neon.kde.org/ ) is a KDE project to package the latest stable and development versions of KDE software on top of an Ubuntu base. As it is not an official Ubuntu or Kubuntu project, please use #kde-neon for discussion and support.11:09
renn0xtk9guiverc if it is ubuntu based , then the problem should still be relevant no ?11:14
guivercrenn0xtk9, maybe, maybe not.   either way it's off-topic in this room.11:14
renn0xtk9don't think so ... i think it is authoritarism11:15
ikoniait is offtopic11:16
ikoniawe only support the official ubuntu releases here11:16
BluesKajHey folks11:26
pragomerhi. using ubuntu 18.04: why does a custom picture that I put into /usr/share/backgrounds/ not appear in the selectable images for desktop and/or locking screen??11:47
pragomerany hints?11:47
aldcorhi! It seems like my laptop is a bit louder on 18.04 compared to win 10. How so? I thought that opposite would actually happen since I chose to have only basic apps.11:51
elias_aaldcor: Could be different curve in adjusting the cpu fan speed.11:58
elias_aaldcor: Check out the the fan speeds in a typical use case in both operating systems.11:59
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hexhaxtronI got many pictures taken with my Smartphone. Is there a tool that shows the location of a picture in Google Maps?12:08
aldcorelias_a, i erased win for good. There is only one OS on my hdd and its ubuntu12:08
aldcorit seems like using few apps simultaneously makes fun go harder but should it? I mean it's just google chrome + xchat + music on soundcloud.12:10
aldcoroh and one thing that bugs me real hard..12:11
geirhacheck chrome's task manager to see if any of the pages you have open is using a lot of cpu12:13
aqdhm how come wine installer can create ico and shortcuts automatically but I can't find built-in utility to do that for existing exes?12:16
aldcorvideos are not as smooth as on win 10 even when using nvidia driver. The quality of videos are good but there's is an issue when action in a video is fast. Its not a lag. It's a like minor twitch.12:18
aqdtried vdpau?12:20
aqdoh it's chrome12:20
Lopehow can I find a PID based on the program name AND it's run arguments?12:20
aqdLope, ps aux | grep "...."12:20
aqda better way would be a script to check /proc/* . it's how ps and pidof does it anyway12:21
aqdha let me try to write .....12:21
Lopeaqd, thanks I got it: ps aux | grep "[n]bd-client foo 1234 /dev/nbd0" | awk '{print $2}'12:23
aqdgrep -l "Kindle" /proc/[0-9]*/cmdline12:23
Lopewhoa, I'll try yours12:23
aqdthe cmdline file is where you get command line and arguments in ps aux. it's not the same as the executable file name (esp in the case of wine apps)12:24
Lopeah, i see, long story12:24
LopeI'll go with mine, it's done.12:24
LopeThanks bud12:24
aldcoroh yes! aqd you are right! on firefox its smooth. Thank you sir ;)12:27
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EriC^^plasmoduck: type "sudo mount /dev/sda /mnt"12:37
aldcorhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mesa/18.0.5-0ubuntu0~18.04.1 can I use this even if i have ubunt 18.04 ?12:42
aldcornevermind.. i already have it12:47
Lopeaqd, okay, latest greatest command: pkill --full 'nbd-client foo 1234 /dev/nbd0'12:49
aqdah, thanks!12:52
Lopeaqd, there is also a better method than ps | grep... kill $(pgrep -laf "nbd-client foo 1234 /dev/nbd0" | awk '{print $1}')12:53
Lopemarginally shorter.12:53
LopeBut of course nothing beats pkill --full12:53
sabrehagenMy disk usage shows as 93% available but processes fail to start citing no disk space. What's going on? https://i.imgur.com/JrGd15y.png13:06
ikonialots of loop back file systems there....are you running low on ram/open file descriptors13:11
ikoniait's actually the forking of a new process that's failing13:11
ikoniaif you've got lots of small files you could be running low on inodes too which will stop writes from happening13:13
jason0597i just installed (k)ubuntu 18.10 and i have an rx 470 GPU, i'm trying to get openCL working so i tried installing the opencl portion of the amdgpu-pro driver from AMD's website (they have instructions for that), but during the installation it failed with one of the packages saying it's only for 18.0413:18
jason0597so i edited /etc/os-release so that VERSION_ID is 18.04 instead of 18.10, hoping that the version check is simply there for redundancy rather than some deeper incompatibility, but as the installation was going along now, it failed to build the kernel module13:18
jason0597my question is: is there a way to get openCL working on ubuntu 18.10 without the amdgpu-pro drivers?13:18
thyriaenHey, i have some kind of driver/opencl/mesa/hardware support kinda issue and i don't really know who / where to ask or what to do really xD13:19
jason0597what a coincidence, i'm here asking for amd drivers as well13:20
thyriaenwhen calling the command clinfo or trying to use my gpu for opencl application i wrote myself ( which work on different setup and hardware ) i get this error https://hastebin.com/kuwodejike.nginx13:20
edlindeguys I have CUDA 9 installed on Ubuntu 16.04, how do I get CUDA 8 also installed on it?13:20
thyriaenjason0597, what is your issue maybe i can help ? been through those alot - my question is rather specific13:20
edlindeits not allowing me to install 813:20
edlindesays I got to first uninstall 913:21
jason0597thyriaen: i'm on (k)ubuntu 18.10 and i need to get openCL support, but the amdgpu-pro drivers only support 18.04, so i don't know what to do13:21
ikoniaanyone what ?13:21
thyriaenjason0597, you can use the open-source stack13:21
thyriaenjason0597, what is your gpu ?13:22
jason0597rx 47013:22
jason0597is the open source stack preinstalled or do i need to get it from somewhere?13:22
thyriaenjason0597, then you should have no issue concerning the kernel version in 18.1013:22
thyriaenjason0597, can you type clinfo and paste it to me ?13:22
jason0597uh oh segfault when it runs13:23
thyriaenjason0597, are you using padoka  ppa for mesa ?13:24
thyriaenthere is an stable and unstable version - one of them is here https://launchpad.net/~paulo-miguel-dias/+archive/ubuntu/pkppa/13:24
thyriaenjason0597, that is just general drivers, now for opencl support you need 3 things as i can remember13:26
thyriaenjason0597, this is pretty good guide https://wiki.tiker.net/OpenCLHowTo13:26
jason0597i tried installing just the opencl portion of the amdgpu-pro driver, but it gave me errors about it only supporting 18.0413:27
jason0597so i edited /etc/os-release in the hopes that it would trick it13:27
jason0597but as the installation went through, it failed that the kernel module build13:27
thyriaenjason0597, is there any particular reason why you wnat to use the closed source amd stuff ?13:27
jason0597it's just that, while i was on arch, the open source stuff was about 4 times slower in openCL13:28
jason0597if i can get open source openCL that's just as fast as it is on windows then i'll be ok13:28
jason0597i'll try that guide13:28
thyriaenjason0597, i am not 100% sure about opencl - but opengl performance was better with open source ( both for me and as tested here : https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=amdgpu-pro-1830&num=1 )13:29
thyriaenjason0597, since december ( before i went on vacation ) amd released some open source opencl support stuff called Rocm13:29
jason0597hmm interesting13:29
thyriaenjason0597, https://github.com/RadeonOpenCompute/ROCm you can see it here,13:29
thyriaenjason0597, the installation process is pretty nicely written and straight forward13:30
thyriaenjason0597, you can even choose if you want to use closed source kernel driver "ROCk" or not13:30
thyriaenjason0597, i can't really tell you 100% whats rocm is all about because i still have 1 issue there - i mean i got it installed but i still have an issue there , thats why i am here :)13:31
jason0597i see13:31
thyriaenjason0597, but yea - ive been through the process 1 week ago - so just ask if you got a question - i think for you it will straight up work but it seems that for some reason my setup has problems with my rx vega since it seems to be missing one specific file for it13:33
sabrehagenMy disk usage shows as 93% available but processes fail to start citing no disk space. What's going on? https://i.imgur.com/JrGd15y.png13:33
goikoHi. When I download some executable package from the internet, by default is does not have executable permission. Is there a workaround for this for the user? by zipping the files with executable permission ?13:33
jason0597(in case it matters i'm trying to run this: https://github.com/zoogie/bfCL)13:33
jason0597goiko i don't think you can zip a file and have it keep its permissions13:34
jason0597if you want you can do "chmod +x <file>" to make it executable13:34
goikojason0597, thanks for your answer, I know13:34
goikoI am looking for a workaround, so the user don't have to call chmod +x13:35
ikoniait's more about the file system it is put onto13:36
ikoniathe best way is to ship it as a proper packaged product13:36
goikoright, good point13:36
Bluekingwas it pastebinit sumthin to write 'log' to a site where one can show errors to someone else ?13:41
vltgoiko: I know that tar preserves permissions.13:42
rollappuser1hi .. i have problem related to ubuntu 16.04 terminal..13:42
ikoniathat will be overriden though depending on the file system and user it's extracted onto13:42
goikothanks vlt, found https://askubuntu.com/questions/225865/copy-files-without-losing-file-folder-permissions13:43
