[06:11] mIk3_08, Hello, getting off soon just wanted to say Hi. [06:14] okay Wild_Man. just adding some summary to the Newsletter now. Have you check it? and guiverc commented on the docs for some changes I think. [06:15] And I've change some of it already Wild_Man. [06:16] mIk3_08, yes I saw it, I will look more tomorrow, krytarik is back he is the lead on the uwn so he is the one that does the editing usually [06:16] i think Bashing-om has moved it to wiki, so the current version I thought is on wiki [06:17] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue560 [06:18] Thanks guiverc for some corrections. [06:18] Hi guiverc, he did and he will make more adjustments tomorrow night he said, I would not edit the wiki, leave it to bashing-om until he is done with it and ready for it to be checked as not to confuse him [06:19] mIk3_08, sorry if I'm too undiplomatic; I say what think (and rarely am tactful sorry) [06:20] Okay Wild_Man copy. I'll be communicating krytarik If have some questions on it. By the way, Thanks a lot. [06:20] mIk3_08, I would make the changes on gdoc then if needed it can be copied to the wiki after bashing-om is done, don't you think that is best for now guiverc ? [06:21] yep sounds good - key is to let bashing-om know - make a commment address to bashing-om and he should receive email of change (maybe) [06:21] mIk3_08, Your Welcome!, bashing-om and guiverc are good people to ask as well but krytarik has final editorial say [06:21] mIk3_08, he is really good at it [06:22] Its okay guiverc. You're doing what is right so don't hesitate to correct if you see a bit to change in the docs. [06:24] mIk3_08, it takes practice and I am rusty I am busy with real life and have been for several months, but that is all that needs said on it here [06:24] I have more time now but still busy [06:26] guiverc, I have access to the fridge if needed I can help with publishing there but I do have questions [06:26] i'll happily answer anything I can [06:29] Okay Wild_Man. I'll ask to them If i have some questions on it . guiverc, bashing-om (billy), and krytarik. guiverc, about fridge.. Is it Ubuntu fridge you mean? [06:30] sorry Wild_Man , I missed you said fridge. it's been updated (wordpress) so it looks different to the video; the "news & planet" tick boxes are just harder to find, but they are there [06:30] .ir [06:30] whoops [06:30] hi [06:30] Hi tsimonq2 [06:31] Howdy tsimonq2 :) [06:31] How's it going, y'all? [06:31] mIk3_08, yes [06:31] Pretty good, getting late here [06:31] Yeah, same :) [06:31] (UTC-6 here) [06:31] Happy New Year tsimonq2. [06:32] Happy New Year, mIk3_08! [06:32] tsimonq2, Debian update on there CoC is not really news worthy where the uwn is concerned is it? [06:33] Wild_Man: Oof, uhm, knowing what I know as a DD, "yes", but got a link so I can read it over? [06:33] https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=Debian-CoC-Planet-Rules [06:34] guiverc, don't you usually have link issues? [06:34] Yeah, I think maybe in the "In Other News" if you still have that. [06:35] sometimes you do - usually no - it's fine (if the perl script runs) [06:35] Okay, we do [06:35] Thanks! [06:35] The one that throws an error sometimes? [06:37] guiverc, ^^^ [06:39] Good night all! [06:40] Happy New Year, Wild_Man and guiverc. God Bless === lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje [15:39] -SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::OMG!Ubuntu:: Cast Local Media From Ubuntu to Chromecast @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/?p=137477 (by Joey Sneddon) [16:11] -SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::OMG!Ubuntu:: Pretend you’re a terminal wizard with Blessed-Contrib @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/?p=134822 (by Joey Sneddon)