[02:49] howdy all. Im having some trouble upgrading my system. hopfully someone can help. Here is a snapshot of my issue [02:49] me@me-MacBookPro:~$ apt list --upgradeable Listing... Done abgate/lucid 1:1.1.7-1kxstudio1 amd64 [upgradable from: 1.1.9-1] eq10q/trusty 2:2.0.0-1kxstudio1 amd64 [upgradable from: 2.2~repack0-2] patchage/trusty 1:1.0.1+svn5733-1kxstudio1 amd64 [upgradable from: 1.0.0~dfsg0-0.2] vocproc/lucid 1:0.2-3kxstudio1 amd64 [upgradable from: 0.2.1-2] me@me-MacBookPro:~$ sudo apt upgrade [sudo] password for me: Reading package lists... [02:50] sorry that didnt format correctly [02:51] i have 4 upgradeable packages that wont upgrade [02:51] these 4 packages are preventing me from distro-upgrade to 18.10 [02:55] sudo apt upgrade, sudo apt full-upgrade, and sudo apt --only-upgrade install *kxstudio1* all fail to upgrade the 4 packages [03:08] I would ask Falktx the maintainer of kxstudio. [03:12] I see lucid listed there. I think it was just after that that the DE was changed from Gnome2 to xfce (both gnome3 and unity where too unstable for audio work) [03:13] Anyway, the upgrade path from gnome2 Studio to xfce Studio was to re-install rather than upgrade. [03:32] thanks for the reply ovenwerks. I would prefer to do a fresh install but the machine I'm attempting to upgrade has a defective gpu and requires modifying boot options in grub to disable the gpu. I need to modify the string "gfxpayload=keep " idont think I cant do this with the ubuntustudio installer without modifying and rebuliding the installer itself. My intuition was that an upgrade path would be more simple [03:37] additionally I am currently on studio 18.04 with the default desktop. i think it's xfce. [03:38] but I did install ubuntustudio from the standard ubuntu gnome desktop [03:38] because the ubuntu installer allows me to modify grub [03:39] My mistake, I was just seeing lucid and trusty in the part you pasted confued me. [03:39] That should not be a problem [03:40] I have installed Studio on top of just about everything out there from KDE to all the gnome based to lubuntu [03:40] However, I don't us any of the KX packages. [03:40] (except for a self built Carla) [03:43] do you know if 18.04 can upgrade to 18.10 without the kx repos? if so I'll just disable them. [03:44] Easy enough to test: edit apt/sources to ## comment out the kx repos. run apt update then run do-release-upgrade [03:58] looks like disableing those repos is gonna work. thanks for the help. [03:59] happy2help! after you get the upgrade, re-enable the kx stuff and all should be well. [03:59] opensynth: in 18.10 ubuntustudio-controls does a lot of what Cadence does [04:00] -controls also allows using more than one audio IF at a time [04:00] for example using a USB mic to record and playing back through the on board IF [05:01] !ping [05:01] pong! [18:21] slow pc after installing kde plasma desktop on ubuntu studio 18.10