ddoobbHi guys, my WiFi stops working when I get back from suspend/hibernate. Tried all solutions from old askUbuntu threads, none worked.13:44
ddoobbI remember I fixed it a long time ago but after this fresh install it's back13:44
rollappuser1On opening the terminal in ubuntu 16.04 the path shown is not of current directory.. can anyone help me out13:44
ddoobbnm-applet says "device not ready"13:45
vltrollappuser1: What does it show instead?13:45
ddoobbSame happens with my Ethernet but modprobe -r and -i fixes it13:45
rollappuser1Thanks...the path of home folder.. always13:46
rollappuser1vlt: it shows the path of home folder instead of current directory path13:49
vltrollappuser1: And what does `pwd` say about the current directory?13:50
rollappuser1pwd shows the path of current working directory13:50
tomreynrollappuser1: when did this start happening, did you make any changes which may have provoked this?13:51
NexilvaHello. I have created a script for myself in /etc/init.d/mystuff and I want this to launch on every system reboot/start etc.13:51
NexilvaI don't know how to make this happen13:51
NexilvaWhat happened to runlevel?13:51
NexilvaWhere is the rc config anymore?13:52
NexilvaWho tampered with Ubuntu?13:52
NexilvaStop changing things! Old peopel get confused.13:52
ikoniahave a little research into systemd13:53
ikoniait's been around for quite few releases13:53
NexilvaWho me?13:53
NexilvaOk hang out13:53
rollappuser1tomreyn: I did not notice it earlier. I was not aware of this functionality of Ubuntu 16.0413:53
Nexilvasystemd is a suite of basic building blocks for a Linux system. It provides a system and service manager that runs as PID 1 and starts the rest of the system.13:53
NexilvaSo this is like a new init system?13:54
ikoniaNexilva: I'm aware of what it is13:54
ikoniaNexilva: yes13:54
tomreynNexilva: if you know anything about technology. it's occasionally neccessary to replace technology by better or more modern one. you would not want to run drive a car from the last century, would you?13:54
ikoniaNexilva: yes9but more)13:54
ikoniayes, (but more)13:54
NexilvaI see13:54
tomreyn!releasenotes | Nexilva13:54
ubottuNexilva: For release notes of a given Ubuntu release, please refer to the 'Docs' column on the 'List of releases' table at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases13:54
NexilvaHow to make systemd autostart my script?13:54
tomreynrelease notes tell you about such potentially breaking changes13:55
ikoniaNexilva: have a little reseaerch into it, there are a few ways13:55
ikoniaNexilva: depends on how you want to approach it13:55
NexilvaI see.13:55
NexilvaI found this.13:55
rollappuser1tomreyn: May i know the possible issue that could have lead in terminal13:56
NexilvaAhh. I have to have my own service script and then add that to systemd sysctl thingy13:56
tomreynrollappuser1: it is not a default behavour of ubuntu 16.04, something changed on your system.13:56
NexilvaI see.13:56
ikoniaNexilva: that's one option13:56
ikoniaNexilva: as I said there are a few ways to approach i13:56
NexilvaWhat are the other ones?13:56
ikoniaNexilva: do a little research as I said13:57
ikoniarather than just quickly google13:57
ikoniasystemd is pretty critical13:57
NexilvaI haven't the time to invest into that amount of research13:57
NexilvaI need a quick solution to this.13:57
NexilvaLet's see.13:57
NexilvaI'll prove you wrong.13:58
NexilvaHang tight, little buddy.13:58
ikoniaI don't actually care13:58
rollappuser1tomreyn: should i update the kernel to avoid this terminal issue13:58
NexilvaI don't like talking with you13:58
ikoniaif it was this important you'd keep up to date, if it's not that important you'd research it13:58
NexilvaIt's aggravating me.13:58
NexilvaI find a buildup in my body that's causing me aggravation and not happy thoughts13:58
NexilvaI am going to ignore you13:58
ikoniaso it's doubtful it's that important you all of a sudden need a solution13:58
NexilvaThank you for your time13:58
NexilvaGood day.13:58
tomreynrollappuser1: can you run this: pastebinit <( echo $PS1; readlink -f $(which $SHELL); lsb_release -ds; )13:59
vltrollappuser1: I doubt that this is kernel related. You could check the behaviour with another user or with an empty .bashrc.13:59
tomreynNexilva: so, to make your life easier in the future, i suggest you read the release notes before you start an ubuntu upgrade. this way you can prepare for the changes it introduces, and are not surprised.14:02
tomreynthat's how sysadmins around the planet do it, too.14:02
rollappuser1vlt: Yes you right .. in new user is working currectly.. I think something is mistaken in .bashrc .. thanks a lot14:05
jason0597thyriaen: i installed ROCm and i run my program, but it runs about 5 times slower than it does on windows, so now i'm wondering if there's a way to determine if it's using the opencl loaders provided by ROCm14:06
NexilvaThat was very esy.14:06
NexilvaJust execstart/execstop and add it to systmectl and enable it.14:07
NexilvaSo systemd, huh14:07
NexilvaThat's the new init thingy.14:07
rollappuser1tomreyn and vlt: thankyou both :)14:08
tomreynrollappuser1: you're welcome. so you found out what changed?14:09
rollappuser1tomreyn: not yet but aleast i got the place where to debug..let me first try myself..thanks for giving your precious time .. :)14:11
tomreynrollappuser1: sure. ;-) feel free to post the output of the above command if you get stuck.14:13
edgyHi, How can I list fonts that are monospace and language is English. I tried fc-list :mono :lang=en but this doesn't list any font15:08
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tomreyn^ gone15:15
hexhaxtronI got many pictures taken with my Smartphone. Is there a tool that shows the location of a picture in Google Maps?15:16
conjohello all im having trouble running stremio i have ubuntu 18.10 installed can anyone help me it doesnt open when i open the app15:22
tomreyn!info stremio15:25
ubottuPackage stremio does not exist in bionic15:25
tomreyn!find stremio15:25
ubottuFile stremio found in numix-icon-theme, papirus-icon-theme15:25
tomreynconjo: i guess this isnt an ubuntu package15:25
conjofound in the software center15:26
qwebirc95665Hello, how can i masscrop some images in a gui way?15:26
conjosorry i didnt found .deb installer15:27
conjoit runs on other versions of ubuntu15:28
ioriaconjo, you found where ?15:30
tomreyni mean https://snapcraft.io/search?q=stremio - both urls report no findings.15:32
ioriaconjo, this seems to open https://www.smarthomebeginner.com/install-stremio-on-linux-windows-and-mac/15:32
tomreynso you shouldnt get to see it in software center15:32
KingKeAWould anyone be able to assist with samba shares? I'm trying to use webmin and setting up the share appears to go OK, but when I try to access it from windows it never accepts the credentials.15:37
KingKeAI'm using the same credentials (pass) as the user the share is for.15:37
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.15:39
KingKeAah okay.15:40
KingKeAmaybe I just need to find some guides on configuring the conf file then?15:40
ioriaKingKeA, a quick way is with  system-config-samba15:40
KingKeAinstalling now... although I am unfamiliar with it.15:42
ioriaKingKeA, it's very intuitive15:42
KingKeAOh, it's for use with a gui? I don't have one installed on this system to save on resources.15:42
ioriaKingKeA, so you need to edit smb.conf15:42
KingKeAcan I install and access gui without rebooting?15:43
ioriaKingKeA, what ?15:44
KingKeAa de.15:44
conjofound the .deb file on the stremio website15:46
ioriaKingKeA, you don't have a gui, you want  to install one and you want to know if you can use it without rebooting ?15:46
ioriaKingKeA, probably yes (just a logout/in), but you might need a reboot , so i can't garantee15:47
ioriaconjo, an appImage15:48
ioriaconjo, sorry,ot for you15:49
conjothanks all am working on it15:51
conjoi dont think its an image cus i cant see it anywhere and have experience starting app images i see none downloaded,just a .deb that came from stremios website15:52
conjonow when i type stremio into the activities bar stremio icon shows up and it starts but then closes15:52
conjoam compiling from source atm see how that goes15:53
tomreynconjo: we only support software in ubuntu.15:53
tomreynconjo: consider using a supported software, then we can help, or find help with this software elsewhere.15:53
ioriaconjo, already posted you a solution15:53
conjotomreyn, ioria can you help me install a dependencie please its called qml quick webengine16:03
conjoioria, what was your solution16:03
conjothe guide16:04
ioriaconjo, let's go pvt16:08
TJ-What causes /usr/bin/time to display different output when it is run as UID 0 than for other UIDs? I cannot see it reading a configuration file and not spotted anything in the man-page about it16:42
eelstrebori keep getting a popup on just one of my pc's saying that there are software updates when there aren't any - reboot and apt update doesn't fix the problem16:48
ioriaTJ-, well, idk, but time is both a binary and a  a shell keyword16:48
TJ-ioria: that's why I wrote /usr/bin/time :)16:49
ioriaah, ok ...16:49
TJ-ioria: I was trying to do some sudo calls and it uses a different format, had to use "-p" to get the same as in user mode16:50
TJ-It must be internal to the tool rather than some config16:50
hsiktashi, is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tip_(Unix_utility) available in the Ubuntu repos? unfortunately, it is not a search-friendly name :)16:52
