
ubonei got the 1804 i386 , i have a pae working pentium but it needs forcepae, except the live iso never allows me to input it like the usual, any workaround?00:42
xubuntu83wWanted to thank GridCube and Cousteau for pointing me in the right direction. FYI through several searches and lots of scanning and restarts, This sight is green checked with the most plausible answer. Both of you were right on track. https://askubuntu.com/questions/223501/ubuntu-gets-stuck-in-a-login-loop.  Thanks again.01:02
xubuntu18wI need help changing a password on my laptop01:03
ddoobbSince xubuntu unlike ubuntu does not come with the Disks utility, how can I see what kind of filesystem is there on a removable drive (NTFS, EXT, etc). Also, formatting it seems to be not possible?11:43
guivercddoobb, you could always add `gnome-disk-utility` to xubuntu, or use `gparted` (would be my choice!). `fdisk -l /dev/sdax` will display some info; but I've added so much software to my xubuntu I can't recall what was default sorry.`11:51
ddoobbthanks guiverc12:03
brainwashddoobb: gparted is available when you boot the live session, but it is not installed by default12:04
ddoobbYeah I had to install it12:09
SoidHi friend. I'm browsing in search of solving a problem with xubuntu 18.04 me prodias help.13:52
diogenes_!ask | Soid13:53
ubottuSoid: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:53
Soid<ubottu> ok sorry I'm new this is13:54
diogenes_ubottu, is not a human being, it is a robot13:54
SoidI want to know how to solve that ubuntu 18.04 takes me to 100% the processor and just turn it on13:55
Soidand you are human?13:55
diogenes_Soid, i.m still not sure who am i13:56
diogenes_in any case13:56
diogenes_have you just installed xubuntu?13:56
diogenes_or ubuntu?13:56
SoidIf a couple of days ago install xubuntu 18.04 64bit on a laptop of 1.40gh of 64bit CPU and 2GB of RAM13:57
SoidI use XUBUNTU since its version 12. I was fascinated by 14 and from 16 I used 64bit.13:58
diogenes_Soid, have you updated it?13:58
diogenes_Soid, so your cpu is always 100%? or when you do something?13:59
SoidThe processor consumption is the one that has me wrong. the strange thing is that it runs well does not put me the lapton leta or anything. and it consumes 20% of memory14:00
SoidSince the ignition is 100% triggered and never varies. the laptop feels the fan pressed14:01
diogenes_Soid, make a screenshot of settings > session and startup > application autostart14:02
diogenes_and share here14:02
SoidExcuse my ignorance but how to share photos around here14:07
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:08
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imgur.com/ and link the created page here.14:08
diogenes_you make a screenshot using the prtscr and it will give you the option to upload to imgur14:09
diogenes_so it will upload and you gonna get a link14:09
diogenes_that is the link you have to share14:09
Soidok I already do what happens is that I'm chatting with a different machine to the problems but I have the problem at my side14:12
diogenes_Soid, ach i don't understand Spanish :(14:19
diogenes_you gonna have better chances here14:19
diogenes_!es | Soid14:19
ubottuSoid: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.14:19
EnotProgrammistSoid, what's the problem?14:19
diogenes_EnotProgrammist, here is his problem: <Soid> I want to know how to solve that ubuntu 18.04 takes me to 100% the processor and just turn it on14:21
SoidAnd I am using google translator to be able to communicate because I do not understand English14:21
EnotProgrammistSoid: OMG14:21
SoidIt's Xubuntu14:24
EnotProgrammistSaid: Okay. So you want to know if Xubuntu gives you access to the full potential of the processor?14:27
SoidEnotProgrammist how do I find out ??14:36
SoidI have access to the root14:37
EnotProgrammistSoid: dunno14:48
EnotProgrammistSoid: maybe you can see any logs14:49
Soidhello visone15:11
SoidEnotProgrammist I also had this problem with xubuntu 16.04 of 64 bit and the solution was to increase the ram from 1GB to 2GB15:12
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=== Alexander is now known as Guest88667
jarnosdid 'sudo do-release-upgrade -m desktop' on 16.04 and it failed. I guess the only option is clean install.20:43
brainwashand the option to check why it failed, and then try to fix that20:46
jarnosbrainwash, maybe, sudo dpkg --configure -a failed. When the upgrade failed, some dpkg other command remained in background, but didn't seem to do anything.21:07
jarnosMaybe I pressed some wrong button on stupid macbook keyboard, when the upgrader asked about some custom config file.21:08
jarnosSomeone else's installation failed at the same phase: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=239980223:01
jarnos'sudo apt-get -f install' helped unlike suggested 'sudo dpkg --configure -a'23:24
jarnosprobably some other configuration files are not well, as the upgrader newer asked me about them before failing.23:29

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