OerHekseelstrebor, so what gives you the message updates available? there has not been an update for weeks16:52
eelstreborit's an unusual box that seems to be linked to the software manager16:53
TJ-hsiktas: No, it's a BSD tool16:53
hsiktasalright, thx16:54
TJ-!info cu | hsiktas the alternative is16:54
ubottuhsiktas the alternative is: cu (source: uucp): call up another system. In component main, is extra. Version 1.07-24 (bionic), package size 81 kB, installed size 220 kB16:54
OerHeksminicom is available too16:55
OerHekseelstrebor, if that happens again, screenshot?16:55
eelstrebori tried to do a screen shot but that didn't work - if it pops up again i'll try to do a screen shot again16:56
hsiktasTJ-: the Bugs entry in `cu`'s man page is surprisingly honest ^^ https://linux.die.net/man/1/cu16:57
TJ-eelstrebor: check "/var/lib/update-notifier/" - likely the trigger file isn't being updated16:57
eelstreborwhat's a trigger file?16:59
TJ-eelstrebor: possible the updates-available file being a non-zero size17:00
eelstreborlooks like it's 64 bytes but there's nothing in the file17:01
eelstreborwell, it shows 0 packages can be updated and 0 updates are security.... in the file17:02
TJ-eelstrebor: I'm not sure how that is used, maybe that doesn't affect the GUI17:03
TJ-eelstrebor: the README in the source package says:17:08
TJ-It uses GIO to monitor /var/lib/apt/lists/* and17:08
TJ-/var/lib/update-notifier/dpkg-run-stamp. If they change it updates17:08
TJ-it's status.17:08
algidanyone familiar with gnome classic panel autohide not working?17:13
eelstreborTJ-, looks like the issue has something to do with qtox which comes from github - had to get qtox with 'flathub'? https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/ndW8sGV8SX/17:17
OerHeksah, flatpack updates17:19
=== SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL
dviolawill 18.04.2 come with a new kernel?17:23
dviolakernel 4.18 right?17:23
tomreyndviola: the general availability kernel version remains unchanged (at least for the major and minor version, x.yy) - this is not directly related to ubuntu point releases.17:26
OerHeksdviola, i find no info about the kernel , you can enable HWE once 18.04.2 has been released17:26
tomreyn!hwe | but there is this17:26
ubottubut there is this: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack17:26
tomreyndviola: HWE kernels are already available in 18.04. if you'd install linux-virtual-hwe-18.04 now you'd get a 4.18 kernel.17:28
dviolathat's good to know, thanks17:29
eelstrebori install the latest stable mainline kernel releases and haven't had any issues with them currently running 4.19.13-041913-generic on 18.04.117:29
OerHekscarefull with mainline, no kernel updates17:30
dviolaI've been having some stability issues with 4.15 on a ryzen 5 2400G computer17:30
dviolaI need newer kernel17:30
CharlieGrantI'm trying to open 3 tilda instances on startup. Can somebody tell me what I'm doing wrong here https://hastebin.com/vaxesoyuha.makefile17:30
tomreyndviola: yes, you should run hwe with this hardware17:31
dviolaI had to disable the monitor from turning off because it just freezes with 4.1517:31
dviolatomreyn: ok, I'll try that17:31
* eelstrebor latest firmware git clone git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/firmware/linux-firmware.git17:32
gambl0r3if i do command 'which heorku' it says heroku command not found17:37
gambl0r3but if do sudo which heroku, i get '/snap/bin/heroku'17:38
gambl0r3what does this mean?17:38
TJ-gambl0r3: that /snap/bin/ is not on the user's PATH17:39
gambl0r3how do i set it up?17:40
OerHekshere it works, which <installed snap like gnome-calculator>17:42
OerHeksnothing added to %path%17:42
CharlieGrantwhen I add 3 instances to gnome-session-properties one of them gets removed. But 2 works fine. Is there a way to add a third somehow?17:44
waheedihow can i use route-data or routes inside network manager ipv4 configs18:05
Rumenguys I have a strange problem I have 2 similar wifi dongles both Ralink mt7601u the one I have is very old and start making problems  gives errors like this https://photos.app.goo.gl/vQvFrLcRTAjCRKG2A18:08
Rumenthe other one I bought is the same, but when I chage the I see it with LSUSB, but the new one doesn't start - doesn't make connection18:09
RumenAny idea what is the problem and how to fix it?18:09
Rumen They both use one and the same driver as they are one and the same as devices.18:09
Rumen https://pastebin.com/CzLz9Vv7   Both are the same  Bus 001 Device 017: ID 148f:7601 Ralink Technology, Corp. MT7601U Wireless Adapter18:10
waheediwhy did you buy the same device :)18:11
ioriaRumen, a bit old, but should work : https://askubuntu.com/questions/457061/ralink-mt7601u-148f7601-wi-fi-adapter-installation18:13
kantlivelongcannot for the life of me figure out why i can access samba shares from windows w/ kerberos OR NTLM but cant access from a linux box18:21
Rumenwaheedi: because I use the old one 3 years without any problem!!!18:27
Rumenioria: Thanks a lot I will give it a try18:28
ioriaRumen, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/171630118:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1716301 in linux (Ubuntu) "wifi driver: mt7601u not work on 16.04" [Medium,Confirmed]18:28
OerHeksRumen, instead asking about the old adapter, try to fix the new one? plug the new one in, and reboot. your driver has worked for 3 years..18:33
dviolawhat is the difference with linux-virtual-hwe-18.04 and linux-virtual-hwe-18.04-edge?18:44
OerHeksedge usually points to early versions, or proposed , explained here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/RollingLTSEnablementStack#hwe-16.0418:53
dviolaso -edge will just receive more updates? I don't fully get it18:59
=== Menzie is now known as Menzador
OerHeks-edge is a testing/preview, not sure there will be more updates19:01
hylianjust curious why ctrl alt f* does not pull up the corresponding tty in ubuntu 18.04 anymore./19:02
OerHeksif you choose stable and workable, drop -edge19:02
dviolaok thanks19:02
dviolado I need to update mesa as well? for a ryzen 5 2400G computer19:02
dviolaI tried padoka and oibaf PPAs but I'm not too fond on adding PPAs to my system19:03
dviolawill 18.04 update mesa packages in the future?19:03
john5000Question: gpg hangs forever when trying to generate a key (I obviously can't wiggle the mouse). I've tried copying and pasting the entire file directory to increase entropy... nothing :( any suggestions?19:04
hylianwhy can't i access the tty's through the old control alt f1-7 method anymore? i am runnign ubuntu 18.0419:04
john5000OH sorry - it's on a server I'm sshing into, hence no mouse wiggle19:05
EriC^^hylian: maybe your pc needs Fn+F219:05
hylianEriC^^: i shouldnt need a fn button, this is not a laptop19:06
EriC^^ah ok, nevermind then19:06
EriC^^some keyboards have onboard services though, i've a keyboard that needs Fn cause it has features with the F keys19:07
hylianEriC^^: well if that's the case, i'm screwed because desktop keyboards do not have fn buttons. the fn button is for using function keys for mre than just function keys, ie.e. changing volume, lighting etc.19:08
ioriahylian, i have a fn key19:08
hylianioria: on a desktop? my machine is not a laptop. i have seen a lot of desktop keyboards in my time, never have they had a fn button on them, never.19:09
EriC^^hylian: yeah i mean some keyboards might have it, if you dont then you dont, something else isnt right with your ubuntu19:09
ioriahylian, yep, very old keyboard (2002)19:09
EriC^^mine is new, it has some F keys that control volume and media stuff19:10
hylianok, thats very weird, because i have never needed a fn key before, for one. 2, i am a it tech, have worked on dekstops since 1988, and never has there been even one desktop keyboard with a fn key ever that I have seen.19:10
EriC^^hylian: anyways maybe start by seeing if the terminal are being started and stuff and any configuration files19:11
hylianEriC^^:if i need a fn key, and i am 100% sure i don't, then why did they add it now? I have been able to get to tty through control alt f2, etc, cince 1999. why change this year? to an option that is not on most desktops. (desktop keyboards do not have a fn key by default).19:12
EriC^^if you wanted to be sure it's absolutely not a bad F key thing, you could try "sudo chvt 4" for instance19:12
ioriahylian, but i don't think fn is the issue19:12
EriC^^hylian: i dont mean you need an Fn key for it to work, i mean some keyboards have an Fn key and so you might need to press it, if yours doesnt then it doesn't, that's all :)19:12
ioriahylian, are you already logged when you try to open the console ?19:13
hylianEriC^^: ohh i see. yeah no fn key here, normal desktop keyboard, thanks.19:13
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hylianioria: yep. always works on other ubuntu based distros, i.e. xubuntu. just not on full bloat ubuntu19:14
ioriahylian, gdm at play19:15
hylianioria: lol. i guess so.19:15
EriC^^what happens when you press ctrl+alt+f219:15
hylianEriC^^: unfortunately, absolutely nothing.19:15
EriC^^hylian: try in a terminal "sudo chvt 2"19:16
hylianEriC^^: it did nothing but hang. had to control c to break it, lol. oh well. I have access to the terminal emulator, but i like tty for things like this app i am using now, irssi.19:17
ioriahylian, can you logout and try again ?19:18
hylianohh guys, this is a known ubuntu bug lol, sorry for wasting your time.19:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1758512 in gdm3 (Ubuntu) "No virtual terminals (CTRL+ALT+F?) when no user logged in; erratic behaviour when user logged in." [Medium,Confirmed]19:18
hylianyep, lol19:18
hyliani just found that myself. :)19:18
JonnyGatorsFinally....made it to the channel.19:18
JonnyGatorsOk....how do I use linux?19:18
ioriahylian, logout and try again .  can you test this ?19:18
hylianioria: i have already done that. still same error. great minds think alike, aye?19:19
ioriahylian, you can try lightdm19:20
hylianJonnyGators: can you be way way way more specific?19:20
hylianioria: i might just do that,.19:20
JonnyGatorsSee, I'm confused....why do we have this purdy GUI that it boots to, when it seems everything I ever ask results in an answer about typing in a bunch of text that means nothing to me into a command prompt.19:20
JonnyGatorsBut, more specifically, I want to install software.19:21
JonnyGatorsAnd I'm used to searching, going to a website, downloading an installer, running it, and having my program installed.19:21
JonnyGatorsBut....that doesn't seem to be the way linux does things?19:21
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JonnyGatorsSo....anyone know how to install software on ubuntu?19:28
WulframnI am on a Surface Pro 3 using Ubuntu 18.04. I am trying to cast my display to a Samsung TV with mirror screen. I have previously been able to do this with Windows. Most of the Google results I find mention using a Chromecast or Roku. Is that necessary for Ubuntu?19:28
WulframnJonnyGators, what type of software? What are you trying to install?19:28
JonnyGatorsWell, I figured I'd start by getting some emulators on my laptop, so I searched for a good NES emulator with linux version, and web results say nestopia.  I go to the downloads page, and under windows there's a download link, and under linux are links for different linux ditros, but they link to the sites of those linux ditros, not installers.19:30
JonnyGatorsSo, it's like.....what am I supposed to do?19:30
ducasse!software | JonnyGators19:30
ubottuJonnyGators: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents19:30
JonnyGatorsDoes linux not work like windows, in that you simply go to a website with installer, download it, run it, and get your software?19:30
JonnyGatorsSo basically it's Windows: download, double click, click next a few times, done.  Linux: spend a week reseraching articles on how to install software, and maybe eventually you get to use your computer?19:32
JonnyGatorsOk, apt-get....that is something people have told me to use in the past, but I've never understood how people know what a package name is.  Do you just know a package name, and if you type the right one, it automatically downloads it?19:33
JonnyGatorsI don't get this at all.19:33
JonnyGatorsHow do you know what to install?19:34
JonnyGatorsI just want to go find something and run it.19:34
JonnyGatorsHow does any of this work?19:34
ducasseJonnyGators: there are gui frontends, like gnome software19:35
tangaroraHi everybody, is there a way to use Gnome Boxes to access and manage vm's on a kvm machine using qemy or spice through ssh tunnel?19:36
JonnyGatorsOk, lets start easy and specific.....how do I get nestopia on my laptop?19:36
hyliani logged out, then i was able to open tty's. logged back into gnome, then ran tty2 (control alt f2) and it worked but logged me out of gnome, LOL.19:37
hylianJonnyGators: what distro are you using, ubuntu 18.04?19:37
JonnyGatorskubuntu 18.1019:38
OnkelTemHi all19:38
OnkelTemMy bluetooth controler doesn't work. It's pretty old desktop PC19:38
hylianJonnyGators: ok, well you can get it through synaptic, muon, possibly the software store, or by typping sudo apt-get install nestopia in a terminal.19:39
OnkelTemIt worked before, but doesn't work since Ubuntu 17.10 or even earlier19:39
OnkelTemBus 002 Device 004: ID 13d3:3304 IMC Networks Asus Integrated Bluetooth module [AR3011]19:39
OnkelTemAny ideas how can I get something like that working?19:39
JonnyGatorshylian: cool.  that's great.19:39
somogris there any c++ developer please message me19:39
somogri have 1 problem19:39
OnkelTemBasically Ubuntu doesn't identify it at all...19:39
OerHekstangarora, ask your real question and find out?19:40
OnkelTemsomogr: /j #programming19:40
JonnyGatorshylian: what's synaptic and muon?  and how did you determine atp-get install nestopia would work?19:40
hylianOnkelTem: do you have bluez or blueman installed?19:40
hylianJonnyGators: apt-get works on all the 'buntus. and synaptic and muon are graphical managers for apt-get19:41
OnkelTemhylian: yeah, bluez is installed19:42
JonnyGatorsRight, but how do you know nestopia is a package that apt-get will find and install?19:42
OnkelTemhylian: not blueman. But bledevil is here - KDE19:42
hylianJonnyGators: i use apt-cache search nestopia. that told me if nestopia had an installation candidate available.19:42
ducasseJonnyGators: try 'apt search search-terms go here' to get package names19:43
OerHeks!info info nestopia19:44
ubottu'nestopia' is not a valid distribution: artful, artful-backports, artful-proposed, bionic, bionic-backports, bionic-proposed, cosmic, cosmic-backports, cosmic-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, utopic, utopic-backports, utopic-proposed, vivid, vivid-backports, vivid-proposed, wily, wily-backports, wi19:44
OerHeks!info nestopia19:44
ubottunestopia (source: nestopia): Nintendo Entertainment System/Famicom emulator. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.47-2ubuntu3 (bionic), package size 841 kB, installed size 4061 kB19:44
JonnyGatorsok...I think I can work with this.19:44
JonnyGatorsBack to the laptop.19:45
hylianOnkelTem:bluez has a testing platform that may get you more info. i have not used it in some time, so i can't guide you through using it, but bluez-tests can help you solve errors.19:46
hylianJonnyGators: now you make me want to dig out the old nes and the games lol19:47
JonnyGatorshylian: well, the best way to play nes games is on the original system.  Go for it.  I'll be streaming some power pad games tonight on twitch.tv/jgators.19:50
JonnyGatorsis there any way I can make windowskey-e open up some linux equivalent of a windows explorer?19:51
hylianJonnyGators: yes. you can set keyboard shortcuts in kde using the system tools. then make a entry with that combo, and then point it to your version of explorer with something like: wine /home/denny/explorer/explorer.exe19:52
hylianJonnyGators: my name is denny, of course you would want yours to reflect your home directory, not mine.19:53
OerHekslolz wine?19:53
hylian!info wine19:53
ubottuPackage wine does not exist in bionic19:53
hylian!info wine6419:54
ubottuPackage wine64 does not exist in bionic19:54
hylianok ubottu is on drugs. the wine64 app does exist.19:55
OpenSorceUbuntu 16.04 live usb on a laptop/tablet. Has Android-x86 installed. Wifi works fine out of the box in Android-x86, lspci does not show any wifi device in Ubuntu. Any help?19:55
ioria!info wine3219:56
ubottuwine32 (source: wine): Windows API implementation - 32-bit binary loader. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0-1ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 190 kB, installed size 613 kB19:56
hylianioria: yeah lol. ubottu is a little behind the times. wine64 - Windows API implementation - 64-bit binary loader19:56
ioriahylian, no clue19:57
hylianioria: he's still a very useful bot, LOL.19:57
JonnyGatorsok, so I didn't quite figure that out, but I set windowskey e as a global keyboard shortcut to open dolphin.  I clicked apply.  However, nothing happens when pressing windows key - e.  Not sure why that isn't working.20:00
hylianOpenSorce: can you run sudo lshw > hardware, and share the text file it creates for you in your home directory called hardware via pastebin.com?20:00
hylianJonnyGators: did you press apply? kde is universally known for making you think you did somehting in the settings, just to have all your work go bye bye by not pressing the apply button.20:01
OpenSorcehylian, can't share it the device can't connect (tablet, no wired ethernet) I can tell you it says nothing about an ethernet device20:01
toothehi all. When I try to do `sudo apt upgrade` I get a message that I might want to run apt --fix-broken install20:01
tootheI do that, and i get a usage message.20:01
hylianOpenSorce: it shouldnt, though right? we are not looking for ethernet, we are looking for wireless, right?20:01
ioriatoothe, usage message ?20:02
hyliantoothe: usage message? can you paste that here?20:02
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:02
OerHeksdon't ask to paste here, the servers go bonkers20:03
OpenSorcehylian, one sec... just found my USB wifi device... I'll paste in a sec20:03
TJ-toothe: you can use apt-get instead, as in "sudo apt-get --fix-broken install" or more succinctly "sudo apt-get -f install"20:03
hylianOerHeks: thanks for the heads up20:03
toothewhat's wrong?20:03
JonnyGatorsOk, set nestopia to full screen mode.  now have a black screen with no menu, nothing gets it to exit out.  Is there a linux command to go from full screen to window again?  In windows escape would do it normally.20:03
tootheTJ-: that is doing something, but...what's wrong?20:04
hylianJonnyGators: hmm, havent used that program in eons. alt-f4 will probably exit, otheriwse i an install here and see if i can duplicate the error20:04
TJ-toothe: which Ubuntu release are you using? "lsb_release -r"20:05
JonnyGatorsYeah, I can close it by using the windows key to get the taskbar, and then right clicking the window....but then it opens to full screen again20:05
JonnyGatorsI can't seem to get the menu back20:05
JonnyGatorsmaybe if I open the windows version, the menu will show me a shortcut to toggle between those modes.20:06
tootheTJ-: um...Linux Mint :/20:06
* toothe ducks20:06
* TJ- coughs20:07
JonnyGatorsWindows version lists alt-enter as the toggle for full screen.....not working for linux20:07
tootheI really like Cinammon!20:07
OerHeksboth troubled packages are from universe repo, libxine2 and libjpeg6420:07
TJ-I really like pizza20:07
tootheyou should eat it every day.20:07
OerHekstoothe, oh, mint has its own issues, join the mint channels for support20:07
TJ-toothe: I just /made it/ fresh from raw ingredients, but I didn't ask in #ubuntu for help :p20:07
ioriatoothe, it's not even in the repos that eaglemode20:07
toothenah, I get it - I figured this something in common with all debian variants, which appears to be the case.20:08
hylianJonnyGators: do you get anything right clicking in the app?20:08
JonnyGatorsuninstall reinstall gets me back to the same point20:08
JonnyGatorsWhy doesn't uninstall completely uninstall?20:08
JonnyGatorsI want it GONE FOR GOOD20:08
JonnyGatorsso that a reinstall is like new20:08
JonnyGatorsugh....OS's suck20:08
JonnyGatorsThey never do what I really want20:08
tootheI would switch to Ubuntu stock, but I can't Cinammon to look just as I want it to be.20:08
tangaroraOerHeks: in Gnome Boxes you can specify qemu:// or spice:// or vnc:// but that seems to be a security issue if you dont tunnel via ssh.20:09
tangarorathat is my real questioin20:09
TJ-toothe: the 'apt' you used is not the one from Ubuntu; it looks like some kind of wrapper script20:09
tangaroraso how do I tell Boxex to use these protocols through ssh?20:09
TJ-toothe: try "apt --version"20:09
coz_JonnyGators, generally it does remove everything, however you can check in home directory, .conf, and /use/share  and see what's left20:10
coz_jonrather in .config20:10
tootheTJ-: I get a usage statement.20:10
tootheah, apt-get --version works. 1.6.620:10
hylianJonnyGators: uninstall just removes the installed app from certain directories. the archives (.deb) files you needed to install the application are still there. sudo apt-get purge nestopia gets rid of everything. also, if nestopia doesn't want to work, i suggest trying fceux.20:10
TJ-toothe: right; I get (on 18.04) "apt 1.6.6 (amd64)" so it indicates I was correct that Mint has created an 'apt' wrapper script20:11
OpenSorcehylian, pastebin.com/q8BEsjez20:12
TJ-toothe: the output you showed looks nothing like that from the Ubuntu apt tool20:12
JonnyGatorsok, did an apt-get purge and apt-get install for nestopia.....still getting full screen20:12
JonnyGatorsthe purge didn't remove everything20:12
ioriatoothe, sudo apt-get --fix-broken install     ?20:12
OpenSorcehylian, that wifi device it shows is the USB device I plugged in. It does not see the built in wifi20:13
JonnyGatorsHow do I absolutely remove any trace of an install so that I can do a reinstall that is absolutely like new?20:13
OerHeksjohnhmay, the config files in your /home/ are not deleted with purge, you need to do this manually20:14
ioriatoothe, btw, you're messing up the all system for a zoomer ? :)20:14
OerHeksi think in ~/.config/ something20:14
JonnyGatorsIs that folder invisible?  I hate that....how do I make things never be invisible?20:15
bpromptJonnyGators:    check ~/.config and ~/.local/share    <--- nope, those are hidden directories, thus the "." in front20:16
hylianOpenSorce: i was just going to say, it says your wifi is working, lol. ok that is weird. so the wlx001d43800d7a is a usb dingle then... wow. I was hoping that would give us a rabbit hole to jump down, but we don't even have the rabbit there. what is the make and model of that machine?20:16
JonnyGatorsOk, still don't know how to get to them.  Would prefer to set things to show me all hidden directories.20:16
pmatulisctrl-h ?20:16
TJ-JonnyGators: If you're using a GUI file manager you can usually just type the path directly20:17
JonnyGatorsThings being hidden on my laptop are a hinderence, I want that "feature" gone20:17
TJ-JonnyGators: as in just start typing /home/<myusername>/.config/ and press Enter20:17
hylianJonnyGators: yeah, in any given ubuntu file manager, control h unhides and rehides hidden folders, as pmatulis said.20:17
JonnyGatorsthere was a hidden .nestopia right in home20:18
OpenSorcehylian, Nextbook Flexx 11 http://www.nextbookusa.com/productdetail/Nextbook-Flexx-11/20:18
OpenSorcehylian, I had fun shoving Android-x86 down it's Windows loving little throat. But I want to pout a more sane distro on it now.20:19
JonnyGatorsHmmm....there's no keyboard shortcut listed next to fullscreen in the menu....odd, it seems the linux version of nestopia has a major flaw in going fullscreen without a menu without any obvious way to back out of it or even get to the menu.20:19
TJ-JonnyGators: does Esc key do it?20:19
JonnyGatorsno key does it20:20
JonnyGatorsI tried every f key, tried every letter20:20
JonnyGatorstried every alt-letter20:20
JonnyGatorstried every ctrl-letter20:20
TJ-JonnyGators: that is ....^)&(%&!20:20
JonnyGatorstried pretty much everything20:20
JonnyGatorsI'll have to google it20:20
JonnyGatorsanyways, I can't seem to get it to run any roms20:20
JonnyGatorsmaybe it doesn't like that all my roms are zipped20:20
JonnyGatorswindows version can do that20:20
JonnyGatorswill have to try unzipping20:20
TJ-JonnyGators: strange how the docs say Alt+Enter is the sequence20:21
JonnyGatorsI will say, every attempt at linux makes me appreciate windows a bit more, lol....but I think I will stick with it on this old laptop for now.20:21
JonnyGatorsalt-enter works in windows20:21
JonnyGatorsand the menu in the windows version lists alt-enter20:21
JonnyGatorsbut there is no keyboard shortcut listed in the menu on the linux version20:21
coz_JonnyGators, did you try F10 or F11 for full screen?20:22
JonnyGatorsso, I made a global keyboard shortcut of windowskey-e to open dolphin, but pressing windowskey-e does nothing....any way to troubleshoot that?20:22
hylianOpenSorce: interesting. if you run ifconfig -a, do you see both of the wifi cards there?20:22
TJ-JonnyGators: Ahhhh, looks like they forgot it :)20:22
JonnyGatorsI"m back to a window after deleting the settings folder, so I'll deal with full screen later20:22
OpenSorcehylian, nope. Just lo and the USB dongle20:23
OpenSorcehylian, Android-x86 has some limited linux CLI functions... I'm going to boot it back over to see if I can get the chipset or anything there...20:24
coz_F11 should be full screen20:24
hylianOpenSorce: wow... sorry man, i really dont know where to go from here. usually if it's a driver issue, it will show up there but not be usable. if it shows up, then we can hunt down specialized drivers for it. but it wont even show up. i am afraid this is above me paygrade. sorry.20:24
hylianOpenSorce: sounds good20:24
OpenSorcehylian, yeah I know. I was hoping Ubuntu had some sort of software switch or something that was doing it.20:25
JonnyGatorsOk....so, it opens the rom and plays it, because I have sound....but the video is all black.20:26
JonnyGatorsNo video from nestopia....weird20:26
OpenSorcehylian, this device is odd any. First machine I came across that insists on 32bit UEFI boot...20:26
hylianJonnyGators: that is weird. just curious, did you install fceux? does fceux have the same problem? (if you installed it, ofcourse)20:26
JonnyGatorsI didn't, but I can give that a try for troubleshooting purposes.20:27
hylianOpenSorce: i didnt even know there was a 32bit machine with uefi... wowza. i am learning a lot today.20:27
ioriausually a tablet or a transformer20:28
OpenSorcehylian, $100 at walmart. This machine was hard to pass up even if it is a little pain in the butt :-P20:29
OpenSorceHad to do all this to get Android-x86 installed on it: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/android-x86/-J0DIsDtauQ/KBiarvgeAwAJ;context-place=forum/android-x8620:29
hylianOpenSorce: starngely enough, i would love to boot something strangely odd like puppy on that and see what it says. sometimes all this spit and polish gets in the way.20:29
hylianOpenSorce: wow...20:30
JonnyGatorsfceux works20:30
JonnyGatorsWell....this is enough linux time for one day, gonna call it quits for now.20:31
tatertotsOpenSorce: what operating system did the tablet ship from the manufacture with?20:31
hylianJonnyGators: then that is weird. that means it's not a graphics or a machine issue, it's a nestopia issue... strange20:31
OpenSorcetatertots, Windows 1020:31
TJ-OpenSorce: seeing the kernel log would be useful in order to determine what hardware buses the device has, and what hardware it can detect (even if it doesn't have drivers).20:33
OpenSorceTJ-, it almost HAS to have drivers since it works in Android-x86... almost20:34
TJ-OpenSorce: did you build Android for it or install a prebuilt binary?20:35
OpenSorceTJ-, pre-built Android-x86 7.120:35
TJ-OpenSorce: so some non-mainline drivers may be included in that image20:36
OpenSorceTJ-, here's all I had to do to get the rest of it working: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/android-x86/-J0DIsDtauQ/KBiarvgeAwAJ;context-place=forum/android-x8620:36
IniGitDoes somebody know why notifications do not work for thunderbird in Ubuntu 18.04? I have Notifications on in the Settings20:36
OpenSorceOddly enough, the wifi just worked out of the box20:36
JonnyGatorsThanks everyone for the help, appreciate it.20:37
OpenSorceTJ-, yeah I'm digging around to see what drivers are included20:38
TJ-OpenSorce: From what I'm reading the WiFi is Realtek RTL8723BS SDIO (SDIO is a SecureDigital I/O bus device) so not USB or PCI20:41
TJ-OpenSorce: and that isn't discoverable so likely at the minimum you have to load the kernel's sdio module in order to be able to probe the bus for devices20:42
OpenSorceTJ-, you're a friggin genius... I bet that's it. Why do they keep having to change the hardware interfaces? I was perfectly happy with ISA :-P20:43
OpenSorceOh wait... did I just show my grey hair in here?20:44
TJ-OpenSorce: SDIO is often used in low-cost devices, it is a variation on SDHC/XC storage media interface20:46
OpenSorceThanks for your help folks, I'll hang around and let you know how it works out. Maybe write a howto if I get it going.20:48
jasonwcHas anyone here used a recent Coffeelake CPU with 18.10 (9600K, 9700K, 9900K)?20:50
jasonwcThe boot process seems to have halted the system and I'm wondering if the 4.18 kernel is not new enough20:51
TJ-OpenSorce: it could be the https://github.com/hadess/rtl8723bs  which claims the driver is in the mainline staging tree but I cannot find it with that name so fare20:51
TJ-OpenSorce: Aha! It got a subtle name change, this may work for you: "sudo modprobe r8723bs"20:53
TJ-OpenSorce: if that almost works but not quite, the module has many optional parameters you may need to tinker with, see "modinfo r8723bs" for more info on them20:54
OpenSorceTJ-, again, you're right. That's the exact driver showing up in lsmod when it's running Android-x86!21:01
bobdobbsHi all.  I bought myself a galaxy s9  (a phone running android) for christmas. Now I'm trying to put some music on it. If I connect it to my computer running ubuntu 18.04, I can see it in the file explorer and rhythmbox. But I can't transfer files to it using rhythmbox.21:01
bobdobbsWhen I drag and drop a track to it, I get the message "Error transfering track. Could not open resource for writing"21:01
OpenSorceI thought it was for the sound. I didn't look close enough. It links to the cfg80211 module21:02
TJ-OpenSorce: so if you test in Ubuntu, and the module isn't auto-loaded, try loading it. But whilst still in Android it might be worth recording the values of all parameters for the module with "for n in /sys/module/r8723bs/parameters/*; do echo $n=$(cat$n); done"21:03
TJ-OpenSorce: if the module works when manually loaded in GNU/Linux, you can add it to /etc/modules to ensure it gets loaded at boot-time21:04
OpenSorceTJ-, yep yep21:04
TJ-OpenSorce: and any non-standard options can be added in /etc/modprobe.d/r8723bs.conf with something like "options r8723bs option1=1 option2=2 ..."21:04
TJ-OpenSorce: slight typo in the script line above. "... echo $n=$(cat $n) ..." (space after 'cat')21:06
Sven_vBmy bionic live session always halts to a grind after a few hours because the syslog eats up all my casper-rw persistence file. how can I make it rotate more often?21:09
Sven_vB*grinds to a halt21:10
OerHekslogrotate --force perhaps?21:11
OerHeksor find out why your live session fills it up ..21:11
Sven_vBit's flooded with an unimportant graphics driver error that has varying IDs in it so the syslog daemon doesn't consider it a repeat message.21:13
Sven_vBcould I just set an ignore regexp?21:13
TJ-Sven_vB: that sounds .... annoying, care to show us a sample?21:13
Sven_vBTJ-, will do next time I have one. I deleted the previous syslog in an attempt to recover the session21:14
TJ-Sven_vB: "dmesg" may report some of them since it reads the kernel's ring-buffer21:14
Sven_vBI already shut down the session and there's no dmesg.log in /media/CASPER-RW/var/log21:15
Sven_vBalso not in …/upper/…21:15
OerHeksxsession errors perhaps?21:16
bobdobbsI've also tried Banshee, but it doesn't even see the device21:16
Sven_vBfound it in kern.log. TJ-, ubuntu kernel: [20370.395168] intel ips 0000:00:1f.6: failed to disable graphics turbo21:17
OerHeksbobdobbs, is the device unlocked from screensaver?21:17
RumenHi there21:17
Sven_vBTJ-, I think the varying part wasn't even an ID but that kernel timestamp, so a future syslog might even be smart about the repetition.21:18
ddevaultcan I get someone running a typical ubuntu install to show me the output of cat /proc/cmdline?21:18
OerHeksunlock, then attach usb and you should be able to transfer, not sure you need to enable usb debug something on android21:18
TJ-Sven_vB: which part varies? presumably only the timestamp (the [.....] at the start) ?21:18
Rumenfolks anyone have idea where can I find driver RT61_Linux_STA_Drv  this is pci driver for Belkin wireless card21:18
bobdobbsOerHeks: it's a phone. If I don't fiddle with the screen then the screen goes to sleep. It is plugged in via USB.21:19
OerHeksddevault, no, there is sensitive info in that21:19
ddevaultnot for most people there isn't21:19
OerHeksbobdobbs, see all linux/android manuals, the screen must be unlocked21:19
ddevaultthe UUID of your disks is the only thing that's likely to be unique to you21:19
ddevaultcensor it if you like21:19
Rumen<OerHeks>  the old adapter give error and loosing connection in 2-3 minutes21:20
mDonchev_Hello Guys21:20
bobdobbsOerHeks: That's interesting (and inconvenient). I'll set the screen to stay unlocked and try again.21:20
mDonchev_Something happened to my 18.04 and it froze. After restarting the computer I cannot boot anymore. I just got a blank screen with the cursor blinking ...21:21
mDonchev_However that will be a good sign to try and install 16.0421:21
mDonchev_can you give me a torrent file to 16.04 (not 16.04.05 as it will not support my nvidia 304 motherboard videocard)21:21
bobdobbsOerHeks: ok, turns out that the screen can left unlocked for 10mins max without manual intervention. How does that effect file transfers?21:22
ddevaultOerHeks: what sensitive information do you think is stored in a kernel command line?21:22
bobdobbsOerHeks: also, after restarting rhythmbox, and with the android device's screen unlocked, rhythmbox can no longer see the device21:23
tomboy64good evening21:23
bobdobbsOerHeks: the gnome file explorer can see it. When I click on it in the file explorer I get the message "unable to access Samsung Android. Unable to open mtp device"21:25
tomboy64i'm trying to install a desktop on a barebones server-environment on an arm64 board, but the standard-metapackages seem absent? (like lubuntu-desktop) i'm using 18.04.1, and my /etc/apt/source.list only contains "deb http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports bionic main"21:25
bobdobbsLooking at google for this error, it looks like it's been a recurring thing for users for many years. Is accessing android devices from ubuntu just too much of a pita for average users?21:27
TJ-ddevault: not typical but here's mine: "BOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz-4.20.0+ root=/dev/mapper/VG02-rootfs ro no_console_suspend acpi_osi=! "acpi_osi=Windows 2013" splash vt.handoff=7"21:27
ddevaultthanks TJ-21:27
TJ-Sven_vB: There are some upcoming patches to systemd-journald to allow LogRateLimit... but no help to you right now. To prevent the files increasing you would need to add a filter to rsylogd config before the messages are written to file21:29
Sven_vBTJ-, thanks, I'll investigate that.21:30
TJ-Sven_vB: try this: echo ':msg,contains,"failed to disable graphics turbo" stop' | sudo tee /etc/rsyslog.d/05-drop-messages.conf21:36
TJ-Sven_vB: then "sudo systemctl restart rsyslog"21:36
Sven_vBTJ-, thanks, I'll prepare a file like that in casper-rw and report when I next start the live session.21:37
cryptoapebobdobbs: enable USB debugging and developer options21:37
GOAtiahi guys,could someone please help with error code ERROR 1698 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' when I run command mysql_secure_installation, I do not have root password and require mysql to run Kraft package21:41
SlidingHornGOAtia: I would get this when I installed MySQL/MariahDB using tasksel.  I was able to fix the issue by undoing the tasksel LAMP installation and manually installing the parts (apache, mysql, php)21:44
SlidingHornGOAtia: when you install MySQL/MariahDB manually, it will go through the setup process that appears to be skipped in tasksel where you actually set up the root password21:44
bobdobbscryptoape: those options don't seem to be present on my device21:45
cryptoapebobdobbs: what device21:46
cryptoapeGOAtia: https://support.rackspace.com/how-to/mysql-resetting-a-lost-mysql-root-password/21:46
GOAtiaIt did come to the point when it requested a password, when entering it access was denied and the root password was requested21:46
bobdobbscryptoape: Samsung Galaxy S921:47
bobdobbscryptoape: google tells me that 'Developer Options' exists on this device. But it simply doesn't.21:53
bobdobbsmaybe it got hidden in a recent android update or something21:53
stevieis it possible to get python3.5 in 18.04?21:54
SlidingHornbobdobbs: you need to activate it - Go to settings > General > About Phone > Software Information > Tap "Build number" 7x21:55
TJ-bobdobbs: you know that on some devices you Developer Options are hidden until you tap 7 times on the build ID?21:55
GOAtiacryptoape I had tried the site you sent and cannot reset that password21:55
GOAtiagoatia@goatia-desktop:~$ 2019-01-05T21:49:19.280905Z mysqld_safe Logging to syslog.21:55
GOAtia2019-01-05T21:49:19.287383Z mysqld_safe Logging to '/var/log/mysql/error.log'.21:55
GOAtia2019-01-05T21:49:19.295219Z mysqld_safe Directory '/var/run/mysqld' for UNIX socket file don't exists.21:55
GOAtia[1]+  Exit 1                  sudo mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables21:55
GOAtiagoatia@goatia-desktop:~$ mysql -uroot21:55
bobdobbsSlidingHorn: I don't have 'General'. I do have 'General Management' but 'About Phone' isn't there.21:56
bobdobbsTJ-: I'll try that21:56
SlidingHornGOAtia: please use a pastebin for multiple lines21:56
GOAtiasorry, I am new at hexchat was not aware21:57
TJ-GOAtia: are you using mysql or mariadb ?21:57
SlidingHornbobdobbs: Ah, apparently the S9 is a little different - Settings > Device Information > Software Info > Build Number x721:57
SlidingHornGOAtia: Take a look at my messages above21:58
bobdobbsTJ-, SlidingHorn that worked! I now have 'Developer Options'. i've enabled USB Debugging21:58
bobdobbsso... what is my next step?21:58
TJ-bobdobbs: test if it makes any difference :) When connecting to the PC now the device should prompt you for what type of connection you want to permit21:59
GOAtiaI am trying to run and setup Ununtu software "Kraft" which requires mysql, its an invoice quote package21:59
SlidingHornbobdobbs: I don't have experience messing with ROMs, linux on phones, etc.  I was just getting you to the point where google was telling you about dev options21:59
cryptoapeGOAtia: the error you got means mysql wasn't running21:59
SlidingHorncryptoape: no, it doesn't22:00
bobdobbsk, I unplugged the USB from the ubuntu machine and re-plugged in it. In the File Explorer I still get the "unable to access..." error22:00
TJ-bobdobbs: is the device giving any kind of USb notification?22:00
SlidingHornMySQL cannot request a password if it's not running.22:00
bobdobbsStill cant see the device in rhythmbox22:01
bobdobbsTJ-: no22:01
GOAtiaI had to stop it, it was part of the reset sequence22:01
TJ-bobdobbs: have you tested using the command-line MTP tools?22:01
cryptoapeGOAtia: so make sure mysql is running before doing that site it will work. I've done it22:02
bobdobbsTJ-: no I haven't22:02
cryptoapebobdobbs: what device22:02
SlidingHorncryptoape: excuse my previous message - I was referring to their posts *previous* to the ones you were.  My bad22:02
bobdobbscryptoape: Galaxy S922:03
bashfulshellHaunted330: Why are you PMing me?22:03
bobdobbsTJ-: So I just tested 'mtp-connect'...22:04
GOAtiathe first command on the site is sudo /etc/init.d/mysql stop , that stops sql server22:04
cryptoapeGOAtia: if that doesnt work try this https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.techrepublic.com/google-amp/article/how-to-set-change-and-recover-a-mysql-root-password/22:05
GOAtiaMaybe I should try uninstall it completely, reboot and try again22:06
qwebirc95665Hi, i try to flash rasberian on an SD-card, but my PC wont recognize the sdcard. Lsub says https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/s9KCn96cCF/ what can i do?22:08
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Sushi-sanI installed Wine, but I can't get it to open (there is no shortcut to the program)22:08
Sushi-sanWhat am I doing wrong?22:08
qwebirc95665@Sushi-san try PlayonLinux22:10
Sushi-sanWill it still be able to run Microsoft Office?22:12
SlidingHornSushi-san: what are you trying to run in WINE?  (Also, be aware that there is #winehq for WINE support - That's not to say you can't possibly get assistance here though22:12
Sushi-sanMicrosoft Word, specifically22:13
Sushi-sanThere are a lot of limitations to the web-based version22:13
OerHekscheck the wine HQ database22:14
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu22:14
SlidingHornSushi-san: 1) Any reason you can't try LibreOffice Writer instead?  2) As OerHeks points out, check the WineHQ AppDB for compatibility22:14
Sushi-sanFor better compatibility between my work computer and the Linux machine I built22:15
OerHeksgood luck!22:16
cryptoapeSushi-san: maybe windows in a vm?22:16
Sushi-sanYes, I believe that will need to happen. On my previous Mac, I used VMWare to connect to the enterprise server.22:17
bobdobbsHow can I tell where the android interoperability issue lies? I'd like to know if the issue is with the android device or with ubuntu22:17
OerHeksms office on wine in WSL22:17
Sushi-sanFair enough22:17
Roey{-I upgraded from Kubuntu 18.04 -> 18.10 and now I don't see any sound devices in pavucontrol!!22:17
Roey{-(aside from the speaker in my monitor)22:17
dviolaSushi-san: I heard WPS Office and SoftMaker Office have somewhat better compatibility with Microsoft Office formats22:18
Sushi-sanAh, good suggestions. Thank you!22:19
cryptoapeGOAtia: please dont PM me without permission. It would seem like your mysql install isnt complete22:19
TJ-bobdobbs: I've tested it here. Initially when connected the device doesn't present MTP, but eventually the device has a notification option that shows "USB Charging" which when tapped I can change to "Transfer Files" (which is MTP) or "Transfer Photos (PTP)"22:21
GOAtiaSorry again :(22:21
qwebirc95665Hi, i try to flash rasberian on an SD-card, but my PC wont recognize the sdcard. Lsub says https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/s9KCn96cCF/ what can i do?22:21
gunarm_was 18.04.1 server iso published with broken md5s?22:21
bobdobbsTJ-: is that an s9?22:22
gunarm_ubuntu- i downloaded, the md5 of the iso checks out.  But if I mount it (in windows) and md5sum -c md5sum.txt in gitbash I get checksum errors22:22
gunarm_like the iso passes checksum, but the files in the iso don't pass the checksums also in the iso22:22
TJ-bobdobbs: No, HTC, but it's Android 7.1.222:22
bobdobbsThis is pretty discouraging. I honestly thought putting music on this device would be easy. But it's even worse on mac: you have to buy a third-party tool for syncing or transfering music.22:24
cryptoapebobdobbs: on my note 9  https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/G2ujTHPE/Screenshot_20190105-222634_Settings.jpg22:24
cryptoapebobdobbs: that should popup22:25
TJ-gunarm_: when doing the check, are you ensuring the PWD (present working directory) is the root of the ISO image when running "md5sum -c md5sum.txt" ?22:25
gunarm_TJ-: yeah most of the files are fine it's a couple specific files22:26
bobdobbscryptoape: thanks. found it now on the S9. Looks like I've got MTP selected22:26
gunarm_the squashfs22:26
gunarm_filesystem.squashfs and filesystem.squashfs.gpg22:26
gunarm_just redownloaded the iso to try again, but with the first iso passing md5 not confident it will change anything22:27
TJ-gunarm_: that is weird22:27
TJ-gunarm_: slightly worrying too as they are the 2 critical files22:27
gunarm_well, yeah I have so far been able to get memtest, windows (with seti@home running for days), even debian running on this machine, but the ubuntu installer crashes22:27
bobdobbsSo, is the issue related to MTP? Does it have patchy cross-device support or something?22:28
gunarm_though not just this one, also 18.4.1 desktop, and 18.4.10 server, whose checksums are passing22:28
gunarm_but 18.4.1 server is the one I actually want, this is probably a red herring, but nonsense anyway22:28
TJ-gunarm_: is it always the same files, regardless of which ISO it is, that fail? Is there a theme to the failures?22:29
cryptoapebobdobbs: https://github.com/snowdream/51-android22:29
bobdobbscryptoape: what's this for exactly?22:31
gunarm_on 18.4.1 server, it's always .disk/info caspter/filesystem.squashfs and casper/filesystem.squashfs.gpg that fail even on the redownload of the iso I just did, which also passes checksum on the iso22:31
TJ-cryptoape: those shouldn't be needed, and are for USB debug/adb rather than MTP. libmtp installs it's own udev rules in /lib/udev/rules.d/69-libmtp.rules22:31
gunarm_as far as the installers of the other ones hanging, not sure if it's even related to this22:31
bobdobbscryptoape: do I have to set up a development environment to transfer files to the device?22:31
gunarm_TJ-: ^22:31
TJ-gunarm_: it suggests a problem in the shell environment you're using22:32
TJ-bobdobbs: No, you don't22:32
TJ-bobdobbs: all you should need is the libmtp libraries22:32
gunarm_TJ-: yeah I thought of that, but I don't see this on the desktop iso ....22:32
TJ-gunarm_: can you loop-mount the filesystem.squashfs and access it via a chroot from that environment?22:33
bobdobbsTJ-: I think I already have the libmtp libraries installed22:33
TJ-bobdobbs: Yes, that was my point, since you've already seen them trying to talk to the device, which proves it was recognised as MTP22:34
TJ-bobdobbs: there might just be a clue in the kernel log. Check end of "dmesg" after trying to connect to the device and getting the failure22:35
bobdobbsTJ-: here is the last part of the output of dmesg: https://hastebin.com/wopuhutawu.sql22:36
TJ-bobdobbs: let me check the device ID with libmtp22:37
TJ-bobdobbs: yes, there's a udev rule for that device:  ATTR{idVendor}=="04e8", ATTR{idProduct}=="6860", SYMLINK+="libmtp-%k", MODE="660", GROUP="audio", ENV{ID_MTP_DEVICE}="1", ENV{ID_MEDIA_PLAYER}="1"22:38
gunarm_TJ-: well, when I boot into the usb I make from this iso, I can run "Check Files" from the grub menu, and that also fails, which is what led me to trying to do this in my running win env to compare22:38
gunarm_oh also when I mount the usb in debian and run md5sum, same result.  those files are wrong on the usb, just like they're wrong in the iso, which passes md5.... I have no words for this haha22:39
bobdobbsTJ-: k, I'm just figuring out what udev rules are.22:40
gunarm_honestly, it seems like it HAS to be that they've published an iso with a bad md5sum.txt file, but otoh that *can't* be true or a million people would be complaining...22:40
TJ-gunarm_: I agree! I can't think of a rationale explanation either22:40
TJ-gunarm_: give me a link to the exact file you've got I can download and test22:40
bobdobbsTJ-: I axn figure what what udev is, but if my problem is typical (and google seems to suggest that it is) then this makes android devices for music simply unrealistic for average users.22:41
TJ-bobdobbs: 'udev' is the Userspace Device manager. It receives device 'events' from the kernel and does 'stuff' based on matching various attributes22:41
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TJ-bobdobbs: so what I showed you above, it matches on a (USB) device with Vendor:Product 04e8:6860 and does several things: sets a sym-link, sets the mode of the device file, sets its group owner to 'audio', and sets 2 environment variables22:43
bobdobbsI see22:43
TJ-bobdobbs: so that is working, what seems to be failing is the actual communications with the device by libmtp.22:44
bobdobbsand this is supposed to happen automatically with rules sometimes specified by the usr?22:44
bobdobbsI see22:44
TJ-bobdobbs: that rule is 'triggered' when the device is attached (kernel sends an ACTION="add" event)22:44
cryptoapeI've sometimes had use t by e above udev rules to fix connection issues22:46
gunarm_sure! http://releases.ubuntu.com/18.04/ubuntu- is the iso with md5 starting with 18874 matching http://releases.ubuntu.com/18.04/MD5SUMS, inside the iso file casper/filesystem.squashfs md5s to 020c36* for me (opposed to 7f3a* in md5sum.txt)22:46
gunarm_for reference, file casper/installer.squashfs has 334d8 which matches md5sum.txt22:47
bobdobbsTJ-: so what is a good next step for debugging?22:49
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WonnyHello. Ubuntu recognizes I have an HDMI chord plugged in and it reflects the image of my screen onto the TV. It does not reflect the sound though. When I open up Sounds there is no profile for my TV. Any help?22:52
WonnyI tried using Pulse Audio as well to configure it, but it doesn't show up on Pulse Audio anymore.22:53
sabrehagenMy disk usage shows as 93% available but processes fail to start citing no disk space. What's going on? https://i.imgur.com/pqsBLck.png22:54
TJ-gunarm_: fails here too!22:56
gunarm_lol what in the world22:56
gunarm_ok well I feel less crazy atleast22:56
ikoniasabrehagen: I gave you some pointers on this earlier, how did you get on22:57
TJ-gunarm_: better report this, join me in #ubuntu-hardened22:58
WonnyAny help for me?22:58
sabrehagenikonia: client disconnected and I lost your chats. reading the logs now. thanks.22:58
ikoniasabrehagen: let me know if anything I said isn't clear,22:58
ikoniaWonny: not if no-one has responded to you yet22:58
sabrehagenikonia: those filesystems are snap filesystems so they show 100% usage as they are read only22:59
ikoniasabrehagen: yeah, I know that, but they will also be a memory usage22:59
ikoniasabrehagen: they are loop back file systems ]22:59
ikoniasabrehagen: hence asking how much ram you have free22:59
sabrehagenI have 7.5/20GB RAM usage, and `lsof +L1 | sort -k7n` produces 11 files23:00
ikoniaas sabrehagen so lots of ram, and certainly not running our of file descriptors23:01
sabrehagenYup - confusing ;)23:01
ikoniasabrehagen: lots of reasons for this, its just a matter of working it through to find the right one23:01
OerHekswhat does 'mount' give, ro ?23:01
ikoniasabrehagen: this is a dumb question but what is your current working director23:01
sabrehagenFascinating - I have only ever hit this before when actually had no disk space23:02
sabrehagenin /rot23:02
ikoniasabrehagen: / or /root23:02
ikoniasabrehagen: can you do "touch test"23:03
Sven_vBTJ-, man rsyslog.conf doesn't have "stop", but it has "~" as the Discard action, so should I rather try that?23:05
TJ-Sven_vB: It does here, on 18.04, under the title "Discard"23:06
Sven_vBTJ-, indded, I had the wrong man page. thanks!23:06
Sven_vBTJ-, at least now I know it's version dependent :)23:06
geirhasabrehagen: Do you have PS0 set, or a DEBUG trap, in the current interactive bash session? ''declare -p PS0; trap -p DEBUG''23:07
Crash1hdOK I have a copy of ubuntu running that also has a windows partition when I run update-grub I get Found Windows Boot Manager on /dev/sda3@/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi but when I try to boot into windows I get error: no such device: and a uuid23:07
TJ-Sven_vB: being in the man-page doesn't guarantee it'll work though :p23:07
sabrehagenikonia: OerHeks: apologies for the delay - spent 5 mins trying to copy text from my tmux session unsuccessfully. Best I could manage was a screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/mjhDAaT.png23:07
ikoniageirha: you woudln't get an out of space message on that woudl you ?23:07
geirhaif it tries to write to a file somewhere it might23:08
sabrehagengeirha: I haven't explicitly set that, no23:08
ikoniasabrehagen: now do touch /tmp/test please23:08
sabrehagenikonia: success23:08
ikoniageirha: ahh, I see what you're saying, sorry, I thought you where actually thinking the shell was erroring rather than the debug creating hte file23:08
sabrehagenWnat I find interesting is the intermittent nature of the issue as seen in the original screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/pqsBLck.png23:10
OerHekssabrehagen, what is this, a VPN ?23:10
sabrehagenIf I run a command and it is successful now, it may be unsuccessful at a critical time23:10
sabrehagenOerHeks: yes23:10
ikoniasabrehagen: that's one of the reasons I was wondering if it was the memory23:10
sabrehagen20GB ram 6 CPU, 100GB disk23:10
sabrehagenhas only <10GB files on disk23:11
ikoniasabrehagen: this isn't an AWS machine is it by any chance (ec2)23:11
sabrehagengoogle compute23:11
TJ-sabrehagen: probably files that have been unlinked but a process still has them open so their space hasn't been freed. Try: "ls -l /proc/[1-9]*/fd/* | grep deleted"23:12
sabrehagenTJ-: only 8 files23:13
ikoniaTJ-: now you have my interest an unlinked file wouldn't be intermittent though would it ?23:13
ikoniaI can't see how23:13
TJ-ikonia: some process opening a file, unlinking it, then growing it23:14
TJ-ikonia: it's a common tactic by some processes to 'hide' their working files23:14
ikoniaTJ-: but wouldn't that still be consistent ?23:15
ikoniaahhh working files23:15
ikoniaright, so it's not longer in use,23:15
ikoniait is "used" just not at that moment, that's an interesting thought23:15
TJ-ikonia: think 'temporary' files so you won't catch it if the process isn't currently running23:15
ikoniaTJ-: yeah, I'd missed the "in use" bit in my head23:16
ikoniaor "working"23:16
ikoniaso they would stil be in use just not "worked on" at that exact moment23:16
TJ-it may be possible to identifiy the culprit by correlating when this happens to what services/cron-jobs/etc. are operating at the same time23:16
OerHeksi see no uid 1000, maybe the cause ?23:17
geirhafairly certain df shows that unlinked space as used though23:17
sabrehagenI set 'fs.inotify.max_user_watches=1000000' >> /etc/sysctl.conf23:17
sabrehagenShould I increase the max open files on the server too?23:17
ikoniasabrehagen: nothing to suggest you're hitting nflocks23:18
OERIAShaunted330 say #ubuntu is closed on the weekends lol23:19
ikoniaOERIAS: ?23:19
TJ-sabrehagen: hang on, this is a GCE?23:24
sabrehagenTJ-: yes23:24
TJ-sabrehagen: are you using it to build software?23:24
TJ-sabrehagen: aha! I bet its running out of mapped memory23:24
sabrehagenI would guess that is it23:25
sabrehagenHow can I begin to investigate/rectify that?23:25
adrian_1908Hello. Is is just me or does the search on packages.ubuntu.com no longer work (well)?23:25
sabrehagen(all commands suggested so far have been outside my experience, so I'm in your hands!)23:25
ryuobabuloseo: small world, huh.23:26
TJ-sabrehagen: I'm thinking vm.max_map_count23:26
babuloseoryuo: yep23:26
babuloseoryuo: I am eating chocalate lol23:26
TJ-sabrehagen: maybe this will help: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11683850/how-much-memory-could-vm-use#1168516523:26
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TJ-sabrehagen: I'd have thought logs should have revealed this. Check 'journalctl -b'23:35
sabrehagenTJ- seems to be some symptoms there, but nothing too informative:: https://i.imgur.com/S24jkvA.png23:46
SlidingHornadrian_1908: works fine for me23:47
adrian_1908SlidingHorn: bionic and cosmic too? E.g. https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=bionic&searchon=names&keywords=vim23:49
SlidingHornadrian_1908: While it's probably not the "intended" way, click the "Some" link in "some packages...."23:49
adrian_1908Doesn't list vim as existing in anything but trusty and xenial for me. Same with other packages.23:50
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SlidingHornadrian_1908: interesting...didn't notice that.  For some reason I cannot find a link to the "web team" group to point you in a direction to possibly file a bug23:57
adrian_1908All good, already filed one. Might be a temporary thing (maintenance, moving databases) too.23:59

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